Michelle Wets The Bed
Posted on September 26th, 2007 by Brad
Shorter Michelle Malkin: “Waaaaah-haaaa-haaaaahhh! That mean Rick Perlstein called us bed wetters!! It’s not faaaaaaay-yer!”
Shorter Michelle Malkin: “Waaaaah-haaaa-haaaaahhh! That mean Rick Perlstein called us bed wetters!! It’s not faaaaaaay-yer!”
(comments are closed)
Okay. That anchor is precious.
Fancy that. Michelle Malkin wrote a book called “Unhinged.”
Geez. Between Gavin’s piece in Alternet and Rick’s piece linked to here, one almost gets the sense that a freshening breeze of sanity is blowing across this great land. Of course, the mindless minions of frightened night sweats will never feel it, but in reality they are only competing for mindshare.
And just maybe, they are starting to lose some ground…
Kinda funny how in the past she’s attempted to discredit the parts of the 9/11 commission report that ran counter to her political agenda AND now uses it to support some tenuous link between 9/11 and teh Iran.
Fancy that. Michelle Malkin wrote a book called “Unhinged.”
That was Jesse.
Pretty in pink?
That hat on her was not photoshopped. Hundreds of us were in Fox studios that day, and we all saw it.
They are more afraid of standing up and calling out evil than losing the West, their country and their own lives to it.
The sound of one bed, wetting.
You’ve Debbie, now Michelle…this calls for a wingnutter triple decker. Surely, the shrieking harpy has written something way past borderline insane, lately?
Oh. A whole mess of things, as usual.
Saw this headline on her site:
“Jihad funding ring in Maryland…with illegal alien help”
Just needs a moveon.org connection for the trifecta.
She is, indeed, the driver of the Whaaambulance.
Even shorter Michelle Malkin: “I know you are but what am I?”
Hey, screaming for the blood of people who seem to us to be a lot like the people that caused 9/11 is not hysterical alarmism, it’s courage. But what would a buncha looney liberals who who want to listen to what their enemies have to say know about courage?
who who?
people who seem to us to be a lot like the people that caused 9/11
I’m sold! Put me down for a $25 contribution to Bomb Huggers for a Shinier America. Um, it’s tax deductible, right?
Smithers: Here are several fine young men who I’m sure are going to go far. Ladies and gentlemen, the Ramones.
Mr. Burns: Ah, these minstrels will soothe my jangled nerves.
Joey Ramone: I’d just like to say this gig sucks!
Johnny Ramone: Hey, up yours, Springfield!
Joey Ramone: One, two, three, four! [the Ramones start playing a tune and singing “Happy Birthday”]
C.J. Ramone: Go to hell, you old bastard! [curtain closes]
Marky Ramone: Hey, I think they liked us.
Mr. Burns: Have the Rolling Stones killed.
Smithers: But sir, those aren’t the…
Mr. Burns: Do as I say!
Dan Riehl knocks Perlstein out of the park by – you guessed it – tossing a semi-literate temper tantrum!
//For heaven’s sake, man, just shut up. Call your Mother and see if she has your blankie tucked away somewhere. That ought to calm you down, you simpering twit. There’s a perfect word for people like you, dimplef~&ck. I believe it has to do with your lack of real depth, while pretending just the opposite with your self-absorbed, congratulatory rubbish.//
As usual, the commenters are especially precious.
No, actually it is your taxes. You already contributed to the cause. Or we’ll bill your children for it later. Whichever is, y’know, more politically expedient at the moment.
Red Shark said,
September 26, 2007 at 20:42
“Hey, screaming for the blood of people who seem to us to be a lot like the people that caused 9/11 is not hysterical alarmism, it’s courage. But what would a buncha looney liberals who who want to listen to what their enemies have to say know about courage?”
Forget whether or not they ACTUALLY had anything to do with 9/11, but they SEEM to be like those who caused 9/11. And all the while, the ACTUAL people who caused 9/11 are still at-large because we went into Iraq, who also SEEMED to be like those who cause 9/11.
Facts schmacts.
