The Politico’s Roger Simon reviews last night’s Democratic debate:
We were forced to deduct 3.5 points, however, for his dumb attack on Hillary Clinton’s suit jacket. We like her suit jacket — we thought it was a vision in coral — but that is not why it was a stupid attack. Write this down, guys: Attack her policies, attack her past votes, attack her personality if you want to, but don’t attack what she is wearing. It looks sexist and cheap.
The Politico’s Roger Simon reviews John Edwards’ scary haircut nearly three months ago:
It is the haircut that will not die.
He can spin it, he can gel it, he can mousse it. But it is not going away.
John Edwards’ $400 haircuts will live forever.
It’s good to know that our Big Media personalities are working hard to keep superficiality out of our political discourse.
UPDATE: Oh Jesus Christ. If you have heart problems, pleasepleaseplease do not read Richard Cohen this morning:
Lest you think I am some sort of partisan hack, I have similar misgivings about John Edwards and his $400 haircuts. Here, too, the issue is not what he paid his barber but his apparent willingness to trim the truth. He can’t — I can’t stop myself — brush that away.
Not that Edwards hasn’t tried. His spokeswoman, Colleen Murray, also attempted the old disparagement trick, comparing the haircut imbroglio with matters of cosmic importance. “Breaking news — John Edwards got some expensive haircuts and probably didn’t pay enough attention to the bills,” she said. “He didn’t lie about weapons of mass destruction or spring Scooter Libby; he just got some expensive haircuts.”
Yes, he did. And he got them over and over again, sometimes summoning hairstylist Joseph Torrenueva of Beverly Hills to appointments on the campaign trail. When that happened, Edwards had to pay not only for the haircut but for Torrenueva’s airfare and hotel as well. A session during the 2004 race cost $1,250. On at least one occasion, Edwards paid the $400 personally.
Contrast this detailed account of Edwards’s relationship with Torrenueva with the candidate’s initial explanation. Edwards said he had no idea that the haircuts were so expensive and — in a reprise of Bill Clinton’s reference to Monica Lewinsky as “that woman” — called Torrenueva “that guy.” You do not talk about your hairstylist like that. “When he called me ‘that guy,’ that hit my ears. It hurt,” Torrenueva told The Post’s John Solomon.
Holy shit. Not only does Cohen waste four – four! – paragraphs discussing Edwards’ fucking haircuts this morning, but he even drags Clinton’s dick into the picture as well.
We are doomed, my friends. Completely fucking doomed.
That’s why I read comic books instead of pundits. Superheroes can save us. Pundits can only remind us what happens when evolution comes to a screeching halt.
Politico’s getting to be as bad as Fox Noise. Or maybe they’re already there. I’ve had to stop watching TV news because of the pundits. I was beginning to develop some anger issues.
Textbook centrism from Cohen. ‘On the one hand blah blah blah and on the other bleh bleh bleh.’ The first implication is that Edwards and Thompson are equally shifty – beware, voters! But the second and main implication of the style he employs is to show what a superbly disinterested pundit Richard Cohen is. One is supposed to read this and say, ‘Dick is so fairminded!’ When, of course, he’s not.
The only thing worse than a partisan hack is a ‘non-partisan’ hack who enables horrible politicos by pretending their misdeeds are equal to those of decent ones.
“His spokeswoman, Colleen Murray, also attempted the old disparagement trick, comparing the haircut imbroglio with matters of cosmic importance. “Breaking news — John Edwards got some expensive haircuts and probably didn’t pay enough attention to the bills,” she said. “He didn’t lie about weapons of mass destruction or spring Scooter Libby; he just got some expensive haircuts.”
Yes, he did. And he got them over and over again, sometimes… ”
Oh she tried that old trick did she. The old “there’s an imbalanced imbecile driving the country down the shitter so why are you focusing on a fucking haircut” trick, oldest one in the book. Luckily, you didn’t fall for it. Stay strong Cocheese; fuck common sense, give us another 3 paragraphs.
Teh Clenis is some powerful medicine.
“Lest you think I am some sort of partisan hack…”
No, Rick, (Can I call you Rick?), you’re not partisan, just a hack.
Totally OT, and I know y’all have more taste than to eat this shit anyway, but here’s a really really good reason to boycott Domino’s: Ave Maria, Florida, the “not a Catholic town” town built on the ego and cash of the pizza king:
Creepy, man. Why can’t he just move to fricken Vatican City?
Not only does Cohen waste four – four! – paragraphs discussing Edwards’ fucking haircuts this morning, but he even drags Clinton’s dick into the picture as well.
How near does the dick get to the scissors?
That’s painfully obvious.
Someone didn’t make the cheerleading squad.
Someone got stood up on Prom Night.
Someone wasn’t allowed to go out and had to study instead.
