Mr. Turtle? How Many Clicks Does It Take to Get to
an Actual Fact on Debbie Schlussel’s Website?
Debbie Schlussel:
Above: The Costco Coulter
Terrorism Investigation: Fumes Released at Spokane Mall
Who released noxious fumes into a Spokane, Washington mall in January, injuring at least 36 people?
Okay, maybe not him, but we suddenly got an idea for a little contest, based on the old Tootsie Pop ads, which basically goes like this: How many sentences will it take for Debs to get to the Muslim at the center of this incident? Let’s ask Ms. Debbie!
Who released noxious fumes into a Spokane, Washington mall in January, injuring at least 36 people?
That’s what authorities are investigating.
But I’m sure the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force–which is looking into it–will tell us there’s no reason to think it’s terrorism (even though internally, they believe that it is).
Right–maybe someone just farts more powerfully than the rest of us.
Sending poisonous chemicals through the HVAC systems of a shopping mall has been a plot point in both FOX’s “24” and Showtime’s “Sleeper Cell,” among other shows focusing on…
…Islamic terrorism in America.
Oh. My. How many sentences does it take to get to the Muslim at the center of every crime committed in America?
“The world may never know.”
Gavin adds: I’ve never made it without biting.
Apparently, treating TV shows as reality helps reduce the sentence count. Just ask Judge Scalito!
Does this mean those Hollywood liberal traitors are using favorite wingnut entertainments to send dastardly plot ideas in code to al Qaeda? Is Jack Bauer one of Sullivan’s coastal fifth columnists or something?
The headline on the blurb for this news story in the Oregonian today actually said “Mall fumes might be terrorist act.”
Then again, then again they might be smoke being blown up someone’s ass. It’s like someone’s crying out for attention.
My question is how long till Debbie forgets she’s jewish and has a post about Zionist bankers.
FFS, the lead post on her page right now is a bashing of Chris Webber for…..ummmm
being black and wealthy and…. self-confident?
Racial hatred – try it it’s fun! Muslim is the new black. We can hate them openly because a few of them killed a few thousand of us. Oh, c’mon, it doesn’t matter that we’ve responded by killing a million innocent men, women and children, destroying a country and a half and making two and a half million refugees….
Nine fucking Eleven, bitch….
farts? How ugly and profane! I can’t believe Debbie would be so vulgar as to suggest gaseous emissions as existing.
So this is it, huh? 24 and Sleeper Cell write a similar crappy story, and it’s the Muslims’ fault? Is she going to blame extraordinary rendition on Sayid of Lost next? When we’re taking our political excuses from TV programs, no wonder we’re plummeting as a fucking country.
Love how the Seattle Times notes the incident date as 11 February, which works out to January in Debbie’s world. How much does anyone want to wager that a motor in the HVAC burned out or a circuit shorted, lighting some of the incredibly toxic plastics we’re surrounded with, & spewing the fumes into the Temple of Commodity Fetishism? (That’s a mall, for you non-pseudo-intellectuals out there.)
Also from SeaTimes: “Man seen running from the J. C. Penney store.” I know that when I’m somewhere and there are toxic fumes around me, the last thing I’d want to do would be leave rapidly.
Another distinct possibility: The Northwest Inland JATTF should be keeping an eye on all the survivalist, militia, retired LAPD officer elements there in Idaho, if it’s doing its job correctly. You know, “domestic” terrorism. As I believe someone said here, there will probably be a lot more of those ninnies coming out of the woodwork after a Democrat is elected next year. And Little Debbie probably should be concerned about them, because her people are a big part of that ol’ International Banker/Rothschild/Illuminati/New World Order/Mark of the Beast/Zionist/Globalism/blah, blah, blah conspiracy, if I’m not mistaken. (And I seldom am.)
Yep, there are terrorists in the Spokane area for sure. Unfortunately for Debbie’s scenario, the eastern Wash terrorists are more of the skinhead, militia, Patriot boy variety…
If this had happened at a women’s clinic, I’d suspect terrorists. The mall? Not so much.
Dangit M. Bouffant, I should have read all of your excellent comment before posting. Beat me to it.
Oh, I notice diffbrad has a different approach to Debbie & the Bankers. That might work too.
