Schlussel II: The Schlusseling

Dhiren Barot, Brit Al Qaeda Leader, Suspected Mastermind of Today’s London Car Bombs
By Debbie Schlussel

Remember Dhiren Barot a/k/a “Britani” [the Brit]? I recently told you about the British Al-Qaeda cell sachem, whose detailed plans to bomb New York’s financial district with limousine bombs were released by Scotland Yard (click on the links at this link to see the plans).

Well, guess what? He’s suspected as the likely mastermind of today’s two car bombs that were foiled in London. ABC News reports that video pics of the man setting the bomb strongly resembles a suspect once in their custody in connection with the Barot plot in New York of which I wrote previously.

Predictably, liberal websites criticized me for rhetorically asking readers to “Guess the Religion” of the bombers. But–no surprise–I was quite apparently right on target.

Yes, ‘suspected’ as ‘the likely mastermind,’ etc. Debbie, what we did awhile back: We went to Build-A-Bear and custom-ordered a dyed-blond one with split ends and a Fendi knock-off pants-suit. When you squeeze it, it says “Aieee! Muslims!”

Every morning when we read the paper, we prop the bear up in a high chair with its own little cup and saucer, and when we come to each new story (Dry Weather Is ‘Field Day’ For Pollen Sufferers, School Board Eases Budget Woes) we squeeze it and it says “Aieee! Muslims!” This is in order better to analyze the complex narratives with which the media — and indeed the world — presents us. It’s sometimes difficult to see the stories-behind-the-stories, as it were.

When we read the story about the junky car bombs that didn’t go off, we were naturally wondering who might’ve been responsible for such a thing. “Aieee!” the bear explained. “Muslims!”

The bear was quite apparently right on target!

Even so, we felt we ought to check with you, as a second-opinion sort of thing. We learned from you that the inept car bombs that didn’t explode meant that America was very soon going to be overrun by eek-explodey Muahaha bearded go-boom gentlemen of the Islamic variety, who are going to kill us unless we [mumble mumble] and pile all the Muslim shoes and eyeglasses up into a big pile and sell their gold fillings to pay for more Zyklon B, or however you’ve figured out that particular end-game (we are eager for more details on this).

Lesson: We need to order a better bear!

-Yr Sadly Pals

PS: Paki Bear says that Bonne Belle lip gloss is secretly made by Aieee-Muslims. True fact!


Comments: 134


Ah, Debbie, the very model of “even a broken clock is right twice a day”


Incompetent car-not-bomb aresholes are to terrorist mastermind, as Debbie Schlüssel is to blank.

SAT question.


Oh dear.

We have opened the door to gloat trolls.

God help us all. Or send pie. Lots of pie.


SAT question.

You silly hippies and your math…


Yeah, that’s some good reason to gloat, right there. Say it’s Muslim terrorists every time something bad happens (or doesn’t happen), completely ignore it whenever you’re wrong, and crow about it when you’re right. Super credible!


Incompetent car-not-bomb aresholes are to terrorist mastermind, as Debbie Schlüssel is to blank.

A slightly above average high school graduate?


“above,” Marita? I think not.


Of course this is disgusting, awful, much to the detriment of the image of Islam etc etc. Yet, since *1* out of the 500+ terrorist attacksin Europe in 2006 where of Islamist creation and motive, where is the basis for assuredness?

I, for one, suspected some muslim asshole was responsible, but I am mature enough to realize that trying too hard to predict will only end up in alieanation and paranoia.

Britain needs to reject the kind of multiculturalism where a culture is equal in morality and ethics just for existing. It needs to crack down on homophobic, reactionary morons who want their congregation or their kids to secede from British society in order to preserve some pure form of intolerance. It needs to stop treating muslims like victimized, brittle and above criticism one moment and allow them to be economically marginalized the next. It needs to treat muslims like any other citizens, and be harsh with those who do not respond maturely to the demands of a liberal, individualist society where force is not OK. It needs to do a lot of things because of muslim immigration.

But, there is no such thing as a healthy dose of suspicion and ethnic/religious profiling.


I never felt that I was smart enough to make it through law school. As I age and run across lawyers like la Schlussel and ANN ALTHOUSE!!! I realize that I fooled myself into seventeen years at a low-paying career feeding at the public trough.

All snark and exaggeration aside, these people don’t even seem kind of smart, let alone really smart. Don’t you have to be smart to be a lawyer?


Her thesis wasn’t just “it was done by Muslims,” it was “it was Muslims and the Brits brought this upon themselves because they haven’t brought the boot down hard enough on their Muslim citizens en masse, and we’re the same.” She’s still wrong.


Britain needs to reject the kind of multiculturalism where a culture is equal in morality and ethics just for existing. It needs to crack down on homophobic, reactionary morons who want their congregation or their kids to secede from British society in order to preserve some pure form of intolerance. It needs to stop treating muslims like victimized, brittle and above criticism one moment and allow them to be economically marginalized the next. It needs to treat muslims like any other citizens, and be harsh with those who do not respond maturely to the demands of a liberal, individualist society where force is not OK. It needs to do a lot of things because of muslim immigration.

What the fuck does this stupidity actually mean? How does a nation craft laws and administer policies that “stop treating [members of a group] like [something]?”

How does it “be harsh” with human beings who “do not respond maturely?”

What things” should Britain “do” because of muslim immigration?

C’mon, Xel, don’t get all namby-pamby and vague on us here. Be specific with your bigotry – if you advocate rounding up people on the basis of religion, destroying their places of worship, imprisoning their leaders, and depriving them of their rights, I think you should just wear your hatred proudly and openly.


