Nixon Bush Rejects Congressional Subpoenas

…Not the Cheney subpoena, but a foreshadowy previous round, for Harriet Miers and political director Sara Taylor.

Above: Dick “Poenas” Cheney

Cheney, who last week declared himself the head of a yet-unnamed fourth branch of government, is currently relocating his office to a fortified paperproof bunker beneath the former Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building, now renamed the F.U. Leahy Executive Privilege Building.


Comments: 18


I think you’re gonna want some of these to go with your news coverage for the next couple of weeks……

Curried Parmesan Popcorn

1/2 C Butter
1/3 C grated Parmesan cheese (the real stuff, not the sprinkles)
1.2 t. curry powder
12 C popcorn
salt to taste

Saffron Butter Popcorn

3 C popcorn
4 T butter
1/4 t saffron threads, chopped
Salt to taste

Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the saffron, heat for a minute. You know what to do from here.

Oh, and if Congress backs down on this one, I say it’s time we all start clipping coupons for adult diapers and mailing them in to our representatives, along with a note saying we’ll stop as soon as they stop pissing themselves.


Well, whatever else anyone can say about the Veep, I think we can all agree that he’s a dick.


Jillian, I hope you’re right, but our city’s newspaper had the story of subpoenas being delivered to the White House on page nine!!!!! And it wasn’t much of a story. You wouldn’t believe the bullshit they gave more inches and prominence to.

If I stopped random people on the street, I’m guessing no more than 10% would even know it was happening.


Dick Cheney’s got man-sized Mosler safes full of subpoenas. Acutally, full of subpoena servers. This shit ain’t gonna faze him one bit.


They are ready/have been ready/have their 5/4 SC lined up. Depressing.


I wouldn’t want to serve that subpoena – Dick shoots his FRIENDS in the face.


They’re daring someone to make ’em stop. I’ve dealt with bullies before,it’s what they do. They keep on going til they’re stopped. They don’t do rules,not voluntarily.


So, impeachment it is. Bring it.


Let’s roll.


They are ready/have been ready/have their 5/4 SC lined up. Depressing.

Believe me, this wouldn’t have happened if Nader was president.


The saffron butter popcorn sounds really indulgent–1/4 teaspoon saffron for only three cups of popcorn?

Is it really delicious?

I bet it’s really delicious. Golden and delicious.

a different brad

the next 17-20 months will be…. interesting
*retreats to underground bunker close to the quebec border*


The saffron butter popcorn sounds really indulgent–1/4 teaspoon saffron for only three cups of popcorn?

Or, you could use half the butter and half white truffle oil. Now THAT’S indulgent…



Can Cheney separate his teeth? Obviously few of the places I prowl on the intarweebz are going to run a flattering (if such a thing exists) shot of the shitheel, but he always seems to have his choppers firmly clamped together, even as he attempts to open his lips.
(Sorry, looksism. I’ll be at the Maoist self-criticism meeting tonight, honest, you don’t have to send the Red Guards to escort me.)


It almost looks as if the microphone caught his cheek, and he’s grimacing and trying to pull it away.


You’d grimace too, if you hadn’t taken a dump in seven years. Yeah, we liberals joke about Ol’ FU using the Constitution as toilet paper, but you know in reality Cheney’s too secretive to let anything escape his pirana-like appetite.


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