Even Shorter Fred Thompson

‘Fred Thompson Statement on Ahmadinejad at Columbia University’

Above: Republican presidential candidate and actor Fred Thompson (left) and Larry The Cable Guy

  • Columbia University was wrong to extend freedom of speech to a dictator whose country locks up its own students for saying things he disagrees with. If that Amma-doodad feller’s not careful, why, we’ll take over his country and start locking up people for saying the things we disagree with.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 38


Also shorter from the same article:

“Payin’ folk in Iraq to rebel against Saddam worked out pretty well, I’d say. We should do that in Iran, too…”


What ever bad the dude has done, it appears that his election was at least as fair as Der Chimpenführer’s.

I’d like to see a chart comparing Ahmadinejad’s views with Dinesh D’Souza’s.


Fred would be more persuasive as a freedom extoller with a shirt like cable guy.


Y’know what the left needs?
A trojan horse. (Yes, I read Gavin’s wonderful piece.) Get Scott Thompson to adopt a new identity, pretend to be a loyal-born red stater, and start a career in politics. Once he has the Repub presidental nomination for 2012, then he can release the tapes, showing him in orgies with every major Repub. It’d make an entire generation of wingnuts’ heads explode. N while it’d suck for Scott for a few years, he’d know that in the end he’d become a celebrated figure of eternal historical importance, all for having tons n tons of buttsecks.


Fred Thompson is wearing a paper bag. I guess for him “paper or plastic” is a wardrobe choice.


I’d like to see a chart comparing Ahmadinejad’s views with Dinesh D’Souza’s.

Oooh, yes, me too.

I see by the picture that Fred has picked a VP.


I think we should demand proof from respected medical professionals that Tommy would live through his first term in office before he’s allowed to be elected. I’ve seen roadkill that looks healthier and more vibrant then he does.


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a mockery of free speech

Free speech that doesn’t toe the line is wrong.


Shorter Entire Conservative Wankfest: How dare Ahmanahasapeemapetilon behave in this conciliatory manner when we’ve been working so hard to start a war with him!


I see by the picture that Fred has picked a VP.

Nope. Couldn’t be. Well known political axiom. Never pick a running mate who’s smarter than you…



Larry The Cable Guy and Fred Thompson. Man, that’s a plethora of plastic peckerwood poseur, right there. One faux redneck “blue-collar hero” supports another complete and total phony. Sheesh.


When they came for my sleeves, I thought “why not?”
When I came for their free speech, I thought “why not?”


Fred Thompson 08: Only I could make Larry the Cable Guy look like a snappy dresser.


What a tableau. One of them is an ignorant boob who appeals to the basest instincts of white Southerners, and the other one is Larry The Cable Guy.


I just showed that photo to a colleague, and he said he wouldn’t piss on either one of them if they were on fire.

Hell, I would.


Larry the Cable Guy is such a fucking phoney. Rich boy in white-trash-face. He would make a great VP!


I’d like to see a chart comparing Ahmadinejad’s views with Dinesh D’Souza’s.

Oh, that’s just silly! Everyone knows the terrorists hate America because they disagree with leftists!

Also, the terrorists agree with leftists, who are helping them take over America.

Got that?!?


Dear S,N!ers,

Sen. Thompson’s real first name is Freddie.

Please make a note of it.




Anthony Cartouche: I just showed that photo to a colleague, and he said he wouldn’t piss on either one of them if they were on fire.

Boy, your colleague is pretty selfish. I myself, more generous, hereby offer to set them both on fire and then piss on them both. You go fetch those two God damn phonies, and I’ll go buy a Bic lighter and gasoline (for the fire) and beer (for the piss).


I’ll go buy a Bic lighter and gasoline (for the fire) and beer (for the piss).

Don’t forget to eat some asparagus first, though. It can’t all be sweetness and light.


Thompson couldn’t have picked a better person to pose with — both for the picture and as an authentic specimen of blue-collar real America.

