Islamofascists For Democracy!
Daniel Pipes is not impressed by a survey which indicates decreased pan-Islamic support for suicide bombings. Islamofascists appear to be discarding the tools of terrorism only to pick up the more menacing methods of …democracy! Those Evil Bastards!
Above: Racist crackpot gives thumbs-up to “Crack” Pipes
Muslims appear growingly aware that the terroristic ways of Osama bin Laden offer a less successful path to realizing the Islamist goals of imposing the Shari’a and creating a caliphate do than the political, lawful ways of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s newly-triumphantly reelected prime minister. Whereas terrorism stimulates its own antibodies and offers no plausible path to power, working through the system is proving successful in such diverse places as Egypt, the Palestinian Authority, Lebanon, Iraq, and Bangladesh, as well as in the West.
Therefore, this survey has more subtle and ambiguous implications than first appear.
That’s a preciously euphemistic way of putting it. Remember, for bigots like Pipes, Muslims can do nothing right. Ever. Because even if they quit terrorist acts, they, cursed Sons of Ishmael, will always be terrorists in their hearts!
On the other hand, I can totally sympathize with Pipes’s horror as he observed the election returns in Turkey. It’s the same feeling most people in the world have when, say, Alabama’s electoral votes are shown on television to go to whichever fundamentalist demagogue the RNC runs that year. Sux, doesn’t it? But hey, we in the West have our elected theocrats. Why can’t they have theirs? Oh, that’s right: because Christofascists and Judeofascists are good, but Islamofascists are evil.
So wait, did I miss something here or is Pipes actually acknowledging that the whole democratization thing has a huge drawback?
First, people like Pipes were in charge of Western policies which colluded with corrupt local thugs to crush emerging nationalist and independence and democracy movements among Arabs, Middle Easterners, and Muslims (as subsets of various world populations) as the British & French empires were falling apart.
Eventually these wise, sage leaders of democracy then chose to sponsor various thuggish rivals to the possibility of strong nationalist / democratic / independence movements which really could have led the country. (Hence, Israel’s idiotic right wing / liberal hawk d***heads who helped found & spawn Hamas as a way of undermining the secular Palestinians who could have led to a settlement.)
And then the US establishment chose to create the biggest international program of funding lunatic warlord fundamentalist Muslim drug-dealing terrorist thugs from across the entire Middle East in order to overthrow a secular Afghan government and draw the USSR into a proxy war.
And then the ‘liberal hawks’ and right wingers moaned about the terrorists they didn’t control versus the terrorists they did control, and then realized that collaborating on Israel’s murderous invasion of Lebanon maybe was not quite the “cakewalk” that the worshipers of any hawkish Israeli policies promised them it would be.
And then after another generation passed where once again some decent, nationalist, secular, independence / self-determination movements arise, they loop back to step one, bitching and moaning about the huge threat that these movements not under the US establishment’s control represent.
Meanwhile they apparently own up to zero responsibility for having directly spawned the very terrorist movements which attacked the US on 9/11/2001, which, by the way, contrasts to secular Afghanistan and the USSR, neither of which ever attacked US domestic territory.
Pipes is just pissed off at Muslims cos they kept mistaking him for Salman Rushdie and beating him up. If only the dopey cunt had shaved his beard we might not be in this mess
Contain or rollback the Iranian and Syrian governments.
Assure the free flow of oil and gas.
Fight Al-Qaeda and other international terrorist organizations.
Provide a benign presence in Iraq.
Gotta love Pipe’s way with vague, weaselly euphamisms.
So, ‘rollback’ the Iranian and Syrian governments means to do ‘regime change’ on the countries, through millitary force or political subversion? Is that what he’s getting at?
“Assure the free flow of Oil and Gas.” In other words, if Iraqis try to nationalize their oil industry, we come out from our bases and do a coup on their government? Am I on the right track here?
“Provide a benign presence in Iraq.” In other words we will never leave our bases, and their government will be a permanently powerless state. A puppet government.
“Whereas terrorism stimulates its own antibodies and offers no plausible path to power,”
Unless of course those terrorists are Pipes’ beloved Irgun and Stern Gang thugs, who invented many of today’s terrorist methods (car/truck bomb, anyone?) which drove the British from Palestine so the Zionists could steal it from the local villagers.
“So, ‘rollback’ the Iranian and Syrian governments means to do ‘regime change’ on the countries, through millitary force or political subversion? Is that what he’s getting at?”
Only if military force actually works this time. If W goes in and kicks some ass for a month or two, but then we have another Iraq on our hands (or much worse), Pipes can then say, “whoa whoa, I said ‘roll back,’ not ‘military force’!”
As I understand it, the AK party in Turkey has tossed a few bones to their socially conservative base, but they’ve failed to deliver any of the big ticket items. Mostly, they’ve concentrated on economic policy.
Turkish Muslims, meet the Republican Party.
BTW, the AK naturally failed to deliver the only sensible item on their social agenda: An end to that stupid headscarf ban. If people want to wear the stupid thing then wear it. My guess is that if the ban were lifted a bunch of women would get tired of wearing it really fast.
Besides, if it means that more women from socially conservative backgrounds are attending university and getting exposed to a wider range of ideas, how is that not a good thing?
So, naturally, the AK failed to deliver on that promise, because then people might lose interest in the divisive issue and certain elements of their society might make more progress. And since when has a political party ever been interested in defusing a hot button issue while helping the most backward elements of their base make progress?
Why wasn’t that picture in the calender ?
thecaptain said,
July 31, 2007 at 14:51
“Why wasn’t that picture in the calender ?”
now theres a lovely thought. the Daniel Pipes swimsuit calendar
At what point should we switch the moniker to “War on Democracy?” Islamofascist bastards keep switching up the game plan on us. We’re just not very good at this clash of civilizations dealy, I’m afraid.
why did you have to bring that up, ich., that though will never leave me now….
chuckie and co have a pic of shamalamadingdong with Cindy Sheehan. It’s not photoshopped either. Wolcott has linkage I think.
Oh cripes. The Pipes is calling, again?
Try as I might, I can’t get past that first sentence. “Growingly?” Sounds like it was coined by a third grader struggling to express himself in a paper about why the Bad Guys will come and fight us over here if we don’t fight them over there, so we better learn some cool Power Ranger moves so we can totally take over Bad Guy Land.
thoreau said: So, naturally, the AK failed to deliver on that promise, because then people might lose interest in the divisive issue and certain elements of their society might make more progress. And since when has a political party ever been interested in defusing a hot button issue while helping the most backward elements of their base make progress?
It’s a bit more complex than that, though. Turkey (not entirely unlike France) is officially fiercely secular, for historical reasons, and the military perceives itself as the ultimate enforcer of Turkish national unity, which is closely linked to it’s secular identity. Allowing religious insignia on universities wouldn’t necessarily lead to a military coup, but it would be a definite possiblilty.
