Shorter Peggy Noonan

‘A Time for Grace:
America needs unity in dealing with Iraq. That means the president must lead.’

Above: Quit taking the paper years ago

  • Pro-war forces must be willing to admit that mistakes have been made. Antiwar forces must be willing to start taking the president at his word.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 28


Don’t look now, but there’s a dolphin in the toilet stall next to me…


Antiwar forces must be willing to start taking the president at his word.

Gosh, yeah, Pegster, just as soon as, you know, he becomes the least bit believeable and non-sociopathic. Which I ain’t exactly expecting any time soon, or for that matter, within the next galactic year.


She’s a uniter, not a divider.


I’d much rather take Ms South Carolina’s word for it.

She was on TV the next day making (a little more) sense AND laughing at herself.


Pro war forces must concede to passive constructions. Anti-war forces must yield to the imperative!


What is needed is simple maturity, a vow to look to–to care about–America’s interests in the long term, a commitment to look at the facts as they are and try to come to conclusions. This may require in some cases a certain throwing off of preconceptions, previous statements and former stands. It would certainly require the mature ability to come to agreement with those you otherwise hate, and the guts to summon the help of, and admit you need the help of, the other side.

That’s what’ll solve the problem in Iraq… Maturity. Once the various factions see America acting mature once more they will stop all that pesky infighting and hold a pony parade. But wait…

Would it help if the president were graceful, humble, and asked for help? Why, yes. Would it help if he credited those who opposed him with not only good motives but actual wisdom? Yes. And if he tried it, it would make news. It would really, as his press aides say, break through the clutter.

Hmmm, perhaps the problem with the whole maturity thing starts with, you know, the guy who stupidly started this war in the first place?


Imagine having a crush on George W CodPiece. Chuckle! What a maroon!


It would certainly require the mature ability to come to agreement with those you otherwise hate, and the guts to summon the help of, and admit you need the help of, the other side.

Ahh, “those you otherwise hate”, “the other side”. Is she talking about La Queada, or the Democrats? In any case, what noble sentiments. Maybe she’ll win a noble prise.


The problem with liberals, poor people, dark people, and faggots is that they keep noticing all of our cock-ups. I know! It gets worse! Instead of just shutting up and knowing their place, they have the nerve to say something about it!!

Why can’t liberals just go along with our stupidity, so that when everything finally blows up for good, we can blame it all on them?!

Grow up, liberals.


Noonan views the country as one big Mayberry and herself as Aunt Bea.

Now now, there there, no one’s wrong and no one’s right…let’s all just get along and solve this little mess we’ve all gotten ourselves into.



start taking the president at his word

Which word might that be? “Nucular”? “Grecian”? “Kosovorian”?

Northern Observer

Peggy N is forever lying back and thinking of the Presidency.
She knows her duty to her country.


Everyone just be nice to each other, and we can keep sending kids from West Virginia to get their asses shot off in a miserable desert until we’re all dead! I mean, why would someone get mad about that?


She’s clearly demented if she thinks that Bush is even remotely capable of what she’s suggesting. But then, she does believe in magic dolphins, too. As for her advice to us anti-war folks, I say fuck off, Peggy, I’ve heard enough from the likes of you.

objectively pro-

But then, she does believe in magic dolphins

Magic dolphins with spears!


It would really, as his press aides say, break through the clutter.

Yep. See, that’s the whole problem. Clutter. Fucking clutter. If we could just clean up the clutter, get things straightened up, fresh doilies, HEY, don’t sit on THAT couch, sit on the one in the den, then things would be much better.

Peggy. The clutter is arms and legs, dead children, cholera victims, people with holes drilled in their heads, american kids blown to pieces, a nation in agony. Clearing up the clutter won’t help until we stop adding to it!



I love that picture of her. Her expression is like when Homer wanted to go to clown college.


If Bush the Lesser personally called me and told me the sun was shining, I belive I’d take a look out the window to check for myself.

How anyone can still believe one word out of that monkey’s mouth, or anyone he’s installed around him, is beyond me. And the fact that the traditional media just passes it on without critique or investigation is even more damning. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go track down the video of Colbert at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Rearranging deck chairs on the Hindenburg! Heh.


Shorter Peggy-

“Yes there where never any fairys. Now EVERYONE clap harder for the fairys!”

Herr Doktor Bimler

See, that’s the whole problem. Clutter. Fucking clutter. If we could just clean up the clutter, get things straightened up, fresh doilies, HEY, don’t sit on THAT couch, sit on the one in the den, then things would be much better.
I thought Feng Shui was the 90s.


Maybe so, but that’s Gramma shui, and that’s been around since they invented upholstery or carpet…



Have faith in the brave Fuhrer (leader) and do not complain!

I’m amazed they’d even admit that “mistakes were made,” in the words of Peg’s old boss when they were caught secretly selling arms to Iranian terrorists to fund their Nicaraguan puppet terrorists. I guess that’s meeting the 70% of the Amer. public sick of Bush’s war of aggression “halfway”.

Still, expect the Demo. congress to roll over (again) and give BushCo everything they demand, and ignore the voters’ wishes. More carnage for what?
Thanks Nancy

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Mikey, it’s the doilies that make all the difference.


I think the shorter should have been:

Pro-war forces must be willing to admit that the president is a pathological liar. Antiwar forces must be willing to start taking the president at his word.


Antiwar forces must be willing to start taking the president at his word.

I’ll do that when the Lions win the Super Bowl…


Antiwar forces must be willing to start taking the president at his word.

Let us suppose one created a robot that constructs sentences by randomly concatenating words and phrases. About 99% of what it said would be sheer incomprehenible nonsense. Such a robot I would be much more willing to take at its word than any official serving in this administration. That goes double for the president and his puppet Georgie.


What’s worse than the Pegster is the commenters, who apparently believe that Good King George has been holding out the hand of compromise to his opposition only to be bitten time and again by Pelosi and Reid. Do they even know that the “Petraeus Report” will be written by the White House, dear Karl’s last dump on the Constitution?


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