Oh God, It Never Ends

Ding! Ding! What’s that? Oh nothing, We’re just banging our heads on this lightpost.


[Hanx! Andrewsomething]


Comments: 43


work it, work it, get it, get it


Virginia Senate was what she meant to say he was running for all along, of course. Never did she imply that Warner was running for Prez.

And you can’t argue, because, naturally, in the end she will prefer her own explanation, which happily doesn’t insult her intelligence.


wow, someone started on the apricot-tini’s quite early today
either that or her size 1 clothes are cutting off oxygen to her brain


Oh, fuck. I just helped to improve the accuracy of her poll. I’m like one of those guys on the train who gives up his seat because he thinks McArdle’s pregnant.

Gavin, is the lightpost big enough for two?


It was all that heavy reading the night before.


What she clearly meant was that it was a combination poll of candidates for the presidency and for a Democrat who’s running for Senate.

They do those combo polls all the time.

Just like the one from last week about who you would prefer as secretary of state among a lot of choices and then would you also like to choose Gwen Stefani as a cool performer.


You know, I still think that the last post was the product of McArdle’s desire to play ditz. She’s a member of a fringe ideology that worships female triviality – so far as Libbies are concerned they have a ‘comparitive advantage’ in trivial bullshit like clothes and boys and basically they stop paying attention to actual women in high school and think of the entire female community as an oversized version of the Bratz doll line.

The evidence in the case of the last one: If McArdle is six foot two, this did not happen overnight – she’d be familiar with stores like Lane Bryant, which cater to women with a sigma above two. Like B&T stores for men, they are where many heavy or tall women can get clothes.

And considering she doesn’t go around wearing maternity outfits (as she would be forced to if she did all of her shopping at Target), she is clearly playing dumb here: she has the money to shop at a B&T store and, as evinced by her actually having decent clothes to wear, has done so before. Her complaint about not being able to find kicky fall fashion at the mall is as facially absurd as it would be if she started making posts about that hunky Trevor who sits next to her in geometry. (Which she doesn’t pay attention to anyway — giggle! Math is hard.) But she’s playing the hair-twirling ditz because that’s what a woman is supposed to be.

So yeah, Megan-chan gets a lot of ideological mileage out of playing dumb. (If you want a good example of that, look up ESR’s rantings and ravings about sex and intelligence – libbies earnestly believe having ovaries makes you mediocre at best.) But looking at posts like this, I begin to realize that it was a role she was born to play.


…and she tries to claim it was a joke.


We’ve never heard that one before.

You know, I think she’s quite skilled (no, no, hear me out), but in all the wrong ways. You see, she’s become really good at evading the issue at hand when someone unimpressed by her use of big words and pretentious tone calls her out on her stupidity and insensitivity. It was a joke, here’s what I was saying all along, etc etc. Although one could argue she’s not really good at that either because she demonstrates an amazing lack of self-awareness by rewriting her arguments almost totally and then claiming she was “clarifying”.

Jesus christ.


Have another gingertini dear.


Oh god, ESR. I think I speak for a lot of open source people when I say that that man is batshit insane and a class-A jerk to boot. I mean, uh, ESR? Whoever is that? I don’t know any ESR.



Also, it’s been said before, but I like this blog’s new devotion to making fun of a smugly comfortable Libertarian with a third-rate Internet publication on a literati magazine that jumped the shark two decades ago.

I was getting tired of that whole ‘snapping at people who intend to drag us kicking and screaming into Tehran’ thing, and I’m glad you’re not doing it any more. It was so uncivil, you know? Dragging down the discourse and all that. Kudos, S,N!


Isn’t this getting a little too easy? I think you should go back to the Swankster.


I use ESR because he is basically a normal right-wing ‘libertarian’ without the dignity-preserving instincts that normally prevents them from ranting about how the Bell Curve makes negroes people inferior in public, then responding to people’s startled reaction by angrily declaring that they are armed and nobody’s going to “emancipate” their property without war – and war means fighting, and fighting means killing. TANSTAAFL!!!

And correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the difference between ESR and most ‘open source’ people that he’s a hyper-capitalist dickbag who basically thinks that it’s OK if software costs an arm and a leg and kills your family as long as l33t h4x0rs like him can tool around with it, Bazaar versus Cathedral, blah blah blah? The sort of person who screams ‘FREE AS IN SPEECH NOT FREE AS IN BEER!!!!’ at anyone to use the word ‘free’ in any context, that is?

There are a lot of loathsome people within the American programmer community, evidently, but ESR is like King Shit of Fuck Mountain for them.


Isn’t this getting a little too easy? I think you should go back to the Swankster.

Nah, the Wizbang blog. Teh stupid burns at Chernobyl levels, there.


She’s like Marie Jon with a bigger platform.


I was getting tired of that whole ’snapping at people who intend to drag us kicking and screaming into Tehran’ thing, and I’m glad you’re not doing it any more. It was so uncivil, you know? Dragging down the discourse and all that. Kudos, S,N!

We’ll be back to it soon. There’s some daily-personnel reshuffling, with Mencken, Brad, Travis, and D.A. all hitting burnout pretty much at the same time.


There are a lot of loathsome people within the American programmer community, evidently, but ESR is like King Shit of Fuck Mountain for them.

As a member of that community I can verify that it is heaving with loathsome. I don’t know many who think ESR is all that, though, but it might be a regional thing.

The only thing ESR does that I’ve really appreciated is his maintenance of the Jargon File, though I get annoyed with the preaching about how “hacker” is such a noble term that needs to be Taken Back. That, and the sense that pre-1970 was an Age of Gods in the programming world and everything since then has been trivial (though I don’t think that’s ESR’s fault, or not entirely). Still, there’s a lot of interesting computer history in there.

