Shorter Dennis Prager
Posted on June 26th, 2007 by Travis G.
Above: Dennis Prager is a radio show host, contributing columnist for, and author of 4 books, including Happiness Is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual
‘The Rape of a Name Is Also Rape’
- Accusing a man of a rape you cannot prove is just as bad, if not worse, than actually being raped.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
“To this day, a decent human being named Clarence Thomas, who has become a major Supreme Court thinker, is identified by his political enemies with sexual harassment (of the most innocuous variety, even if true) and of having looked at pornography (along with the majority of other decent men in America), as if those charges define his life.”
It’s really becoming difficult to snark at shit like this.
Defamation rape sounds aweshum.
That first paragraph is a doozy. Ya know, a normal person might think, “Hmmm…. in order to make this analogy work, and to not be completely and totally offensive to decent human beings, I need to issue several caveats right up front so I’m not seen as a sexist asshole.” Then the normal person might think, “Hmmm… Since I have to begin with a series of caveats, maybe the analogy isn’t so good. Maybe I should abandon the whole “rape of a name” analogy and try a different tactic to criticize that rogue DA.”
Dennis, however, isn’t a normal person. So he writes that first paragraph to cover his ass and wades into the filth right up to his armpits gleefully. Good on ya, Dennis, now we know exactly what you are.
Prager (my emphasis):
Sing it, Billmon: “Identity politics on steroids.”
I burned my finger the other day, it was like the toaster was a rapist! And morally likening the two is in no way meant to lessen the horror of rape; it is meant only to heighten awareness of the horror of a burned finger.
Are you sure the toaster wasn’t a terrorist, Kathleen?
So if my name is raped, does that make it okay to have an abortion?
If we can suspect all Muslims why not suspect all men?
“Rape of a name” is politely called, “defamation,” you obtuse fukwit. Yes, defamation can be injurious; yes it can be embarassing; and yes it can be very difficult to recover from. That’s why, you blubbering dickwad, there is a fucking remedy at law available to victims of defamation if the *victims* can show damages. In other words, if one’s “name is raped” one has the opportunity to correct that “name rape.”
On the other hand, if one is actually, you know *RAPED* in the sense in which normal, decent, human, thoughtful people, not to mention, 500 years of fucking common law doctrine perceive it, one must forever live with that physical and emotional violation. There is no correction for that, you arrogant asshole. You might successfuly prosecute the offender, or you might be able to get Tony Soprano to beat the shit out of him, but neither of those remedies really corrects the invasion. Guess how I know that, shit-bag – ask an actual rape victim.
These people are getting more and more reprehensible by the hour.
I think there’s really only one way for Mr. Praeger to test his comparison hypotheses. First, someone publicly accuse him, unjustly, of being a rapist. Then, someone else rape him. Oh, and when he limps around afterward, bleeding and screaming hysterically and claiming he was raped, let’s let him not only not be believed, but also let’s call him vile names and say he was asking for it and say he’s just trying to verbally rape the rapist.
Yeah, I think that might do it.
So if my name is raped, does that make it okay to have an abortion?
Absolutely not. Further, you must take the name of your name-rapist to serve as a constant reminder that, as Misha would say, your name only got raped because its a total whore.
Sigh. Is it time for the next volley in this particular battle? Will we ever successfully plant our flag on Hamburger Hill? Will they?
Frankly, it’s why I’m interested in moving the whole debate over rights (for women, for different races, for the nonstraights) off this particular plain of battle completely. It IS nothing but a Hamburger Hill, and never will be anything else. Even if you win, you’ll have chewed so many of your allies to shreds by the time you get there, who will even care any more?
Amazingly enough, most of the strides for women, gays, and nonwhites were made BEFORE the term “identity politics” came into existence – before the idea really came into existence. And now, our enemies use this ground more fruitfully than we do, or even can.
Time for a radical shift in our frame of mind and our frame of reference. When the Left is ready to do that, we’ll start winning again. Until then, we’re just playing.
MizNicky, that is an excellent point, and profoundly fair. But the image provoked by the words “Denis Prager…asking for it” is something I’ll spend the rest of the day trying to eradicate. I’m going for cocktails now…
MzNicky is correct. If this theory of Praeger’s is to be taken seriously, it has to be tested right? If, after suffering the the severe indignity and horror of a physical invasion by another, I assume at the expense of his bottom, AND the inconvenience/aggravation/moral outrage of being falsely accused of rape, he still believes that “name rape” is the more disgusting offense, I will gladly grant him his point.
On another note, doesn’t this “argument” completely destroy the *Saddam had rape rooms* meme. I mean, did he have rooms full of guys falsely accusing people of robbing banks or something? Is that what they mean by “rape”?