So why haven’t I received any threatening letters from Debbie Schlussel or her attorney’s? Well, how about:

The OJ Simpson Case and Saga
The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment Case
The Robert Blake Case
The Michael Jackson Case
The Biggie Smalls Federal Lawsuit Case
And More Cases and Situation’s………….

Check it out:

Please click on:

Journal Space
Free hosting and software for a journal or blog. – 32k

And type in my name,


scroll down to June 23rd, 2007 and June 22nd, 2007.


The OJ Simpson Case

a different brad

Doc, you have to be smart to realize you don’t want to be a lawyer, unless you’ve got a calling to work for the ACLU or SLPC.
The only former friend I know who ended up going through law school, so far, is a guy who married the first person he had sex with, in senior year of college, no less, and had major…. ego issues. This same couple had a kid at 24, which in my circles is equivalent to a teenage pregnancy. Especially with them two.
That’s not counting people from boarding school, of course, but they have no souls.

a different brad

Hey, it’s ame, Mario!
Hey Mario, long time. I assume Patterico is still hiding from you?


Forgive me for not falling all over myself and coming to the conclusion that teh Muslims, or any Muslims were responsible. Remember that completely innocent Brazilian man British cops shot in the head at a tube station some time ago? How he wore a bulky jacket and stuff (surely “crystal clear” on the surveillance tape)?And how all that turned out to be pure, unadulterated bullshit? No jacket, certainly no bomb, no running even?
And “close resemblance” – given that most cops in the UK probably think that all people of Asian origin look the same (just extrapolating from ours) that doesn’t sound like ironclad proof to me. Maybe we can all just wait a couple months until this is sorted out or relegated to the memory hole (which will also tell us what happened, or didn’t happen).


The Michigan Militia-Mom is smart enough. Smart enough at least to realize that there is only so much legit legal work to be done and lots of attorneys capable of doing it; while those willing to take people’s basest paranoia and prejudice and sell it back to them in a way that confirms their desperate need for inherent specialness are rarer and better paid.

She’s Coulter 2.0-beta, nothing more or less.


Mario, have you been followiing the Phil Spector trial?


Hey a different brad,

Yea, Patterico just won’t legally engage me in a debate about The OJ Simpson Case and whatever. Oh Well.

I have been a guest blogger on David and Julie Scott’s website Pererro. David and Julie have been VERY GOOD to me.

Hope all is well with you a different brad.

The OJ Simpson Case

a different brad

Hmmm, is there a direct link to your journal, Mario? The site keeps asking me to login when I try and search.
I’m decent, thanks for asking. Hope you’re well, too.
N ignore Kevin, if he tries to start in with you. Not worth the time or effort.


Hi g,

I have been following the Spector Trial just of late because of my correspondence with Bill Pavelic from The OJ Simpson Case. I have blogged about Pavelic and his conniving………………..

This Sara Caplan situation and the fingernail is something else.

The OJ Simpson Case


Hi Everyone, and welcome to Guess the Religion!
Ready Contestants?
Which religion was responsible for the Crusades?
Sorry, the correct answer was Christianity, *pause* Christianity.
Next question
Which religion was predominant in the KKK?
Our station is experiencing technical difficulties…


Mario! Good to see you!



Oops, I forgot to change my name back on the above post.


Hiya Super Mario, long time no see!

Speaking of sea, here’s a pic of Not Jenna and the shrub, switching rods.


Al Gore v. George Bush


a differen brad,

Please go to my “my space” blog and you will see a link near the top:


Please click that on. That should work.

The OJ Simpson Case

Principal Blackman

Sorry to derail the Schlusseling here, but This is entirely too funny to not share: Mark Noonan has posted his Top Ten Evils in the World list.

I’ll let that sentence sink in for a moment.

OK, are you ready? Here it is:

1. Anti-religion/religious bigotry.
2. Abortion.
3. Euthanasia.
4. Slavery.
5. Dictatorship.
6. Pornography/prostitution.
7. Televised/glorified violence.
8. Socialism/communism and all materialist ideologies.
9. War.
10. Popular culture (movies, music, etc).

And yes, that list is in order. Better a war in succor of our brothers and sisters costing 3,500 lives over 4 years than abortion costing more than a million lives every year, ya know? Better the “horrors” of Gitmo than the inhuman degradation of pornography.



Hi Marita,

Hope you are doing good.

Hugs back at you.

The OJ Simpson Case

a different brad

Yup, that works, Mario.


Hi ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©

I like that nic “Super Mario.”

Hope all is well for you.

The OJ Simpson Case


“Yup, that works, Mario.”

COOL, a different brad.

The OJ Simpson Case

a different brad

Well, Principal Blackman, in a way, he’s right, though he forgot to place paganism near the top. Maybe it counts as anti-religion. Evil is a religious construct, originally basically meaning anti-christian. The concept itself did not exist prior to Christianity.

Do 7 and 10 mean the Passion of the Christ is evil?


Hmm. I hope Not-Jenna’s wearing sunscreen or she’s going to get a nasty burn.

And as for Noony – doesn’t item 10 make items 6 and 7 redundant?

So, Mario, what do you think of the fingernail?


Abortion is worse than war?

Porno is worse than communism?

TV is worse than communism and war?

a different brad

Noonan used WWI as justification for the death war entails. WWfuckingI and a demonstration of… how it’s useful for many people to die in war.
Is there a requirement that to be a conservative you failed history?

a different brad

*as a demonstration.


Muslim immigration? Most British muslims were either born here or were British subjects before they moved here. We used to be an empire remember. It was Thatcher in the eighties who introduced restrictions on the right of entry of overseas British subjects. Britain has always been multicultural. The new prime minister isn’t English, he’s a Scot – one of the many cultural groups which inhabit these islands.


