Shorter Rudy Takala

Bridges of socialism

Above: Ruh-roh, Randroid

  • While as a Muslim, Keith Ellison (D MN) hasn’t yet murdered innocent Americans, as a socialist looter-moocher, he is responsible for the interstate bridge. . .er, ‘shrugging.’

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 115


Renew America should really start with their own website. And that Takala thing should learn how to dress appropriately.


Boy, look at the honker on that guy. His owner needs to talk to him about chasing parked cars before he bashes his whole face in.


I apologize. I shouldn’t have said anything. Regardez:

“Rudy Takala is 18 years old and is the chairman of Minnesota’s Pine County Republicans. He was homeschooled for nine years, and is currently a junior at Hamline University.”

Sorry. He’s a victim. (But, really, “Hamline University”???)


And that Takala thing should learn how to dress appropriately.

Oh, I’m sure he was the king of the homeschoolers’ prom.

Really rather kind of Renew America to airbrush out his acne. Now if they’d only spring for a copy editor.


Question: How many beers does one have to drink before the above shortened column resembles anything sensible? Because right now, it be painful to read.


Right, because nothing screams “International Socialism” like government subsidy of private enterprise over public infrastructure. Uh Huh. TAXES BAD!

Let’s go back to use fees, because nothing is better for rush-hour congestion than toll-booths at the entrance to every highway.


me loosed 25 IQ points reading dat

Um…nothing against the troglodytes, per se…but, that is the shitiest website I’ve seen since 1997.


Um…nothing against the troglodytes, per se…but, that is the shitiest website I’ve seen since 1997.

Oh brilliant. They have a link to a blog called “It’s time Atlas Shrugged” which has a single post, complaining about social security.

Teh Awesome.


Much has been made of the fact that Ellison, who represents Minneapolis, is the first Muslim to enter the U.S. House. That concern is overshadowed by the fact that, as of yet, he hasn’t harmed anyone on account of his religion. (emphasis added)

A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18? I just don’t get it.


Marita said,

August 15, 2007 at 4:43

“Oh brilliant. They have a link to a blog called “It’s time Atlas Shrugged” which has a single post, complaining about social security.”

Low fruit. Gavin M. should be ashamed.

Herr Doktor Bimler

It’s an eternal dilemma. Go for the low-hanging fruit, or cherry-pick the top ones? Someone will complain, either way.


OK, fine. I will ask it.

What the fuck is going on with all these conservatives in the Great Lakes region. It starts with the Powerline and goes downhill from there. Seriously, what are you liberals doing to them up there that they turn batshit crazy?


“A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18? I just don’t get it.”

When I was 18 I totally hated Green Day, the Pittsburgh Steelers, and my parents who were st00pit and didn’t know anything about White Zombie, who of course, totally fuckin r000000ldz, d00dz!!!!!


Sorry gang, but I can’t read the whole thing. I Odon’t care to read it I knew everything when I was his age too. I really don’t have much hope in the boy, but I’m willing to give him a break. Now on the other hand, can we please be exceptionally cruel to Fred Barnes?


Question: How many beers does one have to drink before the above shortened column resembles anything sensible?

Dunno. But one beer, two tequilas, one vodka and one rum, doesn’t clarify anything.

And remember, Keith Ellison hasn’t harmed anyone…yet. Glad I moved away before the Muslamosocialafascists took over. But didn’t vote for the bridge-killing stadium tax. Um.


The young man needs to grab on to one idea and pursue it, as Al Swearengen might have said, to the fuckin’ end. I’m not sure what the guy’s coming from on either Ellison or subsidies for professional ball teams. As if they belong together in the same rant.


Wow, I just read my own post and I must admit, I’m too drunk to be doing this right now.


Yeah, I don’t know that I agree. This column seemed like a fairly typical young person’s / small business view of how government often fails at its core responsibilities by favoring the private and influential over their civic responsibility, as well as some of the core lunacies of American culture today.

He strikes me so far as the kind of person who could easily be a fiscal responsibility populist, good government type, if somehow he could avoid the wingnut singularity field and adopt a bit broader view. The Ayn Rand stuff almost seems like he was commanded to insert it from wingnut central.

His final passages seem to lead to rational thought, or seemed to suggest that unauthorized thinking by the writer could one day follow.

