Don’t say the truth, that’s an attack!

The George W. Bush blog is getting upset:

John Kerry yesterday launched a new round of divisive, partisan attacks, including one aimed at the economic record of President Ronald Reagan

The article they link to quotes Kerry saying the following:

”I was part of that effort in the 1990s that had the courage to do what Ronald Reagan, for all his rhetoric — and God rest his soul, we loved him for his strength in many things — but I don’t recall vetoes of major appropriations bills. I recall a lot of talk about deficits; I don’t recall balancing the budget. I recall deficits getting larger.”

Not only is this hardly an attack, it happens to be totally accurate. Yet this “you’ve attacked Ronnie” line is ripped from today’s playbook (same link:)

He [Bush campaign spokesman Steve Schmidt] also blasted Kerry for criticizing Reagan’s fiscal record. ”Kerry’s attack on President Reagan is beyond the pale, and will be very troubling to most Americans,” he said.

So now, if you say that Reagan presided over increasingly large deficits, you’re attacking the man. Is Alzheimer’s contagious?


Comments: 9


No, but stupidity is.


It’s amazing to me how much is “beyond the pale” for these brave warriors in the fight against “political correctness.” They’re all so touchy all of a sudden.


Forget the comments about economics on Bushblog — what about Laura Bush’s recipe for Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies? “Makes about 8 dozen.” 96 cookies? Those are some serious munchies Laura’s got going there!


there they go again with that, ‘such-and-such is very troubling…’ line.

It’s clearly a turn of phrase meant to insinuate there’s something foul and wrong going on, without making any actual accusations.


this is EXACTLY what these fuckers do. O’Reilly, Boortz, Coulter, Hannity, Rush, the whole lot of them. If you tell the truth that is in some way putting them in a bad light, that is perceived as an attack and therefore they feel perfectly justified in saying/doing anything whatsoever against you. As well as whining about ‘the politics of personal destruction’ and ‘being nasty and vicious’.


this is EXACTLY what these fuckers do. O’Reilly, Boortz, Coulter, Hannity, Rush, the whole lot of them. If you tell the truth that is in some way putting them in a bad light, that is perceived as an attack and therefore they feel perfectly justified in saying/doing anything whatsoever against you. As well as whining about ‘the politics of personal destruction’ and ‘being nasty and vicious’.


so good it had to be said twice 😉


It’s only a matter of time before the BushBlog talks about Kerry’s ‘nasty and vicious’ comments about Richard Nixon.


just imagine if you said that Reagan’s shit stank just like everyone else’s…


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