What about TVabortionWar versus CommiePr0n?

a different brad

More Noonanity:
“If two civilized nations come to blows over a dispute and the men fighting conduct themselves with honor and bravery, then there is no degradation – there will be death, but death isn’t even close to the worst thing that can happen to a person…much worse to be turned into a mere object for the pleasure of another…as pornography and prostitution does.”
Note: I didn’t elide this quote, he just likes to put in strings of periods to make it look like he thinks.


1. Anti-religion/religious bigotry.

I never thought I’d see Noonan describe the anti-Islam right-wing blogosphere, as the purveyors of evil…


If two civilized nations come to blows over a dispute and the men fighting conduct themselves with honor and bravery, then there is no degradation – there will be death, but death isn’t even close to the worst thing that can happen to a person

OK, kids, it’s a game. Let’s all name which war this describes!

Principal Blackman

Is there a requirement that to be a conservative you failed history?

It would appear to be so. Predictably, Noonan considers himself a fantastically well-informed historian–he repeteadly warns people that they cannot top him in debates about history.

I hope he never gains any self-awareness. He’s way too funny as-is.


“C’mon, Xel, don’t get all namby-pamby and vague on us here. Be specific with your bigotry – if you advocate rounding up people on the basis of religion, destroying their places of worship, imprisoning their leaders, and depriving them of their rights, I think you should just wear your hatred proudly and openly.”

It’s my own leftist version of a slippery-slope, paranoid conservative! Sorry, but I don’t care much for assumptions, and your jumping to them suggests you are about as paranoid as those you detract, just from an equally unfettered antipode on the spectrum.

British society, in many cases, continue to deny able immigrants a chance to participate in the job market, yet continue to bend over for demands and behaviour from them no people with less melanin would get away with.

No, I meant that if a mulla preaches homophobia, he gets locked up. I mean that if a man beats his wife he doesn’t get away with it because of his culture or religion -look up the article by Johann Hari, it’s at his website. It means that if three muslim boys kill another innocent teen just because he was white and then flee the country another muslim man of the British government shouldn’t receive death threats from enraged muslims who wants him to stop trying to send them to justice. It means that the police are supposed to crack down on protesters who demand the death of Salman Rushdie, just like they would with any citizens encouraging that in their chanting or banners. It needs to continue teaching about the holocaust even when some muslim parents object, for some reason that would make IDers look sane and tolerant. It needs to prevent extremists of both sides from dragging the rest along. It needs to treat everybody the same as much as is possible, and it is not doing that.

You, on the other hand, doesn’t have such a tall order on you. You just need to stuff your off-the-handle vitriol back where you yanked it from in the first place.


Xel, your last sentance makes no sense at all.

What do you mean by cracking down on protestors? Do you mean arresting them? Do you mean imprisoning people for chanting and waving banners in the street?

So…how about cracking down on guys like this?


“yet continue to bend over for demands and behaviour from them no people with less melanin would get away with.”

This sentence needs to be improved, I should say “yet it continues to bend over for demands and behaviour from some of them that no one with less melanin would get away with.”


It needs to continue teaching about the holocaust even when some muslim parents object

The report didn’t say Muslim parents objected, it seems rather that the teachers at the school made their decision before anyone objected because they thought they might. It did mention Christian parents objecting to how the Arab-Israeli conflict and the history of Israel were taught at another school.


Top Ten Evils in the World
My List

10. “Disconnect” used as a noun
9. Beer like yellow water (e.g., Bud, Corona, Coors, etc.)
8. “Begs the question”
7. Pain-in-the-ass parents
6. Laws against retroactive abortions for stupid people
5. Dandelions
4. Rap and hip-hop music
3. Transsexuals (just kidding, Jillian!)
2. People who run red lights
1. Pornography/prostitution (if I can’t get my hands on any; otherwise, it’s off the list)


unless we [mumble mumble] and pile all the Muslim shoes and eyeglasses up into a big pile and sell their gold fillings to pay for more Zyklon B, or however you’ve figured out that particular end-game (we are eager for more details on this)

I believe that the gold fillings would be used to pay for the development of those human-sized microwaves that Adam Yoshida keeps blathering on about…But yeah, the wingnuts have already determined that nothing short of a Final Solution to the Muslim Problem will win the War on Terra’. In fact, they’ve already got a first step in mind…


Hey, can you work on this one? iIt’s a beaut.

Sorry, but I don’t care much for assumptions, and your jumping to them suggests you are about as paranoid as those you detract just from an equally unfettered antipode on the spectrum.


“So…how about cracking down on guys like this?

Um, YES?!?!?! You should not be allowed to encourage violence against any specified human(s). Through the wonders of common sense, I can simultaneously dislike my example and dislike yours AT THE SAME TIME!


You’d imprison Fred, huh? How about Ann Coulter, she advocates death for peope on TeeVee. Throw her in the pokey, too?

What principle of law would you base that on?

No, cancel that. I’d rather see you rewrite the unfettered antipode/spectrum sentance.

Now that would be fun.


“You’d imprison Fred, huh? How about Ann Coulter, she advocates death for peope on TeeVee. Throw her in the pokey, too?” That is up to America to decide. I’m talking about Britain.

“What principle of law would you base that on?” The one… I… Used…

“No, cancel that. I’d rather see you rewrite the unfettered antipode/spectrum sentance.” I love it when you gently guide me, G-man…

“your jumping to [assumptions] shows you are about as useful to the world as those you write funny comments about regarding their Adam’s apples, just from an equally hysterical antipode on the spectrum.”



Misuse of “assumption”. Check.

Unneccessary modifier (“about”). Check.

Awkward run-on phrasing. Check.

Hyperbole (“hysterical”)

Mixed metaphor (“antipode” and “spectrum”) Check.

