It’s The Republican Laff-A-Lympics

Via Selwyn Duke, who has been sadly lacking in love sent his way from these parts lately, we find the ultimate liberal horror!

It cannot be a coincidence that those who preach tolerance the most are often the most intolerable. On Tuesday, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to condemn talk show host Michael Savage for “hate speech” after a failed attempt to do so in August. Just for the record, there is no discernable correlation between hate and hate speech, except that when leftists hate you, they will accuse you of it.

Just for the record, hate speech is what you use when you love someone, you silly liberals.

San Francisco condemned Michael “Get AIDS and Die” Savage for hate speech? Unbelievable! Not Michael Savage. I cannot believe that Michael Savage would ever engage in something as odious as hate speech. Surely this is another liberal lie! Let’s see what he actually said.savage2.png

Here is what happened. In response to a week-long fast embarked upon by 35 students and illegal aliens who were burning a few calories for amnesty, Savage quipped, “I would say, let them fast until they starve to death, then that solves the problem.” Now, I’m not sure why [San Francisco Supervisor] Sandoval latched onto this particular comment – maybe his immigration lobby masters called in a favor – but it certainly got his dander up. He responded by saying, “The intolerant and racist comments of Michael Savage demand a strong condemnation”; he then labeled them “symbolic of racism and hatred” in his resolution.

Pshaw! This is the kind of nonsense that gives silly liberals such a bad name. Wishing that a group of student activists would die a fairly horrible, painful death isn’t ‘hate speech’ — it’s just tough love. It’s the best kind of love, really. Except that would make it hate speech, wouldn’t it, because hate speech doesn’t mean you hate someone, it means. . .wait. Never mind.

This is a fairly respectable performance by Selwyn Duke in the Republican Laff-A-Lympics. Let’s see how he scores!

  • Complaining that a wish for members of an ethnic group to die because you dislike their actions is not hate speech. Check!

I’d hate to call the results this early on in the Games, but with a showing like this, it’s hard to imagine Selwyn Duke not taking at least a silver medal in the Laff-A-Lympics triathlon! Duke does his home country of Renew America proud….will their ancient rivalry with Townhall for nuttiest columnist finally be settled?


Comments: 37


Ah, the ol’ if you’re so tolerant, how come you don’t tolerate my intolerance defence.

As lame as it ever was…


It cannot be a coincidence that those who preach tolerance the most are often the most intolerable.

Does he actually mean “intolerant”? Or does he really mean “intolerable”? Or does he simply not know the difference?

In the interests of ratcheting up the hate, I’ve gotta say that posing for a picture with your hand on your chin may give the appearance of thoughtfulness, but it doesn’t actually make you thoughtful. To actually be thoughtful it is necessary to have, you know, thoughts.


Fascist liberals also need to stop accusing conservatives of calling liberals fascists. It’s just what you’d expect from fascists liberals.

(apologies to the originator of that comment, somewhere on the internets out there)


“Does he actually mean “intolerant”? Or does he really mean “intolerable”? Or does he simply not know the difference?”

Whoa, I was gonna make that point too. Is it simply a D- in word usage or could this be a wingnut stab at cleverness?


I wonder how much ink Duke has spilled in criticizing the many expressions of intolerance for “offensive” speech coming from the right.

Whoa, I was gonna make that point too. Is it simply a D- in word usage or could this be a wingnut stab at cleverness?

I don’t want to live in a world where Duke’s comment could be considered “clever.”


All joking aside, Michael Weiner Savage is one of the very worst people alive.


a D- in word usage

That would actually be a big red F in word usage. But he gets an A+ in stupid, stupid fucker. He also gets an eBay style A++++++++!!!!!! in soulless, uncomprehending-animal slit eyes.


By the way, try doing the “thoughtful” hand gesture with your finger extended like that. Not very natural-feeling is it? He’s just mimicking something he thinks smart people do.


Yes. I always love it when wingnuts behave intolerably, then expect tolerance.


It is the liberals who are biased against tolerance, when it is them who are intolerant of freedom, but love muslims and gays.



God I hate divisions of D. Is there really a need for differentiation at that level of non-accomplishment?


You know, I just realized that Lindsay Roberts with the whole texting to underage males 1 – 3am must be saying that husband Richard must be considerally less well equipped than the, er, 900 foot Jesus.


Savage quipped, “I would say, let them fast until they starve to death, then that solves the problem.”

No doubt the Republicans will write some hasty legislation and Bush will fly up from Crawford in the dead of night to sign it into law, so that… wait, what?


Bush will fly up from Crawford in the dead of night

I would more expect Cheney to “fly up in the dead of night”, flapping his membranous niter-stained wings as he did so…

Smiling Mortician

Everything else aside, “quipped” is so totally not the right verb.

Well, maybe it is.

Shit, now I gotta think about it. Which wouldn’t be so bad, but it’s a lotta hours before Liquid Transition Time eases me off the caffeine and into the alcohol.


Just for the record, there is no discernable correlation between hate and hate speech, except that when leftists hate you, they will accuse you of it.

So true you white whale motherfucker. Have a shitty day and I hope you choke on a hot dog, cracker.


