Foto Funnies Pt. 1

Perhaps it’s time to call our pal Confederate Yankee, because his wingnut pals have been passing around doctored photos lately.

This is one of two examples that me and Jillian stumbled across over the weekend. The post, ‘The Face of the Enemy,’ appeared on the Gathering of Eagles site yesterday, and the text reads: “Anyone who was in Washington D.C. last weekend already knows what the aim of the anti-war ‘peace’ movement is. But in case you still don’t get it, here’s an image that should solidify things for you.”

Above: Screen-cap of post

If that Code Pink picture looks a bit whiffy for some reason, it’s because it was Photoshopped by these characters, who also added watermarks to the top left and right edges of the picture.

Above: The same pic (with watermarks) as grabbed from Atlas Shrugs

As ridiculous as the picture is, Gathering of Eagles are only the latest right-wing whoopsie-victims. In July, it fooled Rick “Get a Brain Moran” Moran of Right Wing Nut House:

Scientists Told To Look For Weird Life


NOTE: The picture that was previously displayed directly above was a photoshop job. Code Pink did not march down a street with a great big sign that said “We Support The Murder Of The American Troops.” The photo was a fake and I apologize to readers for not making that clear.

Then again, what does it say about Code Pink that I saw no reason why they couldn’t have marched down the street with such a sign? Seemed real to me as I’m sure it did to many readers.

That’s funny, because for awhile there, we totally fell for this Photoshop job of Rick Moran robbing a convenience store:

Above (clockwise from l): unidentified, unidentified, ringleader Moran.

What does it say about Rick Moran that he saw no reason why Code Pink wouldn’t call for the murder of troops, AND we saw no reason why he couldn’t have been robbing a convenience store? A good question indeed: Many questions remain about Rick Moran, who is currently unaccused of a string of vicious $40 shotgun robberies, perhaps to feed a meth habit. (Interesting if true!)

But the wingnuts aren’t gobsmackingly stupid and dishonest all the time. Sometimes they compensate for it by being minorly shifty. Yesterday afternoon, the Gathering of Eagles people did that thing they often do, wordlessly scrubbing the inconvenient post and all its comments as though they’d never existed.*

This was bad news for the commenter, Snooper, who also thought the photo was real, and believed it proved something about the “idiot hate spawner personified” Kevin Hayden, who — well, Kevin, if you’re around, please explain about the hatred and the spawning? Surprise to us, to say the least.

Unfortunately for someone, ‘disappearing’ web pages is going to be a lot harder to do with Pt. II of the series. A clue:


* Except for a few comments on a different thread, such as this one by Eagle ‘navairdan,’ who reposted the picture and added:

In addition to the above… the little moonbat brownshirts should know who the beneficiaries are of moveon’s contributions and direction. Moonbats… these people are your side, and you on theirs. You should be proud.. Also, don’t waste your time suggestiong this isnot a real pic, we were all there and saw it and took pics and video.

Oh, well I guess that settles it then.

Double update: Teh fun continues


Comments: 239


“Then again, what does it say about Code Pink that I saw no reason why they couldn’t have marched down the street with such a sign? Seemed real to me as I’m sure it did to many readers.”

I’ll take a stab at it: Could it be that you and your readers are rabid, clueless, paranoid, deluded nit wits, who are prepared to believe anything that your fellow rabid, clueless, paranoid, deluded nit-wits tell you?


Then again, what does it say about Code Pink that I saw no reason why they couldn’t have marched down the street with such a sign?

It means you’ve been drinking the same shit you’ve been peddling, Rick, and also that you can’t be bothered to do the most basic of fact-checking–like, oh, I don’t know, visiting the URL at the side of the image.

Between this and the Blue Star/roaches thread, I’ve just about been driven away from S,N. Even in summary form, the stench emanating from the right these days is a little hard to take.


“Then again, what does it say about Code Pink that I saw no reason why they couldn’t have marched down the street with such a sign? Seemed real to me as I’m sure it did to many readers.”

What is says about you, son, is that you are either a malicious fabulist or delusional or both.


I’ll bet Part Two has something to do with adding an extra ‘o’ to the things you use to see under water, and a word that is a synonym for an alternate word for ‘dollar’.


t4toby :



Masko buck?

…No really, what did you mean? I think it’s something different.


I’ve forgotten the final verdict. Is it currently considered bad form to refer to him as D.Ho?

I don’t have any way to shorten Moran, but his name sums him up so nicely, it hardly seems necessary.


Did they actually catch any of the Code Pink marchers in the act of shooting troops? Now that would solidify a case right thar!


I was hoping Part II might be this past weekend’s variation on John Kerry pheasant hunting excursion, but the clue would indicate otherwise.


1st word: google


although as t4t described it, it would be “googgle”


Well, sure. It makes sense. You could absolutely be an anti-war/pro-murder organization. As long as the murders aren’t done in, umm, in a war-like fashion.

Poisoning! That’s what we endorse! We think that our members should all make a batch of “Support our Troops” cookies, in the shape of spleens and pancreases and lungs and shit, with Drano™ sprinkles, and send them to random American servicemen and women.

That way, we can end war, AND joyously murder teh troops!!



Considering that the photoshopped picture is over 18 months old, there can be no question but that some wingnut put this out knowing that it was false. So it wasn’t sloppy, it wasn’t “inadvertent,” it was fraudulent. Anything to score points. It’s a shame that Democrats in Congress aren’t capable of even 1/10 of the “fight dirty” mentality of the wingnuts.

And in related news, on Capitol Hill, the “majority” Democrats continued to quake in fear today, recoiling in horror at the sight of a cockroach scuttling across the House floor. A hastily arranged resolution praised the cockroach as a “national asset” and Democrats pledged to work with the cockroach in a “bi-species” fashion on issues of “mutual concern.”


El Cid: What does it say about Rick Moran (or Treasonous Racist Schmuck) that I wouldn’t be surprised if he (they) claimed Code Pink had done that?

The possibilities are endless. I like this game!


And what does it say about Scarlett Johanson that she was coming on to me hard in my dream last night and I believed it?


What does it say about Rick Moran that I can totally believe he would say
“what does it say about Code Pink that I saw no reason why they couldn’t have marched down the street with such a sign?”

get a brain, Morans!


The second word’s “loonie.” It’s “loonie,” isn’t it?


“Then again, what does it say about Code Pink that I saw no reason why they couldn’t have marched down the street with such a sign? Seemed real to me as I’m sure it did to many readers.”

Well, speaking as a reasonable, rational, reality-based person, I would say this says a whole hell of a lot more about the guy who wrote it and “many readers” than it does about Code Pink.

But then I am reasonable, rational and reality-based and that does tend to give one a liberal bias.


Many people say that Code Pink hates America, which is why such an image is not shockign to those of us who know of their vile stance against freedom and for totalitititarianism.


OT: I’m watching Ahmadinejad’s Q n A. Goddamn, I don’t know if the translation is bad or what, but that guy argues and rambles like your average wingnut.


Anybody who is merely watching or listening to the Iraninan dicktator and not trying to kill him as he has killed Americans and Jews, hates us.


Many people say that Code Pink hates America, which is why such an image is not shockign to those of us who know of their vile stance against freedom and for totalitititarianism.

C’mon now, fakeGary. That should have started with “The fact is”. “Many people say” is just so wishy washy, and would be beneath realGary.

I do like the extra ‘tit’s in “totalitititarianism” though. Nice touch.

Sadly, Cambridgeport

Then again, what does it say about Code Pink that I saw no reason why they couldn’t have marched down the street with such a sign? Seemed real to me as I’m sure it did to many readers.

Forget that, what does it say about the Dhimmicrats that they haven’t passed a resolution condemning Code Pink for their traitorous anti-Americanism? Now they are only emboldened to cause us to mistakenly believe more lies about them!

Who do you support, the soldiers, and the courageous patriots who are trying to keep them in the line of fire that they love so very much (at a minimum cost of health care and body armor), or the terrorists and the people who remind us of terrorists? There are only two sides.


I want to know if CY got his grill off the neighbor’s lawn yet.


Masko Buck!

Dammit, Gav, you nailed it!


oh, and rz-

If I had some cash for every time someone said that to me…


This cut and paste from Snoop’s website says it all …

Veteran’s Suicide Hot Line Number!
1-800-273-TALK (8255) Call this number if you need help!!


I like sending the troops socks with a little polonium-210 in the toe.


And what does it say about David Johanson that he was coming on to me hard in my dream last night and I believed it?


Rick Moran robs liquor stores, has a meth habit, and once attempted to have sex with a pinecone?

Wait’ll I tell everyone down at the VFW hall!


Anybody who is merely watching or listening to the Iraninan dicktator and not trying to kill him as he has killed Americans and Jews, hates us.

How did Aminwhat’s his name kill Americans and Jews? If I’m going to kill him as he killed them, I need to know. Although, I think I may have already blown this one, since I’m neither watching nor listening to him NOR am I trying to kill him as he has killed Americans and Jews.

But…inquiring minds need to know – how did he do it?


What does it say about fake Gary that he stands foursquare against totalitititarianism AND Iraninin dicktators?

It says that it takes a certain kind of man to stutter in print.

Oh, and: shouldn’t we do more this creative Photoshopping? (By “we” I mean Gavin.) Create pix of (e.g.) Michael Moore dining on human flesh, let the w.nutz find them on the web, and triumphantly run them? Talk about punk’d!



Okay, I could have used better clues.

Google Cache?


But…inquiring minds need to know – how did he do it?

