They had a prison for children! Children! In Prisons!

Dr. Condoleezza Rice, October 8, 2003:

Saddam would have remained in power — with all that entails: More mass graves, more children in prison, and more daily depredations of the Iraqi people. [Emphasis added]

President Bush, April 16, 2003:

Two weeks ago, the Iraqi regime operated a gulag for dissidents, and incredibly enough, a prison for young children. [Emphasis added]

President Bush, July 10, 2003:

We discovered a prison for children — all aimed at — for Saddam Hussein to intimidate the people of Iraq. [Emphasis added]

Germany’s Spiegel Magazine, July 4, 2004 [Original in German — our translation. -S,N!:]

US Soldiers said to have abused jailed children

According to the International Red Cross, more than one hundred children find themselves in Iraqi prisons, including the notorious Abu Ghraib prison. According to a report aired on the TV program “Report,” [see here -S,N!] coalition troops are also thought to have abused children and minors.

According to a press release issued by the network that broadcast the report:

In an exclusive interview granted to Report Mainz, Samuel Provance, a non-commissioned officer who served in the Abu Ghraib prison, US military intelligence officers harrassed a young girl in her cell. Military police intervened only when the 15 to 16-year old girl had been partially undressed. […]

Suhaib Badr-Addin Al-Baz, a reporter for the Al-Jazeera network who spent 74 days at Abu Ghraib, says that a girl of approximately 12 years of age was beaten by US soldiers. […]

UNICEF has confirmed that Iraqi children have been imprisoned by foreign troops in Iraq.

[Original report in .RTF format.]

More on Provance here and there.

Edit: Trish Wilson comments on the incarceration of minors in the US.

Edit 2: Edit: Full translation of the Spiegel article here. (Thanks to idleworm.)


Comments: 11


I am SO glad the adults are in charge again.


What? How hypocritical! There are plenty of children in U. S. prisons. The number of minors in state prisons has more than doubled in the past 12 years, according to a study by the Justice Department February 27, 2000. The main reason there are more juveniles in jail is due to prosecutors and judges having more options to try them as adults.


Why Are The Bushies Shocked Over Children In Iraqi Prisons When We Have Children In Prisons in the U. S.?

Sadly, No! is shocked over a report that there were child prisoners in Iraq: Dr. Condoleezza Rice, October 8, 2003: Saddam would have remained in power — with all that entails: More mass graves, more children in prison, and more


I. Want. My. F**king. Country. Back.



We have had middle-school students tried as adults in Florida. We are still arguing over whether it’s right to execute minors.


but… but… Saddam had rape rooms! He tortured people!



You hate freedom! You love terrorists! I bet you’d like to have Saddam back, eh?


File this under “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry”. This coming from an administration that refuses to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, because, well, we need to execute children.


I can’t wait to go search that Insta-Synchophant James Lileks. He wanted to go to war to save the kiddies too.


Oh come now, you cannot compare the atrocities of Saddam’s prisons with a couple moronic guards. You’ve just insulted all of that despot’s victims including every victim of the holocaust with your shallow pseudo-sensitive rants which are really poorly disguised attempts to trash American foreign policy. If you want to do it right you’d better have facts, evidence, and logic.


US Soldiers said to have abused jailed children

((this is via the blog Sadly, No! The full article and links is available there)) According to the International Red Cross, more than one hundred children find themselves in Iraqi prisons, including the notorious Abu Ghraib prison. According to a…


I think there shouldn’t be any prisons for children. It’s impossible to reform, it’s the best way to break !!


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