Posted on August 11th, 2007 by Gavin M.
Above: Newt Gingrich
‘LOLcons’ concept created by Jon Swift and named by Marita. (Online LOLcat builder here.)
[Hanx! Jean Arf]
Above: Newt Gingrich
‘LOLcons’ concept created by Jon Swift and named by Marita. (Online LOLcat builder here.)
[Hanx! Jean Arf]
(comments are closed)
Im in ur House, poizonin yr discorse
Gringrix haz a cancer? O! Iz OK prolly kuz he iz a cancer. Hugz! bye
Mikey is probably right that this retarded kittenspeak is a bad trend. Iz k Mikey! can haz hugz nao? (For reals? I think this is temporary and will go away tomorrow.)
The scars will remain forever.
So have you decided to kill your site or what? UR NAWT FUNNEE!
[…] 2: More and more. RIP, Sadly […]
The Flypaper Strategy is working.
“Quick, Henry, the Flit!”
If by that you mean that this is as funny as flypaper, I agree.
Shorter Blogs for Brownback: I can haz electable candidate? Do not want.
jeff, newt served one of his wives with divorce papers while she was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments, or so I’ve read.
I iz preggy? Howdathappen?
Him notz think iz funnee?
Why notz him dooz sumthin elz?
[Newt] iz preggy? Howdathappen?
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