Come Along, Cinnamon
Via Big Boy Jammies, your source for news that’s not worth getting out of bed for, comes this exciting article by a dessert beverage known as Cinnamon Stillwell.
The delicious ice cream topping/floor cleaner has taken a tip from everyone’s favorite Libertarian lumberjack and reviewed a book before she’s actually read it: In this case, the highly dignified-sounding Schmoozing With Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal Their Global Plans–to a Jew! by Aaron Klein. Mr. Klein’s particular gimmick is hunting down dimwitted terrorist wannabes and cajoling them into saying that they love Democrats; et voila — proof indisputable that voting donkey places you in league with the butchers of 9/11. Of course, one could argue that this is the exact same argument as finding some unhinged, basement-dwelling cranks who call for the nuclear destruction of Mecca and implying that this “proves” that Republicans are objectively pro-genocide, but where would one be able to find such examples? Nowhere that I can think of.
The tasty and versatile table spice isn’t above naming names, either:
And guess who the terrorists endorse, above all others, for president? That’s right. Hillary Clinton…they base their support on the belief that Hillary will pick up where her husband, former President Bill Clinton, left off, in regards to the failed Oslo Accords, thereby assisting them in their goal of annihilating Israel.
And guess who the communists endorse, above all others, for president? That’s right. Harry Truman…they base their support on the belief that Harry will pick up where his master, former President Franklin Roosevelt, left off, in regards to the failed Yalta Conference, thereby assisting them in their goal of subjugating Europe. The old arguments never stop being relevant, do they?
They also base it on the understandable assumption that Hillary will effect a premature withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, which, they note, would be seen as an American defeat. In the process, the jihadists make a very strong case (at least for those are aren’t on their side) for not following their advice.
I will personally buy a martini for the first person who can explain to me what in the name of hickory that second sentence is supposed to mean.
Indeed, one would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to have detected the daily exhortations to surrender emanating from our nation’s capital, not to mention the streets and salons of cities such as my very own San Francisco.
Indeed! Why, who can forget when Harry Reid said “You know what? I think we should just surrender to the terrorists, is what.” Or Nancy Pelosi’s famous “Let’s Lay Down for Saddam” speech, who didn’t hear that? I was personally in attendance the day that Gavin Newsom gave Osama bin-Laden the keys to the city of San Francisco and asked if he could be of any help in rounding up innocent babies to be sacrificed to bin-Laden’s bloodthirsty moon god. Lousy Democrats!
The terrorists interviewed in Klein’s book also prove useful in the presidential candidates they oppose. And at the top of their list is former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. While Giuliani’s tough-guy defiance would seem to be their prime motivation, it is, in fact, a specific incident that inspired their ire. That is, in 1995, when Giuliani kicked out late Palestinian terrorist leader Yasser Arafat from a Lincoln Center concert marking the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, telling the incredulous press (to say nothing of the liberal Jewish establishment), “I would not invite Yasser Arafat to anything, anywhere, anytime, anyplace. I don’t forget.”
Hey, wasn’t Giuliani the mayor of New York when it got attacked by terrorists? I can’t remember, because I’m a liberal. I forget what point I was making here, but I think it had to do with the fact that the UN are a bunch of filthy appeaseniks.
Giuliani took a similarly heroic stand soon after the 9/11 terrorist attacks when he told Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal where he could put his $10 million “disaster relief” check, which was contingent, of course, upon accepting the claim that U.S. support for Israel led to the atrocities.
Actually, the $10 million was contingent upon nothing, and the prince merely urged the U.S. to reconsider its Israel policy, which isn’t even remotely the same thing. But, on the other hand, it is!
When it comes to Giuliani’s choices for foreign policy team, his campaign stands out from the pack. It includes many of the more perceptive minds of our time, particularly in regards to the Middle East. Norman Podhoretz, Martin Kramer, and Daniel Pipes (full disclosure: I work for Dr. Pipes’ Middle East Forum), to name just a few.
Wow! Talk about a Dream Team! That’s some level-headed, pragmatic foreign policy thinking right there. You trusted them on Iraq, now trust them triple-much on Iran!
The terrorists have spoken. Maybe it’s time we started listening.
Indeed. In other news, Osama bin-Laden urged Americans to convert to Islam or die. Since forcible conversion has also been a favorite tactic of the Catholic Church, I believe this constitutes definitive proof that the Islamicist terror brigades are in thrall to the vile Papists of Rome, as will be revealed in my forthcoming book, Bakhshish With Benedict: From the Vatican to My Neighbor’s Van, Counter-Reformationists Reveal Their Global Plans — to a Non-Religious Half-Arab! Look for Megan McArdle’s review, two weeks prior to my finishing the book.
