‘LOLcons’ concept created by Jon Swift and named by Marita. (Online LOLcat builder here.)
Art by Rageohol; original Young America’s Foundation poster here.
…Nor any DT experience nor ketamine trip. And yet we’ve learned something: When Ann Coulter and Dinesh D’Souza* dated back at Dartmouth, they definitely didn’t wear each other’s shirts and jackets like some couples do.
Note: If you’ve sent an email or contact-form thingy in the past week or so, and I haven’t replied yet, it’s because I’m bad and slow and in a swamp of oatmeal, timewise. Will reply shortly. G-
* Charles Pierce corrects us: Coulter went to Cornell while Laura Ingraham went to Dartmouth with D’Souza. We must add that D’Souza dated both creatures, and if any word is ever to be said in D’Souza’s favor, it must be that he has seen things that would send Lovecraft gibbering into the vasty waste.
When Ann Coulter and Dinesh D’Souza dated back at Dartmouth, they definitely didn’t wear each other’s shirts and jackets like some couples do.
How about underwear? Not even that?
Or in the immortal words of Douglas Adams..
“The first against the wall when the revolution comes”
Of course, I’m not promoting violence. Just stating that it’ll give us a good listing of who to ignore 🙂
Target. Rich. Environment.
As in they all look like they shop at Target.
“All ur stupid, are belong to us!”
Is anyone else amused by the fact that Bob Novak, who is clearly some kind of undead, is being used to advertise the Young America’s Foundation?
ahhh. The amount of stupid in that photograph must rival the mass of a neutron star.
Chumbawamba did a song called “Passenger List For Doomed Flight 1721” about a plane full of people who you wouldn’t mind never seeing or hearing from again.
Looks like we’ve got the First Class seating filled…
Wait, that second one isn’t another LOLcon? That’s the actual poster?
What, is it meant to be hung in hospitals as an ipecac or something?
Jesus farkin’ Christ, are these people serious?!?
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I’m under control now, I promise.
Fuck me sideways, they’re serious!?! They really, honestly, seriously think they’re missing out?!?
Oh, no, hang on, I get it: they’re saying that they’re all desperately in need of an education, right?
Phew. Had me worried there for a minute.
Jesus fucking Christ on a fucking pogo stick, man, they’re completely barking mad.
Sorry. Sorry.
I did like the BoingBoing comment, though.
As per the YAF ad:
“This is the only poster of its kind that includes these twelve conservative luminaries: John Ashcroft, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Robert Novak, Ward Connerly, Dinesh D’Souza, Walter Williams and many more.
What? Too fucking lazy to name the last five? Maybe if you do say all the names Ann Coulter turns into Beetlejuice? Is the photgrapher studio lined with a lead-graphite composite?
How very egotistical of them.
What’s kinda funny, though, is how you can turn it around on them:
No education is complete without taking account of the dishonest, narcissistic, hypocritical, and hateful people in the world.
I thought it was pointing out just how incomplete their education is.
” Maybe if you do say all the names Ann Coulter turns into Beetlejuice? ”
…Coach? I don’t think we survived….
(hey, I can dream, can’t I?)
I love the ugly school-picture backdrop. Wingnut taste in a nutshell.
I also love how some of those folks think they’re famous enough to be recognizable outside of Teh Blogospheres. The tiny faces on my smallish screen look like they could be most anybody. Williams looks like Johnny Cochrane. the one to the right of Coulter looks like Donald Trump. And is that Whoopi Goldberg down the end?
Novak is quite recognizable, though. His eyebrows combine with the black recesses of his eyes to suggest the evil, abyssal emptiness beyond. Undead is a good description; perhaps that’s why he’s propped up in a chair.
How come William Shakespeare isn’t in the picture? Uh-oh. I hope no one shows this to Phyllis.
Looking at that photo, the first caption that came to mind was:
Is anyone else amused by the fact that Bob Novak, who is clearly some kind of undead, is being used to advertise the Young America’s Foundation?
Not one of the creatures in this photograph is under forty. (OK, maybe the Malkin is . . . . officially. How many virgins had to give their blood for that rejuvenating bath?) Couldn’t they even get Ben Shapiro to appear, or was he too busy not masturbating to a picture of the Gipper to show up?
New Ann Coulter theory:
She is actually just a dominatrix that Robert Novak has been hiring at an hourly rate for the last decade. Her books are written by monkeys with rabies using a Magnetic Poetry set, American Fascist ed.
I can’t wait until the video of her beating the shit out of Chris Wallace gets leaked on the tubez.
Not to minimize the horror that is that photo, but Coulter didn’t go to Dartmouth. She’s a Cornell grad. Laura Ingraham is Dartmouth. Two more reasons besides bad football to hate the freaking Ivy League.
What Qetesh said. I actually believed, for a moment, that they were saying that they were examples of people who needed an education.
But, of course not. It would be a waste of good education.
I hate myself for recognizing so many of them. I can has brain scrub?
Is Malkin pregnant? Who’s seated on the right? Is that Fred Barnes? Doesn’t anyone have the simple decency to tell him not to wear brown shoes with navy blue? Who’s the woman on the far left? When they finally finish the time machine, do I have to go back and kill Hitler? Can’t I go to this photo shoot and take care of bidness?
So many questions.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Propaganda is Education
So, how many times has our troll Gary jerked off to that photo so far today??
No student is complete with out us. Then they’re finished.
The seated guy on the right looks like Ed Meese.
I don’t know the guy sitting down, but I believe the woman on the left is Bay Buchanan.
actually that isnt my art, i was just passing along the link.
but thanks.
The fact is I dont jerk off like all you liberals out there.
