Bull Or Bear In Teh China Shop

Over at HotAir, Comrade Preston is getting jittery about the China thing.

Above: Sum dum gai

China Threatens Huge Dollar Selloff

I’m not an economist, so I’ll put the question to those in our audience who are: Is this threat as bad as the Telegraph is making it sound?

The Chinese government has begun a concerted campaign of economic threats against the United States, hinting that it may liquidate its vast holding of US treasuries if Washington imposes trade sanctions to force a yuan revaluation.

Two officials at leading Communist Party bodies have given interviews in recent days warning – for the first time – that Beijing may use its $1.33 trillion (£658bn) of foreign reserves as a political weapon to counter pressure from the US Congress. Shifts in Chinese policy are often announced through key think tanks and academies.

Described as China’s “nuclear option” in the state media, such action could trigger a dollar crash at a time when the US currency is already breaking down through historic support levels.

It would also cause a spike in US bond yields, hammering the US housing market and perhaps tipping the economy into recession. It is estimated that China holds over $900bn in a mix of US bonds.


Personally, my day job involves balloon animals. Even so, I feel comfortable in calling myself an economist in relation to Bryan Preston.

See, Bryan, it’s like this:

If you cut taxes and increase spending while simultaneously running a big trade imbalance, you have to get your money from somewhere. So what you do is, you go to your friend Zhongguo Renmin Yinhang and say, “Ni hao, People’s Bank of China! If you buy these US treasury securities for fifty billion dollars, then later I will give you your fifty billion dollars back plus billions more dollars in interest.” And your friend says, “Sure thing, dude! That sounds like a great deal.” And he buys your treasury securities, and you buy a gigantic amount of goods from his uncle’s wholesale enterprise, Sleeping Tiger China Capitalism Mart, and ship it back home. And then you go for a vacation at your ranch in Crawford, Texas.

Then you do it again. Then you do it again and again. Then you do it for a few more years, and then again and again and again. “Jeesh,” you say along the way, “We sure owe the People’s Bank of China a lot of dollars. But we’ll totally be able to pay the interest and keep borrowing more money if we just keep growing our real-estate bubble fast enough to stay ahead of the game.” Then you buy a gigantic load of goods from Sleeping Tiger China Capitalism Mart and go off for a vacation at your ranch in Crawford, Texas.

Then one day your friend, People’s Bank of China, gets pissed and says you’d better quit doing that thing you keep doing that’s always bugging him. And you’re like, “Aah, whatever. Don’t tell me what to do.” And he’s like, “Dude, how about all that money you owe me? Maybe I’m getting tired of being your freaking cash machine, okay?”

[sound of needle scratching on record]

And you’re like, “What. . .did. . .you. . .say?”

And he’s like, “I said quit doing that thing that’s always bugging me or else I might decide to be a dick about it.”

Above: Wao, wai teh long chin?

Then, unsure what to do next, you buy a gigantic load of goods from Sleeping Tiger China Capitalism Mart and go off for a vacation at your ranch in Crawford, Texas, as your friend starts looking at Taiwan in a somewhat unsettling way.

So the answer to Bryan’s question is ‘no.’ In fact, it’s potentially a lot worse than the Telegraph describes. And indeed, the only people who are surprised at this development are right-wing dumbasses like Bryan, who believe that the economy runs on blind optimism and rhetorical cleverness, and that the world owes America a living — that if something bad happens to us, it’s always and forever someone else’s fault and someone else’s problem.

Bryan wonders, in fact, if it’s possible to spin China’s new sketchiness toward the dollar as an act of war against all of civilization:

And don’t forget that we’re financing civilization’s war on Islamic terrorism pretty much by ourselves, and at great expense. If the Chinese were to make good on the dollar selloff threat and our economy goes into a serious tailspin, that would hinder our ability to wage that war. That may be the purpose of such an economic attack on us: To see us hobbled, then defeated, then as much of a superpower as the French.

So again, I’ll put the question out to experts who happen across this post: How big a worry is this? If it’s as big a worry as it seems, China is evidently prepared to use this moment in time to wage a serious attack on us at a point of serious vulnerability, or at least threaten to do so. Can we counter it, and with what?

Dunno, but perhaps rock ‘n’ roll has a lesson for us.


Comments: 350


Well, when you make yourself somebody’s bitch, you sort of open yourself up for a good reaming every now and then. I say, “Well played, Bush Administraton. But makey sure you got your soapy on a ropy.”


Damn, I thought I was going to be rick-roll’ed.

Typical Republican

Well, sure, when you put it that way, it sounds bad. I’m sure Rush Limbaugh wouldn’t phrase it like that. Let me see what he has to say on the subject. I’ll get back to you …

Liberals. Hmf.


Srsly. I am by no means an economist, and number make me what to pass out, but this is intro to econ 101 stuff. Srsly. Pick up a copy of the Economist from the past 10 years, numb nuts.


don’t forget that we’re financing civilization’s war on Islamic terrorism pretty much by ourselves, and at great expense.

I don’t even have the words. Oh My God.


I wouldn’t mind this country becoming more like France. On top of all the obvious benefits, it’ll make wingnuts’ heads explode.


“Can we counter it?”


This would be the latest installment in Simple Answers to Stupid Questions.

If China dumps their T-bonds, our economy will make Weimar Germany’s 1920s economy look robust. If we try to launch a conventional war with them, Mr. Lee and his 1,299,999,999 brothers and sisters will kick our ass. If we nuke them, they will nuke us.

What are we going to do, threaten to stop selling them stuff? We don’t sell them anything of note. Threaten to stop buying stuff from them? See above, re: economic collapse – only this time, probably not as bad.

There’s not a damn thing we can do to them, and they know it. We should be thanking our lucky stars they haven’t made a fuss about anything so far.


Would you people stop picking on me? It’s not my fault that President Butt-hole bought me just before he became president so he could look like a real he-man for the brain-dead electorate that wanked so profusely for Ronald Reagan. Listen, if I had an Indian Burial Mound or a dormant volcano or a sinkhole on the grounds, I would unleash all my power on Chimpy McFlightsuit.

I must admit, though, that the grounds do look very nice, what with all the brush-clearing that goes on. The Preznit loves to clear brush. He’s not lazy, I’ll give him that. Especially with a head fill of meth.

Typical Republican

OK, just for the record, here’s what Rush says:

By borrowing so much money from China, we are tying up all their money. Which means they can’t use it. (They would just waste it on booze and hookers anyway.) So it’s a brilliant plan and it keeps America safe and George W. Bush is the most brilliantest president ever.

So, eat it, leftys. You just can’t stand it when everything Bush does turns out to be totally right. It really burns you up that we have a strong America.

Liberals. Hmf.


“And don’t forget that we’re financing civilization’s war on Islamic terrorism pretty much by ourselves, and at great expense.”

Wow. In the midst of a post about China’s holdings of our debt, he completely misses the point that, effectively, China is financing this, not us.


Zhongguo Renmin Yinhang

Very impressive.. I didn’t know you knew ?? pinyin?

(For those of you interested, I was a government economist for a time, and studied Mandarin in Shanghai, so yes, what Gavin said is 10,000% true. )

So yes, the ?????? (People’s Bank of China) is holding us upside down by our ?? until we scream ”??????”

And the Chinese government is thinking, “Ha!!1!1!!!1 We have tehm by the ?? now! Stupid ???!”


What if we sent squads of Young Republicans to give all the Chinese Communist Party leaders blow jobs in their sleep? Would that help?

If that’s not good, we can send GOP state legislators to offer to pay them to give them blow jobs.


Oh well, I tried to type Chinese into the previous post to totally impress you guys, but the characters came out as question marks. It looks kinda funny anyway, doesn’t it?

Bring on teh showoff!1!1!!!11


Somebody tell Bry-Bry that the War on Terra has few fans bigger than the People’s Republic, which gets to use it as a pretext to do what they do best: ruthlessly oppress religious minorities. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4435135.stm


Oh well, I tried to type Chinese into the previous post to totally impress you guys, but the characters came out as question marks. It looks kinda funny anyway, doesn’t it?

I don’t think WordPress can grok UTF-8 (or whatever encoding your computer originally used). The question marks or other garbage shows up on some other specialized symbols as well.


No, Bryan, the Chinese are financing the GWOT. We just picked out what we wanted our new boyfriend to buy for us, like a boob job or a Camaro.


Man, every time I see that first picture, I’m reminded of an exchange from an obscure Bugs Bunny cartoon from the 40s:

Elmer: I killed the bunny! I feel like such a rat! (pronounced “wat”)

Bugs Bunny: Well, then… have some cheese, RRRRRAT! (stuffs cheese in his mouth)


Poor Bryan is just now realizing that the women he’s been getting freebies from work for Al Swearingen.


I got groked once…it was better than the game of Hide the Salami at Republican Summer Camp.

I have a friend that has been warning me about this for a while. China really has quite a bit of leverage on us.

Poor guy, he’s panicking. It is soul-crushing for wingnuts to realize that American is not the only bully in the sand box. Kinda sad, actually.


But if our dollar devalues even more, wouldn’t the Chineese loose money- lots of money? I loathe Bush and all the neo-cons, but it does seem like a lose-lose situation for china too.

What the Thunder

I don’t want to get back into the spelling wars of yesterday, Gavon, but I think you want “wai teh long chin” (i.e. why, not way). Interestingly (for some), there is no sound “wao” strictly speaking in Mandarin (Wu ao would be closest, afaict). But you should leave “wao” in this case.

