Ain’t no comment small enough

Of all the great things about your typical Wankers of the Day® is that they always end up providing material for lots of people. So while Atrios had all sorts of good reasons for linking to Anne-Marie Slaughter’s op-ed (!!!) in the Washington Post, and Jim Henley wisely added his thoughts later, we were struck by this passage in Slaughter’s piece:

In the blogosphere, pillorying Hillary Clinton is a full-time sport. Her slightest remark, such as a recent assertion that the country needs a female president because there is so much cleaning up to do, elicited this sort of wisdom: “Hillary isn’t actually a woman, she’s a cyborg, programmed by Bill, to be a ruthless political machine.”

Ah, what one finds in the blogosphere… We’re always curious about unattributed quotes, so we fired up the old Google, which produced this link, except that the link to the post in question is dead (as we write this post). So we have to rely on the old Google cache to figure who said that:

1. Marti Kennedy Says:
June 30th, 2007 at 3:57 pm

Okay, she _really_ said this??? Well, this just confirms my sneaking suspicion…

Hillary isn’t actually a woman, she’s a cyborg, programmed by Bill, to be a ruthless political machine. “Better elect a woman, we’ve got some cleaning to do!” The gods help us. No woman in her right mind…oh, never mind.

You know Slaughter did her homework by quoting a comment, better yet, the only comment, to a blog post with a dead link. To make this even more spectacular, one should note that the blog in question (Donklephant) dates all the way back to the end of June, meaning that when Ann-Marie found said comment it was but a few days old. In addition to providing evidence for the fact that she uses the same search engine employed by the beloved Howie Kurtz. Yet she found it, managed to spot a comment which is obviously a joke (hello?!?) and decided to save it so she could pass it off as evidence of excessive partisanship. (Where’s my Partisol?!?) [RCP points out in comments that Donklephant is, in fact, old — or at least older. We’d based our age assessment on this page].

Would you be surprised to find out that Donklephant describes itself in the following manner:

Tired of the rhetoric, bomb-throwing and partisan hackery? Here we offer a respectful, honest forum for people who want to have a conversation about politics, the world and beyond.

Great — another ode to bipartisanshipt.

Note to Ann-Marie “Slaughter’s my name, and slaughter’s my game!” Slaughter: When you decide to call John Negroponte one of your “seasoned moderates,” our only (partisan) response is pretty much go fuck yourself.


Comments: 28


Yet another attempt to berate us for fighting back against the most partisan administration since Andrew Jackson.


The nasty, partisan tone of this post is clearly equivalent to the dropping of bombs on residential districts in Baghdad.

Why must both the left and the right be filled with such evil rancor?

Incidentally, this whole “pox on both their houses” attitude is a commonly recognized logical fallacy. A nice short-n-dirty representation of it that quickly demonstrates how it is fallacious is “A says that two plus two equals six. B says that two plus two equals four. The obvious solution is that BOTH are being extreme, and that two plus two must equal five.”


Marti Kennedy’s currently active blog is Bad Koolaid.


Donklephant is older than that. This page sez that it was started in 2005. This does not change the fact that Slaughter is a hack of the highest order.


Also, to highlight her amazing sucking:
Next came yet another intra-administration battle over Iran policy, with David Wurmser, a top vice presidential aide, telling a conservative audience in May that Vice President Cheney believed that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s strategy of at least talking with Iranian officials about Iraq was failing.
Compare to this:
More recently, the author Michael Lind wrote in the Nation that the “greatest threat to liberal internationalism comes not from without — from neoconservatives, realists and isolationists who reject the liberal internationalist tradition as a whole — but from within.” He singled out Ikenberry, Ivo Daalder of the Brookings Institution, James Lindsay of the University of Texas at Austin and me.

Consevatives fucking up on a global scale is equivalent to liberals saying mean things about her. Sweet Jesus, why does she suck so much?


[…] blogger reactions (thanks in part to MemeOrandum): (Sadly, No!) -explicit language warning; Big Tent Democrat (TalkLeft); Libby (The […]


I heard this guy on the bus talking about bigfoot.

Clearly the national conversation must include bigfoot.


This anti-Slaughter mush is rather incoherent and as mean-spirited as most lib offerings, though with only one f-bomb, far less than most other leftard posts. Negroponte IS a moderate compared to the moral leper who wrote this post.

And finally: Do y’all actually labor under the misapprehension that a Democrat administration would NOT do exactly the same sort of partisan transactions with whomever is out there that is more generous to the campaign coffers of the Dhimmi-crat Party?

Slaughter is a high-road A-list type incomprehensible to sewer-dwellers on this comment page. And Obama is dumber than a bucket of hair when it comes to foreign policy.