I think I just gave myself a headache.
Wingnuts are growingly becoming talkingly incomprehensible.
Shorter Pipes:
“We can’t trust the Islamobolshinazomooninites to have democracy either, ’cause they’ll just use THAT to establish their evil world dictatorship of burqas and headcutting, too, so we must heave a collective sigh of resignation and go ahead and exterminate the brutes.”
Shorter shorter Pipes:
“Heads we win, tails they lose. Bombs away!”
This just shows how far the MSM like Pipes has twisted to the left. I mean, come on, suicide bombers? We all know that we have caved to the Democrofascists when we don’t condemn these HOMICIDE bombers. Quit using mealy-mouthed language to pretend they’re victims.
Next thing you’ll be telling me there’s not a War on George Washington Day.
Sure thing, douchedags.
“Growingly”? “Newly-triumphantly”? Dude needs some help, adverbally-wise.
Didn’t take long for Pipes’s commenters to hit the Godwin Wall:
I’m curious about this reference to “the Patriots of Israel,” though. The Great Gazoogle does not have any references to an actual organization by this name, but maybe it’s a spinoff NFL franchise? Anyway, which “tyrants within” do you suppose he is talking about? And does he mean within Israel, or in his head?
I can only hope that someone will be on a talking head show with Daniel, and after he spouts some idealized imperialistic nonsense, the rebuttal starts out:
“Put down the crack, Pipes …”
Haven’t you seen the trailers for Metal Gear Solid 4? Obviously, the Patriots of Israel are an offshoot group of the original Philosophers who are trying to help Liquid Ocelot overthrow some unknown mid-east country.
On topic, I thought freedom was the Lord’s gift to everyone and will free people from the ideology of terror, as Dearest Leader Bush loves to say in his speeches. So is God’s gift suddenly revocable when they elect someone we don’t like?
Talk about your Catch-22s.
Submitted by Paul la Demain, Jul 27, 2007 at 19:17
Has everyone forgotten that Hitler rose to power through “democratic means?”
Therefore, the questionable installation of an unelected person to the Presidency via the fiat of an unelected panel of judges is so much more Freedomer™! Beware the Purple Fingers of Islamofascism!!1!!!
Shorter Pipes/La Demain: Sieg Heil!
It’s nothing but another unlearned history lesson that these criminal idiots are suddenly surprised to learn. If you bring about a transition to democracy under occupation, if you take people directly from the battlefield to the ballot box, you end up with democracy without respect for the rule of law, a democracy without the underpinnings of a strong independent judiciary, you end up with the tyranny of the majority. And that majority will act the same as a despot, it’s just that a different group has achieved power through a different means. You also end up with a small ruling class that depends upon the occupying power for their positions and whatever legitimacy they might have, so they offer back to the occupation the cover of a false legitimacy of it’s own.
The Shi’a coming to power in Baghdad, Hamas in Palestine – unintended consequences? Technically yes, but not unforeseeable. And in Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi, not to mention just about any “-stan” you can name, the ruling elite will not allow real elections for exactly that reason. Think of all the cases where the minority ruled – South Africa, Rwanda, Iraq – and think about why that might be.
But as long as it is not necessary to demonize them in order to provide the american leadership with a boogeyman to hide behind while systematically breaking down american democracy, they’ll get money, weapons and support. Musharaf is begining to attain boogeyman status. Better be careful with that, m’man…
Whereas terrorism stimulates its own antibodies and offers no plausible path to power
It’s plasuible to ignore Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, Golda Meir, Maximillian Robespierre and George freakin’ Washington!?
It’s plasuible to ignore Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, Golda Meir, Maximillian Robespierre and George freakin’ Washington!?
I think what Pipes is trying to tell us is that Washington’s true crime against humanity was winning elections and thereby further advancing his stated agenda of establishing a Democaliphate stretching from Maine all the way to Georgia.
Beware the tea-spilling Colonialofascist Minutemanunists!!!!
What is it with these shitheads and their bullet lists? Whenever I see a bullet list of “ways to win in Iraq”, I see this:
* I am a smug asshole;
* I am an ignorant asshole;
* I am a cowardly asshole; and
* I am a warmongering asshole.
In a Seinfeld vein—Jesus H. Christ, look at those man hands on Crazy Pammy!
What’s with Pipes looking like Salman Rushdie’s evil twin in that photo? And Pammy like she’s on a break from eating a block of cheese the size of a car battery? My screen is dripping smug all over my keyboard.
Democracy is tomato juice, but they thought it was milk.
In other news, Chuckles was just flogging the Pace University Koran case on the Dennis Prager show. More to come.
Pamela Geller – not Pammy – has a bird for you and Cindy S.
FUCK YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it was the 22nd exclamation point that got me, Josef. Glad you’re little Likudnik punditress is pulling a sixth grade stunt. You guys are a real touch of class.
I hate to think of where that finger has been.
So, Josef. Thanks for coming by. ‘Cause I’m curious about a couple things, and I’m hoping you can clear them up. You are, what did you call it, a #1 Pamela Fan? Ok, I’ll buy that. So what really attracts you to her? Is it the spewing hatred? Because a lot of people find tribal hatred to be a safe little place to stand, y’know? Is it the courage pammy shows by loudly and proudly demonstrating her incoherent rage, drunken hatred and desperately poor child-rearing skills? Because just like good ol’ bush, when you’re too stupid to know you’re stupid, at least you can be right out front about it, right? There’s a certain comfort to that, yes? Or is it just the combination of her surgically altered bosoms and blood-lust driven calls for jihad against the jihadis, not to mention every other damn wog in the region, that – wonder of wonders – you find gives you an erection without the viagra? Because I’m sure that’s kind of liberating for you. Once you discover that death and torture can bring on the wood, well there’s no end to the options. And while you certainly don’t have the courage to actually confront a real terrorist, I’m sure you can find women, children and small animals to hurt for your satisfaction.
Thanks for your time, human scum! Talk soon?
I’m sorry, Josef, but I believe her actual name is Pammalammadingdong…
just sayin’
Uh…so I guess she’s supposedly trying to give Cindy the bird? If so she screwed it up (that 4th pre-breakfast seabreeze does it every time). It seems more like she’s standing in solidarity with Cindy, and the bird is directed at her readers, like teh #1 suuprefan Josef. Maybe she’s announcing her defection to the DFH Islamofascist camp in stunning, pro-wrestling-storyline fashion?
She really should have checked with us first. None of us want her. Give Friedman a call and see if the Sensible Centrist Technocrats will throw you a bone, ho.
If this is the same Josef who regularly comments over at The Shrieking Harpy blog then we, folks, are in the presence of one the most unselfconscious chickenhawks bravest freedom fighters on the internets. He’s been complaining that the nutroots have not yet picked up on The Shrieking Harpy giving Cindy Sheehan the finger.