Notice that where he introduces Keith Ellison’s religion, it is precisely not to say AAAAAAH A MOOOZLIM but to point out that although yeah some people (i.e., right wing nuts) were worried because there was a Muslim Congressman, that he or his religion wasn’t the factor that failed to repair the bridge which collapsed.

In fact, guess who he blamed for the legislature’s failure to act?

The fault lies with members of both parties. Keith Ellison, socialist that he is, voted against the baseball stadium when he was a member of the Minnesota House. Tim Pawlenty, our Republican governor (and five-year hopeful for the vice-presidency), was happy to sign on to the subsidy.

Had our elected government officials had the interests of their constituents in mind, the tragedy would have been avoided. Had our state’s residents held their elected officials accountable and forced them to do what was responsible before they did what was frivolous, the tragedy would have been avoided. Instead, we did neither.

The young man clearly risks ThoughtCrime, and some sort of intervention should immediately be carried out by an Operative Republican Thetan Level VI.


A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18? I just don’t get it.

I hated Republicans.

Funny how little has changed.


Yes, it’s true that Congressman Keith Ellison had nothing to do with a bridge collapsing which had nothing to do with Ayn Rand who had nothing to do with anything worth thinking about. But we must all ponder the essential oneness of these seemingly unrelated elements or people will continue to die.

His final passages seem to lead to rational thought…

I’d have to say that Rudy’s little opus just leads to shorted-out synapses.


Takala’s personal blog has been quiet of late, but this graphic posted two years ago makes a visit there worth it.


Bridge collapse: August 1
Pinning it on Ellison: August 14
Difference: 13 days

Congratulations to everybody who took the “high” bet!


“A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18? I just don’t get it.”

Shit, man, I killed people on my nineteenth birthday. I hated everything and everyone that stood between me and going home. I hated the Cap’n. I hated the NVA. I hated the red dirt, and I hated the fucking noise that came from all the guns. I hated the quiet times, they just meant we would die soon, and I hated the fucking firefights ’cause people were trying to kill me. I hated the wounded, they caused us to risk our lives for their stupid asses, and I hated the fucking idiots at home that couldn’t figure out that this was STUPID. I hated the fucking guns you had to learn to tinker with to make them work reliably, I hated the fucking radios that never worked reliably, I hated the air and arty that couldn’t figure out where the fucking NVA were but could damn sure find our guys in a hole, I hated the fucking officers that were just punching their tickets, and I hated the worthless country boys that couldn’t figure out how to work it.

I just hated and killed everything I could find. And then I got on the plane and came home and couldn’t kill all the fucking idiots I hated…



He looks like a character from of Jeeves and Wooster.

"The Body" did it

What the fuck is going on with all these conservatives in the Great Lakes region. It starts with the Powerline and goes downhill from there. Seriously, what are you liberals doing to them up there that they turn batshit crazy?

Ah, we love our homegrown wingnuts. They’re the bestest. The problem is they think they live in the “heartland”. They don’t. They live in Minnesota. We’re liberal. Always have been, always will be. Dude needs to shuffle slightly west and land his ass in South Dakota where, I have no doubt, he’ll be perfectly content. (as will we).


Somebody notify Cornfed Irate Yanqui — according to the column, Hakuna Takala is “chairman” of the Pine County Republicans, but the PCR site identifies him as the Secretary!

Furthermore, the PCR site uses a circle-R symbol after their name in at least one location, but they do not have a trademark registration!

How do these people think they can get away with such bald-faced lying, with this series of tubes lying around spewing information all over the place?

a different brad

So let’s get this straight. Ellison voted against stadium subsidies, which is apparently socialist because it involves being against free money for the richest single owner in baseball. And because those stadium subsidies helped divert money away from more useful things, Ellison is to blame for the collapse of a bridge rated no more dangerous than, frighteningly, 100s across the nation.

I tried to turn this argument into formal logic, but my computer reached out and slapped me.

I have to live the rest of my life in a world with people this stupid, who also think they should keep their kids out of barely functioning public schools to make sure they’re fully stupid. geh. Earth is turning into the planet from Mom and Dad Save the World.


When I was 18, I hated my high school principal. And my step-mother. And pretty much anyone who abused their power in ridiculous, irrational, arbitrary ways.

Now I hate Republicans.

So not much has changed.

