I’m Not Saying the Whore Deserved It, But …

Dan Riehl:

Crime In The Heart-“Sick” Land

Apparently Fox doesn’t want to acknowledge it as they, in an attempted ratings grab, report the murder of Jessie Davis as the second coming of Laci Peterson meets Natalee Holloway, but is anyone else scratching their head as they click past the coverage wondering, what’s wrong with this picture?

Any murder is tragic; the murder of a pregnant woman is even more so. And nothing should distract from an expedient investigation and prosecution, or fail to appreciate the family’s profound suffering because of this crime. Unfortunately, if this is what constitutes crime in the heartland of America, that heart is very sick and we can only expect more of the same.

Did Danny Boy just say that it is “unfortunate” that the murder of Jessie Davis “constitutes crime”? [Gavin adds: I think he was being like, ‘Apropos the heartland, if this crime can be taken to represent crime in general, then there’s…um, going to be more crime like this.’ I hear a pause here, then “Uh-bow-bow” and a round of “Hey-ruh hibba-bubba shibba-bubba,” at al., as per the 1956 Chips song ‘Rubber Biscuit,’ as notably covered by the Blues Brothers.] Let’s see where he goes with this:

I’ve no desire to insult the victim …

Of course you haven’t, Dan. You want to blame the victim. There’s a difference.

… or her family and no one should. But the sad reality is that Jessie Davis was either the victim of poor self, or impulse control and poor decision-making, perhaps both, long before she became a murder victim. And to suggest that one isn’t in any way related to another only endorses the notion that values don’t matter. They do.

By the same token, to suggest that Dan Riehl’s moral retardation isn’t in any way related to his intensely foul body odor only endorses the notion that showers don’t matter. They do.

And while Ms. Davis certainly isn’t in any way directly responsible for her own death, had she been a bit more responsible with her life, it likely wouldn’t have ended in such a tragic crime.

So she was indirectly responsible for her own murder? Is that the point? Basically, she was “asking for it” … like all those rape victims who wore sexy clothes or danced provocatively or had tits?

And the kicker:

Now, her remaining child and all of the other children linked to this crime are victims of a crime far more significant than any one or two murders. They are victims of a culture where nothing much seems to matter anymore, so long as people are free to act or behave on impulse as they wish, with no regard for the consequences. And all Americans suffer as a result of that tragedy.

I never thought of it that way. Having your mom murdered totally pales in comparison to the horror of living in a free society. And anyway, it’s guys like Dan Riehl who are the true victims here! That little snot-nosed kid whose mom was just murdered ought to quit hogging the sympathy spotlight … Dan need a hug, goddamit!

Update: Emperor Misha shows up to throw some more stones at the dead slut.


Comments: 187


Do the bugaboo around the corpse, and blame a liberul!!!1!


Holy. Fucking. Shit. This from a commenter on the Misha post:

I lost count of the bodies of young women who, having acquired a taste for the wild side, I have later photographed in various stages of undress, mutilation and decomposition.

The guy’s got to be a coroner, right? Not a serial killer …


When right-wing commentators are threatening people with anthrax and posting tee-hees about it later, who can tell, D.?


But the sad reality is that Jessie Davis was either the victim of poor self, or impulse control and poor decision-making, perhaps both, long before she became a murder victim.

In other words don’t get comfortable around [redacted] cops.

a different brad

But what about the unborn fetus-fulllyhumancitizenwithrightswhopaystaxesownsacarandhasadaughterjustlikeyou?
That murderer is also an abortionist. He’s morally equivalent to a murderer.
The dead woman should be ashamed for putting her fetusperson in that position.


Why are right-wingers such bad people?


To be fair Jessie Marie Davis is more than just a slut. Her decomposing corpse is the latest symbol in the right-wing cultural storyline providing serious, concerned commentators like Camille Paglia and James Dobson with an excuse to browbeat us until the next book deal.


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The guy’s got to be a coroner, right? Not a serial killer …

“Coroner.” Right.


Hmmmmm. How many of these fuckbags on the right would be filled with moral outrage at the victim if she hadn’t gotten knocked up by a darkie? What if it was her HUSBAND who killed her, and he was white? A kerbillion Schrute Bucks says all their approbation would disappear.


Leonard Pierce,
I imagine you’re on to something there. Hell, I’m a bit surprised the wingnuts are even using the “I don’t want to insult the dead while I’m insulting the dead” dodge with this one. The glee from the nicedoggie commenters over their moral superiority was almost Turner Diary-esque. Must suck to live with that much hate in your heart all the time.


I mean, seriously. Aren’t these the same motherfuckers who just spent the last month coming all over themselves with grief over that white couple who got murderer by a gang of black hoodlums? Didn’t Michelle Malkin and her cabal of dunderheads spend billions of electrons giving themselves hard-ons writing endless plaints about how the media doesn’t pay any attention when a fine upstanding white person is savagely dispatched by that jungle filth? And now, all of the sudden, another black-on-white murder hoves into view, but it’s okay, because the so-called victim had the poor taste to lower herself to animal congress with the ape-men. She must have had it coming!

Christ, I don’t even know why these shit-stains even bother to pretend they aren’t racist anymore. Racism and darkie-fear isn’t just a plank in the conservative platform; it’s a goddamn load-bearing beam.


Also from a Misha commenter:

“As far as the touchy subject of inter-racial breeding (AKA Animal Husbandry). Again, ever seen what kids do to mixed-race kids? They are, IN-MOST-CASES, usually shunned by both parties, or have to be unusually extreme (behavior-wise) to be accepted by one or the other!”



Obviously the best solution here would be for someone to shoot Dan Riehl in the face then claim he brought it on himself by virtue of his own moral failings.


Jesus Christ, that’s foul. Animal Husbandry? If these people weren’t just so pitiful, I’d be seething with rage. I got three cousins who are popular, intelligent, talented, and, most importantly, loved and happy children. Their mom, my cousin, is white. Their dad is black. But these racist dirtbags are just pathetic excuses for human beings without an ounce of compassion or basic human decency.

“In most cases” my ass. The only people who give mixed-race kids grief are total and complete assholes; this guy fails to see he’s part of the problem, simple as that. Same with the whole push on the murder: they expect everyone to share their loathesome beliefs without realizing those same beliefs cause so much of the misery we see. I just wish they’d quit projecting their pig ignorance on the rest of us human beings.


I saw this on the site you guys tricked me into going to:

… our pre-teen children are being taught in school how to put on condoms, have anal sex and how to fist each other to orgasm.

And all I can say is that I’m sure glad I’m out of school; ,,, sounds like a hard test to bone up for.


Misha had the good taste to wait until the last paragraph of his tirade to make the ‘if you wear slutty clothes you shouldn’t be surprised when you get raped’ argument, I see. He’s so level-headed.

And yeah, that “animal husbandry” line was a real pip…


well, at least these assholes are doing us the favor of providing a mercifully brief summary of what tacky is writing in his personal journal these days. the only thing preventing tacky from publishing similar thoughts is that the murder didn’t occur in holland. or some such….


You know, a good friend of mine is the deputy director of La Casa, a shelter and support network for victims of domestic abuse. They give support to women so they can extricate themselves from the bad relationships supposedly brought on by “poor impulse control” or whatever the sexist/racist code is that Dan Riehl and Misha use.

And what pisses me off the most is that Riehl and Misha are here wagging their piggish little fingers at such women for “poor impulse control” … when in fact it’s these same clowns who vote to cut government funds for places like La Casa.

A big, hearty ‘fuck you’ to those fuckers and their followers.