Well… let’s give it one last squeeze…remember 9/11?


Reminds me of this:

“On one of the Fox news shows, Brit Hume, torturing statistics with abandon, claimed that soldiers have less of a chance of dying in Iraq than citizens have of being murdered in California. He forgot he was comparing 130,000 troops in Iraq to 34 million people in California.

“When this was pointed out to Hume by the Washington Post he didn’t say ‘I’m embarrassed.’ He said admittedly it was a crude comparison but it was illustrative of something. And I agree,” said Franken. “It’s illustrative of what an asshole Brit Hume is.”



Okay, I could have used better clues.

Google Cache?

That wasn’t bad – I picked up on google anyway. But I think that you meant “homophone”, not “synonym”. “Cache” and “cash” share the same pronunciation, not the same meaning.

Besides, how often do you get to use the homophone? teeheheeheee… homophone.


Google Cache

Then your second term would be a homonym for a synonym for money.


George W. Bush and I are twins!


t4toby: “cache” is not a “synonym for an alternate word for ‘dollar’.” It is a homonym for an alternate word for ‘dollar’.


Wow, t4toby. You’re getting it from all directions here. That’s ok though. At least you didn’t mistake me for a libertarian this time.


I just came across this from Matt Stoller, and simply had to share:

I’m a little worried about upcoming fights over funding for Iraq, inasmuch as they might distract us from discussing the Moveon ad.




But to be homonymous, they would also need to share the same spelling. Besides… homophone. C’mon!

I know, my high school banned them too – something about an “agenda” and “recruiting children”.


Mr. President,

That would be a “homograph.”


And what does it say about Adam Sandler that he is legally and cinematically gay-married to Kevin James? And what does it say about grocery stores that they sell hot dogs in 12-packs and hot dog buns in 8-packs?


A homonym is both a homograph and a homophone.

Why am I suddenly the only one who understands grammar rules?


Sorry… guess it is an either or both situation. I’ll go back to drinking now.


Well… let’s give it one last squeeze…remember 9/11?

As a card-carrying member of Teh Left, I have entirely forgotten 9/11. What was it again? .81818181… ? The name of that Shatner show? What?


Okay, I could have used better clues.

Wait, wait!!

Perioscope male deer?


Mr. President,
That would be a “homograph.”

No, no, no, those are those pink sheets with lavender lines we make kids plot fabulous functions on in Gay Calculus.


W. admits a mistake!


I like hominym grits with hot sauce and butter.


objectively pro,

i was thinking it was “bathysphere poorthole flour yeast and water mix”


NEA: True God-fearing mathematicians stay away from those and from Homogeneous Differential Equations, just to be sure.


NEA: True God-fearing mathematicians stay away from those and from Homogeneous Differential Equations, just to be sure.

Absolutely. They strongly prefer Prigonometry.


I have said many times on the soccer pitch, “I exist solely for your edification.”

I think it applies here.

Synonym is the closest I could get with going ‘homo’. So now you’re accusing me of using a wide stance?


Perioscope male deer?

Radar stag!


or sonar bivalve


or “Glass-bottomed booat U.S. Commanders-in-Chief from Washington through Ford”


Oops, I forgot the extra O.

radaro stag
soonar bivalve

[Please don’t take this wrong, t4toby. We kid because we love.]


Facemasko slapper?

Camerao quahog?


What does it say about us SadlyNoesians that it takes about five min for us to get sidelined into a discussion about grammer?

It’s a shame that Democrats in Congress aren’t capable of even 1/10 of the “fight dirty” mentality of the wingnuts.

Fighting “dirty” doesn’t work in the long run. Notice how fantastic the GOP is doing lately? They are on the verge of imploding and hated by a substantial majority around the world. There is an entire generation that is now ripe to be life long Democrats because of the GOP’s dirty tricks.

It does work though, but only short term. Now if we can convince our Dem leaders that GOP lite is not a strategy maybe we could get somewhere.


They strongly prefer Prigonometry.


Um, nothing to say other than that was funny and I appreciated it.


Radar Love?


Marita said,

NEA: True God-fearing mathematicians stay away from those and from Homogeneous Differential Equations, just to be sure.

Absolutely. They strongly prefer Prigonometry.

Marita, you may laugh but I have actually run into fundamentalist alternate Math. Years ago I came across a phd thesis (from some midwest bible college) that tried to refute set theory. His big beef was that he didn’t like the idea of some infinite sets being larger than others. Not only that he proved that it had to be wrong, or so he thought. I bet it would be too hard to find similar examples today.

They are truly insane.


Oh, I know, J.

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m usually the clown of the group, so I’m used to being laughed with, as well as at. (Have fun with that, grammar police! That’s right, I’m dangling my participle right in you face. Whatcha gonna do ’bout it?)

Hey, when you’ve got it, you’ve got it!


Gary Ruppert said,
September 24, 2007 at 20:53

Anybody who is merely watching or listening to the Iraninan dicktator and not trying to kill him as he has killed Americans and Jews, hates us.

Which of course accounts for how Reagan that one time took out a pistol and shot all those Soviet and Cuban and Nicaraguan and Angolan and Mozambican officials at the UN.


Participle? Where? Seems kinda small.


In case you haven’t noticed, I’m usually the clown of the group[.]

You the clown? No, I’m the clown!

Actually, I think a good many of us here would be happy to share the title of The Fool (one reason here).


Of course, there’s no real evidence that five members of Gathering of Eagles ganged up on the father of a dead soldier and kicked him when they had him down on the ground, but doesn’t it suggest something that I and many other readers weren’t surprised when…

Oh, right. Never mind.


There’s much more fun to be had with Snooper so let’s not take our eye off teh ball. First he got rid of the trackback to this post and then had this exchange:

My god, are you fuckin’ stupid!

I’m laughing so hard right now. The GOP must be so proud to have nimrods like you speaking for them.

You DO know it’s a photoshopped image, right?

Erik the Red | 09.24.07 – 2:45 pm | #

So Snooper replies and digs himself an even deeper hole:

Erik The Dead…I saw the damn thing.

Too bad for you, moron.
Snooper | Homepage | 09.24.07 – 3:40 pm | #

It seems he’s actually claiming to have seen the sign with his own eyes.


If I were one of the people being slandered in that photo[shop job] I’d be siccing a lawyer on them. Sure, it’s ridiculous and who would believe it…except a bunch of violent lunatics who beat up people who disagree with them.


remember 9/11?

What, Amenidijhad did that? How come he’s still alive them? And what does it say about Gary Ruppert that he wants me to suicide bomb Columbia University?


Man, am I glad David Horowitz hasn’t caught onto my dastardly plot to indoctrinate my students with Homogeneous Differential Equations yet.


His big beef was that he didn’t like the idea of some infinite sets being larger than others.

During undergrad, I went to a talk by an Objectivist on quantum mechanics. The gist of it seemed to be “This can’t be true because I don’t understand it, and I understand Rand’s philosophy therefore I have complete command of the universe.”

I also saw a paper once on the internet that simultaneously “proved” the existence of God and “disproved” evolution all by using Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem. Man, I love how powerful axiomatic systems that can encode arithmetic are.


Really, I can’t quite keep up mentally, so I stick to teh secks and the merry jane.


Erik The Dead…I saw the damn thing.
Too bad for you, moron.
Snooper | Homepage | 09.24.07 – 3:40 pm | #

Any chance Snooper can be lured into this thread? He’d be fun to bat around until Darleen and Beth show up again.


Lesley: Don’t forget LindaSoG, who, by the way, has moved on to a different metaphor.


Lesley, that’s exactly what I’m hoping for because he’s definitely reading this thread. But maybe it’s better that he not come.He’ll comment once and run (more goading for you,Snooper. Come on, tough guy. What are you afraid of?) and break our lefty hearts. Just like Bruce. Sniff.


Kewl: Code pinko Skankos! I’ll bet I can get some hot action in league with those war-defyin’ persian-rug buyin’ mamas. YOWZER! (And I promise not to denounce anyone’s pubicly because pubics are fuzzy and happy like puppies.)

It’s really such an honor being called a ‘idiot hate spawner’. I presume he/she/it refers to the hate I spawn for the Idiot-In-Chief. (Pol Pot refers to him as ‘Mini-Me’).

Unfortunately, now that I’ve been outed as a troop murderer, my deep cover’s blown, which will wreak havoc on family reunions and stuff. Sure, Grandpa’s dead (WWI) and so’s my Dad (28 years USAF, Berlin airlift, Vietnam), but my Uncle Tom’s still doing well (WWII), so’s my brother-in-law, Bill (Vietnam) and my nephew (Army Nat’l Guard, Iraq) only moved out of my home a month ago. Plus there’s my best friend Paul (Navy, Vietnam) and a host of other vets and military brats I’ve known for decades. I’m guessing I’m off their Christmas Card lists, as well.

I’m a bit baffled how my defense of Columbia U. students inviting a country’s elected leader to speak tipped off people to my secret troop-killing objective. After all, I believe some students killed a military guard during the US Embassy takeover 28 years ago, and some Lebanese Hezbollah bombers took out some troops in Beirut 24 years ago (which might have had some Iranian funding though it was never alleged at the time). And there’s been allegations lately that some Iranians have provided IEDs that have killed US troops in Iraq. But no-one’s produced any evidence that Mahmoud Ahnevermetajew has any ties or complicity to any of those events and fatalities.

Yes, evidence. Yanno, that thing our country used to require before arrests, detentions, prosecutions, convictions and executions.