“the more perceptive minds of our time, particularly in regards to the Middle East. Norman Podhoretz, Martin Kramer, and Daniel Pipes”
Have I gone insane, or did someone spike the spaghetti sauce with the funny mushrooms? I ask because I’m hallucinating craaaazy sentences that include the phrase “perceptive minds” with names like “Podhoretz.” Help me out with a shot of Thorazine or a couple Valium.
I guess all these rocket scientists/checker players are too dumb to figure out that Osama bin Laden WANTS the U.S. mired in Iragnam?
I will personally buy a martini for the first person who can explain to me what in the name of hickory that second sentence is supposed to mean.
I have no parse but I must martini.
Cinnamon Stillwell’s blog is like the solo in “Cinnamon Girl”: the same note over and over again.
Is this the ‘winggirl’ for McArdle when they go out on the pull in DC?
As for the ‘dreamteam’, if that bunch were in charge of mid east policy, i would be buying the iodine tablets right now. Every time I see Daniel Pipes name in an article or a blogrole, I look upon that article or blog like I would look upon a stupid puppy attacking its shadow in a mirror.
Man, it’s uhhmazing, because, like, before 9/11 Changed Everything and the right wing bloggers broke the trap of the liberal Jew-run, whoops, uh, er, socialistic media, you could never ever find anybody who interviewed terrorists and asked them to talk all their funny talk about liberals and leftists and commies and show how see, see, ya see, if only them dam Democrat communists didn’t keep signing about how they wanted to wipe out Israel and make all the nursery schools teach the Koran there wouldn’t be no terrorists no way anyway.
It’s almost like right wingers to this day still look for quotes from North Vietnamese Army officials and Viet Cong leaders who say stuff about the hippies and the students and the lefties and the protesters in the U.S. to, you know, prove that if it weren’t for them damn fiff column traitors we woulda won that damn war in like just a few more years, and then we’d a come back here and got that car fixed finally and ask a few neighbors to help put the grill upright what had just done blowed over.
do we have nothing better to do but comment here all day?
oh, right. yes.
do any of you have jobs? bubba? thunderguy/gal? J–, johnny old fish? me?
actually, tomorrow i will be able to prove that i have a job, a real one. or that someone with my name does, anyway.
But the big question, before anyone else asks it, would you hit it?
do any of you have jobs? bubba?
There is power in a union. Whoops! The boss!
Of course I have a job. I am funded to lavish extents by George Soros to occasionally post wiseacre comments on liberalislamofascist blogs, every few days or so and when I’m not out of the office.
J— said,
September 19, 2007 at 3:53
Cinnamon Stillwell’s blog is like the solo in “Cinnamon Girl”: the same note over and over again.
Point of Order, Chairman J—. In stark contrast to the blog, Cinnamon Girl is good.
do any of you have jobs?
Why, yes, I do. I’m the cook for a crew of gandy dancers. I have a lot of down time, since all I make is Moose Turd Pie and I’ve got that down pat.
They also base it on the understandable assumption that Hillary will effect a premature withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, which, they note, would be seen as an American defeat. In the process, the jihadists make a very strong case (at least for those are aren’t on their side) for not following their advice.
The advice: Jihadists want you to vote for Hillary Clinton.
If Hillary Clinton wins, she will pull out of Iraq, and America will lose.
So, if you’re opposed to the jihadists, they have made their own strongest case for not folllowing their advice. It’s triple-reverse psychology with 1 1/2 twists.
I like my martinis as God intended: up, with gin, 3 olives, and vermouth swished in the shaker.
fuckity fuckity fuckity I was going to do a blog entry on that very same book (specfically Mr. Klein’s apparent obession with just making shit up) but now if I do it I’ll look like I’m just jumping on the S,N! Cool Guys bandwagon, dammit.
(Hint: Mr. Klein was playing the same schtick back in 2006)
do we have nothing better to do but comment here all day?
what’s with the “we”, white man?
She must be smart – she’s got books ‘n’ stuff behind her. And she wears glasses!
This bloated Malkin wannabe lives in San Francisco? Man, that place has really gone down the tubes lately. So sad. That’s why I’m glad I live in Oakland, where the weak are killed and eaten.
