Swift on Althouse
Posted on June 26th, 2007 by Brad
Yes, I’m plugging Jon Swift again. No, there’s nothing you can do about it except click the link and read.
Yes, I’m plugging Jon Swift again. No, there’s nothing you can do about it except click the link and read.
(comments are closed)
At least you’re plugging him in a 100% manly, heterosexual way!
I still support tenure.
Well, it’s good, of course, but does the world really need more Althousanalysis?
Well, it’s good, of course, but does the world really need more Althousanalysis?
The Left agrees with you.
OT, but eeeek: Look at James Wolcott for a bit about how William Fucking Buckley is “liberal” to the warmongering fascistic Podhoretzes. http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/blogs/wolcott
It’s a glimpse at how even the bigwigs of the right have utterly lost touch with reality. Utterly. “America’s power to redeem the world, one bomb at a time.” What the flying assfuck?
From the same blog, this gem of unintentional revelation, about the last two decades or so of military activities, lifted from the US Army’s “Warrior Ethos”:
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.
Blowback as a Military Jobs Program. Because you can’t engage and destroy enemies if you haven’t deployed them first. Where else would they come from?
Can you imagine anything more horrific than going on an NRO cruise? You couldn’t pay me to do that.
Ginger: yes, a FreeRepublic or a LGF cruise would be even worse…
Man, I never thought I’d see the day when I felt sorry for Bill Buckley.
I don’t know, I reckon a Freeper/LGF cruise would have comedy train-wreck potential, especially if you were the non-white person there. The NRO ones are just full of boring rich College Republican types and NRO contributors’ mates.
Gimme them old time right wingers any day. This new bunch is simply fascist. Ugly, nasty, horrible people, without a single redeaming characteristic.
Sinclair Lewis was right.
OT, but there is some GREAT speechifying going on at the rally in Washington. ACLU is webcasting. The speakers aren’t all liberal/lefty or Democratic, either. Just concerned people who think we can be safe and free without throwing away our civil liberties. When I hear these speakers, I have hope we may still be okay.
I understand that the preview button was being too demanding and had to be sent away, but I sure miss him.
Love it. That and the part about whirling around “like Stevie Nicks”.
Vortex dentata….
Damn that’s good.
can’t stand Althouse, but by the end of that bahaha Althouse is a shriveled lonely link-envyer!, I almost felt sorry for her. It’s old, stale, sexism, but as usual all’s fair in the war against female republicans. They’re easy to ridicule because they all have cunts.
Hated it.
fucking tags not closed and no preview. Sucks!
I understand that the preview button was being too demanding…
This is so utterly unfair, I don’t know where to begin.
What the S,N! crew apparently considered “demands” are, in fact, only the reasonable expectations of a preview button–or for that matter any button–in the age of Web 2.0.
Have any of you attempted to walk through a mall dressed as a button? Everyone tries pushing you…it’s all too much!
So I asked for reasonable accommodations. Then the S,N! gang just eliminated me. Then they outsourced my work to some sort of automatic preview function. Then the automatic preview apparently also got “too demanding” so that’s went away too (I know how you feel, live preview routine!).
But to have regular readers and commentators of this blog call me “demanding”? How dare you! Y’all don’t deserve me!
Man, I never thought I’d see the day when I felt sorry for Bill Buckley.
Me too, and yet here I am, sort of feeling sorry for the guy. Having to debate any of the Pod(horetz) People in front of a Pod-friendly audience is the sort of torture only Abu Gonzalez could love.
Is it better to have loved teh preview button, then lost it, or never to have had it at all?
They say that you can’t miss what you never had… It would have been better never to have met teh Preview Button.
Cryin’ in my beer here…
Buckley’s a big fat aristocratic pretentious prick, but stacked up to the likes of Cal Thomas, teh Pod People, or the Faux crew, he’s a freaking mental giant and elder statesman worthy of some appreciation.
Again OT, sorry but just gotta and at least I’m not Kevin, but OMG, teh b3st0rz political story of the campaign yet :
Does this mean we should start calling righties “Meninos”?
Is Lesley serious? Is she really suggesting that snarking Althouse is sexist? Just at a guess, the ratio of male to female victims of snark in Left Blogistan is something like 999:4 (the four being Althouse, Malkin, the shrieking harpy, and Schlussel. Oh, yes, and Whatshername, who likes your skirt and wonders if you got it on sale. 999:5. Note that I didn’t even mention Coulter, because who the hell pays attention to Coulter any more?
Please, baby Jebus, let Lesley be joking.
“More onion rings and carrots.
Well, what is the Internet anyway but a collection of ones and zeroes, which are…”
And now we know the reason that Avenue Q had it right along along: the internet is for porn because PORN IS ITS MEDIUM.
And I for one miss the medium lobster 🙁
May I humbly suggest “Live Comment Preview”? Then Teh Preview Button could come back, if only in a lesser form. Will no one think of Teh Preview Button?
Speaking of which, I hear from good sources that Althouse is definitely taking her blog to the course for the U.S. Women’s Open…all those sticks and holes are right up her alley.
Hey, MCH, that would actually give Romney bragging rights. Y’see, sticky rice is used to keep one safe from hopping vampires.
S’true, I tells you. Look, here, incontrovertible proof!
can’t stand Althouse, but by the end of that bahaha Althouse is a shriveled lonely link-envyer!, I almost felt sorry for her. It’s old, stale, sexism, but as usual all’s fair in the war against female republicans. They’re easy to ridicule because they all have cunts
I didn’t see the piece as sexist at all–well, at least not any more than Freud’s inherent sexism.
Althouse started with the “Freudian interpretation” schtick. Swift just used her own tactics on her and subjected her blog to the same type of analysis as Althouse did on Clinton’s ad. It’s the classic satirical posture of “Oh, really? Let’s see how you fare under your own rules…”
If you regender the piece (i.e., imagine the Freudian BS was put forth by a male blogger), you don’t actually have to change much to make it work for a male: change “penis envy” to “compensation for a tiny penis” (cause penis envy was specifically female to Freud), and change “vagina dentata” to “castration fantasies”–that’s pretty much all it would take. (You could even avoid any homosexual implications and still make it fit.)
I think Althouse went Freudian, and Swift just showed her how utterly stupid that was. Any sexism in the piece arose from Freud and, well, Althouse herself (q.v. “Jessica Valiente’s Breasts”).