There’s lots of that evidence stuff about how the Idiot-in-Chief used manufactured evidence to claim Saddam had nukes and other weapons of America-killing horribleness. And as a result, nearly 4,000 US troops and hunnerds of thousands of Iraqis have been murdered. Because the evidence was make believe.

This time, the evidence is all words again. Sure, everyone can tell that Mahmoud Ahnevermetajew is also a liar. But Iranians are stuck with the guy they elected, just like we’re stuck with our liar. And I figger, let them both flap their jaws. Maybe they can find a way to keep more troops and civilians and kiddies from dying.

Maybe not, but it sure seems like it’s a safe gamble to make.

America has invited far worse to its shores in the past because that’s what real democracies do. Fear of leaders that have been demonized by propaganda or even those guilty of some horrible thing, followed by their exclusion, is really not how Americans have demonstrated their courage in the good old days.

Rebuke the guy if you want. But in the meantime, there’s a chance for diplomatic resolutions that could spare millions of lives. I vote for that.

I know that makes me a murderer in some eyes. But they’re awfully cowardly eyes unless one set of them gets me arrested or takes me out. Were someone to threaten my family or pose a real imminent threat to my nation, I know I wouldn’t go to an online schoolyard and photoshop bullshit and yell neener-neener at them.

But I guess that satisfies their primal urge. So here’s my plea for leniency: To the Gathered Eagles, if I’m in a fight, please, please please, promise me you won’t ever cover my back. I need more than pant whizzing neener-jockeys for that.


J. Just below LindaSoG’s rendition of “palestinians=garbage” she writes:
In my quest for truth and justice, I can sometimes be harsh and relentless. Please accept my most sincere apologies for any words written here, or anywhere, which may have caused you hurt.


In my quest for pr0n and cheetos, I can sometimes be bitchy and whiny. Please accept my least sincere apologies for any substances left here, or anywhere, which might have caused you hurt.


Kevin Hayden, you need to give the sarcasometer a whack on the side. I think you might have an intermittent connection.


Exhibit a) US Treasury, Exhibit b) Toilet

The $3,850-per-second U.S. war
Despite vast sums invested, more troops in Iraq now than ever
Bernd Debusmann, Reuters

WASHINGTON – Assuming you read at average speed, by the time you get to the bottom of this column, the war in Iraq will have cost the United States another $760,000 US. More than $4 million of U.S. taxpayers’ money ebbed away in the 18 minutes it took President George W. Bush to explain to his country and the world recently why the war he ordered would last well beyond his presidency.

During an eight-hour working day, U.S. tax dollars spent in the battle zones of Iraq total $112 million. These figures are extrapolated from a report by the Congressional Research Service (CSR), a bipartisan agency which provides research and analysis for the U.S. Congress. It put the war’s average cost in 2007 at around $10 billion a month.

That translates into $333 million a day, $14 million an hour, $231,000 a minute and $3,850 a second. Even for the world’s richest country, this is serious money.

It dwarfs what the United States is spending on efforts to alleviate the huge humanitarian crisis that unfolded after the 2003 invasion. Sectarian fighting has driven more than four million people from their homes, a population displacement without parallel in modern Middle Eastern history.

The consequences of the war were never part of the planning. And its high cost is a long way from the Bush administration’s optimistic initial estimates.

Then deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz, one of the war’s chief promoters, even predicted the post-invasion phase would be self-financing.

“There is a lot of money to pay for this that doesn’t have to be U.S. taxpayer money. We’re dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon,” he said on March 27, 2003.

Depends on your definition of “soon,” of course. The Government Accountability Office reckons it will take years before Iraqi oil flows at full capacity.

The number of U.S. troops in Iraq is now at a record high: 168,000. The cost of the war is not projected to decline despite plans for a phased withdrawal that will reduce troop levels by next summer to what they were before the so-called surge.

Troop levels are one of the factors that determine the cost of the war. Another cost driver is repairing and replacing worn-out equipment, from helicopter engines and tank tracks to Humvees, armoured personnel carriers and machine-guns.

Opponents of the war have begun to focus on its high cost and stress what could be done with the dollars spent in Iraq — improving U.S. education and health care and fixing aging infrastructure.

The comparisons almost invariably centre on things that could be done or bought in the United States for the benefit of Americans.

Iraqis do not figure prominently in these analyses, and the humanitarian disaster now unfolding is not much of a topic of discussion among Washington policy-makers.

That, at times, dismays international aid officials who deal with the terrified multitudes who have fled waves of ethnic cleansing in the aftermath of the U.S. invasion. Around two million went to neighbouring countries, mostly to Jordan, Syria and Egypt, by the count of international relief organizations.

Another 2.2 million fled from their homes and sought refuge elsewhere in Iraq. Shiites driven out of Sunni neigbourhoods, Sunnis fleeing Shia districts, Arabs expelled from Kurdish areas, Kurds from predominantly Arab districts.

The movement dwarfs even the great population dislocations prompted by the 1948 creation of Israel, when an estimated 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes in fear for their lives.

Many of the internally displaced Iraqis — IDPs in the language of aid organizations — live in grim conditions, in makeshift camps without running water, electricity, even latrines. Improving conditions would be cheap, measured against the cost of the war, but appeals for more funds have fallen on deaf ears.

This summer, the Iraq Chief of Mission of the International Organization of Migration, Rafiq Tschannen, said “only a fraction” of internally displaced Iraqis were getting basic assistance. It was difficult to understand, he said, why there was so little response to appeals for help.

Not all that difficult, really. Part of the international community suffers from what relief workers call “compassion fatigue.” And for the U.S., making the humanitarian crisis a public priority would be tantamount to admitting failure in Iraq.

After all, the U.S. invasion was meant to have brought democracy, security and stability, not civil war and mass flight.

Without much fanfare, U.S. contributions to various relief organizations quadrupled in 2007, to just under $200 million from $43 million in 2006 — pocket change in terms of the war’s cost. The sharp increase makes Washington the biggest single donor in the refugee crisis, according to the State Department.

As to the $85 million appeal for aid to displaced Iraqis, made in June — by September, the organization had received $6 million, $5 million from the U.S. and $1 million from Australia. The shortfall, $79 million, would be covered by less than six hours of war spending.


[…] I sure know what it’s like to be a bogeyman, now that I’m an idiot hate spawner backing troop murderers. Which I find amusing, since I usually refer to Iran’s prez as […]


In my quest for truth and justice, I can sometimes be harsh and relentless. Please accept my most sincere apologies for any words written here, or anywhere, which may have caused you hurt.

Yeah, that was for Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement came and went for LindaSoG.


Also, don’t waste your time suggestiong this isnot a real pic, we were all there and saw it and took pics and video.

Anxiously awaiting your “pics and video,” navairdan. Jeezis, I hope his connection to naval aviation (if any) doesn’t go any farther than washing aircraft & swabbing the flight deck.

And a reminder of the GoE mission statement:

1. Gathering of Eagles is non-partisan. While each member has his or her own political beliefs, our common love and respect for America and her heroes is what brings us together.

Yep, you can’t get any more non-partisan than those doods. Just interested in protecting memorials & monuments, & of course protecting the photographs of dead Marines from their fathers.


I do like the extra ‘tit’s in “totalitititarianism” though. Nice touch.

Yeah, we all have our suspicions about how Gary and his Reichtard friends touch themselves whenever they think about totalitarianism. Ecch!



Snot-o-catcher clam!!

It’s all coming together……….


Then again, what does it say about Code Pink that I saw no reason why they couldn’t have marched down the street with such a sign? Seemed real to me as I’m sure it did to many readers.

Holy living fuck. Talk about a great rationalization. Bill Orally probably wants to become this guy by killing him and wearing his skin.


Also, don’t waste your time suggestiong this isnot a real pic, we were all there and saw it and took pics and video.

I sure do hope he lets us know what date it was taken…


“Yes, evidence. Yanno, that thing our country used to require before arrests, detentions, prosecutions, convictions and executions.”

Wait a minute, Kevin, you forgot my favorite–torture.


Anxiously awaiting your “pics and video,” navairdan

Went over to the link, and read that navairdan, true to form, in response to someone who informed him that it was a photoshopped image, challenged the other person to produce the original un-shopped image, instead of offering to show the supposed pics and video evidence he claims to have.


It’s not even a very good photoshop (okay, digital manipulation).


Since you asked…

Gavin, you did see that in the top left corner of the photo it clearly said “photo illustration,” didn’t you? When it says right on the picture that it is ‘shopped, it’s kind of hard to attack those who admitted it, even as they created it.

You do, however, have a just complaint against the folks who posted this without investigating if it was real or not, and against the person who claimed to have seen the sign.


Gosh golly gee… I don’t see why ya’ll are so upset. So what if the picture is “fake but accurate.” You guys seemed to like it just fine when Dan Rather did it.


Linda, Linda, Linda.

“Accurate” in the Dan Rather sense meant “conforming to independently verifiable historical events.”

“Accurate” in the sense you’re attempting to use it now means “conforming to the right-wing circle jerk fantasies of what Code Pink believes.”

Different things. Don’t forget to finish your neighbor off, it’s only polite.


No, accurate in this sense means that Code Pink donated $650,000 to what they freely admitted was “the other side” in the Iraq conflict.

So yes, the photoshop is “fake but accurate.”


Like if I say that Linda is a hatemongering bitch that eats small puppies for lunch, it’s “fake but accurate”?


Nah. I don’t eat puppies, they’re not kosher.


sucks to be confronted with facts, don’t it?

