Mao-Maoing The Flak Catchers


Confounded by a glorious uprising of the people, the saboteur Beauchamp has signed a voluntary confession under no influence from his superiors.

Update: Whoopsie!


Comments: 106


I so love that picture of Malkin! It fits that creature-feature to an absolute T!


How long until they whip out the on him?


err, my bad for screwing up the tags.

It’s Big Character Posters they’ll be using.


Black site torturers in training. Of course, they’re too chickenshit to use their strongarm tactics on real enemies, because to them, the real enemies are those durned libruls.

(I’m guessing you know that Mau-Mau comes from a different part of the world, though I’m not sure whether that’s so artfully ‘shoppable.)


I still wonder why so many on the left or the right hinged so much on this. I don’t think Beauchamp’s story mattered – i.e. one account is not so representative as to be useful, and the problem isn’t the behaviour of soldiers but rather the operation as a whole and its horrible design and intentions – but I had great fun seeing knee-jerkers on both sides act out all over the place, as if they had something to gain. You can’t whittle away at convinced maniacs with many small stories like these.

But you can affect the populace, and right now they are giving Dems lower ratings than Bush. Two-thirds of the population correctly believe that Iraq is lost, and that there isn’t much to gain or do at acceptable costs. That momentum needs to be used in order to make sure the Dolschstoss-movement can’t break people’s spirits. Why bother with small, non-representative stories like Beauchamp’s??


Why bother with small, non-representative stories like Beauchamp’s??
Maybe this was Marty’s gift to the shriekosphere?


Well, now that Scott Beauchamp’s lies have been exposed, we can all relax in the knowledge that every Iraqi citizen is actually living in a paradise flowing with milk and honey, where everyone has a pony. Mission Accomplished!

OK, perhaps that’s a little too snarky. I’m sure the Malkinian/Acian/ConYankian blogosphere will now turn its attention to debunking all sorts of other stories coming out of Iraq, like Michael Yon’s breathless reporting of al Qaeda cooking young children and serving them to their recalcitrant parents. I await the investigation of that one with bated breath.


Mean photoshopping.

Might as well give her a big sammich.


You kids are all too young, I expect, but The Dragon Lady from Terry and Pirates came to mind when I saw that.

I hope none of the ponies slip and fall in all that milk and honey, though.


Why did they stop there? Maybe if they get Beauchamp to sign a confession that says sectarian killings have ceased, and that the Maliki Government and the Iraqi armed forces have firm control of the country without U.S. assistance, then we’ll have won the war! Because, you know, what this private writes apparently really matters, for some reason. First, he wrote some stuff that was Bad, and that was making us Lose. But now, he’s written something that says the Bad stuff didn’t happen, so we are now Winning.

It’s sorta like that movie Delirious (John Candy, not Eddie Murphy)–he has the power to control the world simply by typing!


another great victory in the War on Terror.


I wonder if they’ll call the juries and judges liars for all the murder/rape/kidnapping and jaywalking convictions that are being handed down to dozens of soldiers.


The important thing is that now the general populace respects the WingNutosphere even more!!!

I wish I could cash in on some of that sweet welfare, right about now.


That photoshop is teh-win. Allthough I am sure you can find a picture of malkin that protrays the batshit crazy zealousness better.


I hope you’re doing an intentional pun with “mao-maoing,” since the actual term is “mau-mau,” and it has nothing to do with the Glorious Revolution.


Or the glorious uprising, for that matter 😉


If this guy’s story turns out to be false:

1. Out good, beloved, white, patriotic, Christian tr00pz never do anything bad – ever!

2. If our good, beloved, white, patriotic, Christian tr00pz ever do anything bad, then they are just doing what needs to be done to protect teh HomelandZ!!

3. ?!!!

4. If either (1) or (2) applies, both prove that we are winning teh war on terr0rZL!!!!


I hope you’re doing an intentional pun with “mao-maoing”

Well, a strong indicator is that the graphic has to do with Red China.

Seriously: It’s a Tom Wolfe book.


We are still beating Eurasia.

The liberation of Iraq can continue now that these lies have been exposed and proven by our heroes in the Wingnutosphere.