Wow. That Misha thread is the gift-that-keeps-on-gagging … apparently Father-of-the-Year (730 B.C. winner) Lord Spatula has a 15-year-old pregnant stepdaughter who he’s forbidden from having an abortion (which she wants).

Is there a blogosphere version of the TV show Cops? ‘Cos Misha’s joint would be one of the top places where you’d see cretins and creeps getting dragged off by the virtual cops, all kickin’ and cussin’ and white-trashin’ and shit.


Look on the bright side: if somebody walks up to Dan Riehl and punches him in the schnoz because of his own “poor decision-making” (viz. the ignorant shit he chooses to spout), by his own reasoning he will have deserved it.

a different brad

And without mentioning the controversy, isn’t misha doing what a certain parody blogger was accused of recently?
This is from a comment defending himself from charges of blaming the victim
“My point isn’t that she “deserved” anything, even if she’d been 100 times more of an impulse-driven, instant gratification, think with her ovaries slut than she already was, she’d STILL not deserve to be murdered for it.”
Later in same comment
“And right now, even as we speak, young girls and women are doing everything wrong that Jessie did, setting themselves up for exactly the same end, encouraged by an overly permissive society that would rather their daughters are raped and murdered than run the risk of being called “strict” and/or “judgmental.”

The married men choosing to cheat with vulnerable young women are not faulted in the least here.


Is that Misha freak some sort of Exalted Beagle from the KKK? As the Right is winnowed down to its inner core of true believers the vicious, hateful, racist, murderous, and totally deluded spewing gets more intense. If involuntary commitment was still available we could get these poor lunatics the help they need. Who knows, they might even come out of it with a soul.

a different brad

Oy. Must remember to stop the latenight semi sober comments, not that anyone but me probably noticed or cared that I mentioned the controversy after saying I wouldn’t. Mez so smert.


Hey, Newt Gingrich repeatedly used the murder of children as his basis for yelling about how liberalism had sickened our society. (That one of the cases involved the daughter of a Republican member of the Christian Coalition didn’t stop Newtie from blaming liberalism.)

“The married men choosing to cheat with vulnerable young women are not faulted in the least here.”

Of course not. Only the woman bears the cost of sexual activity. When we discovered that the Republican, Christian-Coalition daddy had molested his daughter, did Newtie blame authoritarian males? Of course not.

I have to go floss my teeth again now. Yech.


Well, the bigger reason of why they must blame the victim goes beyond asshatery. It’s a mental defense mechanism. Victim X got murdered. I don’t want to be murdered like Victim X, so I’m not going to do what they did. Victim X wore red socks. Ah-HA! I don’t HAVE any red socks! I’m safe!

It’s not a especially new concept. The victim MUST have done something to “deserve” what they got, otherwise, the world becomes a whooooole shit-load scarier.
Looks at slasher flicks. They’re seen as basic, harmless entertainment, because the victims get what they deserve. Rowdy, un-supervised kids, having a drinking and sex party out in the woods while their parents aren’t home? Ker-axed.
By contrast, The Exorcist. Sweet, innocent little Linda, does what she’s told, never speaks out of turn. Ker-pea souped. Now THAT’s creepy.

The victim needs to have done something wrong, there has to be a justification for what happened. Otherwise, what’s keeping it from happening to me?


FFS, I never thought I would see anything worse that old Chuckie over at LGF, but this Misha character, he makes Chuckie look like a schoolkid. Its mostly the usual old shit (mexican’s, the koran, muslim types etc, etc.) But there is some real weird shit too, for example, this little ditty about female sexuality, :

Not everyone thinks about precocious sexualization, never mind that it is becoming a huge issue amongst our female youth. Not everyone has a daughter that they need to be concerned over in regards to her reproductive health, but everyone knows a little girl….

Paging Ace, paging Ace. The commenters are great too, found this little line hidden away in a BBC=Nazi’s thread:

It’s amazing, and amazingly sad to see the UK rot from within. I used to love visiting London for a night or two on stopovers to Dublin, but it’s become an overwhelmingly stinky place. The stink of B.O. from certain ethnic peoples overpowers you on the Tube. I’ve never seen so many paks in my life as I’ve seen in London.

and this guy claimed he was canadain…..


Typically sadistic, morally retarded Reich-tards. The most pathetic part is that they can’t just admit what they really think right off the bat. No, they’ve got to talk about how “of course it’s a tragedy, and I don’t want to blame the victim, but…” So not only are they assholes but cowards as well. At least Neo-Nazis will tell you what they really think. These creeps are far lower than that. How did these, er, “individuals” (I hesitate to call them people) become the “morality” party anyway? I guess all that matters is that you TALK about morality.


Jessie Davis had “poor self, or impulse control and poor decision-making, perhaps both”?

Why does Reihl say this about Davis, the murder victim, when Bobby Cutts, her alleged murderer, had three children by three different women, none of them born while he was married to the mother? Cutts had a boy with Jessie Davis, named Blake, while separated from his wife, Kelly. Cutts then got Davis pregnant with a daughter, and allegedly killed her before the daughter was born, apparently because he just couldn’t take having another kid? Also, in 2003, Cutts was accused of giving his police gun to a drug-dealing cousin, and was temporarily suspended (he was acquitted).

My point is that if someone in this mess has poor impulse control and/or poor judgement, I really think it’s Bobby Cutts, not Jessie Davis. He had a son with Davis, then made another child with her, while still married to his wife Kelly (with whom he had a daughter), for cryin’ out loud.


Some Guy, I understand the impulse. And we may all do a bit of I’m-different-I’m-safe victim blaming in certain circumstances. But there’s some of it that goes so far beyond even the sort of screaming-panic not-me exceptionalism that one might expect as a response to even a morbid fear of being victimized. Some of this shit is just gleefully cruel.

The kneejerk dehumanization (“animal husbandry”) says nothing so much to me as “This stuff doesn’t happen to real people, so I’m safe”. And that’s not even just mean-minded and ignorant, that’s willfully vicious.

Some of these folks could stand some psychiatric help, yes. But some of them could also just use a time out of, say, fifty years.


Wow. Being British, I knew literally nothing about the story until I read this, and then the Riehl “I’m not saying she deserved it, but she deserved it” piece. So I was expecting she was involved with, perhaps, major drug dealers, or the Mafia – somewhere you might say “life is cheap” and so the accusations of “what did she expect?” might have a believable genesis, even if the moral calculus would be roughly “2+2=49, and I blame the libruls for that”.

And then I look up the actual story, and find out the accused man/father of her child is – a cop. Her life was described by neighbours as ‘low-key’.

What the fuck?

So they’d had a child, another was on its way, and he was getting divorced. Well, ‘man leaves wife for another woman’ isn’t exactly unusual. It includes Republican presidential candidates, after all. And the neanderthals on those blogs can start trying to use that as an excuse for “it was inevitable”?

Christ, those guys are just like the ‘honour killing’ freaks who stone women for sleeping with a guy from another religion. Because it has to be about mixed-race sex in their minds. That’s the only difference in the circumstances from the divorce histories of various politicians. And I don’t see Riehl posting about how a trophy wife is setting herself up to get murdered.

Priscilla, Queen of the Beach

Yeah, they brought out the race thing on the 4th comment on Misha’s blog. No surprise there. What I find fascinating is that the same day that this woman’s killer was arrested, a WHITE man was arrested in the midwest for killing his whole family — married, white, of no interest, apparently. Now we have a pro wrester dead, along with his wife and child, so where are the cries against white-on-white marriage and all its trappings since it clearly is an anti-American anti-conservative plot to and a result of the libral menace’s goal to destroy the family. Huh.


