Still More Stupid
By the gods, I’ve never seen such sensitive people. Look at what they’re attacking Google for this time:
Google Inc. occasionally features light-hearted doodles on its colorful home-page logo to commemorate special occasions. But now they are drawing criticism from conservatives for not being more patriotic.
The Mountain View, Calif., company bathes its logo in stars and stripes every Independence Day, but last week’s decision to honor the 50th anniversary of the Sputnik launch — the second “g” in Google was replaced with a drawing of the Soviet satellite — is being blasted by some conservatives.
Not only did Google honor an achievement by a totalitarian regime that was our Cold War enemy, they griped, but it did so without having ever altered its logo to commemorate U.S. military personnel on Memorial Day or Veterans Day.
“It’s a kick to your belly,” said conservative blogger Giovanni Gallucci, 39, a social media consultant from Dallas. “I understand these guys are scientists and engineers and they have their quirks and want to make sure people are recognized who might not normally be recognized . . . but why not celebrate the struggles that we’ve come through as a people?” […]
“When they ignore Veterans Day and Memorial Day, I think they’re telling us something about the way they view America,” said Joseph Farah, editor of, a conservative website that has criticized Google’s logo decisions.
To Be the most biggest victim of all!
To Whine with the gratingest nasal I can!
They do realize that the Gazoogle isn’t only accessible in America right?
I’m surprised that they aren’t happy that Google did nothing for American Labor Day last time.
I’ve noticed most of my BG-watching friends (myself included) now regularly use the term “By the gods….”
I like it.
“It’s a kick to your belly,” said conservative blogger Giovanni Gallucci, 39, a social media consultant from Dallas.
so start up “consoogle”, a more selective search engine for the discriminating conservative.
they can have flags and eagles and oil drills every day for all i care.
In honor of Dafydd ab Hugh’s birthday later this month, I would like to see the second “g” in Google replaced with a drawing of a giant sandwich.
those fuckers did nothing for my birthday this year. NOTHING!!!!! waaaaaah
my 2 year old drives me crazy with this shit. it’s exactly the same. except i can’t send joseph farah back to his crib.
although i’d love to.
NP: Sleepless by King Crimson. now that Tony Levin can play base.
PS: strike coming!! whoo-hoo! now i can comment here even more often!!!1112111!!!!!
Indeed. I’m still reeling from it. When they put that doodle of sputnik up and then suddenly months later didn’t put one honoring the troops up I tell you it was like a kick in the nuts.
What is that secret Google gif again that notifies us it’s time to start the War on Xmas this year?
It just starts earlier every year and I have a hard time keeping track when I have all my other responsibilities as a leftard with the keeping the white man down, being intolerant of intolerance, and sewing burkhas for when we bring about Great-Burkhafication of America.
I like the GOP-oogle idea. Every search will return just two results: and .
“I understand these guys are scientists and engineers …”
Exactly, they’re nerds and the nerds won so they get to choose who they honor – other nerds.
This guy has a problem with that? I thought he respected the power of money.
Jesus Christ, what a bunch of fucking whiners with way too much time on their hands.
They do realize that the Gazoogle isn’t only accessible in America right?
Dude, these people are fairly convinced that everything outside America’s borders is a howling wasteland full of Islamonazifaciocommies all set to swoop down on Our Precious White Women, Er Freedom the minute George Soros and Michael Moore give the high sign.
Swear to Elvis, I know a guy who wasn’t worried about the stem cell research ban because, and I quote, “It’s not like anyone else in the world can do that sort of stuff.” He was amazed that other countries have universities and scientific research companies. These are fucking stupid people, as evident at the fucking stupid shit they get bent out of shape over.
The fact is, Google is now revealed as a left liberal bias tool of the hater of the USA trying to take over our sacred values and dennigrate the service of our heroes byt not honoring them enough, the balance must be addressed and its time for Google to understand that we can take our business elsewhere.
You see, the doodles are the Great Gazoogle’s public lapel pin. If the doodles do not constantly reflect uber-patriotism, then the Gazoogle is guilty of treason.
Definitely Fake Gary.
Was that Gary Ruppert posting a spoof?
so start up “consoogle”, a more selective search engine for the discriminating conservative.
Hey, it worked so well with conservapedia….
I know better ones. Google withdrew his custom logo twice that I know of: once because Miro’s family said the little Miro-like symbols where copyrighted (WTF?) and the second because some idiots complained that Roal Dahl was an antisemite (I have not found anything worse that what appears in the wikipedia page, and it is really really tame). What will happen when they find that the world if full of crazy, communistic, adulterous famous people?