E.B. White is spinning in his grave, Xel. You better get your money back on that B.A. in English.


Well, I am apparently suspected of being wrong.

Well, I expected this. And I stick by my statement. This attack was not, in fact, performed by a Muslim extremist.

ZOMG, the attack kind of looks like another plan the TERRORISTS were going to perform elsewhere on an entirely different location-type!


Given that “evil” is a religious concept, it makes sense, then that atheism and the like would BE the #1 evil. From a certain point of view.

If euthanasia is evil, does that make artificial live-saving machines (defribulators, irons lungs, IV drips) evil as well? Don’t they do the same basic thing?

6, 7, and 10 are the same thing. Someone’s trying to pad his list out…

What could POSSIBLY be a more “materialistic ideology” then capitalism? The whole damn point, goal, and driving force is materialism.

This list is like something a 5th grader would compile, when they’re too young to understand abstract concepts and question the “good v. evil” of their actions.


“E.B. White is spinning in his grave, Xel. You better get your money back on that B.A. in English.” So, I need to improve my English, look up some definitions, etc. You need to improve the way you receive information. Improve your logic while your at it.

Also, I am 18 and live in Sweden. Yet it would be easier for you to be derisive if English was my first language and I was older. More hasty conclusions to facilitate your giggling. Kinda like Schlussel, no?


Xel, I sympathize, but at the same time there’s free speech and all that. Fred, Ann, and homophobic Muslim clerics ought to be able to say and preach whatever they want, no matter how vile it is.

And at the same time, anyone ought to be able to say they suck for it without being labelled a racist or bigot.

I know you don’t have a First Amendment over there, but a good liberal can espouse the principle regardless, right?

Herr Doktor Bimler

It needs to continue teaching about the holocaust even when some muslim parents object
Or else it gets the hose again.


That’s some awesome retort, Xel. I give up. You beat me. Pulling that “young guy posting in a second language” stuff brought tears to my eyes. You win the posting contest!

Gavin, who’s got the key to the trophy cabinet? Do we still have some of these:

I hope we haven’t run out of them, there have been so many wingnuts coming over here and whupping our asses. We’re running out of bandages, too. And I had to lend Brad my crutches.


That’s some awesome retort, Xel. I give up. You beat me. Pulling that “young guy posting in a second language” stuff brought tears to my eyes. You win the posting contest!

This is the kind of stuff they pull over at SisterToldjah and Flopping Aces and Schlussel. We can live without it here.


Just because we gave you Michelle, doesn’t mean you should be hatin’ on all our asses.



Let’s all remember that European views of freedom of speech — particularly in the UK (I don’t know for sure about Sweden) — are far less absolute than they ostensibly are in the United States. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say that they draw the line in a different place to distinguish between what is permissible/acceptable “free speech” and what is potentially subject to prohibition. This may account for Xel’s desire to see British authorities “crack down” on hateful/obnoxious speechifyin’ and demonstratin’.


doc, i am suitably chastened.

but he DID call me an unfettered antipode.



Yeah. I know that when “Life of Brian” came out, the Pythons were charged (or at least were threatened with the charge) of Blasphemy in the UK.


1. Anti-religion/religious bigotry.

You just know that Noonan’s #1 Good Thing, if he ever made such a list, would be Freedom.


“I know you don’t have a First Amendment over there, but a good liberal can espouse the principle regardless, right?” I’m not convinced that the 1st is viable.

“Or else it gets the hose again.” Address something apart from the syntax while you’re at it.

“Pulling that “young guy posting in a second language” stuff brought tears to my eyes. You win the posting contest!” Uh-huh. I corrected your description of me, and wondered why you chose it rather than some other explanation for my inadequate mastery of English.

And since the question was raised – in Sweden specifying a human or any humans for any kind of illegal treatment is prohibited. And not because it is obnoxious

Lee Brimmicombe-Wood

Xel’s characterization of Britain doesn’t resemble the country I live in.

a different brad

Speech not being free is all well and good till your tribe suffers for it, Xel. I’d call it a folly of youth to think that’s a devil you can make deals with, but clearly adults can make the same mistake.


Peter Sagel on NPR’s “Wait, wait, don’t tell me”:

“(The recent article about the vice President in the Washington Post) has debunked the notion that President Bush is Cheney’s ventriloquist’s dummy, because dummies occasionally argue with their ventriloquists.”


I corrected your description of me, and wondered why you chose it rather than some other explanation for my inadequate mastery of English.

g was mixing you up with another poster who claimed to be have a B.A. in English, Xel. Though I doubt the veracity of your assumptions about the application of English law, your English language skills are pretty darn good.


“Xel’s characterization of Britain doesn’t resemble the country I live in.”
It all depends on what you’ve read. Not saying my account is more accurate, just giving examples. I don’t believe in argument by anecdote.

I mean, when 60 % of muslims want to live under Shari’a there are two unpleasant options regarding the mindset of these 60 %.
1) They want to split off into separate communities and have separate schools.
2) They see no problem with all of Britain subject to the utterly inferioir law codes of Shari’a.

“Speech not being free is all well and good till your tribe suffers for it, Xel. I’d call it a folly of youth to think that’s a devil you can make deals with, but clearly adults can make the same mistake.”

I can’t see myself in any tribe that needs to call for attacks or force against another tribe to preserve itself.

Lee Brimmicombe-Wood

I don’t believe in argument by anecdote.

Believe what you like, your account of Britain and your sources do not reflect the country I see around me or the data that I read.

I mean, when 60 % of muslims want to live under Shari’a there are two unpleasant options regarding the mindset of these 60 %.
1) They want to split off into separate communities and have separate schools.
2) They see no problem with all of Britain subject to the utterly inferioir law codes of Shari’a.