The “poor self- or impulse-control” thing is popular among the wingers, I’ve encountered it elsewhere, including that people are poor because of it. You know, if those poor people would stop buying food & paying rent w/ their money, & save it, or invest it, blah, blah.
Also saw a lovely stat on CNN last night: 31% of deaths of pregnant women in This Great Nation of Ours™ are by violence. Maybe if the wingnuts would face the fact that this is an incredibly violent country, from the original colonists onward, which has never really matured…never happen.
And the kicker: “They are victims of a culture where nothing much seems to matter anymore, so long as people are free to act or behave on impulse as they wish, with no regard for the consequences. And all Americans suffer as a result of that tragedy.” Substitute “Iraqis” for “Americans.” Works both ways, dunnit?


My point is that if someone in this mess has poor impulse control and/or poor judgement, I really think it’s Bobby Cutts, not Jessie Davis. He had a son with Davis, then made another child with her, while still married to his wife Kelly (with whom he had a daughter), for cryin’ out loud.

But you see, it’s up to women to keep men honest by crossing their legs.


My point is that if someone in this mess has poor impulse control and/or poor judgement, I really think it’s Bobby Cutts, not Jessie Davis. He had a son with Davis, then made another child with her, while still married to his wife Kelly (with whom he had a daughter), for cryin’ out loud.

Ah but you fail to appreciate that since Mr. Cutts is endowed with a penis, he is incapable of having impulse control. You can only think with one head at a time, after all. And thus, only a woman can have control over impulses. (And because these mental giants really believe this, they consider it a compliment since it shows how much higher esteem they have for womankind than mankind.)


Ah but you fail to appreciate that since Mr. Cutts is endowed with a penis, he is incapable of having impulse control.


OK, the next question is, is Bobby Cutts black? Is that what the comments at ‘Misha’s site are about?



Indeed. Heh.

It’s a disturbingly ugly view of humanity these people have. And yes, Mr. Cutts is black. I suppose we should be thankful he’s not an illegal immigrant. We’d never survive the rage-gasm of the wingnuts.


I suppose we should be thankful he’s not an illegal immigrant. We’d never survive the rage-gasm of the wingnuts.

True. Still, it’s pretty perfect for them. They get to hate on women, black men, together.


Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it? Not only is Cutts a male (hence, given one free pass for self/impulse control and poor judgment), he’s also black, which in the wingtard mind means not only a free pass but a total incapacity for self/impulse control and good judgment. Which is why those negroes need to be kept away from the flower of white femininity, don’tcha see? As well as off the police force, I guess.

Jeebus, these people make me ill.


This may not be the most disturbing thing in that Misha thread — I didn’t really read the comments past this one — but it’s fucked up. In response to the long comment from the guy who takes pictures of dead women (presumably, hopefully, at autopsies), Misha himself writes:

Damn, Sig!

Now I really need the applauding smiley!

…and a cigarette!

(Emphasis added.) This in response to a thread characterized by descriptions of dead, mutilated women being carved up by their dangerous boyfriends and later the medical examiner.


Classic Riehl: “I’m not saying she was a slut who deserved to die because she was sleeping with a black man, but she WAS a slut afterall, AND she was sleeping with a black man, AND she could have avoided her fate had she not been an immoral reprobate – I blame teh libruls. That’s all I’m saying.”

It’s hard to imagine a more perfect Riehl-tard post. Bizarre typos and obtuse sentence construction would have made the whole thing more complete, I suppose.


So when is Dan going to post a pic of the boar’s head impaled on a stake? I’m sure his commentors would appreciate a pic of their god.


And now, all of the sudden, another black-on-white murder hoves into view, but it’s okay, because the so-called victim had the poor taste to lower herself to animal congress with the ape-men. She must have had it coming!”

Mr. Leonard Pierce: You are correct, sir. Misogyny trumps racism. Every time.

The rest of it, these individuals are simply too grotesquely stupid and horrid to even take seriously enough to get pissed off about. I just can’t do it anymore.


submitted from Misha’s comment thread, no comments required:

“As far as the touchy subject of inter-racial breeding (AKA Animal Husbandry). Again, ever seen what kids do to mixed-race kids? They are, IN-MOST-CASES, usually shunned by both parties, or have to be unusually extreme (behavior-wise) to be accepted by one or the other!
WHY the fuck would you do this to a kid nowadays? Life’s hard enough without handicapping them from the get-go!!!”


Quoth Misha:

It’s not your fault if you’re raped going down a back alley downtown in the middle of the night dressed only in a bikini, but let’s be honest here; you shouldn’t be fucking surprised either.

Translation: Women who behave a certain way should just expect to be raped, because expecting men to just NOT BE RAPISTS is setting the bar too high.

Is Misha himself by any chance divorced? He might want to rethink this chain of argumentation if he is, because in the case of the murdered woman, this argument becomes “I’m not saying you deserve to be murdered if you have sex with a divorcee, but let’s be honest here; you shouldn’t be fucking surprised, either”.


Misha and his merry band of man-boobed, flaccid, and tragically effete geek-boy warriors, what a bunch of silly little loons! I imagine the only danger they pose is to their mom’s cat, who they torture in the basement as they type their frothing diatribes, intoxicated by their own fart gas and elevated glucose levels from ingesting far too many salty snack foods and sugared sodas.

The Internet is a like a mosh pit for these angry and insane little buttwipes to anonymously spew out all their sick and twisted, hate-filled fantasies. They are not even courageous enough to be called fascists. REAL fascists of old were at least crazy and courageous enough to join their cause in the SS or Gestapo and act out their insane hatred. These little Internet dweebs can’t even pump their own gas, let alone join a cause that might make them sweat a little or exert themselves.

I think all their hatred can be traced back to junior high gym class, where they learned that, not only are they tubbier and paler than their peers, but also monumentally lacking in the girth department betwixt the legs. Imagine the horror! Imagine the self-hatred! Imagine the puking bile!

Just pray for the safe health of their mom’s cat, the poor thing.


Misha:It’s not your fault if you’re raped going down a back alley downtown in the middle of the night dressed only in a bikini, but let’s be honest here; you shouldn’t be fucking surprised either.

It’s not Misha’s fault if he’s walking down a dark street in the middle of the night and some woman comes up to him and knees him right in the nuts, but let’s be honest: He shouldn’t be fucking surprised.


Those troops are just asking for it dressing like that.

Fishbone McGonigle

This may not be the most disturbing thing in that Misha thread

It’s very, very difficult to pick out the single most disturbing thing in that thread.


But let’s remember, folks, that these are the Really Serious and Adult Commentators. That’s why they get on TV! Whereas foul-mouthed lefties like Kos can’t even be mentioned because everyone KNOWS they’re extreme and crazy, whatever it the heck it is that Kos says. Like, duh!

And remember folks, it’s only bigotry if it insults a megachurcher!

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue.

“Must suck to live with that much hate in your heart all the time.”

Not if it is the mothers milk of your entire existence. When you have no soul you need something to get you out of bed in the morning.

This is why I love the internets. You rarely got to see the raving lunatic spewing hate on the street corner, now they come right into your livingroom.


“And remember folks, it’s only bigotry if it insults a megachurcher!”

That’s a good point. Since nothing vile, foul-mouthed, or uncivil was said about GOOD Christians, i.e. ACTUAL Christians (not the whore-ish kind who invite darkies to rape them), I have no problem with the criticism leveled at this slut – er *woman victim* – of regretable, albeit predictable, understandable, and deserved violent crime.

Oh, and Bill Clinton did it too.

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue.

“lacking in the girth department betwixt the legs”

If they are as girthless as I suspect (hung like a pussy), mom’s cat might enjoy it.