Google’s logo really seems to attract all the idiots.
What the hell would an “honor the troops” Google logo look like?! All the colorful letters raising the flag at Iwo Jima? Is it really appropriate to honor military service in such a lighthearted setting? I seem to remember them doing something somber for 9/11 a while back, I guess. So now we need that every Veteran’s and Memorial Day? Christ WHO FUCKING CARES?
Oh and you gotta love this: Not only did Google honor an achievement by a totalitarian regime… I won’t hold my breath for the cretins to start boycotting Chinese-manufactured goods.
Fake Gary? Fake human. It’s the Ruppertbot 1998. Before they bundled spell-check.
As we review this bullshit, and the 12-year-old-as-fair-game stalking, and the beating of a dad who dared to protest the war that killed his son, its worth remembering that we’re still a whole year away from when these moral hunchbacks lose both the White House and more of their seats in Congress.
Think they are digging the briny dirt below the pickle barrel now? By this time next year its gonna be a remake of At The Earth’s Core…
I’ve never seen such sensitive people.
It’s intentional.
“When they ignore Veterans Day and Memorial Day, I think they’re telling us something about the way they view America,” said Joseph Farah, editor of, a
conservativewacky fringe website thathascriticizedsGoogle’s logo decisionsunimportant stuff.If Google is so offensive to some, why don’t they use a different search engine? You know, taking responsibility and ownership of the process, picking themselves up by their own bootstraps, availing themselves of the myriad choices provided by the free markets?
Or is typing more than 12 letters and two periods at a time beyond their skills? And, if so, who the hell is writing their dumbass columns?
So does this mean that World Net Daily will encourage the Russians to complain when they celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing?
This is why the phrase, “Pearl Clutchers” was coined. I am constantly amazed at how emotionally and intellectually weak the right is.
And I’ll dangle a participle to prove it…
Have you noticed you never see Real Gary and Fake Gary in the same thread at the same time?
It just strikes me as odd, that’s all …
Ok, we’ve finally gotten there.
It’s a StupidNova.
The stupid has been increasing in density all year, recently at an accelerated pace, and now, today, with this idiocy, the stupid has reached the Chandraskar Limit and gone Nova, swelling and growing, enveloping all that surrounds right blogistan in a brilliant white fireball of exploding stupid.
Of course, over the course of the next several weeks, the stupid will collapse back on itself, ultimately resulting in a small, dense, rapidly spinning, highly magnetic ball of stupid slowly going dark until that glorious day comes when it just winks out…
The wingnut outrage factories are in full wartime production. Three shifts a day.
I’m going to put up a stand in my front yard that says “Patriotik Inturnet Surch – 10 cents” and only commemorate good American historical events. I’ll be a millionaire very soon.
I wonder how many times they used Google today to find new porn sites.
This statement is an outrage.
To any right-thinking citizen, Google’s failure to display enough American flags in their logo was much, much worse than a pansy-ass kick in the stomach. I thought it was more like the entire Soviet Army jumping up and down on my nads in their big smelly boots while Chairman Mao repeatedly pounded on the bridge of my nose with a ball peen hammer and Abbie Hoffman did dental work on me with a Phillips screwdriver.
If Giovanni Gallucci only felt a measly kick to the belly, then he’s obviously a islamocommunist and should be dealt with accordingly.
If Giovanni Gallucci only felt a measly kick to the belly, then he’s obviously a islamocommunist and should be dealt with accordingly.
Free Republic reports that when Gallucci farts he DOESN’T FART “GOD BLESS AMERICA”. Who will dispatch the mob, supply the pitchforks and light the torches?
The fact is, Google is currently trading at 612.08, up about 3.2 from yesterday. Something tells me that Ruppert and his fellow bed-wetters aren’t having much of an effect on Google’s bottom line with their whining
And Mr. Gazoogle takes his terrible revenge.
I just googled ‘Darwin’ and turned up 39,900,000 hits. Why haven’t these been purged?
I feel like I’ve been slapped with a fish.
If Giovanni Gallucci only felt a measly kick to the belly, then he’s obviously a islamocommunist and should be dealt with accordingly.
Yeah, fucking pussy. We live in a selectively infantilized culture making even conservatives into soft, useless pansies. Where was the spirit of self-defense here? Why didn’t anyone rush the j-peg before it could dishonor America? It is a poor reflection on us that he laid down and took the blow to his gut rather than leaping into action by hacking Google and taking that site down. At the very least he could’ve counted the pixels and reformatted when they were uploading the next update.