Every so often, I begin typing a comment to a post here, then stop and think “No, my input on this subject isn’t really necessary or insightful or funny. I’ll just skip it.” I don’t want to post something just for the sake of posting something. And the thing is, I’ve never had to re-think what I was saying because I imagined it to be in poor taste or disturbing. When I see rubbish like the “she asked for it” posts and comments on Reihl’s and Misha’s pages, and now this shit from Prager, I can’t help but wonder if they really are so inhibited by their own desire to have people hear what they think that they’re unable to identify things that might piss people off.
So, maybe that’s why these fringe rightists claim to never say something offends them. They just have no sensibilities to offend.
Seriously, Dennis Prager has no reason to exist.
Diff. Brad is too sensible to do more than quote this, but not me!
“To this day, a decent human being named Clarence Thomas, who has become a major Supreme Court thinker, is identified by his political enemies with sexual harassment (of the most innocuous variety, even if true) and of having looked at pornography (along with the majority of other decent men in America), as if those charges define his life.”
Um, Dennis?
1. He’s not a major Supreme Court thinker. To say so is to, in effect, rape those who have been and are major S.C.t’s. This is in no way, etc. (insert Standard Prager Disclaimer here.) Comparing the reputation of Clarence Thomas to that of, say, Louis Brandeis is to sully the reputation of the latter. And what do we have that is most important, if not our reputation? Especially if we are dead?
2. And no, he’s not identified by his political enemies with sexual harassment. He’s identified by his political enemies as having lied under oath in order–get this!–to get on the Supreme Court.
Thanks for playing our little game, but you’re still a buffoon.
I really wish these fucking fucktards would give also rat’s ass about prosecutorial misconduct in cases that don’t involve white boys of privilege as rape suspects. Or that didn’t involve rape, period. Involving things like the Patriot Act, or Guantanamo, you know, shit like that.
I think the Prager experiment could even be conducted on a less invasive level — and one that might even have some discernible effect — simply by asking Mr. Prager which of the two, “name rape” or real rape, he personally would rather experience.
I’d ask him, but no way am I going to sign up to leave comments at Townhall. I wouldn’t sign up for that even with your pseudonym.
I dunno … from a certain point of view, Dennis Prager (and why does he have to defame the accordian, which instrament I like, by playing it?) has a point. Defamation is, if not a form of rape, a form of stealing (it’s linked in the Jewish tradition to murder, IIRC).
That being said, why does Prager then go on to “name rape” the accuser in the Duke case? Does Prager know for sure that she purposefully and maliciously defamed those she alleged raped her?
If false accusations of rape = rape, then false accusations of false accusations of rape = rape. Nu? I’d hate to be guilty myself, so I’ll hedge my language — if Prager is indeed accusing this girl of name rape without any real back-up to do so, by Prager’s own logic, he’s also a (name) rapist.
And, as others have pointed out:
To this day, a decent human being named Clarence Thomas, who has become a major Supreme Court thinker, is identified by his political enemies with sexual harassment
is, in its own way, comedy gold! In what bizarro world does Prager live if he thinks the above is the case? Nu? I guess that totally destroys his credibility to make arguments about (name) rape or anything else vaguely dealing with laws and legal processes for that matter.
“I really wish these fucking fucktards would give also rat’s ass about prosecutorial misconduct in cases that don’t involve white boys of privilege as rape suspects. Or that didn’t involve rape, period. Involving things like the Patriot Act, or Guantanamo, you know, shit like that.”
To even raise that question to a wingnut will immediately result in the *spontaneous* spouting of faux outrage and accusations of “moral equivalency” and blah blah blah. Intellectual bankruptcy and bone-headed analogies are all they have to offer. Their entire existence is to struggle every day to come up with excuses and/or denials for why they are miserable, scared, backward fucks.
I’d make the note that the first thing in my head about whinging about poor Clarence Thomas’s perversions being all we ever hear about him was, “gee, sure does suck when political enemies do nothing but focus on an irrelevent and entirely private aspect of a person’s sexual life, and then act like it’s the only thing they ever did.”
But then I realized that a) comparing Clarence Thomas to Bill Clinton is silly and b) I’m not sure what the fuck Clarence Thomas ever has done since sticking a pubic hair in a Coke can.
Oh, and another thing. Prager talks about “name rape” and the devastation wrought on the Duke boys’ (heh) reputation… but I am damned if I can recall the name of even one of them.
Sometimes the rape of a body is worse, sometimes the rape of a name is worse.
And it is so hard to tell which is worse when!
Seriously, it must be painful to be this guy.
