Godwin’s Law Repealed
Well this is certainly lovely.
Above: “Mommy, how can we stop the terrists fum bwowing ev’ryfing up?”
The wisest course would have been for President Bush to use his nuclear weapons to slaughter Iraqis until they complied with his demands, or until they were all dead. Then there would be little risk or expense and no American army would be left exposed. But if he did this, his cowardly electorate would have instantly ended his term of office, if not his freedom or his life.
President Bush can fail in his duty to himself, his country, and his God, by becoming “ex-president” Bush or he can become “President-for-Life” Bush: the conqueror of Iraq, who brings sense to the Congress and sanity to the Supreme Court. Then who would be able to stop Bush from emulating Augustus Caesar and becoming ruler of the world? For only an America united under one ruler has the power to save humanity from the threat of a new Dark Age wrought by terrorists armed with nuclear weapons.
The fun only starts here, though. Family Security Matters (and the Family Security Foundation) is a front group for The Center for Security Policy. Dig that crazy membership roster!
Digby says that Family Security Matters has been busy scrubbing articles from their site. This is, of course, not as easy to do as it might seem, but we haven’t found anything else super-excellent from them yet — at least not outside the normal realm of manipulative con-artistry, batshit insanity, warping of the minds of innocent children, and Ben-Shapiro-grade opinion journalism.
…Although the site’s ‘resources’ section gets sweet bonus points for linking to the mind-blowingly sneaky, lie-in-your-face, arrogantly-screaming-at-people Move America Forward Foundation. That’s like looking in the crisper drawer in someone’s fridge, and finding a pile of crusty meth syringes.
Get outta my fridge!
That’s no “security mom”! She should be locking the child in a trunk and pushing him into a nearby lake for maximum security against the Islamofascists and the Dhimmicrats!
I just made all my dumbass comments over at Digby’s, am I allowed to just repost ’em here, or do I have to make up some ones?
(Due to Sadly, No! union rules, or some such sandwich?)
From the list of evil scumbags:
Gov. Pete Wilson, member, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
That’s probably the one time that “Pete Wilson” and “Intelligence” have ever appeared in close proximity. He might even be dumber than Douglas Feith.
Why am I reminded of this?
The wisest course would have been for President Bush to use his nuclear weapons to slaughter Iraqis until they complied with his demands, or until they were all dead […] But if he did this, his cowardly electorate would have instantly ended his term of office, if not his freedom or his life.
So if we weren’t cowards we’d let him kill people, and if we were cowards, we’d kill him.
Caesar pacified Gaul by mass slaughter; he then used his successful army to crush all political opposition at home and establish himself as permanent ruler of ancient Rome. This brilliant action not only ended the personal threat to Caesar, but ended the civil chaos that was threatening anarchy in ancient Rome – thus marking the start of the ancient Roman Empire that gave peace and prosperity to the known world.
wtf is wrong with wingnuts and history, this is a very bizzare interpretation of what most normal historians think happened.
Also, has the fact that Caesar was eventually killed in an assisination by his own senate not escaped them, is that what theya re suggesting?
Wingnut logic, I don’t know?
The Subversive Librarian
The guy is genuinely scary. She also unearths some info on CSP and it’s ties to The White House:
It’s a well documented post, read it.
A conservative blogger (I’ve forgotten which) once claimed that all true conservatives are monarchists at heart. At the time, I dismissed him as a member of the lunatic fringe, but these days I’m not so sure. Either he wasn’t as whacked out as I thought, or else our discourse has shifted so much that the old fringe is now mainstream.
Or maybe both. Either way, it’s scary, and we might end up relearning some very hard lessons before all this is over. Come to think of it, Iraq is an example of that. Looks like we’re already there.
Do these people realize that the last person much noticed by the MSM wearing the title “President for Life” was Saddam Hussein?
Or is that supposed to make Dubya Bush using the title even more special-er?
I swear, it would be a great relief if I could believe this FSM* was a parody site, like the ‘Blowjobs4Brownback’ geek. But that would underestimate the cross-eyed, determinedly stupid hatefulness of our Reichtard fringes…
*Truly, the followers of His Noodliness have a trademark infringement suit just waiting to be filed
The last sentence sounds as though it’s meant to be read by Don LaFontaine.
