Whoah Nellie

We are proud as well as dumbfounded to present for general delectation…

The Powerliniest post in the entire history of Powerline.


Comments: 51


Arrgghh, brain hurt, must crush!


Bin Laden offers the Marxist explanation that our government is controlled by big corporations, so the Democrats are powerless.

Well, except for OBL’s someone non-Marxist twist that the reason those corporations make us powerless is so that we can hold on to democracy (?!), and therefore keep trying to make ‘man-made’ laws, when what would really set us free would be to submit to Islam.

Where was the Marx essay which said that the reason we common working types were all oppressed was because we had paid too much attention to historical materialist arguments?

Bin Laden’s view, then, is a lot more like the Bill Cooper’s and late night shortwave radio right wing militia nuts of the 1990’s than he is a Noam Chomsky follower. I am surprised he didn’t start encouraging us to buy colloidal silver, as it was the secret to killing all the germs within our bodies that the socialist medical establishment wants to keep from us.

After all, he only brings up Noam to establish that our system is immune to his criticisms — in other words, he’s putting Noam’s views down as inherently weak, since you cannot learn from his lessons since the greedy democracy-supporting big money corporations are aiming to keep you from Islam.


The transcript of Osama bin Laden’s newest video, in which… the subject matter is Iraq, …said that Iraq is the main front in their global war against us. … Bin Laden…says it is “our duty” to “escalate the killing and fighting against you” in Iraq, and that “our brothers are carrying it out.”

Sounds like another message from America’s Wag-the-Dog Propaganda Dept. Yawn. Like anyone’s going to buy it…

It has never been plausible to suggest that the war in Iraq is anything other than fundamental to our conflict with al Qaeda and related groups; after this video, any such suggestion is impossible.

except the warmongering trash at Powerline. It’s only a matter of time before they start making Osama videos.


Hey John.

Fuck you.

You weenie.



John wrote this stupidity? The same guy who gushed about what a visionary Bush is?



“Iron Fist Atheists” is an awesome rock band name, no?


If that post had been written by Jon Swift instead of John Hinderaker, it would be wicked satire.


OBN: Keep your war on.


Power Line Forum Photoshopper Powers, activate.


Christ, I don’t want to read any of this shit, OBL’s or Powerline’s.

Only have three responses. One, I bet OBL got the idea to name-check Chomsky from news that Pat Tillman was a fan of Noam’s. Two, his screed seems calculated to put the wingnuts on offense and the left on defense. Seriously, that fuck knows us pretty well and has bet the farm on propping up the American Right.

Three, I know that OBL and GWB’s fortunes are ineleuctably linked, endlessly gifting one another, but HOW THE FUCK IS IT THAT OBL’S CONTINUED LIFE AND LIBERTY HASN’T DRIVEN SOMEONE TO PUBLICLY BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF GWB?

Sorry. I guess I’m a little tense.


Osama clearly hearts Bush, for his help with terrorist recruitment…


Im very scared but I must click that link 🙁


I think Chomsky and Bin Laden in the same post means I have to finish my drink.


[OLB]:”The vast majority of you [Americans] want [the Iraq war] stopped. Thus, you elected the Democratic Party for this purpose….”

Let’s pause there. Remember the video that bin Laden released just before the 2004 election? It was virtually a campaign commercial for John Kerry. When the Democrats finally won in 2006, bin Laden must have thought victory was at hand.

Ron Suskind noted that the CIA analysis of the video led them to the consensus view that the tape was designed strategically to help President Bush win reelection in 2004. Deputy CIA director John E. McLaughlin noted at one meeting, “Bin Laden certainly did a nice favor today for the President.” Suskind quoted Jami Miscik, CIA deputy associate director for intelligence and Alan Premel former DCI Task Force supervisor, as saying “Certainly, he would want Bush to keep doing what he’s doing for a few more years.



OBL understands American government and culture slightly better than John Hindraker. Big surprise.

I fail to see how OBL’s obvious desire to fight us in Iraq is any reason to stay there. Are we supposed to let our opponents decide the field of battle?

It seems to me that if we left Iraq the population would quickly turn on al Qaeda and drive them out. That’s good enough to get published by the Atlantic, so there!


Nope, not clicking over to Pajamaline. Not gonna do it.

Ezra has it right: Osama bin forgotten is a Pavlovian, and he damn sure knows his test subjects.


Brooks had the same lines on newshour tonite.
I saw that before I read this, and my jaw dropped when Brooks said osama sounds like a lefty blogger.
Shields didnt say a word.

Why again is OBL still alive?


Well, I’ve just scanned it because I’m having dinner.

But it sounds to me that what Bin Laden sounds MOST like is George W. Bush.


He does agree with Bush’s tax cuts, after all.


Why again is OBL still alive?

Lefty bloggers have priority.


That is truly the stupidest shit I have ever read.