God, whatever you do, *don’t* let Prager know about Alexander Pope! He’ll be after the hairdressers next.
Sounds like the same mentality behind the cruel perversion of Islamic Shari’ah law that Pakistan calls the “Hudood Ordinances”…
Can I just point out that Clarence “Pubic Hair” Thomas actually DID sexually harass several women? And, I would bet, is still doing so?
There was never any evidence that Hill and the other women had lied about what he did. In fact more evidence came out in support.
But, regardless of that, I like to imagine Dennis Prager in the Ned Beatty role. “You’ve got a reel Purty mouth, mister”
God what a tool.
OT – I fucking hate Blogsome. They went down right when I was about to post about Neal Boortz’s racism and have been down for the last hour or so.
Sometimes the rape of a body is worse, sometimes the rape of a name is worse.
Is it wingnut mating season? They are coming out of the woodwork and displaying their hindquarters prominently.
The rape of a body is worse. Always. Give me a choice between Death by Unga Bunga and accused falsely of a crime but later acquitted, I’ll take door number 2 every time. The second scenario is indeed traumatic to the person involved, but you at least have a chance to redeem yourself.
And he gets paid to write this stuff.
Yes those boys’ names were raped, but they were asking for it with those sexy vowels out where anyone could pronounce them.
I think one of the accused’s names was Whitey McWasp.
Prager rapes his own name every time he opens his mouth.
One can only wonder what the reaction would have been if it had been a Euro-American dancer/party favor @ a kegger thrown by the (I assume, but you never know w/ Duke) mostly Afro-American football team. Presumption of innocence? Doubt it.
Not to mention how completely fucking lame, disgusting & stupid the whole concept of renting someone to dance around half naked for you is in the first place. Coming soon: Naked green slave girls, Star Dreck® stylee.
So, OT, but I don’t know when if ever this would show up on the site.
One of the “headlines” on the side have a listing for “CIA tried to get Mafia to kill Castro: documents”. Obviously another in the line of “we already knew this shit” documentation release program that gave us “Pentagon really did come up with gay bomb”.
So, what’s next? “Oswald really was a patsy”? “Roswell crash not weather balloon”, “U.S. denied Jewish refugees entrance before Holocaust”, “Tammany Hall really very corrupt, no kidding”.
It’s infuriating knowing this stuff for years on years and then seeing any news source acting like this is quite honestly news.
Rape of a women’s body isn’t as bad as rape of a man’s name. I see.
So, when are the Duke rape trolls going to come around? At Pandagon, they come around no matter what you say.
Of course, by that token, that makes Dennis a serial name rapist.
Better put him on the sex offenders database, just to be sure. Make sure he goes door to door in his new neighborhood warning people that he may viciously, and without regard for reputation, rape the names their mothers gave them.
If name-rape is so awful you figure he’d stay the fuck away fromTownhall.
Wow, awesome. Evidentally this individual has never experienced a broomhandle up the ass (sensation-equivalent for a woman being sexually assaulted).
Real life seriously needs to suck more for this dude.
Would being USED be any better than raped is it the same thing but Baptists?
Well said, not that pablo, they were asking for it indeed.
“Accusing a man of a rape you cannot prove is just as bad, if not worse, than actually being raped.”
Perhaps my tiny mind (I’m a conservative, for goodness sakes!) can’t follow your logic. The above statement is indeed true, since, as horrible as a rape is, you can recover from it. You can’t recover from being called a rapist. The media will ransack you when you are charged with rape, and then silently disappear (often without reporting, or reporting on page 16A in the case of the NYT) that the accusation was false.
Are you saying that Dennis Prager is somehow wrong for speaking the truth?
I’m really fed up with people who think up phrases like “name-rape” for a living. Maybe if they all got gang-assraped by a bunch of fuck-mad white-power Bob-types they’d think twice before writing such stupid fucking garbage.
White Power Bob.
Thank you tb, that cleared up my whole day.
…saying that Dennis Prager is
somehowwrong forspeaking the truthsaying the most idiotic of things?There. Fixed. Now, edit the script!
Oops. Meant to post that as ‘kevin’. Apologies to all!
Shorter Travis G. : Accusing innocent people of rape is no big deal.
Shorter Kevin: ME!
Accusing a man of a rape you cannot prove is just as bad, if not worse, than actually being raped.
(Surely he’s not actually equating “able to be proven in a court of law” with “true”, is he?)
So would it be OK for someone to falsely accuse a man of rape as long as they plant enough evidence to “prove” it?
What about a man accusing a woman of rape? Is that as bad as actual raping him?
Inquiring minds want to know! Well, OK, not really. God, he’s stupid. And insensitive. And an asshole.