I have just done a recon run – no lefty blogs have really picked up on this. This is just too humiliating for them, I suppose.
Recon? Heh.
Before he bravely infiltrated the top moonbat sites, risking life and limb, he was in full gushing wanker mode over The Shrieking Harpy and her alleged bravery:
You are a g*dsend, an avenging angel and my hero.
You are so unlucky that I am so far away. Otherwise, you would have a zillion red roses for your courage today.
We LOVE YOU! You have more courage and moxie and balls than John Bolton!!!! Yes, you do!!!! Again, you are my hero!!!!!
As you Jews would say: Kol hakavod! Kol hakavod! Kol hakavod!
Yes, Josef. I am quite sure that The Shrieking Harpy wishes you lived next door.
Josef…as in Stalin?
Man, I knew wingnutz were authoritarian cobags, but that takes the pammy-cake!
The funniest thing about pammy-cakes is that she calls herself a “citizen soldier”!
Josef in full wanking fanboy mode again from a different thread:
Three cheers for the next John Bolton:
You our next UN Ambassador gave him the Bolt of Bolton, Pamela. We were just the supporting cast wanting to play in your sandbox.
You’re my hero!!!!!!!1
And here he is in kill all the Muslims mode:
CAIR is extreme Islam.
Turn them into glass. Do it now. Right now. N-o-w.
Like I said we’re in the presence of a pathetic bootlicker with genocidal fantasies great and brave man so please treat this guy with the respect he deserves.
I guess strike throughs don’t work outside the preview box?
Candy said,
July 31, 2007 at 20:27
I’m sorry, Josef, but I believe her actual name is Pammalammadingdong…
And not to be confused with her triplett sister’s, Michellayellahoohah and Annabanananitwit
They work if you use the entire word “strike” (and the corresponding “/strike”) in the tags.
Where was the photograph taken? The 3rd Annual Wolverine Look-Alike Competition maybe?
I’d strongly advise you to compare photographs of this Daniel Pipes character and Mr Salmon Rushdie, the brown man who became acceptable when he fought Islam.
Are you suggesting some Googlebombing action, Lawnguylander?
Y’know, I chuckled at first at Paul la Demain’s “nod to anonymous,” but then I tried picturing it and damn if it doesn’t work. Next time you’re trying to figure out wingnut logic (I know, I know) try envisioning Paul’s nod. It explains a lot, I swear.
To all:
First I appreciate that some of you hold opinions as strong as I do.
Second, I wanted CAIR to go away – not all Muslims. The comment was in the context of CAIR’s recent antics.
Third, I want somebody who’ll stand up to the crap that we have to give in to radical Islam, that women shouldn’t have rights and that if CAIR had its way you can’t report suspicious behavior. That’s Pamela Geller.
Fourth, it took you at least two days to finally respond to getting infiltrated and fucked off.
Fifth, I provide podcasts of World at War for Pamela. HERE is why.
I hope you now understand why we on the right despise you so much.
Fourth, it took you at least two days to finally respond to getting infiltrated and fucked off.
You can expect a knock on the door from all the lesbian imams we can muster.
The feeling is heartily mutual, Josef. And you do too want to commit genocidal atrocities on all of Islam. Just admit it. Or do you think bombs don’t kill women and children, only jihadists? Do you think if you nuke Iran and turn it into “glass” that the godly will be spared?
The thing that’s really funny (although it’s also really scary) is that you’re so fucking crazy that you don’t realize that Pam’s completely off her chump! And you actually say things like “Fourth, it took you at least two days to finally respond to getting infiltrated and fucked off.” What the hell does that even mean? Do you even remotely comprehend how stupid that sounds? You reminds me of Bill Murray’s character in Caddyshack…
After reading those gushing fan boy comments of yours from Pam La Ding Dong’s site, I think the woman needs a restraining order. You seem like kind of a stalkery freak to me.
Get help, old boy. Get help.
Josef, if you can find somebody who is advocating “giving in to radical islam”, point it out. I dare ya. ‘Cause you can’t. So that’s bullshit #1.
CAIR is concerned that people like your pammy want to mistreat the specific people in their constituency, just as the anti-defamation league is concerned about the same for THEIR constituency. I think you’ll find if people like you and pammy stop agitating for discrimination if not outright genocide, CAIR will not even be on your radar. So that’s bullshit #2.
Women’s rights? Women’s fucking rights? Where did the women’s rights movement originate? And who is still pushing for women’s rights, along with racial equality and even gay rights? Yep, that would be us on the left. The reactionary right has resisted granting rights to any minority forever. So, yeah, that would be bullshit #3.
We’re infiltrated? How do you infiltrate a blog? You mean trolled? Ok, the fact that we didn’t even notice kind of says everything you need to know about the effectiveness of your so-called “infiltration”.
Umm, I can’t speak for my friends here, but I frankly could not find a way in hell to care less about why you call for genocide, prick.
Because you have to lie, obfuscate and justify, it’s quite clear to me that you know why we on the left despise you so much. Fortunately, history, along with human decency, is on our side. Your side is buried with Stalin, Hitler, Pinochet, Sharon (oops, still waiting for final justice on that one) etc.
I believe we shouldn’t nuke Iran and kill all the innocents.
But we should be ready to take out the jihadis and Iran’s nuclear program, even if a few civilians sadly get killed.
The fact that you whom harass Pamela take so long to wake up astounds me.
Let’s see – your side wants to retreat and defeat from Iraq and some from Afghanistan too. Your BS #1.
CAIR tried to stop John n Jane Doe protection legislation so don’t compare them to the Jewish Anti-Defamation League which didn’t. Your BS #2.
You lefties could care less about the burka, the clitiroctemies (sp?) that Pamela blogs about and smear just about any conservative woman. So BS #3 to you too.
I don’t want genocide, but I want radical Islamic terrorism to stop. If that means war, so be it. Your BS #4.
And finally your BS #5: Israel PM Ariel Sharon withdrew from the Gaza Strip in the name of peace. Where are you in condemining the Palestinians for their bloodthirsty-ness???????? Good question.
Simba, yes I do suggest it but really I’m just supporting an effort that’s well underway. Go ahead and Google The Shrieking Harpy and you’ll see. It’s really fun to do it in the face of a #1 Sycophant or at the blog of one of her friends.
We’re infiltrated? How do you infiltrate a blog? You mean trolled? Ok, the fact that we didn’t even notice kind of says everything you need to know about the effectiveness of your so-called “infiltration”.
I think what he’s talking about is that PAM WAS RUDE TO A SMALL GROUP OF LEFTISTS.
I am entizzified with constermafuckingnation over this humiliation of communism!
Josef, now that you have come to The Shrieking Harpy’s slavering defense do you think she’ll start responding to your desperate emails? Surely she’ll notice you now, right? I mean she’s evil and all but she couldn’t just be playing the likes of you for chumps. Could she?
