SADLY, NO! EXCLUSIVE: Secret Conspiracies Revealed!!!11!
Why are pigs smarter than Gay Republicans? Because pigs have more sense than to blog in favor of bacon and baloney.
On the other hand, we have the self-proclaimed “Gay Patriot” (aka Bruce Carroll Jr.) the Pajama Medias blogger who runs a bizarrely off-kilter blog where he kisses the butts of right-wing, gay-hating Republicans and disses the butts of the Human Rights Campaign and other gay advocacy groups.
Bruce’s latest delusion is that teh gay groups like HRC were secretly behind that traitorous ad criticizing General Petraeus.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist [And Bruce is no rocket scientist – ed. note] to figure this one out…. but even I was surprised at the extensive web of money connections between and America’s top gay organizations: Human Rights Campaign, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund and Log Cabin Republicans.
So how does Bruce document the connection between the Human Rights Campaign and Does he get out his super-duper right-wing bloggers’ special kerning measurement ring to reveal that a memo from was really typed on a typewriter at HRC? Uh, no, it’s worse:
Andrew Tobias who is one of the Human Rights Campaign’s biggest political and money supporters … is listed as one of the top individual contributors to from the 2004 cycle. Tobias has given to since the 2004 elections as well.
Hmmm. And just how much has “one of the top contributors” given to MoveOn. Er, $14,600. And how much has “one of the Human Rights Campaign’s biggest political and money supporters” given to HRC. Er, $12,750 since 1986.
Two can play this game. Did you know that the Republican National Committee is secretly supporting Hillary Clinton? Well, John Mack, the chairman of Morgan Stanley, is a one of the top contributors to both. And don’t forget that both Barack Obama and Jose Padilla have shopped at Marshall Field’s in Chicago. Oh, and Nancy Pelosi and Osama Bin Laden have both been in Saudi Arabia. This is much more fun — and much more educational — than playing that silly “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” game.
Liberals are donating money to liberal organizations?!1 TREACHERY!!1!1111!
Look on the bright side: think how difficult it will be for his fans to boycott all those organizations (“Chase Bank, close my occasion! Millions for defense, but not one penny for homosexuals!”)
(“account” for “occasion” above. Teh gay made my brain soft.)
super-duper right-wing bloggers’ special kerning measurement ring
A ring not worn on fingers…
Bruce is losing it. Everyone knows that the DNC and their soul mates in NAMBLA, are behind the ad…
heh heh, “secretly behind” heh heh hehh
Egads….Honestly though, being born with one sexual orientation doesn’t automatically mean that one will also develop left-of-center politics. It’s just that, well, many on the right just flat out hate all GLBTs, period. There are plenty of conservatives who really don’t care much about social issues, to be sure, but I sure as heck didn’t chase the Pottery Barn Ruby Ridge family off my street without the help of a few rainbow flags. Honestly, I feel bad for the guy. Talk about almost nowhere to turn.
I wonder if wingnuts have even bothered to trace the money flowing into right-wing organizations, like the Washington Times, AKA “Moonie Times”.
Okay, so what does it mean when organizations give to both Republicans and Democrats?
It means it’s time to vote Nader, baby!
Okay, so what does it mean when organizations give to both Republicans and Democrats?
I think the lingo is “switch hitter” or “swings both ways”.
I believe this is what is known as a “wide stance”.
I believe they’re AC/DC.
Are we playing “six degrees of bacon and Play-Doh” here, Robert? I’m not sure I’m into that.
Was it necessary to photoshop him in “Pink Face”?
Hi Cliffy,
and the rest of my humorously ironic. intellectual betters. Kev and I really enjoyed your visits to the Freefly and especially all the kind comments. It’s tough being the only Bushbots in Madison, WI. You folks made it all worthwhile. We did a llttle tribute for you taking up some of your suggestions. Thanks again. Sorry for the long link.–ne.html
Uncle J
So, what about gay pigs who blog in favor of Kevin Bacon? Who represents them?
Well, just in time, another display of mouthbreathers high-fiving each other over at Jimbo’s place. “We shure-nuff showed ’em, dint we Jim-Bob and Kev? Pass over another Pabst, willyuh?”
Sorry for the long link
Did you flunk Blogging 101 too?
Forget all that shit! Jimbo is just trying to distract you from the fact that Jonah Goldberg shaved!!!! And he has not read another book!!!!
Do you know who was behind Giuliani’s counter ad? Miguel Estrada.
This is fun.
Sadly, Uncle Dimbo’s latest foray into videoblogging is, well, just a flat out bore. But we are working on ways of punching it up a notch or two. Stay tuned.