I think Kevin just volunteered to be raped.
It’s not that bad, really.
Also, douche, sergeant.
Please ban Kevin, he’s much worse than the pie twins. They didn’t race bait or trash on women, at least.
“I think Kevin just volunteered to be raped.”
Of course you do, Brad. You’re ‘different’ moniker is starting to take on a new meaning!
“Please ban Kevin, he’s much worse than the pie twins. They didn’t race bait or trash on women, at least.”
‘Scuse me Different Brad, but I’m not bashing women (and certainly not race-baiting! Where did you get THAT noise?). I AM however bashing women who unjustly accuse people of raping them. Are you against my position?
Let’s have some pie and sort this out.
That said, I wouldn’t get mad at Gavin or his pseudonyms if he banned me. I’m very curious as to whether I could circumvent a baning with proxy servers and possibly slightly different names (I think the key is proxy servers, but also deleting the cookie from the site from which you’ve been banned. Unfortunately, I’ve never been banned anywhere, so can’t test my theory 🙁 ). Only for a few days of course. I wouldn’t stay where I’m not wanted!
Stay tuned though. Gavin or Gavin using the name of one of his pseudonyms may soon do the deed!
I want some pie.
Clarence Thomas, who has become a major Supreme Court thinker, is identified by his political enemies with sexual harassment (of the most innocuous variety, even if true)
Yeah. It wasn’t like his job at the time had anything to do with enforcing anti-discrimination laws.
Sorry, I’m getting flashbacks from middle school when we would try to circumvent the network firewall and look at video game sites. We were so COOL, man! Was someone talking?
“Name rape”? What, did all the “slander” entries fall out of their encyclopedias?
Considering how few cases of rape every get covered in the news to the level of detail it would be required to truly screw someone over with a false charge, this worry seems very silly. If the current state Mr. Prager lives in has what he feels to be un-just laws regarding sex offender lists, then I would suggest that perhaps his efforts would be better served at his state congressional representative, and not in a nation forum.
I wonder if Dennis Prager thinks the same thing about pedophilia. After all being falsely accused of pedophilia is terrible and can wreck a person’s life and thus is on par as… no, can’t continue.
Just what has indicated to you that you’re wanted here, Kevin?
No, wait, that came out wrong, let me try again.
And just what the fuck makes you think you’re wanted here, Dumbshit?
You know, people here would probably actually like having you around if you could hold back a bit. For example: try not to post more than three times in a row in five threads. Be brief and to the point. Generally, your posts boil down to “Hippies smell! lol” so why not just say that?
Look at Gary Ruppert. He only comments once a month, and nobody wants to ban him! Don’t get stars in your eyes now, you’ll never be in Gary’s league, but you can still improve a bit.
That’s all the troll feed I got. Bye Kev. Keep your eyes peeled, hippies are everywhere!
as horrible as a rape is, you can recover from it. You can’t recover from being called a rapist.
Is that so?
Pray, tell me what gives you the authority to say this?
What is the damage that comes from being called a rapist? What is the damage that comes from being raped? How do you compare them? How do you quantify the value of one or the other? How do you find one worse than the other? Do explain, please.
Kevin, perhaps you’d like to engage in an experiment and subject yourself to both, and then you can tell us which is worse.
Sure thing Dennis, and being stuck in traffic is the height of human suffering.
Actually, one of my favorite things about this place is that they almost never ban anybody. Your point of view, no matter how it might reflect on you as a human being, is free to be displayed here for the world to see.
Kevin thinks rape isn’t that big a deal. It’s good for people to know that. This way, we never have to worry about taking anything he says too seriously.
Seriously, is there anybody who believes that, now that they have been vindicated, these Duke lacrosse players — whose names nobody seems to know off the top of their head — are going to suffer for the rest of their lives? Maybe they’ll have trust issues that will prevent them from being able to enjoy black strippers at future parties, but I’m fairly certain that the label of “rapist” — or even “guy who was accused but vindicated of rape” — is not going to follow them around.
Oh, wait. Maybe having had to sit out for the season will prevent them from getting those whipping professional lacrosse contracts. Yeah, that must be it. Those poor, poor boys.
Say, what wisdom might Dan Riehl have to impart about this situation? Let me paraphrase: While the Duke lacrosse players certainly aren’t in any way directly responsible for their reputation damage, had they been a bit more responsible with their lives, they likely wouldn’t have ended in such a tragic accusation.
Yeah, it wasn’t like his future job hung on those unproven allegations. You’ve unintentially proven my point, g. My hippie friends, allow your powerful and very large minds to imagine that YOU are called a rapist. How would you respond? Your options are extremely limited.
