I’ve been pleasantly amused but unaffected by just about everything I’ve seen online today. Now I’m just pissed. Now I’m gonna have to go pick up a bottle of bourbon after work.
I got excited. Forgot the Fixing the Internets concept. Immediately hit “New Tab” and typed that URL. stevegilliard.theatlantic.com.
Didn’t really consider the issues involved. Maybe Gavin, in league with The Atlantic and some Druids hiding from the tourists at stonehenge had found Steve out there somewhere and convinced him to take a gig.
Alas, ultimately, the Internets remain sadly broken…
If literate, intelligent, mentally functional people capable of distinguishing between a sound argument and a pile of dogshit are ever allowed near the bastions of Teh Respectable Journalism, there’s a chance that the unwashed masses might start becoming able to distinguish between a sound argument and a pile of dogshit. And if THAT happens, who on earth will sign up for 40 year, ten year interest-only ARMs at prime +2? Who will bitch about Teh Heathen Chinee poisoning us with their lead paint without simultaneously bitching at our government, which provides no funding for regulatory oversight, and our business leaders, who would outsource all jobs to Venusian slave labor if it would get them another quarter point on their shares?
I remember her…..wasn’t she in Little Orphan Annie a decade or so ago? Daddy Warbucks took good care of her, IIRC. Is she still singing “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow?”
Only on teh internets can reality seem like snark, and vice-versa… did someone mention picking up a bottle of bourbon? Make it two, and I’ll meet you on the corner…
And here I thought the server hamsters had collapsed under the weight of Reichtard wankers looking for pr0n shots of Megan McArdle, the wingnut’s Paris Hilton. It’s not that she’s particularly smart or pretty or talented, but she’s brought ruthless self-promotion to a level where even those of us who despise her have to acknowledge her “celebrity” success.
When You Go Pro at Three Bulls! said
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That’s what happened the last time I tried to comment a tri bulls, too.
My partner, for one, who insists on using rather dated version of it…2.79 or something like that.
Simba, I’m pretty sure I’m not your partner… But maybe you two and me and my partner could double date or something. Personally, I switch off between WinAmp and iTunes, which my partner finds inexplicable. Along with most everything else I do, really.
As a class, are the old and sick needier than the young and healthy? No they are not. They have more assets and less poverty than any other group.
As a class, are the old and sick unluckier than the young and healthy? Considering people as beings with duration in both time and space, no they are not. The overwhelming majority of old and sick people were once young and healthy. They got to be young and healthy, and old and sick.
As a class, are the young and healthy more responsible for the bad health of the old and sick? Quite the reverse. Many people in the old and sick category did nothing at all to deserve their fate; they just aged or were victims of fate. But some members of the “old and sick” class contributed to their fate.
Yes, clearly sick people are luckier, less needy and more responsible for their own fate than the young and healthy. WTF? Seriously. Her argument is that we shouldn’t help the helpless because they were young once and hey they had a good life right? Apparently she has never met a young person who hasn’t had a good life due to a disease.
Thank you Gavin for fixing the Internets. It truly would be a better world.
His Grace, knuckleheads like the randroid in question just don’t get the concepts of 1) society, 2) insurance, and 3) markets. You need 1) in order to have any shot at 2) or 3).
But these fucking morons are born to it, and just exploit the essential existence of 1). Until they blow it up.
I miss Steve every single day. Sometimes I click the link, just to be sure it wasn’t some big cosmic mix-up. (Insert heavy sigh and head shake). Then I go look at the cats at I can has cheezburger before I start to cry.
The thing that bugs me about these people who value the “market” as the solution to all problems is that they actually think that we don’t understand how markets work.
That’s the only thing that makes sense. Young Meg here actually thinks that we simply don’t grasp the concept.
Here’s the thing though, if Megan were to go and say to me “look, I have money and I just don’t want to have a bit less so your mother gets a heart transplant or you to have medications you need to function.” That’s honest after all. But the thing that gets me is that she has to justify her selfishness by degrading people in need. I’ll bet she’d tell my own mother that it is her fault she gave birth to a genetically defective child. Well with that history of illness in your family, you simply shouldn’t have bred.
The thing that bugs me about these people who value the “market” as the solution to all problems is that they actually think that we don’t understand how markets work.
Egg-zackly. I mean, it’s not as if we didn’t try the whole capitalism-gone-wild thing around the turn of the last century.
