If You Godwin Yourself, Does It Still Count?

Thank Heaven for those loyal patriots at The Gathering of Eagles! Without them, who would be there to defend to defend our glorious war memorials from unknown people spilling unknown substances on them, doing no noticeable damage that prompts National Park Service personnel to smile politely and make the sort of noncommittal answers they always give to bizarre questions when asked if there is an official investigation of the spillage incident underway – perhaps even on purpose!

Above: Proud culture warriors from GOE respond to freedom’s klaxon!

This weekend, they are gathered in Washington, D.C. to stem the tide of Moorish insolence that threatens to drown our proud republic in a sea of lemon tabbouleh, as the terror supporters in our midst descend upon the Capitol to make their cowardly demands heard. Although it’s hard to find any reports of their presence at all, The Guardian does put the total of counter-protesters at “about a thousand”, which is nearly as many people who were at the last Polish Catholic wedding I attended, or slightly more than the number of people who were arrested for protesting against the war this weekend.

But if this tremendous display of aquiline force does not make you tremble in fear, perhaps this will.

GOE on TV!
By Kit Lange

Recently, Chris Hill has been in discussions with Maria Sheehan, a Cable TV Producer from Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, about the possibility of a GOE Cable TV Show. After several weeks of discussion, the GOE Board of Directors wishes to announce our Cable TV Show called;

Wait for it…..

The Eagles Nest

Americans Supporting The Troops And Their Mission

Yes! Coming soon to a cable network near you, the Gathering of Eagles will indeed have its own television show, named with no apparent sense of irony “The Eagle’s Nest”.

When your attempt to appropriate the lingo of another group is about as subtle as the choice of haberdashery color in an old episode of The Lone Ranger, you can’t really complain when people start comparing your group to Nazis.

Just a suggestion, guys…..if you want your rallies to look as good as Nuremberg, you’re going to need to find someone with an eye for that sort of thing. Alas, it seems that they will have to go to propaganda war with the cinematographer they have, not the cinematographer they wish they had.

Don’t let that get you down, GOE dudes! Just remember, you’ve still got the support of the greatest Attorney General/recording artist in American history!


Comments: 193


I was there with my family. When we got to the Capitol, we sat and rested by this wall. On the other side of the wall was a small group of counter-protesters. As you might expect, a verbal fight occurred, until us protesters decided it would be better just to ignore them.


no sense of history either,keep up the good work.


I am betting nearly all the GOE Gang have no idea of the history of that little gem. I am also betting when it is finally pointed out to them they’ll get a wonderul little kick out of being able to, “Piss off Libs” and still claim, “The Eagle is the National Bird of the USA! So there!”.

Just a prediction based on memory of passed stupidity. Who knows, maybe this time the cat will have a gas mask?


“This is also often called Hitler’s Tea House, but to do so is a misnomer. Hitler did not treat the Kehlsteinhaus as a tea house, and the location he visited daily for afternoon tea was actually the Mooslahnerkopf Teehaus.”

Fuck “misnomer.” To me this tv show is called “Hitler’s Tea House” and always will be.


Maria Sheehan, a Cable TV Producer

Love the capitalization. It lends such gravitas. Wonder whether she has a Degree! in Science!


And can’t the next Attorney General have a slightly smaller vibrato? Jeebus. You could drive a truck through those quavers, wasting precious fossil fuels and endangering the children.


Well, although I’m not particularly talented, I do sing better than John Ashcroft.

If you write letters now, it’s probably not too late to get my name on the short list, guys!


Oh hell, Jillian. You just wait until Abu G starts singing.

Course, that’ll be in front of a Grand Jury …


On C-SPAN shortly:

12:35 PM EDT 2:09 Rally
Support the Troops Rally
Gathering of Eagles

Welcome by co-emcees Melanie Morgan, Chairman, Move America Forward*, and Kristinn Taylor, FreeRepublic.com*

Repeated at 04:42 AM EDT in full for your viewing pleasure.


In order to provide security for their new Eagle’s Nest broadcasts, the GOE will soon form a new elite bodyguard organization known as ‘the Surge Supporters’, or more familiarly ‘the SS’.


“Where Eagles Duh.”


Michelle Malkin’s sheep deserve this title most of all.

P.S. 1982? Damn I must be getting old.


Indeed! You are no doubt deriding the patriots who have become ‘A Gathering of Eagles’. I’m just guessing, because they are fans of America, and it’s clear you aren’t. Did I guess right, Jillian, aka Gavin?


Gonna have to read your post and watch the video, but I’m very confident in my conclusion!


This has been another episode of How Not To Look Like A Moron With Five Seconds Of Google Use.

The baffling thing is why they never bother to just, you know, check. I guess they’re assuming all their ideas are so brilliant they must be the first to have come up with them and therefore they could not possibly have any sort of associative baggage.


The Rude Pundit explained the odd substance at the Vietnam Memorial weeks ago:


(As ever with RP, not for the faint of heart.)


Eagle’s Nest? They can’t be serious? Can any adult be so devoid of cultural world history to name anything that?

What’s next? Malkin’s new autobiography, “My Struggle?”

I won’t be being it though, already having read the German edition.


You are no doubt deriding the patriots who have become ‘A Gathering of Eagles’.

I don’t know offhand what the name for a group of eagles is, but in honor of the GOE I hereby nominate “circlejerk of eagles”.


“Where Eagles Duh.”

Heh. They ain’t no goddamn sons of bitches.


I don’t think there *is* one, Pere. They’re solitary animals.


Watched. I was right! Your hatred of your country shows on your sleeve Jillian/Gavin.

God bless those magnificent bastards.


I don’t think there *is* one, Pere. They’re solitary animals.

Well, then I nominate it exclusively for gatherings of Gathering Of Eagles, as in “A circlejerk of Eagles showed up in DC yesterday…”


Hey, let’s all agree that the Gathering of Eagles is the best thing that’s happened to DC ever, ok? They’re veterans for Christ’s sake. Don’t they have that ‘moral authority’ libs are always griping about? There certainly was a lot of whining about moral authority from the left when conservatives pointed out that your poster child Cindy Sheehan was quite the idiot…


I turned on CSPAN, and there’s literally 2 or 3 hundred people there.
Right now a grumpy old man is telling the crowd to go tell the hippies to get off his lawn.
And here’s the National Legislative Director for Rolling Thunder.
He really looks like a dirty fucking hippie.
*visits irony’s grave*


Now what appears to a gay black bodybuilding cowboy is going to sing about remembering 9/11.
Am I tripping?