BTW, this is one of the best S,N! posts of 2007. Snark with pertinent analysis– magnifique.

reginald perrin

With all due respect, the situation is a bit more complicated. China cannot just dump the T-Bills — they need a buyer. Is there another central bank out there that wants to buy one trillion dollars worth of our debt, given our medium and long term fiscal outlook? I doubt it. Furthermore, China cannot dump all the T-bills without affecting the market for those T-bills, i.e. causing their price to drop. That’s what usually happens when you flood a market with a supply of goods that market trades in. This isn’t to say that China couldn’t dump a bunch of their holdings — there will be some buyers — and that such dumping would have a large negative impact on our economy. But that would also negatively affect the value of China’s remaining holdings. They can hurt us, but not without hurting themselves.
China could more likely simply refuse to continue financing our debt by refusing to buy more bonds. We are about to raise our federal debt ceiling, and have (thanks W!) a systemic, permanent budget deficit unless and until we raise more revenue. So we are going to be issuing lots more debt in the future. However, even this course has perils for China, because we are using a good chunk of the money we borrow to buy cheap crap from them. If we have no money then we can’t buy their stuff, and they are suddenly stuck with massive excess industrial capacity and a recession. (This assumes that the rest of the world economies don’t pick up the slack — perhaps not a valid assumption, as other economies, such as some EU economies, are doing somewhat better than ours at the moment). The CP fears unemployment and the political unrest that would likely be a consequence of it.
More likely therefore is that they throttle back bond purchases just enough to hurt us while doing the minimum harm to themselves.
I believe that doom-mongering shit-your-pants end-times Armageddon-angst is properly the preserve of the right wing. This situation is a little more subtle, so let’s leave the we’re all going to become pauper servants of our Chinese masters line to the Tom Tancredos and Duncan Hunters of the world.


???? ????
Does this work?


As someone with two degrees in economics, I would say your analysis is pretty good for someone whose day job involves ballon animals. Actually, it’s a lot better than most of the tripe passed off as “economic analysis” these days, especially in places like the WSJ and Faux News.

I have been telling anyone who would listen, for several years now, that the American economy of the 21st Century is based on two things: the housing bubble, and “the kindness of strangers” (i.e., China). Since the housing bubble appears to be deflating rather quickly right now, that leaves us pretty much at the mercy of the Chinese.

So, of course, wingnuts like Bryan think this is something that can be solved by killing somebody (or somebodies) and being even more bellicose than we already are. This quite properly amuses the Chinese to no end, I am sure, given that they already HAVE our money, plus at least 4x as many potential consumers who have not yet saturated themselves with necessities like an iPhone and an SUV (or multiples of each), and the history and patience to wait out an historical cycle such as that of the American Empire.


I don’t want to get back into the spelling wars of yesterday, Gavon, but I think you want “wai teh long chin”

Thanks! It is done.


I’m just an unfrozen stripey pants cave-kitten, but it seems to me that the Chinese don’t want to revalue the yuan because that would lower the worth of the massive debt they hold in dollars. Wouldn’t causing the dollar to crash have the same effect, only worse?


Reginald perrin: Thanks. Perhaps it would be a good think for china to stop financing the US. hmmm. who would we turn to? I hear Afganistan has a good crop of poppys..


LOVED this post. Both illuminating and hilarious.


Those must be some pretty fcking impressive balloon animals is all I’m sayin.

reginald perrin

Just to clarify, I’m not saying that Gavin is doom-mongering. That would be Bryan. Gavin appears to understand that the threat is more that the Chinese will stop buying our bonds.


“But if our dollar devalues even more, wouldn’t the Chineese loose money- lots of money? ”

Perhaps, but would they care? The worst case scenario would involve a slaughter of their rural poor and jobless, but that’s no big deal for them and might even be a plus by reducing surplus population a little.


Jeez. Do none of you guys read krugman? He’s been all over this for years. He’s been describing the american economy as “buying houses with money borrowed from the chinese” for ages.

It’s true though that the Chinese would suffer a pretty serious economic blow in unleashing this weapon. It’s also true that a number of other countries hold immense amounts of US debt, so if the chinese merely STARTED a selloff they’d be forced to reduce their holdings quickly in order to not end up with worthless paper. But it’s safe to say the chinese aren’t going to start this kind of fight without a bigger issue than their currency practices.

The real next problem to come will be when the US economy tanks the next time (2008? 2009?) and american treasuries are downgraded and nobody will buy them. Then we’ll have to live on actual revenues. Goodbye social security. Goodbye medicare. Hello, 75% tax rates.

Conservative ideology is all well and fine until you can’t make the payments on the gulfstream…



An additional 1.33 trillion US dollars on the world market is an issue – either someone buys them at $1 for $1 (or greater) and the status-quo is maintained or the situation improved, or all the other dollars get devalued….. IOW, it’s gonna hurt.


In the funnies, Bruce Tinsley’s “Mallard Fillmore” is even today encouraging Americans to “get enraged” at China. Fair enough. Maybe he can tell us how to act on that rage, now that Li’l King Dubbie has handed them a gun to hold at our collective head.


“The real next problem to come will be when the US economy tanks the next time (2008? 2009?) and american treasuries are downgraded and nobody will buy them. Then we’ll have to live on actual revenues. ”

Bingo. In fact, I am not sure how much more US debt the world economy can absorb, even without a downgrade of our treasuries or with much higher interest rates. Until we improve our fiscal outlook, who would want to buy our bonds?


Earth to Bryan..ding ding ding…Bush borrowing billions is old news…ding ding ding.

The national debt: When President Bush took office in 2000, the projected surplus for the U.S. government for the next decade was approximately $5 trillion. By fiscal year 2005 the surplus was entirely gone and the annual domestic deficits were at record levels, somewhere in the range of $350-450 billion depending on whose estimates you use. This is the most radical reversal of government finances in U.S. history. Today the national debt is approximately $7.9 trillion, and growing by over a billion a day.

The current account trade deficit: In the last 25 years America has gone from the world’s largest creditor nation to the world’s largest debtor nation. Today we rely upon foreigners to finance over 40% of our national debt. In fiscal year 2005 our current account trade deficit is on track to be almost $700 billion, which represents over 6% of our GDP. When America borrows from abroad to finance its domestic deficits, we give foreigners a claim to the financial assets of this country through either interest payments or a share of profits. Essentially America has been borrowing from abroad to finance our military buildup and war in Iraq. Should we continue to run current account deficits comparable to those now prevailing, the net ownership of the U.S. by other countries and their citizens a decade from now will amount to roughly $11 trillion.

I encourage Bryan to take out 50 credit cards and spend spend spend. Go beyond your credit limit and be sure to spend your money on worthless crap that could never be used as collateral. Get back to us when the bills come in, idiot.


Cool. I’m going to call my credit card company and tell them that my monthly payments are interfering with my ability to buy shit and pay taxes, which obviously support things like public infrastructure and the GWOT. Dammit, every time I buy a video game money goes into the public coffers to do important things with.


Actually, I think the problem is that China doesn’t have to stop buying US treasury securities. The threat alone might be enough — which we can keep an eye on by seeing what happens to the revaluation plan.

It’s sort of a classic Reservoir Dogs standoff here: A currency revaluation would hurt China disproportionately, while a securities selloff (or slowdown) would hurt both China and the US — so why not just aim a pistol and threaten to spread the hurt around?


The fact is that this is due to Jimmy Carter’s betrayal of the Republic of China, and due to Clinton selling out our national secrets to the Communist Chinese.

The liberal economic philosophy of “more debt” has also caused this situation. Heavy wasteful spending must be halted to get the economy fortified.

But liberals would rather spend millions on subsidizing paintings of gay sex.


In the funnies, Bruce Tinsley’s “Mallard Fillmore” is even today encouraging Americans to “get enraged” at China

Was there a drawing of a big-nosed stereotypically Jewish academic-type involved?


I like how he asks if there are any economists in his “audience.” Hotair groupies can barely understand the math behind 3 boxes of Mac-n-Cheese for a $1.00, nevertheless trying to understand complicated global financial and economic theory.


“…don’t forget that we’re financing (Dubya’s war on) civilization’s war on Islamic terrorism pretty much by (whoring) ourselves to China’s princelings, and at great expense to our own future, and that of the rest of the world… “

Just wanted to see what this would look like, in Reality-Speak.

We’re all fucked, here. Dubya’s puppetmasters have demonstrated unlimited gusto in the great Repub tradition of flushing our prosperity down the toilet of the Endless War on Adjectives (like for instance “Freedom”). The Chinese have indeed been taking our scrip until we’re their bottom bitch, but they’re hella scared of what their own peasantry will start breaking once America’s too raddled and meth’d out to keep working the global-trade corner. (Nobody’s mentioned the Opium Wars yet, but I’m given to understand from Asian news sources that the Mandarin express for “revenge on the gwailo empires” has been used in print.) And if the Peak Oil theorists are even partially prescient, then the 18%-65% of the global population due to die in the upcoming H5N1 pandemic will be the fortunate ones.

Lucky for me, I’m old and have no kids. My tomatoes are ripening, this morning’s rain has cut the worst of the crushing humidity, and I have to go coax my little geriatric dog into eating another few morsels. As long as we have our little enclaves on the intertoobz, at least we’ll be able to keep ourselves amused as the lights wink out, one by one…


And don’t forget that we’re financing civilization’s war on Islamic terrorism pretty much by ourselves, and at great expense.

Not me! I got a tax cut.

I’ve gotten to the point where I feel like if Michelle Malkin wants her kids to pick up the tab, well, who am I to argue.


But liberals would rather spend millions on subsidizing paintings of gay sex.

Obviously, this is the reason for the record deficit and huge debt with China.