Gavin, I’m familiar with the Tom Wolfe book. Are you familiar with the term “Mau-mau?” Because Tom Wolfe clearly wasn’t referring to Red China.

I’m asking a serious question.


Oh. OK. That’s great news.

Soldiers in war never hurt puppies. They never make fun of disfigured people. They always wear clean, neatly pressed uniforms, and they never swear or take the lords name in vain. And if they say they did? Lies.

Those weapons? Just for show – They’d NEVER actually HURT anybody.

And of course, this clearly means that the Iraq war is over, the Maliki government is in firm control, the tangos are on the run, and we can bring our good, wholesome, gentle, harmless combat troops home anytime now.

Y’know, I have trouble understanding why these folks on the Right, considering their goal is obviously to keep American troops in Iraq forever, keep trying to convince us things are great and the job is done. You’d think they’d adopt a position more along the lines of “Damn, look how tough there fucking terrorists are. We tried to warn you about them. They are putting up quite a fight”!

That way there’d be a tiny bit of logical consistency to their insistence that the job is as good as done, but we can never stop fighting or withdraw…



Gavin, I’m familiar with the Tom Wolfe book. Are you familiar with the term “Mau-mau?” Because Tom Wolfe clearly wasn’t referring to Red China.

I’m asking a serious question.

The Tom Wolfe book is about putting pressure on government employees via outrageous posturing, and it’s subtitled, ‘Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers.’

Then if you juxtapose that with a graphic of Michelle Malkin as Chairman Mao…


Gavin, I’m familiar with the Tom Wolfe book. Are you familiar with the term “Mau-mau?” Because Tom Wolfe clearly wasn’t referring to Red China

Yeah, Wolfe’s mau-maus were the Kenyan rebels, not anything Maoist.


I’m asking a serious question.

Very serious!
As my Dad (MHRIP) used to say to me: “Okay, you be Serious and I’ll be Roebuck. We’ll start a store!”
Which is better than what the Dad said when his kid told him his member could reach his cloaca, and he deserved a Jaguar.


“That way there’d be a tiny bit of logical consistency to their insistence that the job is as good as done, but we can never stop fighting or withdraw…”

Haha, “consistency” and right wingers. They solved that little problem with the “moral equivalency” meme.


Yeah, Wolfe’s mau-maus were the Kenyan rebels, not anything Maoist.

Go on, you guys are totally yanking me here.


The origins of ‘mau mau’ (in its generic meaning of ‘to intimidate’) are probably not so well known in the US as, say, the UK, given the whole colonial history thing. Anyway.

Shorter Maglalogic: if someone says a soldier murdered an Iraqi in cold blood, that’s a lie. Until said soldier is convicted and sentenced to [x] years in the pen, at which point it’s the sort of thing we should be doing more of, or Teh Terrst Win!!ZOMG!1!


ZOMG, he didn’t even notice that it was a Photoshop! With Malkin’s head added!

Wah. I’m getting good at Photoshop.


Does this have something to do with cows? Because they say “moo moo” and not mao mao.


Wait… which one’s Michelle? Some of the faces are very tiny and hard to see.


Uh, so, when the that guy in Pink Flamingos lip-synced “Papa-Ooo-Maw-Maw” with his asshole it was really a political statement in support of Kenyan Communists?


Principal Blackman

I don’t think Beauchamp’s story mattered

Me either. At worst, it indicated that in-theater troops develop pretty serious gallows humor. Not exactly earth-shattering news.


Sweet, a snark ouroboros!!

Did you know that I know that you know that I know your pun was intending to make fun of something that in fact should not have been alluded to as if there weren’t one more degree of separation from the original source of the phrase?

Sure you did.


Now how does his wartime diary differ from other soldiers in other war’s diaries? Aren’t they all subjective? Don’t they all discuss the “fog of war” where clear thinking and the big picture become hard to discern?

Boy, I’m glad Catch-22 was written before these idiots started blogging.


Clearly, with the exposure of Beauchamp as a liar telling tall tales of stuff that —well, I’m not sure how—but clearly it must have emboldened the terrorists. This will allow us the necessary, for true, six months needed for our final totally awesomest victory of all time. Or something.