How do you do it? I mean, without the complete wrist-slasher reaction these morons create? And what a goddamn surprise that the Brooksian talking points are, shall we say, less than original.

How is it you S,N!er’s are still functional? I don’t get it, and need the antidote soon.

Bin Laden is playing Bush, and his ever-dwindling supporters, like the proverbial Stradivarius.



Right on.


There are no taxes in Lutheranism, either. They just pass around the collection plate and donations are voluntary. Also, there are potlucks.


Ron Suskind noted that the CIA analysis of the video led them to the consensus view that the tape was designed strategically to help President Bush win reelection in 2004.

Thank you.

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone on teevee would make the connection between that video and this one, and say “hmm, maybe bin Laden wants us to keep wasting lives and money in Iraq, like how he wanted us to keep blindly following Bush in ’04”?

I mean, really. Why release a message now? What major event is coming up? Is someone about to report on something to Congress, for instance?


Notorious P.A.T. said,
I mean, really. Why release a message now? What major event is coming up? Is someone about to report on something to Congress, for instance?

Sadly, no. It looks like he’s just going to give Bush an oral presentation in the Oval Office (ba-dum-chee) then leave.

Oversight is for wimps and communists.


I know that OBL and GWB’s fortunes are ineleuctably linked, endlessly gifting one another, but HOW THE FUCK IS IT THAT OBL’S CONTINUED LIFE AND LIBERTY HASN’T DRIVEN SOMEONE TO PUBLICLY BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF GWB?

Because the Secret Service is possibly the only government department that hasn’t been gutted by the Repubs?


Also, there are potlucks.

I’ll bring the Jell-O™.


I’d hate to think that OBL did all this because Friday was my birthday. And I didn’t get him anything. Oh well. Then again what do you get a boogieman for his birthday, anyway? ‘Let’s Pretend’ games? Invisible tie? A tape of his own funeral? I dunno.

These dimbulbs at Powderline really are the dumbest fucknobs on planet earth, aren’t they? There was no fucking tape from anybody except the Bushco Labs Propaganda Division. (I’m sure you’ve seen their motto: We Bring Good Things To Lies” ) OBL is either dead or being hidden under VERY deep cover in a place where no-one would ever think to look for him and yet when he supposedly surfaces TPTB immediately spray his mug all over every news show and broadcast on six continents, and the wingnuts believe it’s all true and eat it up like it was chocolate covered pretzels instead of the obvious propaganda it is.

I’m surprised. Has no-one in the fright-wing of the blogosphere have the ability to reflect on this and ask themselves, “Why is it, exactly, that OBL’s tape thing agrees with almost every aspect of my world view? About the war? Democrats? Pres. Bush? America’s way forward? And yet HE’s the enemy?”

I guess that they’re all too fucking stupid to see when they’re being led around by the nose, much less why their every taliking point is endorsed and repeated by Osama Bin Laden. Killer of innocents. Enemy of America and Life, itself…

I can’t even feel sorry for them.


That increasingly looks smart, doesn’t it, Anne Laurie.

I think Chomsky and Bin Laden in the same post means I have to finish my drink.

Oddly, it seems to be evidence that I already *have* finished my drink.


If OBL said that 2+2=4 Hindrocket would want to arrest all mathematicians.


“Why again is OBL still alive?” Because he is Emmanuel Goldstein.Or,Al Golstein but hairier….My palms hurt.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Oh, noen! Quickly, I must hide! But not before I burn all traces of mathematical tomes, lest I be betrayed by a fragment of the simplex algorithm!

[Pauses, addresses camera, deadpan]
And no, you amateur comedians, I do not mean herpes simplex. Sheesh.

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue

“Why is it, exactly, that OBL’s tape thing agrees with almost every aspect of my world view? About the war? Democrats? Pres. Bush? America’s way forward? And yet HE’s the enemy?”

I’ve heard that he’s also into Corn Dogs & Beauty Pagents; go figure.


Did we go to Iraq because it was the central front in the GWOT, or did it become the central front in the GWOT because we went there?

If we left Iraq and sent everyone to Afghanistan to a) stop the heroin poppy production, b) ACTUALLY defeat the Taliban, and c) find bin Laden, would the GWOT follow us there, thus giving us a one-front war where all our forces are located, or would it stay in Iraq and fight a Ghostman Coalition of the Willing? If the latter, who gives a shit?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

would the GWOT follow us there, thus giving us a one-front war where all our forces are located, or would it stay in Iraq and fight a Ghostman Coalition of the Willing?

Ourobouros, what a great idea! What better way to defeat Teh Forces Of Eeevullllll than to take their war away. You’ll have to pass that one on to Dubya, because that’s pure gold, my friend.


“Second, the affinity between Muslim extremism and Western leftism has never been so clearly displayed…”

And here I thought that we were attacked because of leftist values? What up Ramesh?????

