The greatest Noonan post of all-time

He argues that the Supreme Court’s decision against diversity programs in schools is the culmination of Martin Luther King’s grand vision for racial harmony:

Inching Towards King’s Dream

More than 40 years after the Dream was proclaimed and in spite of desperate efforts on the part of liberals to judge people by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character, we’re starting to see some baby steps towards Americanism in matters of race:

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected diversity plans in two major school districts that take race into account in assigning students but left the door open for using race in limited circumstances.

The decision in cases affecting schools in Louisville, Ky., and Seattle could imperil similar plans in hundreds of districts nationwide, and it further restricts how public school systems may attain racial diversity.

The court split, 5-4, with Chief Justice John Roberts announcing the court’s judgment. The court’s four liberal justices dissented.

As Justice Thomas once pointed out, the liberal justices dissented because of their strange logic which says that anything majority black must be inferior…such is liberalism in 2007.

This, as I said, is a baby step – the real solution is a Constitutional amendment clearly stating that in no action of government can race be taken into consideration…with the enforcement being 25 years in prison for any judge anywhere who thinks that carving society up based on skin color is a good thing. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had just about enough of liberals dividing us, and it is time we get united – all Americans united to help out all Americans, regardless of skin color, religion, ethnic background or the other idiotic boxes liberals put us in.

Oh, and conservatives, this is where you thank your lucky stars that Bush was elected and re-elected President.

I got nothin’, peeps. Absolutely nothin’.


Comments: 42


More than 40 years after the Dream was proclaimed and in spite of desperate efforts on the part of liberals to judge people by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character, blablablablablalba…

Putting aside the fact that people like Noonan seem to think that MLK just magically appeared at the Lincoln Memorial, gave a pretty speech and disappeared until he was shot five years later…

Liberals? You mean liberals like Lester Maddox, George Wallace Jesse Helms, Marge Schott (oh Jeebus, this is turning into a Hannity-esque list)…

Anyway, the attempted co-opting of Rev. King as the property of conservatives would be hilarious, if it weren’t so ironically sad.


” I don’t know about you, but I’ve had just about enough of liberals dividing us, and it is time we get united – all Americans united to help out all Americans, regardless of skin color, religion, ethnic background or the other idiotic boxes liberals put us in.”

Brilliant. This must be the start of Noonan’s campagin for universal healthcare, then. Welcome aboard, Mark.


“…with the enforcement being 25 years in prison for any judge anywhere who thinks that carving society up based on skin color is a good thing.”

Ah, it wouldn’t be a complete wingnut fantasy without teh N00nan spanking it over the possibility of rounding up judges.


Americanism is the fastest growing religion among the 28%ers.


I think it is darkly, soul-killingly amusing that modern mainstream commentary holds that this ruling helps separate out racism from quality of education issues. Now, now and only now they say, can we concentrate on the “real” issue of education quality.

If I recall correctly, the major point of the original Brown ruling was not that racism was wrong, but that separate was NOT equal.

So, the decision they supposedly respect from that weird court 1,000 years ago when MLK Jr. magically descended to earth in a 60 mile spacecraft and fixed all “real” racism problems in the USA, actually was based on a quality of education issue.


Didn’t MLK say something to the effect that the majority that had profited and held down the minority for so long had to take steps to see to it that Blacks were able to get a helping hand because they had been held down for so long, and didn’t have the education, economic conditions or what have you to immediately be on equal footing with whites? Sorry I don’t have the exact quote, but I’m sure he said something to the effect that “affirmative action” (all though of course he didn’t call it that) was necessary.


the new black for the righttards is to claim that we on the left are the ones who are, actually, racist. I get this all the time.

they start to feel all smart-like when they think they get to turn liberal PC against liberals.

such as the idea being bandied about – this ‘lookism’.

or when you make fun of some racist using a yokel voice. they always put on the fake cowl of feigned insult.


Shorter Mark Noonan: Now that the conservative SCOTUS has thrown out requiring diversity in schools, we can have REAL equality with the coloreds.


“As Justice Thomas once pointed out, the liberal justices dissented because of their strange logic which says that anything majority black must be inferior…such is liberalism in 2007.”

I gotta say, I have absolutely no idea what that means.


@Joe Morgan:

Are you sure that you’ve seen enough of Noonan this season to be doing shorters on his columns? (j/k)


Hey. I think he’s right. If we all get so colour blind that we can’t see colour then discrimination might exist but no one will know and that makes it OK!

I’ve got a headstart on most folks because I’m already (mildly) red / green colour blindness.

I have a dream!


Are we to infer from this that Justice Thurgood Marshall – who counted the victory in Brown v. Board of Education as but one of TWENTY-NINE OUT OF THIRTY-TWO cases argued successfully before the Supreme Court – was an enemy of the Constitution??? Howzzat???