If just seeming to be like something automatically makes you something, then I seem (in my own mind) to throw a football like Tom Brady.
Gisele Bündchen plz.
Here’s a little ditty from Michelle’s adult-sized rant linked above:
“It speaks to the bottomless self-delusion of the thumb-sucking Left that its nutroots bloggers see themselves as the adults and the brave, outspoken opponents of tyranny and evil as the “bed-wetters.”
Yes, Michelle. You bravely blog and call names while Tammy Duckworth loses her legs in the war you love so much.
Bitch, pleeeeeeze!
In the mind of Malkin, sending young men and women far away to fight some poorly defined enemy = herself standing up bravely to the terrorists WHO ARE EVERYWHEREZ!!!i^4!!!
Milblogger Grim at Blackfive adds:
///I would have liked to have seen some evidence that conservatives exercise some sort of rule at Columbia. It’s beside the point, however, since the analogy is even more deeply flawed than that: the reception of Kruschev was an act of the United States government, whereas the business at Columbia was an act of a private entity. The actual US government reception was to ignore the visit as much as possible, so much so that Bush played down the Iranian issue in his own speech at the United Nations.///
Shorter: because there were technical differences between the two visits, Perlstein is a deranged mooooonbat!!!
I put double dibs on Tom Brady like three years ago, so you can have Giselle and all her icky girl cooties. I’m taking my toys and going home.
Ob Pro,
I couldn’t figure out how to squeeze MoveOn into that infernal ellipsis but may I suggest an alternative trifecta?
“Jihad funding ring in Maryland stages performance of The Vagina Monologues with llegal alien help”
By the way, the Senate just passed the Lieberman bomb-Iran resolution.
I choose not to comment on the Red Shark posts because I can not tell whether he is an authentic stupid troll or a fake stupid troll who thinks being over-the-top stupid makes it obvious he is funning but doesn’t realize that real stupid trolls are just as shrill and stupid.
So I will remain silent.
I choose not to comment on the Red Shark posts because I can not tell whether he is an authentic stupid troll
Fake. He nevertheless remains in my pie filter.
So am I reading this correctly (from the image):
“Michelle Malkin, Author of ‘Unhinged’, is also accused of kiling the baby girls mother”????
Did she eat her, too?
Good catch. I have my ‘Crawl Filter’ on 24/7, so I missed that nice piece of /snark/.
I could kiss Rick Perlstein’s feet for that article.
I dunno…I kinda like Pammy – she’s got that drunkvlogging (I believe in Scandanavia it’s known as gloggvlogging) thing down pretty well.
Sadly, Cambridgeport said,
September 26, 2007 at 21:17
“I put double dibs on Tom Brady like three years ago, so you can have Giselle and all her icky girl cooties. I’m taking my toys and going home.”
Deal. Gisele-esque icky-girl cooties AHOY!!! I’ll even add an umlat to my name. Both for the Gisele-cooties-thing and because I’m so F’n metal. Seriously.
From here forth I am Clütch414. Huzzah!!
“Jihad funding ring in Maryland stages performance of The Vagina Monologues with llegal alien help” at MoveOn House Parties.
How’s that?
Candy: Still needs homosexuals, unless these are Iranian jihadis you’re talking about.
True, homosexuals are pure evil, as are uppity women and minorities, unless of course they are being persecuted by our foreign enemies, in which case we would bomb any number of civilians to save their precious hell-bound asses.
See what hypocrites liberals are? You just ask all of those Iraqi homosexuals over there hiding from the death squads who helped them out when Saddam was still having ’em tortured and executed.
You don’t expect me to tell you, do you? A little mystery is always good for teh romance.
Is it really any more embarassing to respond to a fake troll than a real one?
“Jihad funding ring in Maryland stages performance of The Vagina Monologues starring homosexual transvestite Iranian terrorists with llegal alien help at MoveOn House Parties.”
just about there, I think we’re there. Is anything missing?