Eagle’s Nest? They can’t be serious? Can any adult be so devoid of cultural world history to name anything that?

They were going to call it Vom Der Führerbunker, but that had too many syllables.


Kimberly Kagan just claimed that Teh Surge has “cleared Baghdad” of terrorists.

Wow. Just…wow. Just….well, then.

So, I guess Riverbend just left because she felt like a change of scenery, then?


I’m just trying to figure out why Kagan was crying the whole time she was speaking.


Gathering of Eagles is such a big bunch of hypocrites it is amazing that the cognitive dissonance doesn’t literally rip them into two different people, one evil, and the other indifferent. The mission statement alone is fascinating as a study of WTF-ery. But, what the hell, even werewolves have the right to organize.

So three cheers for old vets, and the thousands of Young Republicans who will cheer on a war (or three) they will never fight.


I just don’t understand the pro-war protesters.

We already have a war. Duh.

Wouldn’t the anti-war protesters look really stupid if they went marching around and shouting “1, 2, 3, 4, we don’t need your stupid war!” if there was no war?

When the nation is at peace, that is when the war lovers should be out in their dozens and tens of dozens, showing their battle zeal and their sadness that Americans aren’t interfering somewhere in the world, piling up the bodies for capitalism. I mean, democracy.

When the war starts, you show that you support the cause (of the ultra-capitalists) by enlisting in the great mission.

In a time of war, pro-war protesters can have only one motive: to shut people up. The only thing they can really be upset about is the horrifying idea that people disagree with them. And, far worse, they see that the people that disagree with them haven’t been intimidated into silence. This is probably the worse failure of the Bush administration, in the eyes of the war lovers. (This is why we need Giuliani!)

“Look at those hippies! They don’t agree with us! Well, since the only way to love America is to love it the exact way we love it, they must hate America! Ooooo, it makes me angry that people think differently from me, I mean, that people hate America, I’m gonna go and play Little Miss Martyr at the Vietnam Memorial!”

A Gathering of Drama Queens.

Anti-war demonstraters are upset that the bodies are piling up for no good reason.

The war lovers are upset that people who disagree with them are allowed to walk around freely.

“When I reflect that God is just, I tremble for my country.”


You can watch here, if you like.

In all honesty, it’s pretty pathetic. That isn’t a “rally”, it’s a tailgating party. I think they’re confused about the distinction between a war and a football game.


In all honesty, it’s pretty pathetic. That isn’t a “rally”, it’s a tailgating party. I think they’re confused about the distinction between a war and a football game.

Wow. I clicked on the link you provided. The camera pulled back, and, well, I’ve got to admit, there were dozens of people there… probably.


Gathering of Smeagols?


“Kimberly Kagan just claimed that Teh[sic] Surge has “cleared Baghdad” of terrorists.

Wow. Just…wow. Just….well, then.”

Despite your typo, it’s HORRIFYING to hear an actual American sound sad about good news. WE GET IT! You don’t approve of America exerting it’s power. But can’t you support our men and women while they are over there? You’ve won, Gavin/Jillian. You’ve helped guarantee that an evil Democrat will reside in the White House for 4 years. Isn’t it time to start considering the troops? Don’t be such a liberal that you can’t allow our troops to win a war. I get that you are gay, Gavin/Jillian, but this is WAY beyond sexuality (BTW, that’s ok with me!).

You are harming people. Stop it Gavjill! Evil people see you pussyfooting around and believe that America’s will can be broken. You are CAUSING death. Stop, now. You can whine later. The list is infinite. You can whine about the horrors of paying for health insurance, gasoline, heck, you can even whine about the price of milk! We all know how whiny liberals are. But the whining about our military kills people. No doubt a bunch of you are not intelligent enough to be able to understand that, but a different bunch of you are.

Couldn’t you guys go back to wimpering about the cost of an apartment or that ‘living wage’ crud, and let the rest of us finish this war?

Thanks in advance.


Pretty sad when you can’t hear the “U.S.A.!!!!” chants without a mic.

Oh shit.
Duncan Hunter.
Now the fun starts.

Also, dear Melanie Morgan,

Less botox. Please. Chreeeeebus.

Typical Republican

You hippies hate America!

I can tell because you don’t think exactly like me.


Ok, that story made no fucking sense.
If they found a diary on a corpse saying “I have to fight this war as if I’m fighting alone”, didn’t the corpse lose?


If the corpse lost, AMERICA lost!

Why do you hate America, diffbrad?


The best thing about being an American is that you can disagree with the government and nobody says that you’re a traitor or that you hate America or that you’re just like Osama bin Laden or that you want to see the troops hurt.

Oh, wait …


Somehow I thought that no amount of idiots shouting “USA!! USA!! USA!!” actually shielded U.S. troops from the car bombs, explosives, and bullets they face.

Idiots who would like to think that they care about our troops but who do not apparently also think that no matter what fresh hell into which they cheerlead the forcing of U.S. troops, as long as Bands Of Druthers stand together to shout that liberals are traitors and “USA!! USA!! USA!!” and they make up statistics out of their a**es about how rainbows and ponies are spreading through the warlord chaos hell they’ve just advocated we create, then somehow The Troops Get Safer.

Believe it or not, no amount of flag-based masturbation by the right actually improves the lives of U.S. troops in the field, nor does it contribute to stability in the environments in which they are inserted.


Now we have a freeper.
Just….. wow.


they’re confused about the distinction between a war and a football game.

I’ve noticed that. It’s pretty common among conservatives. I wish they would stick to sporting events and save that exquisite hatin’ for the Pistons.

Principal Blackman

Jillian, you are Teh Awesome.


So, ummm, because the diary wasn’t made illegible by blood the corpse actually won?

And communists are still a threat?

Wowie wee wow wow.


Believe it or not, no amount of flag-based masturbation by the right actually improves the lives of U.S. troops in the field, nor does it contribute to stability in the environments in which they are inserted.

Wrong, El Cid. Kevin is mowing for Victory!11one!

Typical Republican

Well, you’re stupid.


Shit, did you see that “armband” on Duncan Hunter Sr.? It looked like a child’s waterwing.

This is what I mean. These guys aren’t anywhere near Nazi-league. They are the Keystone Cops of the Nazi-wannabe world.

Seriously – look at the feed on cspan.org, and compare it to this.