And I have no damned idea why she bothers to invoke MLK, as if she doesn’t hate everything he fought for, with every fiber of her being…I think it’s only to invoke the TRULY great figure, King’s dear black brother Justice “Pubic Hair In My Coke” Thomas…Look at the history & the struggle of blacks in this country teleologically: it all leads to the highest, and most color-blind phenotype of Clarence Thomas! Yeah, that’s it! Black people should forego all attempts at assertion of culture, history, or even at gaining/retaining the civil rights supposedly granted by the Constitution to all citizens; and should instead become stick insects like Thomas, expertly mimicking one’s surroundings, invisible to predators, moving quietly and without harrassment…


I’m glad I don’t have red/green color blindness.

I frigging HATE those green people. Wankers.


Are we to infer from this that Justice Thurgood Marshall – who counted the victory in Brown v. Board of Education as but one of TWENTY-NINE OUT OF THIRTY-TWO cases argued successfully before the Supreme Court – was an enemy of the Constitution??? Howzzat???

And I have no damned idea why she bothers to invoke MLK, as if she doesn’t hate everything he fought for, with every fiber of her being…I think it’s only to invoke the TRULY great figure, King’s dear black brother Justice “Pubic Hair In My Coke” Thomas…Look at the history & the struggle of blacks in this country teleologically: it all leads to the highest, and most color-blind phenotype of Clarence Thomas, Noonan’s first-and-only black man! Yeah, that’s it! Black people should forego all attempts at assertion of culture, history, or even at gaining/retaining the civil rights supposedly granted by the Constitution to all citizens; and should instead become stick insects like Thomas, expertly mimicking one’s surroundings, invisible to predators, moving quietly and without harrassment…

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue.

“Americanism is the fastest growing religion among the 28%ers.”

Do you mean in “Amercanism” like Huey Long meant it? Or Sinclair Lewis?


“with the enforcement being 25 years in prison for any judge anywhere who thinks that carving society up based on skin color is a good thing.”

Ah, it wouldn’t be a complete wingnut fantasy without teh N00nan spanking it over the possibility of rounding up judges.

To build on Legalize’s comment – yes, and for the crime of THOUGHT, too.


“Oh I don’t have anything against them, but there are a couple of guys in Sales that really would cause problems, so just to not ruffle any feathers we don’t ever hire them.”


Are conservatives aware that King actually gave speeches other than the “I Have a Dream” one? That he was an early and ardent supporter of affirmative action and special preferences for blacks in school admissions and employment?


Reporter: “Do you feel it’s fair to request a multi-billion dollar program of preferential treatment for the Negro, or any other minority?”

Dr. King: “I do indeed…Within common law, we have ample precedents for special compensatory programs. … America adopted a policy of special treatment for her millions of veterans…They could negotiate loans from banks to launch businesses. They could receive special points to place them ahead in competition for civil service jobs…There was no appreciable resentment of the preferential treatment being given to the special group.” — (Interview,1965, p.367)


“Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree, but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic.” — 1964, Why We Can’t Wait.


“A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro…” quoted by Stephen B.Oates, Let The Trumpet Sound.


“Something positive must be done… In 1863 the Negro was told that he was free as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation. But he was not given any land to make that freedom meaningful. And the irony of it all is that at the same time the nation failed to do anything for the black man — through an act of Congress it was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and Midwest — which meant that it was willing to undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor…Not only that, it provided agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, as the years unfolded it provided low interest rates so that they could mechanize their farms. And to this day thousands of these very persons are receiving millions of dollars in federal subsidies every year not to farm.

“And these are so often the very people who tell Negroes that they must lift themselves by their own bootstraps…

“We must come to see that the roots of racism are very deep in our country, and there must be something positive and massive in order to get rid of all the effects of racism and the tragedies of racial injustice.” — “Remaining Awake,” 1968 (271)



That’s some powerful denial over there at Blogs4Bush. I like the constant claims that Republicans have been the party of racial diversity and tolerance. Wow.

I thought about arguing with them, but I think I’ll let them enjoy their ignorance. On election day, they’ll once again wonder why their party got 5% of the black vote, when it’s so obvious that Republicans are color-blind!!!!! Because Strom Thurmond was a Demmycrat when he voted against the Civil Rights Act!!!!

Galactic Dustbin

GOP Racism flow chart:

1. Lincon
2. ????
3. Not Racist!

Principal Blackman

I like the constant claims that Republicans have been the party of racial diversity and tolerance. Wow.

Oh yes. Not only was MLK an ardent Republican, but hardcore Christian conservatives are the ones who ended slavery, ended Jim Crow, and ended segregation. It’s a Wingnut Known Fact, right up there with “Hitler was a leftist.”

Because Strom Thurmond was a Demmycrat when he voted against the Civil Rights Act!!!!

That is their favorite mode of denial. “It was DEMOCRATS who SUPPORTED SEGREGATION!” RACISTS! AND THEY STILL ARE!11!!!twelve!” That outburst is quickly followed up by “Dixiecrats? Piffle! And I know not this ‘Southern Strategy’ of which you speak.”

The ignorance is strong with them. And I absolutely love how they spew this utterly baseless crap, then wonder every election why Black people just don’t seem to vote Republican. Keep up the good work, fellas!


the real solution is a Constitutional amendment clearly stating that in no action of government can race be taken into consideration

Hey, Mark, here’s a thought: Just pass a law starting with police actions first: arrest, prosecution, and sentencing? I’m sure thousands of black men would be thrilled to be released because race was taken into consideration by the government.