How about:
“ACLU says First Amendment protects a Jihad funding ring in Maryland staging performances of The Vagina Monologues starring homosexual transvestite Iranian terrorists with illegal alien help at MoveOn House Parties.”
just about there: “Jihad funding ring in Maryland stages performance of The Vagina Monologues starring homosexual transvestite Iranian terrorists with llegal alien help at MoveOn House Parties.”
Hah! Real patriots have learned that George Soros donated at least a million Euros to each and every one of the participants in this perverted gay/islamofascist scheme to demoralize the West (irrefutable proof at Riehl World View and Little Green Footballs). But I guess you couldn’t be bothered to mention that, could you, “just about there”? So! We see that you (and the liberal MSM) are trying, once again, to cover up Soros’s participation in this foul scheme.
And what exactly do you mean by “just about there”? I know what’s “just about there”! Jihad!
“ACLU says First Amendment protects a Jihad funding ring in Maryland staging performances of The Vagina Monologues starring homosexual transvestite Iranian terrorists with illegal alien help at MoveOn House Parties.”
It’s soup. But is there a way to work Hitlery in there someplace?
If I were MIchelle, I would buy a waterbed with a catheter inflow attachment. I would be floating comfortably on a cushion of my own urine by the end of the week.
The fact is that “just about there” is a typical moonbat out of touch with reality. “Homosexual transvestite Iranian terrorists.” In reality, the Islamofascist Iranian regime brutally represses homosexuals and refuses them elementary civil rights. Yet The Left stands silent. Hypocrisy? Let History be the judge.
I was trying to figure out a way to insert Michael Moore or John Kerry, maybe by using the standard MoveOn house party conference call, but it all just seemed too awkward. It doesn’t seem complete without a reference to a Clinton, though, does it?
There is expensive handmade first class poop
There is mass produced reasonably priced poop
There is poop for everybody
There is poop for anybody
There is the grey matter alert that it is all poop though
Somehow I don’t see the poop dealers sweating that one though
Now that is some over the top funny poop
Ahh. (The REAL) Gary Ruppert shows up leading the sudden right-wing charge to protect and defend the rights of homosexuals everywhere in the world except here.
Kinda like they do with womens rights….
“George Soros is funding a Michael Moore Hollyweird spectacular of a Jihad-funding ring in Maryland staging performances of The Vagina Monologues starring homosexual transvestite Iranian terrorists at MoveOn house parties held to collect donations for Hitlery KKKlinton’s vast left-wing conspiracy to bring back the Fairness Doctrine; illegal aliens dressed in burqas are being trucked in on the NAFTA Superhighway to dress sets, serve hors d’oeuvres, and perform abortions.”
The rights of homosexuals in other countries, and evidently the right of Minors to be Delinquent.
Thanks, Gary
Since support for gay rights in the US necessitates support for the bombing and/or invasion of homophobic foreign regimes, is the reverse also true? Are people who advocate military action against Iran for their human rights violations, YET want to implement Iranian policies in the US also hypocrites?
I eagerly await your response.
I don’t stand silent. I also don’t stand on streetcorners shouting at near-incoherent obscenities, like Yet The Right does.
Oh man, thanks for the laughs … I certainly needed them today. Can we work in Media Matters?
In reality, the Islamofascist Iranian regime brutally represses homosexuals and refuses them elementary civil rights. Yet The Left stands silent.
Nuh-uh! I heard Teh Left laughing at Columbia. Plus, they were sitting down.
Yes, let me be the judge. I’m written by the winners, after all.
Douche Baggins: Nicely done!
I met Pammy yesterday at the UN protest. I am disappointed to report that she is perfectly charming in real life, so I can no longer call her a shrieking harpy on my blog. But don’t let that stop you.
One Michelle Malkin quotes approvingly
You know these people are quite off their rockers. 14 years after the gates of Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Bergen Belsen, etc. were thrown open. 14 years after Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Tokyo, Hiroshima & Nagasaki. 15 years after D-day and Kwajalein. After the battle of the Atlantic. After Africa, Sicily, and the Eastern Front. After the Korean war. And since that time we have come to understand what evil is? What a breathtakingly arrogant and ignorant statement.
