Shorter Kathleen Parker
Posted on August 1st, 2007 by Travis G.
‘Hillary’s Letters to a Young Friend’
- As tempting as it is to believe otherwise, personal correspondence from a nascent Hillary Clinton reveal a thoughtful young woman of great character. Which makes it all the more pitiable that she lacked the self-confidence and judgment to rebuff the narcissistic scoundrel she ended up marrying, bless her heart.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
She’s just jealous she can’t get any of that Clinton lesbo action.
Sounds like Kathleen Parker is resentful of people such as Hillary Clinton, who, even in private letters written during their younger, “self-absorbed” years, display more—what’s the word? oh yes: class—than Kathleen Parker ever could.
So the blurry, hand-tinted photo isn’t a work of modern nostalgia, it really is an antique.
Y’know, I’d REALLY like to have a beer with Hillary…
Should we be worried that so many conservatives are starting to develop a better impression of our gal Hil?
Are they just hedging their bets, knowing that a Democrat will win and pegging her as the centrist choice, or do they think that she will be the easiest to to take on in the generals?
What? A winger, yet again, bashing the literate and thoughtful?!
Y’know, these bullshit artists (there is no other accurate term for them) in our media are so much worse than extremists like Cheney. Cheney does what he does out of an inner belief that democracy, as it has been defined in the US, is not sustainable. He uses ruthless, secretive strategy, and action, to change the country into something hateful and leaden. But, he does it out of an inner belief.
These media whores do what they do because they want to be popular, and gain favor. They cluster around power and wealth like flies on shit.
just ruining a good name there. Why can’t she go by Kathy?
and I thought that we women were supposed to stick with our husbands no matter what. guess it just shows that you basically can never satisfy the “family values” crowd.
Well, at least she’s not suggesting we nuke Fallajah…again.
Too bad we can’t read what Kathleen was confiding to her friends when she was Hillary’s age…
guess it just shows that you basically can never satisfy the “family values” crowd.
Well, no, you can’t satisfy hypocrites who want to assassinate your character by any means necessary. I guess that kinda goes without saying.
Unless these thoughts are recorded in one’s senior thesis on Saul Alinsky. Hillary still has a lot of explaining to do!
OT, but sure to get many a wingnut undie in a twist. With added emphasis:
Those damned amoral atheists!
Whoops, that’s at
“Well, at least she’s not suggesting we nuke Fallajah…again”
Well duuuh, don’t you know that the Iraq war has ALWAYS been about democracy?!! A BIG STEAMING PILE OF DEMOCRACY!!!
Well duuuh, don’t you know that the Iraq war has ALWAYS been about democracy?!! A BIG
MCH, the story doesn’t mean non-religious doctors are more charitable than religious doctors. America is becoming less and less religious as a whole. If anything it just means we can lose our religion without turning into a nation of hedonistic, selfish bastards.
just dropping by from digby’s place, and it is finally starting to sink in: CNN is actually putting Laura Ingraham on the TV at night in prime time.
so pissing off at least half of your audience in advance of their watching something is what kind of strategy? i mean, i didn’t like paula zahn or find her interesting but that was because she she’s not very interesting. can’t we find someone to read and report the news in primetime who is smart and tough and skeptical of all power whatever stripe it takes? wouldn’t such a person appeal to a larger portion of the adult population?
seriously. laura ingraham? does CNN hate money?
Paula Zahn was the epitome of fear-based journalism. Seriously, every night it was The Five Different Horrific (but Statisitically Unlikely) Ways You or Your Children Could Die or Become Horribly Disfigured.
And if I can pick up on that all by myself, you know it’s bad…
(PS: What about Keith Olbermann?)
It’s simple. Fox stormed out of nowhere to take the ratings lead in the good demos by utilizing the “conservative propaganda” broadcast news model. Eventually, they other cable news organizations determined that the ratings battle would be won or lost in the conservative christian red-state demo. Beck, Scarborough, ingraham, dobbs – they all are trying to out-fox fox without destroying their reputations as news organizations. They are failing at both…
Between Kathleen Parker and Peggy Noonan, having an imaginary friendship with Hil is becoming a competitive sport for the right.
I’m not quite certain Kathleen & Peggy are two different people. Perhaps the somewhat younger one (Parker?) only appears during certain phases of the moon, or as the result of the older version (Noonan) performing an especially vicious verbal smackdown on a member of the servant class in her WSJ column.
BREAKING NEWS: Interstate Freeeway bridge collapses in Minneapolis!! RadIslamoMeskinTerrorists? Or maybe massive neglect of our infrastructure, compounded by wasting close to a trillion dollars in Iraq that might have been spent on bridges, steam pipes in Manhattan, etc?
they all are trying to out-fox fox without destroying their reputations as news organizations. They are failing at both
mikey: The cable news channels have been trying to do this for years. And in so doing, they are in a race to increase their irrelevancy, as more people (those who care to keep up with political news, which isn’t the vast majority of the population anyway) find what they want online and eschew TV news altogether. As usual, the 24-hour voracious maws find themselves behind the curve. So to speak.
Leonard Pierce said,
August 2, 2007 at 1:15
Between Kathleen Parker and Peggy Noonan, having an imaginary friendship with Hil is becoming a competitive sport for the right.