Someone got laughed at in the locker room.
And everyone else must pay. Forever.
I had all that shit and then some happen to me,and I grew the fuck up and learned to
Jesus Christ I loathe these fucking assholes.
Anybody want to place a wager on how much Cohen spends on his haircuts? Anybody want to bet he’s not getting them at Supercuts?
Edward’s Haircut is the new Red Herring.
of course the instant someone writes “lest you think I am a partisan hack” it’s as good as a signed confession that one is a partisan hack.
Well, thankfully Tom Monaghan had to leave Michigan to realize his dreams of a new inquisition–strangely, he hails from Ann Arbor, MI, one of the most lefty cities in the State. Maybe he’ll take his law school with him soon.
I love, love love these reporters and journalists with teams of stylists and makeup people talking about someone’s haircut.
Sure. John Edwards would be a more credible populist if he didn’t get his haircut.
Al Gore can’t be serious about Global Climate Change, he lives in a big house.
Hillary Clinton is so far left she’s out of the mainstream.
Barrack Obama has never been president of the US. He is therefore unqualified to be president of the US.
Condaleeza Rice demands that Hamas renounce violence. What are the chances that the US would renounce violence?
Bush says if we pull out of Iraq the terrorists will follow us home. God knows that as long as american troops are occupying Iraq, international travel is impossible.
What, did you have some hope there would be honest, meaningful debate?
Wow, Dingell just responded on their blog to a false report. Check the 5th comment down:
What, did you have some hope there would be honest, meaningful debate?
Will never happen, not without 100% publicly financed campaigns, enshrined in a Constitutional amendment so we don’t have to keep arguing compelling interest as a way out of the First.
But of course, without such an amendment, we can’t have the sort of debate that would lead to such an amendment, so I’m left with the first three words of this paragraph.
Most of the campaign cash gets spent on media. So the media reports that campaign cash is the most important thing, and that candidates need to raise ever more. It’s like printing your own fucking money. There’s no other reason on earth as to why a presidential campaign is already going on, and has been since over a year before ANYTHING can happen. It’s all a show.
The media gets all the cash, and the bankrollers (private equity firms and other slime) end up owning the political system. Then the media and the bankrollers and the pols all go out for weenies and mojitos and hookers. And precisely none of them have any interest in honest debate, as honesty is all negative for them.
The only people who can change anything have no reasons at all to do so, and all the reasons in the world to resist.
I read the whole thing, that’ll save me going to my monthly nut-stamping session down at the S&M brothel.
I started out thinking, wow, Cohen wrote a decent column, actually calling Fred Thompson on his bald faced lies. And then, of course, the other fucking shoe had to drop. These people are stupid, mendcaious assholes — Cohen, Brooks, Border, Klein, Timmeh, et al. How they keep their jobs I’ll never understand.
I started out thinking, wow, Cohen wrote a decent column, actually calling Fred Thompson on his bald faced lies. And then, of course, the other fucking shoe had to drop.
That’s the thing about Cohen: even when he’s right, he makes good and goddamn sure he’s right in the stupidest possible way.
Question: How they keep their jobs I’ll never understand.
Answer: These people are stupid, mendcaious assholes
Wow, Dingell just responded on their blog to a false report.
Several hours and a dozen concerned comments later, and no response from the Crypt guys. No correction, no retraction, no acknowledgment that a member of Congress and a lineup of observant readers have called them on their lack of integrity. I know, I know: big surprise.
Richard Cohen can be accused of being a lot of things, but is there anyone in the universe who thinks he’s a “partisan hack”? He’s a supposedly liberal/Democratic columnist who spends 90% of his time pissing on liberals and Democrats from the
right“middle”. Useful idiot, yes. Partisan hack, absolutely not.Anybody want to place a wager on how much Cohen spends on his haircuts? Anybody want to bet he’s not getting them at Supercuts?
Actually, Jillian, have you ever looked at Richard Cohen’s haircut? I think Supercuts would probably be a step up for him.
i think it’s totally awesome richard cohen can suck his own dick.
In our local rag this morning, there was a letter to the editor from a guy who was “thankful” that we had Richard Cohen to speak the truth, and be a veritable bullwark of sense and sensibility between the ravings of right and left. I was enjoying a perfectly yummy sticky pecan roll at the time, and didn’t appreciate nearly choking to death.
Sorry, I don’t know how to do the embedded linkie thing:
atheist said,
July 24, 2007 at 19:25
Question: How they keep their jobs I’ll never understand.
Answer: It’s these people‘s job to be stupid, mendacious assholes.
Jour typo, she ees feexed.
de nada
Haircut haircut haircut? Haircut, haircut haircut haircut. Haircut, haircut haircut haircut haircut. Haircut? Haircut, haircut!
