Cannot resist urge… must attack the Clintons!

In an otherwise unremarkable editorial about the tax returns of John Kerry’s wife, the Wall Street Journal writes:

Given Mrs. Heinz Kerry’s fortune, estimated by the Los Angeles Times at between $900 million and $3.2 billion, it’s unlikely she is doing anything unethical to raise the money for a mortgage, like the Clintons. [Emphasis added]

We look forward to much more of this in the coming months:

  • John Kerry has never been accused of murdering most of his political opponents, like the Clintons.
  • John Kerry doesn’t cause cancer, like the Clintons.
  • John Kerry doesn’t want to carry Saddam Hussein’s babies, like the Clintons.

    Your turn:

  • Comments: 21


    That’s a badly written insult, to boot! It took me a couple of read-throughs until I figured out that the sentence should be understood: “…as the Clintons did.”
    The writers wanted so badly to insult the Clintons that they rushed the meaning past the grammar.


    It’s unlikely George W. Bush is a closeted homosexual, like Rush Limbaugh.


    John Kerry doesn’t have a raging crack habit, like the Clintons.


    I thought it meant that she didn’t, you know, do the Clintons for mortgage money.

    Unlike most of the SCLM.


    John Kerry isn’t a Clinton, like the Clintons.


    That’s a badly written insult, to boot! It took me a couple of read-throughs until I figured out that the sentence should be understood: “…as the Clintons did.”

    Yeah, I had to think a minute. Thot maybe they were saying, “just like the Clintons, the Kerrys are also ethical.”

    BTW, John Kerry isn’t in league with Lucifer, like the Clintons.


    While John Kerry’s wife is bossy and obnoxious, like Hillary Clinton, at least doesn’t have a space alien baby, like the Clintons.


    John Kerry and his wife don’t spend their spare time feeding cute, harmless little puppies into a gigantic food processor, as the Clintons do, or posting photos of the resulting carnage on the internet they claim to have invented, as the Gores did.


    John Kerry didn’t ignore the warnings about 9/11 or lie about reasons to invade Iraq, like the Clintons!

    doghouse riley

    Not only that, but they misspelled “Klintoon”.


    John Kerry didn’t kill off the dinosaurs, like the Clintons.

    morganna the kissing bandit

    John Kerry doesn’t collect the vaginas of the endangered majestic silverback gorillas of the deepest heart of Africa and make full length pimp coats out of them, like the Clintons…


    John Kerry has never been cleared of wrongdoing by a thorough report two years before he is impeached for the very same stuff he’s been cleared of, like Bill Clinton.


    John Kerry isn’t the spawn of Satan, like the Clintons.

    John Kerry doesn’t eat babies, like the Clintons.


    John Kerry doesn’t sodomize koala bears using pig vomit as lubricant, like Bill Clinton.


    John Kerry isn’t in league with the Cigarette Smoking Man and Easter Bunny to pollute our precious bodily fluids and prepare the way for our enslavement by the muskrat people of Alpha Centauri like the Clintons are.


    Whaaaa? They really wrote that?


    John Kerry’s daughters aren’t ugly, unlike the Clintons’….

    Oh wait, I think Rush beat me to that one about ten years ago….dammit!


    John Kerry did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky, like Bill Clinton.

    morganna the kissing bandit

    This is fun

    John Kerry didn’t invent crack and spread it in our ghettos to control the minority populations, like Bill Clinton.


    Kerry didn’t run a cocaine-smuggling operation outside of Mena, AR, unlike the Clintons.


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