Nazis were evil, but they were absolute masters of visual propaganda. They were even better than the Soviets. Even if you don’t speak any German at all, Nazi speeches are an amazing thing to watch. Nazi rallies are powerfully moving theatrical productions. Look at this – there’s a reason that George Lucas stole from this stuff for “Star Wars” – these are images designed to create powerful feelings of unity and brotherhood.

The only sense of unity Teh Eagles are creating is the one that occurs around the Shoney’s buffet.

I guess it’s a good thing – if these goobers ever DO figure out how to do real visual propaganda, we are all completely fucked.




Oh, man.
So where’s the assault on the S,N! hamsters?
I guess Malkin hasn’t made any easily disproved claims yet.


Do you ever watch gladiator movies?

Larry Craig, D-Idaho

I was looking for toilet paper in a Fox News bathroom …


Oh Christ Kevin, give it a rest. Like your ass is on the line in Iraq. “Let the rest of us finish this war?” “Us” sort of means “you and other people”, and yet there’s not quite enough “you” over there. You COULD fix that, though, since you’ve got such a boner for this war. I’m sure you’d make a fine recruit, with your whatever-it-is-the-hell-you-do l33+ skilz, yeah?

This war is not stopping terrorism, because it was never about terrorism. It isn’t about 9/11, it isn’t about reforming the Middle East into a flowering Jeffersonian Democracy, and it isn’t about liberating the Iraqis from tyranny. It’s about power, the rush of euphoria that comes when people with too much of it strain to use more and more of it, even when it is actually hurting them to do so. The conservative movement is addicted to using power and it’s destroying them. The GOP wants the war to beat back political opposition, their backers want it to fill their pockets with graft money, the Jesiphiles want it so they can beat on the infidels, the nativists want it because it fuels their need to spit on the other. This war gives them an excuse to flex power, and every opportunity they have taken since this war started has shown this.

And you’re all for it, because you like the power of sitting anonymously behind a monitor and mocking people that didn’t want this slow train wreck of a war to happen in the first place. We that you were there, so as to educate you on the horrors of war first hand.

Typical Libertarian

As a libertarian, I feel it is your right to look for toilet paper in a Fox News bathroom. As a libertarian, I also feel it is Fox News’ right to mislabel your party identification in the interests of the free market.


There is a study that shows that 90% of the people who believe in global warming are poopyheads.

And if you are curious about the name of the study, or how it was conducted, then you are a poopyhead who foolishly believes that which is written in the liberal media instead of the talking points devised by conservative think tanks funded by oil companies.

Typical Republican



Where’s Osama?
I dunno.
Somewhere, fucking ALIVE?


A rhyming poem about a spent casing.
Jesus fuck christ.


Barney’s breath smells like dogfood.


Don’t mind Kevin. He just has a crush on this loving eagle.


A gathering of eagles
Appeared above my head
Their impotent squawking annoyed me
‘Til their moms put them to bed


Clean* Celibate** Non-Hippy


I’m waving my flag!

A few more wooooohs would be nice.

Hmmm. Its’ kind of cold out here.

This kind of seems like yesterday’s football game.

Not quite as many people.

And, my flag is different though.

We’re cheering for troops today to. Because I went to the army game.

Have I waved my flag in the last two minutes. Better whirl it a little.


*Any relation to actual cleanliness is entirely coincidental.

**Because I want to be because its Gods plan until I get married to my soulmate.


By the way, did anyone show up at Aceapalooza?


I am betting nearly all the GOE Gang have no idea of the history of that little gem.

They had to know. If there’s one thing your war-mad wingnut knows, it’s WWII trivia.


A Gathering of Drama Queens.



If man evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?

Rats! I have no response! I’ve been exposed as a fraud!

I’d have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling kids!


Speaking of ‘dirty hippies’, I saw this comment over at Atrios.

I found it really funny how much of the taunting directed at we marchers was recycled straight out of the sixties.

“Ever heard of soap?”
“Get a job!”

…this was pretty amusing coming from scraggly biker doods, directed at a bunch of dirty fucking lawyers.
SteveLG | 09.16.07 – 10:33 am | #


Despite your typo, it’s HORRIFYING to hear an actual American sound sad about good

I love that you’re wasting your time typing up multiple paragraphs of nonsense, and no one here gives a shit what you say.


I’d like to apologize for the conduct of some of my followers.


I can’t eat THAT! It looks like a penis.


Is this Free Republic? I came over to gloat.


“Eagle’s Nest? They can’t be serious? Can any adult be so devoid of cultural world history to name anything that?

What’s next? Malkin’s new autobiography, “My Struggle?”

Well, if Malkin has her way we’ll start building those internment camps tomorrow. After that, the ovens go up, and then, well,you know the drill …


Maybe “a wankering of wingnuts”?

“a kevin of chickenhawks”?

“a chickenhawk of kevins”?


So they got themselves a show on Public Access cable, eh? Is it right after the landscape painting lesson?


By the way, did anyone show up at Aceapalooza?

That would be 5 less people at GOE.


Oh, Kevin, if you only knew the horror that is Pie you wouldn’t be so flip. If you’d been there, trying to contain the hot filling spilling from punctured, shattered crust. If you had known the horror of blind baking all night, struggling with unripe berries and green rhubarb.

If you found yourself, in the stark, bitter grey light of dawn, covered in runny custard and spent flour, you might have a little deeper understanding of what you keep advocating.

But no. You’ll continue to go to Marie Callandars, emerging in clean, pressed clothes, un-scarred, without any appreciation of the true cost of your obsession…



Kevin has never baked his own pie. He has always had his pie baked for him by others.


By the way, did anyone show up at Aceapalooza?



I hereby nominate “circlejerk of eagles”.

I believe the proper nomenclature is “a stupid of eagles.” This follows the long tradition of “a stumble of drunks,” “a fondle of priests,” and “a retard of wingnuts.” This was all clarified in the 1926 edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (The definitive record of the English language), and if you don’t believe me then it is up to you to do the research and prove me wrong, for that is what the blogoramaspherical is all about, fact-checking yo’ ass, right?


Kevin is actually Kevin Kagen, the slow younger cousin of the Keyboard Kommando Kagen Clan.


Main Entry: scha·den·freu·de
Pronunciation: ‘shä-d&n-“froi-d&

Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: German, from Schaden damage + Freude joy
: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others; particularly enjoyment obtained from the increasing likelihood that OJ Simpson will serve hard time for Felony Armed Robery

This has been another exciting edition of the Sadly, No Word of the Day



Man. You’d think O.J. Simpson woulda known enough to behave himself for the rest of his natural life. Like, never even run a stop sign or anything like that. But y’all wanna know what kills about that story? The Juice was in Vegas for a friend’s wedding.

