Today’s Gaggle
Posted on August 30th, 2007 by Gavin M.
Via Newsbusters.
I think the strip is actually getting better. It’s less driven by bizarre non-sequiturs than it used to be.
Via Newsbusters.
I think the strip is actually getting better. It’s less driven by bizarre non-sequiturs than it used to be.
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I don’t get it.
Also, isn’t global warming, like, a scientific theory? And not something Al Gore came up with?
I think they’re confusing global warming theories with Intelligent Design defenders again…
Because no one is on the side of science and evidence and rationality more than our domestic far right forces.
So global warming proponents are anti-semitic?
I’d rather have the bizarre non sequiturs please.
Wait – so Gore is for global warming because Israel will catch fire as a result?
Fishbone, everybody knows that Al Gore invented Global Warming after the Internet. And it is his hatred of Israel and love for Muslamofascism which drives his thirst to destroy the American way of life™. Once Al Gore is successful in reducing America’s foreign energy dependence, he and his Oil Gulf Mexlamunist allies will finally have the power to– ummm I don’t know exactly but I’m sure it involves gay marriage.
Maybe Al Gore’s Internet is causing Global Warming. Did you ever think of that? Huh?
His Grace –
Goddamn, politics is confusicating.
Everybody knows Al Gore just made up global warming so he can make a lot of money scamming people. Or something.
Picture of George W. Bush riding a tricycle.
“Don’t you generals question my war in Iraq.”
“If it makes me feel better, I’m going to do it.”
“I think we need to drill for oil in Alaska.”
Ow. That made my head hurt. I’m going to go find some Advil now. That cartoonist is in need of some major therapy.
Analogy: people who call 911 really want that crime to happen.
Somebody needs to have his boiler flue checked for blockage. Or vitamins checked for LSD. Or both.
Of course Gore is wearing the Turkish crescent-and-star, and since Turkey gets along pretty well with Israel…
Semiotics fail me. There is nothing but incoherence here.
I just checked the newsbusters site Either they have changed the strip, or Gavin is putting us on.
Al should be beheading a little globey guy.
The link works for me.
Huh? Maybe I’m a little dense, but the only thing I get from this cartoon strip is an incredible level of nastiness concerning Gore.
Why is this stupid bit of psuedo-humor doing here on Sadly, No!???
That sweater makes him look FAT.
[kicking a pebble]
I am a complete dunce today. And most of this year and many years before that as well.
I bought a sweatshirt just like that at Starbucks last week. They threw in a free mocchachino.
“Look, my man-boobs are prehensile!”
The Fillmore, Day By Day and Gaggle creators all suffer from LPDS (Last Panel Distraction Syndrome). They can hold a thought for two or three panels, but then think “Squirrels!” and decide to call it a day. That, or they enter fugue states and chop up families.
On the first day Al Gore created the internet. Checked out some porn. And the porn was good.
On the second day, Al Gore was too cold. Brrrrrr, said Al Gore. So he invented global warming. And the warmth was good.
On the third day, Al Gore noticed that he was still cold. The global warming wasn’t real! The global warming was a hoax! The hoax was not good.
On the fourth day, Al Gore thought “those pesky israelis are treating the palestinians quite shabbily. Then Al Gore thought “GAAAH, that makes me an anti semite. The anti semitism was good.
On the fifth day, Al Gore brought the blessings of Shari’a law to the American people. And the Shari’a law was good.
On the sixth day, Al Gore had ice cream. The ice cream was good. Al Gore got fat…
I was hoping that browsing the comments might clear the confusion in my brain.
Actually, a couple of those were pretty funny, by conservative humor standards. But there’s enough painfully awful ones to keep this theme going a long time.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is that some new Dada art experiment?
Seriously, that makes “Mallard Fillmore” seem like a laugh riot.
So the vast majority of scientists are united in asserting that global warming is real, that it is a threat, and that manmade pollution is a key factor.
And it’s somehow the global warming deniers who are ignoring the evidence and going with their gut feeling?
Put down the bong, Newsbusters.
Are you sure that’s Al Gore?
The real strip makes marginally more sense. Fuck it, Gaggle should just embrace dadaism altogether and have done with it.
Here’s tomorrow’s strip.
I like Gav’s better than the original — but for those still confused, he’s only changed the last panel.
The original doesn’t make sense either.
Hoosier, I know whoever draws what passes for the art of Gaggle is worse than Bruce Tinsley, but that is most certainly Al Gore. He’s got receding brown hair and is talking about Global Warming. Furthermore, he claims to have invented it, which everyone on the right knows he did, as it was entirely unheard of prior to “An Inconvenient Truth”.
Also, the White House press corps hates President Bush and is constantly openly hostile towards him, as reported in the Gaggle archives, because THEY ARE COMPLETELY FUCKING INSANE.
