Wednesday Evening Neighbor Blogging

Ever since the infamous Atrios-Andrew Sullivan smackdown over anonymity, the good people of Sadly, No! have wondered whether we should just come out and, say, put up a picture or share a bit more about our personal lives. Some bloggers seem to go halfway, by posting pictures of their cat, in the tradition of Kevin Drum’s Friday Cat Blogging. So we wondered, how could we improve on that and share a bit more about our personal lives. Which is why we are now proud to introduce Wednesday Evening Neighbor Blogging (WENB.)

Starting today and every Wednesday, we will post a picture of one our neighbors. (That is, every week until we run out of neighbors willing to let us take their picture and post it online, which may well happen sooner than we think.)

This week’s neighbor is Oskar. He’s lived in this part of town ever since we got here, and is by far our favorite neighbor. While he has a habit of going away for days at a time without telling us, he is very friendly whenever we stop by to say hello. He used to live with Lisa & Paula (lucky him!) but they moved out a few months ago. Oskar won’t tell us why, so we know he’s still upset. So if you ever find yourself in Stuttgart and see him, please do say hello for us. If you’re nice, he might even tell you where to find us.


Comments: 10


Actually, in his CalPundit days, Kevin had a pic of himself prominently displayed on his page.


I like Oskar. Or is that really you in disguise? 😉


Did Oskar ever “stop by” your place?


My feet hurt like hell, and I was caught in the crossfire of a “Matrix: Revolutions” showing last night.

So your picture made my whole day better. Thx.


That guy lived across the street from me about ten years ago. Used to steal the coupons out of my junk mail. Well actually he’d eat them. Lousy sonofabitch.


They have Democrats in Stuttgart?


Howdy Oskar!


the good people of Sadly, No! have wondered whether we should just come out and, say, put up a picture or share a bit more about our personal lives.

You’re not fooling anyone, Gerhard.


Green Acres Goes to Germany!

And while I enjoy this glipse into neighbors of the man behind the legend, I suspect that your time off for “medical reasons” was getting plastic surgery so that the feds can’t track you down, which is why you won’t share your own photo with your fangirls.


Oskar!! There you are!

I was wondering where that jackass had gone…

He owes me $5.


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