My work here is done.


sucks to be confronted with facts, don’t it?

Actually, no, but I don’t see any example of you posting facts. So it would be hard to tell whether it sucks or not.


It seems that giving blankets and medicine to refugees is “aiding the terrorists.”

In any case, I went to Camp Freep and talked with more of the supporters. I got some good material that spoke to their message. There were two particular things that troubled me most. One, they spoke that Code Pink gave $ 650,000 to terrorists in Fallujah, Iraq. Here is what I found after speaking with Code Pink about the accusation and cross checking on the internet using Lexis Nexis to confirm the news source. If you read this article by the San Francisco Chronicle, you will get a good breif introduction to what happened. Now, for detailed information, Code Pink was among many peace organizations who assisted Mrs. McCaffrey and Ms. Avila raise $100,000 dollars to buy medical supplies, blankets, food, and etc and a group called Operation U.S.A. provided another $500,000 for additional supplies to Fallujahn refugees. Operation USA has many sponsors including Ernst & Young, Target, Tyco, Disney, and Warner Bros. Clearly, according to the Freepers, many of our most successful companies are aiding terrorists. Even our hospitals with St. Jude Medical Center on that list.


So according to LindaSoG’s logic, if Blackwater has been running guns to the “other side” in Iraq, I guess its “accurate” that they (and the President who hired them) also support the murder of American Troops.

Didn’t Bush just go to Iraq and shake hands with the guys who were killing our troops a few months ago?

sucks to be confronted with the facts, don’t it?


Wow, Linda’s webpage is a cauldron of paranoia and over-amplified hatred.


Gavin, you did see that in the top left corner of the photo it clearly said “photo illustration,” didn’t you? When it says right on the picture that it is ’shopped, it’s kind of hard to attack those who admitted it, even as they created it.

Oh, I’m not complaining about the guys who made the picture. The image has just taken on a life of its own, especially with the GoE folks who claim to have seen the banner in real life.


My work here is done.

But the work at her own site has just begun. This one’s for you, Lesley.


Yes, J- I saw that, and wanted to let Lesley. Linda is a vindictive cunt and she posted Lesley’s IP address, which only goes to show what kind of person she is.

Les – I assume you can hold your own here? But we’ve got your back.


I’m absolutely gobsmacked. Are you telling me, lindasog, that helping refugees in a town we’re tearing to pieces in a country thousands of miles away is somehow aiding “the enemy”. And even if it is, who will help the people caught in the crossfire? Who will stand up for the innocents trapped by the American hatred and bloodlust? What can we do, other than put a 5.56 round in their head, to relieve their suffering?

Can we help them with clean water? Or is Cholera their due? Can we help them with electricity? Or are you the only bitch entiltled? Can we at least give them blankets and medicine? Or is compassion and “aiding the enemy” suddenly synonymous? You are the worst kind of criminal, young lady. You would have been in fine company in Stalingrad….



Really, Bubba, understanding this isn’t that hard. Just think of your SAT analogies. Fallujahn refugees are to the 9/11 terrorists as Saddam Hussein is to:

A) Osama Bin Laden
B) Cindy Sheehan
C) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
D) All of teh above


Then again, what does it say about Code Pink that I saw no reason why they couldn’t have marched down the street with such a sign? Seemed real to me as I’m sure it did to many readers.

What does it say about the jews that I saw no reason they couldn’t have sacrificed christian babies to satan and poisoned our wells? Oops, did I say jews? I meant muslims of course.


The cognitive disssonance in the brain of people like Lindasog is amazing. They totally buy into the whole “painting schools, doing good for the people of Iraq, purple fingers Yay!!! candy and flowers” and “why doesn’t the media tell the good stories?” thing, and then when someone like Code Pink, or Marla Ruzicka actually do something to help the people of Iraq, they call helping the Iraqi people aiding the enemy.

These people are deeply, deeply disturbed.


The latest, including an update, from the soon to be legendary Snooper in response to being asked if he had really seen the banner in question with his own eyes.

I saw the shredding of it.

UPDATE: I have been informed that the picture in question was not the one we saw shredded in DC.

My bad.

The banner was displayed in CA at a separate rally.

Edited By Siteowner
Snooper | Homepage | 09.24.07 – 5:41 pm | #

So, CY, why don’t you go turn your amazing investigatory powers on Snooper? I suggest betting him a new grill that the picture is a fake because he’s not giving it up.


Oh, snooper is a piece of work!!


“Les – I assume you can hold your own here? But we’ve got your back.”

What’re you gonna do, throw patchouli?

Seriously, you know what pisses me off? I have 40 years of ammo stocked up waiting for you filthy hippies to get around to that “revolution” you keep yammering about, and you never deliver.

When are you sad little freaks going to butch up and stick it to The Man?

Wearing keffiyehs and Che shirts don’t get you very far.


What’s going on with Lindasog posting Lesley’s IP address? I followed the link and didn’t see it. But that’s VERY BAD MANNERS, if I may say so.


Ooh, Vinnie. We been “Sticking it to the man” for decades.

Care for a Latte?


Seriously, you know what pisses me off? I have 40 years of ammo stocked up waiting for you filthy hippies to get around to that “revolution” you keep yammering about, and you never deliver.

When are you sad little freaks going to butch up and stick it to The Man?

Wearing keffiyehs and Che shirts don’t get you very far.

what exactly are your aspirations, here, vinnie? I’m curious. You have 40 years of ammo stored up — what kind of ammo has to be stored up over 40 years? Are you saving up your boogers or something, or your collection of fingernail parings?

where do you hear people “yammering” about revolution? What radio waves are you listening to – do they come into your antennae with the aid of the tinfoil you add to them? Cuz I don’t know of anyone talking about “sticking it” to “The Man” – but then, I don’t listen to the voices that are talking in your head.

so- what are your plans, vinnie? You gonna barricade yourself off the highway somewhere with your boogers and fingernails in a jar along with your precious bodily fluids, and wait for some innocent passerby?

Are you the kind of idiot who attacks Sikh gas-station operators who wear turbans because you can’t tell the difference between 1) an innocent human being who happens to be muslim and 2) an innocent human being who bears no relation to Islam but who happens to wear headgear you’re stupidly think has something to do with Islam?

Are you the kind of idiot that beats up Chinese-American guys with the misguided idea that you’re somehow championing the American auto industry against Japanese corporations?

You’re the kind of fool who never saw a hippie, maybe read about them sometimes, but secretly wishes he were around during the “free love” era, because you might have gotten laid.

You’re driven by a combination of personal inadequacy coupled with ignorance and stupidity, trapped in an existence where you have no power, and you resent those who aren’t like you. It’s a helluva combination. You must feel a lot of pain.

But you know what? I don’t give a fuck if you feel pain. If the humanity of you has become corroded enough where you relish the day you can kill your countrymen, you’ve forsaken the community of human beings. You can fucking rot for all I care.


Seriously, you know what pisses me off? I have 40 years of ammo stocked up waiting for you filthy hippies to get around to that “revolution” you keep yammering about, and you never deliver.

When did cheetos and granny porn become synonyms for ammo?


don’t forget that the Internet Archive ( has the Wayback Machine.. just type in the website URL, it gives back a list of dates, click a date and you see the website the way it looked back then..


I followed the link and didn’t see it.

It’s in the screen-capture image.


Hey Vinnie. I’m one of those lefty hippies you are so terrified of. I have six months worth of ammo. Why? Because I rotate my rounds from inventory to the range to a) stay comfortable and on target with my full power hollow points and b) because I refresh my ammunition AND magazines every six months to make certain that I’ll get rounds downrange.

That’s .45ACP, 9mm, 5.56NATO and .308. Every six months.

40 years? You’re pathetic…



Wow, that Vinnie guy is scary! If there’s anything I know about the internets, it’s that tough talkers can always back it up, and are never overcompensating for some real life deficiency.

Why not take your undoubtedly battle-hardened ass and your forty-year-old ammo to Iraq? They could use a straight shooter like you over there.


Actually, mikey, what he’s been saving up for 40 years is grudges.


Vinnie, didn’t you get memo? About 1973 or so? … never mind.

Oh, and saying things like “butch up and stick it to The Man” makes you sound like a serious closet case.


It’s in the screen-capture image.

My Firefox isn’t showing anything but a page with a black background and some orange text. Where’s the screen-cap?


Heh. And diapers.

What is it that’s supposed to be scary about these sad idiots on the t00bz?

“I’ll beat you up and, um, and shit”…

It’s just sad. And kind of boring. In the “it’s been done” sense…



Try this link, Gavin.


Oho, she’s blocked me. Now I’ll have to spend two minutes or more going through a proxy server.


I see a huge header with either a sunrise or sunset. Below that, the title of the blog in orange (“Something… and Half of Something”); then flush left, the blog title again, now in yellow; below that, the date and the post title (“Reading is Fundamental”); directly below that, the following text: “Meet Lesley, from Sadly, No:;” and below that (finally!), centered, the screen-cap.


I sent you an e-mail with a screenshot. I initially used anonymouser and didn’t see the pic but got the page, which was weird.


Umm, waitaminute. C’mon. This is one of the smartest, sharpest communities on the intert00bz. And you’re what, like surprised that a wingnut would publish your IP?

Hell, they’d set your house on fire if they thought there was a way. These are not, well, let’s say they are not going to win the Nobel Rational Award. You have seen their arguments. They pretty much amount to “give money to friends. Try to kill enemies”. Did you miss that part?



Oh, jeez, well, vinnie and beth are commentors at LIndasog’s blog. So it’s basically the gang from the playground down the block coming over here to our playground to kick our asses.


