Robble-Robble Beauchamp Robble

Great Scott, they’re still at it:

Update: Ace seems quite unimpressed by Beauchamp’s joke, and seems to think it should have been viewed as a red flag by TNR editors.

I think the angle here is not that he was outright fabricating, so much as he was employing literary devices in his stories– playing a role in order to establish himself as a literary character for his coming novel, a hardass, seen-it-all veteran dripping with [Bad Ass Motherfuckerism]…

Despite the fact that, you know, while his service in Iraq is no doubt dangerous, he’s hardly seen much in the way of combat or actual danger. He’s seen the possibility of danger, but, alas for his book proposal, not so much the real sort.

To be fair, if there were a combat unit for chairborne quibbling, these guys would be Sgt. Fury and his Howlin’ Commandos.

Above: Coordinated noise attack spooks Daily Kos readers

Since Confederate Yankee is clearly Robert “Rebel” Ralston, Ace would be “Dum Dum” Dugan.

…You know, it’s not their fault there isn’t a war for them to fight in.


Comments: 19


Wow, so sad, so pathetic and so ignorant towards the reality of black humor.

Maybe Ace should spend a few moments hanging around ER doctors after a particularly grueling night. Maybe he should hang out with some morticians or EMT’s, people that tell the blackest humor jokes possible in order to survive the horrors they see on a daily basis.

But that would involve leaving his precious cheetos and mountain dew vault, and we can’t have that.


“I think the angle here is not that he was outright fabricating, so much as he was employing literary devices in his stories” ….

*slams own head in desk drawer


Ace seems quite unimpressed by Beauchamp’s joke, and seems to think it should have been viewed as a red flag by TNR editors.

What else might have been viewed as a red flag over the past six years?


I’ve found dead bodies on patrol more than once in Baghdad. I made the joke when we found one that we should bring him back and walk around with him like “Weekend at Bernie’s”.

I guess Ace would say that never happened because you physically can’t fit more that 5 people in a Humvee, people would smell the decomposing dead body as we walked around and Andrew McCarthy is a terrible actor and no one watches his movies and would get my joke.


Despite the fact that, you know, while his service in Iraq is no doubt dangerous, he’s hardly seen much in the way of combat or actual danger.

He should go hang out with Hugh Hewitt in NYC – I hear that’s where the REAL front lines of The War are, the ones where you invite sudden death at any moment! Or something.


Despite the fact that, you know, while his service in Iraq is no doubt dangerous, he’s hardly seen much in the way of combat or actual danger.



//His “joke,” as usual, makes no sense. Why is it funny that a dead guy might be an organ donor? When we talk about organ donors, 95% of the time we’re talking about the dead. How on earth is this ironic or funny or poignant or even interesting enough to bother commenting on?

It’s like “joking” that a dead man has no pulse. Well, ye-ah. That’s sort of what makes him dead, right?//

It’s “writing” like this that causes me to drink heavily.


Despite the fact that, you know, while his service in Iraq is no doubt dangerous, he’s hardly seen much in the way of combat or actual danger.

As opposed to Ace, who DAILY exposes himself to the mortally wounding snark of internet lefties whenever he puts a finger to his keyboard. Actual Danger? THIS is the FRONT LINES OF TEXT, BABYS!!!!!

It’s all he can do somedays, to open a bag of Cheetos- the pain and weariness is overwhelming, his can’t even enjoy Play-doh anymore….

But he will take Hill Beauchamp! He will HOLD Hill Beauchamp!! It’s his mission!

Driving an RV, debunking jokes- how can we ever say they haven’t done their part in The Glorious, Epic War to Save Civilization Forevah?


I just want to say, in all seriousness, that guys like Ace wouldn’t last a typical long weekend with mikey, let alone survive as a grunt. It’s probably best for the REAL soldiers that they are too chickenshit to enlist, because they would do something stupid nearly immediately and get somebody besides themselves killed.


Ace is offended by black humor.

here’s the quote at the very top of his page:

“Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. — H.L. Mencken”

now what the fuck does that sniveling little turd, Ace, know about slitting throats?


Ugh, Phil Rizzuto dead at 89:


Oh come on you guys. What you don’t know is that Ace has volunteered to take one for the team. He’s going to sample the new, exxxtra hot Cheetos. It could play hell with his digestive system, he could be blogging from the can tomorrow. Or, since there are those three xxxs in the name they could taste like bacon with the consistency of play-doh. It takes a real man for this type of mission, and we owe a little respect. I bet Beauchamp never did anything like that.


I just want to say, in all seriousness, that guys like Ace wouldn’t last a typical long weekend with mikey, let alone survive as a grunt.

guys like Ace couldn’t last a typical day shift with the guys out on the loading dock.


God Ace is embarrassing. I mean what the hell! How can anybody be as stupid as this guy? Has he ever commented on anything without completely humiliating himself (while remaining totally oblivious to said humiliation)? I am seriously asking this! Has he even once managed to not come across as a buffoon when giving his opinions?


yes, gundam, when talking about Cheetos. The puffed kind.


Good god, is he really charging into battle with an umbrella?

Wow. Only American war propoganda could insult our enemy AND our allies.


Ah yes, the gray-skinned “Negroes” of the Marvel Comics of the ’60s. (Or, maybe, he was one of those Roswell Grays.) And I think the Limey was some sort of nobleman, we all know how effete the English nobility is. After all, if they could’ve really fought, we wouldn’t’ve had to pull their proverbial chestnuts out of the fire twice last century.


Hmm… I guess Ace and pals only support the troops when the troops are fighting and dying but at least keeping their fucking traps shut about how shitty it is in Iraq.


That would be Percy “Pinky” PInkerton, and his bumbershoot. “‘Umbrella’ sounds so bourgeois, y’know.”


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