For some peculiar reason, I spent the first 40 or so years of my life doing physical labor, as a union-represented worker, but then ended up recently as a business bean-counter, trying to make sure the revenue I was getting for my company’s product was at least as much as the cost of doing business.
I actually did what I did for the first 40 years of my life for the love of it, but I certainly know lots of people I worked alongside who did that work because it was the only thing they knew how to do – lift heavy things and move them around from place to place. And you can believe that for them, making the rent or buying the kids’ shoes was what made them show up at work.
And as for my second career – well, it’s so new to me that what others might find boring, I embrace like a fresh young student. So again – can’t compare to the folks who have been showing up every day for 30 years to run the spreadsheets and figure out how much parking revenue we made in period 3, just so they can pay the mortgage.
I am acutely aware that market forces prevail upon my ability to sell my product; that some of my costs are artificially inflated, and that my competitors, for a variety of reasons, have an advantage over me in certain areas.
I spent the day today poring over spread sheets and budget reports and all that other crap.
So when I come home and read shit like this from little Megan, the first thought that occurs to me is –
Has she ever, in her short charmed life, ever had to WORK for a living?
Or, has she ever, in her short charmed life, ever had to take a risk, rent a building, buy materials, hire staff, and hope that her product is something people want to buy, and that she’s any good at selling it?
Or, has she ever, in her short charmed life, ever had to take a risk, rent a building, buy materials, hire staff, and hope that her product is something people want to buy, and that she’s any good at selling it?
Well, hrm, her materials would be food and clothes and internet access, and her product would be sycophantic randroid gibbering and name-checks of better writers. Works for her, damn it all.
Seriously, g (if I may be so bold) that was a refreshing takedown. These dweebs are all theory and no reality.
Photoshop CS 3 Extended? Extended!? Geeez I hate you, I just couldn’t afford it, the upgrade too much for me to justify. On the other hand I am anxiously awaiting the release of Modo 301. I will be in heaven when that happens (soon I hope). So… neener.
And I despise iTunes, worst POS software ever on my XP.
I am an economics reporter, [with a humanities degree, and not an actual economist] and the books are chock full of terrible economics. There, fixed that one.
But jeezis, it’s magic!! Why does it have to have “economy?” Just barely familiar w/ the books, but maybe the Weasley family couldn’t conjure crap up ’cause the Inland Revenue would screw them. Maybe that’s what Megatron wanted to say, but just never figured it out.
Or maybe she could’ve said, “Ms. Rowling’s plots have holes you could drive a London double-decker bus through, & the magic used is neither well explained nor consisent.” A better use of her English (or whatever) degree.Perhaps she should have been writing for The Literary Critic all along, rather than The Economist. (Except for her admiration of Orson Scott Card. P. U.)
g wrote: Has she ever, in her short charmed life, ever had to WORK for a living?
Presumably not, but it doesn’t seem to matter to her. She’s obviously never been poor, but she seems to enjoy writing breezy essays about how all those silly poor people should stop kvetching since poverty is just a sort of mild economic inconvenience.
Some of her fans’ comments over at Yglesias’ site are even more blatant – like this jerk, for example: Those who stay poor for long periods of time — despite the myriad resources available to them, from churches, to welfare, to public libraries, to charities — tend to be irresponsible, stupid, lazy, or some combination of the above.
Something tells me that that asshole never had to dig his lunch out of a dumpster.
Paul wrote: These dweebs are all theory and no reality.
And “g”: For some peculiar reason, I spent the first 40 or so years of my life doing physical labor, as a union-represented worker.
Not much of a union if they had you working for the first 40 yrs. of your life.
Good thing you were able to go to elementary school @ night & get the G. E. D. you needed to handle those spreadsheets.
Just kidding damnit!! Can’t resist a good set-up.
I used to read Yglesias sporadically; I noticed several times he had linked to her. One day it occurred to me that for me to encounter this so many times, given that I only read him occasionally, that he must be linking to and engaging with this stupid woman on a regular basis.
Haven’t been back since. Not even when Atrios links to him.
Those who stay poor for long periods of time — despite the myriad resources available to them, from churches, to welfare, to public libraries, to charities — tend to be irresponsible, stupid, lazy, or some combination of the above.
Jesus fardling Christ, but I’d so love to smash some people in the teeth. “Myriad resources”?What the absolute buggeryfuck are these people on? It’s not just shiny purpple ponies they’re seeing: they get the full social safety net chorus, where charities have buttloads of cash to spend on feeding the hungry and educating the illiterate.