Okay, I was going to try and reason with Josef, but I can’t even figure out what he means by this:
“your side wants to retreat and defeat ”
or this:
“CAIR tried to stop John n Jane Doe protection legislation”
…so I’m not even gonna try. I’m off to the library so I can learn to fight for justice and the American Way, and incidentally complete the summer term’s final paper. Then I’ll be free! Free, I tells ya! (Don’t hate me for my freedoms.)
Apparently Li’l Jr. Likudnik over here is so concerned about female genital mutilation that he can’t even be fucked to look up how to spell it. Unlike those Islamist woman-haters in RAWA, I guess. They must not give a shit for the burqa.
Civilized human beings don’t consider it ‘retreat’ to stop before you finish a crime, and the Iraq war is criminal.
John Doe? You mean the Racist Hysteric Protection Act? Shouldn’t genuine whistleblowers be given protection before we give an arbitrary legal shield to any right-wing pantswetter who throws a fit over the existence of weirdly-dressed duskies on his plane?
Unlike you, I’m not laboring under a psychotic ideology where collective punishment is a special privilege of the US and its allies alone. What’s more, I’m capable of recognizing motives other than inhuman, sanguinary evil for the behavior of Arabs, unlike you and your genocide-loving hero Pam.
Finally, I’m a left-wing nutjob, sure. But even I’m offended by the implications of calling a liquor-brained authoritarian maniac like Pam Geller a “conservative.” AuH2O is crying right now, I tell you.
Okay, I was going to try and reason with Josef, but I can’t even figure out what he means
The cool thing with him is that anyone who engages him represents the entire cartoon left. The “You” he addresses has Stalin’s moustache, Hillary’s boobs, and is enormous like Michael Moore.
Graarr Josef! I am munching on your arm with the beak of a spotted owl!
Jesus, are all the Shrieking Harpy’s pretend boyfriends this incoherent? And what’s all this “we” shit? It ain’t like the life of the screaming bed-wetters are ever in any sort of danger, after all. Josef, I hope you understand why we on the left think you yay-hoos are so goddamn funny.
Jesus, are all the Shrieking Harpy’s pretend boyfriends this incoherent?
Josef: Women’s rights? Please. I mean, totally, Please. If you fucks had your way US women still wouldn’t have the vote. You right-wing nutbags just get off on the Shrieking Harpy’s yadda-yadda about clitorectomies. C’mon, admit it.
Yeah. I got yer women’s rights right here, pal. No, not there. Here.
The “You” he addresses has Stalin’s moustache, Hillary’s boobs, and is enormous like Michael Moore.
And of course John “Girlyman” Edwards’ PERFECT hair and uses as much electricity as Al Gore. *snurf snurf snurf*
And would somebody explain to me what “giving in to radical Islam” MEANS?
Like, maybe, not killing them indiscriminately and invading their countries, maybe? Like not wasting America’s military by locking them down in a no-win occupation we should never have started? Like maybe not allowing ignorant pissants like Pammycakes and Pipes and their ilk to keep poking the hornet’s nest ’til they all fly out and sting a couple thousand Americans to death so Pammycakes et al can “prove” how EEEEEVIL hornets are and how they should be killed indiscriminately and invaded (see beginning of paragraph)?
Oops, looks like I lost track of my metaphors there.
mikey said, July 31, 2007 at 18:49
Some very articulate and indisputable stuff that makes me proud to be an American, even though I’m not.
mikey said, July 31, 2007 at 20:26
Some very funny and apposite stuff that strikes to the heart of the dumbfuck-ed-ness.
mikey said, August 1, 2007 at 0:00
Some logical, passionate, and completely inarguable stuff.
Mikey, would you marry me? I promise not to drop fur in the bed.
Only in America can the world be so topsy-turvy that the political movement that would, in their perfect universe, disenfranchise anyone who was not white, male, rich, handsome, and insane claim that they’re non-racist, non-sexist, populist, anti-look(s)ist, rational, and democratically inclined.
Pammy and her sycophantic coterie are a perfect example. Damn it, the woman would advocate taking away her own right to vote just to spite her “traitorous opposition”.
Wait, I jsut realised. According to my formulation above, Mitt Romney is going to win the GOP nomination.
But that can’t be. It’s just too insane. I need to rethink this a bit.
Jofus said, wiping the drool from his chin with a semen-sticky fist:
You are spiderman, the hulk, and that rubber guy from The Fantastic Four, all rolled into one stretchy, green, sticky bundle!!! I wanna rub my groinal attachment against your boobies!!11!!!! Say “Islamofascist” for me one more time, baby!!!111crapcrapcrap!!!
You our next UN Ambassador gave him the Bolt of Bolton, Pamela. We were just the supporting cast wanting to play in your sandbox.
No satire can improve on this. “Play in your sandbox”, fnar fnar fnar.
CAIR is extreme Islam. Turn them into glass. Do it now. Right now. N-o-w.
Golly. Nuke a political action group. That says “Freedom and democracy and ponies” like nothing else.
Fourth, it took you at least two days to finally respond to getting infiltrated and fucked off.
I don’t recall being infiltrated…? True, I’ve had an uncommonly large number of telephone salespeople desperate to sell me roller shutters the last couple of days, but if that’s an infiltration, it’s a particularly subtle one.
Should I add “ZOMG!!!111Eleventyone!!” there?
Josef, a #1 Pamela Fan said, August 1, 2007 at 0:05
I have no idea what you’re trying to say, because I’m such a blinkered philistine pig-ignorant bigot and I don’t need to stinkin’ FACTS! Probably ZOMG!! and 111!!!shitshitshit!!! as well!!! So I’ll just make some shit up, okay? Hah, that’ll show you!!11FarkingElevenses!!!!!
I must say this latest troll is rather more amusing than Kevin Teh Hippy. There’s something endearing about the wee tykes when they get all foamy at the mouth and the knob simultaneously, isn’t there?
And I particularly liked the contention that Iran’s nuclear programme, which may be for energy but may end up being used for weapons (if only because they learned the “North Korea, Non. Iraq, Oui!” lesson), demands the whole country be turned into glass, presumably to stop them using their nuclear weapons (as yet putative, and only a gleam in Cheney’s eye) turning a whole country into glass? Because turning people into glass with nukular weapons is BAD, and needs to be stopped!!! Okay? If we need to use our thousands upon fucking thousands of nukular weapons to turn them into glass to stop them maybe in ten years or so, once they’ve got the technology worked out, and we keep threatening them so they’re afraid of us and desperately need weapons to defend themselves from being turned into glass, we’ll do it!!!!!!!
Excuse me. I need to gargle to get Teh Taste Of Wingnut out of my mouth. I can feel my IQ plummeting: I’ve not a moment to lose.
You all just about don’t make any sense. I’m going to come back in a few hours. Maybe the CO2 left in my head from a swim needs to exhale… or you need to grow up. After all, wasn’t my imitation of you irritating?