But really, here I am on a beautiful Saturday morning, contemplating meaning, and intentionaility, and the credulousness of powerline when it suits them. I think it’s time to go to the farmers market.


Oh, I don’t know. He didn’t say “Obama bin Chomsky”. [i]That[/i] would have been the perfect powerline post.


From this point forward, all registered Democrats will now be known as Osamacrats, and the word “liberal” is henceforth replaced with the word binLadenral.

For example, a newscaster may read the following: “Today John Kerry and several Senate binLadenral Osamacrats announced that they favor legislation setting forth a concrete timetable for the withdrawal of American soldiers and Marines from Iraq.”

It works. We’ll get used to it.


//f OBL said that 2+2=4 Hindrocket would want to arrest all mathematicians.//

Sadly, no! I agree with Brad… who doesn’t agree with you, as far as I can determine.


bin laden hates big corporations? It never stopped him from cashing his dividend check from Bechtel when Rumsfeld was president of it.


This has just been my experience, but I’ve only ever seen Chomsky mentioned on Conservative blogs (and in passing in Sociobiology homework freshman year) but never liberal ones. Or any liberal writing actually. And the Conservatives never acutally tell me what Chomsky says, they just make it clear they hate the guy. Has anyone else had this experience?


Only have three responses. One, I bet OBL got the idea to name-check Chomsky from news that Pat Tillman was a fan of Noam’s. Two, his screed seems calculated to put the wingnuts on offense and the left on defense. Seriously, that fuck knows us pretty well and has bet the farm on propping up the American Right.

So Osama is calling Chomsky one of the most competent American commentators, and Bush an idiot?

Yeah, I can see why the non-reality based communtiy might have a problem dealing with the facts…

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Flying Fox, I’ve had the experience of wingnuts shouting “blah de blah de blah, Chomsky’s a turr’st, yah boo sucks” completely out of the blue and apropos of nothing. It’s pretty clear that most of them have never read any of his books, and that they hate him with a passion, and that that hate makes them spew their frothing rant all over anyone who even slightly disagrees with them. Trying to have a reasoned conversation with a wingnut who’s started The Chomsky Rant is like trying to reason with a bushfire: painful and quite unproductive. As a red rag is to a bull, Chomsky is to wingnuts.

I can sort of understand why: he points out, in full and gory detail, all the atrocities the US has committed in the past and is committing now. That really hurts their sense of self, so they stick their fingers in their ears and shout “La la la, I can’t hear you” until the Chomsky pain goes away. After all, they’re getting their righteous little erections about being simultaneously Rough ‘n Tough ‘n Freedom-loving ‘n Democratic (probably TM, since they can’t imagine other countries could be properly democratic) ‘n The Finest Country In Da World, and nasty old Chomsky bursts their pleasant bubble quite comprehensively.

At least, for those that were brave enough to read him. Most don’t, they simply rely on fellow wingnuts’ opinions of what somebody once claimed that Chomsky had written. Much more comforting than truth.


I’ve read his books, and Chomsky uses big words, therefore most wingers can’t get past a few pages without suspecting they are being made fun of. Paranoia will do that to a person.


“Bin Laden’s tirade does have a point: “To conclude, I invite you to embrace Islam.” Presumably the American liberals who share so many of bin Laden’s beliefs don’t intend to convert. Sometimes I wonder, though, what their alternative is.”

Um, not converting? Works for me.


Do you agree that all we would have to do is pull troops and americans who are military personnel stationed over there out of the Kingdom and we would be fine? CIA needs to quit forcing people like Miscik and Premel to retire and force them out early. Take those trained people over to Saudi Arabia to get everyone out. OBL wouldnt have targeted us if we had troops there in the first place. Does anyone agree with me?


I can agree with that but thats not feasible. The US would not give in to terrorist threats to get out of a country simply based on them saying “He, get out of here we do not want you in the same country as Mecca” be for real Devin. And Alan Premel. He couldnt convince officials and DoD to close a base. He hunted terrorists and brought in some major terrorists. Maybe they should have taken him out of the Balkans and put him in charge of finding OBL. Maybe then for once we would find him. Premel is the most decorated CIA officer to leave the agency since the coldwar. Why let talent like that get away. He’s a trained machine, use him.


Thats fair, i will agree with that. I meant Premel and Miscik together as one team. A talented deputy director of Analytical studies and another stand out who would have been deputy director of operations. those two need to be working together. Miscik is not even in her 50’s yet, Premel just started his 30’s. We are letting talented indivuals get away from us is what i meant.


Fuck alan premel and these CIA elitists. If he is such a bad dude like we have heard about than why havent they conjured up OBL yet?


This is alan premel. I am outraged that my name is on here. Please delte me and remove me from this page. I can be contacted at the email address provided.


This is alan premel.

That other guy’s name is Alan Premel. Different spelling.


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