The thing that bugs me about these people who value the “market” as the solution to all problems is that they actually think that we don’t understand how markets work.
It’s actually worse, because these people themselves often display an oversimplified grasp of how markets function, ignoring concepts like barriers to entry or (ahem) asymmetrical information in favor of “if there’s a demand, someone will enter the market to meet it.” It’s like they started studying economics but quit once they realized they needed a bit of calculus to do it.
Fishbone, that’s it exactly. I wonder if it ever seems odd to them that a whole lot of otherwise smart people never seem to grasp a simple point. Hmm.
Libertarianism, like Communism, is an appealing theory, but real world societies simply don’t operate according to the rules of some over-simplified theory. Other than as depicted in Lord of the Flies, has there ever been a truly Libertarian state?
I miss Steve G too. When he got pissed about something, he was one of the best ranters in the bloggyball.
When the insurgency in Iraq realizes that the Americans are gonna have to get smacked real hard before they get going, and when the Green Zone becomes a trap, and when they literally have to fight their way back to Kuwait in the biggest debacle since Dunkirk, pull up some of Steve’s old Baghdad maps and give him that byline.
As former prosecutor Wendy Murphy said last night, if they were so convinced they were innocent, why are they not moving for a speedy trial.
They want this to go away. Having Evans speak was a mistake. Because while the Duke players have support in DC, the Evans are noted Bush supporters, the folks in Durham have issues with them and Duke. But their whole strategy is, like so many rich suburban parents, to make this disappear
As far as the private polygraph test goes, let’s see the questions and answers.
The problem for these guys is no matter how hard they try to buy a door out of this, they aren’t finding it. Calling the woman a liar has one effect, pissing off Crazy Nancy Grace.
Now, you can say what you want about her prosecutorial skills, legal ethics and Paul Bunyan-like personal story, but you also have to say this: she’s no racist. And that’s not a small thing. Because if she was, that show of hers would be a total nightmare. That victim has no better friend in the media than Crazy Nancy. Because everytime one of the defense lawyers or some junior assclown conservative from Duke goes on her show, they get eaten alive.
All of Bob Bennett’s pull has been used to try to make this go away and Crazy Nancy keeps reminding people that these guys are well, accused of a crime and are not the victims here.
Nifong has more than we know, because he’s under a ton of pressure to make this go away and instead he indicts a 3rd player. That’s no small thing.
A vision of a better world that we’ll never see.
RIP, Steve
A glorious sight, indeed.
But I have a question, Gav.
Who uses WinAmp anymore?
My partner, for one, who insists on using rather dated version of it…2.79 or something like that.
See that red shield in the bottom right corner?
That means you IMMEDIATELY need to update your FIREWALL or else teh TEROROISTS will be able to access your internets!!1!!1
Hell fucking goddamn YES.
I’ve been pleasantly amused but unaffected by just about everything I’ve seen online today. Now I’m just pissed. Now I’m gonna have to go pick up a bottle of bourbon after work.
amen, Gavin.
I got excited. Forgot the Fixing the Internets concept. Immediately hit “New Tab” and typed that URL. stevegilliard.theatlantic.com.
Didn’t really consider the issues involved. Maybe Gavin, in league with The Atlantic and some Druids hiding from the tourists at stonehenge had found Steve out there somewhere and convinced him to take a gig.
Alas, ultimately, the Internets remain sadly broken…
That would have been just.
[ sigh ]
Oh, no. We can’t have that.
If literate, intelligent, mentally functional people capable of distinguishing between a sound argument and a pile of dogshit are ever allowed near the bastions of Teh Respectable Journalism, there’s a chance that the unwashed masses might start becoming able to distinguish between a sound argument and a pile of dogshit. And if THAT happens, who on earth will sign up for 40 year, ten year interest-only ARMs at prime +2? Who will bitch about Teh Heathen Chinee poisoning us with their lead paint without simultaneously bitching at our government, which provides no funding for regulatory oversight, and our business leaders, who would outsource all jobs to Venusian slave labor if it would get them another quarter point on their shares?
You, good sirs, are all Communists.
Last I checked, Gilliard didn’t even attend an Ivy League college…so how could he possibly have blogged for The Atlantic?
A-fucking-men brother.
I remember her…..wasn’t she in Little Orphan Annie a decade or so ago? Daddy Warbucks took good care of her, IIRC. Is she still singing “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow?”
No that was Andrea McArdle. I am embarrassed to say that I know this.
Ah so this is what Atrios linked to a couple hours ago, thus killing all the hamsters (yet again). Very nice, Gavin.