Haircut, haircut, manly smell, haircut, haircut haircut.
John Edwards is doomed. Hillary and her media demons have sunk his campaign and he is treading water.
Barack Hussein Obama is also doomed, due to his promise to coddle dangerous rogue leaders in his first year.
Although John Edwards is an obvious elitist.
If there are two Americas, John Edwards is not in the America with you and me.
Ruppertina, I theenk that jour America, she ees on Pluto.
Strange how Democrats didn’t mention “Islamic terrorists” in any of their debates
Or how they didn’t mention immigration last night
Or the obvious fact that pulling out of Iraq will lead to the worst genocide in recent history.
Gare, I’d think you capitalist pigs would admire John Edwards. After all, he was a poor kid from a hard working family who worked really hard to get where he is. You guys are always saying the rich have earned the right to, oh, ranches in California and Architectural Digest homes and Phillips/Yale educations for somewhat limited offspring and all the other lovely perks money can buy. What are you, Gary, some kind of fucking socialist?
“If there are two Americas, John Edwards is not in the America with you and me.”
If there are two Americas, I’ll pay double my current rent to move to the one that Gary’s not in.
The above Ruppert-eruption helps confirm the sneaking suspicion I’ve had lately: That Repubs and their water-carriers everywhere throughout the media have decided that, since a Dem prez is almost inevitable for 09, they’re gonna stop attacking (and in fact start crypto-defending) Hillary. She’s safely DLC, a predictable DC insider, and probably the most conservative Dem in the campaign.
Sort of like the Lieberman thing, but they’ll never shower her with that kind of love.
You know, I think that might actually have been Teh Real Gary Ruppert, if there ever was such a person. Flat pronouncements, lack of affect, refusal to engage, … the crucial elements are there.
fixed Gary.
Although, let’s say I concede the point and say the choices are staying the course forever (and pissing away the blood and treasure of America forever, assuming such a thing is possible) OR having the worst genocide in recent history? (Again assuming that it is an OR and not an AND). Who lead us to this precipitous choice Gary? Who has been in charge of US foreign policy the past 6 years?
Don’t forget Romney’s face negotiation.
Hillary is also the single least electable of the serious contenders for the Dem nomination. People underestimate the VAST amount of hatred for her out there in the heartland. I know more than one person who consider themselves to be some sort of liberal who wish fiery, painful death upon her.
I’m convinced enough that this country is going to hell in a handbasket that I don’t even care enough to vote my conscience anymore, so I’ll be voting Dem in ’08 regardless of whom they run……but if they run Hillary, I’m gonna have to get my drink on before I can pull the lever for her.
Edwards has white dudeness on his side, which, like it or not (and I don’t) makes him the most marketable candidate. I really hope he gets the nod.
Candy: [less than symbol]a href=link address[greater than symbol]your name for the link[less than symbols]/a[greater than symbol]. I hope that makes sense.
For those who are interested, Bresnahan has updated his Crypt post on Dingell.
Thank you, J- I’ll make a note of it!
Speaking of Romney, have you all seen the Five Brothers’ Blog? This post is hilarious. Hilarious!
Gare, I’d think you capitalist pigs would admire John Edwards. After all, he was a poor kid from a hard working family who worked really hard to get where he is.
No, no, no – Gary and his ilk loooooooove the illusion of social mobility. But they hate it when it actually happens, because that’s one less person available to help drive down the wages at the bottom of the wage scale.
“Candy said,
You know, I think that might actually have been Teh Real Gary Ruppert, if there ever was such a person. Flat pronouncements, lack of affect, refusal to engage, … the crucial elements are there”
Not to mention wild, un-based accusations implying a Democrat Mafia working for Candidate X to knee-cap other Democrats!
Or that, somehow, candidates fighting against each other in the primary to win the party nomination is not only a bad thing, it proves that the party itself is doomed.
Strange or refreshing?
Muslims – booga booga booga!
Oh snap. How could I forget Romney’s shoulders, so wide you could land a 737 on ’em? Hmm, this has all the drama necessary for a serious blog entry!
Edwards responds to Cohen!
Candy: [less than symbol]a href=link address[greater than symbol]your name for the link[less than symbols]/a[greater than symbol]. I hope that makes sense.
Make sure the link is in quotation marks AND includes the http:// part. And only use single less-thans.
So, to reiterate:
[less than symbol]a href=””[greater than symbol]your name for the link[less than symbol]/a[greater than symbol].
“Islamic terrorism” should not be an important enough issue to even register on the debate. It doesn’t harm as many people in the US as automobiles, disease or handguns. Hell, it doesn’t harm as many people worldwide as land mines, unsafe drinking water or good old fashion hunger or infant mortality.