What gets me — right now, I suspect that CNN is strongly considering giving Riehl his own talk show. Because he “speaks to the American soul” or some such bullshit.

Hell, I suspect that, given a choice between interviewing Misha and interviewing Glenn Greenwald, they’d pick Misha in a heartbeat.


right now, even as we speak, young girls and women are doing everything wrong that Jessie did,

What are they doing, exactly, masturbating? Because according to misha there doesn’t seem to be another person involved.


“And while Ms. Davis certainly isn’t in any way directly responsible for her own death, the little slut got what she deserved.”

There, fixed it…


This is where the comedy breaks down for me. The commenters on Misha’s blog are so obviously psychotic that the only people I want reading that blog are FBI agents keeping an eye on possible rape suspects and their habits.

Those people are not comic to me, they are beyond the pale.


The obsession with this particular murder is naked pathology – I mean, even besides the Chris Benoit murder/suicide, and the man who murdered his entire family in the SUV, there was even a similar case here in New Jersey last week of a father murdering his children and then hanging himself…

But NONE of these other, horrific cases of the murders of wives & children is as sexy as this O.J. Redux-thing that Nancy Grace & Geraldo (and of course the wingnut bloggers) are creamin’ over…

And what’s in store for this little kid who witnessed the crime, when the cameras are gone?? Anyone here read James Gilroy’s “My Dark Places”?


It’s so weird with the loonies who think this way. Once the guy posts his masturbatory rant about photographing nude, mangled, dead women, it’s like the rest of the flabby, pasty lapdogs and ankle-biters glom on and feel perfectly comfortable expounding on the sluts, whores, and bitches who won’t sleep with them – despite of their pure and traditional (read: woman-hating) values.

These are the guys I see wandering up and down 8th avenue, wearing velcro shoes, loitering in front of the 2 or 3 remaining smutty theaters. They are anti-social, grossly unkempt, and harbor very hateful and dangerous fantasies of women. I really hope the FBI or some other authority is monitoring sites like that; they can probably work on the profiles of unsolved cases in their jurisdictions just be reading some of those posts.


And while Ms. Davis certainly isn’t in any way directly responsible for her own death, had she been a bit more responsible with her life, it likely wouldn’t have ended in such a tragic crime.

Not sure why this isn’t an argument for killing all men. Seems to work for Muslims.


And while Ms. Davis certainly isn’t in any way directly responsible for her own death, had she been a bit more responsible with her life, it likely wouldn’t have ended in such a tragic crime.

You know, it strikes me that the World Trade Center victims weren’t in any way directly responsible for their own deaths, but, you know, when you walk into a dark alley wearing a bikini or choose to work in a builiding that has been attacked by terrorists and remains their No. 1 target … well, maybe if you were a bit more responsible with your life, it likely wouldn’t end in such a tragic way.


Daniel Pearl: Jew in Pakistan. Puhlease. A little more responsibility and we’d have less Angelina to worry about.


And Jesus? The guy has to bear some indirect responsibility for getting crucified, what with hanging out with whores and thieves and goading Roman soldiers and such.


And to go full ciricle, that’s the argument that old what’s-his-name made (I’m too lazy to Google – Ward Churchill?) – that the people working in WTC were helping to perpetrate one of the most important links in an economic system that destroyed lives in Third World countries.

It’s all bullshit – it’s just funny that these guys are spreading the bullshit now.


That didn’t come out the way I wanted it to…..what I meant was that those who were willing to crucify an ass like Churchill for saying assholish things are now, themselves, saying the same sort of assholish things.


The Christian martyrs? What did they expect acting like food when there were lions around?


But the sad reality is that Jessie Davis was either the victim of poor self, or impulse control and poor decision-making

Does poor self/impulse-control and poor decision-making cover these folks publishing whatever mean-spirited idiocy comes into what they probably claim are their brains?


Yeah, and for that matter what about all those american fuckers in iraq? I mean, they joined voluntarilly, did they not? Wasn’t that a little irresponsible? And now they find themselves plopped down in Diyala, all american looking and shit, and they’re gonna complain when people take shots at them? Hey, if walking down that dark alley in a bikini or working in the target building, or having sex with a nutjob black cop constitues poor self/impulse control, what about showing up in th middle of a war zone surrounded by thousands of armed people who can all be generally described as “the enemy”?



so now having a baby is “poor self control”? but I thought it was our womanly duty, etc. etc.?


And all I can say is that I’m sure glad I’m out of school; ,,, sounds like a hard test to bone up for.

It’s not too bad, Page. You just gotta cram at the all-nighter preceding it.


It is clear that Cutts is a murderer…however, you must view the larger circumstance.

What is amazing is that no one can see a problem with Davis putting herself in a dangerous position. If not Mr. Cutts, then maybe Mrs. Cutts would have taken a whack at Davis. Or Davis at her.

Do you all think the behavior she exhibited, that clearly contributed to her death, was right? When you engage strong emotions the basest of humans tend to strike out against the source. Cutts was one of those base, hedonistic, licentious men who obviously didn’t want to pay child support…so he killed his illegitimate lover in front of their son. I’m sure, as a liberal, he tried to convince her to get an abortion so he could continue to use her body for his self-centered drives.

But, had she not been in that relationship to begin with she might still be alive. While Cutts is obviously the depraved antagonist in this drama, the precursor to this crime began long ago and involved two people.


is “21:19” a joke? weren’t we just talking about how you can’t parody this shit anymore?


Dood. She’s DEAD. He murdered her. And you are either justifying that homicide, or you have no point whatsoever. Which is it?



What is amazing is that no one can see a problem with Davis putting herself in a dangerous position.

What dangerous position? Being pregnant? Not being married? Existing?

Why don’t you just say she “put herself in a dangerous position” by making mud-babies with those dangerous, dangerous mud-men?

Racist motherfucker.


Dood. She’s DEAD. He murdered her. And you are either justifying that homicide, or you have no point whatsoever. Which is it?

mikey, I have a fair amount of confidence that TJ can do both. And has. And will again. Even though I’ve never seen TJ’s comments or TJ’s blog before, I’m betting that TJ can manage this feat.

Because morally defective people can think and say anything and convince themselves that they are ‘good.’

Especially slut-shaming. Especially if the slut in question is dead.


I suppose we should count ourselves lucky that it took this long for one of those psychotics to make their way over here, though I reckon they’ll all start showing up now to advocate random Evil-Slut-murder (after the hopefully-male baby is born, of course. Can’t kill the Evil Slut ’til after she’s birthed a Pure White Male…)


The first thing I think when I see arguments like the above – after the obvious first response of “Jeez, I hope this freak doesn’t live in my neighborhood” – is “Are you heterosexual? At all? In the slightest bit? I mean, not that I really care, but seriously, have you thought about what you are saying? If women took your argument at face value, none of us would ever have sex with any of you ever again.”

If having sex with a man is “putting yourself into a dangerous position”, then I almost feel sorry for the straight guys out there. Almost. And if you are willing to concede that ANY sexual relationship between a man and a woman might be a “dangerous position” for the woman to be in, then you are putting women in the position where they are just not going to have sex with you.

Granted, I am not naive and do realize that there are plenty of sexual relationships between men and women that are dangerous for women (I’ve been a domestic violence counselor in the past). But the thing is that sane people stand up unequivocally and say those are WRONG. Furthermore, in situations where the man is abusing the woman, they stand up unequivocally and say the MAN is WRONG. The minute you are unwilling to do that, you are saying, however obliquely, that no woman should ever again have sex with a man.

It always floors me when supposedly straight guys don’t get this. Not that this is even the most compelling argument about why guys who say shit like this are seriously confused. But it’s the weirdest thing I think I’ve ever seen.


