The Dumbness That Passeth All Understanding
Little Green Footballs, September 6th:
Osama Bin Dead: Still Talking*
The SITE Institute says a new video is coming from Osama bin Laden, but I expect more old footage recut to look new. I remain 97.33% convinced that bin Laden’s been dead for a long time.
Little Green Footballs, September 7th:
Osama Bin Laden: A Chomsky Fan
By the way, I still believe there’s a good chance he’s dead, although my level of certainty has declined a bit with this new video.
This is understandable, considering the new video that he just appeared in. And yet, Charles, we must hold firm to certainty. Because once we waver in the belief that Bin Laden is long-dead, then the next thing, we might start wondering why he’s been allowed to run around free, lo! these past six years — and that’s exactly what zombie Bin Laden wants!
Above: “Welcome back, Charles Johnson. Tell us your theory
on the UFO/Vatican connection.”
Also in the news, the WMD substance at the UN that Glenn Reynolds famously blamed on the Iran uranium inspectors who had nothing to do with it, has turned out to be a non-toxic commercial solvent.
We believe this only strengthens his point.
Upcoming: Mark Noonan of Blogs For Bush warns of a civil war between sensible Bush-supporting folks and unhinged liberal moonbats twisted by hatred, who had better watch themselves or else. Pam Atlas has taken up a new hobby. Suspense obtains regarding the puzzle of the Acepalooza secret location.
* Charles blocks all traffic from here, and has recently blocked the main workaround, Tinyurl links. Thus has Little Green Footballs been transformed into a veritable titanium fortress, invulnerable to liberals and their puny technology.
However, the sages of old once whispered of an ancient prophecy foretelling that a bold adventurer, selected by fate, might one day breach the citadel by, you know, copying the link text into their browser and pressing ‘return.’
And we’re supposed to believe that bin Laden is dead because. . . ?
Because Bush has proven throughout his life that he is a success at whatever he sets out to do? Because he’s been forced to hide among well-connected Islamic jihadists sympathetic to his cause in Pakistan rather than well-connected Islamic jihadists sympathetic to his cause in Afghanistan?
Help me out here, fellas.
Gotta go to bed. The stupid is sucking the life out of me like Heather Brooke on a bender.
It’s a good thing I’m not omnipotent, or impotent, for that matter.
You folks rule. Thanks for the laughs and the smarts.
The Little Green Fuzzball has conflated the idea of belief, as in “I devoutly wish Osama were dead”, and believe, as in “My opinion, based upon the facts available”. It’s the same as the people who argue — in all honesty — that evolution shouldn’t be taught in schools because “Even you evolution-loving scientists call it a ‘theory’!!1!”, just coming from the opposite direction. Frequently it’s the same people making these arguments, of course. The Humpty Dumpty School of Political* Commentary… last resort of the sloppy thinker.
*(or, if you prefer, Mr. Lebowski, Socio-political)
Anne Laurie,
I really enjoyed your posts over the last few threads…just too tired to pass it along.
G’night, all.
And we’re supposed to believe that bin Laden is dead because. . . ?
Yes. Because.
OT: Justice Department Filing Slams Net Neutrality
The Justice Department this week issued its support for a tiered approach to Internet service, and said that the imposition of net neutrality laws would hinder the continued growth of the Web.
Okay why are you 2.67% Bin Laden is still alive?
The Shrieking Harpy runs a counter-terrorism site? Bwuh-what? And where is Eurabia?
I didn’t realize stupid could be distilled to such purity as you all have been finding this week. Wish oil was so plentiful . . .
Have the wingnuts forgotten that Bush, when asked where Osama was in 2002 publicly declared he wasn’t concerned about Osama and had stopped thinking about him? Iraq was the priority. It’s likely that capturing Osama has never never a priority for the Bush administration. If he’d cared at all, he would have concentrated on Afghanistan.
The wingnuts also conveniently ignore the close friendship Osama’s parents and the Bush family enjoy.
I’m glad to see that Ace has finally found a Denny’s that will push two tables together. Ah, to be there that night. The Zima will flow like…uh, flowing Zima.
And we’re supposed to believe that bin Laden is dead because. . . ?