Boy, I’m glad Catch-22 was written before these idiots started blogging.

I’m sure the D-Ho movement’s ultimate goal is to remove it from all college reading lists, to be replaced by mandatory viewings of 300 and episodes of 24.

What’s good for Michelle Malkin Enterprises is good for the country!


I’m nominating this for the 2008 Sadly No calender, probably March. Now if you guys could incorporate old Atlas on an Albanian propaganda poster…..


So now that Beauchamp has recanted, can we declare victory and withdraw from Iraq?

The success of the entire Global War On Terror depended on foiling this fellow, was it not? That was the impression I was getting in Wingnuttia.


Next up, force Maliki to recant all that crap about the Sunni’s quitting the Iraqi government.


lobbey has a fine idea. A S,N! calender would be super-awesome indeed.


For the record, I would like to have seen Slaveholding Abolitionist’s face in the photoshop picture rather than Malkin’s. The wingnuts will wave their noble anti-racism flag for an Asian sister.


Why March? Shouldn’t it be May? Just saying…communists and all.

I personally liked it as a pun, before it was revealed to be a malapropism. The verb fits the action, and all the ideology first, lives-be-damned, traitors to the people must be punished zealotry smells pretty Mao-ey to me.

How ironic that it was the 2000 election that firmly associated the Republican party with the color red.


….mandatory viewings of 300 and episodes of 24.

Ten months later, wingnut bloggers will be mystified by the increasing numbers of homosexuals with a penchant for bdsm….


Oh yeah Gavin, it’s spelled “flack”.


Oh yeah Gavin, it’s spelled “flack”.

No it isn’t. Why does everybody hate me today?


Either “flak” or “flack” is proper.


I hope you’re doing an intentional pun with “mao-maoing,” since the actual Malkin is philippino, and has nothing to do with China.

I also doubt she wears buttoned-up green jackets.


Why does everybody hate me today?

Probably ’cause your server sucks…



You also mispronounced “saboteur,” Gavin. Yeah, I know, but I could still tell.


what mikey said.


Not to get too serious again, but I’ve seen people totally *not* get that “mau-mau” has nothin’ etall to do with the guy who wrote the Little Red Book. If those people have caused me to miss the most meta of all puns, then I do beg forgiveness.


FYI: TNR just released a statemnet that the army has NOT confirmed that Beauchamp signed a statement recanting.

a different brad

You realize this also proves Blumenthal hatez de gheys, and that this Blackfive guy could now claim the Vietnamese are helping the insurgents and the wingnuts would believe him.
I know it’s the role of mindless predators to take down the weak and injured, but this pile on method is pathetic.
And now comes the drawn out argument over why they deserve credit for having poured hatred on an active duty soldier, while the left is homophobic and hates the troops by not swallowing Matt Sanchez’s load like a good little boy.


Either “flak” or “flack” is proper.

Let’s consult Flaco Jiménez.

a different brad

Oh wait, this is based solely on an unconfirmed rumor in the Weekly Standard?
That’s it?
This is the high school equivalent of telling people you bagged a cheerleader cause your friend totally heard she wanked to your yearbook pic.
I hope you have yakity sax handy, Gavin…..


Kenyan rebels? What does that have to do with Chairman Malkin?

And btw, it’s “Gavon,” not “Gavin.”


Good GOD–these people are ADDICTED to being wrong. It’s like mugwump fluid to them or something.

When we called Army spokesman Major Steven F. Lamb and asked about an anonymously sourced allegation that Beauchamp had recanted his articles in a sworn statement, he told us, “I have no knowledge of that.” He added, “If someone is speaking anonymously [to The Weekly Standard], they are on their own.”

Any eggs for Fats?

a different brad

To help make clear how much ado about nuttin this is, here;s TNR’s entire, previously menitoned, responsel
“We’ve talked to military personnel directly involved in the events that Scott Thomas Beauchamp described, and they corroborated his account as detailed in our statement. When we called Army spokesman Major Steven F. Lamb and asked about an anonymously sourced allegation that Beauchamp had recanted his articles in a sworn statement, he told us, “I have no knowledge of that.” He added, “If someone is speaking anonymously [to The Weekly Standard], they are on their own.” When we pressed Lamb for details on the Army investigation, he told us, “We don’t go into the details of how we conduct our investigations.””