What? There already is a law to that effect? Huh. Well, I guess the ridiculously disproportionate number of black men in prison isn’t a problem, then. Never mind.

I’ve had just about enough of liberals dividing us

…by integrating our schools. Having our children learn alongside children of other ethnic groups (just like they were regular people) is the single most important cause of social division in America today. Really! Mark looked it up…in his gut!
(Of course, he had some bad sushi for lunch, so the answer may be a litte fuzzy…and full of shit.)


One of Noonan’s commenters:
…Liberals are the ones who judge people based on the color of their skin. Not conservatives…


What can you say to this? This isn’t just run-of-the-mill ignorance, this is a virtually total lack of comprehension of the history of this country. These poor bastards have journeyed too far into the realm of delusions to ever find their way out again.

Principal Blackman

I’ve had just about enough of liberals dividing us

Bear in mind that when Noonan starts crying about how “damn liberals are dividing us, and I hate it, why can’t we all work together?” he’s the same guy who said this:

I make no peace with the left, not ever – it is entirely opposed to what I know to be correct, and I cannot admit for a moment it has a valid point of view

So clearly, Noonan is all about unity.


I wish I could remember where I read it – here recently, too – but someone made a point about Robert Byrd’s former Klan affiliation. The writer noted that, out of all them that joined the Klan or supported segregation back in the day for political expediency – your Byrds, your Thurmonds, your Helmses – off all that scored big in modern politics, Byrd’s about the only one who’s ever shown any kind of remorse or regret for his past. And the wingnuts cannot forgive him of that. Wish I could remember where I read that, because the writer made a much better argument than I could.

Also, whenever I hear some wingnut yowl about how the Dixiecrats – all Southern white men, mind – prove all modern liberals are racist, I ask “So who were the great conservative heroes of the Civil Rights movement? Name off a few.” I never get an answer.


C’mon, Nooners – who’s your nigga now?

a different brad

People who are incapable of self doubt fascinate me. And terrify me.
I wonder if Noonan has any mirrors in his house.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, here’s Noonan replying to a comment regarding affirmative action:

You know, there is something postively Satanic in the concept of using one injustice as a cure for another injustice…and that is all affirmative action is; sin which is supposed to repair sin…might as well get past guilt over adultery by robbing a bank…
Posted by: Mark Noonan at June 29, 2007 02:51 PM

Forget…you know…”Satanic,” and the use of “sin.” Focus–if you dare–on the logic. Affirmative action :: history of racial oppression as
guilt over adultery :: robbing a bank.

No, it indeed isn’t comprehensible by the human mind–which, excuse me, is what I’m operating with here.


You know, Democrats were willing to pretty much destroy their party, alienating the “Dixiecrats” by having the northern liberal wing push for Civil RIghts. When Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, he was heard to remark he was signing the South over the Republicans.

Oh, and btw, he did that 43 years ago TODAY:


Wish I could remember where I read that, because the writer made a much better argument than I could.

I believe that was Roy Edroso over at Alicublog.


Liberals want to put everyone in a racial category and then try to even them up by force. That’s real racism. Thanks to President Bush, we are winning the effort to prevent anyone from ever using racial disparity as a claim of injustice. That’s what Dr. King really meant!


Is Red Shark a spoof? It’s pretty hard to tell if that’s fake stupidity or real stupidity.


Red Shark — your utter ignorance regarding Dr. King’s message astounds me. Why don’t you scurry along back to blogs4bush, mkay?


Actually, Liberals want to everyone to keep fucking each other until we’re all the same color.


Damn, I had a scathing retort for SharkBait up there, but the site munched it.


Still, he’s too funny to be believed. As if he has the slightest idea what real racism is.

Principal Blackman

Is Red Shark a spoof?

I think so. Of course, he sounds exactly like B4B’s “very special” commentariat, so who’s to say for sure?



I hadn’t thought of interracial breeding as the cure for racism, but it just might work!

I can’t think of a more pleasant way of ending racism!

Thanks for the swell idea. I’m already doing my part.


So, Noonan, who’s your niggah now?


“As Justice Thomas once pointed out, the liberal justices dissented because of their strange logic which says that anything majority black must be inferior…such is liberalism in 2007.”

I gotta say, I have absolutely no idea what that means.

Well, liberals point out that black children undergo defacto segregation and end up in poor quality, primarily black schools, and he is saying that this is because liberals believe anything that is primarily black is inferior.

It’s perverse in the extreme, but there is a dim species of logic at work there.


Last time I checked Bush was responsible for about 3,500 Americans in boxes.

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

Hey, if you more or less know, by name, all of the (very few) black members of your political party — hi Condi! hello Clarence! — then you might just be a redneck.

Hysterical Woman

There is a great comic I saw about affirmative action. A white guy steps over a black guy to get onto a box. When he gets there, he apologizes to the black guy for stepping over him. However, when the black guy asks for a hand-up, the white guy tells him to pull himself up by his bootstraps like he did.


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