(My high school principal had Machiavelli’s “The Prince” on his desk. I didn’t read it until a year later in college. It totally shocked me when I realized he was using Machiavelli to run a high school. What a shithead.)


It would be much better to use “The Little Prince” to run a high school.


Or maybe “The Student Prince.”


I stop now.

What were we talking about?


Mikey, that sucks; I’m sorry you had to go through that and I’m sorry for the soldiers who are going through it now. Neither war should have happened, period.


Renew America should really start with their own website.

No kidding. Me, I’d start by axing their webmaster. About half of this Randroid’s screed meandered into the right margin. I literally had to drag my mouse over the crayon scribbles just to read the damn thing.


Oh. Now I see why. This Takala idiot used the URL of his “source material” as link text, and the very first URL bled into the margin…. *headdesk*


The nose, he’ll probably grow into.

The Randishness?
I’m afraid that’s terminal.


Rudy. Takala. Biggest. Virgin. Ever.


The nose, he’ll probably grow into.

There was a young Randroid
Who lived in a nose
Pink shirt and bow-tie
Sufficed him for clothes


Am I getting this right?

Is he saying that because Keith Ellison voted against a baseball statdium, the I-35W bridge collapsed and it’s because he’s a MUSLIM?

And also, characters in Ayn Rand’s novel are actually real people that illustrate real things>

Somebody tell me if this is how I read it. Otherwise, I don’t want to know more.


A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18? I just don’t get it.

To answer – No. There was that guy who, well, it really hurt me, but I surely didn’t dwell on it like this.


Visit my blog m-f-ers. Lavish me with praise and attention. This I command!

Ahem…on topic:

Much has been made of the fact that Ellison, who represents Minneapolis, is the first Muslim to enter the U.S. House. That concern is overshadowed by the fact that, as of yet, he hasn’t harmed anyone on account of his religion.

Keith Ellison, socialist that he is, voted against the baseball stadium when he was a member of the Minnesota House.

Pro: Has not harmed anyone; voted against diverting resources to the stadium.
Con: Is Muslim

Verdict: Guilty.

You have to admire his logic. Here is a visual representation:


A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18?

Humanity? I mean, I was 18 and everything.


I kinda figured I ‘d grow out of it, and, well, I did.

so why haven’t they?


I neglected to mention that his piece reads like a recycled book-report. I blame the lack of preview my own stupidity.

Herr Doktor Bimler

You have to admire his logic. Here is a visual representation:
NSFW alternative.


witnessing firsthand the politics of Congressman Keith Ellison’s world; the world that condemned a bridge to destruction

as of yet, he hasn’t harmed anyone on account of his religion. The state legislature, of which he was once a part, has.

So the state legislature has harmed people in the name of Islam. Apparently an Islamic terror plot to degrade American infrastructure by building sports stadiums and neglecting highways. Clever devils, those socialist Muslim fanatics. Well do they know the corrosive social effects of a retractable dome and additional luxury box seating …

and then later …

Keith Ellison, socialist that he is, voted against the baseball stadium

This is what we get for 9 years of home schooling?

Reading between the lines, this kid is just itching to burst out with how fucking great his religion is and how badly all these other religions suck, particularly the idolatry of these gibbering ape men and all these other scum who don’t worship a dead guy nailed to a telephone pole. I’d advise him to visit his local recruiting office, but on second thought, that’s just a real bad idea for all concerned.


While I disagree with probably everything this 18-year-old kid wrote, I will say that Keith Ellison bites from the same apple as apologists for the murdering thugs trying to spread Islam by the sword.


John Cole said
What the fuck is going on with all these conservatives in the Great Lakes region. It starts with the Powerline and goes downhill from there. Seriously, what are you liberals doing to them up there that they turn batshit crazy?

I think it’s the water. The acid rain leeches heavy metals into the water and we just learned that 3M has been dumping chemicals and then there are those strangely deformed frogs… it’s ugly in the suburbs.

It was Pawlenty, in my opinion, who rammed through the stadium deal last session and not the legislature. There wasn’t a whole lot that anyone could do because of Pawlenty’s stupid “no new taxes” pledge. Legislative grid lock combined with his stubbornness made sure very little could get done. There is one silver lining in this tragedy and that is that his political life is over thank god and I expect the IR to suffer heavy losses also.