Now think about that, dear hearts. How would you like to be at a wedding and spend the entire ceremony thinking to yourself, “Is that fucking O.J. Simpson back there?” I don’t know if I’d be able to keep it to myself, frankly.


A True Story About Pie

Three friends went moose hunting in Maine. After arriving at camp, they determined that one of them would have to stay behind to cook while the other two hunted. So, they drew straws, and since Fred got the short straw he had to stay behind. He was not too happy about that.

“OK, I’ll stay behind. But the first person who complains about the food has to switch places with me,” Fred said.

“Fine with us,” his buddies replied.

So, Fred tried to fuck up every meal. He burned the bacon, left coffee grinds in the coffee, served the potatoes raw – but no complaints from either of his buddies.

One morning, Fred went into the woods and brought back a large, steaming moose shit. He slid it into a pie crust, baked it up, then left it on the windowsill to cool.

After the usual lousy supper that night, during which neither of his buddies complained, Fred served each up with a big fat wedge of moose shit pie.

The first buddy looked at the pie suspiciously, sniffed cautiously, took a small bite, gagged violently, but said nothing.

The second also sniffed before taking a bite. With crumbs tumbling from his mouth he roared, “That tastes like moose shit!!11!”

He quickly turned to Fred and added, “It’s good, though.”

End of a True Story About Pie


Well, I was going to say something about OJ, but that was kinda hard to follow.


I meant to go downtown to scope out them Eagles, perchance a glance while they gathered; but it turned out I had better things to do. Like sleep. And level up on WoW.

Getting troll spammed already? Must have touched a nerve.


Re: A True Story About Pie

Here’s Utah Phillips telling his story “Moose Turd Pie.”


Just an FYI, the nice lady over at About.com claims that a group of eagles is called a “a convocation of eagles”. M-W says a convocation can refer to “a ceremonial assembly of members of a college or university”. I find the irony delicious… Dum, dum dum dum, dum dum, dum, dum dum dum dum…

Tara the anti-social social worker

If man evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?

If caterpillars turn into butterflies, why are there still caterpillars?


I cn haz Tshrt?


Bubba, tell me that’s sarcasm or parody … please.

“Bush Youth”? “Bush Youth”?!?!?!?twelves?

That’s the creepiest thing I’ve seen in quite awhile, and I spend a lot of time cruising the stalls at public restrooms looking for spare change that I dropped.

I’m thinking we could photoshop that logo onto an armband fitted over a brown dress shirt and it would fit right in. Anyone have the m4dd ph0t0shzp sk33lz around here? he inquired innocently.

Also, you notice there’s about 50 of those horrid things, and only 6 or so have the “Made in USA” graphic?


I cn haz Tshrt!

I cn! I cn!

I cn beet op durdy hipeez?


They were going to call it Vom Der Führerbunker, but that had too many syllables.

And grammatically incorrect, too -it’d be either von dem Führerbunker, or just vom Führerbunker (where von and dem combine to a single word).

I wonder how to translate a “circlejerk of eagles.” I was thinking ein Adlersselbstbefriedigungammeln/

Phoenician in a time of Romans

And yet again, handing out a bunch of army recruitment forms at such a gathering would appear to be the most appropriate response.


Pere Ubu said,

September 16, 2007 at 21:14

Maybe “a wankering of wingnuts”?

LOL. A commenter on my site called it “A Smattering of Eagles”.


And grammatically incorrect, too -it’d be either von dem Führerbunker, or just vom Führerbunker (where von and dem combine to a single word).

That’s what I get for trying to recall high school German from about 400 years ago. Oh well, Ich bin ein Berliner!


I cn bee jilly donutt?


I’m still waiting for Kevin to tell me what constitutes “winning” in Iraq?


I’m still waiting for Kevin to tell me what constitutes “winning” in Iraq?

And I would like to know how criticizing the war gets soldiers killed.


I took the liberty of posting some screen caps of speakers at the rally on Blogger.

In other news, Malkin is up to her usual routine.


And I would like to know how criticizing the war gets soldiers killed.

It emboldens our enemies, giving them super special soldier killin’ powers (like the Hulk, but swarthier). Stupid libs.


Holy Cripes….”Sadly” does really sum it up….I still can’t decide which is more painful, that bloody song or the Malkin cheer. Drab music sung with no passion is torture to me….people trying to act and failing miserably even if they are supposedly passionate and have a teleprompter is torture as well…..

I’ll give the award to the song. People had to sit through that without laughing until they cried in person. Now THAT’S torture. Malkin at least left her comments open so you could insult her repeatedly. Speaking of, I haven’t insulted ol’ Michelle in a while now….I’d better get going….
–Pim’s Ghost’s Ghost


Darnit sporty, I DO love me some eagles, but your link was bad. After second guessing you, I came upon a photo of a lady sporting a ‘Philippines’ t-shirt. Was that what you were going for?

God bless those who are part of ‘A Gathering of Eagles’ though, huh? They stand firmly by their country. Can you say that?

Thought not.


Oh no, we’re destroying the world! We are killing wildlife! We don’t even allow gay people to mate with legal documentation! The French are better than us! We have huge carbon footprints! WE DON’T EVEN GIVE FREE HEALTHCARE TO PEOPLE!!! Or free houses. You can’t even get free cars in America. This country totally blows.

Sheesh. You guys really suck.


God bless those who are part of ‘A Gathering of Eagles’ though, huh? They stand firmly by their country. Can you say that?

Thought not.

It’s cute the way you think in empty slogans.


Well, there’s not much damage they can do in Shrewsbury, is there? It’s beyond the Pale outside the Outer Circle as delineated by Route 495. Apart from cows and coyotes, most of the inhabitants have a two-hour commute into Boston or Providence, so the GOE will be thumping their tubs into an emptiness even vaster than that of most local-access cable.

Of course, with the technology of these here Intertoobz, they can always podcast the proceedings for the wanking benefit of the basement-bound from sea to shining* sea. That should bring their viewership levels well into the double digits, and might distract some of the troll-script producers as well.

(*slick from last week’s bilge spill)


phleabo said,

God bless those who are part of ‘A Gathering of Eagles’ though, huh? They stand firmly by their country. Can you say that?

Thought not.

It’s cute the way you think in empty slogans.

It’s sad they way you don’t.


er, ‘the’ way.


