Various items
Posted on October 9th, 2007 by Brad
First, thanks to reader Mac for sending me this:
Truly LOL-worthy.
Gavin adds:
Second… yes, I’m still laughing about the Yankees losing last night. It’s a shame that Torre’s going to be fired, since he really does deserve better. But heck, he’ll learn to love not dealing with Steinbrenner. Take a nice, long vacation, Joe.
How Joe Torre put-up with Steinbrenner’s idiocy for nearly 12 years is incredible. George kept forcing Cashman to buy old all-stars, and Joe used his superior national League managing style to steer them into the playoffs every year. Amazing, really.
The #23-#26 Yankee dynasty ended in November 2001. Last night, the Torre era ended.
The Yanks will re-build on the sholders of Jeter, Joba, Melky, and others and contend again. But not next year.
Still a great book, by the way.
Yankee fans don’t love baseball. They won’t watch a single game for the remainder of this postseason. They will go back to cheering for the Giants (or Jets), or Rangers.
So I won’t hear too much screaming or moaning when the Sox win WS number 7.
#1 – For being so supposedly tolerant of homosexuality, the left sure does love making anti-gay slurs against Larry Craig
#2 – The problem with the Yankees is that some superstars come up limp in the postseason. Jeter, the media darling, is one example of that. It’s not some coincidence that Alex Rodriguez gets all the heat and Jeter doesn’t. A-Rod supports Bush, and that is probably the reason for the media scrutiny.
The fact is that if A-Rod leaves, then it’ll be due to the liberally-biased NYC sports media.
Clearly Torre should go, because there are better options to motivate the Yankees, such as Giraldi or LaRussa. If you can’t get past the ALDS with a team like the Yankees, then something is wrong.
Wow, a post from Gary Ruppert that is almost human. I call fake Gary.
Definitely Fake Gary. No way would he suggest LaRussa for *anything* but animal testing lab assistant.
Nope. That’s real Gary, folks.
I like how he thinks the “liberally-biased” New York Post (!!!) is engaged in a conspiracy to drive A-Rod out of town because he voted for Bush.
The New York Post? Murdoch’s rag? Liberal?
I guess the concept of news press is liberal to some fascists.
As Steve Gilliard used to say, fuck the motherfucking Yankees!
Free of baseball- or Craig-like matters:
Wow. Just wow.
Bushies blow another intel op. I wonder how many “assets” will be/have been killed over the leaked transcripts.
How many bullpen careers did Torre destroy? He’d find one or two guys in the pen that he trusted and overwork those guys to death. I wonder if the Yankees will be smart enough to get rid of Giambi, Pettite, Mussina, and not try to go back to the Clemens well. If they want to compete, they better get younger.
Wow, so that’s real Gary.
He’s every bit as bugfuck crazy as I’d hoped.
Speaking of hypocritical gay conservatives hanging around restrooms, I was on a cub scout campout at a state park over the weekend and I went to men’s room and I pretty sure this guy in there was, umm, hitting on me.
So I was wondering … how do you tell which kind of conservative Republican this was? Is there a way to differentiate, say, the national level GOP from the state and local level party activists? Are the religious right conservatives into, say, blowjobs, and the libertarian, anti-immigrant nutballs into handjobs?
We need a field guide to closeted Republicans. I mean, from a certain angle they all look alike …
Is there a way to differentiate, say, the national level GOP from the state and local level party activists?
Nationals pitch, all others catch. It’s kind of a trickle-down thing, as it were.
RB nicely dovetailing with the baseball discussion … I stand in awe …
The Giants ought to fire Bochy and grab Joe the second Steinbrenner cuts him loose. The guy is flat out a great field manager. If ARod opts out, Mcgowan will make a run, but it’s an open question if he’ll make a good enough offer. But what the yankees need is starting pitching. That’s become obvious over the last couple years. You can do pretty well over a long season with offense, but short series you need superb pitching.
Oddly, the Giants have TONS of great young pitching. Might just be some deals to be made….
Oddly, the Giants have TONS of great young pitching. Might just be some deals to be made….
A good thought, mikey, but I think the Republican delegates would be more interested in great young catchers.
How do you tell which kind of conservative Republican this was?
Well, to begin with, are you a stocky black guy?
IB: hahahaha. heh.
I am exactly the yankees fan dahlgren described. i will happily move on to my beloved NYRangers, and otherwise it’s the premiership for me. and yes, i’d like to see the yankees get rid of every steroid junkie asshole on the team (goodbye clemens, goodbye giambi, goodbye arod) and go with young talent. we haven’t exactly won these past five years with the other style.
to Gary, apparently real: we aren’t homophobes here, we are hypocrite-hunters. LC’s got to take it on the chin for putting his foot wrong. as it were.
mikey, be careful what you wish for. I recall a time that the Giants needed a catcher and they had young pitching to trade for it…
Gary is crazy and logic impaired.
He can’t see the difference between an anti-gay slur (f*ck homos!), and making fun of a first class hypocrite.
I really think it is funny that the rightards have suddenly found all this compassion for homosexuals. It sheds light on the fact that they will exploit any cause, no matter how hypocritical, to forward their twisted agenda.
So Gary- I’ll say it real slow:
Fuck You. (that’s a slur)
Nice phoenix tat, Gary! (that’s comedy)
Wow. Just wow.
Bushies blow another intel op. I wonder how many “assets” will be/have been killed over the leaked transcripts.
MCH, has this been getting attention anywhere else?
IB, my reply has apparently been caught in the spam filter. Too bad, since it was, like, the funniest comment ever.
Sorry Yankee fans! Now Joe can go manage in Japan.
Torre! Torre! Torre!
Gavin, could we get little x’s on the elephants eyes?
Here’s my patriotic version of that GOP logo.