Or they pragmatically find an accommodation with the society in which they live. Which appears to be what the majority of Muslims do.


g was mixing you up with another poster who claimed to be have a B.A. in English, Xel

It’s true.

Xel, are there many muslim immigrants in Sweden? I spent some time in Norway and I know there is a large immigrant population there.

Is the Swedish government’s policy toward immigrants in line with your thinking, or are you critical of it?



I believe Xel is being truthful when he says English is not his first language. I taught ESL for several years, and I recognize many of the patterns of syntax in Xel’s writing. I can’t vouch for his age, of course, but his writing has all the hallmarks of a native speaker of a non-Asian and non-Romantic language family. (I only had a few Germanic-language family students, so I don’t recognize Germanic-influenced syntax; however, he doesn’t show the usual hallmarks of Asian- or Romantic-influenced syntax.)

As far as his ideology, there are several indications of non-racist statements in there:
It needs to stop treating muslims like victimized, brittle and above criticism one moment and allow them to be economically marginalized the next.

I don’t know any true racist who would admit that the target group is actually economically marginalized and see this as a big problem.

It needs to treat muslims like any other citizens, and be harsh with those who do not respond maturely to the demands of a liberal, individualist society where force is not OK.

Again, that first statement is not consistent with racist ideology. “Those” in the second statement specifically separates extremists who advocate force from generic “muslims”.

It needs to do a lot of things because of muslim immigration.

I think this is a reference to a fairly common topic of discussion in (at least) France and England: “what’s the best way to assimilate our recent non-Western immigrants?” The dilemma involving immigrants from more fundamentalist countries comes down to “How can we respect their culture but at the same time make them stop those specific cultural practices that constitute violations of human rights?”

I think Xel is actually referring to recent immigrants here, rather than making the racist statement that “No Muslims could be native Englishmen.”

But, there is no such thing as a healthy dose of suspicion and ethnic/religious profiling.

I think this is probably an expression that is less clear in translation (like “raining buckets” or some such). To me, “no such thing as a healthy dose” means “even the smallest amount of this is poison.” If I’ve interpreted that correctly, then Xel’s post boils down to “England has difficult issues with radical extremists and disenfranchised immigrants from fundamentalist countries, but ethnic profiling is not a solution in any way.”

Xel, did I understand your point correctly?

a different brad

Xel, nor do I. But… well, you’re fortunate to live in Sweden. If speech wasn’t free here those limitations would have been used against MLK, not the KKK.


Too bad for Debbie that…

Security officials and police denied an ABC News report that they had a “crystal clear” picture of one suspect from CCTV footage.

Aieeeee!! The Muslims are making the MSM jump to conclusions!!!!!


Xel, I sympathize, but at the same time there’s free speech and all that. Fred, Ann, and homophobic Muslim clerics ought to be able to say and preach whatever they want, no matter how vile it is.

And at the same time, anyone ought to be able to say they suck for it without being labelled a racist or bigot.

There’s no satisfactory free-speech regime and never will be. Insert bullshit quantum physics metaphor here.


We learned from you that the inept car bombs that didn’t explode meant that America was very soon going to be overrun by eek-explodey Muahaha bearded go-boom gentlemen of the Islamic variety, who are going to kill us unless we [mumble mumble] and pile all the Muslim shoes and eyeglasses up into a big pile and sell their gold fillings to pay for more Zyklon B, or however you’ve figured out that particular end-game (we are eager for more details on this).

Me? Not so much.

But it does bring up a very interesting point about Deb’s choice of rhetoric. She writes as if her words were chosen for her by Dr. Goebbels. I wonder if she’s got a copy of the script for, “Der Ewige Jude“, or something? Especially after the whole Ratatattouie, (or however it’s spelled), crack she wrote recently about some prejudices are OK to have, etc. Humm… Conflating Arabs with rats! Now where have I seen that sort of thinking before? Holy Fuck! I’m sick of her babbling off as if she were the Gauleiter of Michigan, with her recycled eliminationist horseshit. Whatever law school she went to should retroactively flunk her out. (Same goes for the Michigan Bar.) Since I doubt Deb’ll change her ways, perhaps she should shave her head and wear a monocle and a pair of iron boots? If she’s gonna talk like some bullshit, Hollywood NAZI, she should dress like some bullshit, Hollywood NAZI.


Well, yeah, I guess that was sloppy of me: one must also tolerate being called a bigot and racist.

If I had my way, there’d be no libel/slander/defamation laws — I read “no law abridging” to mean no goddamn law abridging. But even as it is, our regime is pretty good and certainly preferable to those in Europe, if in only this regard, everything else of ours being pretty much inferior.

The point I would try to impress on Xan is that when speech if free, truth wins over bullshit. To argue the opposite is to be conservative and believe that, all things being equal, humans are so depraved as to prefer bullshit and so they must be protected from lies and bad ideas and cruel sentiments because they are too stupid to be trusted to do it themselves. (Of course they can and do choose bullshit at times, but in the long run, truth prevails.)

Anyway, I suppose enough has been said that now it’s inevitable some libertarian troll will come in to spew the speech=money argument… but whatever.


“I know you don’t have a First Amendment over there, but a good liberal can espouse the principle regardless, right?” I’m not convinced that the 1st is viable.

Xel, may I ask, were you making that statement about the First Amendment, or quoting someone else’s views?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

The point I would try to impress on Xan is that when speech if free, truth wins over bullshit.

Oh, HTML, I think you’re the cat’s whiskers and all, but I think you’ve just gone wrong here. There’s no guarantee that truth wins over bullshit, since there are often those who have a keen interest in purveying bullshit and hiding truth.