I met Pammy yesterday at the UN protest. I am disappointed to report that she is perfectly charming in real life, so I can no longer call her a shrieking harpy on my blog.
Okey-doke, leftard.
It still needs global warming hysterics Candy but if we could just somehow disinvite the jihadis I think we’re going to have a lot of fun at this party.
Does anyone know how to get a username at Malkin’s crappy site?
I am disappointed to report that [Pam] is perfectly charming in real life
He means her breasts are perfectly charming. Breasts can’t choose who they’re attached to, unfortunately.
Lucky wingnuts don’t need to write anything new. They can just take their old stuff and replace Iraq with Iran. Now Iran is responsible for 9/11! Who’d have thunk it?
What *doesn’t* scare conservatives? Seriously.
Pam is perfectly charming in real life
Most sociopaths are.
And since that time we have come to understand what evil is? What a breathtakingly arrogant and ignorant statement.
No, no. This is simple. All those wars visited destruction and horror on other people in other countries. Only those evil muslims actually had the temerity to bring death and destruction to America. We didn’t suffer from all our previous wars. Now we – well, not we, but some people in NY and DC – actually had to pay a price for American militarism. That simply must not stand!
1. glöggvlogging=awesome!
2. in perlstein’s article, he quotes an email that, after a long leadup, calls mark steyn “hilarious and brilliant.” i guess we can agree with half of that statement.
Now we – well, not we, but some people in NY and DC – actually had to pay a price…
And since we, the Right (and how right is that? obviously we can never be Left, Sinister, and Wrong) hate the Left, whenever it is convenient, we’re going to wish that those people had to pay even more of the price.
milo’s entirely right, of course — but this is A Special Episode of Stupid: We were still somewhat under the “Uncle Joe” spell from WWII and saw the USSR as more misguided than evil.
He’s talking about 1959. If by “Uncle Joe” he’s talking about McCarthy and not Stalin, he has a better point. Holyfuckingshitthesepeopleareretarded.
We were not only in the frostiest depths of the Cold War by 1959, we had already had the demagogic debates over commies in Hollywood, the State Department and the US military. We killed the Rosenbergs. We asked Who Lost China, we had not only fought the Korean War, but we were already engaged in Vietnam and we had started NATO a decade before. Meanwhile the Soviets had crushed a social democracy movement in Hungary, had the hydrogen bomb by 1950 and we had already risked open war with them during the airlift. Moreover, we were fast approaching the Berlin Wall, “the missile gap”, the missile crisis and “paying any price for freedom”.
Not only did the U.S. face Soviet (and to a lesser extent Chinese) communists as actual military enemies — no one was under any spell about Stalin by 1959, including the fucking Russians who “secretly” denounced him years earlier.
Was there hysteria during the Cold War? Of course. But communism sucked and deserved to be opposed. Our tactics weren’t always the best, but having a better argument, having a more interesting culture, containment, and yes, diplomacy, helped us more than war (note that in places where we actually fought wars — Korea and Vietnam — communists still rule. Places where we checked Soviet power with our culture (backed by warheads), the US came out very much on top.
So long as these ahistorical, hysterical idiots rule our foreign policy and scream at the top of their lungs, we will be a second rate country with a fourth-rate culture.
Well said, Jay B. I wasn’t around in ’59 but I remember the Cold War very well. It amazes me that the U.S. – or at least its hawkish population – has gone from muted hysteria over enemies that had lots of H-bombs to utter, pants-shitting, shrieking-freakerdom over people that might get small bombs in 10 years.
But what would a buncha looney liberals who who want to listen to what their enemies have to say know about courage?
Is stopping your ears up and going “LALALALALALAL” now considered a courageous act by the right? Well, it’s certainly a brave new world.
“ACLU says First Amendment protects a Jihad funding ring in Maryland staging performances of The Vagina Monologues starring homosexual transvestite Iranian terrorists with illegal alien help at MoveOn House Parties.”
AND the NYTimes gave them a sweetheart rate on their ad!
fricking tag
You stupid bitch, did you really mean to say that people in NYC and DC paid a price, on 9/11,for American militarism?
