That’s Some Deep Mentation
Posted on August 8th, 2007 by HTML Mencken
I have discovered a major profundity:
1. Blog post excoriates Michael Ignatieff for turning against the Iraq War and allegedly holding an anti-Israel bias.
2. Declares Ignatieff’s opinion irrelevant, because “Ignatieff is CANADIAN so why should his views matter is beyond me.”
3. Same blog post approvingly cites David Frum.
4. Blog’s perhaps overly-optimistic title is “American Thinker”.
I imagine a room of those guys in Dune with the red lips..
“It is by will alone I put my mind in motion…”
Baron Harkonnen likes giant sammiches!!!
Didja read the Ignatieff piece in last Sunday’s NT Times Mag? An awful lot of throat-clearing and mega-metaphysical discourse on “politics” and “reality” before finally admitting he’d been wrong.
It’s not his job to grovel and apologize, but it did seem like he beat around var. bushes a lot before testifying.
Baron CHENEY von Harkonnen, thank you very much!
“I’ll have Paul Bremer squeeze them! and squeeze them! And when they can’t take anymore, that’s when I’ll send you, lovely Feith. Lovely Feith — where’s my doctor!!!!?”
Did somebody fart?
I can totally see Bill Kristol as Pieter DeVries.
I’m not sure that it is overly-optimistic so much as it is depressingly apt.
Bremer Rabban.
One of Cheney von Harkonnen biggest mistakes regarding Arrakis is to continuously discount the Fremen as being only a few thousand weakling desert dwellers, easy to eradicate.
Declares Ignatieff’s opinion irrelevant, because “Ignatieff is CANADIAN so why should his views matter is beyond me.”
Yeah. Damn right. And why the FUCK should anything that Maliki says matter one bit. Fuckin guy’s some kind of arab or another. Why’s he got any say in the matter?
Apparently he thinks it is damning to someone to point out that they described Israel’s conduct in Lebanon as “war crimes” in and of itself. Maybe there are some amongst us who can’t comprehend the fact that not every country automatically treats criticism of Israel as being on par with holocaust denial and calls to exterminate the Jews. Oh well.
American Wanker
“Fuck Rush, Honeymoon Suite is the shit.”
Yeah. Damn right. And why the FUCK should anything that Maliki says matter one bit. Fuckin guy’s some kind of arab or another. Why’s he got any say in the matter?
Well, he doesn’t. That’s why, a few weeks ago, Bush decided that “we” would be in Iraq for, ooh, about 50 years. Yeah, fifty years, sounds about right.
Thing is, no-one bothered to mention it to the Iraqi government. They were not amused.
Maybe there are some amongst us who can’t comprehend the fact that not every country automatically treats criticism of Israel as being on par with holocaust denial and calls to exterminate the Jews.
Well, when you can only think in binaries, that’s all you’ve got. This is why wingnuts would be such wonderful candidates for the cutting-heads-off-and-freezing thayng: they’d be so much simpler to implement in software than, say, a person who was capable of seeing nuances and understanding concepts more complicated than “Me want. Me bomb”.
I totally agree with joe about you LEFTY TROLLS!
Plus, you are a bunch of hippies!
mmmm, pie
joe said,
August 8, 2007 at 2:32
I totally agree with joe about you LEFTY TROLLS!
I’m joetacus!
joe said…
“I totally agree with joe about you LEFTY TROLLS!”
Ah yes, and then a three thousand year reign with the God Emperor Bush…
Had we listened to the Canadians (and the Germans, and – ugh – the French), we wouldn’t be in this mess in Iraq. A mess entirely of our own making, contrary to all international law and not salvaged even by the apology that it all went well in the end.
Surely conservatives in support of the Iraq war know this, at some level. Perhaps it is the stinging knowledge of this that causes the word “Canadian” to flung about like an epiteth?
Geez, all of a sudden the neighborhood’s fulla overgrown vacant lots, abandoned high rises, broken windows, graffiti and crack houses. This shit keeps up, I’m movin to florida…
Better wait ’til hurricane season is over, mikey.
Oh yeah. Thanks…
Oh dear.
Not sure if this’ll work – the preview adds an extra quotation mark. But take my word, it’s funny.
It works, iamcoyote.
P.S. That’s why they call themselves the ‘Oral Majority’.
I thought his declaration, “I will essentially be the mouthpiece and effective leader for the tens of thousands of Young Republicans, 18 to 40, across the country,” was particularly giggle-worthy, myself.
