Generation Chickenhawk
Posted on July 19th, 2007 by Brad
Posted without further comment:
OK, I can’t resist.
What the hell is wrong with these people?
When you’re young, you’re supposed to be full of compassion and ideals. It’s only when you start making money and you move out to the suburbs and you start raising a family that you’re supposed to get grumpy and crusty and not want to pay your taxes anymore. But when you’re this much of an asshole so goddamn early in your life? That shit ain’t natural. What in God’s name will become of these people?
They have other priorities, like making sure the troops they “support” serve multiple, extended tours of duty and buying Ann Coulter books so their “main squeeze” is kept in boxed wine and fancy black cocktail dresses last seen in the ’80s.
“a curiously high number of medical problems”
If David Vitter is any indication, they’ll start wearing diapers for fun.
Don’t they eat their young?
But when you’re this much of an asshole so goddamn early in your life?
Home schooling.
There is a wingnut fingerling hatchery buried deep in the bowels of the earth, underneath the headquarters of the American Enterprise Institute, and funded by a grant from Richard Mellon Scaife. When they reach sufficient size, they are released into the wild by flushing them down the loo. This ‘birth experience’ constitutes their earliest memories, and helps to explain why they don’t feel as normal human beings do.
What in God’s name will become of these people?
Whatever it is, it is sure to be in Gods name only.
Perhaps this will cheer you up.
Now, after watching, I expect you all to donate to the Committee to Save David Vitter’s Penis. After all, a good deed makes you smile.
obviously, they don’t eat nearly enough of them. but then, they take forever to clean and prepare!
So this is like one of those “Where’s Waldo” books, but updated for the intert00bz: Find Kevin!
My vote is the kid who overcame his gayness by prying to Jeebus.
oh, and I want a “Draft College Republicans” sticker.
But when you’re this much of an asshole so goddamn early in your life? That shit ain’t natural.
lol, indeed.
I love the “Officially not gay” banner they put on him.
Oh my, that’s gotta suck.
The not-gay guy is one confused puppy. You feel kind of bad for him until you think of all the people stuck fighting his war, doing multiple tours in Iraq.
We are all fiercely madly deeply supportive of the war but we’re in college right now and we don’t know I mean we really support this country…we didn’t enlist because well maybe if something bigger happens I’ll join but I’ve got this medically diagnosed ingrown toenail and I don’t think war is for me because the intense stuff they have to do is not what we can do. Don’t ask us to go over there, we like being over here. Ok?
I think what would like, change my mind is if I like, I dunno, became like a really good speaker or something….durrrrrrr…
I also liked the little conservatoid cutie who speaks up about Islamic fascism and drops the end of the sentence because she realizes she doesn’t know what the words mean and she’s terrified of a followup question.
“But when you’re this much of an asshole so goddamn early in your life? That shit ain’t natural. What in God’s name will become of these people?”
Hey, when I was 17, I thought the election of Poppy was teh best thing ever.
Now I’m the most liberal, witty AND handsome commenter in the feveriest left-wing fever swamps on the nets.
Some of those drones will end up dirty fucking hippies in the end.
The rest of those assholes will remain unwiped and rancid.
What are these young conservatives conserving, exactly? Besides their purposeless lives, I mean. Conservatism is supposed to happen later in life (like Alzheimers or incontinence): these entitled little turds don’t even know what they believe in. For someone to admit on camera that he knows he’s not up to the challenge of the intense stuff over there is priceless.
Max should have brought of the names and dates from the markers he saw across the street and asked how old his victims. Visualize his asking someone how old they are, what year they were born, as a voiceover showing a marker of someone who would have been the same age. The wingnuteriat will say teh Left wants their boys dead, but the obvious purpose to illustrate to these little brats that some people their own age are dying for their convictions.
If I could somehow go back to the fall of ’68, and make a deal with beelzebub and his handmaiden, the US Army recruiter. A deal where I promise to espouse the far right ideology forever, spouting wingnut platitudes and denouncing hippies, leftists, commies and fags, and in return they leave me there, on the beach, trying to make my old Panhead stop leaking a quart of oil a day, surfing, drinking beer and having brief, meaningless relationships with hot Northern California girls.
I’d take that deal. I’d know less, I’d be worth more, and I’d be a helluva lot happier. That was supposed to be my LIFE, Fuckers…
“What in God’s name will become of these people?”
Degrees from Liberty University, and asignments to important posts within the Justice Department?
I know what happens to these people. They move to DC and work for any jack-hole Republican’t that will hire them. The spend their weekends wandering around town in khaki short, button down shirts and flip flops calling each other ‘bro’. I have seen the future and it is drunk.