Keith Ellison bites from the same apple as apologists for the murdering thugs trying to spread Islam by the sword

That would be the apple of monotheism, then?


That would be the apple of monotheism, then?

Sounds about right.


Of course actively agitating for war to facilitate the Second coming of Christ is an orange of a different flavor…

Herr Doktor Bimler

Keith Ellison can bite from as many apples as he likes, so long as he doesn’t touch my strawberries.


Is that a nose — or a traffic cone?


Holy crap! That’s the reincarnation of Carl Lepper the hall monitor, from the National Lampoon Highschool Yearbook. Go Kefauver Kangaroos!

Yes, according to Ayn Rand thought, collectivists did cause the bridge to collapse, because Minnesotans hypnotized local Ellsworth Tooheys spent all their gold nickels on stadiums and fishing programs. If only the bridge had taken a rush-hour traffic jam of moochers and second-handers with it, like in Atlas Shrugged!

And then I woke up in a puddle. And why does it smelll like an ahstray in here?

Thank God^H^H^HRichard Dawkins I ditched that tripe for New Wave when I went to college. Ayn Rand was really popular among college Republicans at my school at that time. It was also when “alternative” college newspapers with Review in their name turned up around the country and “political correctness” was born and given a fake 1930s-CPUSA pedigree. Some of my Republican classmates used lynch mob tactics to defund the school’s PIRG (Ralph Nader) chapter. A few of those guys would go on to fraudulently try to get Jack Kemp on the Texas ballot for ’88.

Bliss it was in that time to be alive, but to be young was very heaven!


He looks like a character from of Jeeves and Wooster.

Yeah, Roderick Spode, amateur dictator.

Yes, it’s true that Congressman Keith Ellison had nothing to do with a bridge collapsing which had nothing to do with Ayn Rand who had nothing to do with anything worth thinking about. But we must all ponder the essential oneness of these seemingly unrelated elements or people will continue to die.

A=A, bitches! Blank out!

Reading between the lines, this kid is just itching to burst out with how fucking great his religion is and how badly all these other religions suck, particularly the idolatry of these gibbering ape men and all these other scum who don’t worship a dead guy nailed to a telephone pole.

Now, now, he’s a manly Randian, which means he abjures ALL religions… except, of course, for the particular dogmas of Objectivism. ‘Cause, you see, Objectivism is all about thinking for yourself, unlike every other religion, except when thinking for yourself contradicts Guru Rand in which case you must renounce your heresy or be cast out into the outer darkness like the sinner you are. See? NOTHING like religion!

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Lost in the global fray surrounding the Minneapolis bridge collapse is a perspective more prominent to those of us who live in Minnesota,

What “global fray”? I hate to break it to the boy, but the rest of the globe gives very little of a shit about a bridge collapsing in the US. At least, hundreds of thousands in Bangladesh are certainly giving not a toss right now, what with having other things on their minds.

By the bye, I think you should know: looks like the dood took his own photo there. See the rumpling on the right shoulder? Looks like he’s holding out the camera at arm’s length. Probably got no friends, poor little Nobby No-Mates. With that nose and those politics, I’m not surprised.


Yeah, I had to stop at “Lost in the global fray surrounding the Minneapolis bridge collapse is…”

I guess his homeschool teacher didn’t spend much time on the finer points of grammar and composition. Or, maybe, I’m just too hung up on nound/verb sentence structure.


“Um…nothing against the troglodytes, per se…but, that is the shitiest website I’ve seen since 1997.”

Are you sure it isn’t from 1997? A third of the page is taken up with a lame dig at Bill Clinton.


Homeschooler, eh? That explains everything.

Homeschooling is like pedophilia: the only people that justify it are the people that engage in it.


If the Twins sign Johan Santana to a long-term deal, this proves that Keith Ellison is a socialist and that Santana is probably a Muslim who might not have caused the brige to collapse, but he certainly enjoyed it.


Apparently Hamline University has an apprenticeship program for future Doughy Pantloads of America.

Fishbone McGonigle

A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18?

Um, the kids who listened to country music, maybe. But that’s entirely justifiable.


He’s young, prolly has wingnut parents, but he is attending a Methodist university, so I suspect that there are good chances he’ll lighten up a bit and become a good populist.


A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18? I just don’t get it.



Gavin M.: Don’t post @ 4:20. They’ll get suspicious!