Kevin, why do you hate America? Why do you love the idea of our troops pointlessly dying in Iraq? Why do you love the fact that Osama’s on the loose? Why?


Sad the way phleabo doesn’t think in empty slogans?

Quite so.



Kevin doesn’t hate America. Kevin loves America.

Kevin just hates a majority of the people who live in America.

Because they hate America, or they expect its government to conform to certain standard basic standards of decency … one of those.


Thanks for the footage of John Ashcroft. I’m glad he hasn’t been forgotten.

Instead of kicking Ash, folks should have been kissing Ash. Ashcroft did a whole lot to protect America from the threat of terrorism. No, (concerning his right-wing singing), he was no Dr BLT, but concerning his passion for our protection, he ruled.

As far as the war itself goes, I too believe we need to end the war in Iraq, but,

Let’s End the War (By Winning It)


Sorry, bad link, here’s the corrected one:

Let’s End the War (By Winning It)


A Slathering of Beagles?


Hey BLT, we won the war back in 2003, remember? What we have now is an occupation. You don’t “win” an occupation.


That Guardian story is just an AP wire report that happens to be carried on the Guardian’s website. You can tell from the cryptic words “WASHINGTON (AP)” at the beginning of the first paragraph, not to mention The Fact that Most Of The Words In The Headline Have Their First Letters Capitalized, which is something British newspapers do not do.


er, ‘the’ way.

It’s cute how you correct the minor error in word choice and let stand the assertion that your position on the war is based a bunch of empty slogans.


Is victory in Iraq within reach? Is there such a thing as victory given the bloody stains left behind.

In accordance with quintessential psychological theorist and philosopher Carl Jung’s notion of the anima and animus, I believe, that, both collectively, and individually—whether male or female—we all possess some sort of archetypal force that would like to witness a John-Wayne-styled-kick-ass-conclusion to the war in Iraq. To be intellectually honest is to acknowledge this archetypal wish within us.

As for the song, some will interpret this brand new Dr BLTune, as an anti-war song, while others will interpret it as a pro-Bush, pro-surge, pro-troop anthem. In the past, my songs have been claimed by both sides, one side claiming they are to be interpreted literally, as music patterned after Fox News and the like; and the other, claiming that there is much to be read in between the lines of each song, and as such, they believe my songs represent left-leaning political satire.


As for the song, some will interpret this brand new Dr BLTune, as an anti-war song, while others will interpret it as a pro-Bush, pro-surge, pro-troop anthem. In the past, my songs have been claimed by both sides, one side claiming they are to be interpreted literally, as music patterned after Fox News and the like; and the other, claiming that there is much to be read in between the lines of each song, and as such, they believe my songs represent left-leaning political satire.

Oooh, my, aren’t you clever and post-modern.


“Oooh, my, aren’t you clever and post-modern.”

Nope, I’ll be the first to admit, I’m just trailer trash with an education.


“Zython said,
Kevin, why do you hate America? Why do you love the idea of our troops pointlessly dying in Iraq? Why do you love the fact that Osama’s on the loose? Why?”

Love America. Hate to see our men and women die. Not happy that Osama is not rotting in a jail cell in western Cuba and being waterboarded just for sport. What did I write that lead you to believe what you wrote? Because your comment shows a complete lack of understanding what you’ve read :(.

And zsa, I don’t ‘hate’ the stupid Americans you describe. I just pity them. And of course, I don’t want them running my country. But Repubs have screwed up so badly lately, it’s almost guaranteed that they will (insert sad face here).


Nope, I’ll be the first to admit, I’m just trailer trash with an education.

No, no – a degree, not an education.


The Republicans haven’t screwed anything up. They’ve governed the country according to their beliefs and principles. That’s the problem. It isn’t that they’re a bunch of incompetent nincompoops who don’t know how to get what they want. It’s that “what they want” is to benefit a small percentage of the country at the expense of everyone else. And they’ve said that from the get-go.

They told you saps what they stood for and you bought into it hook, line, and sinker. Too late now to say that the Republicans have “screwed up so badly”. You are the Republican Party, Kevin. This is your screw up. You cast the votes. You’ve stood by and let them loot and degrade the fucking country.

This is your bed. You shit in it. You fucking sleep in it.

Course, being a rabbi and all, you’ve probably heard all this stuff before …


Nope, I’ll be the first to admit, I’m just trailer trash with an education.

“No, no – a degree, not an education.”

A degree is an education—to a degree.


A degree is an education—to a degree.

Just ask those Regent U grads at the Justice Department.


“The Republicans haven’t screwed anything up. They’ve governed the country according to their beliefs and principles.”

I’m inclined to agree with you. They governed like Republicans, or politicians. Not like conservatives. They are entirely to blame for

“They told you saps what they stood for and you bought into it hook, line, and sinker.”

Here, I disagree. They only told us what we wanted to hear, but didn’t act on their promises. They spent money that we don’t have like drunken Democrats, refused to secure our borders, created ZERO alternative energy (like nuclear power plants, or a wind farm in Ted Kennedy’s ocean), didn’t even bother to drill in ANWR, all the while trumpeting useless crap like ‘freedom fries’ or Terry Schivo (sp?).

It is sad that we are doomed to go through 4 years of the Carter administration again under a different name again, but as you so ineloquently said, “This is your bed. You **** in it. You ******* sleep in it.”

You’re right, zsa, We trusted a bunch of bad people. And because of that, even worse people are ascendant (pelosi, reid, murtha, the list is long indeed). This is indeed a bed of our own making, and we must lie in it. Hopefully, it will allow us to clean house of spend-happy RINOs who care more about being re-elected than about conservatism. But the outlook is not great.

Hey, when did I become a rabbi? I can’t wait to tell my Jewish friends. Oy Vey! Barook ah tah! Mishooginah! Sell 10,000 shares of EPP and use the proceeds to buy MGM! Sadly, that’s all the yiddish I know.


Hmm, must have put a bad tag in there.

“I’m inclined to agree with you. They governed like Republicans, or politicians. Not like conservatives. They are entirely to blame for”

should read:

“I’m inclined to agree with you. They governed like Republicans, or politicians. Not like conservatives. They are entirely to blame for their loss of power, and we conservatives are entirely to blame for electing them.”


A degree is an education—to a degree.

“Just ask those Regent U grads at the Justice Department.”