The usual explanation is that since bin Laden has diabetes his prognosis wasn’t that good. But he if he is alive then clearly he has had better medical treatment than you usually get in mountainous caves in Afghanistan or in some hut in rural Pakistan.
Which means he has had a little help from his family. The same family that also has very close ties to the Bush family. The hunt for Osama was called off long ago anyway and Bush has said that he doesn’t really think that much about him.
If you can be arsed, the comments on the LGF screed are just precious , basically boling down to; “…. well I want Osama to b dead, but turns out he’s not, baaaaa.. librals…”
I thought that Aceapalooza was a joke until I clicked it, more like Loserpaluzza.
Given how laughable Grecian Formula Osama’s little act was, the LGFers must really *need* him to be real, alive and pushing the Bush line on the War of Terror™. Geez, look at the guy! Given that they’ve got an unlimited budget (hell, they own the printing presses) you’d think that they’d be able to come up with an edition of him that at least resembles the guy! Of course, when G.F. Osama vaporizes some liberal American city, we’re all supposed to forget what happened with the B-52 this week and buy the line that Iran supplied him with the nukes to do it! Back to sleep my little sweethearts, G.F. Osama’s not *really* hiding under your beds…
“97.33%” ?
I see, so, 97.3% is too low but 97.35% is too high.
Here’s the explanation for the Grecian formula:
By the way, I still believe there’s a good chance he’s dead, although my level of certainty has declined a bit with this new video.
For those of us who believed you had a half a spoonful of brains, our level of certainty has declined a bit since that last statement.
You’ve got red on you.
So, wow, it occurs to me, as i watch the MST3k movie on YouTube for the “way to many, goddamn, you’re a loser, why don’t you leave your goddanm room and get a girlfriend?”th time, and I’m thinking to myself, “Self, besides the two most perfect Crow T. Robot quotes for the neocon pro-war crowd*, wouldn’t it make perfect sense for S,N! to be like the ol SOL?”**
This about it. Brad, Gavin, Seb, et al, sitting around doing whatever it is they do, probably involving balloons, and animals; suddenly the lights start flashing and the copmuter siren goes off and it’s “We’ve got Wingnut Sign!”
* The first one: “Well, this is confusing. Mike you wanna hand my my calculations? Well, look at that, ‘Breach hull, all die’. Even had it underlined.”
Second, “Believe me, Mike, I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds that I doing something incredibly stupid, and I went ahead anyway…”
**Satellit der Liebe, if you will.
Right, “probably.”
So let me see if I get this: bin Laden’s not dead, so GWB is a failure…no, that can’t be right.
bin Laden says his motivation isn’t hatin’ on our freedoms, like George says, but ‘cos of what we’ve done, like Chomsky and Baer and lots of other dudes say, so Chomsky’s right and Georgie’s wrong…no, still not getting it.
How ’bout this: bin Laden reads Chomsky, so he’s like, way intelligent and clever and stuff, and we hates us some clever folks, ‘cos we’s thick as two short planks…nope, still not catching the wingnut logic.
How about this: bin Laden’s not dead, and it’s all Chomsky’s fault! Yah, that seems about right.
Jebus H Christ on a pogo stick, these guys are stupid. Deep, mind-meltingly, in the bone, stupid. They’re like a singularity of stupid, probably with a reverse event horizon about their persons, beyond which no reality can penetrate. If only they’d undergo gravitational collapse and fuck off out of the world, we’d all be a lot better off.
As far as the “bin Laden’s Christmas, errr, pre-Iraq-report, message” goes, my bullshit meter is ticking like a very ticky thing. I am deeply, deeply suspicious of the message, the timing, the implications, and probably the horse the whole thing rode in on.
Aside from all that, as someone who once had a very post-structuralist friend, I can offer several other interpretations of the message. They’re seeing it as “bin Laden says the Iraq war is central, which we agree with so it’s right, and that he hates our interference in the Middle East, so Chomsky and Baer and friends are turr’rists”.
One could just as easily cite the same two issues, but reverse the interpretations, to get “bin Laden says the Iraq war is central, which we agree with so we’re turr’rists, and that he hates our interference in the Middle East, so Chomsky and Baer and friends are right”. Simply a matter of which statement one chooses as representative of turr’ism and which one chooses as representative of righteousness.