Wow. TJ’s a special kind of nuts…

Do you all think the behavior she exhibited, that clearly contributed to her death, was right?

Nice example of “begging the question”. Its so rare that you actually get such a nice, text-book example of circular reasoning. Her behavior clearly contributed to her death, so it must have been wrong, because it contributed to her death!

When you engage strong emotions the basest of humans tend to strike out against the source.

Translation: “Bitch had it coming!”

Cutts was one of those base, hedonistic, licentious men who obviously didn’t want to pay child support…

Obviously. Clearly. His motives are easy to divine, his drive perfectly rational, and his conclusion inescapable! He had to “strike out against the source” of “the behvaior that clearly contributed to her death”!

This kids, is a special kind of crazy. Not only can the murder’s persona and motives be perfectly ascertained, but can be framed so as to absolve him of his responsibiility. He’s a licentious hedonist, given to base behaviors and greed, but that’s not why he killed…

I’m sure, as a liberal, he tried to convince her to get an abortion so he could continue to use her body for his self-centered drives.

Just as an aside, how does a consensual, adult relationship become “using her body”?
I also like the paradoxial shift from sex being her “behavior that contributed to her death”, to suddenly being him engaging in “self-centered drives”. Who’s fucking who in this little exchange? Is she ‘engaging in bad behavior’ (slut!), or is she being ‘used for her body’ by a man only caring about himself? (animal!)

It’s pretty deeply psychotic to blame the victim for having sex and to simultaneously lambaste the murder not for murder but for having casual sex. He’s not a bad guy because he killed someone, he’s a bad guy for being an abortion-pushing, sex-loving librul. Wow.

But, had she not been in that relationship to begin with she might still be alive.

But had she not lived in the town she did, she might still be alive. Her choice in real estate is a precursor to this crime!

Had she chosen to take a vacation out of town the week she was killed, she might still be alive. Her failure to holiday is a precursor to this crime!

Had she spent her waking hours wearing a kevlar vest, she might still be alive. Her failure to encase her self in restrictive protective gear for all her waking hours is a precursor to this crime!

(this is kinda fun… how bat-shit crazy can you get on “precursors” to crimes? Clearly if her parents had made different choices in raising her…)


Well, TJ, I “see a problem” with people who piss on the graves of the dead and blame them for getting murdered, but I’d still think it was wrong for you to get your face pushed in for it. So, I heartily invite you to take your judgmental assholism and shove it up your own larger circumstance.


If women took your argument at face value, none of us would ever have sex with any of you ever again.

What I’ve been trying and failing to articulate this morning is that the wingnut standard for locking up all brown people seems to be met by men as a whole, especially given “she was asking for it” arguments like this.

In Defense of Internment has more scope than its advocates understand.


I think you did a very good job of arcticulating your point, Bubba. It’s guys like you, in fact, that keep me from taking the other guys at face value and just swearing off sex with men completely 😉



Howdy cowboy. When you’re riding bareback on your (bulls) do you think it is more dangerous than eating dinner at home with your life partner?

The question is a matter of degrees…Placing yourself in a position that invites a violent reaction is obviously (to most non-cowboys) more dangerous than engaging in less provocative behavior. Sure, you could get killed eating dinner with tigrismus, but the likelihood is much reduced.

Also, did you imply that “consensual, adult relationships” are never wrong? If so, tell your wife I’ll be over later with some wine, flowers, and chocolate. Tigrismus is a female, right????


The problem seems to be that on your planet, “a violent reaction” = “murdering someone”. Over here, on what we like to think of as the planet of the sane people, “a violent reaction” =! “murdering someone”.

So tell me…..how can I be sure that nothing I will ever do with my boyfriend will provoke “a violent reaction” from him? Because here I was thinking that if I pissed him off, he might call me a stupid fucking bitch, or maybe break up with me, or maybe take a strong magnet to all my Buffy the Vampire Slayer video tapes – all of which I would consider violent reactions. But if I have to wonder whether or not that “violent reaction” might involve him stabbing me to death….maybe I’m just better off not dating at all.

What do YOU do to your significant other when they provoke a “violent response” in YOU?

On second thought, don’t answer that – I really don’t want to know.


I think we can all agree that having an affair, cheating on someone that trusts us, is not appropriate behaviour.

It matters not what color people are, it only matters that there is now a murderer, and a dead person, and children without parents, because of an affair.


Placing yourself in a position that invites a violent reaction is obviously (to most non-cowboys) more dangerous than engaging in less provocative behavior. Sure, you could get killed eating dinner with tigrismus, but the likelihood is much reduced.
What the hell are you saying? At what point do women cease placing themselves in violent situations? Davis had a two-year old son with that guy not to mention he was a cop for Chrissake. Would Davis have progressed from provocative woman to reformed slut the moment her murderer was legally able to slide a ring on her wedding finger? You’d think marriage was a cure all for domestic murder.

Did this cheating husband deserve to get run over?



No, but if he had NOT been cheating, he would NOT have gotten ran over.


At what point do women cease placing themselves in violent situations?

Apparently, this happens when women cease fucking men, Lesly. Like I said, it amazes the hell out of me that straight men would make this argument, but there you have it. The only way for women to be safe around men is to NOT be around men.


Oh TJ, you wacky nutjob you!

The question is a matter of degrees…Placing yourself in a position that invites a violent reaction is obviously (to most non-cowboys) more dangerous than engaging in less provocative behavior.

Oh sure! Just like driving a car “invites” a more violent reaction from other drivers than hiding in a basement, or how eating with a knife and fork is “more dangerous” than living on oatmeal sucked through a straw. Sure, there’s a real risk you might lobotomize yourself with your fork (best check the mirror for head wounds TJ!) but most folks wouldn’t consider it “risky” behavior, and I don’t think any sane person would suggest the choice of cutlery created a “dangerous situation”…

I think the key to your derangement here is that magic word “invites”…

When I go out & drive my car, I know there’s a risk some bat-shit crazy person with a fork sticking out of his forehead might just decide to ram his mother’s Pontiac into me because he hates the color of my car. And even if some deranged, lobotomized contrarian decides to t-bone my vehicle at the stoplight, I feel pretty confident that my insurance company isn’t going to say “well, you were driving, so really, in a way, you invited that crazy S.O.B. to hit you. If you had just stayed at home, locked all the doors and stayed away from the windows, then if Mr. Fork-in-the-Frontal-Lobe had crashed into your house, it wouldn’t be at all your fault. Except for your choice of where to live…”

Also, did you imply that “consensual, adult relationships” are never wrong?

Mmmm, I love the smell of straw men in the morning! Smells like wing-nuttery!

No TJ, I implied that having consensual, adult relationships does not, to a rational adult, constitute “putting oneself in a dangerous position”, nor does it “clearly contribute to” any kind of murder. I’ll even go so far as to say having consensual sex with another adult does not “invite” any sort of bodily harm, any more than walking down the street in broad daylight “invites” physical assault.

Apparently “placing yourself in a position that invites a violent reaction” is the new jargon for “in the wrong part of town/dressed like a slut”. Apparently my phrasing of “bitch had it coming” was slightly off… it should have been “bitch brought it on herself”, right?



would you agree?


What do YOU do to your significant other when they provoke a “violent response” in YOU?

‘Never do. Why do you feel provocation is such an important part of romance?
Intentional provocation is considered supremely stupid around here.
Most folks on this street are armed, everyone is very polite.

Never provoke unless you know exactly how far the other is willing to take it, and are prepared to deal with it, or unless you have the offset coupon.


Ken, your argument doesn’t pass Intro to Logic muster. Specifically, it’s a logical fallacy called Denying the Antecedent. Your conclusion just does not follow.