Ward Churchill does speak for the left. And you wonder why you cunts are so hated.
Whoa! Someone left the screen door open.
God, it appeared right on cue! A perfect example of the pearl-clutching outrage troll.
“Why do people vote Republican, against their own interests? Why can’t they see how Democrats represent them so much better?” you whine.
Yet you fall in line with a pathetic 60’s holdover, full of revolutionary zeal and hatred for America, a fraud whose racial identity politics are based on a lie. The Republicans have successfully identified leftists with this vicious moron of a professor, and America sees it.
Do you really doubt it? Yeah, maybe you do. You are a narcissistic bunch of lightweights and critical thought would interrupt your self-congratulatory snarks.
But I have just told you why the Republicans will keep winning. Boo hoo!
Who is the idiot talking about? Did he perhaps go to the wrong blog, lose his way?
Oh, no, voice. I’m sure those nineteen guys were just sittin around one day, drinkin beer, trying to come up with something FUN for a change. And one of ’em, Atta I think, said, “hee hee, wouldn’t it be a hilarious joke if we dropped not one but BOTH trade center towers. And the other guys were all “Hah! Wouldn’t coach get how big a prank that would be, but how can we do it?”. And Atta’s all “I know! We’ll hijack some planes, murder anyone who tries to stop us, ’cause know what? We’re gonna DIE doing this, whaddaya say fellahs, won’t that get ’em talkin?”…..
Hey, voice of cement. Why don’t you set me straight? Tell me what YOU think motivated those 19 doods to die killing Americans?
mikey, don’t you know? They were Eeeeevil and they Hated Us for Our Freedom!
Yeah, g, I’d heard something to that effect before.
But here’s the thing.
It just doesn’t make sense to me, y’know?
Guess it’s time to ship me off to Gitmo…
It’s not even what Churchill was vilified for. What he said was that the people in the towers deserved it, using a Nazi metaphor.
Better troll quality please.
You know it always gets me that right-wingnuttia can’t accept the fact that maybe, just maybe people in other countries view our government’s actions and policies differently than we view them, or that maybe our government’s actions and policies – even unintended – affect people adversely and make them fail to feel Great Love for us. Even if – and lets put the best gloss on it possible – even if we certainly didn’t mean for that to happen or for them to take it that way.
The funny thing is, these folks take the most outraged offense at things that government does that they think affects them adversely, however minor – affirmative action in college acceptance? seat belt laws? environmental regulations? – and yet they are shocked, shocked when told that maybe people in places like Saudi Arabia don’t look benignly on our government stationing forces in their country.
I mean – we could debate whether what they object to is really a threat or offense vs. it being benign or beneficial.
But these fools fail to even accept the fact that maybe a person from a different point of view might find it objectionable .
In fact, they consider it morally abominable for someone to even entertain the thought that maybe people from other countries look upon us differently than we look upon ourselves.
That’s a serious form of sickness.
What’s really crazy is they keep shouting that they want to WIN. Ok they don’t tell us what winning looks like, or who they’d vanquish in this victory for all times, but they make it clear it’s about winning.
Well, if you want to win a war, wouldn’t it make a LOT of sense to understand your enemy, his motivations, his viewpoints? I mean, that would give you a leg up on countering his strategy. But the wingnuts cover their ears and cry big salty tears that it’s TREASON to think about what your enemy wants, what they believe and how they see you.
This is why they keep losing. They want to fight with their eyes closed….
I often wonder what it would be like if people like Michelle Malkin and Confederate Yankee and, yes, our good friends Soggy Linda, Vinnie, and Beth conducted their personal relationships as they would have the US conduct its foreign relationships, or as they would have their politicians conduct their partisan struggles.
The wingnuts have their sacred cows – The Troops and Our Ally Israel – and human beings have their personal sacred cows, too. My own dear spouse has sacred cows for which you will pay dearly if you recklessly disrespect them in the course of a dispute, but they are understandable sacred cows – family. Lesson? Don’t say bad things about your spouse’s mom unless you want a fight to go nuclear.