To argue the opposite is to be conservative and believe that, all things being equal, humans are so depraved as to prefer bullshit and so they must be protected from lies and bad ideas and cruel sentiments because they are too stupid to be trusted to do it themselves.

There’s another issue here, which is that incitement to violence is not an expression of either bullshit or truth. Rather, it’s a call to act on something. I suspect there’s a lot of use of that weaseling whenever white supremacists (or Ann Coulter) spout their crap.

And I for one think that humanity needs to be weaned off the automatic response of “Problem? Sure, let’s kill someone, that’ll fix it!” There’s a whole lot more I could say here, but I won’t.

(Of course they can and do choose bullshit at times, but in the long run, truth prevails.)

Possibly true, but then again possibly false. What is certain is that whatever innocents have died or suffered as a result of the incitement to violence will not be resurrected when the truth comes out.


Hey, I’d just like to report that I just had some onion rings. And they don’t look anything like vaginas.


I’m more interested on how racially discriminatory school plans (such as ones struck down by the Supreme Court) are good, and how Parents vs. Seattle is “overturning Brown”

I get the impression from reading commentary from the left on Parents vs. Seattle that these people are clueless.

On the Seattle case

“The Seattle School District allowed students to apply to any high school in the District. Since certain schools often became oversubscribed when too many students chose them as their first choice, the District used a system of tiebreakers to decide which students would be admitted to the popular schools. The second most important tiebreaker was a racial factor intended to maintain racial diversity. If the racial demographics of any school’s student body deviated by more than a predetermined number of percentage points from those of Seattle’s total student population (approximately 40% white and 60% non-white), the racial tiebreaker went into effect. At a particular school either whites or non-whites could be favored for admission depending on which race would bring the racial balance closer to the goal.”

And the Louisville case:

“This case is the last of a trilogy of cases against Jefferson County Public Schools and their use of race in assigning students to schools. The first case started in 1998 when five African American high school students sued JCPS to allow them to attend Central High School, a magnet school. They were denied entrance because they were black.”

But clearly Brown is undermined by a decision that would allow for minorities to attend magnet high schools in Louisville.

It’s hard for me to say how much I hope for at least three more open seats on the Supreme Court, so that the Roberts Court can undo the worst decisions of the Warren Court


There’s a certain strident tone missing from this New Gary Ruppert’s posts. They made Old Gary Ruppert so very charming. New Gary Ruppert is just another wrongheaded Righty. Also, I miss the old catchphrase.


The fact is, Doc Washboard…

Gary has been spotted

If striped, your mileage may vary.



I agree! It’s just so hard to find good trolls nowadays!


Bong Hits 4 Jesus!

Sorry, just testing this new First Amendment plug-in.


Where can I register a complaint about the new Gary? He’s unacceptable.


when 60 % of muslims want to live under Shari’a

Er, excuse me, but I would like some support for that statement. Particularly in the British context. Links to surveys, etc.

The only thing close that I’ve ever seen was a study (referenced in a thread a week or so ago — I’m far too important to go and look for these things at the moment) that asked Muslims in Egypt, Morocco, Indonesia and Pakistan their opinions, and found that a large majority of them thought that their home Islamic countries should be subject to shari’a. A majority also thought that Islamic countries should join into a new caliphate. The study also showed that majorities in those countries believed in democracy and freedom and also thought that Islamic states could get along with the West without violence.

So whence comes this idea that 60% of Muslims want to live under shari’a? And did you mean 60% of British Muslims, or 60% of Muslims worldwide?

Let’s be a little more precise, because this is the kind of “statistics” that Debbie Anschlussel and her ilk rely on to sow (or is that sew?) fear and racism.


I just had a birthday party. The last of us are still sipping Patron Anejo. Everybody else is crashed. We’re still laughing. I noticed your friend Foe Hammer or whatever. You guys seem to have a serious troll infestation. Sorry about that. Fuck ’em. Meantime, happy birthday to me…


Herr Doktor Bimler

“Or else it gets the hose again.” Address something apart from the syntax while you’re at it.
Relax, Xel, I wasn’t making fun of your syntax. That was merely the usual background level of snideness disguised as a pop-culture reference.

Happy birthday to Mikey. That sounds like a good excuse to open a bottle of something.
Why yes, I did need an excuse.


Happy birthday, mikey. Have a kick-ass year.

a different brad

I didn’t have any bottles to open in mikey’s honor, so i grilled up a choice strip steak from whole foods, with garlic paste n worchestershire sauce to keep it juicy.
Happy birthday, mikey.


I’ll name a heaping scoop of sugar “mikey” in your honor. The lime can be mikey, jr. You know, like James Bond, jr.; Bond’s “newphew”, wink wink.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Happy birthday, Mikey, and hope you have many more just like it.


“Xel, are there many muslim immigrants in Sweden? I spent some time in Norway and I know there is a large immigrant population there.”

About 1.2 million out of 9 million Swedes are immigrants, I am not aware of how many of these are Muslim and I am not too concerned about it either. Every part of the media has moderate but very serious coverage of failed integration, forced marriages and social opprobrium. The problem is neither overblown nor swept under the rug. Side note: Sweden accepts more Iraqi refugees than any western nation AFAIK.

“Is the Swedish government’s policy toward immigrants in line with your thinking, or are you critical of it?”

Just today the Swedish financial minister Anders Borg and the minister of integration Nyamko Sabuni wrote a piece on how Sweden’s integration under the lethargic Socialists have slipped. I am not surprised. So now they (the centre-right alliance) are overhauling integration depts., making entry into the job market easier et al.

Dorothy, you are correct – my syntax is probably tainted with Swedish influence, Swedish being of Germanic strain.