Specifically, in real world situations, the reason it fails is because people who will kill are people who ultimately don’t need an excuse to kill. I’m sure everybody here knows someone who has been cheated on in a relationship that did not then go on to kill the cheater. It follows, then, that cheating is not what causes killing – especially because the VAST number of people who get cheated on NEVER kill.

You are just trying to justify the unjustifiable.



I am not justifying anything.

I stated a fact, actually 2.

1: If Davis was not having an affair with the cop, she would not be his murder victim.

2: If the man did not cheat on his wife in Lesly’s post, he would not have gotten ran over.

It’s simple, it’s true. You cannot reason away those facts.


it only matters that there is now a murderer, and a dead person, and children without parents, because of an affair.

Look, dickweed. I just don’t see how hard this is to understand. She’s not fucking dead because of an affair. She’s dead because a sociopath decided to fucking KILL her. Whether she had an affair, or did drugs, or drove too fast, or had unlicensed dogs, these are not the reason for her untimely death.

Idiotboy. Lots of people have affairs. Most of the time they don’t kill anyone. In fact, killing someone is hardly ever the chosen solution, despite what you may read in the papers.

But try to get this through your stupid head. When someone kills you, it in no way is YOUR fault. It is 100% their fault unless you paid them to kill you. Anytime you start imputing guilt on the victim of a homicide, I’m pretty sure what your telling us has a lot more to do with the person you are than the person who was killed…




Calling people names means you have a small penis.

I stated a fact, simple. If she did not have that affair, she would not have been killed by him.


Argue about other affairs all you like, but you know I am right.


Sure, you could get killed eating dinner with tigrismus, but the likelihood is much reduced.

Likelihood of getting killed much reduced? *snort* shows what you know. Oh, you meant by violence.


I am not justifying anything.

I stated a fact, actually 2.

1: If Davis was not having an affair with the cop, she would not be his murder victim.

2: If the man did not cheat on his wife in Lesly’s post, he would not have gotten ran over.

Wow, Ken…that’s some crystal ball you have there.

You know for a fact that this guy never would have killed his girlfriend under any other circumstances? How do you know that? They had been dating each other for a few years at the point of her death…..how can you be so certain that nothing would have ever happened to make him kill her?

Or are you just saying that women should never date divorcees? Or perhaps you’re saying that women should just never date men? Help me out here.


What, you look in my windows at night, assclown?

What you stated was conjecture. Lets go this way. If what you stated is a fact, prove it. Prove that he wouldn’t have ended up killing her for another reason. You can’t do it, so shove your bullshit “facts” up your ass, big boy…




Affairs routinely cause violence, hence the court appointed phrase “crimes of passion”

Maybe you are forgetting that he was married?



Your penis is still shrinking…

Mike, he was married, if she chose not to have sex with a married man, he would have never been at her house in the first place.

I win.


Y’know, I just ate. And this piece of runny shit is gonna keep justifying cold blooded murder ’cause he seems to think that It’s OK if you’re a married guy or something, I can’t quite figure out all of the sources of justification he’s using. So I’m gonna bail, cause this prick makes me genuinely ill…



I stated a fact, simple. If she did not have that affair, she would not have been killed by him.

This is so fabulously dense. Affairs are neither here nor there.


Ken, be sure to keep your eye out for these future murderers.



Mike, he deserves to die a horrible death, so, I am not sure what fantasy world you are living in.

Switching topics whilst losing an argument is not noble. Go and eat.

Enjoy 🙂



Cheating on people creates violence, sometimes murder. Even Democrats murder due to infidelity.

Would you not agree?


If I did not know better, it seems you guys all think cheating is a harmless sport?



You know I am right. If she was not having an affair with the cop, he would not have killed her.

Just admit it, and be a man


No, water polo is a harmless sport.

And I don’t agree with any of your other assertions, because they’re wrong.


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Tell me exactly where I am wrong, paste my quote, and break it out for me please





All of you guys are wrong, and you all know it.

Thank you for the excercise in pointing that out,

Notice how I showed all of you simply where you all went wrong, and nothing could be said in your defense aside from some name calling and links to unrelated murders that have nothig to do with my point.

Look people, do not have affairs. You know they are wrong, so why act all stupid about it.

It is shocking to see so many people unable to admit a simple thing like that.

You all have a nice evening, I enjoyed talking with you.



You’re still wrong, and I see no reason why I should have to do more work than you in proving it so. You’ve done none of the work you expect of me, and so I find it silly to then declare victory because I didn’t play your silly little game.

You’ve conflated murder with adultery, and then expect us to refute the relationship you yourself have developed in your head.

So, in conclusion, you’re wrong, and you’re going to always be wrong.

Have a fantastic day, Ken.


No, but if he had NOT been cheating, he would NOT have gotten ran over. Would you agree?

Would not have gotten run over? You sure about that? Life’s just so darn predictable, and if it isn’t we can hammer the square peg into the round hole to feel as though we have some control over our environment. The victim’s wife could have gotten run over if she suspected he was cheating on her.

Hey Ken, come back to Earth. You’ve been guilt tripping with neocons.


tigrismus said,
June 26, 2007 at 23:23

I’m so gonna use that site.


Cheating on people creates violence, sometimes murder

Creates? No. Is *sometimes* linked to violence, yes, but so are many things, as has been pointed out to you ad infinitum ad nauseum. The fact that something is occasionally linked to something else in no way implies it “creates” it: correlation does not equal causation, and especially not the rare correlation that is seen with cheating-related violence.

And pointing out that cheating doesn’t “create” violence doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with how bad we think adultery is, just how bad we think your logic is.


Would not have gotten run over? You sure about that?

It’s the Friday the 13th school of sexuality. You play, you PAY, with drills through the neck and suchlike.


Um, nauseam, dammit.

Do, Lesly! I thought it was pretty hilarious, but I especially loved the conclusion: “So if you are a female, beware in the presence of Republicans.”


Sideshow Bob,
Ya’ still ain’t gettin’ it…I’ll type slower for you.

Inviting a violent reaction referred particularly to cavorting with another person’s spouse.

When you drive you do not invite violence, though you may be SUBJECT to it anyway.

But, when you invade another person’s relationship you certainly INVITE repercussions….most of them violent.

Nevertheless, if you read my original post you’ll find I held Cutts responsible for this act. Her role was to place herself in a position that intrinsically brought greater danger to herself.

BTW, Lesly, homosexual relationships have a much higher incidence of domestic violence….so I guess you’re not safe after all.

(see “Extent, Nature, and Consequences Of Intimate Partner Violence: Findings From The National Violence
Against Women Survey,” published by the federal National Institutes of Health in July, 2000)


Shorter conservatives: When a woman makes some bad, life-threatening decisions, she shouldn’t be surprised if they bite her in the ass. If a man makes some bad, life-threatening decisions, he needs the complete support of the American people and Congress to keep making those decisions.

Someone needs to get the net and clean out the floaties on the right side of the gene pool.


BTW, Lesly, homosexual relationships have a much higher incidence of domestic violence… so I guess you’re not safe after all.

ROFL, I guess Mikey didn’t lose the argument after all.


Go fuck yourself, TJ.


But, when you invade another person’s relationship you certainly INVITE repercussions….most of them violent.

Especially on TV.


Misha:It’s not your fault if you’re raped going down a back alley downtown in the middle of the night dressed only in a bikini, but let’s be honest here; you shouldn’t be fucking surprised either.

Unless the rapists are coming from a bible study meeting; then I would be surprised.


So, if your spouse cheats on you, this MAKES you murder them, right?

Just want to make sure I understand before I proceed.