But with the right wing, the cows are as irrational as they would be if a family member, say, worshiped a Lawn Mower or a Certain Easy Chair, and if you dared to say something like, “Boy, the upholstery on this chair is really starting to look a little ratty” – they’d go off on you with both barrels. “How DARE you say anything bad about my chair?”
Or look at the way they propose dealing with other countries – France didn’t agree with Bush going to war, so they’re all ready to nuke them. In a personal relationship, this would be like deciding to shoot and kill the guy who lives three houses down because he asked you to please stop parking your truck in front of his mailbox.
Or in the workplace – these guys would be like the McDonald’s assistant manager who obsessively plots to sabotage the garbage dumpster of the Burger King down the block.
Our lovely Beth, who last night (s)trolled by to tell us all we’re a bunch of poopyheads while she’s on her way to experiencing the Happiest Event a Mother Could Experience –
If these people conducted their private lives the way they propose the US conducting its government, they would be broken, embittered failures, shunned by normal society, and abandoned by all who once loved them.
This is not to say that they DO conduct their private lives that way – the wonder of human relationships is that any person can find soul-mates, fellow travellers, and common thinkers, even when one is vile, hateful and stupid. So many of them may be perfectly happy, gainfully employed, and mildly successful.
But my point is – if they practised what they preach in their own lives, they are sure to encounter failure.
2. in perlstein’s article, he quotes an email that, after a long leadup, calls mark steyn “hilarious and brilliant.” i guess we can agree with half of that statement.
I still don’t get how anyone can find Meener Steyn funny, the only thing I can think off is that there is so little funnies on the wingnut side that even Mark’s dumb arsed ‘jokes’ are considered funny.
Voice of Teh Goofy said,
But I have just told you why the Republicans will keep winning. Boo hoo!
Um . . . winning what, dogcatcher elections in Podunk, Idaho? Where ya been, Voice? I seem to remember that your Rethuglicans lost both houses of congress in November 06, and if the polls are any indication, 70% or so of Americans want us the hell out of Iraq.
Oh, wait, I forgot. War is peace, etc., etc.
You stupid bitch, did you really mean to say that people in NYC and DC paid a price, on 9/11,for American militarism?
Well, duh.
It’s not even close to what Churchill said. Churchill compared the actual victims in the towers to Nazis, as if they were directly responsible. Mikey clearly qualified by leaving the victims as victims and not as some criminals upon whom justice was served.
And yes, the follow-up you bring up a great point. Wingnuttia seems to service two species: the out-of-touch libertarian and the evangelicals. Both of which have been furious at our government over things like welfare, no prayer in schools, social security, abortion, medicare, and the teaching of evolution. I mean it’s not like the people in Saudia Arabia and other ME states ever got to vote about the American prescence there. Nor do they get to enjoy many of our benefits…
This fact of the winger mind cannot fail to stun me every time: Out of one side of their mouth they declare “Government is the problem” and down with welfare! And socialized medicine! Then out of the other side of their mouth they scream “Support our troops!” (Which really means deport our troops) and seem to believe that a government-run military can do no wrong, inflict no justice, and suffer no corruption.
Can’t have it both ways wingers, time to grow up.
*inflict no injustice
Oooh, I love it when lefties talk like this. See, you are exactly what people think you are.
Take a look at the White House and the Supreme Court. Now remember that Republicans will dominate them from 2008-2012, and probably beyond, because ultimately people sense the leftist hatred for America. Ward Churchill is the perfect face of the American Left; to the degree that Republicans can hang that on the left, they will keep winning.
You weep for jihadis and compare the 9/11 victims to Nazis. You are scum but the good news is that America despises you.
Who was it that mentioned a couple of threads ago that wingers can only think in broad, binary generalizations? I think that’s how Voice of Reason is getting from “leftists don’t agree unconditionally to everything the American government does in their name” to “leftists hate America”.
Clearly VoR has a jones for Churchill. Typical. Guy wrote a paper nobody read, worked at a third-rate college, and nobody gives a shit about him. But VorR is focused on him like a laser beam.