While I’ve not read the entire page of comments, I have a question about the thread, “goggles, googgles, googles, dollar, cash, cache.” Google as a place of concealment confuses me, so I wondered if wrote, “cache,” while thinking, “cachet?” Using Google with a refined sense of fashionable style I grasp. Must have too much time with “homophone” lines.


” … wondered if “t4t” wrote …”


Thanks, Bubba. Thanks J-.

Ok, I’m going to say for the record that if LindaSog is trying to intimidate Lesley by posting her IP and email address, this crap has to stop now.


So it’s basically the gang from the playground down the block coming over here to our playground to kick our asses.

It’d save an extra few milliseconds if they’d just announce “hey, we’re full of shit” instead of trying out that 40 years of ammo garbage.


Vinnie has been stockpiling ammo for 40 years. Che Guevara died 40 years ago this October 9. Coincidence?


Posted this in her comments:

Please don’t post the private email addresses of commenters who come from our site.

You are of course free to block or moderate traffic as you like (we choose not to), but posting private data is beyond the limits of acceptable practice, especially when the intention is to harass or intimidate people.

Of course I have her IP data, since she’s been commenting over and over here, so I don’t understand the point of this exercise. Lesley, have you been getting any weird private emails since this happened?


Thanks, Bubba. Thanks J-.

Ok, I’m going to say for the record that I have LindaSog is trying to intimidate Lesley by posting her IP and email address, this crap has to stop now.

Beat me to the punch, guys, although I still have a copy too.

Interestedly enough, I commented on her crappy, childish blog, as was blocked about a min later, what is it with wingnuts and criticism? Care to explain Linda?


These people are sick, and sick people scare me. And I’m a nurse. But these people are seriously, frighteningly sick.


Ok, I’m going to say for the record that I have LindaSog is trying to intimidate Lesley by posting her IP and email address, this crap has to stop now.

Corrected that line, btw.

I commented on her crappy, childish blog, as was blocked about a min later, what is it with wingnuts and criticism? Care to explain Linda?

See, the funny thing is that she’s been commenting here repeatedly, and of course nobody ever blocks her or posts her private data. And yet, go over there and try to leave one comment…

Some hospitality, I say.


Yeah. I commented too, and haven’t seen my post.

You know what? she’s a coward. She’s a coward in the worst way. She comes over here and posts the most vile hate language with impunnity – OK, fine, who cares? – and she sics her minions like whimp-ass vinnie over here ( please, Linda, is that all you have?) but she is afraid of critical comments, and she doesn’t restrain herself from a major breach of ethics by posting someone’s IP address – for a mildly critical comment. She’s despicable, but she’s also a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Is she the one who has a son in Iraq? Or is it one of her minions, Beth or someone? If Linda’s son is in Iraq, Linda, I am sorry that your fear and anxiety has twisted your soul into the travesty of a human being that you now appear to be. But you should blame that shit on the one’s who are responsible, instead of living in a state of denial. You’re like a person with Stockholm syndrome – you are curring the favor of those (Bush administration) that are your captors.


“It’d save an extra few milliseconds if they’d just announce “hey, we’re full of shit” instead of trying out that 40 years of ammo garbage.”

Someone here actually has a brain.

That’s refreshing.

That being said, I only have two years of ammo stockpiled for your 40 year old claims of “revolution.”

Once again, wearing a Che shirt doesn’t cut it. Commie murderer though he was, at least he walked his talk.

“Why not take your undoubtedly battle-hardened ass and your forty-year-old ammo to Iraq? They could use a straight shooter like you over there.”

Gee, Mikey, I did my enlistment in the Navy, how ’bout you? Now, why don’t you get your sissy ass over there and strap on a bomb belt and walk into an Israeli pizzeria. They could use more terrorists, and less terrorist enablers over there.

Or are you just another in a long line of leftist Chickenjihadis?


[…] from those yukmeisters of the leftard blogosphere, Sadly, Sad! Kewl: Code pinko Skankos! I’ll bet I can get some hot action in league with those war-defyin’ […]


Gee, Mikey, I did my enlistment in the Navy, how ’bout you? Now, why don’t you get your sissy ass over there and strap on a bomb belt and walk into an Israeli pizzeria. They could use more terrorists, and less terrorist enablers over there.

Or are you just another in a long line of leftist Chickenjihadis?

Uh-oh. It seems like this conversation is about to get interesting.


I don’t want to defend Mr Moran, but he and his pseudojournalist brother have been victims of photoshopping. I mean this can’t be for real can it ?

God does not love me that much.


Is she the one who has a son in Iraq?

No – that minion would be me – Beth. My son is in Iraq.

What I’m curious about is why all of you seem to insist that people are afraid of you? Why would anyone be afraid of you? You don’t believe in violence – right? You think guns are bad. What is there to be afraid of?

Besides, you are just inhabitants of my computer that I can choose to read or not read. You don’t matter one whit to me except that I find this amusing at the moment, now that you have made me aware of your little blog.


It’s a cast of geniuses: the cross-eyed cockroach lady, the lady who thinks medicine is terrorism, and Vinnie who acknowledges he’s full of shit.

Welcome, winners! Enjoy your stay!


So Beth all the wishes for Imprisonment and Death are just for fun?

The Squeals of “Traitor” and “Get out of the country” are just an amusement for you?

Says a lot about you Beth…


So we can all come and post at your blog, beth? No banning? No deletions?


t4toby said,

“I’ll bet Part Two has something to do with adding an extra ‘o’ to the things you use to see under water, and a word that is a synonym for an alternate word for ‘dollar’.”

hmmm drop a g, replace synonym with homonym and go US centric that I forget about other currencies and I get

Google cache


Just catching up. Poor ol’ Linda just can’t help being a petty little bitch.

I just sent her this:

Linda, your impassioned plea for forgiveness (for being a mean and harsh person) on Yom Kippur lead me to assume you take your God and your religion very very seriously. Imagine my surprise to find my IP splashed on your web site…a minor act of cruelty to be sure, but mean of you all the same.

(Tsk, tsk, it’s one more thing you will have to atone for. Or maybe you think G-d isn’t always watching.)

Although I’m no expert, I assume your God expects followers to make an effort to live up to the teachings, otherwise rituals like Yom Kippur become meaningless and hollow. I’m truly saddened to find you are just another religious hypocrite who uses the day of atonement to feel better.

P.S. Your acceptance of Beth’s comment: we all know “palestinians” aren’t garbage, they’re dinner! confirms that I interpreted your graphic correctly.

I’ve posted this here because I fully expect Linda to do one of the following
a) not post my response;
b) post it with my IP address and perhaps a pix of me as garbage; or
c) edit it beyond all recognition.


ahhhhh Lesley,

Linda posted a screencap of it in all its faux sanctimony

you ought to know that being a religious person doesn’t mean having to bare one’s neck to another’s blade

Does the phrase: Never again ring any bells with you?


“Uh-oh. It seems like this conversation is about to get interesting.”

It never was.

Throwing your side’s stupid “chickenhawk” argument back in your face is always great fun though.

Especially after some here whined about LindaSog’s post with the picture of the keffiyeh in the dumpster.

Don’t just wear it, defend it! Stand up and be a martyr for Allah!

Otherwise, you’re just a bunch of chickenjihadists.


Does the phrase: Never again ring any bells with you?

I think that had something to do with not treating people like cockroaches.


and seeing how you all are so annoyed with the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy’s p’shop skills … have fun!


Otherwise, you’re just a bunch of chickenjihadists.

I gather this is “Throwing your side’s stupid “chickenhawk” argument back in your face.”

It’d work if we were, you know, jihadis and the jihadis were in dire need of recruits. But good try! I gather this line of argument has been waiting for some smaller amount of time than 40 years.


So we can all come and post at your blog, beth? No banning? No deletions?

Depends on what you write, of course. Most just come over and throw a few cuss words out or call me some names and then disappear. So much for having a debate.


Someone here actually has a brain.

That’s refreshing.

Vinnie, for you it must be quite a change.

WTF are you on about, man? Can you at least pretend to be rational? “Chickenjihadists”?


You make that up yourself? That’s hysterically funny …


So Beth all the wishes for Imprisonment and Death are just for fun?

The Squeals of “Traitor” and “Get out of the country” are just an amusement for you?

Says a lot about you Beth…

I have no idea what you are talking about … I have not said anything about getting out of the country or treason (here). I’ve said nothing about imprisonment or death.

I find the twisted logic and the skewing of facts somewhat amusing – for moments at a time. Long periods of time with it result in brain damage I think because everyone seems to spout out the same phrases, accusations and talking points repeatedly. There has to be some sort of malfunction for that to happen. I can’t imagine that everyone would somehow come up with the same arguments all on their own.


I’ve said nothing about imprisonment or death.

You said it with the cockroach photo you were too dim to understand.


Well, I may take you up on that, beth.

“Depends on what you write” is a little vague, however. Could you share what your comment blocking/deletion policies are?


Here’s the website of the anti-American hater-of-freedom that admits to doctoring the photo.


Fake but Accurate Depiction of Code Pink…

There’s a debate going on at a sad little leftist blog about the difference between Dan Rather’s ‘fake but accurate’ news and the ‘fake but accurate’ photoshop below. Talk about parsing words, they are do…


Vinnie, beth, why do you both hate America? Why do you love seeing dead soldiers and civilans? Why are you glad that Osama’s gotten away.

Gee, Mikey, I did my enlistment in the Navy, how ’bout you?