Oh Patkin, you wound me to the core…..

Let me make it up to you:


Did I gain your good graces now?


Bwa-ha-ha! TJ, I just don’t know how you keep the crazy at bay long enough to type sometimes…

When you drive you do not invite violence, though you may be SUBJECT to it anyway.

But, when you invade another person’s relationship you certainly INVITE repercussions….most of them violent.

Yes, that’s exactly what happened. This woman invaded another person’s relationship, like Germany invading France!

Except she didn’t “invade”, she was invited into a relationship. That word I keep using, consent, that means she didn’t “invade” shit. She didn’t ‘invade’ this man’s relationship; he invited her in. How hard is that to grasp? And the “reprecussion” was that the asshole who violated his marriage vows was the same person to kill her.

Under what tortured logic does this make sense to you? It’s like having a neighbor invite you over for dinner, then shooting you over desert and claiming you were trespassing and he was merely defending his property.

Oh, and Ken? Nice straw man you got going there.

Look people, do not have affairs. You know they are wrong, so why act all stupid about it.

We’re not saying affairs are OK. We’re saying affairs aren’t a capital crime.
Cheating is wrong. So is shoplifting. We don’t shoot people for either. If somebody shot a teenager for shoplifting a box of Tic-Tacs, everyone would say “that’s pretty fucked up”. No one would say “well shit, if the kid wasn’t shoplifting, he wouldn’t have gotten capped! He deserves some of the blame!”


No Jillian,

it only increases the chances….how many Scott Petersons, OJ Simpsons, Bobby Cutts do you need before you see this?


Sideshow Bob,

Did Mrs Cutts invite her into THEIR relationship?

Why do you think he killed his mistress (hypothetically, of course)?

If the story breaks we’ll see if you’re right…


Ummmm………………….just to clarify:

Scott Peterson was the cheat-er, not the cheat-ee.

OJ Simpson was divorced for years when his EX-WIFE got a new boyfriend.

In this most recent case, the guy was (once again) the cheat-er – and had been estranged from his spouse for years and in the process of divorce.

So, how do these have anything to do with your central assertion that “cheating on your spouse makes it more likely that he’ll kill you”?


I dunno, when a woman kills a Scott Peterson, OJ Simpson or Bobby Cutts for cheating with them, instead of another man murdering a woman because he’s a moral midget?

Oh, but then that’d just further prove that it’s the woman’s fault.



Thank you for admitting to precedence for this act.


You are a very confused person, TJ. I don’t think you really know what you are trying to say, other than some sort of argument about how she must’ve made him do it.

I’m sorry for your confusion, but I doubt it can be fixed here.


Why do you think he killed his mistress (hypothetically, of course)?

You mean the mother of his other 2 year old? Seems to me if he was gonna kill her earlier, he had opportunity to do so instead of waiting till she’s 9 months preggers.

We sure seem to be presuming a lot of shit before we know anything at all, aren’t we?


it only increases the chances….how many Scott Petersons, OJ Simpsons, Bobby Cutts do you need before you see this?

The only thing you have to fear is HOLY FUCKING SHIT DID YOU SEE THE ENQUIRER?????


Folks you are all forgetting the most important part. It’s really Bush’s fault.



See your post at 0:20


I agree LC, see my post at 0:23


Speaking of someone that may be confused….

Look at this gem of a post I found…


Jillian said,

June 25, 2007 at 4:40

My religion says that straight sex, unless explicitly for the purpose of procreation, is an abominable sin. My god demands that everyone have gay sex for pleasure at least once a day. And you can only get gay married.

And no hotdog buns on Fridays.


Speaking of someone that may be confused….

Look at this gem of a post I found…


Jillian said,

June 25, 2007 at 4:40

My religion says that straight sex, unless explicitly for the purpose of procreation, is an abominable sin. My god demands that everyone have gay sex for pleasure at least once a day. And you can only get gay married.


Oh goodie, the troll’s talking to himself.


Are you mocking my sincerely held religious beliefs? I cannot believe that in the twenty-first century, people are still subjected to such rabid bigotry.

I’ll pray for you. And I’ll refrain from eating a hot dog bun on Friday in your name.


Please say a prayer for me too. Your religion obviously says I need it.


Look at this gem of a post I found…

Jokes elude you.


Oh well, gotta work now…been fun.


Bye! Send Ken back if you have the chance!


Only those who are blessed by the saving knowledge of Eris Discordia are capable of truly grasping jokes, Bubba. The rest? Well, although they may be alive in the flesh, they are in ways that really count – spiritually, comedically, and chaotically – dead. They are both in the world and of the world. And on the world. And probably under it, too. Whatever’s going on, it’s a mess. And they probably eat hot dog buns, too.


Jokes elude you.

He needs a sense of humor first.


atheist said,

June 26, 2007 at 17:33

“This is where the comedy breaks down for me. The commenters on Misha’s blog are so obviously psychotic that the only people I want reading that blog are FBI agents keeping an eye on possible rape suspects and their habits.

Those people are not comic to me, they are beyond the pale.”

Really. Sometimes these guys can be funny, but sometimes the ugliness and, dare I say it, evil oozing from these comments gets to be too much to take. I’ve never intentionally committed a violent act against anyone in my adult life, but if anyone on the internet needs a base ball bat upside the head… Heck I don’t even need that. I’ll bet most of these doughy creeps make me look like a friggin’ Adonis by comparison.


atheist said,

June 26, 2007 at 17:33

“This is where the comedy breaks down for me. The commenters on Misha’s blog are so obviously psychotic that the only people I want reading that blog are FBI agents keeping an eye on possible rape suspects and their habits.

Those people are not comic to me, they are beyond the pale.”

Really. Sometimes these guys can be funny, but sometimes the ugliness and, dare I say it, evil oozing from these comments gets to be too much to take. I’ve never intentionally committed a violent act against anyone in my adult life, but if anyone on the internet needs a base ball bat upside the head… Heck I don’t even need that. I’ll bet most of these doughy creeps make me look like a friggin’ Adonis by comparison.


Apparently, Dan Riehl, Misha, TJ, Ken and the rest of the ‘she-wuz-askin’-fer-it’ krew have a major ally in a guy seen yelling outside a courthouse:

According to Fox News, Bobby Cutts’ uncle said something along the lines of: “What kind of Christian woman gets pregnant with the husband of another woman?!”

It seemed from the report that Cutts’ uncle wasn’t speaking directly to a reporter, but rather just yelling.


And what’s more, how do you get pregnant with the husband of another woman?

I thought you got pregnant with a baby.

Looks like I’ve been doing it wrong all this time.


And they probably eat hot dog buns, too.

Let no buns go unwienered. Wait, what’s that behind me?

Apart from the horrific stupidity of TJ, what seems to have never reached him is adulthood. Affairs happen, sometimes it’s nice and sometimes it’s not so nice. People aren’t perfect. In no case that came within my sphere of friends did anybody get punched over it, let alone killed. Most folks are quite boringly reasonable about such things, even while enraged and hateful or deeply sorrowed. Some of ’em even say “sorry” rather than reach for the cleaver.


According to Fox News, Bobby Cutts’ uncle said something along the lines of: “What kind of Christian woman gets pregnant with the husband of another woman?!”

Umm… mostly the kind that married men decide to have sex with, I suppose.


The Misha person now has another post up attempting to take the piss out of the commenters here, and it isn’t pretty – in fact, it’s rather like watching a man tangled in a parachute trying to free himself.