What will become of them, you ask? They’ll go into public service, of course, then they’ll ignore their constituents and rake in dough from lobbyists and other fellow shitbags. Then one day they’ll be outed by their personal assistant or page or “masseuse,” or their embarrassing e-mails will show up on the InterTubes, or their names will show up on a list compiled by Larry Flynt and revealed on Larry King Live, or they’ll be indicted for money-laundering or something. Then they’ll find Jesus and live happily ever after, then they’ll die and burn in hell.
Chuckles – you forgot claiming to beat up “Ethiopians”.
Jeez, what a terrible slogan. Filled with false pride (who’s we, Kenosabe?) and cowardice.
And before anytroll ask, I’m not enlisting because I don’t want to fight a war I don’t agree with.
“The spend their weekends wandering around town in khaki short, button down shirts and flip flops calling each other ‘bro’.”
Happy Hour at Tom Toms, bro!
One time my wife and I sat in front of a drunk early-20-something couple on the Metro on a Saturday night. The girl asked the guy what person he would most want to meet. He said “probably Scalia.” I think I peed.
I was a young Rethuglican back in my undergrad days. Looking back, I think I believed I was being a bad-ass by blaming poor people for their plight, bashing labor unions, glorifying the projection of U.S. military might around the globe, and believing the dog-eat-dog aspects of “free enterprise.”
Oddly enough, in my last quarter at college, I took a political science elective called “elements of communism” wherein we read Marx, Lenin, and a few pieces by later “Marxists.” For some reason, this stuff opened my mind to a different reality and my political views became much less stridently conservative and assholish.
While serving as an Army officer in the late 80s and early 90s I became even more critical of U.S. military intervention, especially in developing nations. When I went to grad school for a management masters degree I became even more progressive in my thinking, especially as I learned about rising income inequality, union suppression by employers, and other abuses by corporations.
Now I have a Ph.D. and conduct research dealing with improving the employees’ psychological experiences at work (i.e., increasing meaningfulness and safety of their work situation), their innovativeness, and their ability to work collaboratively to solve work-related problems. All good positive, progressive things.
So to answer the question, there may be some hope for a few of these conservative dickweed college Rethuglicans. All they need to do is pull their heads out of their asses.
I love it when Repugs use words and it’s painfully obvious they don’t know what they mean.
My favorites are “liberal” and “Jesus.”
He said “probably Scalia.”
Well, he’s an appropriate role model. He’s a man who brings a formidable intellect to the ever-demanding task of trying to sound intelligent and legally sound while bending the shit out of the facts to justify whatever your previously held opinion was.
That the little ones rarely succeed at this, owing at least partly to their relative dearth of smarts, just gives them something to strive for.
Well, good for you, redleg. But what worked for you may not work for them, if reading comprehension and a willingness to actually engage with new material is required. I too was a fan of the simple life for a brief time, surrounded as I was by “pre-rich” majors. It didn’t last, thank goodness. O W Holmes said something to the effect that a mind is like a rubber band, in that once stretched it never returns to its original dimensions. I look at these boys and girls and I can’t tell if they have just never stretched theirs at all or if they’re already stretching to reach the weak ideas they hold. My hunch is that if brain transplants are ever possible, this is a good looking pool of donors, as those organs will be lightly used.
I love it when Repugs use words and it’s painfully obvious they don’t know what they mean.
My favorites are “liberal” and “Jesus.”
Har! Well played, Hoosier X. Well played.
Now I have a Ph.D. and conduct research dealing with improving the employees’ psychological experiences at work (i.e., increasing meaningfulness and safety of their work situation), their innovativeness, and their ability to work collaboratively to solve work-related problems. All good positive, progressive things.
Sadly, no!
Redleg said,
Oddly enough, in my last quarter at college, I took a political science elective called “elements of communism” wherein we read Marx, Lenin, and a few pieces by later “Marxists.” For some reason, this stuff opened my mind to a different reality and my political views became much less stridently conservative and assholish.
Oh noes! D-Ho was right!
How many of us are former Repugs?
I got it out of my system before I was old enough to vote. (Mostly. I did vote for Dan Quayle for Senate in 1982, the only Repug I ever voted for. (And he is one of the Repuggiest of the Repugs.))
In 1972 (when I was 8), my best friend supported McGovern and I wondered if I could be friends with a Communist. I hated Jimmy Carter beyond any reasonable limits.
Part of my transformation was just curiousity and inquisitiveness. How many 8 year olds have any such interest in politics? So I was paying attention and I was reading the paper (I was a Newsweek junkie at 13 and 14) and certain things just started to sound wrong.
It was Reagan that did me in for the Repugs in general. I remember 1980, when I was 16, thinking “What’s so great about this guy?” and the answers I got from the adults around me just reinforced my developing beliefs that people are fucking stupid.
And it’s just gotten worse. Did you ever see one segment on Fox News titled: George W. Bush: Great President or Greatest President?