I simply can’t think of any other reason for the faltering, sputtering economy except for all the paintings of gay sex.


But liberals would rather spend millions on subsidizing paintings of gay sex.

Do you get those at Sleeping Tiger China Capitalism Mart?

‘Cause I’ll take two…



Back in the 1950’s, England and France invaded Egypt to get control of the Suez Canal. We told them to knock it off and go home. Since we owned all of their debt, they caved. Why should we think the same thing can’t happen to us with respect to the Chinese government?


Heavy wasteful spending must be halted to get the economy fortified.

See: Total War Against Terror – also, Pentagon – also, ‘Mars, bitches!’ program


So a ??? goes into a bar and the ??????? says “you know, we don’t get many ????? around here”…

Aw, the hell with it, it’s much funnier in the original ?!??.


Gary’s selling off his Republican Gay Sex collection.


It’s not wasteful spending to defend ourselves from terrorists in a time of war.

Had Al Gore been President on 9/11, he would have done nothing and claimed that terrorists attacked us due to our refusal to ratify Kyoto.


I’m kinda excited about total economic collapse.

Won’t it be funny to see the dazed looks on the faces of all of the Entitlement Set? They laugh at the Hippies, until they have to come crawling up to the commune for a spot of quinoa.

And Gary, come on! I expect more than just standard wingnuttery from you! Wasamatta? Not feelin’ your oats today?


Gary Ruppert said…”Had Al Gore been President on 9/11…”

Gary, you didn’t drink the water on your vacation to that parallell universe, did you?



“The liberal economic philosophy of “more debt” has also caused this situation. Heavy wasteful spending must be halted to get the economy fortified.

But liberals would rather spend millions on subsidizing paintings of gay sex.”

Please please please tell me this is a joke. Coz I seem to remember that that Chinese commie sympathizer liberal Bill Clinton left us with a surplus while that upright god-fearin’ tax cuttin’ true blue conservative GWB has given new meaning to the term “heavy wasteful spending.” Also, I never received my NEA grant for my project of painting Republican Jesus simultaneously buggering both Bill and Hill with his enormous forked penis while killing hordes of Islamofascocommunistas with his Holy AK-47. (Let’s face it, Jose Serrano was a lightweight who didn’t go far enough.) It would have been a keeper, I just know it, as the very same painting now hangs in a megachurch in Colorado Springs, but done by a follower of Maxfield Parrish and so without the same artistic merit.


And how the hell is a $700 billion Medicare boondoggle defending ourselves against terrorists in a time of war?


Had Al Gore been President on 9/11, he would have done nothing and claimed that terrorists attacked us due to our refusal to ratify Kyoto.

as opposed to Bush doing nothing and claiming that terrorists attacks us due to their hatred of our freedoms?


please please tell me this is a joke.

Reg, no one’s really sure what Gary is any more.

No one takes him seriously, that’s for sure.

Not taking guys like Gary seriously is the bread and butter of this site.

If you see some guy named Kevin, tell him that his mom needs the lawn mowed.


Do not speak its name! You will summon it upon us!


Bruce Tinsley’s “Mallard Fillmore” is even today encouraging Americans to “get enraged” at China

I thought for the briefest instant he was going to say something pointed about Abu Ghraib or some other US atrocity committed by the government for which he has continually carried water, “no more” or “not in my name” or something, ANYTHING, but I guess it’s only rage-worthy when the Chinese torture and kill innocents.


“Reg, no one’s really sure what Gary is any more.

No one takes him seriously, that’s for sure.”

Thank you, that explanation helps. Unfortunately, we now live in a world where it is no longer possible to parody reality, which may explain his confusion. It certainly explains mine.


I think you guys have broken the Ruppert, he can’t even try to pretend the deficit isn’t W’s fault. Those posts are so half-hearted. Poor guy.


I just know it, as the very same painting now hangs in a megachurch in Colorado Springs, but done by a follower of Maxfield Parrish and so without the same artistic merit.

Sure but if its truly Parrishesque its bound to be crammed full of those purpley-goldeny clouds that hypnotize the Yupsters and make them empty their wallets. Smart bidness move by the church, I’d say.

Phoenician in a time

With all due respect, the situation is a bit more complicated. China cannot just dump the T-Bills — they need a buyer. Is there another central bank out there that wants to buy one trillion dollars worth of our debt, given our medium and long term fiscal outlook? I doubt it. Furthermore, China cannot dump all the T-bills without affecting the market for those T-bills, i.e. causing their price to drop.

A couple of points:

i, The problem with the American economy is structural – it’s built on importing capital. This means the problem isn’t going to go away – the T-Bills are *already* over-valued. China dumping them would simply acknowledge a fact that is just being quietly ignored.

ii, China dumps T-Bills. Value of dollar goes down. Imports cost more, exports get less. American standard of living takes a hit – permanently.

iii, According to the CIA, the US market is 21% of China’s exports, whereas China is 16% of teh US’s imports. Chine isn’t THAT much more vulnerable than the US to the pain of a trade war – and I suspect it may be able to endure it considerably better.


“And don’t forget that we’re financing civilization’s war on Islamic terrorism pretty much by ourselves, and at great expense.”

Is this character even paying attention? Hasn’t everything he has posted clued him in to who is really financing his so-called “civilization’s war on Islamic terrorism?”

By the way, if it’s civilization’s war, civilization doesn’t seem to be particularly with the program.


Actually the American economy has improved significantly thanks to President Bush’s tax cuts. China has been cheating the U.S. for decades by intentionally keeping their currency low. Hopefully they will abandon marxism and fully embrace American style capitalism and free markets and overthrow their oppressive dictatorship.


While they may or may not be among the first shots fired in such a trade war, anyone else find it odd that lately we Yanks are being bombarded with anti-Chineese commerce messages? I’m talkin’ ’bout the several recalls and warning about Chineese products in the American marketplace.

I mean it seems like all of a sudden we’ve been getting a new one every week. Toothpaste, toys, whatever.

Are we seeing some kinda double-reverse, end-around to both give China a bad name in consumerland as well as flex some oily US muscle their way?


IThe Chinese are already waging war on us by poisoning our food.


Saul, you got a problem with General Tso’s Chicken?


Wake up Larry the islamo-fascists attacked us first murdering 3000 innocent Americans on 9/11. We never did anything to those medieval monsters they hate us because we value freedom and because we’re not muslim. They started this war we shall finish it!


I’m not talking about that BDlll i’m talking about what our pet food a few months back.


Oh yay another troll.

Excuse me while I jump for joy.

Seriously, who are these people and how do they find us? And don’t they have anything better to do?


Its true Simba the terrorists killed 3000 innocents for what exactly? because they don’t like hamburgers. We did nothing to them but apparently the left doesn’t care about that.


I feed my pets General Tso’s chicken, gaddammit. Even my goldfarbfish.

So Saul, not you or Jimmy-Frikin-Carter or Don Rummy or even Ugly Betty is gonna tell me what to feed my pets.

You can just take that craziness back to mother Russia, baby.


Don’t come cryin to me then when your pets get poisoned to death.


…if something bad happens to us, it’s always and forever someone else’s fault and someone else’s problem.

Hey… wait a minute. Nothing bad is ever our fault, not ever, not no how. And if nothing bad is ever our fault, then nothing bad can ever happen to us.

That’s the way reality works, isn’t it?

Typical Republican

And we got ’em back by killing WAY OVER 3,000 INNOCENTS in Afghanistan and Iraq!


Thank God for George W. Bush for creating a democratic paradise in the Middle East in only a few years.


What if they only poisoned to the brink of death and then get better?

If I just need to blow off some steam from the multi-pet, near-death bonanza and let go with a good cry, you sayin’ you’re not gonna be there for me?

Some pal you are.


Hopefully Iran will be next. the U.S. and or our faithful ally Israel need to stop those anti-semitic pigs from developing nukes and given them to terrorists.


Its true Simba the terrorists killed 3000 innocents for what exactly? because they don’t like hamburgers.

9/11 happened because Mohammed Atta didn’t like hamburgers? Gosh… you learn something new every damn day.


Saul, in detail, please share with US the damage you’d personally inflict on the “islamo-fascists, the, “terrorists” and the “anti-semitic pigs” were you given half-a-chance. Really, man. Just let it all flow out.

We’re here for you.


I would personally execute every islamo-facsist thug at Gitmo if given the chance.


But HOW!!!!

Do tell, Grizzly Man.

And leave no, America-hating, hummus-eating stone unturned.


Oh look, China is using our debt as a club. Nobody could’ve imagined that would happen…


If it was legal which it is not thanks to your liberal freinds in congress and their coddling of terrorists.


Man, y’all are either getting the laziest parody trolls on the planet or the wingnut shortbus broke down just at the end of the driveway. Freshmen computer labs must’ve just opened.


It’s a shame everybody can’t just give peace a chance. Now excuse me while I listen to the Mamas and the Papas.

Typical Republican

Leave saul alone!

He’s a good American!

I’m not exactly sure what an islamo-facsist thug is, but I’ll take his word for it that the ones at Gitmo, conveniently bound and blindfolded and unable to defend themselves, need to be executed by conservative bloggers.



Methinks saul = parody troll.


Oh sorry except Barack “warmonger” Obama wants to invade Pakistan but I guess the left doesn’t care about peace when its a dem in charge.


Saul is seemingly a good American however he’s a conservative and we know how much they hate certain fellow Americans, i.e. gays and women


saul said,

August 9, 2007 at 1:39

I would personally execute every islamo-facsist thug at Gitmo if given the chance.

That’s nice Saul, but until you pass the first test and escape from your wet paper bag its not going to happen so quit your whining!