And finally:

You weren’t supposed to add another paragraph after that.


moral leper
Why are you so biased against lepers? You’re just perpetuating a cycle of hatred and fear that has existed since biblical times. Don’t you think it’s time to allow these poor afflicted souls into society? Or are you just another vile anti-leperite?


The obscure quote of a commenter on an obscure blog makes sense if you consider that Slaghter might be blogging under the name “Marti Kennedy”. It would be totally sad, but at least it would make sense.

Maybe the “Donklephant” boys are her friends or something…


F bombs are Teh Baaaaad but calling people moral lepers and Leftards is okay. I love these rightwing icons of civility.

I particularly like the third grade mentality exposed by using the phrase “f bomb” in the first place. It makes me chuckle. However, it lacks punch in practice.

f bomb f bomb f bombity f bomb f bomb f bomb…

Nope, just doesn’t work. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck…. Ahhh, that’s better…


Democrat administration would NOT do exactly the same sort of partisan transactions

Since even previous Republican administrations (no darlings there) didn’t do it to the extent we see in Bush/Cheney’s, I’d say yes, I don’t think future Democratic administrations would.

Of course you probably have some idiosyncratic definition of “exactly”.


Do y’all actually labor under the misapprehension that a Democrat administration would NOT do exactly the same sort of partisan transactions with whomever is out there that is more generous to the campaign coffers of the Dhimmi-crat Party?

What exactly does “partisan transaction” mean in this sentence? It kind of sounds like a synonym for “cronyism” or “back-scratching,” but that can’t be it, because that doesn’t have anything to do with the original op-ed, the post, the discussion at hand, or the generally-accepted meanings of, you know, words.


but that can’t be it, because that doesn’t have anything to do with the original op-ed, the post, the discussion at hand, or the generally-accepted meanings of, you know, words.

Don’t mind him, his mush is rather incoherent.


daveinboca said,


Fixed your typo.


Oh, christ. Boca Raton.

Dave, I feel sorry for you. I’ve been to southwest Florida, and it is a soul-crushing landscape of gated communities, awfully overpriced and pretentious botiques, BMW 7-series, and the most drab and awful McMasions you have ever seen.

I would be talking illogically and incoherently too if I lived there.

Don’t even get me started on the whole Messicans == Landscapers thing they have going on down there.

Oh, and Dave: don’t think we didn’t notice your Newt Gingrich-ism there. I love your cognitive dissonance—accusing “dhimmi-crats” of being “mean-spirited”.

Do you recognize yourself in the mirror?


Just noticed that daveinboca-dillo (bocadillo = sammich) left a similar post on Norbizness, with the “leper” and the “dhimmi” and the “transaction.” The subject there was arms sales to Saudi Arabia. It’s almost as though wingnuts have programmed responses!


daveinboca, who missed Seb’s clever but crude play on the word bipartisanship, has been here once before.


Simba B.

Actually Boca is in South EAST Florida, not that that would make your post more coherent. And the landscapers here are all Central Americans, zero for two.

The rest of you deserve each other, and add up to the same round number, zero.


Congratulations on picking the two most inconsequential aspects of what I said and making them the point of your rebuttal.

That seems to be a common wingnut tactic. Do you guys learn that at the Ronald Reagan Re-education Center, or what?


And the landscapers here are all Central Americans, zero for two.

Negroponte IS a moderate compared to the moral leper who wrote this post.

Hi there daveinboca, I can link Negroponte, moral lepers, and Central Americans all in two sentences.

At the time Mr. Negroponte was in Honduras, Honduras was a military dictatorship. Kidnapping, rape, torture and executions of dissidents was rampant.

Go clutch some pearls and lick the ass of Joe Lieberman (I-Lie), daveinboca.


Here’s the problem with your account, mister dolphin. The fact that mister negroponte was responsible for the kidnapping, rape, torture and extra-judicial murder of thousands of leftist dissidents in central america is not a reason to condemn him, but rather proof that he is a truly serious american, dealing with serious foreign policy issues with the wogs that – er, with the indigenous people of those important constituencies…




Everything you said was non-factual and inconsequential. Your aggressive ignorance is encyclopedic. And Negroponte is not responsible for what happened in C. America, despite the voices in dolphin’s reverberating head. I’m sure you can link all sorts of counterfactuals in that dolphin brain, like GWB planning 9/11 & other leftard myths.


Your aggressive ignorance is encyclopedic…dolphin’s reverberating head…all sorts of counterfactuals…

Dude, stop using words. You’re bad at it.


Your aggressive ignorance is encyclopedic…dolphin’s reverberating head…all sorts of counterfactuals…

It sounds kind of like Morrissey lyrics.


“Halliburton, Cheney’s former EMPLOYER” Now that’s rich.


Didn’t Nancy Pelosi once make a comment along the lines of “sometimes it takes a woman to clean up the House”?


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