TSR: Juno 17 – 24


The chairman of the blue-ribbon Iraq Study Group, James Baker III, delivered an ultimatum to member Rudolph Giuliani that he either begin attending meetings or resign from the group. Giuliani, who pursues a career as a public speaker, decided that his hobby was becoming too much like a second job. Michelle Malkin and her Hot Air staff advocated for the withholding of Homeland Security funds from cities that allow police to have contact with illegal immigrants without reporting them to Federal authorities. Charles Krauthammer remarked that conservative blogs are “more analytical and restrained” while “the more liberal blogs are a lot more pungent and profane.” Ace of Spades linked to videos of men having sex with donkeys. Dick Cheney claimed that the Office of the Vice President is not a part of the Executive branch of government, spurring the publication of a Washington Post series on how Dick Cheney exceeds his authority.


A conservative justice of the Supreme Court of the United States visited Canada to inform fellow jurists that America’s laws should be changed to allow torture in order to facilitate the saving of lives by a fictional character. Thailand’s military government announced it will hold general elections in November, earlier than analysts had expected. Emperor Misha, arguing for the extermination of the world’s Muslim population, recommended that the endeavour begin with Palestinian Arabs. United States President George W. Bush vetoed stem-cell legislation. Michelle Malkin ridiculed attempts to communicate with foreign prisoners of the U.S. government who have not been granted access to a legal process nor publicly charged with a crime. Software giant Microsoft flip-flopped on plans for desktop PC virtualization. Somewhere in the world, a Muslim did something bad.


John Hinderaker, addressing the threat of global cooling, revealed that he and colleague Scott Johnson wrote a “1992 paper on global warming.” Baseball slugger Sammy Sosa clubbed his 600th home run. Music critic Patrick Luce praised the latest release from rockers The White Stripes as “a guitar thumping album that is sure to please fans of the band, and even win over some new ones.” Glenn Reynolds opted for brevity in a recent string of links to other Internet websites. The conservative front-runner for President of the United States, who is best known for portraying fictional characters, visited England to remind an aging fascist that America loves her. Pam Oshry remains insane.


Attend each coming week-end for Teh Sadly Review of News, of which the present comprises the first and a si pauvre installment. March On, Columbia!
–Teh Sadly (in collegium)


Comments: 29


“This is my first Rodeo” Thompson said…no problem, since he’s full of Bull.

a different brad

Misha is still in business?
Dammit, I’d forgotten he exists.
N as much as I love subjecting myself to Pam, that vlog clocks out at 9:30. Even I have limits.


I just want to mention this real quick.

With focus on:
“As recently as January 2000, the Post and Courier reported in an article headlined “Ravenel stepped outside ‘civility,'” that Ravenel called the NAACP the “National Association For Retarded People.” ”

The word that comes to mind with his usage of an acronym is “irony”.

That is all.


Wouldn’t that make it the NAARP?

Christ, if you’re going to insult the NAACP, at least come up with an insulting word for the C.


Technically, it would be something like NARFP. Either way, you sound like Pinky.


So Fred Thompson has taken to quoting Joan Crawford? That rodeo bit is what she allegedly said to the Pepsi execs.

Is he covertly courting teh gays?

I’m confused.


Stuff like the Windows Vista licensing agreement (which is what Microsoft refused to change to allow virtualization, mostly for the owners of the new Macintoshes) is why I loves me some open-source software.


I can just see Fred Thompson visiting Margret Thatcher making a certain type of technofascist pseudolibertarian just swoon…

*sighs* I wish Al Gore would run…he’d have my vote the minute he announced.


Was that “a Muslim did something bad” link supposed to go to Late German Fascists? Because I got redirected to that crappy “You are an idiot!” flash animation….


It looks like the CNET News link may have changed. Try this one.


sooth! what a fine piece of writing upon which i shall myself opine. where, perhaps, i have overstepped the bounds of civility when leaving a bon mot elsewhere on this most genteel of websites, here i become as one with my clean and cuss-free self. bless your hearts, sadlynoites, every one!


Was that “a Muslim did something bad” link supposed to go to Late German Fascists? Because I got redirected to that crappy “You are an idiot!” flash animation….

Probably, but when I went there to guess which post it could have been, I really, really couldn’t tell. Doesn’t he have a life or something? A job to go to? Puppies to kick?

a different brad

Actually, that Pam vid has one really great highlight. Go to about 4:10 or so, and wait for her impression of socialists and communists.
I’d snark, but…. just watch.


ur Powder Line link is broken


this is the global cooling article


I will be sending you tons and tons and tons of money.

This is just a check to see if you read ur comments.