We love women Kassie. I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. However we conservatives believe in the sanctity of all INNOCENT human life and therefore oppose abortion because it is murder.


Just for your info owlbear I am an orthodox jewish rabbi you shouldn’t talk to a man of God like that.


Mirrors aren’t a part of your life are they Saul?


So, aside from my trying and failing to out-crazy the Saulster, my previous question stands: Anyone think that the recent glut of warnings on Chineese products for sale (toothpaste, toys, etc) in America is in some way an avenue (or back alley) of this mounting trade war? Cuz, all of a sudden, there’s some new warning every day when before, I can’t recall so many recalls in years prior.


Well Saul your girlfriend sounds like one hell of a lucky woman to have you!!! I’m sure she loves you very much!


Very mature of you leftys to resort to personal attacks I am trying to have serious CIVIL disscusion about politics however the left doesn’t care about civility do they.


She loves me very much Kassie and I love her to.


Saul, just how do you talk dirty to a man of God?

Just in case it ever comes up in the bedroom, I want to be prepared.


Wally Whateley said, at 1:55

Methinks saul = parody troll.

A piss poor one to boot.


Like I said you lefty-trolls resort to personal attacks because you can’t win arguments because all your liberal beliefs don’t stand up in the free marketplace of ideas. wonder way liberal oh sorry I mean”progressive” talk radio isn’t successful because the American people are too smart to believe your childish lies and foolish liberal ideas.


A piss poor one to boot.


You just can’t get good help these days. Even Gary, if it’s really Gary, seems to be phoning it in.


BDIII, I think you’re spot-on with the recent spate of warnings about Chinese products. It’s not quite war, but it is diplomacy by other means.

The trouble is, as someone here already said, China’s much better able to handle a trade war with us than we are with them. First of all, oppressive totalitarian regimes have a much greater window of opportunity when it comes to pissing off their citizens and making their lives miserable. It’s much, much harder to do that in a democracy, even one as nominal as ours currently is (thank you, Democratic members of Congress for that!).

Secondly, I think “acting as though they have a God-given right to cheap electronic luxuries” has somehow, in the last forty years, become as much a part of the American national character as “unflagging politeness” is of the Canadian or “rude, unwashed infatuation with cheese” is of the French or “strange obsession with Florida” is of the German. Americans don’t really care if our government bombs other countries or commits atrocities against their civilians or suspends habeas corpus, but I suspect the howling for the blood of politicians will be audible from low orbit if suddenly Americans can’t get their $79 DVD players at Wal-Mart anymore.

Thirdly, if India keeps developing the way it is, China won’t need us to buy their shit in a few years. And that’s when the picture gets really interesting.


Don’t come cryin to me then when your pets get poisoned to death.

Dang. I’ll have to cross your number out on the pad by the phone then. I had it flagged for if my dog got sick. Do you get many calls on this?


this sort of poysun thing wouldn’t happin to me. i like the dry food.


SILENCE FROM THE LEFT! I was right the left has no INTELLIGENT CIVIL responses so they play the silent treatment how very grown up.


I agree with everything I – I mean saul!, what saul said! I’m not saul! I’m kevin – I mean I’m joe!

joe! I’m a separate person from saul and kevin.

Is that clear?


I don’t know who you are joe but you are NOT ME I am an Orthodox Jewish rabbi and a proud wing-nut!

Qetesh the Abyssinian

It gets soooooo much better. I don’t know if anyone’s mentioned this (I was too excited at my own cleverness to read all the comments), but “gai” has a specific literal, and cultural, meaning in Cantonese (the language of southern China, including Hong Kong).

“Gai”, pronounced in a flat high tone, means “chicken”. But wait, there’s more: in colloquial Cantonese, the term is commonly (very commonly) used to mean “prostitute”. So much so that a recent comedy about a hooker was called “Gum gai”, or “Golden Chicken”.

Bwahahahahaha! Got him both ways! I so love foreign languages. :-)))


saul caught joe’s ADD.


Jililan, thanks! Now that’s a reply.

Yea, should all that cheap crap made in China becomes not so cheap, the camel’s back would be a breakin’ pronto. And no shell game of Right-Wing economics will make a bit of differnce. And double-props for the India nod. Well put.


Why don’t you liberals engage in actual debates with us conservatives instead of resorting to childish namecaling.




The problem with saul/joe/kevin/goldenboy etc. is they suck all the phun and life and joy and humor out of a thread faster than an NVA sapper can take off with your claymores. I never thought I’d say this, but it was much better when it was just Gary and Jose Chung and occasionally Patty and Ace and that light saber assclown. This is just weird – Pam’s vid is not annoying and this Sadly, No thread is….



Lets start with debating the war on islamo-fascism shall we.


Here’s a thought for the proprietors. Take a lesson from MTV and ESPN. Go ahead and keep Sadly, No open to all the idiots with an ethernet connection and a boner. Start up the Sadly 2 channel, where those of us who are amused by each other can go without feeling like we’re sitting in a dumpster…

Just a thought, y’know?



The fact is that this is due to Jimmy Carter’s betrayal of the Republic of China, and due to Clinton selling out our national secrets to the Communist Chinese.

Gary, I know that Dubya’s dropping-like-a-hot-rock poll numbers have been hard on your tiny little trolling paychecks, but if you’re going to Tinfoil Hat Territory you’ll have to remember your Paranoid-Conservative history better. Repub President Dick Nixon was the one who betrayed us by selling America’s inheritance to Communist China, probably at the behest of the Trilateral Commission. Repub-Fascists Henry Kissinger and Nixon’s “Backroom Boys”, including Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, installed their Yale-bred, CIA-trained puppet George H.W. Bush as America’s “ambassador” (i.e., buttboy) to Mao Tse Tung… and that’s where young George ‘Dubya’ Bush was first indoctrinated with the spend-and-spend-some-more virus that he’s been using to destroy America’s economy over the past seven years. As a reward for selling his country and his first-born to the evil Chinese Commies, G.H.W. Bush was rewarded with a Vice-Presidential slot under Saint Ronald Reagan, who was too innocent/’disengaged’/Alzheimers-afflicted to realize what horrors the elder Bush (plus Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, and the other Neocons) would visit upon America’s good name and creditworthiness. Mao’s vile “Twenty-Five Year Plan to Destroy the Running Dogs of American Capitalism” is even now coming to fruition at the hands of these gilded monsters, who are still capable of fooling ignorant lackwits like Gary Ruppert into bleating for the death of everything they *think* they hold dear — like freedom, capitalism, and the right to make spectacles of themselves on the internets.

The liberal economic philosophy of “more debt” has also caused this situation. Heavy wasteful spending must be halted to get the economy fortified.

Which is why we need to get as many good, patriotic Democrats into the Oval Office and Congress as soon as possible, because “heavy wasteful spending” on boondoggles like Operation Enduring FUBAR in the Middle East and taxpayer-supported giveaways to megacorporate monsters like Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, and Hu Jintao is not only morally wrong, it’s economically disastrous.

(As for the new troll, I don’t think it’s even a person, it’s just another pathetic sub-routine. C’mon — ‘conservative rabbi with hot girlfriend’ is too worn a Reichtard joke even to work as parody.)


If it wasn’t for Jimmy Carter who stabbed our ally the shah of Iran in the back islamic terrorism would not be anywhere near as big of a threat to western civilization as it is today.


Hey Jimmy Carter founded Habitat for Humanity so why don’t you back off! What is with you conservatives, have nothing better to do?


Just enlighting you leftys is all if Jimmy Carter helped the shah when he asked us to the ayatollahs would not be in power today.


Islam terrorist would to be just as big of a threat today with or without Jimmy Carter. They hate us, it’s practically part of their religion to hate Americans.


That is true.


We do not need enlightenment from right wing conservatives who are have already dug our country in too deep. Thanks anyway!!!


The right wing is the majority in this country didn’t you see the map turn red in 04.


Everyone in their right mind knows that election was fixed, helps when your brother is the govenor of Florida one of the deciding states!


That is what our government is all about secrets, lies, and conspiracies. Now it’s up to Clinton in ’08 to take care of business.


Seth don’t you think Jimmy Carter should have sent troops to help the shah Iran would still be an ally and the world would be much safer.


Saul. One word. Punctuation. Even if you don’t have the decency to capitalize, at least randomly, can you at least occasionally throw us a period?

Thanks, hon!



Tom Tancredo 08 by the way.


It’s sockapalooza!


Use Seth as an example. He’s drooling on his Reboks, but at least he can type a proper sentence!



Clinton. yeah right even her own base despises her.


To hell with Tancredo!!! Clinton in ’08, I have two words for you come 2008: MADAME PRESIDENT!!!


As for Jimmy Carter he is an anti-semitic nazi in drag!


Excuse me Mikey??? Drooling on my Reboks, huh? Why don’t you go fuck yourself!!!


Aww, fer the love of…

How many bytes must be wasted by these idiots?

I’m goin to the store…



Tancredo at least cares about our language, borders and culture unlike Clinton whose pandering to the far-left.


Jimmy Carter in drag??????? A nazi?????? This is news to me!


Congrats, Seb, Gav, Travis, DA, Bradrocket and HTML.

You now host a pale shadow of the Free Republic.




Clinton cares about Americans, all of them including women, gays, and minorities, unlike conservatives who want to take their rights away!


And like the rest of dems cares more about cooing over the hispanics then enforcing our immigration laws.


gays are sinners and an abomination before God ever read Leviticus I am a Jewish rabbi by the way.


Well we have a conservative in office and I don’t see a secure border anywhere, do you??? All I see are drugs and violence on the streets of America becasue of the unsecure border.