I am against the liberal agenda of putting porn in every classroom to make sure that all our children are mastrubating just like the liberals all want them too.
This would be a true win for mankind if these important people got to be put into every classroom and stop the lies that all the teacher’s union’s keep telling all our children.
D’Souza just comes up to Coulter’s Adam’s apple.
Fake Gary.
I’m convinced we have a mole leaking our secret agenda of having a porn-4-all school system…
Oh, Gary, you should just just stop while you are ahead.
The fact is I dont jerk off like all you liberals out there.
Ewww. I don’t want to know how you jerk off. Undoubtedly the scenerio involves the use of Cthulhuter, Malkin, and a trio of billy goats.
am against the liberal agenda of putting porn in every classroom
Porn in classrooms? Fuck, I went to the wrong school!
to make sure that all our children are mastrubating just like the liberals all want them too.
Perhaps if you didn’t go to a school where they were showing so much porn, the teachers would have had time to teach you the proper spelling of “masturbate” and the correct usage of “to.” There is such a thing as too much of a good thing (notice the correct usage of the word “too”?)
This would be a true win for mankind if these important people got to be put into every classroom
And then bar the doors and burn down the building!
stop the lies that all the teacher’s union’s keep telling all our children.
Lies, such as they will be showing porn in class, perhaps? Fucking bait and switch!
Looks like Malkin needs the Whaaaaaambulance:
I’ve never really spent much time at Boing Boing, but if something so silly as this gets these bed-wetters all riled up, I plan on stopping by more often.
How dare you lib-tards make fun of these distinguished intellectuals. It just goes to show how weak and pathetic and islamo-fascist-communist you all are. these are good christians with impeccable values, not like you godless bu**-f**kckers and soldier haters and global warnming big lie-ers and anti-creation-sciencers and non-rush-listerners. each one of them has more genius in their pinky toes than you all nut-roots have in your whole feet. you libs think you’re so funny but you’re not.
I cannot believe that that humorless slag Malkin shares a birthday with me.
She’s still kind of hot in that “Just don’t speak” kind of way, though. If she had a David Brock-esque, come-to-your-senses kind of epiphany, she’d be smokin’.
Thank god no one has said anything about Michelle Malkin’s private liasons with other nuvo neocon troglodites. I’d have to find a bucket to relieve my upset stomach (and bleary mind) into.
Go easy on Gary or he might disclose that he had the YAF Coulter poster laminated.
note to fluffy – your Doctor called….He says you obviously forgot to take your meds.
Coulterhu Fthagn! Ph’uk-en Malk’n fah D’Souza R’tght’ard w’ng’nutl fhtagn! Ia! Ia!
(D’Souza: “Hey Michelle! Did you bring the goat? Oh, there she is… hi, Annie!”)
Who is that poor token black woman, who is very fittingly all the way on the Right?
How dare you lib-tards make fun of these distinguished intellectuals
Shooting fish in a barrel doesn’t require much daring. Ask Cheney. He’s the fearless hunter of the canned hunt. He’s even been known to bag the most dangerous game (which includes, apparently, elderly lawyers).
each one of them has more genius in their pinky toes than you all nut-roots have in your whole feet
Umm, intelligence is not based in one’s feet. Otherwise, everytime you put your foot down (say, to post a long-winded, wingnut cliche-ridden screed in defense of a goofy poster of political pundits) you would risk brain damage. Go jogging and you won’t have the memory capacity to find your way home again!
I think fluffy was taking the piss. Right? That was parody right?
think fluffy was taking the piss. Right? That was parody right?
I wondered that too, what with the “anti-creation sciencers and non-rush-listeners” bit. But, hate to let it go to waste . . .
Oh, for fuck’s sake. Malkin must have the Waaaa-mbulance on speed dial. This must be that famous conservative sense of humor. Hey Michelle: Lighten up, you dour knownot.
Who is that poor token black woman, who is very fittingly all the way on the Right?
I’m assuming it’s LaShawn Barber. Are there any other Black female conservative “commentators”?
Who is that poor token black woman, who is very fittingly all the way on the Right?
I’m assuming it’s LaShawn Barber. Are there any other Black female conservative “commentators”?
There aren’t many who won’t refuse to wear to get-togethers the t-shirt with the big T on the front . . .
Iz in my photoshopz, havin fun!
The person on the left has breasts. Will someone please alert Ann Althouse, so she can launch her crack, anti-breast response?
Huh. I didn’t know that it’s possible to take a picture of a singularity. Learn something new every day.
No, no, I get it. It’s like that Verizon wireless commercial with the guy who adds up the 5 poeple in his family and comes up with 26 people in their “five.” and the mom says this is why you should stay in school.
Gawd, the Malkin Boingboing affair has the commentators in high dungeon at her site. Proof yet again that the wingers suffer from a complete lack of ability to detect irony. Also from total hypocracy since we’ve seen much worse on winger websites directed at libs, but Malkin and the rest have no problem at all with that. Pot, I pronounce you extremely dark charcoal in color!
So this is where the $350 worth of wingnuts stolen in Palm Beach, Florida went to…
Wait a minute. If they’re all there, who’s running hell?
The person on the left has breasts. Will someone please alert Ann Althouse, so she can launch her crack, anti-breast response?
who that hell is that anyway, she appears to be quite sexy, from a distance!
“No education is complete…until it includes us.”
So when will they ever become educated?
I thought Ann Coulter’s books were very educational. They certainly educated me on why my teachers in high school were so obsessed with the 5-paragraph essay format. Until I read one of her books (I think it might have been Slander, but who cares?) I had no idea that there were adults who couldn’t maintain a coherent line of thought for a whole two pages.
Why is the woman in green sticking her breasts out? Is she trying to sleep with Clinton?