” “England has difficult issues with radical extremists and disenfranchised immigrants from fundamentalist countries, but ethnic profiling is not a solution in any way.”

Xel, did I understand your point correctly?”

Yup. If every muslim was a terrorist or if no muslims where terrorists the solution would be simple. Now, this is not the case so most measures will be political and arbitrary.

“Xel, may I ask, were you making that statement about the First Amendment, or quoting someone else’s views?”

My views, but I guess I could say that I don’t think it’s a *good* rule. Whether it’s the best, I’m not read enough to say.

“Er, excuse me, but I would like some support for that statement. Particularly in the British context. Links to surveys, etc.”

It’s Partial Humble Pie time for me – “40% of British Muslims supported “there being areas in Britain which are pre-dominately Muslim and in which sharia law is introduced””

Hopefully I’ve cleared stuff up for everybody. Feel free to keep demanding more clarity in language and views.


Oh, HTML, I think you’re the cat’s whiskers and all, but I think you’ve just gone wrong here. There’s no guarantee that truth wins over bullshit, since there are often those who have a keen interest in purveying bullshit and hiding truth.

I like to think that truth wins over bullshit when you do education correctly. I also think (but with much less liking) that this is probably one of the reasons our educational system sucks as badly as it does. Is it honestly in the best interests of the people who control the educational purse strings to have the population well educated?


Can someone elaborate on freedom of speech not being the same as one’s right to be paid(often quite handsomely)for that speech? Sometimes I think people confuse the two concepts. You surely can say whatever you wish for the most part,but you don’t have the right to get paid,be famous or be on the teevee for it.


Oh and this thing that 60% of Muslims like the idea of shari’a law? Did that include asking women if they thought it was a grand idea? Just curious on that.


Happy birthday, Mikey!


Wouldn’t be at all suprised to find lots of Muslim women agreeing to live under Shari’a law. Lots of Christian women are willing to put up with crap like this.

Religion rots your brain.


First Sentence:
Respect the man you married by listening to him without criticizing him, insulting him, laughing at him or making fun of him.
You know, with only a small edit…

“Respect the Human you married by listening to them without criticizing them, insulting them, laughing at them or making fun of them.”

…it is actually some very good advice.


Eh, it’s a series of books about how the way to have a good marriage is to surrender to your husband, to make him into that Biblically-mandated head of household…..he manages all the finances, he makes all the decisions, and you agree with whatever household decisions he makes.

It’s actually the worst kind of passive-aggressive stuff imaginable, but I guess God likes it.

Hell, there was that story a few years back about a woman who was arrested for breastfeeding her son while driving down an interstate highway – she was not a passenger, but the driver. The reason she gave for doing this? Her husband told her to, and she was a surrendered wife who did as she was told. This actually got used as a


that’s weird…it ate the last part of my thingie.

I was saying that this woman’s insane religious practices got used as a legal defense – she claimed that if she were held liable for following her husband’s instructions, that would infringe upon her freedom of religion.


i find it peculiar that you’re framing problems with certain immigrant cultures and religious groups as specifically Muslim problems. As far as rampant homophobia goes preachers in many of the african evangelical churches in London could give the worst muslim clerics a run for their money, and forced marriage etc. is just as common amongst other subcontinental religious groups (hindu, sikh). why single out muslims? Are paternatistic patronising attitudes about immutable cultures only extended towards Muslims? i’ve never found that to be the case, so why are Muslims specifically identified as the problem? that certainly seems pretty racist to me. I ageree with Lee that your characterization doesnt sound much like the country I live in or any of the muslims i know (including quite a few recent immigrants and a number of fairly devout/nutty religious types). You may not like “arguments from anecdote” but i think personal experience of a country is far more valuable than reading some (unspecified) stuff. after all people can read any old crap and think they’re knowledgeable on a subject.

the “40 percent of muslims demand sharia law” seems a little iffy, and certainly isnt as clear cut as you suggest. As your link says

“It’s worth remembering though that respondents could be thinking of a far more limited use of sharia law – until this month, for example, Ontario in Canada allowed the use of sharia law in civil disputes on things such as divorce, contract law and so on. I suspect respondents to ICM’s survey were more likely to have been thinking of Muslim communities in the UK deciding cases of family and inheritance law on the basis of sharia, as opposed to stonings and beheadings in Brick Lane – though from the wording of the question it is impossible to tell.”

sharia itself is quite a vague term, and it makes the findings pretty much useless. In any event there dont seem to be many muslims out of this 40 percent actively working towards imposing sharia. most muslims are pretty well integrated and continue to work and live in britain without agitating for the overthrow of the british legal system, they tend to obey the laws of the land, vote in overwhelming numbers for mainstream parties and rarely give any active support to even moderate fundamentalist groups like Hizb-ut-Tahrir, let alone violent extremists.


That Surrendered Wife stuff is just a rehash of something in the !970’s called The Total Woman by some hairdo named Marabel Morgan or something like that. My mom thought that stuff was fantabulous back in the day. It’s nothing new. It rises up,makes a best seller list or two and then ends up in the 70% off bin or being given to the library’s book sale in fairly short order. My mom talked the talk,but dad never bossed her around because a)he’s generally not that kind of guy and b)my mom gets what she wants by hook or crook anyway,regardless of biblical commands and such.

I just wondered,if one could survey Muslim women in two groups,say 45 and older,and then 44 and younger,to see if there’s a diff in who favors shari’a more.


Then nail his ass.


for the crimes he ordered. Get her for conspiracy.


Oh good christ,1970’s not !970’s. I hate this new keyboard.


something i forgot to mention. jews in this country have had their own courts for dealing with minor civil matters for donkeys years. it hasn’t caused many problems


Xel, may I ask, were you making that statement about the First Amendment, or quoting someone else’s views?”