After Pamela and I trade some more e-mails – which we do.
Holy fuck, this guy is pa-THET-ic. He just about doesn’t make any sense. Probably from all that CO2 in his head holding its breath.
Woohoo! He’s got the inside line to the Big-Boobied Bimbo Herself!
Which means it’s all gonna hurt her that much more now that Sub-Private Franz Josef has closely observed “the enemy” and returned to report.
Knights! Squires! Prepare for Battle!
After Pamela and I trade some more e-mails – which we do.
I too have e-mailed a girl. It was swell.
After Pamela and I trade some more e-mails – which we do.
I surely have been shown, as have we all. Josef has shown us. Oh yes. What more can be said? The subject matter is closed.
MzNicky said,
August 1, 2007 at 2:01
Holy fuck, this guy is pa-THET-ic.
The poor baby just wants some attention. His stony litte heart hurts. And when he gets that feeling, he needs (ugh, I can’t believe I’m going here) that sexual healing.
Damn. I’m attracted to Pammy, but even that thought is just TOO disgusting.
You all just about don’t make any sense.
You all just about need therapy.
I’m going to come back in a few hours.
Oh, be still my beating heart: I’m gonna set my clock so’s I’m sure to be here!
Maybe the CO2 left in my head from a swim needs to exhale…
Eh? Man’s got a blowhole?
or you need to grow up.
Yep, that must be it. Dang, a university degree and years in the professional workforce, and I’m still a teenage doofus. Dagnabbit.
After all, wasn’t my imitation of you irritating?
Dare I say “Eh?” again? Which particular imitation was that? I don’t recall you saying anything that particularly reminded me of me. Or indeed of any others upon this board. Some hilarious stuff, it’s true, but nothing particularly reminiscent of Sadly denizens.
Hang on, it is you trying to sell me roller shutters!
After Pamela and I trade some more e-mails – which we do.
Sadlyites, please forgive me launching into the sound of half a dozen schoolgirls saying “Ooooooooooooooh!” in that polyphonal fashion they have. I just can’t resist.
Jofus’ got a girlfriend, Jofus’ got a girlfriend…
Righteous Bubba said,
I too have e-mailed a girl. It was swell.
Bubba-baby, it’s that kind of comment that makes me love the entire world, or at least that part containing Teh Sadlyites.
Hmm. Just one or two questions.
When exactly did Pammie arrive in America? I’ve heard her speak, and her heavy Eastern European accent makes it difficult to understand what she is saying . . . . not that anything that she has to say is nought but shite anyway. Is she a recent immigrant and is that why newcomer-grrrls like her and Chicklets Malkin are so totally in love with Amerika — the flag loving ass-kicking liberty-spreading version — not America???
What is it with these poor little guys who are attracted to these middle-aged haddrians?? I mean really . . . .
After Pamela and I trade some more e-mails – which we do.
This reminds me of nothing so much as Jon Lovitz as Tommy Flanagan talking about his wife, Morgan Fairchild… “who I’ve seen NAKED.”
My mother, bless her soul, used to say things about us guys and our primative urges. “Some men are s-o-o-o-o-o low,” she’d declare, “they will leave their drippings anywhere . . . absolutely anywhere.”
When you read the Josefes of the world (a vocal little band of brothers) declaring . . . . “I don’t know about you, but Pammie / Michelle / Annie ‘The Stick’ / is HOT . . . really smoking HOT”, you just gotta wince / cringe / shudder. It’s an automatic reaction. You see a snake, you automatically jump. Instinct.
My father had this to say upon receiving word that the neigbor’s daschund had become impregnated, “How could any dog stoop so low????”
totallyblase, I believe pammalammadingdong’s accent comes from the Eastern European country known as ‘lawnguyland‘.
After Pamela and I trade some more e-mails – which we do.
Ah, yes. And what a flowering electronic correspondence it is. It all started when Pamela sent out a mass mailing, both the subject and body of which was “WHAT ABOUT THE GLOBAL JIHAD?” Pretty much everyone who received it hit Delete immediately, but not Josef. Oh no, not Josef. He fired back a quick response: “Yeah! What about it! I’m with you, Pamela!”
As you can imagine, things took off from there. Now they right each other constantly, sharing their most intimate thoughts and feelings. Ponder if you will this excerpt from a recent Josef missive:
Perhaps one day Josef will smile on the rest of us and publish his letters to Pamela. I can dream, can’t I?
“…Enuf said. XOXO”
Okay, after reading that I’m tempted to believe that Josef is a parody. He’s either a parody or a real whack job. No one normal in teh cabeza would write something like that on a woman’s blog. If I was Pam-ela, (what an AWFUL thought!) I would be a little uneasy about all that. Seriously. It’s the tone more than the words. If Pam’s car went off the road in teh mountains, and Josef pulled her out of the ditch, it’s really easy to see him in the Kathy Bates role:
“Write the blog Pam. Write about how Josef the faithful is going to save the world from the evil Jihadis. Or I’ll make you drink out of the floor bucket again. Or, or…. I’ll ruin your pedicure! And you won’t be getting anymore Lawn Guyland ice tea! Ever! And if you’re really, really good, we can have lots and lots of rum. After all, I AM your #1 fan!!”
Okay, after reading that I’m tempted to believe that Josef is a parody.
Even before then. He’s just too funny.
Don’t you worry, I find you as funny as some of you find me.
I’m not the only one to profess my love to Pamela.
I think we should kiss off and live in our parallel worlds. One that sees the global jihad as enemy #1 and the other that sees Michelle Malkin and Pamela Geller as enemy #1.
I will say this much though – I despise Ann Coulter too.
I will say this much though – I despise Ann Coulter too
Didn’t e-mail ya back, huh?
the other that sees Michelle Malkin and Pamela Geller as enemy #1.
Dude, they don’t even crack the Hot 100. You’re mistaking mockery for hatred. The other difference is, Malkin and Geller actually exist outside the fevered imaginations of lust-crazed dingbats.
Jim – fair question: Ann Coulter believes John Edwards is a fagot, insulted moderate anti-jihad muslims, and believes all of you lefties are traitors.
I have true blue progressives for neighbors & friends who acknowledge we’re at war with radical Islam and don’t see them nor the most of you as tratiors.
Michelle Malkin and I don’t have a relationship of any sort but I, being a gentleman, wish her and her family well.
Michelle Malkin and Pamela Geller?
Michelle Malkin and Pamela Geller?
So, you think it’s wrong to shout treason at people you disgree with …
Why don’t you say something about that to the people you vote for?
And, while you’re at it, say something to the very loud and influential people who represent your ideology on television?
Might help with the level of discourse.
Dammit, I’m always asleep during all the good threads.
Fourth, it took you at least two days to finally respond to getting infiltrated and fucked off.