Sounds like a joke. And it was, to me, and all decent, honest people in this country. But it wasn’t a joke to the people who aired it or most of the Fox viewers.
what will become of these awful little hellspawn is that they will, as they approach their 30’s, invariably become a whole new generaltion of useless fucksticks like the Kagans, the Kristols, the Pods and the Pantload and be given free reign to spew their fact-free bullshit upon the publick consciousness with all of the impunity one would expect from the wingnut-welfare class
Big props to Blumenthal for using Funkadelic’s “March to the Witch’s Castle” in the opening.
Conservatism is supposed to happen later in life (like Alzheimers or incontinence): these entitled little turds don’t even know what they believe in.
I know that’s the conventional wisdom, but I don’t buy it — or more precisely, I don’t buy the first clause. In my experience (at least in the past couple of decades) young people tend to be more conservative than older people, perhaps (as Gloria Steinem argued back in 1978) because their potential for value to society is at its peak so they don’t feel a need to fight for anything except keeping what they’ve got. It’s only later, when events radicalize them (they discover that Hollywood isn’t banging down their doors or whatever) that they realize the status quo isn’t satisfactory and shouldn’t be conserved.
The second part of the sentence, though? It seems to explain perfectly why they’re republicans.
Lifelong progressive here. Glad y’all grew out of it, but WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?
This video would have been hysterical if I didn’t already know these are the people who will likely be in office when I’m on Social Security. I’m thinking of moving after retirement….
Well, I can’t claim that I ever was a Republican. I used to think of myself as rather conservative. I come from a farming family and thus have a lot of pride in our traditions. I always saw myself with a sort of country based rugged individualism.
I never thought of myself as particularly radical. I liked certain things government could do but I didn’t figure that it should do everything.
And then, I don’t know when exactly it happened (I think it was the early nineties in Canada) but all of a sudden the word conservative didn’t mean the same thing any more.
It went from questioning whether or not the government should be nationalizing a particular industry to government shouldn’t own anything for the public good. It went from “Is this particular tax necessary or effective” to “The government is stealing everything”
I used to use the words “family values” with pride. I could talk about the strength of families and how it gave me a solid foundation as a person. Then it became synonymous with hating gays, abortion and unwed teenage mothers.
Eventually I found out that I was a communist because I didn’t trust capitalism to advance everyone fairly and that I was going to hell because I didn’t believe in the rapture. I’m a terrorist sympathizer because I thought that the war in Iraq was stupid from the get-go.
So I’m a liberal-comie-mexislamofascist-moonbat now. I wear such names with pride. At least I’m sane.
Now I have a Ph.D. and conduct research dealing with improving the employees’ psychological experiences at work (i.e., increasing meaningfulness and safety of their work situation), their innovativeness, and their ability to work collaboratively to solve work-related problems. All good positive, progressive things.
So you research how to minimize liability while maximizing productivity? Hope you don’t pull a hamstring leaning so far to the left…
I grew up just north of San Francisco in the sixties. My heroes were rockers like Grace Slick and Jerry Garcia. The extent of my politics were the facts that Nixon was a criminal, and possibly insane, and Vietnam was wasting lives for no reason at all. I liked the beach, music, motorcycles, drugs and girls.
But I just fucking well KNEW if I got drafted they were going to make me a Marine. So I joined the Army, got Air Cav, went aviation, and figured that would be better than getting chopped up in the jungle. Of course, as soon as they needed bodies for Cambodia they just re-designated my MOS 11-B and attached me to 3d Brigade. Yay.
So I spent four and a half months in almost constant combat. I got hurt a couple times, and they gave me some bling, and before the end of the year I was home. I started out a hippie. They made me a killer hippie. I got home an angry hippie. But trying to figure out how to live in this cartoon of a world with a 24 – hour PX and clean sheets took up way too much of my time and energy to care about politics.
The collapse of the Eastern European Bloc, reunification of Germany and the end of Communism in Russia started me thinking about politics. I’ve always liked to read, and write, and it just seemed that something monumental was happening, and in order to be a part of it I had to try to understand the underlying dynamics. Then we got Clinton, and all of a sudden for the first time I was making what was, at least to me, a LOT of money. So now, interested in the nexus of politics, economics and military power, I became a yuppie hippie. But I couldn’t help but be fascinated more by global geopolitics and international relations than I was domestic politics.
And with the arrival of Left Blogistan I could begin to indulge my two overriding interests, global geopolitics and aggressive secular humanism. So now I’m an atheist hippie. But I firmly believe that being a hippie is like being in the mafia. If you were ever truly a member of the family, you never leave…
When I was a kid, I thought I was a Republican. I don’t know why. I liked Clinton, I’ve been pro-choice as long as I can remember and I was really into green causes, and yet I thought I was a Republican. As far as I can tell, this is because I didn’t know what Republicans or Democrats stood for, so I chose the one that sounded better. Stupid, I know, but then I was 9. What’s the Young Republican excuse for being that flaky?