And the steps we should take to combat it and reduce it are well known, obvious and simple. But to the cowboy war criminals in office, when all you have is an army everything looks like, well, an army.
It’s beyond understanding why a phenomenon that killed 3000 people six years ago is driving public discourse in this country, not to mention making otherwise smart people (not you, gary) look like blundering idiots. How can this flea-bite, this pinprick on our nation’s collective ass do more to form american public policy than the physical and economic well being of our citizens, the education of our children and the quality of life for all americans?
Islamic terror? I think it’s well past time for a little perspective…
It’s beyond understanding why a phenomenon that killed 3000 people six years ago is driving public discourse in this country, not to mention making otherwise smart people (not you, gary) look like blundering idiots.
I think injured national pride is a big factor. Many here have trouble reconciling their deep-seated belief in American exceptionalism with a successful attack on U.S. soil.
How could I forget Romney’s shoulders, so wide you could land a 737 on ’em?
I think we have to stop giving the terrorists ideas.
Although John Edwards is an obvious elitist.
If there are two Americas, John Edwards is not in the America with you and me.
How creepy and repugnant. However, this vomit-inducing logic is also insidiously brilliant because it kills two birds with one stone:
Bird #1) The “How could Edwards be a man for the poor and working class if he is rich?” meme is the obvious intention.
Bird #2) The really insidious intention of this meme is that rich people do not–or need not–have noblesse oblige. In fact, being rich means being an adversary to the poor and working class. This of course absolves the wealthy from any political or social obligation to the underclass. Taxes? Bah, humbug! Public education? Bah, humbug! Universal health care? Bah, humbug!
The Repubs are promoting class warfare by using a wealthy Democrat to make their point. Pay no mind to the historical record, which would show that wealthy Presidents like FDR and JFK were extremely driven by noblesse oblige and pushed social welfare programs with great gusto. We live in a new era where greed is good and Teh Rich have to hate the underclass by default, even a rich bleeding heart like Edwards. Get it?
Damn, even if you hate Republican strategy, you have to admire the malevolent brilliance of this mendacious propaganda, even if muttered by asshats like this Ruppert noodle. I imagine Teh Lunchpail Redneck voters will eat this shit up. After all, they bought into the Swift Boating of Kerry. During that, if you listened to how it played in redneck America, you’d have though Kerry wasn’t just a traitor with bullshit Purple Hearts, but also sucked off Ho Chi Minh while Jane Fonda cheered him on.
No, no, no – Gary and his ilk loooooooove the illusion of social mobility.
Well, the GOP wants to sell the dream, but it isn’t very interested in making it an attainable dream.
There’s something very Marxist about the idea that the wealthier classes can’t do anything for the poorer classes. It’s rather ironic than that the Republicans think that way.
WOW! A big liberal backlash on this thread. Organized? Who knows? Now do any of you guys have any reply about my original assertion that these new CAFE standards will cause more American casualties per annum than the War in Iraq?
Posted By: drbillybob | July 24, 2007 at 01:59 PM
Paranoid, dude. There really are Shadowy Liberal Conspiracies trying to mess with your head and make y’all wear long hair and eat vegetables.
And I luuurve the idea that better fuel efficiency means more death: is that Teh American Way?
Why is the Government getting involved in this? If the buying public wanted more fuel efficient vechiles, we make it happen with our dollars. Having the Government regulate this for us is a slap in the face to the US Free Enterprise system.
Posted By: manderson367 | July 24, 2007 at 02:26 PM
Well, obviously! Because even as we speak, the buying public is faced with a plethora of fuel-efficient vehicles, which they are rejecting with scorn. “We make it happen with our dollars”: I love it. So that’s why we don’t have world peace, clean energy, and ponies for everybody: we haven’t made it happen with our dollars!
Now why didn’t I think of that?
There’s something very Marxist about the idea that the wealthier classes can’t do anything for the poorer classes. It’s rather ironic than that the Republicans think that way.
Even still, they’re on the *wrong* side of Marxism. They support the wealthier classes to not do anything for the poorer classes. They’re essentially making it so that the revolution will have to come, because they’ve cut off any other method of support to the proletariat except rising up, seizing those gosh-darn means of production, and redistributing the wealth of the bourgeois.
If I wasn’t certain that they’ve also gamed it so that the bourgeois have all the power, all the weaponry, so that the revolution will lead to thousands of deaths, I’d almost think think they were agent provocateurs for the revolution to finally occur.
[…] What are the chances that the US would renounce violence? Bush says if we pull out of Iraq the terrorists will follow us home. God knows that as long as american troops are occupying Iraq, international travel is impossible. … …more […]
I did not have a heart attack upon reading this. I simply vomited.
I’ve twirled my hair but I’ve never been able to spin a haircut. That’d be pretty awesome. $400 well spent!