Rudy hopes for a career in which he is able to continue antagonizing proponents of the State. Currently, he spends his free time laboring over a book concerning the American government’s school system.

And boy are his lips tired.


Socialists in general and Ellison in particular are to blame for the collapse because the state legislature passed and the Republican governor signed a stadium bill, though there aren’t any Socialists in the legislature and non-Socialist Ellison voted against it. Neveryoumind that despite knowing the bridge was in desperate need of repair for years conservative governors and a majority Republican(until 2006) legislature did nothing, it’s those darn Socialists’ fault!

I agree with thelogos that he’s not a lost cause, but somebody get that guy in a logic class, stat! Political Science and History also wouldn’t be amiss.


A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18? I just don’t get it.

At 18 I was too busy getting my head bootheeled by my drill sergeant to hate anyone but him.


A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18? I just don’t get it.

Well, I was raised by fundies and homeschooled, so when I was 18 I really hated the gays. But then I made out with a few, and now we get along just fine! 😀


The boy’s too young to remember George W. Bush lobbying for a sales tax increase to finance a new stadium in Arlington, TX.


Homeschooling is like pedophilia: the only people that justify it are the people that engage in it.

Unlike Takalaka’s “wit”, you made me laugh out loud, Visigoth.

When I was 18, I hated all of Nixon’s Merry Men — people like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz — who were manipulating a simpleminded figurehead President (Ford) in an attempt to ensure that an unpopular foreign war of occupation and the Republican transfer of Treasury funds from the American working classes to the top 1% of the moneyed classes would never end. As a great American writer once said, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes”…


To answer John Cole, we drive our wingnuts crazy in MN by voting for Democratic presidential candidates. jeff, Hamline University isn’t actually a bad school. No one will confuse it with Harvard, but it’s better than, say, Goucher. And who would have guessed this little virgin doofus was homeschooled? What a shock.


Pere, I bet he’s been a Randian for a year or so (probably just finished The Fountainhead). He’s been homeschooled his whole damn life. And that implies high levels of Christian whackitude. Combine that with his bizarre obsession with Ellison, solely based on Ellison being a Muslim, err, socialist who hasn’t killed anyone yet (despite the fact that it actually detracts from his argument, such as it is).

Jesus has skull-fucked this poor kid.


And, Jesus, lose the bowtie. It’s twerpier than Ayn Rand’s cape.


Being surrounded at Hamline by people who weren’t homeschooled is going to be very, very interesting for this young man. He’ll either acquire some empathy for his fellow man, or go postal and then run home to mommy.


He’ll either acquire some empathy for his fellow man, or go postal and then run home to mommy.

Or rail against the student council. (Scroll down)


And, Jesus, lose the bowtie. It’s twerpier than Ayn Rand’s cape.

And the pink dress shirt. Surely that can’t be kosher at Hamdinger U.


That photo alone is good for a hearty laugh.


You know, if he ever learns that Hamdinger U. is harboring student orgs like the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance and Students for Peace, we’ll start seeing airborne feces like there’s no tomorrow.


“He’ll either acquire some empathy for his fellow man, or go postal and then run home to mommy.”

Or spend all of his time whining about “liberal bias” in the classroom, the assault on Christianity on campus, “diversity,” organizing “straight, white, Christian guy coming-out day,” etc. In other words, he’ll be just like every other petulant college Republican who has better things to do than enlist. Hell, judging by his picture, it’s likely that he’ll get caught trying to diddle one of his sleeping comrades in a hotel room after the CPAC event.

Worst. President. Ever.

You know, I read the whole article and halfway through it I was about to say, WTF, here’s a wingnut I can actually agree with… complaining about corporate stadium subsidies sucking money out of the public purse while important public infrastructure deteriorates.

Much to my surprise, the article led up to blaming, by name, “Keith Ellison who actually voted against the baseball stadium when he was a member of the Minnesota House.” instead of the Republican majority who actually voted for and passed the subsidy.

WTF, should Ellison have voted FOR the stadium, dickweed?


maybe someone already pointed this out, but this guy’s logic isn’t even coherent.

He attacks the legislature for funding the stadium, and then near the bottom of the article writes:

“Keith Ellison, socialist that he is, voted against the baseball stadium when he was a member of the Minnesota House.”

Why is Ellison even mentioned in this piece? He had nothing to do with what you’re complaining about!