Robert Green, it depends upon what you mean by job. In my case, there is some spot in downtown Columbus that requires me, myself, and I to show up in a suit and tie four days a week (I get to wear golfing attire on Fridays, yippeeeeeeeeee!).
And since it’s a corporate job, plenty of Saturday and Sunday are spent on same.
But the big question, before anyone else asks it, would you hit it?
Yes, I would.
If she’s so keen on listening to turr’rists, why doesn’t she listen to the Big Kahuna? I mean, OBL’s been crooning his lonesome love for Dubya for years, but does anyone listen? Nooooo. How many times does the man have to say it?
And it’s not as though anyone has, say done some research on what motivates suicide terrorists, for example. No, that’s the undiscovered country for Cinnamon (she’s made of shredded bark?). Probably books in general are the undiscovered country for her. Maybe I could slap her with one, and explain that books are not just to keep your bookshelf nicely filled.
columbus, eh? pretty cool. it’s on my “go to every soccer stadium” list, thunder corporate guy, so be prepared for some brats and a crew game.
as for you, guy-with-name-of-band-handle-who-wrote-greatest-song-ever (well, either heart of darkness or final solution, so two greatest songs ever) i’ve commented on this goddamn blog while home sick today over 1000 times. ish.
I know we are cutting back on the McArdling but why cant she go a single goddamn day without making an ass of herself?
Sadly, you weren’t struck hard enough. Google turns up a handy little summary of a study by Edward L. Glaeser and Bryce A. Ward from 2005 that speaks to just that, and several other political myths.
Who would have ever thought that anyone would, like, study this and stuff?
Well, you already lost the “divides get sharper”, but, even so – seriously, Megan? Doesn’t it strike you that maybe increasing communication would help to resolve differences and increase understanding? What outrageous information suddenly became available on the internets that wasn’t in daily papers, you know, back when people read those? Is the argument honestly that the average American news service, and the average American consumer, are more informed than they were 30 or 40 years ago? Or maybe the theory is that back when Americans didn’t know how many times their favorite celebrity had urinated in the previous week, they were less apt to care about elections ‘n stuff.
Tell ya what, find one piece of evidence for you assertion and get back to us. Ask some of your colleagues at the Atlantic about research. There must be a few old dinosaurs lurking about.
Megs, dear, we did not fight a war for independence so that you could spell it with an s. But you are right, up until quite recently no state cared what any other state said or did about silly things like slavery, prohibition, women’s suffrage, child labor, minimum wage, contraceptives, segregation, or the death penalty. Between the Articles of Confederation and Roe v. Wade it was all live-and-let-live.
Can I just make shit up for money now? Pleeeeeze I’ll be a libertarian!!!
The résumé on Stilwell’s site is a who’s who of neocon-oriented wingnuttery, including Campus Watch, Middle East Forum, Family Security Matters, Accuracy in Media, and American Thinker, home of the magnificent Uncle-Sam-pinching-a-loaf logo.
This is someone who takes hackitude seriously.
The Red Sox lose AGAIN, and the Thieving Murdering Yankees are up 12-0 on the (appropriately nicknamed) O’s. This is apocalyptic…the goddamn TMYs are gonna win the AL East…fucking Sawks…
/off-topic rant
P.S.: I knew this was going to happen in early June
I guess all these rocket scientists/checker players are too dumb to figure out that Osama bin Laden WANTS the U.S. mired in Iragnam?
No no no no no… terrorists are evil, inhuman, devious killing machines but they NEVER lie to reporters. That’s a fact.
And lest one forget where Hillary stands, the photo of the Clinton clan cozying up to Arafat, with Hillary and Chelsea’s smiling and obligingly hijab-clad faces (what is it about Democratic women and head coverings?) in the foreground, serves as a useful reminder.
Or see Laura Bush w/ some shit on her head cozying up to Pope HitlerYouth.
And Cinnamon, the hijab covers their hair, or heads, not their faces, you ignorant pants-pisser. Fug, I put a yarmulke on my head to attend a funeral for a Jewish person once, doesn’t mean I’m heavily involved in the Int’l. Jewish Banker-Rothschild-Bolshevik conspiracy. (I wish I were, but that’s different. Mostly because, as Robert Green suspected, I don’t have a job!)
You sort of have to wonder if this Klein guy just talked to a bunch of random Arabs smartasses…
“Psst! Achmed! Tell him how we quake in fear at the mention of the name ‘Bernie Kerik! Also, say that Osama wishes to make the ‘K-Lo’ woman his concubine, Allah be praised!”
