Shorter Lorie Byrd
Posted on August 25th, 2007 by Travis G.
Above: LaShawn Barber (l) and Lorie Byrd (r) defy Sharia law somewhere
by brazenly showing off their uncovered hair and faces
- The boys say, “When are these Muslim jihadists gonna give us some room?” (The girls say, “God, I hope we’re like that soon.”)*
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
Gavin adds: Guess who else has weighed in on the moral calamity of uncovered females that currently threatens Western civilization?
Above: Party woo-woo!
So lorie admits that there is no difference between the demands of muslims in malaysia and christianist extremist in the US.
Above: LaShawn Barber (l) and Lorie Byrd (r) defy Sharia law somewhere
by brazenly showing off their uncovered hair and faces
Sluts! What date is the stoning?
That’s it! In defiance of the islamofascist jihadis, all wingnut women need to get their clothing exclusively at victoria’s secret. And no beards on the men. That’ll show allah a thing or two, I reckon.
Uh, I gotta go over and break the news to Marie Jon’…
Mikey: not until you tell Ann Althouse first!
perdona mi
Woowdrowfan just gave me teh hairballs.
I think this proves Muslims are better at their religion than Christians are at theirs. Thanks Lorie!
Hey, Lorie, here’s another plus about Malaysia: No smoking Jesus pictures.
Ahem. From earlier in the article
Look, I don’t work in the entertainment industry, but I can guess why Stefani caved: It wasn’t dhimmitude. It wasn’t because she respects or fears Muslims more than Lorie Byrd. It’s money.
She can make more money by toning down her act for a culture different than hers. In her home country, she makes money because her dress and singing appeals to her audience. The fact that the parents of her audience doesn’t like her dress actually makes her more popular. If they wanted to encourage Stefani to dress down in America, the best thing they could do would be to wear the clothing themselves.
I can think of nothing that would encourage a young girl dress conservatively than to do as Woodrowfan suggests. And hell, if you wanted her to be abstinent just keep showing her Bob Dole Viagra commercials.
Woowdrowfan just gave me teh hairballs. God, if I only had a nickle for everytime a girl told me that in college, sigh….
Of course, someone has to tell J Lo as well…
Gwen Stefani is just the latest in a long line of harlots who want to pervert American youth while caving in to the islamofascists.
Christina Aguilera is just as bad…
is just the latest in a long line of harlots
Can you suggest some more approachable harlots?
I’d break the news to Debbie Schlussel, if it weren’t for that pesky restraining order…
Please quit linking to MM, I’m getting acid reflux.
Yay for the latest wingnut meme! Gwen Stefani == Dhimmitude!
Monkey see, monkey do, I guess.
Gwen Stefani is just the latest in a long line of harlots who want to pervert American youth while caving in to the islamofascists.
Well, make up yer mind fer cryin out loud. Are you condemning her for dressing like a harlot or caving in to the islamofascists? ‘Cause from where I’m sitting, as far as you’re silly story goes, she’s well and truly “damned if she does and damned if she don’t”.
Oy. You think Ms Byrd bothered to look at the ads running alongside this column?
Probably not.
“Gwen Stefani is just the latest in a long line of harlots who want to pervert American youth . . . ”
To which I say “God Bless America!”
[…] Hat tip, the fine folks at Sadly, No! […]
Dude. Excellent Rosanne Cash reference.
In other news, Gwen Stefani? Gwen Stefani? Do what? Did I miss something? Is it fucking 1997 again? Should I worry that the terrorists see the latest fist fight between Liam and Noel Gallagher as yet another example of how Western Civilization can’t beat up people who aren’t our brothers or some dumb shit?
Fucking hell…
Ya know, for a group that supposedly holds the entertainment industry in the lowest regard possible when it comes to deserved input on political goings-on, the conservative doofi collectively pay an alarming amount of attention to goddamn singers of goddamn stupid friggin’ pop songs. And they’re always such shit-asses about it, like that kid in third grade that always told the teacher that Andy’d brought some of his daddy’s Red Man and he and Mitchie Dale and Jamie and you were chewin’ it behind the lunch room even though they’d already been whupped once this week for doin’ that. Even the teacher hated that kid, man.
Did I see Malkin holding a sammich…..?
I know, Matt, but in the way of full disclosure, Gwen gets a pass because I’m a MAJOR Gavin Rossdale fan. He may not be the best or the most original, but his guitar, especially live, makes things happen up and down my spine that not just anybody can.
I know, it’s just Bush, but laugh if you want, some of Gavin’s music is a timeless part of my life’s soundtrack…
Ok, ew.
“At a recent trip to my neighborhood mall’s maternity store, the only jeans in my size were ridiculous low-risers with flared bottoms that needed hiking every time I exhaled.”
What was the Malkin doing at a maternity shop trying on the jeans? Please…. please… tell me it’s not……
In defiance of the islamofascist jihadis, all wingnut women need to get their clothing exclusively at victoria’s secret…Uh, I gotta go over and break the news to Marie Jon’…
Nobody talks to Marie until they’ve updated Ann Coulter. *That’s* the real acid (reflux) test. I’m not sure any of Coulter’s phans will be able to identify “her” without the trademark crusty black cocktail mini and the mane of dirty strawlike extensions.
I very nearly loved someone who felt about the same as you do about Gavin, mikey, so I guess you’re not alone. I can’t pretend to have any particular response. Now Thom Yorke or Stephen Malkmus or Miles Davis… that’s different.