Wow, we got fucked for days without even noticing it. Youssuf, if you find that happens to you often, I could forward you some of the more colourful emails I receive advertising various… enhancement aids.
I will say this much though – I despise Ann Coulter too.
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned
Nor hell a fury like a wanker scorned.
Michelle Malkin and I don’t have a relationship of any sort but I, being a gentleman, wish her and her family well.
Mm-hm. I see boiled bunnies in your future, mate.
The “You” he addresses has Stalin’s moustache, Hillary’s boobs, and is enormous like Michael Moore.
I like how “radical Islam” is referred to as some sort of coherent group with shared goals, and not, like, in reality, a bunch of vastly different lunatic terrorist sects/offshoots.
The ignorance conveyed is staggering.
It’s like me dissing the pope would
be the same as bashing staunch Protestants.
But hey!
They’re all dusky sanddwellers who need killin’, amIrite??!!??
One that sees the global jihad as enemy #1 and the other that sees Michelle Malkin and Pamela Geller as enemy #1.
Okay, Josef, since you’re engaging politely, I’ll do the same.
For starters, as Matt T. said, you’re mistaking mockery for hatred. I admit I find the constant refrain of ignorance and bigotry wearing, but we’re mocking them, not suggesting that they be reduced to their component atoms, as for example happened in the incident described with heart-rending simplicity on Riverbend’s blog post of Sunday 15th February 2004.
For my money, anyone who advocates the slaughter of people they don’t know is dangerously crazy. It’s that sort of bigotry and hatred back and forth that leads to war without end.
Secondly, you talk about “global jihad”: are you aware that this concept has been made up by the media and the Bush administration? Really. There’s not some sinister international conspiracy to rule the world by Shar’ia. The vast majority of Muslims, like the vast majority of Jews and Christians and Buddhists and Hindus and whatever else, simply want to be left alone to live ordinary lives. They’re human, like the rest of us.
And there’s nothing intrinsic to Islam that sets it apart from Judaism or Christianity. Nothing. Not a sausage. The religious book of Islam contains just as much blood as the religious books of Judaism and Christianity. There is no global jihad, but the myth is very helpful in selling a war of conquest to people who know little or no history.
So where do the Islamic nutters come from, I hear you ask? Good question: lucky I’ve got a good answer. The theocratic regime in Iran was inevitable from the moment the CIA engineered the overthrow of the democratically-elected Mossadegh government in 1953, in order to install the Shah. He, of course, was a brutal despot, and his regime became notorious for the savagery with which the SAVAK, the most feared secret police in the world at the time, eliminated all potential enemies of the regime. Enemies such as democracy activists and so on, whose names were helpfully provided by CIA. The sole channel that remained for organising revolt was the mosques, and hence Iran ended up with a theocracy, which many have been struggling to moderate for many years.
The moderates, of course, are thoroughly discredited each and every time the US threatens and demonises Iran.
Similarly, the US set up the seeds of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in order to “give the USSR a Vietnam of their own” (as I believe was the sentiment at the time). The US armed and funded the mujahedeen in order to bog the Russians down in an unwinnable war of occupation.
And I’m sure you’re aware that the US fully supported Saddam Hussein during most of his rule, as they have supported numerous other tyrants and despots.
So, in summary, the US is not now threatened in any significant way, except insofar as the massive human tragedy in Iraq has inflamed passions and driven recruits straight into the arms of the various resistance groups, as well as the arms of various terrorist groups. The two are not the same thing, as I’m sure you know.
But for the most heavily-armed, most prodigiously belligerent, country in the world, to be afraid of what is in reality a bunch of angry nutters, is a little ironic. There’s so much that’s ironic about this situation, although rather tragically so.
Y’know, when I posted that I figured there was a photoshop contest in it, but I don’t think I have the talent to make it happen. Anyway…Hippiegriff? Chimeradical?
Qetesh the Abyssinian;
I truly wish you were 100% correct, but you are close.
We never gave bin Laden’s al Qaeda real assistance according to The Looming Tower, but other mujadeen we did. I also have read just enough of bin Laden’s statements to believe we truly are at war with global jihadi nutters.
I, like many Americans, am ashamed of what we did during the Cold War when we shaked the hand of and arm up Saddam as well as do the same to other tyrants. Saddam would probably still be in power today if not for a little nation called Kuwait he just had to invade. Frankly, I see the War in Iraq as the continuation of events from at least August 1990.
But, as THIS AP story notes, the terrorists’ war on us is partially inflamed by our current actions – and arguably mostly misrepresentations of – in Iraq.
I too wish the Palestinians and the jihadis would realize, as you do, “bigotry and hatred back and forth… leads to war without end.” At least most American muslims truly believe in a religion of peace, that I am convinced of and call on my fellow commentors at Atlas Shrugs to take note of. Maybe if bin Laden instead decided to turn towards philantrophy and help the Islamic world via holding conferences at the late World Trade Center’s Windows on the World… we wouldn’t be at war today. Instead, we have al Qaeda, Hamas, Fatah, and Hezbollah and possibly CAIR.
How we break the cycle is the true question as far as I’m concerned… and I appreciate you breaking the mold from the traditional lefty. I am rather and obviously angry at the continual, non-stop Pamela-bashing rather than – hence my original comment. I think you know what I mean…
OK, you acknowledge that the actions of states like Iran, and the sub-state terrorist group Al-Qaeda, are driven, in part, by the policies, past and present, of the USA and other Western nations. That is a start.
Josef, I think that most Palestinians, and actually most Muslims worldwide, despite the anti-US official pronouncements of states like Iran, and the pro-terrorist communiques from Osama Bin-Laden, do not want a cycle of violence either. I think that if you examined the reasons that some of them use violence, you would see that they are largely responding to violence and coercion used against them by the US, or other western states, including Israel.
That is why we are so dead set against the US/British occupation of Iraq, and the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The violence and coercion that one has to use in order to occupy a hostile nation act as continual incubators for more hatred and violence against the western nations. It would be exactly the same if some hostile foreign state was somehow occupying the US, or Britain- it would cause the citizens of the US or Britain to resort to violence in order to expel the invaders. To break the cycle of violence that you state that you want broken, the US would need to stop occupying, and oppressing, Iraq and Afghanistan, and Israel would have to stop occupying, and oppressing, Palestine.
Also, Josef, the reasons we continually mock Ms. Geller are twofold. The less important reason is that, Ms. Geller seems to have a deep, emotional hatred of us, our values, and everything that we stand for. We simply return her hatred with mockery. The more important reason is that Ms. Geller seems to have a kind of driving need for war, destruction and hatred, a desire to be at war with someone. This need seems somehow organic to Ms. Geller’s temperament. I really think that, if there were no conflict between the countries in the Middle East and the US, then Ms. Geller would simply find someone else to hate.