And honestly, I assure you that none of these Young Republican types are the conservatives of the next generation. They’re more like the water-carriers for the conservatives of the next generation. Watch it again. They’re spineless, ignorant and speak in talking points – they’re born yes-men. Most of them will end up in low-rent political sinecures or cranking out copy for some think tank. The few of them who get positions of actual importance will freak out after they learn that memorizing fact sheets and coming up with new titles for Islamic terrorists are not what one might call “practical skills.”
Ditto on that bumper sticker.
As for these young, know-nothing, arrogant little fuckwads….too much money in their pockets, too much time on their hands.
I was one of those assholes at eighteen or so.
I grew up.
I can’t believe DeLay said that. That is the singularly lamest argument against abortion EVAR!!!11101010101!
I thought you were kidding about the kid who wants to learn to speak gooder.
Yeah, where can I get that bumper sticker? Every SUV in my neighborhood needs one
How can we trust you Gavin, when you say ‘posted without further comment’ and then say ‘dang, I have to comment’ three seconds later?
Max Kues of St. Louis, MO, now there’s a guy to watch!
You guys don’t want to win, do you 🙁
We already have, Lil’ Kevvy, we already have.
Be careful! If you look in the mirror and say “hippie” three times the dreaded Kevin, Mower of Lawns, will appear.
Damnit, Who’s the other person commenting with my name? Now I got to come up with something else.
That’s ok, Marco. I just had lunch, it was time for somebody to come by with a little pie…
I firmly believe that being a hippie is like being in the mafia. If you were ever truly a member of the family, you never leave…-Mikey
Right with you on that. I never went to the conservative Dark Side, hung in the ineffable middle until Viet Nam (had a slack job for a corpsman) and came out the other side grateful to be alive. Lost some time after that but now I AM an adult member of good standing and all but everyone knows I’m a hippie to the bone.
Oh dear, lil’ RubDMCie, are you one of those jihadis that I’m so against? Well, you HAVEN’T won yet, and I predict you won’t. We just have to get our hippies to smoke more weed and let us finish the job. Don’t brag yet, you islamosupremist scumbag.
Mikey and pie! Here we go again! What is his infatuation?
It doesn’t surprise me that some young adults would be right wing. Not too surprising anyhow. That was when I thought I was a libertarian conservative, or something.
At that age you are no longer quite so dependent as you were in childhood. You still don’t know that much about the world though.
A feeling of struggle for selfhood. Not much actual experience with how people actually make their living. A lack of patience with rules. A youth’s energy and anger. For some people, that translates into, “This lousy government is keeping me down! I don’t need help damnit!”
how can I stay on my diet with all this pie around? sheesh.
my two overriding interests, global geopolitics and aggressive secular humanism
You don’t often see that announced in public, outside of the ‘Illuminati Anonymous’ meetings.
why is everyone talking about pie? I knew this blog wasn’t to be taken seriously!! I prefer salty political commentary, not meandering comment threads!
You don’t often see that announced in public, outside of the ‘Illuminati Anonymous’ meetings.
What are they gonna do, cut off my hair and send me to Viet…er, Iraq?
That I could conceal my attraction to both sexes and deal with my fear of people different from myself by being a homophobe and a racist?
I was in high school, for fuck’s sake.
I don’t think this Kevin character really experienced the 60’s like I did!! I call into question his right to call others ‘hippies’. He hasn’t earned it.
I am an extreme left liberal, but I hate hippies. Oh, sure, sometimes when I am drunk I admit hippies and I share similar DNA, and of course if a hippie should save me from a burning building or donate a kidney to me to save my life, I would grudgingly thank the hippie; other than that I just hate ’em. Hate, hate, hate! I suppose I hail from the first wave of the Punk generation, and of course Punk was a knee-jerk rejection of the Age of Aquarius and all that other hippie “Peace & Love” piffle. But don’t you worry, all you leftie hippies, I got your back. Just make sure to shower before I stand behind you, mmmkay? And put out those disgusting clove cigarettes. Ew.
You hate “hippies”. What, realistically, is a “hippie” to you? A person with a certain style? A person who likes a kind of music? A person of a certain age? What does the word mean to you if its meaning is not political?
Thanks, mat. I’ve been wondering for quite some time why lefty punks would hate on hippies — wondering, in fact, ever since my far-left, post-punk son decided his screensaver would say “Fuck your hippie bullshit.” Now I . . .
. . . nah, I still don’t really get it.
But don’t you worry, all you leftie hippies, I got your back. Just make sure to shower before I stand behind you, mmmkay?