Steven Lamb is Schroedinger’s Car. (Forgot how to umlaut n lazy.)
When confirming Beauchamp lied, he’s a noble truth teller.
When confirming this signed statement is an invention by wingnuts desperate for a victory party, he is a communist infiltrator trying to take down the country.
Michelle is going to move on from this real quick, and never say the name Beauchamp again, soon.
CY and Ace will pretend this counts as a win until death, tho.
Milbloggers will start debating the meaning of the word “is”.
But hey, they had a good morning, eh?


According to the modern-day Kenyan authorities, the term ‘Mau-Mau’ was a nonsensical, derogatory name for the uprising, which was so secret that nobody knew its true name, the ‘Land Freedom Army’. As proponents of a peasant rebellion against colonial appropriation of all the farmland one could objectively describe them as Maoist, even if they were not communists per se. There had been a group of genuinely crazy Tanganyikan rebels some 40 years earlier called the ‘Maji Maji’, so maybe the idea was to tar the Wakikuyu insurgents by associating them with unrelated nutjobs..

As far as I know, converting Mau-Mau from a noun to a verb was Tom Wolf’s innovation. Having Malkin be the leader of a Mao-Maoing truth squad in support for Dear Leader is so damn witty on so many levels that I will be giggling for hours. Well done. And for those of you who don’t get the joke, phooey on you.


Adding, even though it seems like “our” side is about to prevail in the objective universe of actual facts here–I don’t actually care if Beauchamp is telling the truth or not. That isn’t just something I say when confronted with the possibility he might have been lying. Scott Thomas Beauchamp has nothing to do with any war critic’s views on the war and never did.

The only reason any of us know his name is that the Moronosphere decided to make disproving his existence their cause celebre for the summer. They’re the ones that decided this was some sort of referendum on the war. Speaking for myself, it doesn’t make me right if Beauchamp pancaked a dog, and it doesn’t make me wrong if he didn’t. It really doesn’t matter to me whether these basically unremarkable anecdotes about life in a war zone are true or not.


Hey, it kept them off the streets (or in CY’s case, behind the gun counter).

Schrodinger’s Car? Is that where your both dead and alive while turning the ignition key?

a different brad

Jake, stop being so realistic.
I spent an amusing afternoon on Ace’s site arguing with his fans about whether it was homophobic not to trust Matt Sanchez’s word, in the comments to a post where Ace accused Max Blumenthal of homophobia for just that. At one point one of them told me I was inserting homophobia into the debate, which was about whether Sanchez’s specific claims on this occasion proved true. And then they started telling me to contact the military and prove Sanchez was lying. When I said that wasn’t what I was arguing, they accused me of spinning n moving the goalposts n etc.
They’re pathological, and are only concerned with chalking up a W against us hateful lefties. It’s not even about the war anymore, they just want to feel superior.

a different brad

Major Lamb is like the cat in that he’s both lying and not lying in the same utterance. It’s a quantum mystery, requiring heavy lolcat and lolbot help to unravel.
Or, fine, he’s from Crete, if you wanna be old school about it.



Since Teh War Against Terra(TWAT) is totally like,won and stuff,when do Teh Troops(patent pending) come home? Huh,huh,well?

a different brad

Oh, geez. I realized I forgot to proofread that original comment, but I didn’t realize how many oopsies I made it in
Schodinger’s car, indeed.
*laughs at self, too*

a different brad

* in it.
In my defense, it’s really fucking hot today.


“*laughs at self, too*”

Now there’s something Ace’s commenters would really have a hard time understanding.


Its true, Gavin, portraying Ms Malkin as a person who was Chinese when she is actually Filipino is clearly racist.

Could you photoshop her with blackface and a spear?


I notice on the right side of Maolkins blog, a condemnation of Mia Michaels for choreographing a pro-peace dance number on So You Think You Can Dance.

“Just shut up and dance” cultural-revolutionary Maolkin fumes.

Oh the things she finds threatening.


“Its true, Gavin, portraying Ms Malkin as a person who was Chinese when she is actually Filipino is clearly racist.

