Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Last week, Hairy Fish Nuts revealed how long terrorists have been desperate according to the White House. This week he finds out why, and the answer is: major blow.

Meanwhile, at Kevin reviews the comedy repertoire of George Bush. Even we don’t make the same joke that often. Claims to the contrary left in the comments will be deleted.


Comments: 4


Wait, so now Colombia is implicated in the Al Queda mess? (I’m just assuming that Colombian drug kingpins are the source for this major blow…)


I’m waiting for Bush to slip up and say something like “He married me above himself.”


This reminds me of George’s wannabe, the Gipper, who also recycled his lame humor (and his ancedotes) over and over again.

Not really sure why this behavior should be duplicated. Maybe incurious, dull people with profoundly simplistic worldviews only need a few ancedotes to illustrate pretty much everything they believe…



Mmmmmm….major blow.


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