And while I’m not convinced that the message is real ObL (TM), if it is, I’d be just so completely chuffed if the next one out consisted of ObL stating clearly “Me ‘n George cooked the whole thing up, and you’ve all been sooooo pwned, so yah boo sucks”.
Although that would probably also be Chomsky’s fault.
Actually, while I’m on a Chomsky rant, how is it that bin Laden’s reading Chomsky? I mean, he’s purpportedly sitting around in a shack in rural Pakistan, and I don’t expect they have much of a lending library, so where’s he getting it? Off Amazon?
And why the buggeryfuck would bin Laden be citing Chomsky et al anyway? Is he secretly enrolled in one of those distance education, “Get a PhD while you sleep!”-type courses? Or is the cunning plan simply to make the marching morons equate reading with turr’ism?
Whenever you link to an LGF post, you should put a “You are A Idiot” warning. I’m seriously tired of having that misspelled thing blaring on my screen!
Alternatively you could do a post focused on “You are A Idiot.” It would be interesting to see where Charles Johnson would redirect the link.
Pam Atlas has taken up a new hobby.
Pfeh. This is news?
I was all over this back at the end of July, where I referred to her as “Blogs-While-Soused”.
I’ve got another post upcoming on the “madrassas” thing in a day or two. Evidently not only is Daniel Pipes involved, but the “terrorism scandal” that took down the original principal was created by a typically sleazy O’ Reilly-esque “GOTCHA!” interview.
The Web site for Pammy’s latest project includes a description of Atlas Shrugs as “a counter terrorism site.”
We have nothing to fear but Formica itself.
Actually, while I’m on a Chomsky rant, how is it that bin Laden’s reading Chomsky?
He’s big on Jews.
how is it that bin Laden’s reading Chomsky? It wasn’t his choice. he’s in a book club and he wa soutvoted, again. Bin Laden voted for “Angela’s Ashes.”
It wasn’t his choice. he’s in a book club and he wa soutvoted, again. Bin Laden voted for “Angela’s Ashes.”
So, I guess he’s already read “The English Patient”, then.
The usual explanation is that since bin Laden has diabetes his prognosis wasn’t that good.
Fair enough, but isn’t diabetes treatable by a simple shot of insulin? I’m just playing Bush’s advocate–devil’s advocate here.
So, I guess he’s already read “The English Patient”, then.
last year. the movie version is sitll in his Netflix Queue.
One aspect of Pamela’s new hobby is the American Patriot Youth Library—an Amazon wish list of very patriotic books. If you buy one, Stop the Madrassa will deliver it to the Khalil Gibran International Academy. They say there are 76 items on the list (like 1776, get it?), but I count 14, four of which are by William J. Bennett. To date no one has purchased a book.
Someone explain the book references to me. I’m sure there’s funny in them, it’s just that I’ve never read either of them.
Noonan: “the stuff with which civil wars are made – and my advice to you Democrats is to stop it.”
B4B Commenter: You know Mark theres part of me hoping that they don’t. We have the guns and ultimately, if forced, the numbers to destroy these morons completely. There is no doubt on who’s side the military would be and no doubt that the country, in the long haul, would be better off without them.
Its only our sense of fair play and decency that keeps them safe, even when they are all to often violent and abusive. Perhaps this country needs a good fight to remove the divisive parts and to again present a more cohesive unified front.
How could anyone find fault with such an admirable sense of decency and deep yearning for civil unity?
Y’know, they should form an organization where like-minded people could join up and share their views on how to make America better and stronger.
They could call it the American Liberty League.
Or the Silver Legion.
Or the American Legion.
Maybe we should all help them out by generating a list of names for their exciting new organization, and then hold a vote to pick one?
Qetesh, the AP is reporting that the speech has the hallmarks of an American born Al-Qaida propagandist by the name of Adam Gadahn. If that is the case then it’s likely that the guy knows just the way to formulate a speech designed to drive an even bigger wedge between the Left and Right; quoting Chomsky is enough to drive any wingnut apoplectic, Bin Laden quoting Chomsky was sure to drive them into a rabid frenzy. The true trifecta would be Bin Laden quoting Chomsky whilst being given a reach-around by George Soros.