Apparently, since Uncle “Gymbeaux” left his comments in the wrong thread.
J— said,
September 18, 2007 at 17:33
Do you know who was behind Giuliani’s counter ad? Miguel Estrada.
This is fun.
It woulda been funner if you said Erik Estrada.
Human Rights Campaign
Hillary Rodham Clinton
HRC may refer to the Honda Racing Corporation
HRC is also an initialism for the Harrisburg Regional Chamber
Rockwell hardness C-scale
Hitachi Remote Copy, deprecated in favour of Hitachi TrueCopy
HRC may also stand for Herbicide Resistant Crop
HRC may also stand for Harmonically related carriers
HRC also refers to the United Nations Human Rights Council, or (before it was disbanded) the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.
HRC may also stand for Hard Rock Cafe.
HRC also stands for High Rupturing Capacity for electrical fuses.
HRC also stands for High Resolution Control, a feature Brother printers have.
HRC may refer to the Human Resources Command of the United States Army.
HRC may refer to the House Rabbit Connection A Rabbit Rescue Organization.
Connect the dots, morans.
Speaking of pigs-for-bacon: “Gay Patriot” and his like have NUTHIN on the Super Quislings comprising the “black conservatives,” if you ask me…This guy and the Log Cabin folk are still TOO gay; whereas Clarence Thomas, Condi, Shelby Steele and the like have pursued the economic brand of self-interest so thoroughly that it’s wheeled around to efface the “self”…
Is Jimbo one of Ace’s bacon and Play-Doh pals? I can’t keep track of ’em…
I sure as heck didn’t chase the Pottery Barn Ruby Ridge family off my street without the help of a few rainbow flags
Is that all it takes? I’m off to Garden Ridge!
Hillary is a gay group? Well that explains Bill’s philandering, I suppose.
The fact is, Hillary is gay, and had to be insimeninated by a turkey baster to have Chelsea. Bill is a beard for her and has sex with everybody but her. They both have killed many people. Better look up your facts, moonbats!
Hillary … had to be insimeninated by a turkey baster
LOL im in ur h00haa insimeninating ur 3ggz
Just curious. In Wingnut World, is it worse that they have all that sex in various gender combinations, or that they have “killed many people”.
See, I’ve had quite a bit of teh secks, and I’ve done a little killing, so I’m just trying to figure out how it all fits together.
And it seems to me that most wingnuts are pretty much “Pro Killing”.
So it must be all the sex, right?
Shouldn’t that be “Six Degrees of Kevin’s Bacon” game?
mikey, you are on to something here.
Killing is Manly. Strong. Decisive.
Secks is Girly. Weak. Slippery.
Come to think of it, didn’t the Spartans that teh right luvs so much think it was only honorable to have secks with other men? Cause that’s what my gay Greek history teacher taught me. In Greece. What else did he teach me about?
Know what? I call “gay black face”
Or, i guess it could be called “white face”.
Not unlike the “liberal” hosts on Fox, I don’t believe for a second that this chap is actually gay, as he so claims. I demand photographic proof that this Bruce character is actually teh homo. Dancing at a club in bondage gear would work, but preferably poorly shot, poorly lit, out of focus and cheap-mic’ed home-made gay porn of him taking it. THEN we’ll discuss his merits as a Gaytriot.
Sadly you don’t seem to have recognized that Andrew Tobias is the author of
“The Funny Money Game”
Wouldn’t that have been a better title for your post ? Or at least a name for “this game”.
Also read the book. It is particularly excellent on the bit about spacing on executive typewriters (I kid you not proportional spacing on typewriters has important legal implications in “The Funny Money Game”).
Ah kids these days .. what the hell are you reading ?
Some Guy-
We’ll leave it up to you to investigate said video evidence.
I’ll take your word on the results.
The fact is, Hillary is gay, and had to be insimeninated by a turkey baster to have Chelsea.
Um…the turkey baster is only necessary if the MAN is gay. I’m really disappointed, you know? I always thought wingnuts invented the kind of sex in which the woman’s mood, opinions, desires, or needs are completely irrelevant.
“Brace yourself, Brigid!”
Did someone say Erik Estrada?
Yes, my dirty hippie liberal friends! You are all so amusing in your whiny, America-hating ways! And I am so not Kevin! So suck on it!
Hillary isn’t gay. Oh no. The truth is much worse.
She’s an alien.