No link to Debbie? Just to that over-sized (well, in his case it’s necessary) photo of The Sammich King? (And gawd he’s disgusting at that size!! Eyes not the same size, & what’s that white thing in his mouth? His only toof? Or something more repugnant? Eeeeehh!)
Candy: Happens to the best of us. I read diffbrad’s post, but it didn’t sink in, or it did subconsciously, which would then be where I got half my post. Cheers!!
Great minds and all that! 🙂
Well, Candy, thou unbeliever, according to darrelplant’s link, there’s enviro-terrorists there, too: “[w]hen two Hummers were damaged in 2005 at the George Gee Auto Dealership in Liberty Lake, the joint terrorism task force determined it was domestic terrorism.” DEAR GOD, WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE HUMMERS?! I weep for our lost innocence.
Wait a minute, so 24 may be giving teh Terrorists ideas? Who knew.
Bowing head in shame…
The events of the last 48 hours proves that Elizabeth Edwards wears the pants in the Edwards family.
John Edwards appears to be a swishy nancyboy who doesn’t have the guts to handle Ann Coulter. If John Edwards has a problem, he shouldn’t hide behind his wife.
Ann Coulter is correct when it comes to the facts on this matter and John Edwards is desperate.
If John Edwards can’t handle Ann Coulter, he can’t handle actual evil people like Osama Bin Laden.
What is John Edwards going to do on Terror, get his wife to make a phone call to Osama bin Laden telling him to cut it out?
John Edwards basically bankrupted a large segment of the North Carolina hospital industry with his bizarre unethical techniques, and John Edwards accepts loads of money to talk about poverty.
The fact is that John Edwards is Bill Clinton without the adultery and without the charm.
The fact is that John Edwards is Bill Clinton without the adultery and without the charm.
So you’re endorsing John Edwards for President?
Way to go, Gary. I didn’t know you had it in you.
Elizabeth Edwards has a voice! So scary!
“actual evil people” is equivalent to Ann Coulter.
“his bizarre unethical techniques” = “suing a corporation when they were liable for punitive injuries.”
Gary thinks Bill Clinton had charm? Can’t he get thrown out of the He-Man Clenis-Hater’s Club for suggesting that?
What is John Edwards going to do on Terror, get his wife to make a phone call to Osama bin Laden telling him to cut it out?
And if he did? Far more effective than what the current crowd o’louts has done.
Whatever works, I say…
Remember, now, folks:
Anything can qualify as terrorism in this, our Bushian reality.
I’m just waiting for the day when I can bust some yammering parent for domestic terrorism when they come into my class to scream at me. As a teacher, I do work for the government, don’t I? And if someone tries to intimidate me into raising their kid’s grade, then they’re using terror tactics to influence the government, right?
I’ll have to think about this…
Bill Clinton was a sleazebag with charm who basically supported policies that weakened the moral fiber of America.
John Edwards is a less charming sleazebag.
Elizabeth Edwards is also saying the things that John Edwards doesn’t want to say. Such as Elizabeth’s support of radical homosexuality and the far left.
John Edwards is hiding behind his wife.
Oooo!!! Oooo!! Gary!! Don’t forget that Clinton was stealing our precious bodily fluids too! And that he passed the 1996 “I hate America Act.”
OK, I take it back. I don’t endorse “whatever works”, because that philosophy leads to stupid shit like calling environmentalists “terrorists”. “Arsonist” I can live with calling them, if they set fire to stuff. Calling them terrorists is just dumb fear-mongering – inciting terror, if you will.
However, Doc Washboard, I think you may be on to something with your classification of terrorists, though.
Bill Clinton was a sleazebag with charm who basically supported policies that weakened the moral fiber of America.
Well, Gare-bear, despite the shocking incivility of the term “sleazebag”, I have to concede that NAFTA and “don’t ask, don’t tell” weakened the moral fiber of America.
Point to Gary.
The worst thing about having our moral fiber weakened is that this country has been unbearably fucking constipated for the last fifteen years.
I hate to be the one to tell you guys this, but when all that shit finally comes out, it’s going to stink. And hurt. Hope you’re ready.
what happened to (urban myth) that doctor and nurse that were knocked unconscious from the fumes emanating from the just-surgically-opened-body of a woman? was her spleen carrying a horrible toxic gas? was her cooter ballistic?
did schussenhausfrauzen fully document this outrage?