Damn straight! if only it were true…
[…] and teh Sadlies will keep us up to date on the sitchy […]
4 games, dude. Do I detect a hint panic?
Only on teh internets can reality seem like snark, and vice-versa… did someone mention picking up a bottle of bourbon? Make it two, and I’ll meet you on the corner…
Now you made me cry, Gavin.
And here I thought the server hamsters had collapsed under the weight of Reichtard wankers looking for pr0n shots of Megan McArdle, the wingnut’s Paris Hilton. It’s not that she’s particularly smart or pretty or talented, but she’s brought ruthless self-promotion to a level where even those of us who despise her have to acknowledge her “celebrity” success.
Goddess, I miss Steve Gilliard.
When You Go Pro at Three Bulls! said
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That’s what happened the last time I tried to comment a tri bulls, too.
My partner, for one, who insists on using rather dated version of it…2.79 or something like that.
Simba, I’m pretty sure I’m not your partner… But maybe you two and me and my partner could double date or something. Personally, I switch off between WinAmp and iTunes, which my partner finds inexplicable. Along with most everything else I do, really.
Dammit, she’s still going…
Yes, clearly sick people are luckier, less needy and more responsible for their own fate than the young and healthy. WTF? Seriously. Her argument is that we shouldn’t help the helpless because they were young once and hey they had a good life right? Apparently she has never met a young person who hasn’t had a good life due to a disease.
Thank you Gavin for fixing the Internets. It truly would be a better world.
“Who uses WinAmp anymore?”
What -else- would you use…?
Heh. Indeed.
Can’t wait to check in with her in thirty years. Think she’ll see things differently?
His Grace, knuckleheads like the randroid in question just don’t get the concepts of 1) society, 2) insurance, and 3) markets. You need 1) in order to have any shot at 2) or 3).
But these fucking morons are born to it, and just exploit the essential existence of 1). Until they blow it up.
God damn wingnut welfare.
I miss Steve every single day. Sometimes I click the link, just to be sure it wasn’t some big cosmic mix-up. (Insert heavy sigh and head shake). Then I go look at the cats at I can has cheezburger before I start to cry.
The thing that bugs me about these people who value the “market” as the solution to all problems is that they actually think that we don’t understand how markets work.
That’s the only thing that makes sense. Young Meg here actually thinks that we simply don’t grasp the concept.
Yeah, I miss Gilliard a lot, too.
The overwhelming majority of old and sick people were once young and healthy. They got to be young and healthy, and old and sick.
See, they had lots of different kinds of luck, good and bad. So they’re luckier! In a quantitative way.
If you just save up your luck, you’ll come out ahead in the luck numbers game. It’s an asset!
They have more assets and less poverty than any other group.,?i>
And they have less poverty.
But this is tricky. Because you never know when a little poverty cam come in handy, and then you look around and you’ve used up most of it.
OK dammit, I didn’t close the link right.,.
With all that venal, uncaring, self-absorbed claptrap flying around, it’s completely understandable….
Here’s the thing though, if Megan were to go and say to me “look, I have money and I just don’t want to have a bit less so your mother gets a heart transplant or you to have medications you need to function.” That’s honest after all. But the thing that gets me is that she has to justify her selfishness by degrading people in need. I’ll bet she’d tell my own mother that it is her fault she gave birth to a genetically defective child. Well with that history of illness in your family, you simply shouldn’t have bred.
The thing that bugs me about these people who value the “market” as the solution to all problems is that they actually think that we don’t understand how markets work.
Egg-zackly. I mean, it’s not as if we didn’t try the whole capitalism-gone-wild thing around the turn of the last century.
I still go to Steve’s site.
even though nothing is going on.
/very sad.
Here, it is always 4:27.
Wait a minute. You can pay for the Atlantic?
WTF kind of fuckery is that? It’s like paying to give a random person a BJ. Oh, wait…
Thank yew…
For some peculiar reason, I spent the first 40 or so years of my life doing physical labor, as a union-represented worker, but then ended up recently as a business bean-counter, trying to make sure the revenue I was getting for my company’s product was at least as much as the cost of doing business.
I actually did what I did for the first 40 years of my life for the love of it, but I certainly know lots of people I worked alongside who did that work because it was the only thing they knew how to do – lift heavy things and move them around from place to place. And you can believe that for them, making the rent or buying the kids’ shoes was what made them show up at work.