Dennis was right. False accusation of rape is as sleazy as rape itself. Being a pc Democrat, none of you will see this though. Let’s hope none of us get falsely accused of rape though, huh? Better yet, let’s hope none of you commit the horrid deed.
Also, hippies smell. Let’s eat some pie!
Everyone can do their own banning with the greasemonkey script if necessary. The only time I see Kevin’s words on this site is when someone responds to them, and the rest of the time it’s just blissful pie.
Doh! That’s “whopping” professional lacrosse contracts.
Though maybe the typo works, too.
Shorter Travis G.: I’m Gavin.
Kevin, straight up serious question: Which would you prefer — being falsely accused of rape or being physically raped? (Death is not an option.)
Yeah I wonder what kind of Judge Thomas would have made. if he had been confirmed to the post….
“Pc Democrats” understand that ‘fore play’ isn’t synonymous with Threats and Intimidation Kevin.
Heh, you’ve achieved the first step to fascism then, Bubba! Silence the dissenting voice. How Righteous of you! I’m glad you’ve come to admit that you simply can’t argue with plain logic, but did you have to block logic out of your life? That seems like a mistake, but it’s you’re life.
I also want some pie, but not quite as much as you, bubba. Your pie seems drugged.
as horrible as a rape is, you can recover from it. You can’t recover from being called a rapist.
It’s easy to see why these morons are not burdened by the atrocities of war. You can recover from sticks and stones and guns and bombs and murder and torture.
I can’t decide, Dan 🙁
Being raped would be horrible! We can all agree on that. But what if you said I raped you? I’d be shunned, unable to work for the whole time the trial went on (maybe a year?) and even if aquitted, I’d still be ‘the guy who was tried for rape’.
So I honestly could not tell you, Dan. A short, disgusting violation, or a long-term violation of your integrity, costing you your ability to support yourself and your family.
It’s just too close to call, Dan Someone.
Well, if not a ban, then maybe a time limit between posts? Probably too much work. I gots greasemonkey, too, n all i see is “Need go walkies!”
But it’s allllllllllllll over the damn place.
Shorter Kevin: Rape has no long term lasting consequences.
Sure Lesley, it would be very easy to recover from being called ‘Lesley the Rapist’. I’m guessing that you are the female type of ‘Lesley’, but just for fun, let’s call you ‘Lesley the Rapist’ for a few days, and see what happens. My guess is that you’d reluctantly agree with me, rapist named Lesley (but only alledged!).
“You can recover from sticks and stones and guns and bombs and murder and torture.”
Can you? Far be it from me to doubt the rapist named Lesley! Lesley might rape me! I’m uncomfortable saying you can recover from guns and bombs, but Lesley, when not raping innocent people (which is rare), tells me it’s true!
(Perhaps you should re-explore that cliche taught to three year olds. Rape is serious, whether true or not.)
Damnit, I knew we were going to have Duke Rape case trolls, but I thought they would be new. It’s just boring old Kevin.
Not fair, Brad with a ‘difference’! I don’t get to play in the blogosphere all day like hippies. I’ve only got 3 hrs evenings and 30 min mornings max. Imposing a time limit between messages would lessen the likelyhood of me converting one of your hippies to useful people, and a boon to America.
Quit hating on America, ‘different’ Brad.
Mom says I’m cool.
Accusations of rape cause vaginal tearing too!
Heh, now that the ‘different’ Brad and and self proclaimed ‘righteous’ Bubba have claimed to use greasemonkey to filter out my statements (we all know they haven’t… I’m in serious doubts that they know how to use greasemonkey at all… great extension, btw) it’s time to badmouth them! But yet again, as happens every evening, I’m tired.
You guys have a great night! I’ll denigrate self-righteous Bubba and Brad tomorrow, ok? ‘Night, my hippie friends!
Poseur, you need to add a website when trying to look like me in an attempt to discredit. I use google. Just type it in, and you can make people think you’re me to your heart’s content!
‘Night again.
Your options are extremely limited.
Yeah. It’s not like you could get your friend who’s a senior US senator to call your accuser a liar on the floor of the senate.
Tell me, Kevin, what’s worse:
1) actual rape
2) false accusation of rape
3)being called a liar on the floor of the senate, being called “a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty” in print, and having people call for your to lose your job for anassertion under oath that someone harassed you?
Actually, Anita Hill had more people going after her job than Thomas did.
Dennis was right. False accusation of rape is as sleazy as rape itself.
No, Dennis wasn’t saying this. Dennis was saying false accusation of rape was WORSE than actual rape. Sleazy didn’t enter into Dennis’s argument.
A short, disgusting violation, or a long-term violation of your integrity, costing you your ability to support yourself and your family.