Now, why don’t you get your sissy ass over there and strap on a bomb belt and walk into an Israeli pizzeria. They could use more terrorists, and less terrorist enablers over there.

Unlike you, we actually WANT to bring Osama to justice. Unlike who, who celebrates thats he’s on the loose.

Seriously, you know what pisses me off? I have 40 years of ammo stocked up waiting for you filthy hippies to get around to that “revolution” you keep yammering about, and you never deliver.

So…you’re a sociopath (or a psychopath)? That’s not a very good arguement.

I have no idea what you are talking about … I have not said anything about getting out of the country or treason (here)

So you’re admitting that you’ve said so elsewhere? Seems you can dish it out, but you sure can’t take it.

I must be keeping you “two”. Those homeless people won’t run over themselves.


Darleen, beyond this statement – which turned out to be lengthy, probably a ramble, and I apologize in advance for that – I can’t respond to the likes of you anymore. I’m sorry to say I don’t think you will change. Maybe if you were living viscerally through war you might, but as Mikey said yesterday, you’re safe. As much as I dislike your Internet persona and disagree with everything you seem to stand for, I’m glad you’re safe, Darleen. I wish you would open your mind a little more, try to perceive the harm others are experiencing on a daily basis.

Yesterday I ventured here, and weighed what I saw against what you say you believe in – all out war against Islam. Every wound in every person on that site – Americans included – reflects a point of view and a decision. (I’m making an effort to be gentle here because I’d like to get through.)

You might say those images are sensational and they shouldn’t be shown. I’m of two minds about that. They are shocking to be sure. Some might say “designed to shock” but they are not designed. These faces are real. What’s happened to them is real.

When I look at them I momentarily lose my ability to breathe. My first reaction is these people shouldn’t be exposed like this. How terrible that they are. In ordinary life, we treat death with dignity, that is what we are accustomed to. There is no dignity here. But then again, it’s too easy to blame the photographer and the person who posted the images on the Internet.

The photographer didn’t put them there. Somebody did. The nausea builds. Suddenly I’m visualizing what were once people in the seconds before they died. People who, if it weren’t for this war, would probably still be walking around doing ordinary things. And then I become acutely and uncomfortably aware of where I am. Planes fly overhead and the sounds do not alarm me. A car backfires and I am not disturbed by it. Soon it will be time to go to the store and I will not think twice about making the journey. It’s likely I’ll bitch a little that I have to walk two blocks.

I am safe but not because these people have lost their lives. I AM NOT SAFE BECAUSE OF THAT.

Beyond all of the above, and beyond all of the nuances of this war – the politics, the alliances, the corruption, the lies, the developments, the news, the expense – THIS IS WHAT WAR AMOUNTS TO. Our eyes cannot easily budge from here.

Some part of me knows with absolute certainty that if we insist on perpetuating this, we will all arrive here eventually. It’s only a matter of time.

It’s always been easy to say yes to war. Saying no is harder, but say no we must if we want to live – and live with ourselves.

I have a lot more to say but I’ve rambled on long enough. I know you want to snicker at me and post my IP address etc, but I hope you will see past me and just look, spend some time in that place and think it over.


Darleen, if you are going to provide a link for us to be able to laugh at you, dont block the IP address so we can’t see it, took the edge of my day not having the chance to see what you simpletons find funny.

Vinnie, give it up, your not even a third rate troll, now back to your basement and our Cheeto’s and masturbate over your fantasy navy career!


oh this is good

From an Eagle to navairdan: that is a bad Photo …and it was Photo shopped I have the original if ya want to see it… we have enough bad press with out spreading Fake crap…

Yes indeedy, good of you to come clean.

(Gad, it’s a good thing these idiots aren’t in Iraq. They got bigger handicaps than trick knees.)


I was gonna post the lyrics to “beth” by KISS, but they seem pretty creepy.

So instead I will post the lyrics to SISTER CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sister Christian
Oh the time has come
And you know that you’re the only one
To say O.K.
Where you going
What you looking for
You know those boys
Don’t want to play no more with you
It’s true

You’re motoring
What’s your price for flight
In finding mister right
You’ll be alright tonight

Babe you know
You’re growing up so fast
And mama’s worrying
That you won’t last
To say let’s play
Sister Christian
There’s so much in life Don’t you give it up
Before your time is due
It’s true
It’s true yeah
What’s your price for flight
You’ve got him in your sight
And driving thru the night
What’s your price for flight
In finding mister right
You’ll be alright tonight

What’s your price for flight
In finding mister right
You’ll be alright tonight

Sister Christian
Oh the time has come
And you know that you’re the only one
To say O.K.
But you’re motoring
You’re motoring



Teh hits continue. this one goes out to my main man Mikey, in the EB-

In the land of the Gorron
Far across the sea
We’ll journey there upon the wings of fire
Through the mystic portal
To find the ancient one
The quest to find the dragons lair is mine

Over the mountains
Far ‘cross the sea
Follow the legend
Into the dragons lair
The dragons lair

The gateway to his kingdom
Lies through the cave of dreams
There before us waits the dragon king
In halls of golden splendor
Bathed in blood red fire
The mystery of ages waits within’

Over the mountains
Far ‘cross the sea
Follow the legend
Into the dragons lair
The dragons lair

Now we stand before him
The last one of his time
To seek the ancient knowledge of kind
He gives up words of wisdom
In a strange forgotten tongue
Tales of knights and wizards lost in time

Over the mountains
Far ‘cross the sea
Follow the legend
Into the dragons lair
The dragons lair
Dragons lair
Dragons lair
Dragons lair

Saxon, baby!




What are you doing up at this hour, Pinko? Do you dhimmicrats never sleep?

I go to sleep early and I miss all the fun.


These people are sick, and sick people scare me. And I’m a nurse. But these people are seriously, frighteningly sick.

As my previous comment might display, I get amused… and angry at the insults, so sometimes my coherence quotient goes awry as I switch from open mockery to confrontational.

After awhile, I generally conclude that most of these folks are terribly young or are great at online invective precisely because it’s the only place they can safely do it without getting a wedgie or noogies.

Sick? Sure, but hardly dangerous unless they get a job as an IRS auditor. Think of it. How many times per annum do you hear of a liberal being murdered or even physically attacked except by campaign goons?

They may be dangerous in a pack, but alone, they just talk trash.

Vinnie’s missed lots of revolutions because he’s been looking for the one that never was planned. Us old hippies continue to fire our best shots and win. His best shots will remain stockpiled till his heirs sell ’em off.


I left this at Snooper’s place –

Snooper: “I saw the damn thing.”

Ari Fleischer: “We know for a fact there are weapons there.”


After awhile, I generally conclude that most of these folks are terribly

Oh, you hope they’re going to grow out of it.

Some of the Eagles look pretty old. Ace is no spring chicken wingnut, and judging from the photos of his bar-event, neither are his readers.


This is going to ramble a bit, but bear with me; I’d also like to apologize right now for the grammatical acrobatics in the second paragraph-sentence. That said…

It’s really strange to me that wingnuts can imagine all kinds of horrible crap — war, killing, nuclear reactions and their aftermath — as good things.

I have a really vivid imagination myself. Most of the time, I avoid pictures like those that Lesley linked to — in fact, when Sadly, No! and Tbogg use far milder pictures to drive home some little point like, oh, say men women and kids are dying I really really wish they’d put a warning before they get to the pictures, but I never mention it because a warning would lessen the visceral impact of said pictures and I think _that_ is more important than my discomfort — but today, I looked.

I looked because I, too, sit at home safe and sound instead of enlisting. (There are several good reasons for that, the primary one being that I would be the worst soldier since either Gomer Pyle or Beetle Bailey, only not nearly as funny as either.) I looked because I sort of needed to do so, to know what’s being done allegedly on my behalf.

I could not look very closely, and I could not look for very long, but I looked. Oh my God… I don’t use that phrase often, only when I am at a loss for words and can think of no one else to whom appealing would do any good.

Even at the remove of my computer screen; even though I didn’t spend more than about 5 minutes there; even though I couldn’t tell you if it’s a man or a woman in the picture with the American soldier in the foreground of the picture with the arm hung on the outside of a mosque… I can still see pieces of those images. I am still feeling nauseous. I looked at them over 16 hours ago, yet I cannot forget them and I cannot understand how they do not affect some people. I will not forget them for a very long time, and I will probably remember them at the strangest times…

You know, I read the utter shit spewed by stupid twats who have enough imagination to gleefully call for the wholesale destruction of people they’ve never met and I wonder why. I really want to know if there was trauma in their lives that twisted them, or if they merely made a choice to use what I see as one of creation’s greatest gifts for something so base, venal, and utterly wasteful as daydreaming about the murder of people you’ve never even met.

I know it’s pointless to wonder, but I still do.

One last thing, and then I’ll go look at the L-O-L Cats to cheer myself up:

There’s a couple of pictures floating around the intert00bs of a little girl, probably about three or four. She’s screaming, in the pictures, and she’s covered in blood. That blood belonged to her parents, before they were murdered… The reason that those pictures have stayed with me is twofold. The first part is the most obvious: it’s a very arresting image. The second is less-so… My mother took a picture of me at about the same age, and when I look at that little girl, I can see that picture of me, too. And I think about how amazingly alike she and I were, and are… About how, if things were different, _she_ might be commenting on this post, about a picture of me, screaming and bloody because someone had just killed my parents.