Could you photoshop her with blackface and a spear?”

Are you kidding? I’m dissapointed he didn’t add a pair of ping-pong balls in the corner! (Yes I went there…)


Are you kidding? I’m dissapointed he didn’t add a pair of ping-pong balls in the corner! (Yes I went there…)

In the corner? C’mon, what about over the faces of her anonymous hordes? Everyone knows that a barbarian queen can only hold onto her minions with her blood lust and sexual prowess.

Besides, I just wanted to settle the mau/o-mau/o confusion. That, and show that i’m hip cuz i apply racist stereotypes in race-neutral settings. Plus she’d look fierce with a spear.


The right seems to have a deep interest in discouraging homophobia when sources they want to believe turn out to have been employed in the gay sex trade (please can we call two examples a trend?). The rest of the time, homosexual agenda taking over America, gay Spongebob raping children, yadda yadda yadda…


Jake H, you forget that nobody paid Spongebob to rape children. The free market is sacred. Plus, if it weren’t for gay hookers, where would they get their soldiers sucked? Christian wives just don’t do that.


Not to mention presidential advisors.


Oh, come on. Please don’t tar the poor old Helmsman by comparing him to that awful, awful bitch.

All he ever did was kill a few million of his subjects and accidentally cause a massive famine. He was bad, sure, but he was no Michelle Malkin.


This thread has more strawmen than a Nebraska cornfield.

“Beauchamp was coerced!”


This is so delicious I could just spoon it over some ice cream.
As a matter of fact, I think I will.

Mmmmmm, schadenfreuuuuuuuuuuude.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian


a different brad

Schadenfreude is the taking of pleasure in the suffering of others.
Who, exactly, is suffering here?
The general gist is, as always, it’s funny how stupid these (you) folk are.

That was a good example of what it was like to argue with Ace’s fans. They try and use the ways they’ve been mocked in the past against those disagreeing with them, only they didn’t get the joke in the first place. It reminds me of a meth addict I used to know.


I understand that Beauchamp has voluntarily confessed to being Osama Bin Laden’s #2 man.

Next, will they get Matt Sanchez to confess?

a different brad

Oh, and Goldfarb “responded” to TNR. By asking what proof they have Beauchamp’s stories are true. Not by, say, providing further detail or corroboration to his unconfirmed claim. Next, he’ll claim TNR is moving the goalposts.
These people are genuinely mentally ill.

Typical Republian

Clearly, you lefties are prejudiced against the mentally ill. They have just as much right as anybody to express their opinions, engage in discussion, analyze media,make foreign policy and be taken seriously by the conservative leadership.

Liberals. Hmf.


Actually, if I recall correctly, the “mau-mauing” in Wolfe’s piece was done by a crowd of black protesters, and it was done to a p.r. flunky (the “flak-catcher”) who was sent out to act as buffer/whipping boy by a political official. Not that this in any diminishes the wittiness of Gavin’s appropriation and use of the title.

(Note to Gavin: You may want to avoid “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.”)

a different brad

Not the mentally ill, the malevolent mentally ill who lack self-awareness. The mentally ill as a general group are fine.
Well, not fine, but…..


A previous unbiased missive from army spokesmodel Col. Steve Boylan that Malkin trumpeted:

“The 2,000 service members killed in Iraq supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom is not a milestone. It is an artificial mark on the wall set by individuals or groups with specific agendas and ulterior motives.”

He’s onto you guys!


I just don’t understand how they can call it a standard if it changes weekly.


I just don’t understand how they can call it a standard if it changes weekly.

Ok, so it’s weakly standard…



“Beauchamp was coerced!”


This is so delicious I could just spoon it over some ice cream.
As a matter of fact, I think I will.

Oh. You have first hand knowledge of what actually happened? Well, clear it up for us, then.

What? You’ve never met Beauchamp? You’ve never been to Iraq? You have no idea if what he wrote actually happened or not? You have NO independent evidence of which story is accurate?

So, you’ve picked a side you WANT to be right and just decided by pulling the answer out of your ass and claiming it as fact?

Y’know, at some time in our lives (most of us it was elementary school) we’ve all tried that. It’s not a very satisfying form of shadenfreunde, is it, mein herr?