I have a friend who has called Neil Young “One Note Neil” for at least 30 years.
Still makes me laugh. But the solo at the end of Cinnamon Girl is still excellent, one note or not.
All that being said, how on earth can you deal with the insane so consistently and hilariously?
It makes me depressed. I rarely visit their sites…it makes me too sad for my country.
M. le french hair style:
i’m not implying that a) i have a problem with unemployment or b) that i don’t like the jews. or that i do like the jews. you know what i’m saying as a fellow member of the conspiracy.
the point is this: go yankees! also, sadly! no!!!1!! and something else.
oh, that i have some kind of a job that allows me to wander through the halls of this place, drunk, embarrassing newcomers and old friends alike.
Don’t throw me into the quagmire!
Another Bush-fellating, Arab hating, Rethuglican genius. Where do these fuckers come from? Is there a new form of mental illness since 9-11 that makes people wet the bed worrying about “Islamofascism” and those evil liberals?
I think it’s just a matter of time before one of these neo-con morons goes apeshit with an AK-47 and kills a few dozen liberals at a peace rally. Jeezus Kreist almighty.
OHMAWGAD!1! this woman is a dead ringer for my mother 20 years ago.Maybe she’s a Marrano too.
Demize, we’re not going to have to watch you work through a bunch of personal issues, are we?
Jeebus,have you not seen my posts for the last few days?Of course you are.
I dunno, it’s just that suddenly the “would you hit it” question is … awkward.
The people who get pissed at Dems (but not Repubs. That’s different) showing a basic level of respect for the religion and customs of another country are the same people who get pissed when people from another country don’t conform to ours.
And are they TRYING to get us to post the picture of Bush holding the Saudi dude’s hand agin?
Ick. What a fat-faced nightmare this woman appears to be.
What do you bet that she is a nurse? A highly resentful, teeth-clenchingly angry, passive-aggressive nurse who hates her job because it means she has to help (ick!) poor people who were stupid enough to go and get sick or hurt without having health insurance?
Really, seems like she’d be happier living in Topeka or Missoula than in the Hippie Capital of the Planet.
Her conservatism is probably all based in resentment of her hippie mom for naming her “Cinnamon” in the first place.
Oh, come on, there’s no such person as Cinnamon Stillwell. That’s a name that Tbogg made up for one of Meghan Cox Gurdon’s children, right?
A new spice girl! Seems more fruity than spicy, but there you go.
Cinnamon is doing yeowman work not reading books before reviewing them, so others can link to her review and skim it to reinforce their presumptions. And not have to read the book! It’s genius!
Sadly, Cambridgeport, we are collecting the fallen, rotten fruit from our backyard, shoving it into the mini-fridge we found on the sidewalk and waiting a year to see what happens.
Hmm, the CIA says that Osama bin Laden wanted Bush to win in 2004, but Nutmeg Stonewall says he wanted Kerry. Whom to believe??????????????????????
I knew a guy – exactly one other person – who wore glasses with that slight tint, like the pair resting on Cinnamon Stillwell’s very very round cheeks.
He smelled a little bit like stale spit and talked with a fetishistic relish about weapons he would never own or use.
I’ve a sneaking suspicion Cinnamon (Let me in! Song joke, nothing further.) is part Chinese, & was raised by parents who still bitterly resent that they had to come to the United States after Mao took over, ’cause if Chiang Kai-Shek had won they’d still be riding on the bribery & corruption gravy train. Of course, it’s just a suspicion, based on a photgraph, a location, & a world view. But you never know.
Don’t believe the hype, San Fran has its share of wingnuts, who of course see themselves as double-plus righteous for going against the tide of political correctness swamping the Bay Area.
R. Green: Are you home sick or home drinking? Or sick @ home ’cause of drinking? And still drinking?
do any of you have jobs?
Of course. I am well paid by a Mr. bin Laden to drum up support for Hillary Clinton in ’08—or is it Barack Obama?—in order to prepare America for Teh Sharia Law.
Of course, this is just a sideline until my ship comes in. You see, I think that when liberals gratefully establish Sharia law in the US, I’m going to capture the market with my tie-dyed hijabs for all those hippie freaks. And let me tell you, 2008 cannot come soon enough because I’ve already licensed a song from The Kinks as my advertising jingle: “My Sharia”.
Yours in Muslamonazislamifasciterrorist Entrepreneurship,
Bouffant, I caught more of a Native American vibe from Cinnanbon.