You’d think that Voice of Reason (a Rovian moniker if I ever heard one) would have the courage to refer to his own blog.
“Does anyone know how to get a username at Malkin’s crappy site?”
I registered a while back, but I was quickely banned for for wondering why the College Republicans at the Flock of Seagulls event weren’t serving in the military. I think she’s made it more difficult to register.
Wow, VoR is even more insane than usual. From here on it’s pie for those who argue from the first principle that the sky is the same shade of green as the cheese that makes up the Moon.
Most conservatives I know would think VoR’s a nutter, in fact. He needs to realize that he is entitled to his own opinions, and not his own facts.
VoR, it’s Ann Coulter who bashes the victims of 9/11 (yes, the widows/widowers/orphans are victims too!). She’s one of yours, I do believe.
Supreme Court justices can be impeached, by the way. Given the way Roberts and Alito lied to the Senate in their confirmation hearings, they should be impeached. And hey, when we win the presidency and a huge majority of congress in 08, maybe we’ll just add a couple of seats to the supreme court and appoint ACLU LAWYERS to the Supremes! Nothing in the Constitution says there can only be nine justices! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaa Then we’ll force you to get gay married to an illegal immigrant and have a gay abortion.
Ah, utopia at last.
Wow, the comments at Malkin’s site are un-fucking-real. For a bunch of douchebags who think that social science is a a load of hogwash, these conservative shriekers sure know how to throw around the psycho-babble. The sad thing is that they will never accept that Bush is a feckless turd and has made this country less safe, and incidentally, less capable of attacking Iran, because of the Iraq war.
What really galls me is that these armchair-fucking-warriors have the audacity to question my patriotism and manhood (as a liberal) while they sit back in their cheeto-stained pajamas in the comfort of their parents’ basement, a long long way from Iraq and Iran, and apparently, even farther away from reality.
All they have left is their hatred for liberals- which doesn’t worry me so much since those cowards don’t have the balls to actually take up arms against their enemies.
Uhm. There’s a Voice of Reason who has posted on a local (to me) blog or two. I’m a bit confused, maybe there is more than one Voice of Rectum. What Rectum is saying here doesn’t necessarily jive with its rhetoric on the local blogs. More later, maybe.
I registered a while back, but I was quickely banned for for wondering why the College Republicans at the Flock of Seagulls event weren’t serving in the military.
Why do you hate America???? whine whine, sputter sputter. Seriously though, what’s funnier than a person who hates to be called a crybaby banning people simply for disagreeing with her?
Also, am I dumb or crazy or going blind? I have scoured Michelle Malkin’s site and can find no link for acquiring a username. Maybe you have to go around saying ridiculous things like “other than 2006, Republicans are going to keep winning elections because of Ward Churchill, thus proving that most Americans hate Democrats and their alliance with Ward Churchill!” in order to score an invitation.
The Left(tm) is the untermenchen, a pollution of our proud bloodline…THEY MUST BE ELIMINATED!
But not by me because I find all that running around with a gun too icky cause ya get all sweaty n’stuff.
Now I need a brain enema. Why would you link me to that cunt?
Nowhere in her post do any of the milbloggers she links to address the central premise that they are bedwetters. Deflect, spin, rinse, repeat.
We were, as a nation, more willing to talk to our adversary the Soviet Union, even though they were far more dangerous and far more armed, than this little tinhorn crackpot from Iran. That is the point of Perlestein’s piece. Never did any of the RWWATB discuss that particular truth.
The focus is on Ward Churchill because he is the epitome of liberalism in America.
College professor? Check.
Hates America? Check.
Rejoices in the death of innocent Americans? Check.
Provides intellectual justification for said rejoicing? Check.
Engages in identity politics? Check.
On inspection is a total fraud? Check.
I guarantee you that a great many Americans, on seeing Ward Churchill on TV etc, said to themselves, “Yes, that’s what I figured was going on on these college campuses. These liberals are scary evil!”
You are willfully blind if you don’t think so.