In space, no one can hear you sigh
mikey: Now that’s what I’m talking about. Although instead of a diamond, I believe the core of a “neutron stupid” is a colossally tightly-packed wad of Cheetos.
If they don’t take Google off the list they hate America.
“It’s a kick to your belly,” said conservative blogger Giovanni Gallucci, 39, a social media consultant from Dallas.
What the hell does that even mean?
I’d love for conservative bloggers to start boycotting Google. Their blogs will have to practically shut down.
Yeah, but does Barrack Obama wear a Google logo on his label? That’s the key question!
Their blogs will have to practically shut down.
They kinda are already. Ask the Great Gazoogle.
Wow, two ways to meet Giovanni Gallucci, huh? Going by that picture I would guess that a third way to meet him would be to place an ad reading CRAPPY NU-METAL BAND SEEKS ROADIE.
Wait they didn’t ignore Memorial Day. I don’t have proof, but I could have sworn I saw something. I mean, they honor secretaries day for chrissakes. They cover a lot of holidays.
OK. I stand corrected. But look, they honored the Spirit Mars Rover! And every year since the special logos began, they have honored Independence Day. Case closed.
did “Wold Net Daily” change their logo on Veterans’ Day or Memorial Day?
Just a question.
I stand corrected. But look….they honored the Spirit Mars Rover. And they have honored Independence Day since the holiday logs began. So case closed (unless you are a wingnut).
Crazy. You’d think there was nothing, I dunno, earth-shattering about the first object man punted into space…
What the hell does that even mean?
“I have signed you up on both MySpace and Facebook. Here is my bill for $10,000.”
by “as a people” you don’t suppose he’s trying to make himself appear to be a veteran without having to say so… or serve. I’d call it outrage by proxy and an attempt to receive honor by association. Although I’m sure whatever the fuck “social media” is, it’s a high calling as well.
Google is a successful American business. They can do whatever they want as far as I am concerned. I’ll have to agree with this one. This is stupid. I believe in free enterprise. If Google doesn’t want to celebrate and respect America and her armed forces, that’s entirely up to them.
No, but they do change their bedsheets every year on Arbor Day, rain or shine.
I’ll care if Google celebrates Bastille Day.
I am shocked that the proprietors and programmers at Google have not converted the “oog” part of their logo into a string of pearls.
Clutching is optional.
Where’d my comment go? =\
You just KNOW the troops want to be supported by yellow ribbon magnets and fucking jerkoffs arguing about a jpeg on some website, rather than political involvement. They’d much rather die bloody in a pointless mistake of a war as long as Google puts up a fucking hard-on veterans graphic the rightwing tards can jack off on.
Delicate bunch, aren’t they?
Wish I had the time to worry about trivialities like this. Not that I’d waste it like these guys, but it would be nice to have the time.
Matt T. said,
They do realize that the Gazoogle isn’t only accessible in America right?
But who cares what us furr’ners see?
Dude, these people are fairly convinced that everything outside America’s borders is a howling wasteland full of Islamonazifaciocommies all set to swoop down on Our Precious White Women, Er Freedom the minute George Soros and Michael Moore give the high sign.
It is, it is! Okay, technically I’s a Precious White Woman myself, but one has to jump when ones’ Islamonazifasciocommie masters say jump.
Swear to Elvis, I know a guy who wasn’t worried about the stem cell research ban because, and I quote, “It’s not like anyone else in the world can do that sort of stuff.” He was amazed that other countries have universities and scientific research companies. These are fucking stupid people, as evident at the fucking stupid shit they get bent out of shape over.
Ay-men, brother. We got us some stupid down here too, but there’s nothing in the world can touch the depth of stupid you’re talking about. Those guys are Olympic-grade stupid, with stupid icing on top and sprinkles of stupid.
You don’t like Google, don’t use it. That’s the American way.
These dolts remind me of the cranks who used to write to my local newspaper after every July 4th. They were upset that the finale at the symphony’s Independence Day concert was the 1812 Overture. The piece was written by a (gasp!) RUSSIAN composer!!!
Unnecessary outrage is their default setting.
Seems like a dogpile of outrage from a bunch of yahoos, if you ask me.
Apart from anything else, they’re fucking liars. Google show poppies in November like everyone else. Because that’s the tacit global day of remembrance, not just the fucking American one. THERE ARE OTHER COUNTRIES, YOU RIGHT WING COCKS.