Kevin, let me suggest you go work for some rape crisis centers and learn about what the impact of rape is.
No, strike that. You’re such an asshole you’d traumatize the victims even more just by your presence. I wouldn’t wish you on anyone.
Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!Pie! Pie! Pie!
Mother. Fuckin. Pie!
I, too, like pie.
Lemon meringue, please.
Nothing takes the taste of engaging with fucking misogynist assholes out of our mouth than a slice of lemon meringue pie.
I, too, like pie.
Those screen captures crack me up every time.
Ok, I’ll play.
Which is worse, being raped or, as a result of an untrue allegation, spending 30 years in prison for a crime you did not commit?
I’m curious to know the consensus, I’m pretty sure I know the answer.
Every thinking person will concede that having someone say something terrible about you publicly is preferable to being raped. Especially if that someone is eventually revealed to be a psychotic fabulist with a criminal record.
I love the idea Kevin floated that filtering out the posts of a rat’s rectum is the first step toward fascism. In Wingnutland, apparently, it’s not free speech when people get to express themselves; everyone actually has to listen to them, as well.
[…] probably gettin’ an ulcer. This job is killing you! It’s killing us. « Shorter Dennis Prager […]
I found an ignore script but can’t seem to get it to work. Can anyone help this ignoramus?
This is the one you want.
You then edit the file to add or remove particular users.
I have taken that first step towards Fascism and installed the troll-away script. So far I don’t feel any different… apart from a sudden conviction that the interests of the individual must be subsumed to the interests of the State, just as the interests of the cells are identical to the interests of the body.
So far I don’t feel any different…
Your script didn’t come with leather riding boots and crop?
Your script didn’t come with leather riding boots and crop?
I’ve already got the riding crop, now where’s that danged script?
Hey, cats need to relax, is all I’m saying. It’s not like I’ve ever been near a horse or anything. Just a bit of swish, thwack! therapy, that’s all.
Your script didn’t come with leather riding boots and crop?
I leave those to the Frau Doktorin… the knee-length leather coat is more my style.
Thanks, Righteous. One question. Once you add a name, will it hide their past comments or only the future ones?
by the by, did anyone see last night’s Daily Show’s “Words Hurt” sketch? Hilarious (and sad, truly sad that a vet would offer Bush his purple heart for “courage under verbal fire”).
Well, I already said everything I needed to about this at World O’ Crap so I’ll just do Shorter Gundamhead: “Fuck off Dennis!”
*looks at topic of thread*
So let’s see… it’s about rape. Any normal person would probably understand it’s a sensitive topic. 97 odd comments though. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Yup, bet “Kevin” is responsible for nearly half of those again. It’s pretty sad really, that it doesn’t matter what anyone wants to discuss, “Kevin’s” desperate need for attention will take over both the comments and his emotional mood swings for the night again.
*clicks on topic and reads down*
Gosh what a surprise, there he is. Of course, he’s not able to physically prevent the initial opening thread, and he can’t prevent anyone else from posting, so Sadly No! has succeeded in passing on the message it wishes, and it’s readers have had the fun they want… but there he is, claiming that even were he banned, he’d simply proxy post, because gosh darn it, immature contrarianism is all he has to live for. As if we didn’t already know that he’s most likely doing that already, and has done that for the year after year he’s been trolling online. Sad, sad little man.
*for everyone else, life goes onwards and upwards after reading*
KBHP, I’ve often wondered what it is that drives people like Kevin. I mean, it’s not that he’s attempting to use logic and verifiable facts to dispute anything. It’s not that he’s winning a place in our hearts. It’s not that he’s joined the happy community of Sadly, Nosians.
So what is it? What do folks like him get out of posting a whole lot of jeering “smelly hippie!” comments here? Has he no friends to play with? Does he not know what positive social interaction (even on the intertubes) is? Does he somehow believe that we’re either crushed by his witty one-liners or smitten by his mighty intellect?
Or is he just a complete fucktard who has fun by getting up the noses of people? I’m really curious. Well, I am a cat after all.
Has he no friends to play with?
G said,
“Kevin, let me suggest you go work for some rape crisis centers and learn about what the impact of rape is.”
Ok, I withdraw my statement. Or at least would like to modify it to an ‘uninformed opinion’. I don’t know anyone who has been raped, or been accused of being raped, so was just using my imagination. Your suggestion is a good one, and I’ll try to follow through on it.
It’s easier for me to imagine being falsely accused of rape than being raped, so my opinion is clearly biased. I promise not to opine on the subject again until I’ve done as you suggest, or at least have spoken with a rape victim about its impact.
Have a great day, my hippie friends!