,,,except she is apparently teh Jew.
Aw-reet Clem, thanks for saving me from pimping our little McArdle franchise!
And Sadly, Cambridgeport, may I just copy your item & re-publish it over there? Full credit given of course.
Or you could e-mail it to a diff brad over there. More than meets all my standards.
I’ve always felt that, deep down inside, I could be baby spice…
Aha! She’s one of those I-was-a-liberal-until-9/11 types. Here is the inspiring tale of her conversion from ignorant self-loathing liberal to dynamic America-loving conservative.
The pro-Palestinian sympathies of the left had led to a bizarre commingling of pacifism, Communism and Arab nationalism… all against a backdrop of peace, patchouli and tie-dye.
Right on, babe.
It’s not enough to simply disagree with my views; I have to be twisted into a conservative caricature that apparently makes opponents feel superior.
Sorry, but it didn’t take any twisting at all.
And yes, she claims her name is from her deluded hippie parents.
I would NOT hit that with Ann Coulter’s schlong, let alone my own precious tool. But then, I refuse to despoil my love stick with neocon fluids as a general rule.
i am both home sick and home drinking. however, while here i managed to get the biggest sale of my career in TV today, and for that i want to thank the academy and all the little commenters who made it all possible.
an aside: at the emmy’s the other night, we kept being told how “green” it was. as i was shepherded with the hoi polloi to a bus to take me to my car, i passed a field with…oh…1,000 limos all idling while they waited to take my “green” colleagues in the biz off to parties all over town, where the limos would continue to idle into the wee hours. you could taste the fucking carbon. it was really something.
and however bad ryan seacrest may have seemed to any benighted soul who actually watched that shit, in person he died, as albert brooks put it in Defending Your Life, “like you, on stage”. it was a train hitting a bus and knocking it into a crowd of innocent bystanders. astounding.
She has more reason to hate hippies than Kevin does.
But the big question, before anyone else asks it, would you hit it?
Not merely yes, but a hearty ATM yes.
Ah, well, lesson learned. Hippies, name your kid Cinnamon and she will repay you by pimping proto-fascism on a shitty neocon blog. I knew a Jasmine that didn’t turn out much better.
Shorter Cinnamon: I have never heard of reverse psychology.
I don’t have a job, Robert, and have in fact lately been rethinking the sobriety thing. What’s the point of being sober if you’re not functional anyway? On the other hand, I have done practically no snarking today because I was dealing with vets and doctors and vets and doctors again and one more vet. Did you even know they can *do* a blood transfusion for a cat? We met the donor. His name is Simba. He was lovely. We brought him a toy when we went to collect our kitty. He seemed pleased.
I’d hit it and I’m like 80% teh ghey. Maybe she shouldn’t take that as a compliment.
It might be the cold hard loathing in her eyes. Oh wait, is that self-loathing? Yeah, I’ll bet she’s real nasty.
I wouldn’t even name a dog or a cat “Cinnamon.” A hamster, maybe.
From this point forward, all written communications must start with a clause expressing the point of the topic message in terms of how it compares or contrasts to what “Osama Bin Laden would want.”
Thank you.
Cinnamon is toast !!!
I guess we’ve reached the apex of comments now. Thank gawd.
I wouldn’t even name a dog or a cat “Cinnamon.”
How about “Cassia”? The laxative effects would be appropriate for some cats I know.
Oh, Cinnamon Stillwell is much more than “teh Jew.” She once spent an entire column defending Earl Krugel, a member of the Meir Kahane-founded Jewish Defense League, who was killed in prison while serving a sentence for plotting to bomb a California mosque and a field office of Republican congressman Darrell Issa, because she believes that Jews “must stand up for other Jews,” whatever their behavior.
I’ve presciently linked her to Aaron Klein here, thus beating Stillwell herself to the punch by a good year and a half.
Sadly, Cambridgeport, we are collecting the fallen, rotten fruit from our backyard, shoving it into the mini-fridge we found on the sidewalk and waiting a year to see what happens.
Yeah, she’s a real gem. Always making wild fals assumptions that are easily checked and bogging down in 8th grade grammar errors.
Did you see this one?
She credits another writer with proving what she has been saying all along, then quotes him at length in an article where he says exactly the opposite.
I love that even her adoring readers try to gently explain that her sources should, you know, support your argument.
Shorter Megs:
I wouldn’t even name a dog or a cat “Cinnamon.”