“Larry the Cable Guy” is just as much of a faux-Bubba as Thompson is. Dan Whitney, his real name, was born and raised in Nebraska. He attended an elite private school, for chrissakes.

David Cross called Dan/Larry out on his bullshit (see below) and hopefully the Dems can do likewise to Freddie Thompson if he makes it through.



Oh, right, because the Dems are so damn effective, I’m sure they will do that.


Anthony Cartouche: I just showed that photo to a colleague, and he said he wouldn’t piss on either one of them if they were on fire.

W. Kiernan: Boy, your colleague is pretty selfish. I myself, more generous, hereby offer to set them both on fire and then piss on them both. You go fetch those two God damn phonies, and I’ll go buy a Bic lighter and gasoline (for the fire) and beer (for the piss).

I’d be more than happy to piss on either one of them even if they weren’t on fire. Gosh, I’d do it if they weren’t even smoldering. But that’s just the kind of guy I am.

I must say, that is one fine picture.


Is Freddie Thompson running for president so he can have the Surgeon General at his beck and call to treat whatever ghastly wasting disease is consuming him?

“Ah’m feelin’ a might peak-ed, Doc. Make me another o’ them placenta smoothies. An’ put some morphine in it this time! Ah kin feel the dang zomnbification and it burns like hell-fire! An’ get them clowns at Walter Reed on the horn! I need that new liver, dammit! If’n they could keep that coot Reagan alive, they can keep me alive!”


Yeah, why is Tweety Matthews getting all hot and bothered over Thompson’s manliness? He looks like a raddled old smelly guy. He looks older than Reagan.


Systemic cancer will do that to a guy you know. But it’s totally cool that he wants to play President, but totally not cool for Edwards to want to because his wife has cancer. In wingnuttia, this all makes perrrrrrrfect sense.


Freddie Thompson is one ugly fucker. There. I said it.

Ain’t no sexual charisma there! He reminds me of the old Gillman creature in the movies that the local TeeVee station used to run after midnight on Friday before cable moved in and took the market.


I believe that would be from the Creature of the Black Lagoon series….

[with special drama/danger music playing on cue. Da Da Daaaaaaaaa! (entering camera view, Gillman/Creature from the Black Lagoon, swimming just out of arm’s reach of unsuspecting, barely clad young white American student-type daughter of Paleotologist swimming in dark, South American waters at night alone)]

Yes, Freddie / the Creature from The Black Lagoon. My gut tells me there is a connection. (The Chertoff Effect!!)


Dan Whitney would certainly fit right into the GOP; privileged son picking the pockets of ignorant poor whites. Cartoon characters all of them. If lies could spontaneously combust, they’d all incinerate.

And to hell with pissing on the fire, I think some of Anne Coulter’s books and back issues of the National Review would help make a nice bonfire. Let ‘er burn!


The “Picture of Dorian Gray” a.k.a. the GOP slate for 2008.


Dan Whitney, his real name, was born and raised in Nebraska. He attended an elite private school, for chrissakes.

In Palm Beach, Florida, no less. Of course, that’s not a problem for the kind of person who cheerfully buys into the brush-clearin’ Texas good-ol’-boy image of a Connecticut-born, Ivy-League-educated millionaire politician.

One of them is an ignorant boob who appeals to the basest instincts of white Southerners, and the other one is Larry The Cable Guy.

I don’t actually have much to say about Cartouche’s comment, I just wanted to repeat it. We ought to spread that picture with that meme, in fact, as insurance in case Thompson actually gets the nomination.


Is Thompson wearing a sport coat made out of brown paper grocery bags?



The “ghastly wasting disease” to which you referred earlier is a form of cancer known as lymphoma.

He does look as though he’s had quite the time with chemo.


The “ghastly wasting disease” to which you referred earlier is a form of cancer known as lymphoma.

Well-known as the funniest form of cancer.


I prefer Creature from the African-American Lagoon, thank you very much.


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