A conservative blogger (I’ve forgotten which) once claimed that all true conservatives are monarchists at heart. At the time, I dismissed him as a member of the lunatic fringe, but these days I’m not so sure. Either he wasn’t as whacked out as I thought, or else our discourse has shifted so much that the old fringe is now mainstream.
Or maybe both. Either way, it’s scary, and we might end up relearning some very hard lessons before all this is over. Come to think of it, Iraq is an example of that. Looks like we’re already there.
Poor ol’ Prez’net Bush. Our mean system of government is getting in his way.
It’s like, you have to wonder weither these people realize there’s this whole “2 terms or 10 years, which ever comes first” law, or that Iraq not only had nothing to do with 9/11, but terrorism itself.
It;s startling accurate. “I declare war in Luxembourg!”
Beyond which, they clearly have zero competency with regard to nuclear weapons and fall out. Or meterology. Or geography.
Oh, and should you need confirmation that the article was indeed once on their web site, SourceWatch has this:
I heard of this a while ago- I thought the General wrote it- it was so over the top it couldnt have been true- silly me
Sounds like the wingnuts have gotten tired of us satirizing them, and have decided just to do it themselves, with the same bad results they get whenever they try to do anything themselves.
One of my favorite quotes from the Roman Empire comes from “bread and circuses” Juvenal, who also declared, “It is difficult NOT to write satire.” It’s good to see the ancient wisdom still holds.
Phillip is obviously some pathetic, ignorant old crank who thinks he’s a great intellect (see here: http://3quarksdaily.blogs.com/3quarksdaily/2006/10/selected_minor_.html) In a previous age he’d be on some street corner handing out pooly photocopied manifestos. We can pretty safely ignore anything he says. I think the real question is how and why in the hell did he get a paying gig at a supposedly “respectable” website in the first place? That’s what we need to be asking.
Dr. Atkinson is just venting his frustration with the current conventional wisdom, which has Democrats winning the 2008 election. This would indeed be an unmitigated disaster, with all our hardfought gains flushed down the toilet. Forestalling this requires thinking what was previously unthinkable.
If only our st00pit, time-honored system of government would just go away and let President Bush just kill as many people as he liked!!
The surge is WORKING!!
I hate what our country has done to Mr. Bush. 🙁
A bit more:
“The declared rational of this tyranny is to prevent people being offended; to compel everyone to avoid using words or behaviour that may upset homosexuals, women, non-whites, the crippled, the stupid, the fat or the ugly. This reveals not only its absurdity but its inspiration. The set of values that are detested are those held by the previous generation (those who fought the Second World War), which is why the terms niggers, coons, dagos, wogs, poofs, spastics and sheilas have become heresy, for, in an act of infantile rebellion, their subject have become revered by the new generation. Political Correctness is merely the resentment of spoilt children directed against their parent’s values. (emphasis in original).”
So umm… is he trying to say that hateful Racism, Misogyny, and every other “-ism” of the crudest and most hurtful type is a GOOD thing? No wonder they’re trying to shove this guy down the memory hole. I just have to reiterate: WHY did it take them so long?
I have a feeling that this is going to become a HUGE embarrassment for the wingers. I will be following it with glee.
which is why the terms niggers, coons, dagos, wogs, poofs, spastics and sheilas have become heresy,
Is he longing for the halcyon days when we all were free to call each other nigger and coon?
Look forward to October, 2008: “Why Bush was elected by liberals, and how they plotted to make us Real Conservatives Look bad by putting him into office.”
I’ve always said, if you’re going to win their hearts and minds, spread freedom and democracy, the logical way would be a nuclear strike…
Is he longing for the halcyon days when we all were free to call each other nigger and coon?
Not only that, but people who object to words like that do so only out of pique at the Greatest Generation, who all used those words apparently.
That’s like looking in the crisper drawer in someone’s fridge, and finding a pile of crusty meth syringes.
Ah, you didn’t notice the severed head.
I believe the author is British, though his attitude is a little Spartan.
Another gem from Atkinson’s wonderful site is a section entitled “How would I know if my civilization was declining?”
I always thought the signs of a civilization in decline would be things like Visigoths looting WalMarts, America Idol appearing on television, that sort of stuff. Boy, was I wrong! The real signs of civilizational collapse include (a) bad manners, (b) poor grammar, and (c) frequent use of the word ‘fuck’.
Fuckfuckfuck. Mmmm… I can feel civilization growing weaker already.