Until the Frau Doktorin Penny
struck me repeatedly around the head with a frying-pantalked me out of it, I was keen on Asafoetida as a name for our Doktorling.I knew a Jasmine that didn’t turn out much better.
I dated a Summer in college that was much the same, ‘cept she kept the outer trappings of groovy little hippie chickdom. She would smoke weed and went to Panic and Phish shows and buy me those American Indian choker dealies and get all pissed off ’cause I wouldn’t wear because I’m not a Navajo and, thus, felt weird about it, and then turn around and say the goddamnedest things about anyone who wasn’t an upper-middle-class white person.
I was fresh out the hills, too, and knew nothing of what would one day be termed “crunchy cons” and “trustafarians”, nor did I realize that there were a certain segment of upper-middle class white people who got off on adopting the outward trappings of certain patches of lower classes and subcultures within the overall quilt of honkydom. Anyhow, I don’t remember why we split up, but I do know she got mad as hell at me when I told her I didn’t think that being half-Filipinio and the racism she experienced from that did not give her carte blanche to refer to all African-Americans as “lazy” or “resentful”.
On the upside, she thought politics was all fake bullshit, maaaan, so there’s no danger of me stumbling over her wingnut blog some dark evening.
You sort of have to wonder if this Klein guy just talked to a bunch of random Arabs smartasses…
of which there are a number, good friend of mine, a (plastic) Muslim from Lebanon habitually blames everything on the Jews, including losing his keys, or being ripped off in Thai hooker bars. An uneducated fool like Klein would take him seriously, and the mid east, particularly Lebanon and Palestine is full of wiseasses.
What do you bet that she is a nurse? A highly resentful, teeth-clenchingly angry, passive-aggressive nurse ….
your experience of nurses is pretty limited, obviously………
Y’know, Bimler, I’ve fought NVA Sappers, I’ve done deals with HA, I once got a pass from NF, but I kinda get the sense that if Frau Doktorin Penny told me to behave I’d not only do so, I’d make sure she acknowledged said behavior.
There seems to be 100’s of ‘ex leftists’ for whom 9/11 changed them. There must be something wrong with someone who on 9/11 said; “I must abandon all of my previously held liberal views and embrace blood lust and death”.
She is apparently what Woody Allen once referred to as “Born Again Jews”the very wost kind.But who knows,being an Italian Jew I suffer from both guilt and shame.
I kinda get the sense that if Frau Doktorin Penny told me to behave I’d not only do so, I’d make sure she acknowledged said behavior.
No, no, it’s just that I’m extremely sensitive. An intuitive sensitivity for her feelings that is almost uncanny in its, um, intuitiveness.
name your kid Cinnamon and she will repay you by pimping proto-fascism.
What does that bring to mind?
Edwina: All right, time for another little drinkie before we go?
Saffron: Where are you going?
Edwina: New York.
Saffron: I didn’t think they let people with convictions in.
Edwina: Darling, its not a conviction.
Patsy: Just a firm belief.
Edwina: Yes.
and I don’t know what to say about this:
There must be something wrong with someone who on 9/11 said; “I must abandon all of my previously held liberal views and embrace blood lust and death”.
I had a friend who took acid and came to the conclusion that he needed more discipline in his life. He joined the army, then became a cop.
It took me a while to pin down what Cinnabon reminded me of (besides pastry), but I figured it out: the Baader-Meinhof gang.
re are you commenters all a bunch of unemployed hippies.
i’m unemployed weekends and every week day before 9 and after 5.
“do any of you have jobs? johnny old fish?”
Uh, yes. I mean, yes of course. Of course I do. I have… um several jobs. All of them lucrative and rewarding. With hot assistants and perquisites like you wouldn’t believe. Stock options. Executive washrooms. Private jets, you name it. As a matter of fact, I’m so busy I have my hot assistants read Sadly, No to me then I dictate my responses for them to post here. Sure. Well, gotta go, can’t keep the Japanese Prime Minister waiting.
Gee, thanks lobbey.
Cinnamon making mirthlessness look unappealing.
From that Freeper link:
And that crazy person’s name was Cinnamon Stillwell, a writer in Northern California.
“I had a friend who took acid and came to the conclusion that he needed more discipline in his life. He joined the army, then became a cop.”
Yowza. Why not a Zen monk, or martial artist, or something that didn’t require, you know, firearms?
he needed more discipline in his life. He joined the army, then became a cop.
And he was stuck in that role because he’d forgotten his safeword.