And as for my second career – well, it’s so new to me that what others might find boring, I embrace like a fresh young student. So again – can’t compare to the folks who have been showing up every day for 30 years to run the spreadsheets and figure out how much parking revenue we made in period 3, just so they can pay the mortgage.
I am acutely aware that market forces prevail upon my ability to sell my product; that some of my costs are artificially inflated, and that my competitors, for a variety of reasons, have an advantage over me in certain areas.
I spent the day today poring over spread sheets and budget reports and all that other crap.
So when I come home and read shit like this from little Megan, the first thought that occurs to me is –
Has she ever, in her short charmed life, ever had to WORK for a living?
Or, has she ever, in her short charmed life, ever had to take a risk, rent a building, buy materials, hire staff, and hope that her product is something people want to buy, and that she’s any good at selling it?
Has she ever been on either side of the equation?
Has she ever been on either side of the equation?
g, I think you might find this link informative.
The low opportunity cost attached to magic spills over into the thoroughly unbelievable wizard economy.
Megan, like Jonah Goldberg, enjoys the benefits of the thoroughly unbelievable wingnut welfare economy. While pontificating about teh free markets.
Reminds me of Donald Graham, somehow.
We Can Haz Gilliard?
Would love to hear Megan’s treatise on the marketing phenomenon that Paris Hilton is.
i miss steve gilliard. I really miss steve, and I never even met him. it’s not fair.
shitfuck garbage people like dr,. strangekrautlovehammer keep living and spewing their fucking filthy shitfuck garbage shit and steve dies.
there is no god.
Or, has she ever, in her short charmed life, ever had to take a risk, rent a building, buy materials, hire staff, and hope that her product is something people want to buy, and that she’s any good at selling it?
Well, hrm, her materials would be food and clothes and internet access, and her product would be sycophantic randroid gibbering and name-checks of better writers. Works for her, damn it all.
Seriously, g (if I may be so bold) that was a refreshing takedown. These dweebs are all theory and no reality.
Photoshop CS 3 Extended? Extended!? Geeez I hate you, I just couldn’t afford it, the upgrade too much for me to justify. On the other hand I am anxiously awaiting the release of Modo 301. I will be in heaven when that happens (soon I hope). So… neener.
And I despise iTunes, worst POS software ever on my XP.
I am an economics reporter, [with a humanities degree, and not an actual economist] and the books are chock full of terrible economics. There, fixed that one.
But jeezis, it’s magic!! Why does it have to have “economy?” Just barely familiar w/ the books, but maybe the Weasley family couldn’t conjure crap up ’cause the Inland Revenue would screw them. Maybe that’s what Megatron wanted to say, but just never figured it out.
Or maybe she could’ve said, “Ms. Rowling’s plots have holes you could drive a London double-decker bus through, & the magic used is neither well explained nor consisent.” A better use of her English (or whatever) degree.Perhaps she should have been writing for The Literary Critic all along, rather than The Economist. (Except for her admiration of Orson Scott Card. P. U.)
As a class, are the old and sick needier than the young and healthy?As a class, are the old and sick unluckier than the young and healthy?As a class, are the young and healthy more responsible for the bad health of the old and sick?
As a member of the commentariat @ alicublog put it, for a Randriod/libertarian she’s awfully hung up on class rather than individuals. And her “free markets” worship is awfully economically deterministic. Is there a secret Marxist hiding in the Megatron? MegaMcMarxist?
g wrote:
Has she ever, in her short charmed life, ever had to WORK for a living?
Presumably not, but it doesn’t seem to matter to her. She’s obviously never been poor, but she seems to enjoy writing breezy essays about how all those silly poor people should stop kvetching since poverty is just a sort of mild economic inconvenience.
Some of her fans’ comments over at Yglesias’ site are even more blatant – like this jerk, for example:
Those who stay poor for long periods of time — despite the myriad resources available to them, from churches, to welfare, to public libraries, to charities — tend to be irresponsible, stupid, lazy, or some combination of the above.
Something tells me that that asshole never had to dig his lunch out of a dumpster.
Paul wrote:
These dweebs are all theory and no reality.
Yeah, that pretty well nails it.
And “g”: For some peculiar reason, I spent the first 40 or so years of my life doing physical labor, as a union-represented worker.
Not much of a union if they had you working for the first 40 yrs. of your life.
Good thing you were able to go to elementary school @ night & get the G. E. D. you needed to handle those spreadsheets.
Just kidding damnit!! Can’t resist a good set-up.