“Not only that, but people who object to words like that do so only out of pique at the Greatest Generation, who all used those words apparently” While bravely fighting fascism.
My head hurts.
If you say fuck, while holding the bible, God will forgive you…
If yourrend little puppies limb from limb with your teeth as a means of sexual release with a same-sex partner while shooting up drugs and wearing magenta lingerie, God will forgive you as long as you hold the bible.
My God would never forgive me if I wore magenta lingerie…
Pito Wilson – Te quiere ver muerto
“I believe the author is British, though his attitude is a little Spartan.”
Aussie, by the sound of it. We have fucking tons of wingnuts here.
This strikes me as an Overton window move. You print the really extreme so that the not so extreme but still out there becomes normalised.
Any time a wingnut says, “The wisest course would be…”, Katy bar the door cos it’s about to get windy.
The gist of his shitty little crackpot-looking site is that civilization is in decline because of the coarsening of our language and manners and you can’t call people nigger any more.
Wow, how’d I miss that? I found that site several months ago, & while it’s easy to read between their lines, there was never anything that out & out goofy. I even decided against putting them in my “Neurosis & Psycho-Sociopathology (And Not in a Good Way) bogroll [sic] ’cause they just didn’t seem demented enough. What do I know?
Love the donation button @ Move ‘Murka Forward for “Gatorade & Beef Jerky For the Troops.” Yum. Nothing says “we support the troops” like white trash treats. Isn’t Halliburton or KBR or some corporate entity providing enough for them? Oh. Not enough profit in it, I s’pose.
Off topic-
Alas, the real fake Ann Althouse facebook profile is no more. Done been disabled.
I expect everyone to drink a box of wine in its honor.
I’d try and go on topic but that shite is past my capacity to process.
Awwwww, and Pam, too, alas.
If tear little kittens limb from limb with your teeth as a means of sexual release while fucking a Chevy ’67 while shooting up Mexicans and wearing bright red lingerie, God will forgive you as long as you hold the bible.
as a means of sexual release while fucking a Chevy ‘67
How does God feel about T-series Heidelberg Platen printing presses? A friend of mine needs to know.
I just can’t understand why so many on the American right are so enamoured of George W Bush, after all he is a man that Ronald Reagan thought was barely suited to a job as a contibuting editor at The New Republic:
From the recently published Reagan dairies – May 17, 1986
‘A moment I’ve been dreading. George brought his ne’re-do-well son around this morning and asked me to find the kid a job. Not the political one who lives in Florida. The one who hangs around here all the time looking shiftless. This so-called kid is already almost 40 and has never had a real job. Maybe I’ll call Kinsley over at The New Republic and see if they’ll hire him as a contributing editor or something. That looks like easy work.’
Unfortunately that’s a hoax. Sorry.
Hey lady, look out for that car!
I’d suggest that, if she really wants to keep her precious blonde future Bushjugend son safe, she might want to consider spending less time scanning the horizon for TErrORiSTs!!1! and more time not standing in the middle of the street.
They should perhaps heed the words of that great Roman – Flavorius Flavius – who once said “Let’s do this like Brutus!”
The wisest course would have been for President Bush to use his nuclear weapons to slaughter Iraqis until they complied with his demands, or until they were all dead. Then there would be little risk or expense and no American army would be left exposed. But if he did this, his cowardly electorate would have instantly ended his term of office, if not his freedom or his life.
Oh pleasepleaseplease tell me this is some kind of elaborate joke at the expense of wingnuts. ‘Cause if they actually paid someone to write stuff like this for their own entertainment they’re more pitiful than I could have anticipated. That’s the political equivalent of “Penthouse Letters”, that is.
I feel like the “nuke Iraq” plan leaves a lot to chance. Couldn’t we just nuke the entire planet? I mean, no macroscopic life, no Islam, right? Problem solved. Or maybe not…I have to admit, there have been times when, stricken with diarrhea, that I strongly suspected the culprit bacteria to have been a jihadi, or at the very least a liberal Democrat, aiding and abetting the establishment of a caliphate in my large intestine. Let’s face it, “diarrhea” has a decidedly Mohammedan ring to it. Maybe if we blow up the sun? All options should be on the table.
I’m off to teach the first class of a Western Civ I course, and I am seriously tempted to slip in Flavorius Flavius when I get to them Romans in a few weeks.