Hey, would Selwyn Duke have supported The Savage Weiner’s 1st Amendment right to “swim naked with Allen Ginsberg”?


please please flying spaghetti monster wave your noodly appendage and make it so that lindsay roberts was having “oral” sex with 19 year old boys at oral roberts university, please please please oh and while i’m kneeling here could you also make the text messages she sent to them available on line and could they be salacious? i mean like really crazy weird creepy salacious? i know we haven’t talked in a while and you are a made up faux deity created to point out the stupidity of religion but whatevs, come on help me here.


Robert Green, I have so far tried to remain silent with these aims for fear I may jinx what would so clearly be the punchline of two centuries on our weirdo freak Talibangelical Corruptionist community.


husband Richard must be considerally less well equipped than the, er, 900 foot Jesus.

It’s not the size of the ship, it’s the motion of the ocean. Or puddle, as the case may be.


Selwyn Duke is a columnist, public speaker, and Internet entrepreneur whose work has been published widely online and in print.

yeah, but what are his credentials besides being another odious, whiney supporter of the Bush government.


What Savage said was certainly assholish, but I don’t see how it’s racist. Where is the full text? (Then again, I’m not sure I want to read that garbage)

I once opened one of his books. In it, he was complaining how restaurants not serving this particular dish the way he wanted it was the result of liberalism. I can’t remember the dish, but it wasn’t even a health reason that kept them from doing it that way. It’s like complaining that restaurants always serve gazpacho soup cold. Damn nanny state!


Liquid Transition Time

Y’know how every now and then you discover a common concept, one you’ve known for decades and can recognize at a glance, one that is part of the very fabric of your soul, a concept that helps you understand how the day might play out, a rock to hold on to while the turbulent waters of your pitiful existence tug a and pull you under, but you never knew it’s name, indeed, were mercilessly unaware it HAD a name?

Yeah. It’s like that…



he was complaining how restaurants not serving this particular dish the way he wanted it was the result of liberalism.

Ah, so the Savage Weiner is George Costanza’s Uncle Leo!

Uncle Leo: Look at this, I told them medium rare, it’s medium.

Jerry: Hey, it happens.

Uncle Leo: I bet that cook is an anti-Semite.

Jerry: He has no idea who you are.

Uncle Leo: They don’t just overcook a hamburger, Jerry.


You know who else needs some S,N! love? Carey Roberts. His latest is a piece about… well, let me quote him.

Chivalrous men resist the image, but it’s a problem that has become so pervasive that we must summon up the courage to face it — an epidemic of women who pummel their husbands and boyfriends.

A recent survey by the Centers for Disease Control found that among physically aggressive couples, 71% of the instigators in nonreciprocal partner violence were female. And last year Renee McDonald of Baylor University published a study in the Journal of Family Psychology with almost identical results.

Beat that, Grabar.


Lindsay Roberts: Make your day count and make your night filled with text messages.


Lindsay Roberts (again): Who wants some anointing oil? It’s free!


Nice catch, a different brad. I bet Carey has dreams (whether they should be called nightmares, or something different, is all in the eye of the beholder) of Hillary.

P.S. I tried to find that cover of Spy Magazine with the dominatrix Hillary online, but I couldn’t. A shame, I used to own a copy of that very issue.


Why would the Center for Disease Control do a study on partner abuse?


I’m not going to say one word about why a woman of Lindsay Roberts’ age & social life might need “anoninting oil.” Not one word.


Let alone “anointing oil.”


Or, for that matter, annoying oil.

Much more likely in this case…


Herr Doktor Bimler

If Lindsay Roberts’ indiscretions mean that I have the opportunity to say “chrism” in everyday conversation, then I for one am grateful.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

I think my Savage is far better than your Savage. And, as a special bonus, my Savage has this little treasure on his blog: a short video about a toe-tapping senator.

For anyone who’s not familiar with Dan Savage or Savage Love (syndicated in about a quintillion newspapers), check out what he had to say about Rick Santorum. But go carefully if you’re easily offended!


“that cover of Spy Magazine with the dominatrix Hillary online”

What Hillary Problem? February, 1992.

Could only find a thumbnail. The link took me to gay porn.

True story: I used to travel to DC frequently for work, and had that issue in my carry-on bag. When I got to the USAir terminal at Logan airport, there were state troopers all over the place, and I couldn’t get into the USAir lounge to hang out before my flight – though none of the cops would tell me why.

Finally, Hillary and Tipper walk through the boarding area to get on my flight. They had come to Boston as part of Hillary’s health care thing (Tipper’s special interest was mental health coverage).

They smiled and chatted and shook hands and even signed a few autographs as they made their way through the crowd. If only I had had the presence of mind to ask Hillary to sign that issue (I even had a Sharpie in my bag).

Would she have done it? And what would an autographed copy of that cover be worth today?

Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet. I just wasn’t fully prepared.


I love the way Selwyn Duke has his pensive finger to his chin.

That would be MySpace Trick #4,545: it makes you look intellectual and hides a double chin!

Though it’s disgusting to see the bastard seed of a hero like Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze defended by what appears to be an undercooked bratwurst suffering from an overabundance of White Male Privelege.

And anyway, Doc’s no whitey. He’s bronzed by the heat of “a thousand tropical suns!”

(Yes, I know Doc Savage and Michael Savage aren’t really related, but I can’t shake the appealing mental image of Doc Savage punching Mike Savage in the face over and over.)


(Yes, I know Doc Savage and Michael Savage aren’t really related, but I can’t shake the appealing mental image of Doc Savage punching Mike Savage in the face over and over.)

Speaking of relations, is Selwyn in any way related to that other Duke?


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