Isn’t Misha the chickenhawk coward that invites people to fist fight him but only at his own house? I offered to meet him half way and he said I was a coward for not coming to his house.


Has anyone ever considered that donkeys might actually want their asses tapped?


Holy shite, if Gore announced, I’d be pounding the pavement for him the next day. Who for running mate? I’d like Bruce Babbitt, just for the environment’s sake, but that’s a real dream.

Also: when will the shrieking harpy stop with the child abuse? She always has her kids sitting around while she cranks up the hate; sometimes the kids even participate! Won’t someone please call CPS?

Fishbone McGonigle

John Hinderaker, addressing the threat of global cooling, revealed that he and colleague Scott Johnson wrote a “1992 paper on global warming.”

[double-take] Waitaminute – what? Surely it wasn’t peer-reviewed, right?




Depends on what you mean by “peer,” no? Sadly, yes!


Hinderaker, 9/5/2002:

A select few Power Line readers may remember that quite a few years ago, the Trunk and I authored a piece titled “The Global Warming Hoax”–one of our first efforts. We may have to dust it off and update it.

Hinderaker, 4/6/2003:

One of the first articles that the Trunk and I published, in 1992, was called “The Global Warming Hoax.” Alas, it is not available anywhere on the web. If there were enough demand, maybe we could put it up on a web page of our own and link to it.

Hinderaker, 8/2/2003:

One of the first major magazine pieces that the Trunk and I wrote was called “The Global Warming Hoax.” It appeared, as I recall, in 1992 and is not available anywhere on the web. I don’t recall what led us to start studying the issue, but we were astonished to find that a theory that commanded such universal political allegiance, even then, had so little scientific support.

Hinderaker, 7/19/2004:

It stands to reason, of course, that fluctuations in energy emitted by the sun would account, wholly or in part, for temperature variations on earth. In fact, the Trunk and I made this point twelve years ago in one of the first papers we ever published (regrettably, not available on the web), titled “The Global Warming Hoax.” I haven’t updated the research, but at that time, the correlation between temperature variations on earth and solar emissions, as measured by sunspot activity, was astonishingly close.

Hinderaker, 5/24/2006:

When Scott and I began our writing career in 1992, one of our first articles was “The Global Warming Hoax.” Regrettably, it is not available anywhere online. Bob Balling vetted the article before we published it, and pronounced it scientifically sound.

Hinderaker, 2/27/2007:

One of the early articles that Scott and I wrote was called, with characteristic understatement, “The Global Warming Hoax.” It appeared in the Minnesota Journal of Law and Politics [now Minnesota Law and Politics] in late 1992. One of the things we wrote about was the global cooling scare of the 1970s; we quoted articles from Time and Newsweek about fears that we humans were about to cause another ice age.

Hinderaker is quite proud of “The Global Warming Hoax” (1992). It is not available online.


Hmm. All that assrocket stuff above seems premised on the theory that the state of climate science has not changed at all since the 1970s. No way that scientists, equipped with 21st century supercomputers, better data modelling software, better remote sensing equipment, a much greater understanding of the way the oceans work and thirty plus years more raw data might have gone to show that some of the things we believed to be true in the ’70s, or even fifteen years ago in 1992 were not accurate. No way our understanding of the dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions and their effect upon climate (umm, wingnuts? That’s CLIMATE, not WEATHER, which is what you see when you look out your window) might allow us to draw more accurate conclusions about the near- and mid-term future global climate?




But mikey, the article was vetted by Bob Balling. Bob Balling!


Hinderaker is quite proud of “The Global Warming Hoax” (1992). It is not available online.

Oh, gods, J! I am still laughing.

What a pity that this valuable work is not available online! If only there were some technology that could make it possible–you know, like a scanner or a camera or a copier or a keyboard or something.

I suppose we’ll just have to wait for the technology to catch up to the important insights that Hinderaker no doubt divulged in this paper. Which is, unfortunately, not available online.


How droll, I feel so vetted.


I always knew Roger D. Hodge was a nom de plume.


The “sunspots are responsible for global warming/cooling” meme and it’s variations has been completely debunked. Hinderaker was wrong even by 1992 standards. The studies he was most likely referring to (I’m guessing, too bad they aren’t online) were not merely bad, they were laughably bad and contained simple errors of arithmetic.


[…] the Addington/Steele coffeehouse joint of the early 1700s. The crux of the idea is that, since all of my zany retro ideas end up failing, I might as well trim down the project […]


In what sense did this zany retro idea fail? This is some funny shit right here. In fact just the other day when I was reading my Harper’s Weekly email I remembered this post and was wondering why this didn’t become a weekly thing. It reminds me of a funnier version of that.


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