Those screen captures crack me up every time.
Thanks! My purpose in putting them up is to annoy Kevvie, but if it’s entertaining real people that’s a terrific bonus.
Lesley, the script substitutes your selected phrase for the text of any comment on the page where the poster name matches your criteria. If you enable it and refresh your screen, all of the matching posts get magically transformed; and if you disable the script and refresh, they all come back. Doug Henning would be proud.
Kevin, giving the sad amount of women who are raped, you probably do know someone who was raped. It’s just they won’t tell you, because you’ll say “At least you weren’t accused of rape. Now that’s bad.”
I just realized. Bill Clinton was accused of rape. Still, he won two elections, and if the Constitution would allow it, he could have won another. It didn’t ruin his career.
“Has he no friends to play with?”
Just Mr Peepee…but they’re fighting right now and haven’t spoken to each other in days.
Folks? Didn’t we go over this in the orientation?
When, with all the adjectives available in the world-famous English language to choose from, a troll characterizes rape as “sleazy,” what did we say is the appropriate response?
“Smile emptily and walk away!” Yes.
Keven Bacon Holding Playdoh reminds us, for the ages, of all a troll ever contributes: “immature contrarianism.”
If all the high-profile right has to offer now is Norman Podhoretz and Dennis Prager, what else can one expect from the blog-troll right but Krazee Pam, LGF, and taunts about “hippies”?
As my mother used to say, “I-G-N-O-R-E.”
Ok, I’m already done. Petroleum products rock as a sellable item! I’m already back home and only have a few calls left to make. This isn’t a job Americans aren’t willing to do, my hippie friends! Hehe, I get credit for selling 0.75MMlb/day of EtOH. We’re about to be RICH! Are you happy for me, my hippie friends? I’m ecstatic. .75 million! Do you realize what a coup this is? Even the standard liberal hatred of America can’t bring me down. What a great day. Oh yeah, the end result will add CO2 to the air, so it’s kind of a double-win.
SammyfromUtah-ee, I’m unsure how suggesting I like pie (I do, but rarely get any) is supposed to annoy me, but keep it up, I guess. Simply stating your opinion about how evil America is would annoy me more, but the pie reference is vaguely humorous, so I hope you continue down that lane.
Hysterical woman, as I said, I withdrew my statement. I imagine rape to be horrible, but it’s very possible that it’s even more horrific than I can imagine. I’ve already committed to finding out. What more do you want from me? Are you willing to suggest that being called a rapist is no big deal? You’re clearly a lady, but would you do me the honor or imagining how bad things get for falsely accused for a minute? Also, are you saying that being accused of rape is not an impediment to future employment, since Clinton was re-elected (he wasn’t accused of rape though, just scallywaggering)? That’s crazy talk, m’lady.
Mr wonderful’s mom used to “I-G-N-O-R-E.” him, but let’s hope that idea doesn’t catch on. As they say, ‘the best solution to bad information is to listen to Kevin” (‘they’ meaning ‘I’ in this instance).
I think it’s great that us being somewhat adversarial, we can learn from each other. For example, I learned that I need to learn more about rape. Have you learned anything? If not, I win!
750,000 lb a day! I think I’m voting Republican from now on. Yeah, this is THAT big of a deal. Would you guys mind calling me ‘Mr. Kevin’ or ‘Sir Kevin’ from now on? I’m buying a monacle.
And a tophat.
ok, I’ve done this
[GM_setValue(‘trolls’, ‘kevin,Kevin’);]
and the fucker is still showing up.
That should work, Lesley – did you refresh the page afterwards?
Les, let me be honest. I think you don’t like me!
750k! Ok I’ll let it go. But still, 750k! And not a single ‘huzzah’ from the hippies? You guys kind of suck.
Hey, who likes pie? Answer, Mikey! He’s totally into the stuff. Here’s a photo of him enjoying it!
He likes it, hey mikey!
Lesley – two other things to try:
– one, if someone you’re blocking uses a URI – say, – the antitroll script seems to be inspecting that instead of the person’s actual name, so try putting in your troll list, save the script, refresh, and see if that works.
– if you want to make sure it picks up on the poster’s name regardless of the URI, there’s a bit bigger tweak. Find the line in the script that looks like this:
if (p[i].innerHTML.match(trolllist[k])) // this is a trolly post
and replace it with these two lines:
var myRE = new RegExp(trolllist[k], “gi”)
if (p[i].innerHTML.match(myRE)) // this is a trolly post
save the script, and refresh.
I don’t actually know any Javascript so that may not be the best written, but it seems to be working for me without having to have in my troll list.
…and that first of the two replacement lines might need a semicolon at the end, but the script was working for me without it.