Why is Ellison even mentioned in this piece?

Because he’s a scary, scary, scary Muslim.



Let’s cut the kid some slack; he’s only 18, after all. I mean, I was a real asshole when I was 18 and look how I turned… okay I think I see your point.

Principal Blackman

Homeschooling is like pedophilia: the only people that justify it are the people that engage in it.


Also, the loudest proponents of homeschooling are also the best arguments against it because, well, they’re fucking stooges.


Moment of irony…
While Rudydoodle dresses down Keith Ellison for praying to all things Mecca, isn’t it funny to note that he dresses like a third-string member of the Nation of Islam?


Now, now, he’s a manly Randian, which means he abjures ALL religions… except, of course, for the particular dogmas of Objectivism.

Here’s the thing, Pere Ubu: You know and I know that Objectivism is (de facto and de jure) an atheistic philosophy. However, given the number of people who call themselves “Christian Objectivists,” I’m not sure that the typical right winger understands that.


An excerpt from an essay Takala wrote six months ago about his experience in a first-year seminar at Hamline:

The first day, students were told to come up with “standards for discussion.” The teacher proceeded to “let us know” what past classes came up with (also undoubtedly at her urging); they included, among a litany of other things, that our discussions proceed in “such a way that we prevent perpetuating stereotypes.”

When it came time for us to bring up our ideas, I commented, “There are only three white guys in the room. We’ll probably be the only ones saying anything offensive, and that’s our prerogative. It is then the prerogative of the girls to get mad at us. Let’s leave it at not being racist or sexist.”

Later in the piece he declares the professor’s use of Gramsci proof that she forms part of the international communist conspiracy and seeks to indoctrinate America’s youth in its ideology, since Gramsci helped found the Italian CP.

A charming young man. He’ll go far.

Hah. Hah. Hah.

If that isn’t code for HUGE ASSHOLE, I don’t know what is.


Here’s the thing, Pere Ubu: You know and I know that Objectivism is (de facto and de jure) an atheistic philosophy.

Sure, but, frankly, it almost doesn’t matter whether it’s atheistic or not. Its extreme dogmatic nature is what makes it attractive to authoritarian followers, even if it lacks the soothing promise of a protective God.

Hah. Hah. Hah.

What? All those other conservatives are dopes?


(But, really, “Hamline University”???)

All the other Twin Cities schools make fun of Hamline. At least he doesn’t go to St. Thomas, where the pro-choice group on campus was CRUSHED by opposition.


Sure, but, frankly, it almost doesn’t matter whether it’s atheistic or not. Its extreme dogmatic nature is what makes it attractive to authoritarian followers, even if it lacks the soothing promise of a protective God.

That’s probably pretty accurate. Randianism is basically fundamentalism with a different god (namely Ayn Rand), right down to the mirrored rhetoric. However, my guess is that if you confronted Takala, he’d never cop to being an atheist. Somehow, these small-time wingnut wanna-be pundits never seem to have any problems with holding both beliefs at once. I suppose Takala could be an atheist, but I doubt an outfit like Renew America would have him if he was.

I think there’s a very simple attraction to Christian Objectivism: being both at once means you can do whatever the hell you want, up to and including breaking most of the Ten Commandments, and somehow you still get to go to heaven. It’s a sweet deal, really.


mikey, it’s been said before, but let me add my voice to the chorus.

I’m hoping all you’re writing here and on your blog is practice, because there’s a hell of a book in you, friend.

I just hated and killed everything I could find. And then I got on the plane and came home and couldn’t kill all the fucking idiots I hated…

chills, man.


being both at once means you can do whatever the hell you want, up to and including breaking most of the Ten Commandments, and somehow you still get to go to heaven.

That’s twisted, but yeah that’s basically it isn’t it.


good call, dan abnormal.


Shorter Rudy Takala:

Gov. Tim Pawlenty, by voting for huge taxpayer subsidies for the Minnesota Twins’ stadium, has demonstrated he is part of the problem. However, Rep. Keith Ellison, by voting against those subsidies, has also demonstrated he is part of the problem (and is Muslim).


There are only three white guys in the room. We’ll probably be the only ones saying anything offensive,

Pst! Dude! Why don’t you take a step back and ask yourself why you and the other two “white guys” are the “only ones saying anything offensive”?