I’m waiting for LGF to announce that Bin Laden releasing a video showing that he lives is proof that Al Qaida monitor LGF and was specifically designed to undermine their credibility.
I’ve actually been trying to find a way to map out the formal (il-)logic underlying the thought processes behind the wingers who get so worked up over bin Laden. It’s like some sort of inverse tar baby story. It’s not the reverse psychology of someone who WANTS you to do something telling you to NOT do it, its…..more complicated. It’s someone who wants you to do something telling you that the people you hate are doing the opposite of what he wants you to do so that you not only don’t do it, but do the opposite – which is what he wants you to do all along.
It’s like Osama bin Laden is telling America that it is a decadent, evil place, because the Democrats keep taking all these penis-enlargement pills that actually work. And then Hindy et. al. stand up and start complaining that a big penis is a sign that you are a gay Muslim terrorist, and having contests to see whose dick is smaller. Meanwhile, all the Democrats are having to get their inseams let out, only to discover that bin Laden has been so effective that their porn-sized packages are now a detriment to them getting any action at all.
And Osama bin Laden is still off with Whitney Houston.
Obsession Radial Islam Coming Will be Seen In America
Obsession Radial Islam Coming Will be Seen In America
Don’t vote Democrat if you want to live! They will dismantle more and more of what has been protecting our country.They also have become America’s enemy within.
Marie Jon’
Radial Islam? Wheels within wheels.
Funny how the Wingnuts are going batshit over the Chomsky and Kyoto references, but fail to mention Osama’s very Republican ravings about taxes.
God, these fucking people are insane.
Powerline: “Bin Laden offers the Marxist explanation that our government is controlled by big corporations[…]”
Marxist explan… That’s not a marxist anything, that’s fucking reality! That’s the opinion of every sane person in America. Four words: Cheney. Energy. Task. Force. Followed by two more: Big. Oil.
Radial Islam? Okay, there’s a joke there, someone smarter than me…please?
Gasp. It’s the Apostrophe Queen, announcing some new Goodyear Tyres. No ?
OK Badyear Religion ?
Ah, thank you, tigrismus.
Damn that Charles is really creepy looking. What is it about the winger life style that makes them look like they’re decomposing? (see Medved, Micheal.)
Aversion to sunlight?
Um, something about, we should insist on bilateral negotiations with them? Because ‘radial’ is…
I’m not sure I’m the smarter person here.
If I recall my grade-B movie science correctly, zombies due tend to decompose at some point.
I love Obsession. I wonder if I’ll like the new addition to the fragrance line: Obsession: Radial Islam, coming soon to a fine department store near you! I’ll bet it’s musky with lovely notes of coriander and vanilla.
Marie Jon’ really is functionally illiterate, isn’t she?
I actually felt, given the cheap mindlessness of bin Laden’s “analysis” (i.e., everything in the US is controlled by big corporations who are too supportive of democracy because it helps them stave off Islam) that the reasons he cited Chomsky were:
(1) Chavez waved the book around at the UN, so OBL noticed it.
(2) It allows him to argue that there is no other escape from the trap but Islam, i.e., ‘even your Noam Chomsky shows that your leaders and the big corporations manufacture your consent’ so therefore if we’d only surrender to Islam, then we’d be free.
What the right will completely miss is that the only context in which OBL mentions Chomsky is actually to diminish him: here is your best scholar, here he tried to show you some truth, but he cannot recognize that only Islam can save you, etc., etc.
Radial Islam
Ah…a safer religion with a smooth ride and a 36,000 mile warranty.
“Obsession is without exaggeration one of the most important films of our time. ”
–Glenn Beck, CNN Headline News
This reminds me of a movie scene.
Seth: Do you serve food here?
Bartender: We have the best food in all of Mexico
Seth: I kinda doubt that
The road to Jahannam will only be traversed by steel-belted Muslim radials.
Notorious P.A.T. said,
Fair enough, but isn’t diabetes treatable by a simple shot of insulin?
My understanding was that he needs regular dialysis, not just insulin but I don’t know that for sure but the US apparently thought so:
CNN January 18, 2002
Like Qetesh I am suspicious and of course it’s all Chomsky’s fault.
If you want to continue to annoy Charles, there are a whole mess of other URL shorteners out there. Whee!