’trolls’, ‘kevin,Kevin’
should be ’trolls’, ‘kevin’, ‘Kevin’
And make sure you include the ‘//this is a trolly post’ part or else you won’t look like a dweeb! 750k, and still not a single word of encouragement from my hippie freinds. I’ll be honest. It hurts a little.
But not a lot! Thanks Doc Bimler for honoring me with a song. It seems wrong to comment on the ‘quality’ of that song, once honored though, huh?
samfromutah, yes I refreshed, enabled, the whole nine yards.
herrdoktor, thanks for the tip, will make the change.
gracias to the rocket scientists among us who can write troll-blasting code!
thanks samfromutah for the extra tweak tip.
A conservative troll who hasn’t heard of Juanita Broaddrick? Amazing.
Herr Doktor – the way the script is written, it expects the “trolls” list to be a single string of comma-separated names (which it then splits at the commas), the way Lesley had it. If it works with having multiple strings like you have there, never mind I said anything.
and YMMV – the same script behaves differently on two computers I use (one linux, on which I tried that tweak, and one Windows, where I’m running the original). So, if it still doesn’t work, perhaps someone who knows javascript a bit better will step up.
Huh? I’m well aware of how Juanita Broaddrick scammed our legal system and caused pain to innocent people… was there more to the story?
Hehe, Sammy from Utah-ee is now bound by his statements to not respond to anything I say about him! Otherwise, we’ll know him to be a liar like Glenn Greenwald!
Plus, 750,000! This might just be the best day ever. Do any of you need financial help? Drop me an email. I’ve got it like that. Now, at least.
Liberalism is a minus though.
7.5×10^5/day! I’m putting on that monacle right now. Hey, why do chicks suddenly dig me?
I just realized. Bill Clinton was accused of rape.
Yeah, but so what? Bill Clinton is a DEMOCRAT!
Liberals. Hmmf. They just don’t get it.
Right, Kevin?
How funny! You do know Clinton has NEVER been accused of rape, right, ‘typical liberal acting lke a Republican’?
You’re funny.
I didn’t think Kevin would flat out deny that Bill Clinton had been accused of rape. Not after I actually mentioned the woman who accused him. I thought he would say something like “Bill Clinton’s career suffered” or “He actually did rape her”. This is like arguing about stem cell research with someone who doesn’t believe in stem cells. Kevin, you so crazy.
Yes he would! Ask him!
HW, I don’t know why you’d expect Kevin to have heard of this.
After all, a quick Google search only yields about 400,000 results. Something like that could hardly be common knowledge – it would have to be on Fox news for it to really be commonly known. Right?
working for me without having to have in my troll list.
It’s only using google as an identifier, so it has no other effect on anything. Go ahead. You’ll like it.
Oh dear, I have to apologize yet again! You are right. I totally forgot about Juanita Broaddrick. When you mentioned her, I confused her with Tawana Brawley, which is why I was unable to make the connection, which led me off on that tangent. I was just remembering that woman he groped, not the one he allegedly raped, and couldn’t fit Tawana into the mix at all.
Please accept my apologies. You’re right, I’m wrong. Clinton was accused of rape. Is it your opinion that the accusation was no big deal?
Plus, I don’t care! Because I’m now an evil fatcat! Bigwig, you might say. As of yesterday, I no longer ‘decide’. Now, I ‘deign’. Take a look! Sure, recent changes have forced me to wear a monacle, a tophat, and grow a ‘stache, but it’s worth it. I still can’t afford to vacation on the Boardwalk, but Park Place? We’re there.
And still not a single ‘grats’ from my hippie friends. *sniff*
When will Kevin stop raping the very concept of rapine humor?
Is he a rapist?
Of course, that goes without saying… but I’ll say it anyway:
Kevin is a rapist. Not only a rapist, he’s a rapist of unprecedented rapeosity.
Unfortunately his lack of life, limb and basic humanity has lead to a state in which he desperately tries to rape himself… and fails… miserably.
Unable to ejaculate, he cries streams of impotent semen which dry in his tear ducts.
And the resultant crust is all he has left for sustenance.
O woe! Woe is he!
Or poor Kevin!
O poor failure!
[…] No one argues that robbery laws promote resentment of people who have money in their wallets by people who don’t and therefore should be abolished. That’s ridiculous. Similarly, people don’t argue that rape crimes promote resentment toward women, who tend disproportionately to be the victims of rape, and should therefore be … Well, maybe that last one wasn’t the best example. […]
For uttering something so relentlessly stupid, Dennis Prager should be violently pegged by Twisty
You kiss you mom with that mouth, hairless monkey?