The irony of a self-described punk giving bathing tips to a hippie is priceless. At least hippies wear patchouli. Punks just smell like weekly-rates hotel rooms.
How do you hide money from a hippie?
Put it under the soap.
What, realistically, is a “hippie” to you?
Anyone who call himself or herself a hippie is a hippie. Jeez.
And of course the /sarcasm switch was on in my original post.
Seriously: Hippies are just fine and dandy.
They all sounded dumb and inarticulate. Stupid. Just repeating what they’d heard…somewhere.
College Republicans are truly vile. The entire College Republican network is purposely awful in all sorts of ways, they say as much in their literature. It appeals to bullies by design.
I wrote an article for a CR publication once and got sent a bunch of shit from their leaders – it was sickening. Basically the entire thrust of it was “rather than be logical or polite we’ve found it is best to belittle and insult everyone.”
Q: How many punk rockers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. Punk rock never changed shit.
They’ve all bought into the last 25 years of propaganda insisting that conservative Republicans are the “true” rebels, rebelling against a world full of hippies and feminist man-haters. They go from schools that are staffed mostly by women to colleges and universities staffed mostly by liberals, and that teaches them that the right-wing propaganda is correct. It’s not until they go out in the world that they realize how wrong their perceptions are. But that’s only if they achieve a level of maturity where they stop expecting the world to constantly reaffirn all their prejudices. Some of them never get there.
I was a Republican-leaning kid until I went to a mostly-Republican conservative college and discovered what relentless conformist assholes they are.That, and seeing what happened to the economy of the former Soviet Union turned me.
I think the original question is misplaced. It’s not “what’s wrong with these people.” Every society has assholes–Ancient Rome. Middle-Kingdom Egypt. Renaissance Holland. The Ming Dynasty, yes, there were assholes in the Ming Dynasty. Pre-revolutionary Russia. Jazz Age France. Etc.
These are “our” assholes. What’s striking (if not surprising) is to see so many gathered together in one place. For that we have the Republican Party to thank.
Just as the Nazi Party provided the magnetic attraction for gathering the sadistic psycho- and sociopathic perverts of the Weimar Republic into one place, so our own Republican Party provides the magnetic attraction for the gathering of smug, semi-sophisticated, existentially retarded assholes–and, in this case, per the agenda of the event, high school and college age assholes.
It’s a cross between natural selection and physics, really.
Funny,I don’t know ANY hippies who are lazy and unemployed. This hippie lives in her own house,drives a new car,has a good marriage,couple of kids,grandkids,that whole American dream thing. We’ve got a plan for the future,disaster contingencies,savings accounts,college funds,the whole enchilada. It’s been a long slog,but we’re doing ok for ourselves.
Sure,I was a little wild and crazy,back in the day,so were all my friends. But we did what all young adults do,experimented around,found a place for ourselves in the world,imagine that. Hippie really isn’t an insult,kinda like being called “a girl”,or liberal isn’t a big fat whoop.
“If I become, like, um, ah really good, like speaker… that’ll convince me not to join.”
In that case, you better um, like, you know, enroll.
Just watched the rest of the clip… that one guy is “officially sooo gay!”
“What would convince me to join would be if, like, I became a really good speaker or something…”
Yeah, they don’t allow that in the army.
“I have asthma…”
Yeah, right.
Thanks for that Tom Delay line! I laughed so loudly that I scared my cat!
And then he said, “Think about it.” That was great!
Believe it or not this is NOT a new phenom. There were kids like this when I was in high school and college as well—and that was in the screamin’ late 60’s—-early 70’s. I mean, how dorky would you have to be to support the DRAFT? And the NAM war?! Yet, there they were, the kids who revered John Birch, Phyllis Schlafly, George Wallace and Richard Nixon and thought the only problem with Kent State was that the Guardsmen didn’t shoot enough protesters.
I couldn’t help noticing that the poor College repukes had booked a room that was embarrassingly large for the 30 or so rightwingers that seemed to be there.
Damn, I was always a Big D Democrat, at least since 1968 when I was in third grade. I was the only Humphrey supporter in a class full of Nixon supporters and I quickly learned what nasty little f***ers republicans were.
Max Blumenthal, thank you.
I was kind of a radical libertarian in college – not really right, not really left. Gradually I began to realize that the market wasn’t the magic solver of all problems. Then I went to Yurp for a while and (gasp!) I really liked it. I remember saying at the time “Yes, per capita GDP here is about 10% less than back home, but everyone lives much better than we do. Cool trains and a month paid vacation were influential.
Came home, told people I was a “social democrat” in the Yurp-ean sense.
9/11 happened, I lost my job. I was unemployed for a long long time. So I heard that the Army would pay back my student loans (which were getting to be real real overdue). So I did.