Jillian, at the risk of stretching this metaphor, haven’t you just described the last six years?
And there’s no end in sight!
It’s nice to see Gary finally acknowledge that Ann Coulter is evil.
thanks Gare!
When did pant load go all Mirror Universe on us?
Al Ruppert is just mad that Edwards’ woman is strong and takes initiative. Blow-Up Wanda never makes any choices, and hardly ever whips Gary like he needs to be, or tells him what a disgusting little worm he is, then puts out her cigarette on his left testicle.
Dun worry, Gary. One day, you will find yourself that strong, controlling, domineering woman you need to give you the discipline and structure you crave in your life, Allah willing.
Well, when your nation is really badly impacted, stretching is sort of necessary.
It’s best to use disposable gloves when you do.
“his bizarre unethical techniques
Oh, you mean the civil court system and due process?
Even if it was Islamofascists, if the worst they can do is bust open a can of Mace in a suburban mall, they’re doing a rotten job of being our national nightmare.
once at escalator repairmen’s band camp, i heard about some escalator repairmen who spilled some grease solvent when repairing the shopping mall’s escalator at night, and then they put it back together, and the next morning when they started it up everybody could smell the solvent and some people got sick. And then those sick people died and started eating the brains of the people in the mall and riding the escalators aimlessly until one of the zombies found the ladder to the hidden rooms in the ceiling.
Shane’s service employees group: That gave me a righteous laugh. Thank you…
“Elizabeth Edwards is also saying the things that John Edwards doesn’t want to say. Such as Elizabeth’s support of radical homosexuality and the far left.”
Oh, how radical!! Gay Marriage!! Nothing more RADICAL than getting married, settling down & buying a house, etc. Those fruits will be the death of America if we let them act like us!!
P. S.: I am neither married, settled down (a bit settled in, maybe) nor a homeowner or homo. (Not that there’s anything wrong w/ being a homo. The other stuff does not meet my approval, however.)
shane’s service got it wrong, tho. It was going great till bikers showed up and let the zombies back in the mall.
1. Fumes are released
2. Police are investigating.
3. A possibility could be terrorism
4. Therefore it IS terrorism.
5. Which is only caused by Muslims.
6. Like I saw on “24” once.
Therefore, Debbie is Jack Bauer, only blonder.
1. John and Elizabeth Edwards loses a son in a tragic event.
2. Coulter makes snarky, insensitive insult at the expense of this tragedy.
3. EE calls AC on her on it, and suggests she apologize.
4. AC defends it as a “old joke”, and does no such thing.
5. Gary attacks EE for not being John.
Therefore, Gary prefers men to women, which explains why he’s not in the military.
Hey, guys, are you going to do anything on this new story about Mitt Romney and the family dog?
No, I am not kidding.
Mitt’s a man’s man, not a nancy boy. He doesn’t leave the lashing of the family dog to the roof of the car to his wife, nosiree, he takes care of bidness his own self, and when the petrified pooch shits himself, Mitt calmly hoses down the car, and gets back on the road, no mercy for that damned dog. Two Gitmos!
My favourite was the second comment from the first story:
I expect Romney was out looking for a pony to add to his show.
There’s not much to say that hasn’t been covered already. Yep, we’ve got our environmental radicals and our white supremacists, and, if it turns out to have been a deliberate “attack”, it was probably one of those groups. Of course, if it were a little more than a decade ago, I could claim (without evidence, of course – why should Debbie have all the fun?) that it was the work of the Russian mob, given the tens of thousands of Russian immigrants who’ve settled here.
Although there’s a certain entertainment value in being used as a prop in one of lil’ Deb’s freakouts, perhaps next time she should just give the whole “BROWN MENACE!!eleven!!!” act a break. Or, maybe she’s pissing herself there so we don’t have to piss ourselves here? Because, I assure you, we’re not.
Debbie sounds like one of those nerds who discusses all issues in terms of analogies taken from Star Trek episodes, only in her case she relates everything to 24.
All that hatemongering… It’s as if she’s under the thrall of that energy creature that took over the Enterprise, made the crew fight some klingons with swords, and fed off of their conflict.