May be gays are sinners, so are prisoners and they have more rights!!! At least they can get married and have kids! Don’t you see something wrong with that picture???


Bush’s problem. As Tancredo so elequently said is that he ran as a conservative and governed as a liberal.


I think we need tougher laws on criminals to such as a broadening of the death penalty and truth in sentencing.


Thats the case with many conservatives, it’s easy to run as a conservative but to govern as one is another story. Eventually common sense seeps through and they end up governing as a liberal.


Not so just that Bush is no conservative, unlike Reagan who was the greatest president we ever had in modern times.



Remember that your first duty is to entertain. An truly funny troll is like a diamond, only less valuable and, umm, browner. But still a light in our otherwise joyless lives.

I think you should develop this rabbi angle a bit more, unlikely as it might seem. Share with us some Jewish wisdom, maybe interpret some of the Torah from the Hebrew, explaining why it backs up your opinions and reveals us to be shallow fools.

Oh, and hirez pls on the hot gf. Thx.


Real nice for the Rabbi, wanting to see the government execute more people. Are you sure you are a rabbi??? After all, silly rabbi trix are for kids. (Sorry I got that last line off the Golden Girls- too funny)


It says in Genesis 9:26 that he who sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed for in the image of God has God made man.


“Mental Illness, Taste the adventure.”


No wonder it took you so long to respond you where too busy looking in the Bible for quotes- nice touch to the “I’m a Rabbi” bit.


this is just like when the dry fud bringer person was watching that “si-bull” movie.


Damn, someone must’ve left the lids off the garbage cans. The raccoons are, like, frolicking tonight.


It also says in Leviticus do not lay with a man as one lays with a woman that is an abomination.


The death penalty is an appropriate punishment for murders according to the Torah.


When raccoons tried getting on our back porch, Mama just chased them off with a broom.


Hey Saul I agree with you it’s a sin according to the Bible, so are a lot of things Americans do like lying, cheating, and stealing. But people who do those things still have their rights so why not gays.


In the beginning God made them Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve or Madam and Eve.


Don’t blame us. We had nothing to do with this mess.


Because Seth God will bring His judgement and wrath upon our nation. The day Mass legalized same sex marriage there were tremors in the earth.


Just you leave Adam out of this, buster.


The death penalty is an appropriate punishment for murders according to the Torah.

It’s also appropriate in Conan the Barbarian.


Steve, honey, it’s just not worth getting worked up over. Come back to bed.


Is that the best you can do, Saul??? “God made them Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve or Madam and Eve.”


The day Mass legalized same sex marriage there were tremors in the earth.

Oooooh! He felt the earth move too!!!


God does not tolerate homosexual perversion.

Hysterical Woman

The problem with that, Mikey, is that like MTV and ESPN, we’ll keep having to open new channels.


Hey Saul I think you are on to something! May be when the Minnesota Bridge collapsed two guys where butt fucking each other and thats why it happened.


It was reported in the news wise guy their was a minor earth quake in Mass the day perverts were allowed to marry.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Actually the American economy has improved significantly thanks to President Bush’s tax cuts. China has been cheating the U.S. for decades by intentionally keeping their currency low. Hopefully they will abandon marxism and fully embrace American style capitalism and free markets and overthrow their oppressive dictatorship.

Lordy lordy, where does one start? Saul, you know little about economics, China, or indeed capitalism. If you want to start learning, then feel free to ask questions, but you must realise your blatant assertions look pretty silly.

We never did anything to those medieval monsters they hate us because we value freedom and because we’re not muslim.

So many errors, in just one sentence! Let’s see:
a) The stuff that “we never did” started in 1953 and hasn’t really stopped since;
b) “mediaeval monsters”: you’ve bombed back into the stone age a country that was recently world-renowned for the qualilty of its engineers;
c) “We never did anything” other than attacking an innocent country (Iraq) for no reason;
d) Guy, you’re going to have to learn that they don’t give a toss about your freedom: they hate you for invading and occupying their countries, overthrowing their governments, and killing their citizens. Sheesh, how hard an idea is that to grasp? Wouldn’t you feel pissed off if someone invaded your country?

Hopefully Iran will be next. the U.S. and or our faithful ally Israel need to stop those anti-semitic pigs from developing nukes and given them to terrorists.

America the Brave: the most heavily-armed nation in the world, bombing the crap out of little countries.

I would personally execute every islamo-facsist thug at Gitmo if given the chance.
If it was legal which it is not thanks to your liberal freinds in congress and their coddling of terrorists.

Do the words “fair trial” or “evidence” mean anything to you? Clearly not. Although you’re pretty familiar with “lynching”, it seems.

Why don’t you liberals engage in actual debates with us conservatives instead of resorting to childish namecaling.

There you go, I’ve made a start. So engage in debate, then, saul. Let’s converse like civilised persons.

The fact is that this is due to Jimmy Carter’s betrayal of the Republic of China, and due to Clinton selling out our national secrets to the Communist Chinese.

Sigh. You just don’t seem to understand, do you? If all you can do is cast around for a Democrat to blame for whatever, or blame it all on them EEEvulll furr’ners, that’s not debate, saul, that’s ignorance and abuse and just plain stupidity.

If it wasn’t for Jimmy Carter who stabbed our ally the shah of Iran in the back islamic terrorism would not be anywhere near as big of a threat to western civilization as it is today.

Sigh again. Here we go: didn’t you ever wonder why the US supported such a brutal dictatorial regime? Do you approve of the SAVAK? Do you even know why the Shah was in control of the country, rather than the democratically-elected government? Look it up and get back to me. Try googling “Mossadegh” for starters.


Oooooh! He felt the earth move too!!!

There were tremors somewhere, that’s for sure.



I’m telling you the truth Seth read the Torah if you don’t believe me.


Pure coincidence if it actually happened. May be I would believe you if it was something serious.

Saul And Seth's Mom

Boys, are you bothering the people on the Internet again?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

gays are sinners and an abomination before God ever read Leviticus I am a Jewish rabbi by the way.

Yes, I have read Liviticus, as a matter of fact. And while there’s one statement about homosexuality, there are dozens about what sort of sacrifices to offer. Clearly, then, sacrifices to make up for sins are far more important than homosexuality. So what’s your position on that>

And if you’re a Jewish rabbi, why aren’t you out rabbiting?

What the Thunder

Hey saul, how many years has the earth existed? What is your opinion of Mohammed Mossadegh? Are orthodox rabbis supposed to have relationships outside of marriage? What is your opinion of midrash about Lilith?


i’m sure this is all fasunating, but the dry fud dish is empty. can someone bring some dry fud? i prefer it.


Actually Qetesh we did nothing to the muslim world in 1953. We invaded Iraq to promote democracy in an uncivilized region of the world and to provide an ally in the mid east to fight terror. We only attacked the taliban in Afghan because they were harbouring that facsist pig Osama bin Laden who ordered the murder of 3000 innocent Americans to fulfil his savage blood lust. And regardless what you think about the shah he was secular and far better than the ayatollahs who want to wipe Israel off the map.


Good night “Rabbi Saul”!!! Love you!!!


The earth is about 7500 years old it was created by God in about 5500 B.C. but that is a topic for another time and place.


Ok. My IQ’s down thirty points. This is painful stupid. I’m gonna go read Townhall for some lucid commentary…


What the Thunder

5500 B.C. Cool- that’s what I was hoping to find out. Now, how many years did it take for the descendants of Adam to go from the Middle East to China, where the first remnants of the Shang dynasty are found? And what was the original configuration of the continents in 5500 B.C.?


It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve

Not many people know that this is a real Bible verse!

Nitwiticus 7:69

The Bible is chock full of such witticisms! No wonder Chrisitianity is the wonder of the ages that has brought peace and prosperity and clarity to all who savor its riches!

I especially like the recipe for General Tso’s chicken in II Wingnut 32:5.


Sorry I don’t know those things my friend I’m a Rabbi not an archaeologist.


regardless what you think about the shah he was secular

Kinda like Saddam, huh?


The shah was an ally. Saddam was arming and training terrorists and pay $25,000 to the families of palestinian suicide bombers. Quite a contrast my friend.


Are those racoons or asshats?

Saul- The Torah is a book. A book with a long cultural history, but a book, nonetheless. Even if you are a Rabbi, why would that matter to someone who does not share your faith? I don’t care if your a medicine man for the Apes of Uranus, you’re ot getting deferential treatment from this tornado.

Seth- Hillary is part of the problem. Dude, wake up and smell the Authoritarianism.

Mikey- What’d you get at the store?

saul paul of tarsus

I’m sorry. I’m clearly bothering you people. I’ll leave now.


The Torah is the WORD OF GOD!


HA HA! saul paul of tarsus!!! I have disabled the strikethrough to vex you!!


Quite a contrast my friend

Actually, no contrast at all, but more of the same. Saddam was our ally, saul. We sold him the weapons that he used to kill his own people.

How old are you, anyway? Haven’t they covered this yet in junior year World History?


Now Qetesh how about that civil debate you promised.


The only reason we were allies with Saddam during the Iran-Iraq war circa 1980-1988 is because Saddam was the lesser of two evils compared with the ayatollahs.


Did someone drive by the parking lot down by the post office and pick up saul, joe, and Seth and promise them ten bucks for a day’s work?


Hey t4toby. I’m doing an old fashion beef stroganoff. I needed onions, scalions, and mushrooms. Dood, I go through ToNs of mushrooms.

I copped some Pan de Sal, some fresh long beans to steam, and an unidentifiable sesame desert substance labeled only in kanji that looked to good to pass up for three bucks. I’ll get back to you on that one…



I hope its kosher Mikey. hahaha just joking.