In case you draw a blank, here’s a clue:

and that’s our prerogative.

Lessee, so “saying something offensive” is “An exclusive right or privilege held by a person or group, especially a hereditary or official right” belonging only to white males. And that in and of itself is not offensive?

Or were you referring to “being white and male” as “A special quality that confers superiority”? And were you surprised when the rest of the class thought you were an entitled asshole?


Thanx, Sarah…

I’s just calls ’em like I see ’em…


Dorothy, these fellows are offended by the very existence of people who are different than them, and what is even more offensive to them, is that some of them claim that they should be treated as equals. Thus, they exist in a perpetual state of passive offense, in that they take another’s mere existence as you and I would, a punch in the head.

When one is taught from birth that he is absolutely entitled to privilege, and that others are not, the fact that those others appear to have attained certain comforts is tantamount to theft or other crimes against “civility.”


Oh, if only I had been one of the other 2 white guys in the room.

Being an asshole is not a prerogative.


Wow, I’ve never seen a schnozzer like that without attached eyebrows and a moustache.

(And lest “lookism” be called, check out J—’s link to the graphic at Rudy’ssite )


A question for teh sadly community, was there any person or group that you hated like this when you were 18? I just don’t get it.

Ronald Reagan.


I tried reading Takala’s bit on Gramsci study equalling communism, but, ummm, the kid is even dumber than I thought.
“Topics vary, but spring students have one option, titled, “Rap Music and Street Consciousness.”
The allegation was that, in this course, we would be studying rap music.”
I’d [sic], but I suspect it’s not necessary.


That’s not funny, that’s [sic].


When I was 18 I killed a six-pack of Wiedemann 3.2% just to watch it die…

and that’s STILL more daring than anything this guy has ever done.


When I was 18 I killed a six-pack of Wiedemann 3.2% just to watch it die… and that’s STILL more daring than anything this guy has ever done.

What, you don’t think it took mighty, mighty balls for Takalaka to stand up in front of a room ful of women and other minorities and boldly assert his Straight White Male Prerogative!?!?

I mean, they *totally* could’ve gotten their minority cooties on him!

(Or kicked his ass, at least rhetorically, which is what I suspect actually happened, only he’s not going to share that part of the episode with us.)



I’m the only white guy in the entire neighborhood.

You have to go out on Saturday and rake up the minority cooties.

They pile up in drifts.

Please don’t track them in the house….





Oh sweet screaming Jsus, there’re “Christian Objectivists”?

Wheee! Two scummy tastes that taste scummier together!

God, I so hope the Fermi Paradox is wrong. We could really use an invasion of superior intelligences from Arcturus right about now. “Regime change” all over the board!


Oh yeah, Christian Objectivists exist, at least online – I’ve never met one in meatspace. Amber Pawlik from waaaay back in S,N! history was one, as memory serves. They’re really hard to track since the philosophies don’t mix at all, so you end up with people who switch from heartless, nihilistic Randroid to raving, moralistic fundie depending on the issue.

solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short

Just when lolcatspeak seems to have run its course, along comes Mo to reinvigorate the genre. Christ that’s funny.

And Billy Pilgrim’s right, not that anyone was disagreeing. Mikey’s lucky he doesn’t know me; all I’d do all day is pester him about that. Didja write your memoir yet? Didja write your memoir yet? Didja write your memoir yet? (the epilogue would be about how, long after leaving war behind, he snapped and killed the irritating guy stateside)

Of course, ideally, he would’ve lived a life that’d make for a dull book, but alas. Plus that doesn’t seem to have stopped the McSweeney’s types.


Christian Objectivists are probably people who can’t quite abandon Ayn Rand, who got them through their tough highschool (or homeschool) years, but the College Republicans won’t let them in unless they give up a “Praise Jebus!!” like they mean it.

Same old, same old. In the early ’80s, some of my contemporaries were Randites, but quickkly got religion, as it were.


“so you end up with people who switch from heartless, nihilistic Randroid to raving, moralistic fundie depending on the issue.”

Say, that reminds me: whatever happened to shoe-annie?


“What, you don’t think it took mighty, mighty balls for Takalaka to stand up in front of a room ful of women and other minorities and boldly assert his Straight White Male Prerogative!?!?”

What, you think he said it OUTLOUD?? Where “they” could hear him??


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