His politics don’t intrude into the Jargon entries themselves, much. The other parts about what Hackers are like — urgh.

Totally Straight Right Wing Guy

Uh oh, looks like another totally straight, masculine, heroic right wing appears to be into teh gahy: http://www.pamshouseblend.com/showDiary.do;jsessionid=D6F88210BAB0548448BD8811209D800D?diaryId=2953


C’mon people, get over to the poll pronto! Drive up those page views! Boost that Atlanticonline ad revenue. Prove McArdle right!

And vote Crax / Daily – teh winning ticket in 2008!!!11!

My name is Seymour Crax, and I approved this message.


You people are so mean to Megan! She said it was just a joke and that everyone was just too stupid to get it. Sheez.


Ok, first post is now up at firemeganmcardle.blogspot.com.
I really am likely to prove too lazy to keep it going on my own, but those energies deserve venting somewhere, so if anyone else wants to participate just say the word.


Totally Straight Right Wing Guy:

Just because Patrick McHenry looks like the softest touch this side of the doe-eyed fella on Queer Eye, hangs out with at least one dude who appears to be affiliated with a gay escort service and “owes his political life” to another gay guy doesn’t mean he’s not a ruff-n-tuff ubermachismo he man who is like TOTALLY getting in with the ladies. It’s stupid to jump to those conclusions, despite the fact that every butch het in the GOP set is just one black guy sighting away from blowing every single Crip in the john.


We’ll be back to it soon. There’s some daily-personnel reshuffling, with Mencken, Brad, Travis, and D.A. all hitting burnout pretty much at the same time.

Would it be out of line to suggest giving Anne Laurie posting powers?


Would it be out of line to suggest giving Anne Laurie posting powers?



Being stunned by her posts doesn’t remove the pain.


Megan’s super-amazing joke is just so darned side-splittingly funny that that the poll’s been changed, all references to the hilarity-inducing Mark Warner’s been scrubbed, and the list of candidates has been explanded to include more non-Seymore Crax candidates.

The sound of raucous laughter must have gotten unbearable there at The Atlantic. Megan’s work was beginning to suffer. Yup.


Would it be out of line to suggest giving Anne Laurie posting powers?

Make it so. That Clif dude is alright too.


i’ve been a bit out of touch, but has the theory been posted that ann althouse is actually mcardle coming back from the future to set herself straight, but sadly, future mcardle (althouse) has succumed to appletinis just like present mcardle? kinda like a ’12 monkeys’ but with an uncompelling main character?


Poor Bubba. Always a bridesmaid…


Dude, let me throw in my (totally inconequential) vote for Anne Laurie.

And Righteous Bubba.
And Mikey, if anyone can flog him into posting regularly (just once a week, man! C’mon!)


We’ll be back to it soon. There’s some daily-personnel reshuffling, with Mencken, Brad, Travis, and D.A. all hitting burnout pretty much at the same time.

And you make good. Thankee.

(I snark because I love, guys. S,N! is one of the most reliable reads on the left blogosphere. At times it is intolerably smarmy and in-jokey – but that it manages to be consistently hilarious in spite of that speaks volumes of your talent as writers.

Also, you’re the first and best at covering the continuing Dolchstoss bullshit from the righties, along with many other horrifying developments. Thank you.)


I’ll keep visiting Megan and her undeniable comedic stylings, until I can find a blog dedicated to teh funny…


Who the heck is ESR?

Ernst Stavro…no.
Edward Scissorha– no.



The only thing ESR does that I’ve really appreciated is his maintenance of the Jargon File … His politics don’t intrude into the Jargon entries themselves, much

Ahem. That’s just off the top of my head, too. He’s actually been slowly sneaking in terms with relevance to his career as a dumbfuck warblogger, with explicit bias.

That’s right — the Jargon File now cites Little Green Footballs.

What “hacker” has ever used the word “anti-idiotarian?” Hint: absolutely none, other than the self-appointed “hacker” Eric Scott Raymond.

Sorry, but ESR has fucked up the Jargon File but good.


Wow a real “Libertarian”half the friggin comments have been deleted for one thing or another.Re.ramoant trolling,deleted for sounding like a second grader,thats funny coming from the SIC.queen.What’s next,deleted for not agreeing with content.What a twat,in the British sense of course.My head hurts…


Bubba, Simba, Brad and many others, all their comments scattered to the winds like the sweat tossed from Howard “I can haz be rapist?” Roark’s brow. I suppose she might delete my comment, too, but not acknowledging my contributions to her poll (five freaking candidates) is punishment enough. M’lady hath foresaken me. Oh well, might as well go and kill Mordred, now.


Not to blogwhore, but one of the purposes of the new Fire Megan McArdle blog is to provide a place for all those poor little comments Megan is too selfish to give a home.


“Not to blogwhore, but one of the purposes of the new Fire Megan McArdle blog is to provide a place for all those poor little comments Megan is too selfish to give a home.”

Like the way Spy magazine used to publish letters to the New Yorker.


[Channelling chris crocker] “Leave Megan alone! She’s just trying to write her column! She’s a human being! What you don’t realize is Megan’s making you all this snark, and all you do write a bunch of crap about her! Her column is called Asymmetical Information for a reason, but all you lopsided people want is more more more! (Sobs) LEAVE HER ALONE!”


Poor Bubba. Always a bridesmaid…

This will change once I am able to marry box turtles.


I consider the day not done unless I have shot one of those violent Arabs and taken some of my God-given oil.


Sorry, but ESR has fucked up the Jargon File but good.

My mistake – I haven’t read it much over the last few years. Sorry to see the damage.


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