Josef, if you are actually concerned with breaking the cycle of violence, then I think you will eventually become disenchanted with Pamela Geller. Her needs, and beliefs, seem to run absolutely counter to peace or even detente between Israel, or the US, and Middle-Eastern nations. Her personal desires do not seem to include breaking a cycle of violence, and I think she has said as much, up front.
Do not defame the awesomeness of Salman Rushdie by comparing him to this random beardo. Rushdie’s great contribution to mankind? HAROUN AND THE SEA OF STORIES. This guy’s great contribution? Winning the “Evil Richard Dreyfuss” look alike contest.
Though if the Atlas Shrugs chick is his trophy wife, I can hardly see how he can do worse than Salman Rushdie’s arm candy.
Salman Rushdie’s model/actress wife was in GLITTER.
Which means at one point, Salman Rushdie had to see GLITTER.
I also have read just enough of bin Laden’s statements to believe we truly are at war with global jihadi nutters.
The statements of bin Laden do not mean that there are millions, or even hundreds of thousands, of Muslims eager to heed his call. A few hundred, or a few thousand, does not constitute a global jihad.
Also, bin Laden’s statements are very clear about the fact that the WTC event was in retaliation for previous acts of the US against the Middle East: there’s very little global jihad about it, although I’ll agree that he’s a nutter. Probably a dead nutter by now, although Bush has been completely uninterested in him for several years. I’m surprised, actually, that the public so easily swallowed his statement that he “truly was not that concerned about himn (bin Laden)”. I’d have thought the American people would be keen to enact justice on the man who engineered the killing of 3,000 Americans in one day.
One more thing you need to realise: the organisations you name, with the possible exception of CAIR, were all formed as resistance groups. They were, and are, mounting armed resistance against occupying forces. It is to our shame that the Israel-Palestinian tragedy has been allowed to continue for so long: it would have been settled long ago, but for Israel’s refusal to negotiate, to adhere to any agreements reached, and to abandon a policy of violence.
Remember, resistance groups have to conduct what is called “asymmetrical warfare”: they have nowhere near the firepower of the invading forces, so they have to use different tactics. One form of asymmetrical warfare is terrorism, although that word gets used very sloppily by the press and the US government. Note that much of what the US does, and has done, could also be described as terrorism, although not as asymmetrical warfare, except in the sense that the US is far and away the most heavily-armed nation on the planet.
You should also remember that several writers, and indeed political activists, predicted that something would soon happen to the US, due to a decades-long policy of supporting brutal regimes and interfering in other countries. Indeed, the US contains one of the world’s premiere schools of torture, in the School of the Americas (recently renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute of Security Cooperation, or WHISC). Over the years, the US has buggered around with almost every country on the planet, including my own (albeit in a very minor way). So it’s no wonder that so many people hate the US.
If you want more information, you could do worse than read a couple of books: one called Blowback by Chalmers Johnson, and one called Killing Hope by William Blum.
Israel is sadly being protrayed as an occupier, but Israel has left the Gaza Strip completely and a good swath of the West Bank. It seems as if the Palestinians want all of Israel, too. Israel also would have signed a peace deal to give up 97% of the West Bank plus 3% of unquestionable Israel itself if not for Yasser Arafat. Also, a true resistance force wouldn’t fling rockets at civilians in Sderot and northern Israeli cities, conduct homicide bombings of Israeli buses and fling
I am also no big fan of Bush – he seems to be, well, out there. We need to get bin Laden and his henchmen, period.
Ms. Geller, on the other hand, gets it that we’re at war with radical Islam – empahsis on radical – Islam. She also did a blog talk radio interview with Dr. Jasser – a very moderate Muslim. I could go on but I don’t think she hates reasonable people on the left and I can’t speak for her, but I despise just the hard-core people like Cindy Sheehan who attack our troops and the chief blogger here who photoshops Ms. Geller on Cafe Press mugs.
I seem to remember Ms. Geller calling for liberals and leftists to be put into concentration camps. You can’t focus on the murderous rage of radical islamists, but ignore the equally murderous rage of people like Pam Geller.
Josef, first of all, it’s really nice to see you engaging in rational conversation here — I must admit that I wouldn’t have predicted it after the way you parachuted in, verbal guns a-blazing, at 20:08. One thing you might consider as you think through your positions is that synecdoche and metonymy, while lovely as poetic devices, are not useful in logical discourse. For example:
we’re at war with radical Islam – empahsis on radical – Islam
is illogical. You’re conflating a relatively small group of people who share some beliefs with one of the sources of those beliefs, which would be akin to my saying that “We must prosecute and punish the pro-life Christians” when what I really mean is that those who bomb abortion clinics should be locked up.
An additional example:
I despise just the hard-core people like Cindy Sheehan who attack our troops
The fact that Sheehan criticizes the political and military leadership for its actions — actions that have resulted in the deaths of her son and many, many other troops — does not equate to attacking the troops themselves.
I also have read just enough of bin Laden’s statements to believe we truly are at war with global jihadi nutters.
I could open a brewery in Rockford, Illinois and call it “The Global Beer Company.” I could make a shipment to Canada, put up a website and issue a press release claiming to be “an internationally known beer company with a worldwide reach.” Anheuser-Busch still knows better than to see me as a threat to its global operations.
Ms. Geller, on the other hand, gets it that we’re at war with radical Islam – empahsis on radical – Islam.
Ms. Geller seems to have a lot of difficulty distinguishing between “radical Islam” and any other form of Islam. She also can’t tell the difference between (a) accepting that most Muslims are not radical Islamists out to destroy America and (b) advocating surrender to a worldwide caliphate under shari’a law. Finally, she seems incapable of understanding that objecting to a policy of the Israeli government (or to the Middle East policy of the U.S. government) is not the same thing as rabid antisemitism.
1) Al-Qaeda is global – go HERE and HERE.
2) Cindy Sheehan has a history of making deplorable statements about President Bush and Israel. She has also made out with Hugo Chavez and other disreputable things.
3) For somebody incapable of telling the difference between radical Islam and Islam + anti-Judiasm versus criticism of Israel… you should read her support of moderate Muslims and harsh criticism of Ehud Olmert. Read the blog – !!
The sudden coherence of Josef makes me feel paranoid. No amount of B12 repairs that kind of damage so quickly. It’s as if he lures people in with cheap stunts, then makes sweeping statements that are embarrassing because of their idiotic generalizations, which thereby provokes terse comments pertaining to his wrongness. Then he suddenly becomes knowledgeable about current events? When his forementioned concern had a spelling issue? I believe there is an element of tag- teaming going on here. His sad comment about infiltration might be a very real reference to what they believe they are doing. They don’t just live in basements, my friends, some of them live in the sub-flooring underneath the laundry room in my apartment building.
a history of making deplorable statements about President Bush and Israel.
She says nothing unreasonable in that entire article, d00d.
I have a rational side, sometimes masked by fury at attacks upon friends like Pamela Geller. But if people want to discuss the facts, that’s fine. I can and I will.