There were a couple of Goths in my local Wal-Mart, desultorily flipping through the limited selection of CDs, but no Ostro- or Visi-…
Unfortunately that’s a hoax. Sorry
I thought it sounded a little too wordy and nuanced for the Reagan diaries.
It’s Australian for
beerbabes, mate.Just goes to show you that the Birchers wound up winning the fight for the Republican party after all. Either that or this is an elaborate hoax. It’s really too funny not to be. Right?
I just wanted to double-check this … advocating the violent overthrow of the government of the United States … that’s what he’s doing here, right?
He’s obviously got a First Amendment right to say pretty much any damn fool thing – and he does – but if one of us did that, they would call it sedition and treason.
Jake H–
Dream on. The minute President Bush used “his” nuclear weapons to incinerate all of life on earth, the cowardly electorate would protest. That’s why Democracy is the worst system of government in the world.
Atkinson overlooks that civilizations may decline, but they can also be renewed again. Look at the history of China over the course of 2,500 years. At times it fragmented into different states, was conquered several times, was bullied by the Western powers and Japan, suffered from Maoist terror, and yet look how they’re doing today.
The United States will not always be the top dog in the world. We are no more immune to the forces of history than anyone else, and nuking the Middle East is not going to change that.
What about his solution for Iraq? Get the Iraqis out and move in Americans!
That’s the st00pidest thing I’ve heard in awhile. I don’t mean to be place-ist, but f*ck that! No way I’m movin’ to that hellhole.
Where do you have to live in America that moving to Iraq seems reasonable? Where does this phlegm-for-brains think he’s going to get enough ‘pilgrims’ to occupy some shitty desert?
I’ve always wondered why people fight over the Middle Mast so much. I mean the Amalfi Coast? Maybe…the Puget Sound? I would…New Zealand? Probably…Some God Forsaken Desert? SPARE ME!
People! People! That shit ain’t worth fightin’ over! (must be the oil)
The wisest course would have been for President Bush to use his nuclear weapons to slaughter Iraqis until they complied with his demands, or until they were all dead. Then there would be little risk or expense and no American army would be left exposed.
Why would this have been the “wisest course”, pray tell? Does this person actually believe that the average Iraqi-on-the-street was a direct threat to the US? Do they actually believe that Iraq as a country and as a people must be utterly destroyed to “win the war on terror”?
I had a neighbor make the “we should just nuke ’em” comment some months ago, and I tore into him:
He didn’t have any kind of answer. If he had, my next line was going to be And who the fuck do you think you are to make that decision? You don’t “own” them or their country. Who the fuck died and made you god?
This kind of logic makes my brain hurt:
Al Qaeda decided that 3000 random Americans “deserved to die” for some perceived offense or political statement or whatever other fucked up reason. This was horrible and wrong and deplorable: who are these people to decide what we “deserve”?
So now these people are telling me that 12 million random Iraqis deserve to die for some perceived offense or political statement or whatever other fucked up reason, and they expect me to say that’s perfectly OK?
People lives are not poker chips or pawns or hit point markers for them to use in whatever fucked up game they think they’re playing. Why can’t they see that this is exactly how Bin Laden thinks?
(But it’s not upsetting or anything…)
But Dorothy! It’s not terrorism if we do it. It’s more like, uhh Freedomism or something. Besides if you understand how bin Laden thinks, then the terrorists have already won.
Caesar pacified Gaul by mass slaughter; he then used his successful army to crush all political opposition at home and establish himself as permanent ruler of ancient Rome. This brilliant action not only ended the personal threat to Caesar, but ended the civil chaos that was threatening anarchy in ancient Rome – thus marking the start of the ancient Roman Empire that gave peace and prosperity to the known world.
And Caesar went on to live forever and rule immortally over the Roman Empire, which still stands today, a mighty beacon of civilization!
[…] beat me to the deeply nutty ravings of Family Security Matters’ Philip Atkinson. Oh, well. There wasn’t much I could have […]
losers—Congress Approval Rating Matches Historical Low. They have wasted their time beating up the president, Iraq, the troops and Attorney General Gonzales. Yep, they hold elongated hearings on everything from soup to saltine crackers. Indeed ….what far left ideologues. So done with their behavior. So is the rest of America.
Congress Approval Rating Matches Historical Low
The Congress are all doing a miserable job for us all.