A little like masturbating over the football video and claiming to have had sex with all the cheerleaders. Even if people believe you…Well, YOU know the truth…



(Note to Gavin: You may want to avoid “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.”)

No! Please! GO THERE! The wankfest will be awe-inspiring.


They try and use the ways they’ve been mocked in the past against those disagreeing with them, only they didn’t get the joke in the first place.



a group of genuinely crazy Tanganyikan rebels some 40 years earlier called the ‘Maji Maji’

Woah. Woah. Woah.

“Genuinely” crazy for resisting a military invasion of their homeland that involved forcing the male population into serving on tropical cotton plantation labor-gangs for 1/2 to 2/3 of their days for pennies in pay, and thusly forcing the women of the country to make up for lost male labor at home? Crazy for wanting to overthrow a regime which allowed public whippings –by non-state officials–of offenders for the slightest of slights to their masters?

Crazy because they believed magic water would protect them? (The Germans and other Europeans there certainly believed in their own magic water–baptism.) Or crazy because they didn’t quite grasp how effective machine guns were or severe German retribution would be?

Oh yeah, and it was 50 years earlier–if you count Mau-Mau from the date where the British declared an Emergency.

Big Kahuna Burger

Meow-meow v.t. to decry the political treachery of a younger women’s breasts.
Ann Althouse scowled hilariously upon being reminded of her meow-meowing Jessica Valenti .


My mother wears a muu-muu.

Gavin, why isn’t Michelle Malkin wearing a muu-muu?

You all are silly

Wasn’t Mao a leader for the people? Loved by most liberals in his socialist ideals. At least until he murdered millions of his own people. But hey he had some good socialist ideals like healthcare for all, right? Its quite the funny juxtapostion that you would put someone that you hate because of her Republican think for yourself ideals, when this guy was loved by you guys for his far left socialism and I will do everything for you cause you are too dumb to do it for yourself.

So silly.


Dear you-are-silly:
You, unsurprisingly, make the mistake of conflating 21st-century US liberals with anything that reared its head under the “communist/socialist” banner at any time in the 20th century. Oh yes, how totally appropriate and sensible to fold “health care for all” (imagine! what a silly notion!) into Maoist-style totalitarianism/groupthink. You fucking tool.


objectivelypro: Because, whatever the Malkin-thing may be, she’s not mammaw-fat.


Xenos said,
August 7, 2007 at 20:56 :

“As far as I know, converting Mau-Mau from a noun to a verb was Tom Wolf’s innovation. Having Malkin be the leader of a Mao-Maoing truth squad in support for Dear Leader is so damn witty on so many levels that I will be giggling for hours. Well done. And for those of you who don’t get the joke, phooey on you.”

Good. I’m not the only one who both got the joke AND laughed, for a considerable and sustained period, afterward. THXBAI!

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Wasn’t Mao a leader for the people?

Tell me his name in Mandarin and I’ll answer that.

Loved by most liberals in his socialist ideals.

You seem to have a very limited knowledge of (a) political thought, (b) history, and (c) the political climate of the late 19th and early twentieth centuries, partocularly in China.

At least until he murdered millions of his own people.

How much worse is that than murdering millions of other people? It’s a quantitative difference, that’s all. It’s not qualitative.

But hey he had some good socialist ideals like healthcare for all, right?

Does this mean you think that universal health care leads invariably to murdering millions of people? Wow, I want what you’re on.

Its quite the funny juxtapostion that you would put someone that you hate because of her Republican think for yourself ideals,

Man, you’re so dumb in so very many ways. Firstly, no-one here really hates Malkin, at least in the sense in which her frothing-at-the-mouth minions seem to hate everyone who’s not like them. Secondly, her ideals are not so much ‘think for yourself’ as ‘kill everyone who’s got something we want, throw everyone else in jail, and if you don’t agree with me you’re a traitor’. Oh, and a cavalier disregard for logic and evidence.

I’d also add that, in common with the various other Republican wanna-be’s, she has a strong authoritarian inclination (if I haven’t already made that abundantly clear).