She forced Bill into marriage, under threat of horrible death and feasting on said dead Bill, in order to assimilate better into our primitive monkey culture. Then, when her natural spawning urges began, and lacking to appropriate plumbing to copulate with a lowly earth man, she hijacked a local fertility clinic; forcing the staff to use a specially designed baster to insert Bill’s seed into her black void of a womb, before slaughtering them all and storing their remains in a secret food cache for consumption at a later date. When her now-fertilized egg was properly matured, she went out into the woods with Vince Foster, rammed her ovapositer down his throat and layed it in his chest. Driven mad by the powerful hallucinogens in the lubricate covering said ovapositer, Vince wandered the wilderness randomly for weeks, before falling to his knees, screaming to the heavens, and dying as young Chell’See (in her native tongue) burst through his heart and out his rib-cage, into a world she never met, but knew it was her job, her destiny, her blood-line duty to destroy.
Oh, and like you DON”T want to see Bruce hogtied, dressed like a cockatoo, and yelling, “Please, Rabbi McFinnegan, No! I’m just a sweet little asian school boy!” at the burly, 10″ black man, t4toby?
Yeah. You guys just have to deal with it in random comment posts. My friends and family have to LIVE it.
Is that really Bruce Patriot’s head, or was it photoshopped?
Jamey, it’s the real thing, no photoshopping involved.
i can has teh squirtz uv dooom
10″ black guy? That’s not so bad.
At that scale, it’d be hard to tell what was going on, anyway.
I used to mash my sisters Barbie dolls together to simulate, well, whatever I thought I was simulating. it’s probably be very similar.
Bruce is out of the closet and yet supports everything that attackes and undermines homosexuals. Is this a joke?
I’m guessing he’s an extreme bottom in the sack.
OK, here’s what we’ve got: the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people — under the supervision of the reverse vampires –are forcing our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner. We’re through the looking glass, here, people…
I actually play the six degrees game with the movie Dune instead. Oh, the perils of boredom!
hogtied, dressed like a cockatoo
I’m not going near that beak.
A cockatoo? Or three? Four?
I once rode from Raton to Wendover in February. It was six degrees…
Wasn’t this the end to The Plot Against America?
I for one welcome our new Sphex mistresses.
In further developments, Turkey-Patriot has uncovered evidence that is funding the treasonous anti-Christmas alliance.
Did someone say reverse vampires?
Just learned on Fresh Air that Gertrude Stein was a Franco loving fascist. So, another gay-hating gay is really nothing new.
The Nazis were the home of gay-loving gays.
Turkey-Patriot has uncovered evidence that is funding the treasonous anti-Christmas alliance.
Oh, dang. I still have to do my War-on-Christmas shopping.
Oh, dang. I still have to do my War-on-Christmas shopping.
In the WoX, aren’t we the insurgents? So we don’t get to go shopping. We need to fabricate our weapons and comms from supplies already in theater. I’m thinking about ornaments filled with homemade napalm (you all remember the recipe, right?). Trees that can be used to launch 122mm rockets. Stockings full of nuts and bolts, for hand to hand. Strings of lights used as detonators and det cord. Muzak carols used to extract information from prisoners.
Stuff like that…
Muzak carols used to extract information from prisoners.
But – gasp – that would be torture! I believe the Red Cross steps in when someone is waterboarded to the strains of “It’s a Holly, Jolly Christmas.”
Or would that be “snowboarded?”
The Nazis were the home of gay-loving gays.
Where’s Robert Green? He could totally get me for this.
forcing our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner
Oh, you’re one of those people who eats dinner in the evening.
Ah, hmmm, Bruce, it’s not “gay”. We in the party prefer the term “fag”. So we’d really appreciate it if you renamed your blog “Faggot Patriot”, OK shithead?
Thanks! And keep up the good work!
A small edit: Barack and Jose shop at MACYS in Chicago. The Marshall Field name disappeared last year. The terrorists HAVE won.
I only eat dinner on Sundays. And besides, I didn’t pick the word ‘dinner’, the Simpsons’ staff writers did.
Dorothy–seriously, I put up the first rainbow flag and the U-HAUL showed up the next day. If they’re nutty enough, it works. Of course, they also seem to have stolen the flag on the way out, but I had back-ups.
General Woundwort– damn straight (no pun intended). I can’t believe how many times I said on my blog that I have been voting for Nader since 96 and still had so many buggers calling me a “neo-con”. Sheesh. But honestly, if you live in a “red state”, your vote is crucial locally, but not as much in the great-big-race. In which case, I figure I might as well help get Nader (rather, his party) the % of votes needed for federal funding. Hasn’t worked yet, but I’m trying.
[…] B. Daniel Blatt, aka GayPatriotWest, one of the co-bloggers (along with Bruce Carroll aka GayPatriot) over at the riotously delusional PJ Media site, Gay Patriot, so-named by this gay […]