It sucks. I hate the Army. Except now I have all the social-welfare bennies that everyone else in America doesn’t get. Too bad you have to sign away your personal freedom and liberty to get it.
Oh, and Kevin is a carbuncle. There’s Soldiers in the Army with no eyes and one leg. I’m sure we could find a spot for him somewhere. There is nothing in this Army that isn’t waiverable, Kev.
“I don’t think this Kevin character really experienced the 60’s like I did!! I call into question his right to call others ‘hippies’. He hasn’t earned it.”
You’re right, fake Ann: I wasn’t around for the ’60s hippies. But I’ve been to a few Dead concerts. I’m entitled.
Nice work, but he needs to work on the voice-over. A little too Michael Moorish.
I am an extreme left liberal, but I hate hippies.
Seconded. Patton Oswalt’s “I Hate Hippies” pretty much sums up why.
Just got in from work, and saw this vid. Oh man, they never change do they?
Same old “Let’s you and him fight, and I’ll supervise” technique. Do they not listen to themselves? Do they not get how silly and presumptuous they sound?
A video like this isn’t just comedy gold, it reminds me why I – a) never went into business school, and b) never became a Republican. Ten minutes in the same room with a half a dozen of these clowns would give me a migrane so intense my hair would wither away.
I know they’re young, and a lot of them will figure it out. But the ones, who can afford the strongest bubbles to sheild them from the consequences of their jackassery? They are the unsinkable rubber ducks that will end up populating the Heritage Foundation halls and telling us how stupid we are for not acknowledging their greatness.
Wow, you guys hate hippies too? I’m starting to like you guys.
[…] The good folks at Sadly, No! offer another view of today’s chickenhawks. (I personally believe we should blogospherically nominate George W. Bush as the Lifetime Honorary Chairman of the Chickenhawk Association.) […]
I was a college freshman during the first Rise of the College Republicans, back in the Saint Ronald era. I had arguments with dormmates about Reagan, about conservatism, about dozens of issues. And not one of them — not a single, fucking one of them — was nearly as much of an asshole as these pissants.
The College Republicans, like a lot of Republican ventures, are well-managed from the top. At some point they hit on the genius strategy of attracting small-minded bullies.
I really wish I had saved their literature. In the end it isn’t about policy – it’s about hating people. Those are the ties that bind them. A lot of College Republican publications have very little about actual policy, and what they do have rarely goes beyond bumper-sticker discussion.
What makes people College Republicans, more than anything, is that they hate liberals. That’s really it.
At Cornell the College Repubs were famous for being assholes, and they actually resisted efforts from within to focus more on policy and less on just being assholes just because.
You have made a real blind leap at characterizing my work. You don’t know the first thing about me or my research. Please don’t play your “I’m more ideologically pure than you” games with me.
I would have thought a fellow liberal would be a bit more fair.
Republicans define management, Random. Why else do you think there are less of us, but we always seem to get elected? It can’t be voting fraud, since the great machines have always been Democratic. Or can it (heh)?
Dan, you never met ME back then. Clearly!
I’m still totally jazzed that some of you hate hippies too :).
Re: Hatred of hippies
It is funny to me that people will talk about how they hate hippies, and then describe themselves as punks. Often these people will then say something like, “hippies are old, they don’t understand this world today”.
The reason I find this to be funny is that Punk is also now a genre that’s mostly nostalgic rather than current. It hasn’t been possible to be a punk without being self-consciously nostalic, almost like a walking museum of punknesss, for about twenty years now at least.
Practically speaking, ‘hippie’ and ‘punk’ have by now long since both (d)evolved into styles, on a par with ‘preppie’ and ‘teenybopper’ and ‘jock’ and the like, all more or less divorced from whatever political context they originally came from.
There’s a lot of right-wing “punk” out there, and rich entitled Hummer-driving potsmoking Republican Phishheads (admittedly they’re heavier into Miller and Buffett, but anyway. I meant Steve and Jimmy, but beer and food work equally well.).
A hippie is someone who cannot see that Che was not a saint.
And a punk is anyone ON MY LAWN
You have made a real blind leap at characterizing my work. You don’t know the first thing about me or my research. Please don’t play your “I’m more ideologically pure than you” games with me.
I would have thought a fellow liberal would be a bit more fair.
Agreed. Bad day yesterday. Retracted.
It is funny to me that people will talk about how they hate hippies, and then describe themselves as punks. Often these people will then say something like, “hippies are old, they don’t understand this world today”.
The reason I find this to be funny is that Punk is also now a genre that’s mostly nostalgic rather than current. It hasn’t been possible to be a punk without being self-consciously nostalic, almost like a walking museum of punknesss, for about twenty years now at least.
OY! Why is it in every commenting thread on the “Internets” there’s always a babbling drip who just can’t let go?