Want some vine-ripened tomatoes to go with that, mikey? Today was the farmer’s market on Arizona and the Promenade.


I’m afraid that nice Mr Bush gave your country’s balls to China. They now have them in a vice. Best be nice to those nice Chinese boys.


It appears that the banality troll has arrived here.

Still, you have to admire Saul. For a rabbit, he’s a good typist. And the floppy ears apparently don’t get in the way of his eyes.


Like there’s any way beef stroganoff COULD be kashrut.



I am having a nice kosher snack as we speak chinken sausages with sauteed peppers, onions and garlic topped with tomato sauce absolutely delicious.



Our Chinese overlords will not take kindly to these types of slurs.


I meant chicken my apologies.


I love all the finger-pointing at Jimmy Carter, esp. when a much more immediate cause of the rise of the Taliban was the Reagan-era policy of helping Afghanistan just enough to tie down the Russians (and thus destroy the country) but not enough to help Afghanistan toss out the Russians sooner. (The fake legacy for conservatives to crow over was much more important than any real legacy to the world.)

I wonder how the people of Afghanistan felt about the “we have to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here” policy of the time?

Oh, wait, 9-11 might provide a clue, huh?

And it might explain why things aren’t going quite so swimmingly in Iraq.


There was no way for the great Ronaldus Maximus to forsee that the Afghans would turn on us at the time the Soviet Union was our greatest threat and we responded accordingly.



Our Chinese overlords will not take kindly to these types of slurs.

Jew eat?


Was that an anti-semitic slur there Woody Allen.


Hey saul. The things I am that you hate are really too long to list. But let’s get started, shall we?

I’m an atheist.

I’m a secular humanist.

I crap on your stupid dietary taboos.

I’m also a naturist.

Um, that means I’m naked.

So, I hope that causes you to choke on your snausages….



No Mikey my friend it only reinforces my long held beliefs about the left and there “morals”.



The sesame dessert sounds potentially delicious. But be careful, I once bought what looked like a cannoli in north Taipei which turned out to be filled with whipped unsweetened lard. It was all pretty and shit and covered with sprinkles which weren’t sweet either.

Hey Kevvie-baby/joe, I’m so glad you found a friend who pretends to be a rabbit. And I’m sure that time you accidentally sucked his dick doesn’t make either of you guys gay.


No Mikey my friend it only reinforces my long held beliefs about the left and there “morals”.

I think you’re mistaken there, Saul. Mikey was just telling us about his morels.

How’s the stroganoff coming, mikey?


Lets continue debate shall we If Bill Clinton had listened to the Saudi’s and took Osama from them 9/11 would not have happened. Yes Chris Wallace was right what does the left have to say about that little boo boo Count Taxula made.


Um, saul, you’ve been posting here steadily for four hours. Don’t you have some rabbi-in’ to do?


Not until Friday the night before the Sabbath.


Saul’s mastery of the rules of punctuation is making me cry.


So Bill Clinton’s mistake anyone.


Oh yeah?


My morals can kick your morals ass!!

I’m going into the kitch right now!

Stroganoff update to follow…




Saul is Kevvie’s little lawn mowing buddy. They mow Kevvie-joe’s mom’s lawn all night long.

Typical Republican

Yes, that’s right, Ronald Reagan, the bestest president ever, had no idea that destabilizing central Asia might lead to problems with radical Islam. How could he know? It’s just not a Republican president’s responsibility to look ahead or anything, so there is no way that any Republican can ever be responsible for anything ever.

Now, Jimmy Carter TOTALLY KNEW everything that was gonna happen when he didn’t send in the Marines and institute a full scale invasion of Iran when the Shah was overthrown. The Republican Congress would have been totally sweet and nice and cooperative (the way they always are when a Democrat is in the White House). So that’s why Jimmy Carter is (somehow) responsible for 9-11, because he didn’t invade a country that had nothing to do with 9-11 over twenty years before it happened.

Liberals. Hmf.


Had he done so the Islamic revelotion would have failed and the ayatollah’s would not be in power today. And Iran would not be funding, arming and training Hezbollah and would not be threatening to wipe Israel off the map.


And if Bill Clinton took Bin Laden 9/11 would not have happened either.


The thing I remember about Clinton is that whenever he did anything, the Republicans were all “Wag the dog!”, “terrorism’s not that big a deal!”

And I remember all the Republican congresmen going out of their way to say “I support the troops, but I don’t support the President.” Which didn’t become unpatriotic until a Republican was president.

And I also remember $60 million being spent on a special prosecutor fishing expedition that didn’t come up with anything exept a blow job. Might have been a little distracting.

Anybody else remember any of that? How about the Republicans voting against higher levels of security at airports, measures that would have quite possibly stopped 9-11 in its tracks, thus depriving the Republican Party of the fear they need to rule?

Your turn. We’ll wait why you dig out Rush Limbaugh’s book to find the talking points.


If you are refering to Bill Clintons invasions of Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo those places had nothing to do with terrorism and did not threaten our national security at all so the Republicans were right in not wanting our military used as overglorified babysitters of third world countries.


You’re not responding to ALL my points.



As for the “blow job” would you want a man who is morally deprieved as president.


Oh; saul… “if” we were to have — children… They would us’e the ‘appropriate’ amount of: punctuation!


Didn’t we send those Iranians some cake?



The Ayatollah is dead. You’re not old enough to remember Raygun blathering on TV about the facts and evidence proving him guilty of negotiating with the terrorists, but in his heart and soul he was innocent?

Ding dong the Ayatollah’s dead.

Don’t respond to my comments you cowards!


Eat Mor Chikin!


And as for the security at airports I have no idea what you are talking about but I do remember after 9/11 the dems opposition to arming airline piolits.


Apparently Marco Ahmadenijad is just as evil as the ayatollahs so your point being?


Who needs arms when you’ve got a cross?

Ah ha ha ha ha!1!


President Bush should order an airstrike to take out Iran’s nuclear reactor.


if Bill Clinton took Bin Laden 9/11 would not have happened

Why didn’t Bush do anything about the U.S.S. Cole?


Hoosier X said,

August 9, 2007 at 5:14

You’re not responding to ALL my points.


I think you mean chinken.


Because the U.S.S Cole happened under Clinton’s watch Oct 2000 i believe.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Actually Qetesh we did nothing to the muslim world in 1953.

The CIA will be upset to hear you say that, after all their efforts to overthrow Mossadegh. Engineering the overthrow of a democratically-elected, secular, nationalist government, paving the way for a dictatorial, brutal, completely repressive regime: that’s some accomplishment, you know. They’ll be hurt you don’t say thanks.

We invaded Iraq to promote democracy in an uncivilized region of the world

Iraq was the most modern country in the region in many respects. Their engineers were respected around the world. Women had a much higher educational and professional participation than many western countries, including America.

The worst is probably Saudi Arabia, which coincidentally is where 15 of the 19 WTC terrorists came from. Why didn’t you invade there?

and to provide an ally in the mid east to fight terror.

Well, either the planning or the execution have been woeful, because what you’re doing there is spawning terror.

We only attacked the taliban in Afghan because they were harbouring that facsist pig Osama bin Laden who ordered the murder of 3000 innocent Americans to fulfil his savage blood lust.

And now the Taliban rule again. Well done you.

And regardless what you think about the shah he was secular

So was Saddam Hussein.

and far better than the ayatollahs who want to wipe Israel off the map.

Sigh. Once again, no-one wants to wipe Israel off the map. Learn something about the real history and politics of the region and we’ll talk again. Keep up the mindless parrotting of slogans and we won’t.


Mikey I hope that beef stagenow is Kosher.


So Saul…ever been to Damascus?


After reading this thread I think I get some idea of what it’s like inside the head of someone with serious multiple personality disorder.

I mean, don’t all the personalities usually have names starting with the same first letter?


[…] Comment on Bull Or Bear In Teh China Shop by mikey By mikey Congrats, Seb, Gav, Travis, DA, Bradrocket and HTML. You now host a pale shadow of the Free Republic. Yeeeshhh… mikey. Comments for Sadly, No! – http://www.sadlyno.com […]


If you are refering to Bill Clintons invasions of Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo those places had nothing to do with terrorism and did not threaten our national security at all so the Republicans were right in not wanting our military used as overglorified babysitters of third world countries.

The funny (and sad) thing about Bosnia and Kosovo was that they guaranteed that Blair would bring the U.K. along on the loonytunes Iraq invasion. Tit for tat and all that.

But I sense that may be too complicated for saul to understand. It’s geopolitics of a higher order than ‘Gahh! Me smash! You friend if help smash, enemy if not help!’



The commenters here are well educated people, whether college educated or self-educated.

Your failure to understand the name Mossadegh makes you a willfully ignorant dittohead.

Seig heil, President for life Bushie!


Geez, I hope study hall ends soon because I’m missing me some old-time Sadly, No!

The last thing this site needs is mikey getting fed up with the quality of the threads…


saul, the Cole happened in October 2000. Do you remember what happened in November 2000?

I’m curious how you would have taken the news if Clinton had started a new war during the recount.

Anyway, they didn’t determine who was reponsible for the Cole until January 2001.