I used to read Yglesias sporadically; I noticed several times he had linked to her. One day it occurred to me that for me to encounter this so many times, given that I only read him occasionally, that he must be linking to and engaging with this stupid woman on a regular basis.
Haven’t been back since. Not even when Atrios links to him.
And as for my second career – well, it’s so new to me that what others might find boring, I embrace like a fresh young student.
I, too, enjoy embracing fresh young students.
Those who stay poor for long periods of time — despite the myriad resources available to them, from churches, to welfare, to public libraries, to charities — tend to be irresponsible, stupid, lazy, or some combination of the above.
Jesus fardling Christ, but I’d so love to smash some people in the teeth. “Myriad resources”?What the absolute buggeryfuck are these people on? It’s not just shiny purpple ponies they’re seeing: they get the full social safety net chorus, where charities have buttloads of cash to spend on feeding the hungry and educating the illiterate.
Sodding arseholes.
“Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?”
The thing that bugs me about these people who value the “market” as the solution to all problems is that they actually think that we don’t understand how markets work.
It’s actually worse, because these people themselves often display an oversimplified grasp of how markets function, ignoring concepts like barriers to entry or (ahem) asymmetrical information in favor of “if there’s a demand, someone will enter the market to meet it.” It’s like they started studying economics but quit once they realized they needed a bit of calculus to do it.
And I also miss Gilliard. Goddamnit.
Fishbone, that’s it exactly. I wonder if it ever seems odd to them that a whole lot of otherwise smart people never seem to grasp a simple point. Hmm.
Libertarianism, like Communism, is an appealing theory, but real world societies simply don’t operate according to the rules of some over-simplified theory. Other than as depicted in Lord of the Flies, has there ever been a truly Libertarian state?
I miss Steve G too. When he got pissed about something, he was one of the best ranters in the bloggyball.
Other than as depicted in Lord of the Flies, has there ever been a truly Libertarian state?
Damn it! Screwed the pooch.
Tries again…
Other than as depicted in Lord of the Flies, has there ever been a truly Libertarian state?
The Donner Party?
Incontinentia Buttocks observed with erudition,
“Last I checked, Gilliard didn’t even attend an Ivy League college…so how could he possibly have blogged for The Atlantic?”
Ann Coulter
Samuel Alito
George H. Bush
George W. Bush
Eff teh Effing Ivies!
Think of the fun Gilly would have had carving up McCardle….
Oh man, this post made me so sad. A fitting tribute, but you guys suck anyway.
bret easton ellis-ish banshees never go out of style. they will march on a road of shiny new macs.
i was gonna blog on steve and max roach the other day. youse all beat me to it, and rightfully so. many thanks.
I miss Steve’s fists of fury (I think that’s a Wolcott-ism).
When the insurgency in Iraq realizes that the Americans are gonna have to get smacked real hard before they get going, and when the Green Zone becomes a trap, and when they literally have to fight their way back to Kuwait in the biggest debacle since Dunkirk, pull up some of Steve’s old Baghdad maps and give him that byline.
…and a pony.
Bravo, Bravo, BRAVO.
Maybe Steve would post this again.
As former prosecutor Wendy Murphy said last night, if they were so convinced they were innocent, why are they not moving for a speedy trial.
They want this to go away. Having Evans speak was a mistake. Because while the Duke players have support in DC, the Evans are noted Bush supporters, the folks in Durham have issues with them and Duke. But their whole strategy is, like so many rich suburban parents, to make this disappear
As far as the private polygraph test goes, let’s see the questions and answers.
The problem for these guys is no matter how hard they try to buy a door out of this, they aren’t finding it. Calling the woman a liar has one effect, pissing off Crazy Nancy Grace.
Now, you can say what you want about her prosecutorial skills, legal ethics and Paul Bunyan-like personal story, but you also have to say this: she’s no racist. And that’s not a small thing. Because if she was, that show of hers would be a total nightmare. That victim has no better friend in the media than Crazy Nancy. Because everytime one of the defense lawyers or some junior assclown conservative from Duke goes on her show, they get eaten alive.
All of Bob Bennett’s pull has been used to try to make this go away and Crazy Nancy keeps reminding people that these guys are well, accused of a crime and are not the victims here.
Nifong has more than we know, because he’s under a ton of pressure to make this go away and instead he indicts a 3rd player. That’s no small thing.
hell yes!
Steve! I miss him very much…
most brands of kids shoes are using synthetic leather which is sometimes hard for a kid’s feet ~,: