What insanity looks like
It looks like this, my friends.
I picture Michelle Malkin sitting at her laptop for weeks on end typing “All work and no play makes Scott Thomas Beauchamp a traitor” over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over…
…and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Meanwhile the following happened in Iraq today:
–Pentagon admits 190,000 weapons missing in Iraq
–Iraq leadership in disarray as ministers quit Cabinet
–Suicide bombing kills 28 — 19 children — in Iraq
–Iraq power system ‘near collapse’
–Roadside Bombs Kill 4 US Troops in Iraq
And so on. And so forth.
I know these people don’t give a damn that their little imperial pet project has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, has given rise to a new generation of terrorists, and has made the Middle East vastly less stable. As I’ve said before, they simply do not have souls.
No worries. Malkin will find a way to link all those events to Scott Beauchamp before the day’s out.
They also stopped developing as people right around the onset of puberty. Hell, half of em didn’t make it that far. Aside from the Ace closet cases a lot of misogyny doesn’t rise above “girls icky”.
It’s just us vs. them to the backwash quarter and change of our nation, and if you’re not with us you’re them.
As long as they can claim some kind of win over the Eeevul Libruls and DFHs. That’s all they really care about, and since the last election went so poorly for them, they take whatever they can get, inconsequential as it may be.
Pitiful, really.
See, son, we’ve got a bit of a problem with folks like you. [Spits tobacco juice]. I was talkin with Sheriff John, and Uncle Bob and my wife, Cousin Betsy, hell, we even checked with ol’ Annie down at the Dew Drop Inn and Big Ed at the Auto Parts store.
You’re gonna have to leave town, son. You’re just not LIKE us…
What did I scare all you lefty trolls awat with THE TRUTH!
Roadside Bombs Kill 4 US Troops in Iraq
Wait a second: were they actually “killed” or did they just have their tops blown off, like that mosque the leftists claimed was “destroyed”?
Let us not forget that the Pentagon only this year decided to stop selling F-14 parts to the public, then never bother to actually, you know, stop.
Who’s the only nation who still flies the F-14 Tomcat, you ask?
That would be The Islamic Republic of Iran, the most scariest threat of all scariest threats since the last scariest of all scariest threats got caught hiding out in a spider-hole near Tikrit.
We are ruled by idiots and children, and it would be funny if it didn’t piss me off so much.
The fact is, it is great to see leftist liars smacked back by the facts, like those about “Scotty” and his traiterous lies. I can’t wait until we can put you all in camps for losing the war for us.
Let us not forget that the Pentagon only this year decided to stop selling F-14 parts to the public, then never bother to actually, you know, stop.
Who’s the only nation who still flies the F-14 Tomcat, you ask?
That would be The Islamic Republic of Iran,
This is another tipical liberal lie. Why would we arm the enemy? Paranoid delusions.
Amen Gary!
These lefty trolls only continue to show their contempt for our great nation and our troops.
Great jeebus with a strap-on! That is some troll infestation you’ve got there.
I’m only pointing out the obvious.
Couldn’t the last Gary version spell? Dammit, people, you don’t release your pre-alpha.
all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl all work and no play makes michelle a dull girl
At least Michelle is a patriot unlike you lefty trolls.
I’m sorry–and I’m really not sorry–but I don’t believe a word “Gary Ruppert” says. I assume now that everything printed (sorry; “run”) under his name is faux-troll, impersonation, etc. Not that trolls aren’t capable of self-parody, because in fact that’s all they’re capable of. But still. Color me skeptical.
And this “Joe” character–will someone tell him, to the extent that he exists, that we are, by definition, not “trolls.” It’s like a burglar breaking into your house and calling you “an intruder.”
Jesus, can’t these people get anything right?
The left is going down come 2008.
Troll is simply another name for liberal like commie or socialist.
joe is just another name for no brain cells left to lose.
Good question, Mr. Ruppert. Why the fuck would we arm the enemy?
Let’s ask Donald Rumsfeld. He would know. Ronnie would, too, but he’s dead. So is Nixon, who sold the F-14s to Iran.
Unlike your leftist diety Dennis “no balls” Kuchinich who actually believes in “Strength through Peace” yeah thats gonna scare them islamo-facsists. Your the one who needs a brain Thunda!
Joe, I don’t care if you offer me a $100. I’m not looking for a blow job.
If I call you a few dirty names will that help you get what you’re looking for?
Bob I think Barney Fag would like one though. I bet you’d be all over that one.
joe, have we met b4?
Did I hear you say ‘fag’, young man? That’s it, go to your room! No dessert or Dora The Explorer for you tonight!
I donno are you a lefty.
No way. This “joe” can’t be for real. It’s gotta be someone trying to spice up the comment threads. I’d really like to believe that anyway.
If he is for real I certainly hope he’s some frustrated sixteen year-old blowing off steam. An adult writing that stuff would just be sad.
Considering the condition of what passes for “reason” and “discourse” and “civility” and “evidence” on the Right, is there such a thing as a parody troll?
I was certain joe was a parody troll, and a very good one, but his persistence and his desperate self-righteousness mark him as a sincere conservative, doing his best to counter “lefty” treason.
No wonder the Republican candidates, in pandering to these nitwits, look like such a bunch of clowns. At the next Republican debate, I hope a brightly colored Volkswagen drives onto the stage, crashes into the podium, and all the candidates – Giuliani, McCain, Thompson, Romney, Tancredo, Paul, Brownback, Huckabee, Keyes (Please, God, I want him in the race!) – tumble out of the car and do a bunch of mental acrobatics, praising creationism, trying on Zombie Reagan’s skin, speaking for Jesus.
They’re so cute when they scrunch up their faces to look tough and do that “I’ll be tough on terrorism” thing! Don’t you want to pinch their scaly, rouge-covered cheeks!
Liberal left bias in the media is reality. See the evidence for yourself:
If he is for real I certainly hope he’s some frustrated sixteen year-old blowing off steam. An adult writing that stuff would just be sad.
Sixteen? I’d say closer to thirteen. I think the petulant frenzies are over by sixteen.
An adult writing that stuff would just be sad.
As opposed to the latest Kraphammer?
My kneejerk response is to think joe is Kevin trying out new material, and has been responsible for similar random non-literate posts over the last few days.
But then I also assume everyone online is Al Gore.
Oh, Gary.
If you’re going to try to prove that “Liberal left bias in the media” is “reality,” do you think you could link to something credible? I would guess most of the people here have checked out MRC at some point and have noticed how blatantly it wears its biases on its sleeves. It’s a joke.
It may be convincing if you believe Bill O’Reilly is independent.
Tom Tancredo a great AMERICAN HERO!
On your momma. OH NO I DINT OH YES I DID!!!!!!!
Oh damn, I think I just sprained something.
Nah, joe is a poorly written PERL script.
Tom Tancredo is a disgrace and a Mexican coddling commie. GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL’S ZOMBIE 4 PRESIDENT!!!1one
I don’t need your war machines!
Turn yourself to the conservative side!
If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed!
Resistance is futile is it?
Guys- Joe is clearly taking the piss. It’s even more obvious than… well, every other faux troll we’ve ever had around here.
I’m not taking a piss brad, I don’t even have a computer in the bathroom.
Are these real trolls or comedy trolls? It’s so hard to tell these days.
According to the many wolds theory of quantum physics anything you could possinly imagine must be occuring somewhere.
So amazing as it sounds there is actually a universe where Joe and Gary are correct on every detail
“According to the many wolds theory of quantum physics anything you could possinly imagine must be occuring somewhere.”
With one important caveat: it has to be free of logical contradictions. In no possible world, for example, could the earth be both a sphere and a disc at the same time, or could 2+2=5.
Therefore, we can safely say without any shadow of a doubt that in every possible universe the Cheeto-eaters are always wrong.
Actually its just that “anything is possible” but once the “Decision” is made all other possibilities END…
Such as; until you open the box, the cat is both alive and dead but once you do open it there is only one option.
Holy fuckall, the trolls are truly out in force in the last coupla days. It happens when things are going especially badly for the right, or when there’s a full moon.
The zombie cat immediately jumps at my face in an effort to get my brains?
Please ban joe, if only for his own sake. We’re being enablers here, let him wallow in his filth like this. He’s bound to get scabies.
The zombie cat immediately jumps at my face in an effort to get my brains?
Yep. [big cheshire grin] Mind you, the live cat would probably do that as well, particularly if it’d been locked in the box for a while. Or it would sleep at you, which is somewhat less scary.
“More: In case you missed it, Jeff Goldstein analyzes the semiotics of Scott Thomas Beauchamp.”
Heh. Heh heh. Nah ..haa… haaaaaanh!!!
That Joe is indeed a conservative nut but he sure is hot!
Gee is Joe really hot? If so give me his number, I want some of that!!!
No he’s mine!!!
Not for long bitch!!!
You wanna fight??? I’ll beat you!!!
OK you can have him, after all he is a conservative, yuck!!! HILLARY CLINTON 2008!!!!!!
Damn right I can have him!
By the way, right on!!! HILLARY CLINTON 2008!!!
Why would we arm the enemy?
Google “Iran Contra” and you might find out.
You are number six!
Sorry, had a where the fuck am I moment.
Yeah, but Scott Thomas Beauchamp is a traitor.
But seriously, I don’t get the whole controversy. Who reads TNR anyway? **Yawn**.
[…] Sadly, No! Filed under: Conservatives — Andre the Defiant @ 12:00 am Once more unto the breach. Sorry. […]
Why would we arm the enemy? Paranoid delusions.
Yeah, well, you might ask that traitor Oliver North about selling arms to Iran. Less’n I’m wrong, you can find the little shitweasel over at FAUX news where he does some kind of ignorant blathering about war and the military and stuff like that. Make sure to take him a cake and a Bible. He’ll get the reference.
I really hate it when I come back here and find out someone’s left the side door open and all kinds of trash from the neighborhood come in and drink all the beer.
joe is a good performance artist and should not be banned.
I know these people don’t give a damn that their little imperial pet project has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of people… Well, they care enough about it to lie, and to deny those hundreds of thousands of people. If they say it three times, it’s the truth, you know. Speaking of which…
(joe) What did I scare all you lefty trolls awat with THE TRUTH!
Actually, joe, it was the senseless gibberish that did it.
(Is everybody taking a turn being joe today? “I am don joe!” “I am don joe!” “i are donjeo!” “We’ve found the real one.”)
“At least Michelle is a parrot unlike you lefty trolls.”
Fixed it…