Frum et al might think otherwise but Iggy’s still one of them. His admission is a more than a little disingenuous – read the NYT’s article and vomit – all he does is rationalize his good intentions: Saddam hurt the kurds! Bush, for all his mistakes, was daring and fearless – and besides he was given faulty intelligence. He wants to be Prime Minister. He can’t get there if he doesn’t start by admitting he was wrong on Iraq. He’s still for torture. He’s still for private health care. He’s still for US world domination.
He’s a right wing American at heart.
Now I want some lefty rolls. Do they have jam filling?
C’mon Lesley.
He’s a right wing American
at heartPERIOD.Fixed!
By the way, some z-list blogger named atrios linked to this Michael Ignatieff related post today.
“Improvisation may not stave off failure. The game usually ends in tears. . . .”
You know what would have pushed this essay into the realm of literary greatness? If Ignatieff had ended this paragraph with: “The game usually ends in tears– the tears. . . of a clown.” I don’t know why, but that would have made me really happy.
Maybe Glenn Murphy was just demonstrating what he wants the people to do for the corporations in Conservative World.
This is the second “American Thinker” ref I’ve stumbled across today.
This was the first. A conservative professor had pontificated.
Apparently Winogrand, Frank, Friedlander and Arbus among others were a bunch of no-talent, malcontent posers and that’s why their photographs are loved by liberal art critics and academicians.
What was wanted was more pictures of smiling babies and apple pie and ponies it sounded like.
Lefty rolls are made from whole grains, about fifty of ’em, and are made in a bakery where you’re not even allowed to say the words “trans” or “fat.” If you must use butter, please be sure to use dairy from hormone-free, free-range cows.
Righty rolls are generally just a squashed up piece of Wonder bread.
What was wanted was more pictures of smiling babies and apple pie and ponies it sounded like.
Once the horses fuck the pie and the babies pee on them that’s a keeper.
At least Mark Steyn isn’t a smelly Canadian.
Mikey, I don’t think Iggy has dual citizenship… I wish he did! (Can’t for the life of me understand why he’s a member of the Liberal Party…if this is what it wants to attract, heaven help us.)
The ever wonderful J. B. S. “Doghouse” Riley pretty much demolishes Iggy, & provides many quotes from him as well.
This reminds me of somebody I used to go to school with.
Back in 2004, we were arguing about politics and the subject somehow changed to John Kerry’s wife. He said that she should have “stayed back in France or Spain or wherever she’s from. All those foreigners sound the same anyway.”
I learned a few weeks later that he was Canadian.
I got into this discussion with some d00d on He said something about how he didn’t want the US to go down the tubes, or go bankrupt. Next paragraph he says that he thinks Bush is a great president.
I call him on this, and say, how can he think Bush is great when, in fact, Bush’s runaway spending on Iraq and Afghanistan could very well bankrupt the USA. I point out how the “War on Terror” is already taking away $$ for infrastructure around my home town, Chicago.
D00d then tells me that I’m a moron who hates America. That I have too much sympathy for Arabs & Muslims, blah blah etc.
The punchline? He’s Canadian.
Vicarious “America Lovers” are the worst.
The Onion done good this week.
Awesome, Jillian!
I think I’ll call one of the Dems who voted for this today and explain what the last guy in that Onion thing said, to them.
One of Cheney von Harkonnen biggest mistakes regarding Arrakis is to continuously discount the Fremen as being only a few thousand weakling desert dwellers, easy to eradicate.
It really is a shame we can’t get a couple dozen Arrakis-style sandworms into the picture.
RCP: not on a Canadian theme, but at least forrin. I remember a commentor on a cinema discussion board a few years ago talking about a Cantonese actor delivering a few lines in English. His complaint was about the actor’s “Europeanish accent”.
What, exactly, do you mean? I queried politely. Gutteral, like German? Fliud and great for swearing, like Spanish? Soft and languid, like French? Completely sexy, like Hungarian? Suicide-inducing, like Finnish? What?
He got all cranky and said something to the effect of “I don’t know shit about Europe, just Europeanish, okay?” I had to reply that that was pretty damn obvious.
I think what he meant was that (a) the guy didn’t have an American accent, and (b) one of the lines was “A bloody cop makes more than that in a month or two”, containing the English/Australian word ‘bloody’.
I’m still completely flabbergasted at the thought that someone could suggest a “Europeanish” accent without feeling like a total dickhead. The ignorance of some folk surpasseth understanding.
i definitely blame canada for the low quality yet high toxicity of its right wing commentators. and fucking conrad fucking black.
Black gave up his Canadian citizenship to become an English Lord. When his trials and tribulations started he asked for it back. See Rick Mercer’s Che Black blog post.