I would hate to see a White House press corps that acts up to Gaggle standard. It probably resembles a hardcore pornographic film.
Are you sure it’s not Jon Stewart?
I know that that’s supposed to be Al Gore, but it looks more like one of the heads of the Gambino crime syndicate.
The nose isn’t hooked enough.
I think the strip is actually getting better
You mean it could have gotten worse? That makes my head hurt just thinking about it.
I prefer Gavin’s version.
I agree heartily with y’all.
Oh, by the way – far as global warming goes – what’ll the wingnuts do when their bread’s being grown with Siberian wheat? Start calling it “khleb” now, folks, and avoid the last-minute rush.
Oh, whee, I can host that putrid unfunny little smegma-stain on my site? For FREE? Gosh, and worth every penny!
You could substitute ‘intelligent design’ for ‘global warming’ in this strip, changing absolutely nothing else, and make it exactly accurate. Except I dunno who the character speaking is supposed to be.
Wow, it makes Day by Day look sharp in comparison.
You could substitute ‘intelligent design’ for ‘global warming’ in this strip, changing absolutely nothing else, and make it exactly accurate. Except I dunno who the character speaking is supposed to be.
Chapman? Gilder? Klinghofer? Behe? Kirk Cameron?
The first panel is clearly Robin Leach.
Gargle. W/ razor blades.
Oh great. You’ve exposed me to yet another fugly and mystifyingly unfunny conservative comic strip. Maybe next time Sadly, No! could have a really funny right-wing comic?
Maybe not.
Because anyone who believes in science also hates Israel. Any other questions?
Also, isn’t global warming, like, a scientific theory? And not something Al Gore came up with?
Yeah right, next you’ll be claiming that Darwin wasn’t Jewish.
I was hoping that browsing the comments might clear the confusion in my brain
Now that’s funny.
Gundamhead said:
“Oh great. You’ve exposed me to yet another fugly and mystifyingly unfunny conservative comic strip. Maybe next time Sadly, No! could have a really funny right-wing comic?”
Umm. Thinking. Crunching on chips. “Funny right-wing comic” Concept unfamiliar. Basic comedic mechanism is the unexpected. Tough for right-wingers.
I was thinking Gavin’s made more sense, and was right-wingerish. I went over there and found their strip didn’t make much sense.
They have one where Newsweek says Global Warming is a Hoax. That’s it. That’s supposed to be funny?
Bah I’ve been had!
Is the original one supposed to be a joke? Like ha ha funny?
I’ve been toying with the idea of introducing a new “roofle” into the int4rt00bz: WTLF, which stands for “what the living fuck”. I think this is as good a time as any.
I think my favorite was the one accusing Obama of not knowing who the King of England is. Did Liz kick off while I wasn’t looking?
Seriously, they could use these things to interrogate detainees at Gitmo. “Now TALK or I’ll show you another one!” “No, please – no more. I’ll talk.”
I’m enjoying the right-wing crusade to remove any and all traces of irony and humor from political cartoons. Just draw people saying stuff that reflects your beliefs. That’s it.
What bizarre, broken people these must be.
It was first in the book of Acts, you dumbasses! Marx was quoting the Bible!
Gore’s anti semitic crime is that he opposed the invasion of Iraq and endorsed Dean, who was slimed by the same lot. Liebermanites no like that.
The comic strip knows EXACTLY who will understand and appreciate.
Hysterical Woman: I’ve noticed that one before. For (mostly) conservative, fundamentalist Christians, the wingnuts are sure Biblically illiterate. The wingnut bible would contain Genesis, a few scraps from Leviticus and Deuteronomy about sexual behavior, half of John, the Parable of the Talents, and the epistles of Paul.
The wingnut bible would contain Genesis, a few scraps from Leviticus and Deuteronomy about sexual behavior, half of John, the Parable of the Talents, and the epistles of Paul.
I don’t understand. The book of Heston would be excised?
The wingnut bible would contain Genesis, a few scraps from Leviticus and Deuteronomy about sexual behavior, half of John, the Parable of the Talents, and the epistles of Paul.
It would also be written in 36pt text with no more than two sentences and a picture on each page. It would look something like this:
See God.
See God make the universe.
The universe is good.
See God make Adam.
Adam is white.
White is good.
See God make Eve.
Eve is a Woman.
God Made her. Adam owns her. She is good.
See Homos. Satan made homos. Homos are bad.
Bad homos, bad!
Kinda like that…
New Rule: You can’t be a political cartoonist if you can’t draw a recognizable caricature of John McCain.
Don’t miss! Two-legged table and bizarrely-cut cake.
Don’t miss! Two-legged table and bizarrely-cut cake.
Jesus Christ. These will end up in some folk-art museum somewhere along with some palsied octogenarian’s milk-carton Tower of Babel.
I prefer FTH?
Stands for “Fuck the Heck?” as recently seen at