I don’t have to ask them, I am well aware that it’s not where you’ve been, or what you’ve accomplished, but what you’ve made out of the tools you’ve been given. And, speaking of tools, I know that I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. So, educate me. I’m all ears. Humility is the beginning of wisdom, and humility is where I attended before applying anywhere else. I don’t mind returning to my alma mater every once in awhile if I stumble across somebody I could learn something from.


Hey, when did I become a rabbi? I can’t wait to tell my Jewish friends. Oy Vey! Barook ah tah! Mishooginah! Sell 10,000 shares of EPP and use the proceeds to buy MGM! Sadly, that’s all the yiddish I know.

And you’re an anti-semite, too. You must be great at parties. Do you do a minstrel routine as well?

LA Confidential Pantload

“And you’re an anti-semite, too. You must be great at parties. Do you do a minstrel routine as well?”

Notice that Kevin’s never acknowledged that there’s anything funky about “The Eagle’s Nest.” Either he’s historically illiterate (most likely choice), or he thinks it’s a damn shame the name hasn’t been resurrected before now.


phleabo – gently – Dr. BLT is a guest here and a gentleman. He doesn’t deserve such treatment. You should concentrate your efforts on someone who deserves it, like Kevin.


Hmmm, I dunno, g. BLT is creepy in ways kevin, no matter what he’s doing in the basement with his mom and his lawn mower, can only aspire to be…



g’s right:

Dr BLT, I apologize for my rude and unwarranted hostility.


Nobody should concentrate efforts on Kevin. He’s like a wingnut Eliza: seems to be communicating but it’s really a cheap simulation.


phleabo said,
And you’re an anti-semite, too. You must be great at parties. Do you do a minstrel routine as well?

Good Lord! I’m more pro-Jew than any non-Jewish person in the world! How on Earth did you decide I was anti-semitic? Does making jokes about people equal disliking them in your book? If so, sad for you. You must live in a very unhumorous world :(.


I used to love screwing with that program on a pet 2000, bubba (Commodore, I think)! But it always ended up saying, ‘we’re not here to talk about me, we should concentrate on you’.

I on the other hand, am fully willing to talk about either you or me. So in the future, please refer to me as Eliza+.

Thanks in advance.


Mikey, what I do in my mom’s basement is none of your concern! It’s private. BTW, do you like pie? I hear you do.

Heh. Mike cracks me up.


g’s right:

Dr BLT, I apologize for my rude and unwarranted hostility.

phleabo, I’m unworthy of your apology, but I humbly accept. If I were just a troll, and not a recovering troll, I wouldn’t even deserve to be here. As far as the “creepy” allegation goes, that’s something I don’t get very often, but when I do, I chalk it up to something shrinks like to call projection.

That which an individual perceives within themselves as creepy, and thus, unacceptable, is projected onto another individual as a way of deflecting that very creepiness. I will acknowledge being corny, at times, but never creepy.


What do you mean “we”? Here it’s only you.

They only told us what we wanted to hear, but didn’t act on their promises.

You figured this out after only a dozen years? The GOP has controlled the House since ’94, they’ve got enough Federalist tools on the Courts to matter, and they’ve run the table since 2000.

The nature of conservatism has been clearly apparent since well before the 2004 election. If you voted for Bush then , YOU are the problem.

This is not just a Republican failure. This is a conservative failure. There is no difference.


Now think about that, dear hearts. How would you like to be at a wedding and spend the entire ceremony thinking to yourself, “Is that fucking O.J. Simpson back there?” I don’t know if I’d be able to keep it to myself, frankly.

When they have kids I’m totally invited to the christening.


Yes, there has been plenty of failure to go around in the Republican Party. But it’s time we all identified that which we can unite behind, and build upon. It’s time we began to see our respective glasses, both as half full, and not half empty, and as glasses that we can put together, to equal one full glass.

In short, I propose a toast! Can anybody drink to this?


Yeah zsa, I was speaking only of conservatives, libertarians, and people who prefer freedom over fairness. And no, I didn’t figure this out over a dozen years. I figured it out very shortly after Bush took power. He was doubtless better than Gore, but hardly conservative. Lowering our tax burden was a great idea, but it comes with the cost of lowering our governmental spending, a fact he chose to ignore.

“The nature of conservatism has been clearly apparent since well before the 2004 election. If you voted for Bush then , YOU are the problem.”

Kinda right, but you forget a very important fact. The only other option was John Kerry! Good Lord. If they would have offered that guy from New Mexico or the cool Senator from Connecticut, things might have been different. But John Kerry!?!? Give me a break. I’m confident that Lieberman would have been a better choice despite his penchant for taxing the crap out of people, but your side gave us John F’in Kerry. Don’t act like you’re not partially to blame.


“This is not just a Republican failure. This is a conservative failure. There is no difference.”

This is the root of liberal’s cognitive dissonance. There is a huge and gaping difference.


In short, I propose a toast! Can anybody drink to this?

Here’s to some as-yet-unseen Republican Party that isn’t out of its collective mind and corrupt.


Why can’t we all just get a song?


“Here’s to some as-yet-unseen Republican Party that isn’t out of its collective mind and corrupt.”

I’ll drink to that. Jesus said all we need is a mustard seed worth of faith. Today, Righteous Bubba, you’ve proven to have just such a mustard seed. Can I get an “Amen” anybody?


And remember, the Beatles, in their classic song said, “Come together, right now, over me.” They didn’t say, “Divide right now,” or “Come together, later, when we all agree.”


God bless un-corrupt Republicans. They’re as good as a conservative in my book. But how can we find a few hundred of them before the Democrats destroy or appease away our great nation?


Hey, God sent us a man to save the people!

Rejoice! Or baptize stuff. Whatever it is you religious people do. Dominus Ominus! (that’s latin for “it’s all good”)


Ah, so you can lump us all together with every liberal ever in history, but if we point out that the Republicans are A) all part of the conservative movement and B) have uniformly screwed the pooch both domestically and in foreign policy … well clear there’s a “gaping difference”.

No. The only thing “gaping” here is you. The simple fact is that conservatives are tied to the Bush anchor. George Bush is a Conservative. He has governed as a conservative. If we elect another conservative, that person will govern in the same fashion as Bush … perhaps different around the edges, but venal and corrupt and incompetent, because that’s what conservatism is. At it’s core modern American conservatism is incapable of governance. It stands against the big scary liberals with their whacky notions of civil society, but it doesn’t stand for anything. Hence this whole focus on how everything liberals do is bad, bad, bad. Your core principles are all in reaction to someone else’s. That’s why conservatives when in power simply devolve into graft and (apparently) sodomy.