Alternatively, if you want to see if you can get him to ban referrals from Google, why not make links that run through Google’s translator program?
For example:|en&
(ironically, after I post my comment, then I’ll be able to see if this really does work)
Wow. The lesson here is Americans from both sides have built up some wild crackpot theories about bin Laden and al Quaeda. Maybe because the bushies are contagiously stupid?
Anyway, c’mon. The dood has a lot of money. He has connections with committed, experienced radical fighters. He worked and funded ops for 9 years before he pulled off 9/11. Nothing special, nothing fancy, he didn’t need US special ops help, he just had the time and the resources. Tell me why anybody needs all these weird theories? He’s still got lots of support and resources in his AO. Can’t very well travel the world, but he can plot and fund. And maybe he’ll succeed again. Maybe he won’t.
But there is no doubt that just about everything bush/cheney has done since 9/11 has been even more than bin Laden could have ever hoped. They don’t really need to mount another attack. Other little groups keep the pot stirred, the US government provides the terror, the recruiting, the training grounds by occupying Iraq.
War on terror update, September 2007.
Big winner: Iran. Eliminated both primary natural enemies (Iraq and Taliban) without lifting a finger, firing a shot or spending a euro. Enormous expansion in regional power and prestige.
Next big winner: al Quaeda. Launched successful attack against the US. Got away utterly unpunished. Caused the US to Invade and occupy two countries, kill a million muslims, and wreck the infrastructure of both nations so the people live in terrible conditions. US continues to imprison and kill citizens of those nations in large numbers.
Charles and the Malkin thing and their ilk continue to create the terror. They are the ones who impute to al Quada this overwhelming power to threaten the very existence of the United States.
It’s amazing how utterly stupid the American response has been. Losing on every front and learning not a whit from it…
Hm. Let’s try that again.
Obsession Radial Islam Coming Will be Seen In America
Marie Jon’ s illiteracy aside (how do you write the possessive for someone whose name ends in apostrophe???) what does this sentance even MEAN???
Obsession: Radial Islam, coming soon to a fine department store near you! I’ll bet it’s musky with lovely notes of coriander and vanilla.
makes far more sense.
How about Don’t vote Democrat if you want to live! They will dismantle more and more of what has been protecting our country.They also have become America’s enemy within.
I think English is a second language for Marie Jon’.
Maybe Osama is buried next to Khamenei.
* The first one: “Well, this is confusing. Mike you wanna hand my my calculations? Well, look at that, ‘Breach hull, all die’. Even had it underlined.”
Second, “Believe me, Mike, I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds that I doing something incredibly stupid, and I went ahead anyway…”
I love that one. the second one is my credo.
Obsession Radial Islam Coming Will be Seen In America
Jesus christo, she can’t even hit & run-troll coherently. Reminds me of all the friggin’ junk mail Haikus I get every day selling penny stock.
Coming will be seen? Maybe on teh pr0n sites, baby; certainly not here.
From Mark Noonan’s post:
“it illustrates a hardening of positions and an unwillingness to make an attempt to see things from a different point of view.”
By the way, that’s the same Mark Noonan who wrote this:
“I make no peace with the left, not ever – it is entirely opposed to what I know to be correct, and I cannot admit for a moment it has a valid point of view”
I wrote a post pointing this out, and somehow, it never actually made up onto B4B. Gee, I wonder why that is.
I’ve got another post upcoming on the “madrassas” thing in a day or two. Evidently not only is Daniel Pipes involved, but the “terrorism scandal” that took down the original principal was created by a typically sleazy O’ Reilly-esque “GOTCHA!” interview.
There’s a long article on Pipes’ attacks on the Khalil Gibran School here.
My favorite bits:
“learning Arabic in-and-of-itself promotes an Islamic outlook,”
“Arabic-language instruction is inevitably laden with pan-Arabist and Islamist baggage.”
Let’s see: Arabic-language instruction is inevitably laden with both a secular left-wing political philosophy and a far-right wing religio-political philosophy. And there’s absolutely no tension within that statement at all. Nuh uh.
Sometimes I wonder how Pipes remembers how to breathe.
I swear, I know more about the Middle East than most of the commentators, and I’ve never bothered to get a degree in Mid-East/Arabic Studies (although I pursued it as an undergraduate major for a while).