Here’s a sign from that protest, someone please translate into English:
“In place of the obligation to submit, the luminous dignity of epidemics of dissent.”
What Der fuck?
9/11 changed me. I got fatter.
Are there are any known photographs of Cinnamon and Jeff Goldstein together. I’m beginning to wonder if Jeff hasn’t been playing around with the wife’s make-up again.
Hmmm. Someone’s been groovin’ out on Dr. Bronner’s soap labels.
In place of the obligation to submit, the luminous dignity of epidemics of dissent.
You are trapped in that bright moment where you learned your doom.
TRex said…Ick. What a fat-faced nightmare this woman appears to be.
What do you bet that she is a nurse?
Don’t be dissing the nurses, T. Just don’t, OK?
Do I have a job?
Yes. I’m a nurse.
Apparently if it means challenging or insulting Muslims, dissent is okay for right wingers. Otherwise it interferes with Our Unitary Commander’s prerogatives, and you just need to shut up until this current war against the most difficultest foe ever is won.
I’m as guilty as the next person when it comes to applying sammiches and celery to the wingnuts but get bent out of shape by comments like “I would still do her.” It pisses me off that all women still have to contend with this bullshit.
“I would still do her” (and all that implies) makes you who say it at least the equivalent of the wingnut you would do.
She lives in San Francisco. Michael Savage Weiner lives in San Francisco.
I’m so glad I moved back to the OC this summer.
The OC, the TV series or the county?
“I would still do her” (and all that implies) makes you who say it at least the equivalent of the wingnut you would do.
Apologies, Lesley, no offense was meant (it was me that started it). At the risk of getting into another ‘sammiches’ debacle, it could also apply to men too (and I think it has in the past). However, I fail to see how it makes anyone that says it a wingnut, particularly as it is said in ‘snark’, on this thread, at least.
I have a job, if you call hotel night auditor a job. Not a whole lot of work required for my “job”. Yay, me!!11
Hey, no fair! Warcheerleaders has a much better list of recent LGF “Nuke Mecca” comments than LGFwatch! Right chere:
Cinnamon is wearing “serial killer glasses”.
The SF newspaper runs her and other wingnuts (like in-house faux libertarian Debra Saunders) periodically so they can say “See? We DO give column space to conservatives!” If I were a conservative I’d be damn angry that the Chron seems to be on a mission to make all conservative writers look like wackaloons.
a specific incident that inspired their ire. That is, in 1995, Giuliani kicked out late Palestinian terrorist leader Yasser Arafat from a Lincoln Center concert
So, wait, what are they saying here? terrorists hate Giuliani cause he wouldn’t let Arafat in to see the show?
Yessir, that’s right, all throughout the mountains of Waziristan, the outrage echoes – “Yeah, and he had box seats, too!” “Damn you, Giulinani, I’ll get you for this!” – now we know why the terra-ists hate us – it was Giuliani’s fault!
all conservative writers look like wackaloons.
Serious question here. Can we name conservative writers who aren’t wackaloons? Wackaloonyism is one of the defining characteristics of the field, after all.
I’m as guilty as the next person when it comes to applying sammiches and celery to the wingnuts but get bent out of shape by comments like “I would still do her.” It pisses me off that all women still have to contend with this bullshit.
“I would still do her” (and all that implies) makes you who say it at least the equivalent of the wingnut you would do.
I dunno, men are pigs. If the point is that her worth as a person or the value of her ideas can be judged by her photo, then yeah, we may as well be wingnuts.
At least from my end, they are two almost totally unrelated conversations. Maybe the “would you do her?” line of commentary shouldn’t even be here at all, on a snarky blog about wingnut writers, since it has no bearing on her or her writing.
But the thing is, her writing DOES have some bearing on her “doability”. Sometimes there is just something about “sleeping with the enemy”, so to speak. Evolutionary drive to cross-pollinate? Misogynist fantasy of conquering through sex (as a ritual substitute for violent force?) Who knows? I’m not dehumanizing her and all other women any more than sammich jokes dehumanize all fat people. It is just this additional reaction, sort of on the side.
Should I, and the other meathead boys keep that to ourselves? Probably. Does it make us just as bad as the warmongering, racist, sexist, theocratic homophobes? C’mon now.
I think the doability imbalance is partly due to male piggishness, and partly due to the inherent and utter undoability of most wingnut men.
One can easily imagine a universe in which reasonable people disagree about the attractiveness of Michelle Malkin. There is no such universe* in which the same can be said of Dafydd ab Hugh.