One more time for the myopic boobs like this assclown who don’t seem understand the difference between joking and serious commenting:
I WAS JOKING in my original “I hate hippies” comment. Making a funny. Being sarcastic. Not being serious one bit. KIDDING. Tongue firmly in cheek. Presenting the intellectual equivalent of making fart noises in my armpit with the palm of my hand.
But you, assclown extraordinaire, have to keep piling on the boring sanctimony, because, well, that’s what silly “Internets” assclowns do.
Do you also wipe your bottom with a Q-tip after making a doo-doo to ensure every molecule of poo is removed from your tushie? Do you continue to beat a dead horse to prove what a clever wanker you are, or is this just some mental condition like Tourette’s and you can’t stop your babbling?
We get it. You’re the James Dean, Fonzie, Miles Davis, Snoopy, AND Jerry Garcia of hippie apologists. The COOLEST of the COOL. We genuflect to your magisterial hippie apologist glow! How silly of me to even JOKE about the hippie vs. punk dichotomy. What was I thinking? SHAME on me! SHAME! My head is bowed and bloodied.
Now will you shut the hell up? Pretty please with a Cherry Garcia on top?
Hating hippies is fun because they seem so wounded by it. Punks expect it so it’s less of a thrill trying to piss them off, though both deserve as much mockery as any rebels-in-a-conforming-herd do.
oh man, i heart max blumenthal.
Bubba’s right. Making fun of hippies IS fun! But it’s only partly because it makes them irate, which is funny in itself (an irate hippie!?! Hah!). It’s mostly because they are the most thoughtless, self-centered, self-aggrandizing, smug, pseudo-intellectuals on the face of our planet. You just have to zing them. Friggin’ idiots.
mat: Perhaps if your “sarcasm” had been recognizeable as such in the beginning, subsequent commentary that seems to have disturbed you so would not have occurred.
Sarcasm. It’s not for amateurs.
Kevin: Your flippers seem to be malfunctioning. Sucks, huh?
RB: Perhaps they’re “wounded by it” because hippies aren’t really down with the whole hatin’ thing, you know?
RB: You are right that conformists in a supposedly non-conformist group are a ripe target for parody.
Mat: I am sorry that I annoyed you. I guess I am too sensitive on this topic of hippies and hippy-hating. That is silly of me.
You’re the James Dean, Fonzie, Miles Davis, Snoopy, AND Jerry Garcia of hippie apologists.
Fonzie and Snoopy were hippies?
Atheist, you pretty much can’t be part of a ‘group’ and not conform to it. I mean, even anarchists ‘conform’ to anarchy. This law is part and parcel of being in a group.
Hey, don’t you owe ME an apology for being “too sensitive on this topic of hippies and hippy[sic I think]-hating” too? No need my friend. Apology accepted!
Group hug and people singing Kumbaya all around!
Gavin’s going to HAVE to ban me soon, huh 🙂
RB: Perhaps they’re “wounded by it” because hippies aren’t really down with the whole hatin’ thing, you know?
So goes the stereotype, but some pretty good hatin’ came from hippies. The guilt adds funny.
So goes the stereotype, but some pretty good hatin’ came from hippies. The guilt adds funny.
Care to elaborate, please?
I can only add funny by ripping on hippies, MzNicky. Can’t we just agree that hippies blow, in general?
Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy as a pig in whatever pigs are happy in to hear that you guys despise hippies too! But then, if you hate hippies, why do you support their goal of submission to everything, as long as it causes peace? “Peace at every cost” is WHY we hate hippies!
Are you SURE you hate hippies too?
Care to elaborate, please?
Take John Lennon, a utopian hippie full of hate. Seeing him yell “HOW DO YOU SLEEP YOU CUNT?!?” in the studio slamming Paul McCartney – who seems to be kind of jerky himself – was pretty priceless. Tony Hendra – another awful man – nailed him with Magical Misery Tour, which apparently rendered Lennon speechless. There’s also some great footage of Lennon being picked apart by some rather nasty journalist at the bed-in in Toronto: Lennon’s got the hate in spades but is trying to force it out through hippie lingo and just can’t bring the love, failing utterly.
Hippie totem, made some great records, hateful and ripe for parody.
Ambrose Bierce defined impiety as “your irreverence to my deity” and it works for tribes as well, the hippie cow being as sacred as the cow of any other tribe, and somehow more tasty for the new-agey pseudo-innocence. And there’s so much undeniably funny material there: clothes, music, trust-funds, pot, shitty food, free love, cults, mysticism, communes, Jung, patchouli, trust in bikers, revolution through getting really blasted… Some of that’s fun stuff, but it’s hilarious too.
Oh, dear, I watched the video and I’m going to rant again.