I think about how if that photographer had been there just a few hours sooner, the world would have a very different picture of that girl — one where she was utterly beautiful, perfectly lit and posed… Or maybe just a wonderful picture of a kid being a kid, up to her elbows in mud and her shoes on the wrong feet, grinning at the stranger with the big shiny camera. And I think about the fact that people want her and her family — whatever’s left of it — dead. And I don’t understand. She’s a little girl, she’s just like me — and her mother, and my mother, and my aunts and her aunts and my cousins and her cousins and my stepsisters and my grandmother and her grandmother and my great-aunt her great-aunt and… Yeah.


Oh dear.

If appears that along with the problems with reading comprehension and math that I noted on my site, it appears you guys are not up to speed on internet protocol either.

I haven’t banned anyone, I just have a little hotlink protection on my website. What that means is… when you try to post a graphic from my site using my bandwidth, or, when you send a direct request that does not come from my site, you get a little note that says “denied.” That doesn’t mean you can’t visit my site, it just means you can’t steal from it.

Sorry to interrupt the name calling and personal attacks with actual information, but hey, that’s just the kind of hate-monger I am.

Carry on!


If the alarm clock’s not enough to jolt you awake this morning, see Digby’s latest on Dan “bomb Iran and win the election” Friedman, and Think Progress …good lord!

In a new interview, Podhoretz was asked to comment on the possible fallout of the military strikes he advocates. “Well, if we were to bomb the Iranians as I hope and pray we will,” Podhoretz says, “we’ll unleash a wave of anti-Americanism all over the world that will make the anti-Americanism we’ve experienced so far look like a lovefest.”

I hope and pray these two are committed to a mental institution soon.


I just have a little hotlink protection on my website… Sorry to interrupt the name calling and personal attacks with actual information, but hey, that’s just the kind of hate-monger I am.

from the person who blithely deposits insults and racist remarks on this site without fear of having her IP or identity made public (because the hosts practice common Internet decency):
– screens comments on her own site
– publishes comments only if they are agreeable
– publicizes the IP addresses of people who aren’t agreeable
– makes a show of begging forgiveness for her relentless harshness on Yom Kippur. (If her G-d can accept her view of Iranians as cockroaches, why can’t you?)

LindaSoG is clearly the better person.


Oh, I’m not complaining about the guys who made the picture.

I am. It’s not a clever joke unless you get people who think “Oh, they could *so* have done that!”

It’s just stupid.

But not as stupid as thinking it’s actually real, of course.


Why is it that people who don’t actually have any facts to add are always the ones who say “Sorry to actually involve facts in this conversation!”?

And they do it over. And over. And over. again.

After awhile, I generally conclude that most of these folks are terribly young or are great at online invective precisely because it’s the only place they can safely do it without getting a wedgie or noogies.

Or a swirlie! Or, uh, not that I’ve ever received a swirlie…


I haven’t banned anyone, I just have a little hotlink protection on my website. What that means is… when you try to post a graphic from my site using my bandwidth, or, when you send a direct request that does not come from my site, you get a little note that says “denied.” That doesn’t mean you can’t visit my site, it just means you can’t steal from it.

Interestingly, when I try to visit the site it says ‘denied’ and/or fails to display images, despite the fact that I’ve never hotlinked anything in all the time I’ve been on the Internet. Doesn’t seem like a very smart utility there, does it?


I got into a bit of a flame war with a whiny-assed-titty-baby at some winger site yesterday about how obviously doctored that photo was. He INSISTED that he had been at the Gathering of Pigeons counter-protest and had seen the sign with his own eyes. When I challenged him to find a picture of this that WASN’T from the clowns at the, he said he didn’t have to prove anything, and promply stomped his foot, took his ball, and went home (and banned me from his comments). Feel free to head over and update his facts:


Doesn’t seem like a very smart utility there, does it?

Hey! I may not be the brightest star in the firmament, but I’m smarter than darleen, beth, vinnie and Linda Soggy Bottom put together! I’m doing you a favor by not letting you on the site. You don’t want to see that awful monstrosity . . . it lowers your Eye Queue 10 points per view.

Trust me. I used to be a very smart utility. Now look at me.


You know, I was reading birdseatbugs’ comment, and thinking how wonderful it was, and getting ready to compliment her on the wonderful humanity in her post, and I scrolled to the end and saw the ugly, self-satisfied, self-justifying, hateful post of LindaSoG.

What a contrast. I think all you need to know about the difference between us is to read those two posts in succession.


birdseatbugs said,
September 25, 2007 at 12:28

That was beautiful and very touching.


Proud Lib, the guy you are arguing with in that link you provided is the very same Snooper we were discussing above, who posted that pic on his other hateblog.

Yes, the same guy is posting that pic on two of his own blogs.

In the link you provided he states…

“Dear ass hole…I was there in DC with the Gathering of Eagles and Vets For Freedom. I saw the damn thing myself.

Try again ass hole.”

When you call him on it, he then states….

“Prove it wasn’t moron.

I was there and hundreds of us saw it.”

Meanwhile, on the his other blog (the one I linked) he has now backed off his claim that he saw it, but still claims it was actually used at a CA rally.

You know, I have no problem with people making mistakes. Maybe he honestly believes he saw it (not that he would ever give a liberal this benefit of the doubt), but its just amazing how insulting and obnoxious he can be while inisting he saw something that never existed.


If you read the exchange in comments, he also believes he saw hippies spitting on Vietnam vets.

He’s like Zelig, he’s been everywhere and seen everything.


If appears that along with the problems with reading comprehension and math that I noted on my site, it appears you guys are not up to speed on internet protocol either.

Sorry, but no amount of reading comprehension can get anyone through that mess of a sentence.



Life got in the way.

Teh education of Vinnie will have to wait ’til another day!



I’ve just got to say, I read this whole thread yesterday, and the knowledge that people like Darleen, Linda, Beth, etc. exist is enough to make me seriously consider suicide. How the hell do you people manage to do this every day?



my take on Vinnie is that he’s been waiting for 40 years to get back at the hippie chick who didn’t sleep with him. Only the way he plans to get back at her is to kill her and everyone who associates with her.

so, he’s pathetic…..but there’s no sympathy for him because he’s also psycho.


LindaSoG: Assess our understanding of internet protocol, our reading comprehension skills, our support for the troops, or our position on Middle Eastern politics however you see fit, but please redact Lesley’s IP and email addresses from your post.


Did she post it a second time? Her genius anti-hotlink utility is still blocking all images in Firefox.


No, it’s still there in the “Reading is fundamental” post.


Looks like Vinnie and beth took the coward’s way out and ran off with their tail between their legs. How conservative of them. You’re only hurting yourselves by running away from the truth.


Looks like Vinnie and beth took the coward’s way out and ran off with their tail between their legs.

You don’t have computer access when you have to tend the french-fry machine all day. They’ll be back.


Soggy Linda thinks that she can lord something over Lesley by posting her IP address. But I guess if I was this fugly I’d try to do whatever I could to get back at the world and everyone in it.


Besides, you are just inhabitants of my computer that I can choose to read or not read.

i’m…just…a…caveman….your…technology…frightens and…confuses me…


Here, from Soggy Linda’s myspace page, a manifesto:

Don’t diss our troops or I will come after you with everything I have and I will do my best to destroy you.

Got it? The consequences of Bad Talk is death and destruction. It’s the Soggy Linda way!


They didn’t run away with their tail(s) between their legs. They declared victory and left with “peace with honor”, hailed as conquering heroes by the tear-stained masses!


Nice find, Dobby.

Maybe OTL, but nice find.


You know, I’ve got to admire the fire in your bellies in trying to stop
this war, and I’m truly grateful. However, it seems obvious to me that
nothing you do or say is going to make the likes of the Linda’s, or Beth’s, or Vinnie’s of this country see the world as it truly is. They’ve
been drinking their Kool-Aid and serving it up as well, and are never going to let some meaningless “facts” stand in their way. That being said, I can’t help but recall all of the fuss that Bill O’Reilly made calling
the Daily Kos site full of “hate” speech and all of the media attention that
it gathered. I also, just this week saw a piece on “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” examining the tactics of Gathering of Eagles henchman beating up a dead soldiers father. The point I’m trying to make is, perhaps instead of trading insults with these “wingnuts”, you might be able to expose the tactics and the mindset of these far right zealots before a national audience with Keith’s help. He’s on your side, and America deserves to know how crazy and out of touch some of these Pro-War bastards are. Keep up fighting the good fight!!!!!


the darleens, beths, vinnies and soggybottoms will never be satisfied until every person who isn’t a right wing wackjob is exterminated.
They really need their own country.


Country? How about a planet!


… will never be satisfied until every person who isn’t a __________ is exterminated.

Ironic, how much they resemble those they claim to hate. Or perhaps not.


No, no. We do not have this phenomenon of homosexuality here at Sadly, No. Certainly, you have problems with homosexuality elsewhere on the intert00bz, such as Ace of Spades HQ, but you won’t find any behaviors of that sort here…



Political Science by Randy Newman.

Look what follows the lyrics for some depressing reading.


Re Lee Bollinger’s public ass kicking of President We Don’t Have Homosexuals. Virtually everything he said in his speech applies to George Bush. Two peas in a pod, really.

September 25, 2007

Scalding introduction leaves Iranian president fuming
Ahmadinejad exhibits ‘signs of cruel, petty dictator,’ university president tells audience
Sheldon Alberts, CanWest News Service

WASHINGTON — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was left fuming and feeling “insulted” Monday after an American university president publicly denounced him as a “petty and cruel dictator” whose denials of the Holocaust have made him a fool on the international stage.