My views, but I guess I could say that I don’t think it’s a *good* rule. Whether it’s the best, I’m not read enough to say.

Interesting. Xel, I guess that I would have to say that, for me, the First Amendment is not only important in my own country (the USA), but is something of a touchstone for human rights across the planet. I realize that there are cultures which may not agree with the protections outlined in that Amendment, or with what is in the US Bill of Rights. To me, however, they are extremely important.


Sort of on-topic–check out this amazing post and thread at Ace o’ Spades about how we need a Final Solution to the problem of Scary Muslims:


As far as rampant homophobia goes preachers in many of the african evangelical churches in London could give the worst muslim clerics a run for their money, and forced marriage etc. is just as common amongst other subcontinental religious groups (hindu, sikh). why single out muslims?

And let’s not let our own American-grown Christian fundies off the hook here.

Marabel Morgan – angryoldbroad, isn’t she the one who suggested women should wrap their naked bodies in saran wrap and greet Hubby at the front door when he comes home from work?

mikey – a belated happy birthday! I think I must have celebrated for you unawares, as I had a margarita last night.


Yes g,that’s her. Just eww,is all I can say. And thank gawd my mom never went that far with this nonsense. ((((shudder))))


“As far as rampant homophobia goes preachers in many of the african evangelical churches in London could give the worst muslim clerics a run for their money, and forced marriage etc. is just as common amongst other subcontinental religious groups (hindu, sikh). why single out muslims?”

A mistake on my part – it is not right to single immigrants from muslim countries out because they are the major immigrant block.

“i’ve never found that to be the case, so why are Muslims specifically identified as the problem? that certainly seems pretty racist to me.”

If it seems that way then I am sorry. I do not intend to look only at blocs but should treat examples only for their behaviour.

“I ageree with Lee that your characterization doesnt sound much like the country I live in or any of the muslims i know (including quite a few recent immigrants and a number of fairly devout/nutty religious types). You may not like “arguments from anecdote” but i think personal experience of a country is far more valuable than reading some (unspecified) stuff.”

“Arguments from anecdote” is usually an oxymoron – you need a lot of anecdotes before you can evaluate the zeitgeist. We live on a curve but only see our personal snapshot – a tangent on the curve.

“In any event there dont seem to be many muslims out of this 40 percent actively working towards imposing sharia. most muslims are pretty well integrated and continue to work and live in britain without agitating for the overthrow of the british legal system, they tend to obey the laws of the land, vote in overwhelming numbers for mainstream parties and rarely give any active support to even moderate fundamentalist groups like Hizb-ut-Tahrir, let alone violent extremists.”

Just thinking about implications and where different degrees of a law system within a law system could lead.

shane's dentist's attorney's bookie

ya know, on an SAT test, if there are five choices for an answer to a question and you guess wrong, you lose one fourth of a point. So the net result at the end of the test shoud be zero, if you guess at every question. These ‘gloat trolls’ don’t get to claim the Glasgow airport as a win until after they deduct the Virginia Tech and Amish schoolhouse and Fort Dix and Seattle xtianist for starters. why lookit that, schusshausfrauzel is still a zero.

shane's dentist's attorney's bookie

Are we sure these Glasgow bums weren’t just imitating John McClane/Bruce Willis by trying to drive their car onto an airplane? Maybe they had too many jujubees and cola. Notice how the Scots citizenry kicked their asses and rolled them up for the constabulary.


The source of the 60% number seems to be a Wallstreet Journal editorial which refers to a policy exchange sponsored poll.

Damned if I can find the 60% number, seems like 59% prefer british law, according to page 46.


The interesting part of that survey, PaulG, is that the numbers seemed to get more conservative/fundamentalist as the ages got younger. I’m not sure whither that’s representative of a shifting culture back towards a more stringent religious interpretation, or weather it’s just young kids being aggressive and rowdy.


I demand that Osama assign more competent agents in the future. We are EXCEPTIONAL! We deserve only the best terrorist operators. Enough of these amateurs.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

BloeMe, you’ve got a fair point there. In my country, in the Goode Olde Dayes, bloke’s like that would have been called dumb yobbos and banged up in the pokey, preferably by some no-nonsense sargeant who’d give them a good talking to and tell them to mend the error of their ways. Probably call them “Sonny” while he was at it.

Alas, those days are no more. Sad to see that the quality of terrorists has followed the general decline in morals afflicting the rest of the world.

You just can’t get good help these days.


Tellin’ ya. A guy lights himself on fire, squeezes the trigger on the detonator, squints his eyes and holds his breath and….

…nothing. Except OUCH. He’s still sitting in a car, soaked with gas, on fire. Dammit. So he gets out (yep – still on fire) and tries to open the trunk to do either some manual detonation or to fix the detonator in the first place. Couple of points for dedication, major deduction for incompetence. Never can make it go boom, just gets arrested.

Debbie and the Nuts are pissing themselves about these idiots? They’re gonna kill more poeple by accident then they ever do out of design…



Happy (belated) birthday, Mikey, and many happy returns!


Late to the party, I know, but I somehow doubt Dhiren Barot had anything to do with this – he is after all in jail. Does the Costco Coulter mention this anywhere?


Debbie exulted: “British authorities are seeking three suspects in Muslim-dominated Birmingham.”

Even when she’s right, she’s wrong. Less than 15% of Birmingham’s population is Muslim. Well above the national average of under 4%, of course, but in the fevered brains of those fighting ‘Eurabia’, Islam is already poised to take over the UK, so cities of a million people must already be dominated by those kind of minorities. Especially the minorities with higher unemployment and poverty rates than the national average, you know.


MarioGeorgeNitrini111 FOUND INNOCENT
















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