*sigh* that “I prayed to God and I’m not gay” kid is totally my type, if I saw him in a gay bar, I’d hit on him in a flash. Err, if he’d, like, accepted something that he’s not responsible for (his homosexuality) and actually worked to end the homophobia and hatred that has made him feel he needs to deny his true self instead of enabling it and hoping that by renouncing his homosexuality he won’t get his head bashed in for it and went to gay bars, that is.
Re: hippies. I’m a hippie. However, we need to work on definitions here. Someone with long hair, reeking of patchouli who flashes peace signs isn’t a hippie, they’re……someone with long hair etc. As Andy Patridge wrote in the great XTC song Travels in Nihilon:
There’s no youth culture
Only masks they let you rent
To ME, the hippie movement lasted but a blink of an eye, in two places only: from ca. early 1965 to late 1966, in San Francisco and on the London underground scene centered on the UFO Club in the Tottehnam Court Road. It’s a truism to me that by the point Time magazine is reporting on some cultural trend it’s already dead and lost whatever made it interesting in the first place and so it was with their infamous Summer of Love cover. By the time losers from shithole towns in the Midwest and on the Least Coast were hitchinhiking to the Haight in mass numbers to escape their dreary lives Back There, the whole hippie thing had come and gone; it was just dress-up after that. Bubba’s mentioning John Lennon, much as I really enjoyed listening to Plastic Ono Band today, provides the perfect example of the type.
A good case could even be made that by the time of the Human Be-In in Golden Gate Park on 1/14/67, the whole hippie thing had passed, much like that by the time Johnny Rotten snarled “Ever have the feeling you’ve been cheated?” at the Pistols final gig at Winterland in…. San Francisco on….wait for it… 1/14/78, the whole punk was a corpse, but only not as beautiful as the hippie corpse cuz the hippies looked really cool in their paisley and faux-Robin Hood gear.
Grace Slick once said, that for her, a hippie wasn’t about the clothes or anything it was a mindset, a reaction against the 50’s. She said it was basically about mind expansion through controlled use of LSD, anti-materialism, anti-militarism (NOT pacificism, anti-Military Industrial Complex, as she knew war was a fact of human existence), the valuing of artistic expression above making money (yes, she was a hypocrite after Surrealistic Pillow), intelligence (i.e. having a basic grounding in philosophy, the sciences, the arts and other intellectual pursuits), equal rights for all humans, a sound environmental policy, ceasing the economic exploitation of The Many by The Few and a few other things. I’ve had that mindset since I read that in the early 70’s, but I have always had short hair and looked and acted like a bank clerk.
The fact that something that had a germ of possibility in it turned to shit and basically ended up negating all it originally stood for is irrelevant; humans have the amazing ability to glom on to the worst and most convenient aspect of things at the expense of doing the hard work of maintaining the original spirit of something.
Anti-hippie people who mock silly white kids with dreads in String Cheese Incident t-shirts who want to sell them veggie burritos are totally fucking lame, no different from people who steal candy from children because it’s so fucking easy to do.
Forget to add, Nick Lowe’s What’s So Funny ’bout Peace, Love and Understanding is the soundtrack to my last ‘graf.
To ME, the hippie movement lasted but a blink of an eye, in two places only: from ca. early 1965 to late 1966, in San Francisco and on the London underground scene centered on the UFO Club in the Tottehnam Court Road.
I note an appearance of a True Scotsman.
Robert Crumb had a pretty interesting comic about the San Francisco scene and the eventual arrival of long-haired louts who would brag about taking x amount of pot and acid and reds while cornering some polite baffled hippies they thought were their peers. Sadly, nobody owns their peer-group, their movement, their words, and so on.
Stunning. The future is looking bright when even the left can see how sleazy a hippie truly is. Perhaps we can get back to arguing about taxes and gifts (er, entitlements)!
I’m shaken. What’s next? Are you guys going to admit that Kennedy and Byrd are idiots? Please don’t just now. It would blow my mind. Tomorrow would be ok though.
I note an appearance of a True Scotsman
Fair enough, Bubba, but I don’t think that applies in my case. I guarantee you, I’ve studied the hippie thing far more than anyone else here –it started with loving the music and then working backwards to find out the cultural and social context– and what you excerpted is what I’ve concluded after that. Perhaps it reeks too much of “Well, that GW Bush, he’s not a *real* Conservative/Republican now, is he?” but oh well, I’m not going to let that shitstain get in the way of 30 years of study of a subject. I mean, if you read the stories about the Human Be-In, there was a large percentage of people who saw it as the end of an era, not the beginning as is so commonly portrayed.
And not to be rude or anything, but I’ll take Grace Slick’s word for what a hippie was/is supposed to be over anyone’s here.
Fair enough, Bubba, but I don’t think that applies in my case.
Sure it does. How could it not? The word isn’t yours or mine or Grace Slick’s. Those Starship albums sure were awesome, huh?