That was a real, actual troll post from Marie Jon’? Wow, that has got to be seriously embarassing; I thought it was a bit of inside snark, and you’re telling me its REAL?
Go check out instarube having a fit on Tbogg’s comment page; it’s a laff riot.
Marie Jon’ flutters in now and then like the little butterfly of sweetness she is to save the damned.
No WONDER we can’t find anybody to translate terrorist intel for us! The very act of LEARNING Arabic makes one go terrorist! How could we have been so blind?
Obsession: Radical Islam’s war Against the West
full length
Yes…I am trying to save America…. You are one?
Love In Christ.
Kisses my Retardo…WINK!
“You are one” what?!?!!
And furthermore, is “Love in Christ” anything like “love in an elevator”?
It’s zen koan day here at S,N!
Y’know, religion, like damn near everything else, can be (ab)used to produce a state of self-generated euphoria. (So can live music. And love. And good sex. And damn near everything, without requiring submission to an invisible Super Sky Fairy.)
My point is Marie Jon’ sounds almost like a junkie, at least to me. Or maybe she’s just illiterate.
You are one?
I used to be one. But I decided to stop.
Oh,it was hard at first, but I’ve pretty much got it beat now.
So, Marie, no, I’m am not one.
But I think you might be!
Who knew Marie Jon’ has a Retardo of her own? One wonders whether it is a voodoo doll or a RealDoll (TM).
Although…..if you click on Marie’s name, you find an ad which leads you to this, which does look like it could lead to much potential amusement……
Following Jillian’s link, someone please tell me that this is a prank. Honestly, under dislikes:
I have very few dislikes. If you can say a nice thing, do not say it..laughing! Hey I want to say hello to all on this site! Keep the FAITH!
What is her native language, anyway?
Oh, and boys, it’s listing her as engaged, so please try to find a way to cope. If it’s any consolation, her body type is listed as “sharp”, so it would have all ended in tears anyway.
[still hoping it’s a prank]
“Yes…I am trying to save America…. You are one?”
Hell, I am two or three Americas, but my doctor told me I gotta slim down so my goal is to become one America, or maybe an America and a Canada if I don’t cut back on the beer.
Her native language is FOXP2 negative.
However, the sages of old once whispered of an ancient prophecy foretelling that a bold adventurer, selected by fate, might one day breach the citadel by, you know, copying the link text into their browser and pressing ‘return.’
LGF: Is this it? Is this all the power you can muster, Sadlymon?
*Copy/Paste explosion rips through Wingnut Deep*
Best pic on “Biscotti” Jon”s site.
(hope I got the punctuation right)
Because Lord knows she didn’t.
Christian’s Day FTW!
Can it be that there is a troll impersonating Marie Jon’? Or maybe it’s the regular troll’s day off and they’re outsourcing?
That site needs a login. Is Marie Jon’ “biscotti?”
Some Guy said,
September 9, 2007 at 0:41
However, the sages of old once whispered of an ancient prophecy foretelling that a bold adventurer, selected by fate, might one day breach the citadel by, you know, copying the link text into their browser and pressing ‘return.’
LGF: Is this it? Is this all the power you can muster, Sadlymon?
*Copy/Paste explosion rips through Wingnut Deep*
Wait, wait, let me get this straight: LGF is too chickenshit to allow links from SadlyNo… and then has the audacity to mock SN’s workaround to LGF’s chickenshit little “Oh plz don’t visit our site ur posts r too powrful for us!” measures?
Why don’t you actually grow a pair and take down the blocking measures? Or is that too scawwy for you?
Actually if you were going to grow a pair you’d sign up for the military and go fight your own stupid war in Iraq, but that would require moving out of your mom’s basement first…
I guess after hearing Bush say bin-Laden was not a concern for him in 2002, followed up by the hilarious double-take CIA Head Porter Goss performed when standing next to Bush when he stated they were searching vigorously for Osama, followed up by the dismantling of the CIA program trying to find him, *kinda* convinced me he “weren’t taken breathes no mo’ “.
But what do I know?
Musing from the tropics….I am wondering, was Johnson’s father a postman on Ted Nugent’s mother’s route?