Amid a storm of protests over his highly publicized visit to the campus of Columbia University in New York, Ahmadinejad accused the United States of “warmongering” in the Middle East and repeated longstanding denials Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons.

“We do not believe in nuclear weapons, period. It goes against the whole grain of humanity,” he said.

But the Iranian leader’s complaints about U.S. conduct were overshadowed by a blistering speech delivered against Ahmadinejad by university president Lee Bollinger.

Introducing the Iranian leader to an audience of students and faculty at the Ivy League school, Bollinger confronted Ahmadinejad over his nation’s human rights record, his threats against Israel and the “proxy war” Iran is waging against the U.S. in Iraq.

“Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a cruel and petty dictator,” Bollinger said to Ahmadinejad. “Today, I feel all the weight of the modern civilized world yearning to express the revulsion in what you stand for.”

Bollinger had come under intense criticism from members of Congress and Jewish groups for inviting Ahmadinejad to speak at Columbia.

The Iranian leader, who is in the U.S. to attend the United Nations General Assembly, has said he wants Israel “wiped off the map” and called the Holocaust a fabrication.

New York police had already denied Ahmadinejad’s request to visit Ground Zero, sight of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

With thousands of protesters gathered on Columbia’s campus, Bollinger defended extending the invitation to Ahmadinejad. It was important for Americans to hear the Iranian leader because the nation needs the “intellectual and emotional courage to confront the mind of evil,” he said.

The normally unflappable Ahmadinejad, who typically revels in rhetorical gamesmanship, protested the “wave of insults and allegations” and seemed taken aback by the provocative introduction.

“Nonetheless, I should not begin by being affected by this unfriendly treatment,” he said. In his own remarks at Columbia, and in a separate video news conference with the National Press Club in Washington, Ahmadinejad denied Iran was preparing for war against either the U.S. or Israel.

The Iranian leader cast the U.S. and Israel as the prime agents of instability in the Middle East.

“We oppose the way the U.S. government tries to manage the world,” he said. “By creating non-existent enemies, for example, and an insecure atmosphere, they try to control all in the name of combating insecurity and terrorism.”

Talk of possible U.S. air strikes against Iran was “basically a propaganda tool” aimed at forcing his country’s compliance with international demands to end its nuclear program, Ahmadinejad said.

Iran, he argued, has been forced into developing atomic energy because the West had broken past promises to assist with nuclear technology.

“In the past, I tell you, we had contracts with the U.S. government, with the British government, the French government, the German government, and the Canadian government on nuclear development for peaceful purposes,” he said. “But regretfully, two or three monopolistic powers, selfish powers, want to force their word on the Iranian people and deny them their right.”

The Iranian leader scoffed at recent remarks by French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, who said the world should “brace” for war against Iran over its nuclear program.

“I don’t think that the French nation is a kind of nation who would want that kind of war,” he told reporters in Washington.

“Give the foreign minister time to gain more experience in his new position, too, and then I’m sure he’ll talk from a level with more higher maturity.”

But it was during the session with Bollinger and Columbia University students that Ahmadinejad became most combative.

Asked about his past statements about the Holocaust, Ahmadinejad said: “I am not saying that it didn’t happen at all.”

But he said he supported further research into the “root causes” of the Holocaust. “Given this historical event, if it is a reality, we need to still question whether the Palestinian people should be paying for it or not.

“You know quite well that Palestine is an old wound, as old as 60 years. For 60 years, these people are displaced.”

Bollinger said the Iranian leader’s past comments were “quite simply ridiculous,” but also “dangerous propaganda” that make it difficult to accept that Iran means Israel no harm.

“You are either brazenly provocative or astonishingly uneducated,” he said. “Your absurd comments about the debate over the Holocaust both defy historical truth and make all of us who continue to fear humanity’s capacity for evil shudder at this closure of memory . . . Will you cease this outrage?”

Although Ahmadinejad’s remarks were met with a mixture of applause and boos from the Columbia audience, he provoked outright laughter when answering a question about repression against homosexuals in Iran.

“In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals, like in your country,” he said. “We do not have this phenomenon. I don’t know who’s told you that we have it.”


They didn’t run away with their tail(s) between their legs. They declared victory and left with “peace with honor”, hailed as conquering heroes by the tear-stained masses!

I don’t think those stains were caused by tears.

You don’t have computer access when you have to tend the french-fry machine all day. They’ll be back.

Well, if they come, I’m ready for them. If not, I’m already set.


[…] know — and we don’t say things like this often — following this Code Pink thing has been like going down the freaking rabbit […]


h dear.

If appears that along with the problems with reading comprehension and math that I noted on my site, it appears you guys are not up to speed on internet protocol either.

I haven’t banned anyone, I just have a little hotlink protection on my website. What that means is… when you try to post a graphic from my site using my bandwidth, or, when you send a direct request that does not come from my site, you get a little note that says “denied.” That doesn’t mean you can’t visit my site, it just means you can’t steal from it.

Sorry to interrupt the name calling and personal attacks with actual information, but hey, that’s just the kind of hate-monger I am.

Carry on!

bullshit, I still can’t access your stupid site,

and after all your crap, Linda, please don’t’ slag us off about reading comprehension or maths (it has a plural you knob).


Linda, on her myspace page: “I’m older than I look, and younger than I feel.”
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.


“The only thing I can control is how I choose to let these things affect me. When I experience life with a calm mind and a peaceful heart, I am able to keep the annoyances of life in perspective. I will see in life what I want to see.

Only if I look for the extraordinary in the ordinary will I see it and when I do look, I see it all around me. G-d has given us so much to be grateful for, so much to be in awe about. Life is precious and extraordinary and I have learned to live, and love, this day as if it were my last.”

These are the words of an enlightened being. Or a hypocritical shit head, take your pick.


Goddamnit, I hate this stupid fucking country. I hate the blacks, I hate the queers, I hate the Jews, I hate everything about this fucking place. Osama gave us a gift when he attacked those damned Jew Yorkers. May he forever be known as a hero.

[Ed. note, 9/27: Not written by Beth of Blue Star Chronicles]


That doesn’t seem like the real beth right there. Not cool for school!


[…] From Sadly, No! Foto Funnies Pt. 1 […]


g, Candy, thanks. *Blush* I just…had to say _something_, y’know?


Not cool for school!You complain about the photoshop of code pink’s banner and then post that vileness using someone else’s name.
well, it certainly makes a mockery of the entire thread and shows you to be the hypocrites that you are.


Yeah! Why doesn’t S,N! just act like the ever-ethical Soggy Linda and post beth’s IP address so we can verify whether or not she posted that comment?


[…] US: The Code Pink banner in this Gathering of Eagles post is Photoshopped […]


an old-fashioned traveshamockery, i’d say.


[…] The first caught the Gathering of Eagles using a photo illustration–a photoshopped image, in this instance–that showed Code Pink supporters carrying a banner that proclaimed, “We support the murder of American troops.” […]


[…] last week there was a march in Washington. Peace is neato. Anyway, the take away from that is that peace groups support murder. Obviously it couldn’t be that conservatives don’t understand that pictures can be […]


So, all these pointless comments aside- A photoshopped photo was used to illustrate a point, and included the words “photo illustration” right on it, with a website of the creators also included, and GoE was lying to people? This is an odd situation because, even though they took it as actual, it wasn’t stated literally as such, and was clearly tagged as Photo Illustration. If only Dan Rather/Mary Mapes/CBS had been so forthcoming.

They felt it was authentic at first blush because they’ve seen so much similar signage saying things like “support resistance in Iraq” which is actually saying “we support the murder of American Troops”. Don’t believe me?
Well, that was easy.


All that matters is the truth of the idea that Code Pink wants our troops dead. That’s all that matters.


All that matters is the truth of the idea that Code Pink wants our troops dead. That’s all that matters.

Well, Crusher, when you can prove that you’ll have truth and not an idea. Good crushing to you.


[…] such garbage and post it as true fact. You partisan friend have just made you look like an idiot. Sadly, No! ? Foto Funnies Pt. 1 As for all of the other accusations, you forgot that they eat children. I know cuz my righty […]


[…] Original post by Talk show host apologizes for faulty report of NYC mugging – Page 7 – Debate Politics Forums […]


[…] such garbage and post it as true fact. You partisan friends have just made you look like an idiot. Sadly, No! ? Foto Funnies Pt. 1 As for all of the other accusations, you forgot that they eat children. I know cuz my righty […]



MzNicky said,

September 25, 2007 at 22:40

… will never be satisfied until every person who isn’t a __________ is exterminated.

Ironic, how much they resemble those they claim to hate. Or perhaps not.

Pointing out the scary parallels is my favorite way to make wingnuts choke on their cheetos.

“So the only way that i can avoid having my freedom taken away from me by psychotic foreign religious zealots who think that as an American, regardless of how ;little they know about me personally believe that I embody every sin and vice they revile is to surrender my freedom to psychotic American religious zealots who think that as a liberal, regardless of how little they know about me personally, I embody every sin and vice they revile?”


Code pink is a disgusting bunch of washed-up 60’s whore bags with cancerous cell clusters blocking the entry way to their garbage can of a uterus from being banged by so many unknown males. The sign is disgusting. I wish every member of code pink breast cancer.


The sign was a photoshop, as the post shows with a link to the fakers.


your funny picture make me happy and enjoy my days


could you send me your funny picture, thank you for your kindness


What a great post, changed my anti-commenting methods. I will try and drop a comment here much more inside the future.


(comments are closed)