According to the 9/11 Commission, via Wikipedia:

These conclusions are contrasted by testimony of key figures before the 9/11 Commission, summarized in the 9/11 Commission Report. Former CIA Director George Tenet testified (page 196) that he “believed he laid out what was knowable early in the investigation, and that this evidence never really changed until after 9/11.”[15] The report suggests (pages 201 – 202) that the official assessment was similarly vague until least March of 2001:

On January 25, Tenet briefed the President on the Cole investigation. The written briefing repeated for top officials of the new administration what the CIA had told the Clinton White House in November. This included the “preliminary judgment” that al Qaeda was responsible, with the caveat that no evidence had yet been found that Bin Ladin himself ordered the attack… in March 2001, the CIA’s briefing slides for Rice were still describing the CIA’s “preliminary judgment” that a “strong circumstantial case” could be made against al Qaeda but noting that the CIA continued to lack “conclusive information on external command and control” of the attack.[15]

According to Dr. Rice, the decision not to respond militarily to the Cole bombing was President Bush’s. She said he “made clear to us that he did not want to respond to al Qaeda one attack at a time. He told me he was ‘tired of swatting flies.'”

Qetesh the Abyssinian

I’m also a naturist.

Um, that means I’m naked.

So, I hope that causes you to choke on your snausages….

Oooh, Mikey, I’m chokin’ on my snausages…your dinner sounds delicious, by the way. And some of those sesame things are very groovy. One of my favourite desserts is a Chinese thing called “sticky rice”. They don’t go much for oversweetened things like we do, but it’s a particular variety of rice that’s a dark purple, and it’s, well, sticky. When you cook it, anyway. And it’s delish.

But the best part about sticky rice is that, before you cook it, you can also use it as a defense against hopping vampires. Now how cool is that? Probably the only dessert that also provides defense against the undead.


1. Who is Mossadegh
2. Saddam was a brutal thug who gassed the Kurds, murdered over one million of his own citizens, bombed Israel invaded Kuwait without cause and paid the families of suicide bombers who blow up elementry schools.
3. The enemy is suffering far more causaulties in Iraq then the Americans but of course you won’t here that in the MSM.
4. Last time I checked the democratically elected Hamid Karzai is the president of Afghanistan not the Taliban Mullahs.
5. Amadenijad said publically that he wants to wipe Israel off the map and is developing nukes as we speak.
So go figure.


I thought sticky rice was Thai?


1. Who is Mossadegh

It means ‘google’ in Farsi and ‘wikipedia’ in Pushtu.


I thought sticky rice was Thai?

It’s Issan, actually – northern Thai and Laos.

Phoenician in a time

Iran should order Chinese pet food to take out America’s nuclear reactors! The ayatollahs and Al Gore are in bed together, and fat Al steals the blankets! Bill Clinton is unqualified as President because he likes women, and Edwards is a fag! And the left DOESN’t WANT TO DEBATE THESE FACTS!!!

(How am I doing on time?)

Qetesh the Abyssinian

And I also remember $60 million being spent on a special prosecutor fishing expedition that didn’t come up with anything exept a blow job. Might have been a little distracting.

Y’see, that right there is the difference between Republicans and Democrats. With a Dem, you pay $60 million and he gets a blow job, while with Repubs, you get the blow job and 20 bucks to go with it. Is that a great deal or what?


You liberals have yet to explain to me why Clinton didn’t take Bin Laden from the Saudi’s?


The Khmer enjoy a bit of kao neaw as well.


I’ll be back later got to run some errons



You liberals have yet to explain to me why Clinton didn’t take Bin Laden from the Saudi’s?

Because, and pay attention because I’m going to have to relay this in code to keep the liberal fascists off me, 9ijn8uhb7ygv 7aygv7ygv76ccasd5rdx5r4esz.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Pretty good, Phoenician: I clocked that at a tight 8 seconds. [Gives towel rubdown, proffers water bottle and spittoon] Ready to go again, champ?


1. Who is Mossadegh

You’re asking because you don’t know. What an ignorant twit.

2. Saddam was a brutal thug who gassed the Kurds, murdered over one million of his own citizens

With weapons we sold him.

3. The enemy is suffering far more causaulties in Iraq then the Americans but of course you won’t here that in the MSM.

Sadly, no. Every civilian kill in Iraq is being described by the MSM and the US Military as “insurgent” or “Al Quaeda forces”. And the US military isn’t counting “non-enemy” civilian casualties anymore.

4. Hamid Karzai is the president of Afghanistan not the Taliban Mullahs.

Sadly, the Taliban have been successful in re-entering Afghanistan, and the Karzai government’s control has seriously eroded.

5. Amadenijad said publically that he wants to wipe Israel off the map .

Your point? We don’t have any political leaders saying irresponsible and inflammatory shit like that HERE, do we? Tom Tancredo


Mmm … kao neaw gai yaang

I propose this as the new ‘pie’ (you know, for trolls)


That’s good pie.



anyone care to summarize for me?

Qetesh the Abyssinian


anyone care to summarize for me?

Sure, I’m game.

43 comments of “I’m a SadlyNo-ster, so here’s something intelligent and/or amusing.”
and 238 comments of “I’m a complete dickhead who’s jealous of Clinton!!!!!1111! How about that, you lefties?”

Glad to help.



All your base belong to us, gweilo.


and mikey’s beef stroganoff. Don’t forget that.


D. Aristophanes,

I hate you. My stomach is presently growling for Kaou niao gai yaang and som dtom thai(not som dtom lao–that shit got Bangkok klong crabs init) and seua long hai and laap moo.

I miss Groong Thep Mahanakorn so much.


anyone care to summarize for me?

Pre-appearance of the the Three Faces of Saul or post?


shoelimpy and annie were way better trolls than saul, joe, or kevin. And their friends.


Khraap … sawasdee khraap … pom choo D. Aristophanes … mai mee banha …


‘pak boong fai deng’!

P.S. D Aristophanes, if I remember correctly you were in Lao a few years back? Have we talked about this before?


Alai wa!?

“Choo” beywah arai?

Oi! Khun phut “cheu”

Pohm cheu mark. Kuhn ben farang reu pao?

Keree yoo meu-ung Thai mai Khrap


Phat pak boong fai deng!

Morning glory vines wok fried with garlic and fish sauce and bean sauce.

Yeyt meh! I hee-a! Phen saht. Heu…..Heu mak mak.


floop – I lived in BKK for a number of years … I think we probably did talk about that (I’ve been to Lao couple times for visits)

Marco – farang with limited transliteration skillz and a slipping vocab …


P.S. did you all see the the story about vigilante Buddhist gangs killing Muslims in Yala?

I’m waiting to see what LGF has to say about that so’s I can pounce …


I’m afraid that mikey may have been swallowed by his stroganoff.

Didn’t he say he went through a ton of shrooms to make it? We may not see him for 12-14 hours…


Shalom! I have returned.


What did I miss.


By the way I agree with Tanc on bombing Mecca if the islamo-facsists attack us again.


That is the only thing that will deter those madmen.


Well, you saw how this thread went from typical S,N! fare to Freeperese, largely because you were instrumental in that, but then when you left it veered towards becoming an Atrios thread, and now that you’re back, we’ll explore the Freeper thing again, I’m sure.


Oh shit! He’s come back to demolish all liberal arguments with clever retorts like “I don’t know who Mossadegh is and I have no way of finding out,” or “Cock. COCK! CLINTON’S COOOOOOOOCK!!”

I bet he was taken off-line while his script was updated.

Let’s see….

Rabbi Saul,

What is Leviathan?


So do you liberals agree with me and Tom Tancredo on nuking Mecca as a response to a terror attack on our homeland?


By the way I agree with Tanc on bombing Mecca if the islamo-facsists attack us again.

Tanc always bombs in Mecca. I hear he kills in Provo, though.


Shalom! I have returned.



Leviathan is a great sea monster, the greatest of all God’s creatures in the sea. Leviathan is so large it has to swallow a fish 3 miles long each day. Yes IT EXISTS GOD DOES NOT LIE!


D. Aris,

My Thai is getting rusty too. Mai phen rai!

Saul, put down the meth pipe now!


Easy there, saul … your parody-knickers are showing …


Leviathan does exist. Read the Book of Job in the Torah.


Ya know, Tancredo backed off that Mecca thing almost immediately. It went from being a firm conviction to being just one possible option.

I guess he’s triangulating here to rope in the “batshit crazy but not totally bugfuck crazy” voters.


The Penisaurus does exist. Watch Flesh Gordon.


Canst thou draw out the Leviathan with a hook
Or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down
Who can open the doors of his face
His teeth are terrible round about.


The real saul would never make such an obvious slip. This is a fake saul. Perhaps even the anti-saul.

a different brad

I spend a day being cooked by the heat and a thread this long appears?


Yeah, something like that.

Why are you so sure Jesus isn’t the messiah?

What are your views on Hollywood?

Coke or Pepsi?

Oh yeah, what’s up with the whole cabala thing? Is it legit?

Who is Leroy Jenkins? And why do people think it’s hilarious to scream his name?

There, have fun for awhile. If you don’t refute all of my arguments that basicly means liberalism wins. Forever.


One of you asked me what is the Leviathan? And I answered. It exists read your Bible.


Hollywood is for the most part immoral. And the cabala is simply a sign of respect for God. As for Leroy Jenkins I don’t know who that is.


And I can’t drink dark soda it makes my face break out the carmel color you know.


Leviathan does exist. Read the Book of Job in the Torah.

Also Colossus and Juggernaut. Read the Book of X-men.


As for Leroy Jenkins I don’t know who that is.

Read the World of Warcraft.


My Thai is getting rusty too. Mai phen rai!



Well, you’re actually wrong about Leviathan. It’s a huge single-celled creature that ended up “mating” with the computer on Hagbard Celine’s sub. Or something like that.

You may be a Jewish rabbi, but I’m a Discordian POPE! That means I outrank you and I am therefore right.


Saul is a fraud!

The Book of Job is not a part of the Most Holy Torah.

The Torah is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Busted! You stupid fake kevvie.