Don’t forget Rupert, himself.
I have an imaginary friendship with Mwai Kibaki. We’re going to drink gin in Mombasa and figure out how to annex Tanzania…
Better watch out, mikey. You know what happened to that other guy who was in Mombasa in a barroom drinking gin, when Roland found him.
Hey! Van Owen was a CIA tool. I only do contract work. Just trying to avoid a bad luck streak….
At the risk of… well… something or other…
I like this pic of Kathleen the best. She reminds of Murphy Brown. Oh, maybe she thought she was at a very special Blogger Ethics Panel and needed to look very smart. Maybe she woke up late and didn’t have time to grab her Glamour Shots kit as she ran out the door. Maybe she’s just gone wild… like an outside the Beltway tiger… Rrrrr, Kathleen…. rrrrrrrrrr….
But she looks a lot like Murphy Brown. mmmmm Muuuurphy Browwwwn….
Keep beating that drum Kathy, I’m sure it will be an effective campaign strategy for her challengers on your side. The public hasn’t heard enough about where Billy’s dick has been.
“Between Kathleen Parker and Peggy Noonan, having an imaginary friendship with Hil is becoming a competitive sport for the right.”
David Brock told us about this weird obsession they have with her. Remarking on Laura Ingraham’s failed trashing of First Lady Clinton, he comments, “[a] more transparent case of projection I have rarely seen.”
I just love Parker’s “bless her heart” kiss-off to Hillary. Is Kathleen from the Deep South? Whenever you hear a southern belle say “bless her/his heart” about someone who isn’t around, you can bet the farm that it will come with an insult and/or hunk of nasty gossip attached.
Example: “That Jonah Goldberg is a well-dressed young man, but bless his heart, he’s as dumb as a sack of rocks. I do understand that Mrs. Goldberg was smoking a great deal of that LSD back when she was a teenager, if you know what I mean…”
The “news”today is a big incestuous circle jerk. Big Bidness,Politics and “Journalists and Serious People”all know each other socially,they have created, in effect, their own social/economic class. It’s a badly decorated and suffocating little habitrail and none of them ever leave it(or,if they do,we have to hear all about their big adventure seeing a brown person who had the nerve to be brown and talk to them) They have awards dinners and ceremonies for each other,have each other on speed dial,have kids at the same schools,that sort of crap. Throw in spoiled,pampered privledge,more money than brains,and this is what we end up with.
It ain’t pretty.
Lesly said,
August 1, 2007 at 23:38
MCH, the story doesn’t mean non-religious doctors are more charitable than religious doctors.
I know that, and it was not what I was trying to insinuate (as unsuccessful as I might have been in so not-doing). I was pointing it out as yet another bit of evidence against the “morals can only come from religion” argument, which is akin to the “of course religious people are more good than godless atheists” line of thinking.
Because the religious and irreligious are equally capable of being both good and evil. “God-fearing” is no shorthand for “good person” and more than “athiest” means “evil”. But you know that already, and I’m rambling, and we’re not even really disagreeing, I don’t think, so I’ll just drink my tea and shuddup now.
It’s a badly decorated and suffocating little habitrail
Brilliant description. Now if only the entire country weren’t consuming a steady diet of the droppings . . .
I’m waiting for the theory that Hillary actually orchestratedd the release of the letters to “humanize” her. That’s what I thought Parker was up to at first.
kudos to Travis and lardlad for picking up on the passive-aggressive use of the ‘bless her heart’ phrase.
Here in SW Missouri, when someone says ‘bless her heart,’ what they really mean to say is ‘bless her heart, the feckless, godless, drunken slut who is going straight to hell.’
Usually. Sometimes they say it to be insulting.
Just a wee tad OT, but I happen to be in teh very same building as Hillary. Mind you, that building is McCormick Place, and thus HUGE. Yes, I have infiltrated teh YearlyKos ’07. More! Later!
Oh, man! That’s my absolute favorite show, evarrrrrr!!1!
The only better show is on Discovery: “The Ten Different Horrific (but Statistically Unlikely) Ways You or Your Children Could Be Killed or Become Horribly Disfigured… by SHARKS!!1!” That show is teh awesome!
My mom also uses it in lieu of swearing when a UK basketball player misses an important shot.
They play Basketball in the UK?
Oh, you meant…
Never mind…
They play Basketball in the UK?
That was the first thing I thought. The second was “It’s surprising that they miss shots?”
Too bad we can’t read what Kathleen was confiding to her friends when she was Hillary’s age…
What, Kathleen had actual, non-imaginary friends?
I thought Teh Pundit Clarss was composed entirely of people who had to “buy” favorable attention from other humans, through either shameless toadying or vicious me-too attacks on enemies of whatever Ruling Class members they managed to get within sucking range.
That was always part of their general resentment of Bill Clinton — he was remembered fondly even by people who didn’t agree with him, and women he hadn’t always treated well. Parker and her fellow lampreys are all too well aware that they’re only remembered when somebody needs a favor, or a new victim.
and I thought that we women were supposed to stick with our husbands no matter what.
Well, Parker didn’t manage to do that, either. As I recall, she got divorced when her son was very young and was (gasp!) a Single Mother. No wonder she foams at the mouth over Hillary.