If you really believed the things you say you believe, you wouldn’t be here now nattering with us.


Ah, so you can lump us all together with every liberal ever in history, but if we point out that the Republicans are A) all part of the conservative movement and B) have uniformly screwed the pooch both domestically and in foreign policy … well clear there’s a “gaping difference”.”

I can and do! I lump liberals, socialists, and even non-war-mongering communists all together. They are all horrible thoughtless people. What I DON’T do is lump liberals with Democrats. Nor do I allow people to lump conservatives with Republicans. Not without a fight at least.

I hope that’s not confusing. It’s not meant to be, but hearing stuff from the opposing side always is. Democrats suck, and Republicans suck almost as much, but it has little to do with their ideological bent. We can’t do much about your Democrat crazies like Murtha, but we can fix our side. We’re hell-bent on cleaning house on the right. Are you?



Couldn’t you be more like Gary Ruppert? At least he’s entertaining; I’ve heard everything you’ve got say a couple hundred times, and it doesn’t improve with age.

At least give us something new to play with. Your work so far has been depressingly cliche.


Not sure, but I’ll attempt!

What does ‘got say’ mean? The answer might help me in becoming more like Gary Ruppert. If you would stand for say, a Rupert Murdoc, or a Roger Ailes… I already know how to emulate those guys (you only have to admit that America is the greatest nation in the world! It’s that easy!)

So what is this Gary Ruppert guy bring to the table? You clearly don’t get insinuation, so what type of humor DO you get? It’s no fun at all making fun of you if you don’t even get it :(. Should I switch to fart jokes or something?


“George Bush is a Conservative”

Lots and lots of angry, disgruntled conservatives would beg to differ with you.


A Warmonger of Eagles, maybe?

And I hate to be a grammar Nazi, but if “Eagles Nest” refers to a Nest belonging to Eagles, it needs to have an apostophe in it.


“George Bush is a Conservative”

Lots and lots of angry, disgruntled conservatives would beg to differ with you.

They could beg, but too bad. The current working definition of conservative is “guy who supports Bush” and you can thank the slavish Republican party for it. This is why the current Republican race is so entertaining: it’s a game of chicken to see who will drive furthest towards the cliff. Ron Paul’s dropped out and good for him.


“Dr BLT, Recovering Troll said,
“George Bush is a Conservative”

Lots and lots of angry, disgruntled conservatives would beg to differ with you.”

I’d be one!


“They could beg, but too bad. The current working definition of conservative is “guy who supports Bush” and you can thank the slavish Republican party for it. This is why the current Republican race is so entertaining: it’s a game of chicken to see who will drive furthest towards the cliff. Ron Paul’s dropped out and good for him.”

In your world at least! What color is the sky in that world, btw? I’m guessing pink.


The current working definition of conservative is “guy who supports Bush”

and facts be damned! We’re liberals. What use do WE have for a fact?


Am I just shooting fish in a barrel? Zsu had the markings of a brilliant mind (gone wrong imo), and someone to be contended with. But bubba and marita? It’s not even necessary to shoot holes in their theories. They seem to grow holes all by themselves!

Phoenician in a time of Romans

They told you saps what they stood for and you bought into it hook, line, and sinker. Too late now to say that the Republicans have “screwed up so badly”. You are the Republican Party, Kevin.


He’s the Republican Party’s bitch. He might as well have ‘Slut” scrawled on his forehead and be chained to a toilet somewhere.

LA Confidential Pantload

Phoenician in a time of Romans,

Wouldn’t he be tapping his toes, too? Nothin’ like them wingnut happy feet…..


“He’s the Republican Party’s bitch.”

I hate to step into the line of fire, and I know this wasn’t directed at me, but doesn’t this qualify as an ad hominem attack or a cheap shot. Do you have a cogent intellectual, rationally-based argument that might represent a good substitute for such an attack on character?

Phoenician in a time of Romans

I hate to step into the line of fire, and I know this wasn’t directed at me, but doesn’t this qualify as an ad hominem attack or a cheap shot.

Neither. It is a pungent, but sincere distillation of the relationship between the institutional Republican Party, basing policy on the self interest of the American plutocracy, and their mass of supporters, supporting them on the basis of tribal identity and buying into populist propaganda.

Tom Frank has written an entire book on the subject – me, I think it boils down to people like Kevin being the Republican’s little bitches.

Do you have a cogent intellectual, rationally-based argument that might represent a good substitute for such an attack on character?

See the link.


Hey, did you see how I made my name as pretentious as yours, phoenician? It has the implied meaning that I’m too deep for anyone else to understand too! If you disagree with me, I’ll just say ‘well, you don’t understand me’.

Pretentious names rock! I think I’ll work ‘absynnian’ in there too. This is too cool to pass up.


Quentesh Tarantino the absynnian. Whatcha think?


crud, I ruined my joke with a single y 🙁


Bah, you were right on all fronts, bacon, lettuce and tomato. Don’t let pretentious guy tell you otherwise. Sorry the truth had to come from an unrecovered troll :(.


If you haven’t seen it, catch the [url=”http://whiskeyfire.typepad.com/whiskey_fire/2007/09/their-postwar-s.html”]Whiskeyfire[/url] post wherin he is accosted by a strange man with Tourette’s.


Bugger! thought that would work!

Ah, hell, just copy and paste the linkage, shall you?

Phoenician in a time of Romans

Pretentious names rock! I think I’ll work ‘absynnian’ in there too. This is too cool to pass up.

Just remember to keep your kneepads on and your mouth open when your betters want you, my little bitch.


Ok, but please don’t call me ‘my little b*tch’. How about “my little searcher for deeper truth of Aragonian b*tch”? Or “B*tchesnia, the nubian quester of great knowledge”? Thanks in advance :).

– Kevin in a time of Roberts

Phoenician in a time of Romans

If the kneepads fit, wear ’em.


Love America. Hate to see our men and women die. Not happy that Osama is not rotting in a jail cell in western Cuba and being waterboarded just for sport. What did I write that lead you to believe what you wrote? Because your comment shows a complete lack of understanding what you’ve read :(.

You ultra-cons can dish it out, but it seems you can’t take it.


What do you mean? The guy called me a b*tch without even attaching pompous add ons, and I barely batted an eye, Zython. Of course we can take it! Quite true though that we have a problem with people unable or unwilling to understand us.

-Kevin the Assyrian in a time of french cuisine.