And, of course, they also share a sociopathic fear/hatred of anyone who’s not like them, as well as a total inability to see any issue in other than binary terms, which leads to ridiculous proclamations about good and evil such as you are making.

when this guy was loved by you guys for his far left socialism and I will do everything for you cause you are too dumb to do it for yourself.

[Sigh]. Sonny, point to just one post on this site, just one, where anybody, even a commenter, evinces a love for Mao. If you can’t, then admit that you’re fantasising yet again and agree to shut the fuck up. Mkay?

What the Thunder

Hey You-Are-So-Silly, you know what other great idea Mao (and Reagan) endorsed? Exogamy.


Malkin eats you morons for breakfast.

It’s odd that a bunch of dumb leftist fucks who actually worship Mao would portray Malkin in this way.


It wasn’t so long ago that leftist fuckheads were sucking Uncle Joe’s dicks and telling us that you’ve got to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

How many of you are allowed to leave your room without supervision?


Good Morning, Shouting Thomas! Those are some lovely straw friends you’ve constructed to bring with you. Be sure to visit us again, but maybe after you’ve had your meds next time.


Malkin eats you morons for breakfast.

Hey now, that’s no better than talk of ping pong balls.

It’s odd that a bunch of dumb leftist fucks who actually worship Mao would portray Malkin in this way.


No, I wouldn’t say the preceeding statement was projection exactly. More like wishfull thinking… except that would require you to think.

It wasn’t so long ago that leftist fuckheads were sucking Uncle Joe’s dicks and telling us that you’ve got to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

Uncle Joe? Moving kinda slow? At the Junction!!??

How many of you are allowed to leave your room without supervision?

Now THAT is projection.


For every trifle are they set upon me;
Sometime like apes that mow and chatter at me
And after bite me…”
(from The Tempest)

(mikey) So, you’ve picked a side you WANT to be right and just decided by pulling the answer out of your ass and claiming it as fact? There’s only one letter’s difference between “fact” and “fart.” You’re asking a lot of Lord Ha HA there, to keep those two straight. After all, he’s just imitating arguments that worked against him (as A.D. Brad has also noticed).

(Sarcastro) Uncle Joe’s dicks? Jeez, no wonder he’s movin’ kinda slow. Especially with all those cute chicks taking baths in the water tower and all.

You all are silly

*Tell me his name in Mandarin and I’ll answer that.*

I can’t add sound files to this site.

*You seem to have a very limited knowledge of (a) political thought, (b) history, and (c) the political climate of the late 19th and early twentieth centuries, partocularly in China*

So explain to me my limits of what you think I know. You can say I have a limited knowledge and yet show nothing for it. Anyways what does what I said have anything to do with my “limited knowledge.” I’m just stating that he was liked for his ideals. He strove for a form of socialism which was at the core of his work. During his Great Leap Forward he attempted setting up communes for the poor, which led to millions dying of starvation. So there is just a smidgen of my knowledge of history. I have a hard time staying at a higher level than you, since you felt the need to attack me instead of responding with solid statements, but do you really know political thought? Do you know the difference between socialism, facism, liberalism, communism and all the other isms. What does the political climate have to do with anything as well? You should also work on your spelling.

*How much worse is that than murdering millions of other people? It’s a quantitative difference, that’s all. It’s not qualitative.*

This point is senseless. What is your basis of quantitative and qualitative? In comparison to what world event, or what other mass murdering do you feel is a worthwhile comparison. This may have sounded like a good point in your head but really its baseless.

*Does this mean you think that universal health care leads invariably to murdering millions of people? Wow, I want what you’re on.*

How does what I said mean that one has to do with the other? Its like saying that turning on the lights makes food taste good. I was just saying that because he was a socialist and had happy ideas like free healthcare for all, that that meant it was ok for him to murder over 40 million of his own people at least in a lot of circles on the left the worshipped him as a forward thinker.