* “No such universe” unless said universe contains an excess of self-loathing and outre fetishes, to be specific.
i think you can’t find any examples in a sadly no thread where a pastor swank, say, has someone ask “would you hit it”?
frankly, i would hit it really hard, with my fist in its face. but still, the double standard suggests that others are right, and this is just pointless sexism that isn’t even as funny as other stuff on the thread.
Sometimes there is just something about “sleeping with the enemy”, so to speak.
Jerry: Not conversion. You’re thinking conversion?
Elaine: Well it did occur to me.
Jerry: You think you can get him to just change teams? He’s not going to suddenly switch sides. Forget
about it.
Elaine: Why? Is it irrevocable?
Jerry: Because when you join that team it’s not a whim. He likes his team. He’s set with that team.
Elaine: We’ve got a good team.
Jerry: Yeah, we do. We do have a good team.
Elaine: Why can’t he play for us?
I met ‘Jamil’ (not his real name) at a trendy, uptown coffee shop on a brisk Autumn morning. His gray tweed slacks bespoke an understated elegance and gentle formality, while his Sex Pistols t-shirt and Abercrombie double-wide corduroy shirt-jac reminded me of Saturdays spent watching my father tinker with his beloved, yet undriveable, ’68 Mustang Fastback. This was clearly a man with great ambition, yet happy to take some much needed time off from the Clinton Campaign trail.
He didn’t sit in his chair so much as absorb it, his weary frame adopting the loose and somewhat angular construction of a young Mick Jagger or a Blue Heron. And while his body silently recounted the long days and nights of a serious political campaign, his eyes seemed to barely contain the rambunctious joi de vivre of Pee Wee Herman on a Sugar Smacks bender.
I asked ‘Jamil’ if he had one message that people should hear. He lazily shook a packet of NutraSweet and hummed a few bars of Al Green as he thought about his answer. Then, he leaned back in his chair and said, “If you do not vote for Hillary Clinton I will Kill you! KILL YOU!! You and all your family!!”
“Kill us?”
“Yes, kill you!! Wait, is that going in the book? I don’t think I… no, never mind. .. go ahead and quote me on that.”
He seemed to be in another place for a moment, his jaw working quietly as he picked up the Al Green song again.
“Indeed, one would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to have detected the daily exhortations to surrender emanating from our nation’s capital, not to mention the streets and salons of cities such as my very own San Francisco.”
Your assurance of only the very worst!
“detected” and “emanating” = It Pays to Increase Your Word Power-esque vocab-flaunting. Puh-leeze.
She’s a “writer” you’ll never read anywhere except online.
LoL Ripley
There are some hot wingnut men. Gad, back in his day, Mel Gibson was the epitome of doable, if looks and a great smile are all it takes. But there are three things that make a man, any man, utterly undoable, at least for me:
1. Lack of a sense of humor.
2. Lack of intelligence.
3. Political or religious views that are way to the right.
I could never, ever play James Carville’s role. Maybe that makes me an idealogue, I don’t know. But I’ll take a smart, funny sammich addicted Lefty any day over Mel Gibson.
“Indeed, one would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to have detected the daily exhortations to surrender emanating from our nation’s capital,…
I meant to remark on that line, as well. How exactly would an inability to speak, i.e. being ‘dumb’, affect one’s ability to detect anything?
deaf, dumb, and blind
Cinnamon will take any excuse to work in a Who reference. Coming soon: “Acid Queen” Hillary Clinton wants to “fiddle about” with your healthcare!
Fat “Waahh!,” this.
Hillary will effect a premature withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq
That castrating BITCH!
(I can’t believe we got through a hundred comments and no one made that joke yet. What are you guys doing, working or something?)
What Candy said. What makes a man doable, from my perspective, is what’s in his head, and not in what carries it around. Smart, funny, and politically aware push nearly all of my buttons (and a good voice does the rest).
Smart, funny, and politically aware push nearly all of my buttons (and a good voice does the rest).
I was most of the way there!!
But I’ve been told I sound like the voice of Charlie Brown in the christmas peanuts cartoon…
Seriously, mikey, do you really want to knob a cat?
You mean that’s not what they mean when they talk about “getting some pussy”?
Shit. I’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do….
Oh, come on, now! I’m talking about her cat.
Step away from my cat!
[…] Meanwhile, Klein’s interviews with Islamists provide fodder for his debut book, Schmoozing With Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal Their Global Plans–to a Jew! Blog Sadly No! has some details. […]