Phoenician in a time of Romans

Kneepads, bitch. When your Republican masters say “suck”, you should be saying “ummshmshmm”…


Landscaping services by Berchtes Gardens.


Favorite Bach piece Von Himmler Hoch


Lots and lots of angry, disgruntled conservatives would beg to differ with you.

Those would be the same conservatives who called us “traitors” and “appeasers” for daring to point out the flaws in their leader and his policies?

We told you so. We told you so a long freakin’ time ago. It’s too late now to pretend otherwise. Particularly after tarring us as “un-American”. And now you come slinking along saying you never liked that George Bush guy anyway.

Nice try, but we don’t let the rats escape from the sinking ship without pointing out that they are, in fact, rats, and that they are responsible for sinking the ship in the first place. That’s an ad hominem, I guess, but it’s in the interests of extending the metaphor as far as it with stretch.

Even now you defend the Iraq occupation and support Bush in his efforts to run the clock out. Nothing has changed.

The idea that there’s an ounce of difference between conservatives and Republicans is ludicrous. The Republican party is the standard bearer for the conservative movement. The Republicans have governed according to the principles of conservatism.

You guys can wriggle like worms on a hook trying to distance yourselves from the dismal pit of Republican governance, but you’re not getting off. This is your failure. It is the failure of the conservative movement.

You lay down with pigs, you get porked.


Silly people. Of course Bush isn’t a conservative now. Conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed.


What do you mean? The guy called me a b*tch without even attaching pompous add ons, and I barely batted an eye, Zython. Of course we can take it!

Then why did you whine like the wuss that you are when I accurately pointed out that you hate America? What goes around comes around, terrorist-lover.

Quite true though that we have a problem with people unable or unwilling to understand us.

Oh, no. I understand you just fine. I understand that you hate democracy more than anything. How’s that?


Silly people. Of course Bush isn’t a conservative now. Conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed.

It’s fascinating watching the Republican primary train-wreck. Who’s got the guts to disown the guy?


Who’s got the guts to disown the guy?

Whoever wins the nomination.

Right now it’s all about red-meat for the base. Double Gitmo and America’s Mayor and waterboard the shit out of anyone who gets in our way.

Once the nomination is locked down, the winner will run away from Bush as fast as possible. It might not be a specific disavowal, but they’ll all be prattling on about “new directions” and “different vision”, and behind the scenes they’ll talk smack about what a cock-up old George has made of the situation and how only a Republican can fix the mess.

The press will eat that shit up.


Whoever wins the nomination. Right now it’s all about red-meat for the base.

But it’s the base that’s soured on Bush, along with everybody else. There are easy votes there for candidates with guts.


Totally, Ancient Egyptian in a time of irradiated Spaniards! Making fun of homosexuality is all the rage for the liberals!


“Then why did you whine like the wuss that you are when I accurately pointed out that you hate America? What goes around comes around, terrorist-lover.”

Because, silly person, you inaccurately pointed it out. Inaccurate is quite different from accurate. You should know that!

Also, you’d know why it offended me if you bothered to read the last part of my statement, “Quite true though that we have a problem with people unable or unwilling to understand us.”

I suspect you are the unwilling type, but only because I don’t like to say people are incapable. That’s really for you to decide.


Good point. That’s probably why Ron Paul is doing so well. (I don’t mean that sarcastically, Paul is actually drawing way better than you would expect of a 3rd-tier Texas congressman).


That’s probably why Ron Paul is doing so well.

And why the others are all in such danger. They’re such panderers, and proof that there is no American conservatism, there’s just authoritarianism. Kudos to Ron Paul for being his own nut.


Also, you’d know why it offended me if you bothered to read the last part of my statement, “Quite true though that we have a problem with people unable or unwilling to understand us.”

First off, I did read and responded to that. Secondly, why didn’t you bother to read when I said “What goes around comes around”? Or are you admitting that conservatives are immune to any sense of irony?


sagra said,

September 18, 2007 at 23:17

Silly people. Of course Bush isn’t a conservative now. Conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed.

IOW, it’s just like $cientology….NEAT!


Zsa, if he didn’t support fleeing from the rest of the world and supporting the gold standard (or perhaps the ‘oil’ standard?), I’d be all for him. Crazy or not, he’s pretty libertarian. Even crazy libertarians make more sense than most, if you are a fan of freedom, I mean. If only we could squeegee out the stupid!

Noo, I know little about scientology, so I can’t comment meaningfully. But everyone always knew Bush (like his Dad) was never conservative. That’s why they coined the phrase ‘neoconservative’. Our Lord and Saviour, Ronald Reagan knew this even back in the ’80s. Unfortunately, ‘neoconservative’ seems to mean spend money in a way that might even embarrass a democrat, and solve almost as few problems as a liberal might!

It really came down to a simple choice: An imaginary lock-box fiending Gore, or a normal person who had a penchant for liberal ideas that have never worked. If you doubt me, take a closer look at the cheap government paid prescription program Bush came up with. There are not many escapades that could be more liberal, unless you came up with a ‘free tv/car/vacation/massage therapy’ program to insure that no one would have any goals in life.

But I digress. The point is that if you don’t think Bush has a liberal bent, it’s only because you don’t want to.

[Zython] “First off, I did read and responded to that. Secondly, why didn’t you bother to read when I said “What goes around comes around”? Or are you admitting that conservatives are immune to any sense of irony?”

You did SAY you understood it, but you certainly didn’t act like it :(. May just be me though! I haven’t been taking my vitamins, and I am irony deficient.


You did SAY you understood it, but you certainly didn’t act like it :(. May just be me though! I haven’t been taking my vitamins, and I am irony deficient.

This is why I don’t try anymore.


We’re pretty far below the fold here, but I’ll give it a shot:

You totally are totally mistaken about the origins of the term “neoconservative”.

You can sit back and say that Bush is not conservative, but you’re fooling yourself. He is a true, died-in-the-wool conservative. You may not like the result (certainly no one in their right mind does) but what we have is the result of conservative principles of government in action. What we have is exactly what we would have had if Reagan had had a pliant Republican congress.

It goes back to the observation that movement conservatives don’t believe in government. So how can they actually govern? Pretty much every federal agency has been rotting from the head for the past 7 years. This is because the people at the top are conservatives (and there has been no congressional oversight). They don’t believe that government is effective, and it’s become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Course, you’re a true believer and nothing you believe can be wrong, by definition, so it must be Bush who is not a conservative. He’s failed, so he must be a liberal! Classic. Taste the Kool-aid, baby!


(comments are closed)