I also encourage all whom have issues about some of the comments as to CAIR to go HERE and HERE for starters.
I have a rational side
That’s nice.
Excuse me, officer?
Yes ma’am?
Um, can you tell me what’s going on?
From here down to the end of the block is a crime scene, ma’am.
I kind of thought so. I live right over there. I heard the shooting. And the chain saw.
Did you speak with the Detectives, ma’am.
Not yet. I just woke up a little while ago. Is Josef alright?
He’s in custody, ma’am.
Mrs. Abercrombie says some people were killed.
Yes ma’am. Thirteen. In three houses. From four families.
And Josef did it?
He’s in custody. They are questioning him.
Josef?? That just seems – I don’t know – Wrong.
Why’s that, ma’am?
Well, he’s a quiet, polite, helpful young man, you know?
Yes ma’am.
He had a rational side. I know he did.
How did you know that, ma’am?
He told me…
I have a rational side, sometimes masked by fury at attacks upon friends like Pamela Geller.
Having a rational side is good. However, if you refuse to consider the really deranged, and in fact murderous, side of Pam Geller, then conversation between us will not be fruitful. To me, that is a major issue.
Josef, you haven’t really responded to most of the points I’ve made, or indeed that others have made.
Israel is sadly being protrayed as an occupier, but Israel has left the Gaza Strip completely and a good swath of the West Bank. It seems as if the Palestinians want all of Israel, too.
[Sigh] Well, Josef, have a look at these four small maps, which show far better than any words whether or not Israel has left anything: the black is territory claimed/settled/controlled by Israel, and the white is that claimed/settled/controlled by Palestine.
Israel also would have signed a peace deal to give up 97% of the West Bank plus 3% of unquestionable Israel itself if not for Yasser Arafat.
Sadly, no! Israel had no intention of giving up anything to Yasser Arafat or anyone else, and indeed Arafat lost considerable clout at home because of the humiliating concessions he made (before the Israelis walked out).
Also, a true resistance force wouldn’t fling rockets at civilians in Sderot and northern Israeli cities, conduct homicide bombings of Israeli buses and fling
It seems you’re unaware of many statistics regarding casualties in the region. Not your fault: probably a result of the drastic media bias in favour of reporting Israeli deaths over Palestinian deaths. Check it out, it’s an interesting read, with some simple clear graphs.
Ms. Geller, on the other hand, gets it that we’re at war with radical Islam – empahsis on radical – Islam.
No, you’re involved in a war of choice against innocent Iraqis and other Muslims.You’re not at war with anyone: the threat to the nation is that of a wasp, and you’re claiming it’s a tiger. It’s not. But bin Laden and his ilk do love to be taken seriously, so they’re happy that they’re being built up as bogeymen, I expect. If they were treated as the despicable criminals they are, they wouldn’t be nearly as happy. Nor would they be gathering anywhere near as many recruits.
I could go on but I don’t think she hates reasonable people on the left
She wants to put us in concentration camps, Josef. If that’s how she feels about people she disagrees with, then what’s left for those she hates?
and I can’t speak for her, but I despise just the hard-core people like Cindy Sheehan who attack our troops and the chief blogger here who photoshops Ms. Geller on Cafe Press mugs.
Cindy Sheehan, ‘hard-core’? Lordy lordy, what a ridiculous claim! And from all I recall of Ms Sheehan, her attacks have been wholly and solely against the Bush administration for sending the troops into danger and death for no good reason.
And photoshopping someone onto a mug is hardly a crime against humanity. Unlike, for example, starting a war of aggression and conquest disguised as a “war against terror”.
Could we just have one quote of Cindy Sheehan where she says something that might help your case that she’s one of those:
hard-core people like Cindy Sheehan who attack our troops
Pretty please? Just one?
I’d think conservatives could have a tiny bit of sympathy for someone who lost her son for no other reason than the stupidity of conservatism.
To be honest, the only people I see attacking the troops are conservatives attacking soldiers who come back from Iraq and have spoken out because they don’t want to see any more Americans die for no other reason than Republican pig-headedness.
So you said Cindy SHeehan attacks our troops. And then you back-pedaled, as you have been doing the entire thread.
Just, please, admit you were WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, so we can have a tiny bit of respect for you.
Try it. Don’t say, what about when Al Sharpton said (talking point from Mallard Fillmore).
Say, “I was wrong about Cindy Sheehan. She never did what I said she did.”
Cindy Sheehan has every fucking right to her opinion in this country, you fucking prick. She gave her SON to this mindless war. And she never said anything about the troops, except their lives are being wasted, and that’s a genuine fucking tragedy. When I was in a war it changed me, fucked me up righteously. But you know who it really hurt? My mom. Knowing I was in combat every day, knowing I might be dead, or hurt. I was her only son.
Can you get your tiny indoctrinated fucking criminal asshole mind around that? Is there anyone in the world you care about? Would you want your precious Pammy in combat? You are the worst kind of blood cheerleader, Josef, and I hope to meet you face-to-face someday. I’ll be happy to show you what I learned in the army, you cocksucker.
The fact that conservatives will malign people like Cindy Sheehan (and mikey) who actually sacrificed for their criminal wars is a strong indicator that they are, oh, you know, sociopaths.
Simba B.,
Seconded! It’s clear to me that Josef is ILL. That man’s sick, unwell, demented, a danger to himself and others. If we don’t have the medical capacity to treat him, the kindest thing we can do is refuse to engage with such a delusional mind.
“Oh Danny Boy The Pipes,The Pipes are Calling”
I’d think conservatives could have a tiny bit of sympathy for someone who lost her son for no other reason than the stupidity of conservatism.
Nah. See, that’s why it’s stupidity. And defense-mechanism-inspired but repressed guilt being acted out as hatred, or something.
And by the way: Since when is Pammy going around with the last name of “Geller”? I thought it was “Oshry.” Or perhaps that’s been a recent development, something to do with her ex-husband being charged with some big-time swindle or something? Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that “Josef” is actually a flock of Pammy-whammies dropping in to help rebrand the nutball bitch.
Heh heh.
That’s funny…
To my foolish Stalinist Democrats.
On The Map with Avi Lewis: Ayaan Hirsi Ali & Islamophobia
A kiss my “Retardo.” I hope and pray that you are well babes.WINK!
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Risking Her Life to Expose Islam
Since when is Pammy going around with the last name of “Geller”? I thought it was “Oshry.”
Since she divorced Mr Oshry who is now having a few problems of his own.
Islamofascists? What about Ziofascists, you Jew/Jew-lover!
This is Not Getting It done properly.
[…] First off, let me make it clear that there is no evidence of who actually stole the bike, and it would be irresponsible to introduce conjecture into the mix. But let’s be honest here – this was obviously the work of Muslim Islamofascist Jihadists. As Muslim Islamofascist Jihadist Expert Pamela Gellar once said: […]