Marie Jon’ came by and I missed it?!? Aww man, I miss everything (
I’d be just so completely chuffed if the next one out consisted of ObL stating clearly “Me ‘n George cooked the whole thing up, and you’ve all been sooooo pwned, so yah boo sucks”.
Although that would probably also be Chomsky’s fault.
No, *that* would be John Kerry’s fault. Or possibly Al Gore’s, depending on the kerning, of course.
But we know ObL will never have the guts to “out” his close personal ties to the Bush Crime Family, because Bar showed him a voodoo doll made with his beard trimming (pre-Grecian Formula), and would *you* dare to cross the illegitimate daughter of Aleister Crowley? (/snark)
That man is butt-ugly.
And, Anne Laurie: there’s no way I’d cross Bar, even absent the Crowley connection. I’d sooner eat a cane toad. Come to think of it, there is a resemblance…
I’d feel more certain that it was all Chomsky’s fault if Chomsky was a bit fatter, are you sure it wasn’t Michael Moore?
If Charles removes the blocking for Sadly No, the terrorist have won.
In the last few days as I ran down all the ways by which terrorists win, I have come to realize that the bar for the terrorists wining is quite low. This is a troubling development if you ask me. Now anyone that wants to avoid being a loser and wants to join the winning team will naturally flow to terrorism.
Hollywood and the rest of the establishment is pushing people to avoid being losers, and this I believe, proves that popular culture is nothing but a plot by the evildoers to bring pain, destruction, fear and terror to the public.
Am sure we should be rallying against something, I just can not quite put the finger on what. The options are endless. A little bit like
“The Shrieking Harpy runs a counter-terrorism site? Bwuh-what? And where is Eurabia?” It’s to the right of Eastasia and to the left of Oceania.Again I must reiterate;I support the war,but hate the troops.My cerebellum hurts…
WCW said,
September 8, 2007 at 19:27
Maybe Osama is buried next to Khamenei.
It’s Kahane,they where BFF’s!!!11!!
Yes I am pimping my own website but I thought you’d all want to know the latest about what’s going on at Little Green Footballs.
Links and more at
Just Another Day at LGF: Nuke Islam Chat
The LGF charm offensive continues as the residents, strongly provoked by the vandalism of a dog statue, suggest nuking Islam.
This is no set up — the one suggesting a Holocaust is, according to his profile, a dedicated three-year LGFer who has posted almost 9000 times on the site. The more fledging member who said Islam is a “13 hundred year plague with no cure in sight” chortles agreement with the nuclear holocausting (“That will do the trick!”) Many other posters chime in with enthusiasm for killing all Muslims with nuclear weapons as the only (final?) solution (“There is only one thing that can wean them. Six feet of earth.” “I do not think it is a question anymore of whether America will nuke Mecca and Medina to ashes…but whether all the countries of the world will join in or not when America does.”)
Then the one seemingly sensible poster who was trying to talk the rest of the flock out of the Nuke Islam meme explains her nuanced position: “We must wait until they deploy the first nuke. Then we must be prepared to reduce every place in the world that has this infection to a glassy lake.”
Remember, the management of Little Green Footballs says it deletes overly offensive comments, and that it is NOT a hate site. Repeat it over and over: “It’s not a hate site… It’s not a hate site…”
…would *you* dare to cross the illegitimate daughter of Aleister Crowley?
Word on the street is she had Bob Crane killed.
Dear Jillian,
You are a one of the most active little radials in here. You are vulgar , stupid, obstinate and a perverse person. That is correct …You are a horse’s ass.
Pretty Marie
Radial Islam, pertaining to ideology that emenates from a central point, radiating outward from Afghanistan, no, Pakistan, no Iraq, no Iran, holy Shiite, I don’t know. They keep moving the Islamofascist base. What is a wingnut to do? How will they know where to send the B52? Barksdale? Is Barksdale the center of Radial Islam? What’s even funnier is there are 322,000 results on Google for Radial Islam. Maybe they are on to something.
I’m actually glad the Chucktard blocks out links from here, the last time i actually visited LGF out of curiosity, it may have actually sapped me of a few IQ points. That place radiates toxic levels of INCREDIBLY FUCKING STUPID coupled with some pretty intense rays of Utterly Batshit-Crazy