*Man, you’re so dumb in so very many ways. Firstly, no-one here really hates Malkin, at least in the sense in which her frothing-at-the-mouth minions seem to hate everyone who’s not like them. Secondly, her ideals are not so much ‘think for yourself’ as ‘kill everyone who’s got something we want, throw everyone else in jail, and if you don’t agree with me you’re a traitor’. Oh, and a cavalier disregard for logic and evidence.*

Again with the personal attacks, can’t you just stay above saying things like that and stick to a solid political argument or is that too hard. You know its funny that you would jump to a point of her disregarding logic and evidence when you really have no real evidence to back up what you are saying. Show me where she says she wants to kill everyone who’s got what we want and whatever other crap you felt the need to spout out.

*I’d also add that, in common with the various other Republican wanna-be’s, she has a strong authoritarian inclination (if I haven’t already made that abundantly clear).*

Wanna-be what? Strong leaders? Sensible thinkers? So no you haven’t already made it abundantly clear, you haven’t even made it minutely clear.

*And, of course, they also share a sociopathic fear/hatred of anyone who’s not like them, as well as a total inability to see any issue in other than binary terms, which leads to ridiculous proclamations about good and evil such as you are making.*

Are you sure sociopath is the correct terminology here? Look up the definition, try a different word and them come back with that baseless argument again if you wish. However it really has no function in reality since its just not true. Not to mention the fact that there really wasn’t any proclamtion by myself about good and evil. But if you want me to make a clear one here. Mao Zedong murdered 40,000,000 people – BAD, Michelle Malkin murdered 0 people – GOOD. We could go into the colorful realm instead of just black and white but for now we can stick to the black and white as each person does have their goods and bads but I think Mao was overwhelmingly bad and Michelle while maybe annoying to you guys is good. Anyways the only real fear and hatred is directed toward those who fear and hate us. To not fear someone who hates you is setting yourself up for being taken advantage of or worse and is a very simple minded way of looking at life. Maybe you are just trying to play the devil’s advocate here but its not sensible and doesn’t fit the arguement.

*[Sigh]. Sonny, point to just one post on this site, just one, where anybody, even a commenter, evinces a love for Mao. If you can’t, then admit that you’re fantasising yet again and agree to shut the fuck up. Mkay?*

I really don’t have the time to dive through this entire site to find one post about Mao. I doubt I would find one seeing as how this is not a site conducive to higher thinking and debate about history and political viewpoints. Check out the comments on this site though This one looks past the deaths and even down plays them just so that he doesn’t seem so bad. I’m sure I could find more but I’m getting bored with this.

OOOOO, I seriously doubt your my dad and a nice shut the fuck up at the end, Mr. Garrison, I didn’t think you use those words. At least I see you can be highbrow when it comes to discussion. Usually people resort to that when they can’t do any better and apparently you can’t. If you are going to come at me come with sense and a solid arguing ability, I really shouldn’t respond to someone who has to resort to name calling and such but you wrote a lot and I had some time to kill.

You all are silly

MzNicky said,

August 8, 2007 at 3:57

Dear you-are-silly:
You, unsurprisingly, make the mistake of conflating 21st-century US liberals with anything that reared its head under the “communist/socialist” banner at any time in the 20th century. Oh yes, how totally appropriate and sensible to fold “health care for all” (imagine! what a silly notion!) into Maoist-style totalitarianism/groupthink. You fucking tool.

Well first off like the other guy i’m glad you resort to name calling to show your true IQ and ability to handle converstation when you really can’t come back with a good point. I never confused liberals with communist/socialist banner of the day because many of the same ideals of then are still spouted off today so its not really a confusion. I’m sorry I should have stated many points instead of just one. Health care for all, government subsidized food, housing…I mean the list goes on. It was a general point not a statement of one fact. I mean I personally feel healthcare for all is a fools errand because it doesn’t really allow for competition which breeds thought and forward thinking. I mean Russia had a form of everyone gets everything the same and the economy stalled because humans will either fight for something if you aren’t given it or take whats given and kick back and be lazy. Its a nice dream though.

You all are silly

What the Thunder said,

August 8, 2007 at 5:06

Hey You-Are-So-Silly, you know what other great idea Mao (and Reagan) endorsed? Exogamy.

Finally for tonight, uhhhhh….What? Are you saying this ideal is good? Are you comparing Reagan to Mao? Do you have any proof Reagan endorsed this ideal? Why would you pull this out of no-where? At least my neck and gut are getting a good workout as I laugh and shake my head.


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