Personally, I wish Stefani had worn some more revealing clothing for the last song in her Malaysian concert as an f-u to the Malaysian Muslim Students Union.
It’s breeding?
Aw, bullshit. Gwen Stefani’s going to start a Sharia approved clothing line so she can push her crap everywhere but Antarctica.
And Lorie Byrd should be tightly wrapped in plastic wrap to help her shed a few lbs. As well as a Sharia approved paper bag for her upper extremity. And a gag & heavy gloves to prevent any further attempts at speaking or writing.
So girls in the US dress like Gwen at her shows and Gwen doesn’t turn up onstage in a muumuu. In Malaysia, the target market demands she dress more like them and she doesn’t turn up onstage in lingerie.
I thought this was just the good old fashioned Real True Conservative value of “Give the customer what they want, or at least the version with the highest possible profit margin”. Who knew supplying demand was suddenly capitulation? Obviously I just need to up the ante and take a hostage or something and then my grocery store will go back to carrying my shampoo.
And be ready for more of this crap:
P. S.: I am sick of seeing plumber’s crack on teen-age & older wymyn. And muffin tops. Leave the plumber’s crack to the plumbers, ladies!!
I was just reading Al Franken’s account of his undercover trip to Bob Jones University, and had to laugh because apparently ankle length skirts are the dress code at good ‘ol BJU.
What’s next, veils?
That could be a problem. I don’t think I have access to high enough class hostages to keep Nordstrom selling my slutwear…
Actually, I don’t care if they start selling potato sacks since I shop in the Hanes T-Shirt part of the menswear section anyway. But I assume the stores have enough sense to know which styles of clothes get them a bigger share of the market once the modest-dress folks start protesting having to walk past the low rise jeans to get to their stuff.
Really, it’s a profit margin thing again. Does the all-lace minidress require more cloth and child labor than the neck-to-sole shift? And which demographic is more likely to have a very short price ceiling on clothes for, let’s face it, useless girlchildren anyway?
Marketers are getting modest too. Macy’s now carries “Shade” clothing, created by a team of Mormon women devoted to demure dress, and Nordstrom features “Modern and Modest” apparel.
What’s more amusing is hijab and low-rise pants. I see such combos every workday. Ah, sweet Muslim butt cleavage.
Candy, I like ankle-length skirts, always have. (I put in pockets, though.) But as a dress code? As in, required? *sigh*
I actually like them too, D.Sidhe, but yeah, as a requirement, not so much.
I hate, loathe, and despise dress codes, which is yet another reason I left the corporate world and would never make it in the military. I used to say I wouldn’t care (or probably even notice) if my coworkers came to work stark nekkid, as long as they did their damned jobs.
Oh yeah, Gwen sure did cover herself from head to toe…
Oh, I got nothing against the woman’s music, or Bush’s for that matter. I was in college back when all that shit was hot, but I listened to little beyond blues, country and soul. Apart from brief dalliances with alt-country and post-New York Dolls tight britches rock & roll, I look at most non-country music since, oh, 1971 with little interest. I dated a couple girls that loved No Doubt and since I loved getting laid, I didn’t bitch too much when she wanted to hear Gwen Stefani rather than Al Green or Earl Thomas Conley. Relationships are all about compromise, after all.
Still. That was 1993-98. The time for Gwen Stefani to be a figure of outrage is past. It’s like hearing a preacher still gripe about Elvis (which I have heard in the last decade, more’n once too). I don’t understand it, but then again, I’m not a conservative pundit. I don’t go out looking for things to get all screechy about. Someone really needs to get Michelle Malkin stoned.
oh the hell with it!
I would volunteer to take on for the team and smoke a fatty with Malkin, but I have a future to think about…
Something I hadn’t thought about. How much pot would it take to make Michelle Malkin a human being again. Maybe we should jump right on in with peyote, cut out all that foolin’ around.
Muffin tops. I actually had to look that one up on Urban Dictionary. A thousand shades of awesome. Thanks for enriching my vocabulary, M. Bouffant. But you forgot to gripe about tramp stamps on the backsides of women with muffin tops.
Muffin top?
[youtube link]
That is all.
Right. ‘Cause, you know, I was just thinkin’ that there aren’t nearly enough screechy uptight Fundies mouthing off these days.
What Lorie needs is an Amish Rockfest. The bands would be plainly attired. And acoustic. Or if she likes school uniforms, she could watch Angus Young…
More girls gone wild here.
Hey, here’s a thought. How about if women wore whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, without having to give a thought to whether they were being judged by godbags, politicobags, or douchebags?
Whoa. Life without the male gaze? Hahahaha! I just woke up, and I crack myself up sometimes. Never mind. It was only make-believe.
That’s a photoshop of MM. Compare those legs with the ones in the cheerleader video (if you dare).
MzNicky nails it, at least in my POV.
I’ll wear what I want, you wear what you want, and let’s all be smiling happy people about it, mkay?
Okay, I will.
There. Now, to the matter at hand. Much of this could be solved if the religious figures involved would just admit that they cannot even so much as glance at a woman without thinking about what it would be like to hit that like a trampoline. See, it’s the looker, not the lookee, who sets the agenda.
I wonder what color the sky is in Lories very very very very simple world?
t4toby –
Here’s the RIGHT vid – It’s breeding, alright!
So, will this make the ‘protectors of all that is moral’ heads’ explode?
Note to Opus readers: The Opus strips for August 26 and September 2 have been withheld from publication by a large number of client newspapers across the country, including Opus’ host paper The Washington Post. The strips may be viewed in a large format on their respective dates at