Responding to Aristophanes’ criticism of the man who won’t let his daughter have an abortion, he writes:

‘And hey, Heaven forbid that any of those troglodytical Reichwingers should ever, ever deny a child anything that she WANTS, dammit! I mean, she WANTS it! Did you get that? She WANTS IT!!! I meet parents like “Aristophanes” every day when I’m checking out my groceries. They’re the ones standing around helplessly while their ill-bred rug rats clean out every inch of the candy shelves, screaming like banshees.’

Because obviously the serious decision about whether or not an abortion is appropriate for your daughter, as opposed to your own sense of moral righteousness, is essentially just the same as deciding what sweets to buy. Oh, and then he compares Aristophanes to ‘Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot’, just to make his argument that much more convincing.

Comment #2 over there states: ‘Interesting that the self-pleasuring, amorally superior bigots over there at that site are the ones who use terms like darky….all while they call US racists.’

Yeah, over at Misha’s they’re so superior, they call mixed-race marriages ‘Animal Husbandry’.

I really, really, really, really dislike that lot.


I see Dannyboy is now playing the “oh the libruls are so unfair to me” card after the attention this has gotten him.

Maybe I’ll leave a note and see if it gets deleted.

a different brad

Misha-trolls think questioning penis size is a successful strategy in argument?
Interest in other men’s junk means you’re gay, fellas. I’m not being homophobic in stating that, as I have no interest in other guys’ junk, and I’ve no problem with you being gay.

As for TJ, retake that logic class you think you aced, please.

a different brad

And anyone who wants to see what misogyny looks like in print, go check out Dan’s post on this.
To put it in shorter form; “Dear Jill at feministe; don’t talk back, you bitch. Look at what a bitch you are, bitch. That’ll learn you for calling me hateful, bitch.”

a different brad

Oops. Forgot to include the word “stupid” before “bitch”. My apologies to Dan, as his important point deserves proper expression.

a different brad

And I know I’m flooding, but I have to mention this.
Misha has the symbol of the Rebel Alliance from SW in his header.
I honestly question whether there is any aspect of this person’s existence which is neither unreflective nor idiotic.

Can someone please tell me how the fuck to deal with all these sociopaths in the country without becoming like them?


God damn it, stay the hell away from Misha’s site. Leave him and his scumbag fans alone in their trailers to fuck their dogs in peace. Their sole mission in life is to cover in shit as many people as possible, and going to their site to “debate” them just feeds that end. You lose by even dealing with them.


What’s worse than that, diffb, is to think that some dumbfuck racist asshole thinks I’m going to argue about the size of my dick with strangers on the internet. Do they do a lot of that over in Right Blogistan? Because I’m not sure why I’m supposed to care why some dude somewhere has concerns about how big it is.

Oh! Was I supposed to be insulted? Note to trolls everywhere. I’m not sure about the rules of engagement here, but I think I have to be trying to fuck you with it for your wild, uninformed guesses about it’s size have any real impact on my mental or emotional state. But it IS an interesting insight into YOUR low self-esteem.

Just sayin….


a different brad

I don’t see anyone being motivated to register so as to comment, tb. N yer right, we were all much, much better off forgetting that little prick exists.

a different brad

mikey, yer supposed to be taking a picture of your dick right now, and insisting everyone look at it.
That or buying a Hummer to make up for it.

Or you could not care, but that’d imply you’re capably hung, or, even worse, you don’t obsess over penises and how yours compares to the rest.


mikey, yer supposed to be taking a picture of your dick right now

Ahh, shit, I was kinda worried it would come to that.

Hokay, stand by, I’d better go read the Flickr terms of service a little closer.

If I do, you all WILL check it out and rate it, right?

I mean, that’s the least misha would do….


a different brad

Oh, n my bad. That’s the Imperial insignia, not that of the Rebel Alliance. If misha wants to identify with an army of clones led by a meltface embodiment of evil, I guess that’s ok.

a different brad

N mikey, I’d get the pic printed on a tshirt and sleep in it. And other disturbing stuff.


Because obviously the serious decision about whether or not an abortion is appropriate for your daughter, as opposed to your own sense of moral righteousness, is essentially just the same as deciding what sweets to buy.

The point is it’s better for post-pubescent girls to misbehave in private with their private parts than pollute isle 6 with preschool caterwauling.


Am I late to the party?

Do you all think the behavior she exhibited, that clearly contributed to her death, was right?

You know, more people die of auto accidents in this country than by being murdered by their baby-daddies.

So, I ask you – do you think the behavior exhibited by people who die in car accidents, that clearly contributed to their deaths, was right?
When you drive you do not invite violence, though you may be SUBJECT to it anyway.

When you drive you do not invite violence, though you may be SUBJECT to it anyway.

Aw Fuck. Did someone already make my argument?

Hysterical Woman

Having sex with a married man: get murdered
Have sex with your husband who cheats on you: get murdered
Divorce your cheating husband and two years later have sex with someone else: Get murdered

It just doesn’t pay to be a woman, does it? Time to get myself to a nunnery.


Or start fucking taking pre-emptive action.

Oops. Sorry.


Time to get myself to a nunnery.

Negative. Stand hard. This is your fucking world as much as it is mine, misha’s, Bush’s, any goddam one’s.

Time to dig in your heels, unsnap your strongside rig and make a bit of a stand. Might I recommend something like this?

Sometimes the world doesn’t act right.

That doesn’t mean it wins.

That just means it’s your move…



Screwing with Misha and the repressed, delusional, enraged and impotent people who worship and follow him is about as amusing as visiting an insane asylum and poking fun at the inmates. Sure, it may be fun if you have a sick sense of humor, but it’s really just scary and sad and a little too easy.

I prefer to pick on harmless dipshits like the Margolis twins and their readers. At least I don’t worry about driving one of their commentators over the edge and, in a fit of rage, committing the next Luby’s Massacre.


The amazing thing to me is that I would take a bet than many of the commentors on misha’s site have certain things in common:


Whoops, sorry. Malfunctions

The things they probably have in common:

1)Themselves or their family members who have affairs with married people

2) Themselves or their family members who have children out of wedlock

3) themselves or their family members who have relationships with people of different ethnicities than themselves.


Jesus, they fill a thread full of violent, racist bullshit, then call us racists…. there is just no talking to morons like those

and what is the tag line: “Jack Bauer of the Blogospere” (before FOX let CAIR write the script) all about? I dont know what would be sadder, if he believes that shit, or he put it in for a joke?



For family values-related hilarity you should check out one of lord spatula’s father’s day posts:


In a nutshell, after refusing to pay his ex-wife child support, lord spatula *chose* to terminate his parental rights to avoid being forced to pay. Most people would be ashamed of that, but this spatula guy brags about it…EVERY FATHER’S DAY on his blog.


you for got one:

4)Themselves or their family members who have affairs with their family members or Themselves.


[…] militias, and end up losing $75 million when the leader runs away with it, right wing punditry blaming a female victim for her own murder and joking, ha-ha about John Edwards being assassinated by terrorists, I thought we could all use a […]


awww misha, did you make a doodoo off of the paper again?


cuz it seems a bunch of them ended up here on the floor and jillian had to clean them out




[…] are some truly abhorrent articles and comments about her being a slut and being a “breeder” because of […]


[…] Jill at Feministe linked to the pastry boy: I’m not blaming the victim, I’m just saying that the stupid whore deserved it Posted by Jill @ 4:14 pm Ah, values. […]


…apparently Father-of-the-Year (730 B.C. winner) Lord Spatula has a 15-year-old pregnant stepdaughter who he’s forbidden from having an abortion (which she wants).

Sweet Jesus, is this the same Lord Spatula who got pwned by Reverend Mykeru? Google it; it’s one of the most hilarious flamewars in the history of the intertubes. You should see pictures of this moron; he’s exactly what you would expect.


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