Saul is not a Rabbi, he’s a rabbit–who can’t get laid.


Dude, I already went through this with you. Your rabbi-ness impresses no one but…well, no one.

Just because some old crusty book says some kind of fish eats some kind of THREE MILE LONG FISH(!?!) doesn’t make it true…


OH and Jrod as for your comment that liberalism wins forever, I ask you to read Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies by Gregg Jackson.


Those answers were very dull, Rabbi. I’m going to bed.

/zips up the feedbag


By the way even though the Book of Job is not technically part of the Torah meaning the teachings in Hebrew the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy it is part of the canon of Jewish holy scriptures called the Writings which also includes the major and minor prophets. And yes I am a Rabbi.


jebus I spend a day being cooked by the heat and a thread this long appears?

Sadly, yes. It started out well, but unfortunately it was quickly hijacked by an adolescent nitwit with a malfunctioning spell-checker.


Jesus, it was like the chimps tea party in here for a while. I did have a pertinent point to make vis-à-vis the US$ status as the world’s reserve currency, but reading Saul has caused my brain to melt. Therefore it will have to wait for another day.

Anyway, what happened to the “don’t feed the troll” meme anyway, the guy was so obviously a comedy troll anyway (rabbi with girlfriend ?!?!). Either that, or about 14, his grammar and punctuation are even worse than mine, and that is saying something.

Amadenijad said publically that he wants to wipe Israel off the map .

Even I can’t resist. No he didn’t ever say that, its yet a another wingnut bullshit lie. Go read Juan Cole, you twat or just google the phrase. Your allies were having a ‘fun with translation’ day.

Perhaps I am getting old and bitter, but morons like this really annoy me now-a-days. bring back kevin and his ‘… you hippies… ‘ talk.


A priest, a rabbi and saul walk into a bar … but I repeat myself.

a different brad

Hey Saul,
Do you wear polyblend sweaters?
Leviticus 19:19. At least jebus freaks have an excuse on this one.


Ahmadenijad is an anti-semitic nazi pig who should be assassinated.


Look! Saul’s eyes are scaly!


After that i’d pour a bucket of pigs blood over his dead body.



Ahmadenijad a Nazi, I must have missed that press release.

look, pal, its getting late, and you have to go back to the doctor tomorrow for more pills, remember. So bugger off, we prefer adults over here.


Why would you defend an enemy of your country. You should be ashamed.


Leroy Jenn-kahns is the seventh prince of the caliphate of Mohammed – he built the great mount at Mecca. Leroy means “the king” in Shiite.


You are not me you imposter.


The saul who said Leroy means “the king” in Shiite is an imposter I am the real saul.


And yes I am a Rabbi.

No, your a rabbit. If your Talibangelical understanding of Jewish Scripture allowed you to forget what the Torah is……you’re not Jewish, you Klan lovin’ redneck.

It goes without saying that a rabbi would never come into contact “pig’s blood”.

But you’re just a Jesusfreak asshole, aintcha?


It would be worth it to pour it on Ahmadenijad. I can always ritualy purify myself later.


I’ll be back tommarrow I’m going to watch the O’reilly Factor and Hannity & Holmes which i tvoed. Shalom!


saul – you left to go run some errands at 5:48 . You returned, energetic as ever, at 6:42.

So ….tell us, what errands did you go run? Was it lunch break on the graveyard shift? What?


I had to use the can. And then I took a shower.


Shalom until tommarrow.


Leroy means “the king” in Shiite.

Is Shiite a language?

is it kinda like French?


jeebus. Can you imagine someone who’d actually tevo O’Reilly and then watch it later?


It tool you an hour to take a dump and shower? Just what were you doing in the bathroom all that time, young man??


Fake rabbi in da house!

Like all conservatives–bearing false witness is OK if you give your eternal agape to GWB’s codpiece.


I was polishing my devotion to YHWH, if you must know.

YHWH’s dick is even bigger than GWB ;>)


Here’s a list of the many things I’ve done since circle jerking with ol’ Saul way, way upthread:

*Drank a cola.
*Left the office to come home.
*Shared some laughs with the future-wife
*Had a really great pasta dinner complete with bread so heavily garlic’d if felt like I’d done good drugs.
*Watched a surprisingly good Law and Order SVU episode (not my normal cup of tea, but like I said, that garlic was like a drug).
*Attempted to have sexy time with the future wife.
*Had said attempts rebuffed.
*Drank two glasses of iced tea.
*Drank one glass of red table wine.
*Watched the movie “Frailty.” Not great but not bad. Little silly.
*Moved a log from shit dimension into our reality.
*Read the multitude of comments posted since I left work.

And Saul’s still here. Boring the living hell outta everyone.

Congratulations, gang. Free Republic look out.


oops. fake saul slipped and captilized himself!


Oops, indeed.

But, saul is the very personification of “oops”

It’s like a cat playing with a retarded mouse.

I R a rabbi!


I can has an explanation. R is the 18th letter of the alphabet. Adding up the numbers of the letters, Rabbi Saul = 85

And 85 less nine times nine = the number of the beast.

Rebelations 9:9


Somewhat back on topic:

The Yangtze River Dolphin is extinct.


As far as Ahmadenijad saying he intends to wipe Israel off the map,that is a deliberate mistranslation from the MEMRI.inst.google it yourself.And what are you using archaic Hebrew punctuation and grammar or something?It’s I before E except after C Rabbi douchbag.It’s always the ones going on and on about “our” language and culture who write and speak like complete fucking idiots.And is it true you guys have to fuck through a sheet?Talk about bed sores,aaooh,thankyooverymuch.


NFW am I reading 335 comments!!! Sayonara, suckers!

reginald perrin

It’s beyond obvious that Saul is no Rebbe and is a parody of same. I wouldn’t even bother responding to his remarks. I’ll make this one note to him however — if you’re going to troll comment threads, at least try to be amusing. Blindly repeating RNC talking points is neither parody nor satire. (For the real thing see Stoppard, T. and Swift, J. entries in your local library card catalog.) Neither is there any special skill involved in pissing off people who love their country and Constitution and are tired of 6 years of watching them get shat on by people who claim to be more patriotic. Get new writers or something.


Was there a drawing of a big-nosed stereotypically Jewish academic-type involved?

OK … I admit I’m a stereotypically Jewish academic-type. But I don’t have a big nose!


Hey, bobby! LTNS! Do you still like the dry fud?

I think there’s something wrong with this saul/joe/whoever dood. Srsly. It was like an orgy of hairball-yakking in here.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that…


gays are sinners and an abomination before God ever read Leviticus I am a Jewish rabbi by the way.

Saul, I am a God-fearing American, and I know there is no bigger sinner than those who deny the divinity of Our Losd Jesus Christ, and do not accept Him as their personal Saviour
As an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi you do, natch embrace the saving power of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, don’t you?
Cause if you don’t, when we conservatives take over, you won’t even be allowed to vote! You cannot trust anyone who does not accept the Lordship of Jesus!
And that doesn’t include you, does it bubele?

And the implication that you engage in pre-marital sex (“hot girlfriend”) I will simply pass over as a joke in bad taste. Those who are Born Again in The Blood of Christ know the value of chastity!
That includes you, doesn’t it, Rabbi Saul?

Anyway, here is a special brucha for you, Rabbi:
Vahksin zuls du vi a tsibeleh, mitten kup in drerd


DAS, just cause your mohel did some artful rhinoplasty along with his more prosaic procedure is no reason to lord it over the rest of us!
I’ve got a nose the size of Mt. Sinai, and at my bris, he was drunk and ,whoops, permanent sexual disfigurement. And just cause it was yom Kippur was no excuse to try and engrave the Kol Nidre on my schvantz!

But we all have our troubles,and it’s good to see your handle again.


Well, I can assume Rabbi Saul does not accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Some American he is!
Is he now going to tell us he does not believe in the inerrancy of the New Testament?
Just as I thought, a liberal secular humanist masquerading as a good Christian American.


Sure Saul’s a rabbi. Hey Saul, let me see you type that Jesus Christ isn’t the messiah. I’m willing to bet your shenanigans will only go so far and that you won’t imperil your immortal soul by typing those words. ‘Cause you know the only unforgiveable sin is blaspheming the holy spirit. Go ahead. Or better yet, get your goat-smellin’ bad-spellin’ over-sellin’ ass off of this site.


Gah – I’m a jew (despite being an atheist), and saul’s a pisspoor excuse for a fake Jew.

Whoever above pointed out that Job is not Torah is absolutely right, and no Jewish person would ever make that mistake, let alone someone clamining to be an educated Jew. It would be like a minister claiming that Revelation was in the Old Testament. Somebody help saul look up the word “Tanakh”.


He won’t imperil his immortal soul, or the support of those nutty Christian Zionists. Got to hold out hope of a payoff if you want them to keep building Biblical theme parks in Israel.

Johnny Coelacanth

Not that a raised-fundy, lapsed agnostic Buddhist would know anything about it, but I was under the impression that Rabbis had to be, you know, literate. Saul was glaringly not-literate right out of the gate, so he’s either a poseur troll or Worst. Rabbi. Ever.


[…] He won’t imperil his immortal soul, or the support of those nutty Christian Zionists. Got to hold out hope of a payoff if you want them to keep building Biblical theme parks in Israel. …more […]


saul: “By the way I agree with Tanc on bombing Mecca if the islamo-facsists attack us again.”

Well, that’s fair. So it would also be OK with you if China nuked Jerusalem the next time the U.S. invades an Asian country? Fair’s fair, after all.


Oh, ick!

[ glares ]


350, suckaz!!1!


(comments are closed)