John Edwards appears to be a swishy nancyboy who doesn’t have the guts to handle Ann Coulter. If John Edwards has a problem, he shouldn’t hide behind his wife.
And if John Edwards had called, Garry, you and the rest of the Wingnut Welfare Wurlitzer would be having the vapors over the mean, mean man beating up on a poor pitiful little woman like Coulter.* Coulter has no “facts”, merely such a psychotic desire for attention that she envies a dead teenager whose parents loved him enough to spend their own money memorializing him. Isn’t spending one’s own dollars on public monuments supposed to be one of the virtues of what your sorry tribe call ‘conservatism’? Is it the Edwardses’ fault that Coulter’s parents didn’t give her the attention she craves so desperately and publicly? **
Notes for the sane people here:
* Yes, I realize Coulter’s gender is an open issue, but if I bring up more than one issue at a time Garry will leave another nasty stain on the rug.
** And if I were related to Coulter, I’d lie about it myself.
OK, I realize that we’re all having boatfulls of fun with Garebear here, or not, but could commentators please refrain from the cheap gay shot toward Herr Grupertnator? Two words: not funny.
And, DA: no, no, no. Not “two.” It’s “Two-HOO!” or however that phonetic pun version goes.
Or it might just have been a gas leak, moron.
Debbie Schlussel is a zionist wind-up toy. Wind her up and she does the same thing every time. That’s what wind-up toys are for.
It’s how propaganda works — and it does work. A recent poll indicates that a large majority of educated Americans sympathize with Israel rather than its Palestinian victims. The poll is a bit suspect, because it was conducted by a pro-Israel organization, but I believe the results. There isn’t a Palestinian Debbie Schlussel out there doing her thing every day. (Not that she’d have to Schlusselate the news to get her point across, but outright lies sure don’t hurt.)
John Edwards appears to be a swishy nancyboy who doesn’t have the guts to handle Ann Coulter. If John Edwards has a problem, he shouldn’t hide behind his wife
Garry Ruppert
So, South Carolina’s favorite slack-jawed, beady-eyed, tattooed child molester crawls out from under his rock to post stupidity. Speaking of hiding, Ruppert, it’s time for you to come clean. Was that “attempted contributing to the delinquency of minors” you trying to buy them beer, or to molest them?
Schlussel: “Right – maybe someone just farts more powerfully than the rest of us.”
Methinks she doth protest too much.
Somebody did an analysis of Debbie’s work and concluded she clears something like $5,000 per year from her punditry. She is right on the cusp of turning a worthwhile profit, so she ratcheting up the craziness in a desperate bid for the attention of some wingnut welfare outfit.
And, DA: no, no, no. Not “two.” It’s “Two-HOO!” or however that phonetic pun version goes.
I’ve always gotten a chuckle out of the dimwitted argument that because Person A did something, it says something about Person B because they didn’t do it instead.
John Edwards appears to be a swishy nancyboy who doesn’t have the guts to handle Ann Coulter. If John Edwards has a problem, he shouldn’t hide behind his wife
It might surprise you to learn that women are capable of independent thought and action, and that women who have held their children’s dead bodies in their arms can have just as strong feelings about it as men.
It’s a fair cop, Marq. I’ll stop. (and me a new poster and all).
Still, if anyone needs to know what it feels like to have his own epithets tossed in his face, it’s Gary, as well as every other wingnut on the Web.
In other words: he started it!
Mea Culpa
Schlussel: “Right – maybe someone just farts more powerfully than the rest of us.”
She who smelt it….
And garry, Mrs. Edwards made the call herself as a mother, as well as a subject of Coulter’s baseless attacks. Just like a cheerleader like yourself to miss that part.
Well played!
Why do you keep calling her the Costco Coulter? I like Costco! It’s full of tasty foods and refreshing beverages!
this post was my biggest LOL of the day, and there were a lot of doozies out there. thanks.
“Why do you keep calling her the Costco Coulter? I like Costco! It’s full of tasty foods and refreshing beverages!”
You failed to mention the flat screen TVs on display…
Who released noxious fumes into a Spokane, Washington mall in January, injuring at least 36 people?
Sponge-Bob Square-Pants!
Nah, doesn’t quite have the same flow as the original theme song.
19 test submit
people having sex with anilmals