Mark Noonan To Gays: “Stop Making Us Hate You, You Stupid, Stupid Fruits!”


The man, the myth, the Noonan:

Way to Bring us Together, Obama

Yep, we conservative Christians are just a bunch of hijackers

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) – Sen. Barack Obama told a church convention Saturday that some right- wing evangelical leaders have exploited and politicized religious beliefs in an effort to sow division. “Somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together and started being used to drive us apart. It got hijacked,” the Democratic presidential candidate said in remarks prepared for delivery before the national meeting of the United Church of Christ.

“Part of it’s because of the so-called leaders of the Christian Right, who’ve been all too eager to exploit what divides us,” the Illinois senator said.

“At every opportunity, they’ve told evangelical Christians that Democrats disrespect their values and dislike their church, while suggesting to the rest of the country that religious Americans care only about issues like abortion and gay marriage, school prayer and intelligent design,” according to an advance copy of his speech.

Given that Obama’s religion performs rituals which are supposed to unite in holy matrimony people of the same sex, I think there might be something more to our opposition to liberalism than some sort of sick desire to just divide people.

And that “something more” is hatred of gays.

You know, Senator, it just might be liberalism’s insistence upon such things as gay marriage which is driving the wedge? Maybe we Christians were just minding our own business until we discovered that the left was hijacking America? Some times it is useful to approach issues with an open mind and consider different points of view – you should try it, Senator.

The minute gay people started showing up at Mark’s door to have sex in front of him, he knew he’d had enough!

We’re getting rather tired of this run-around, anyways. This is the way the left/right dialogue goes on moral issues:

Liberal: “Hey, we’d like to have gay marriage.”

Two Thousand Year Old Faith: “That is an interesting concept but we believe that it might not be in the best interest of all concerned to rush into such a thing.”

L: “We’re filing a lawsuit tomorrow claiming that the equal protection clause requires that gay people be allowed to marry.”

Uh Mark, aren’t there other issues that get you riled up, or is this all about your dislike of the gays?

TTYOF: “Look, we’ve checked carefully on this and it seems that in our faith and in the long-standing traditions of our society, there is no provision for same sex marriage. We love our bothers and sisters who have a deep-seated inclination towards homosexuality, but to say that two men or two women can be married is a direct contravention of laws both human and divine on what makes a marriage.”

L: “You bigots!!!”

Nope. I guess it’s all about the gays after all.

What we are tired of is the left introducing novelty into society and then saying we’re being devisive when we’re unready to immediately accept the latest leftwing fad as the last word on what is right and wrong. What I say to Senator Obama is: could you please stop dividing us? Stop dividing us into “rich” and “poor”.

If not for liberals, American would be a classless free market utopia, I suppose.

Stop dividing us into “black” and “white”.

Fun fact: liberals were responsible for slavery.

Stop dividing us into the host of liberal boxes that you toss people into – we are all the children of God…

“…unless you’re gay…”

…and when some of us disagree with you, it isn’t because we hate you or your cause, but because we believe differently from you.

Yuh-huh. Here’s a classic Mark Noonan bit that demonstrates his commitment to the magical power of non-hateful rhetoric:

Do the Democrats Want a Civil War?

As our Sister Toldjah noted earlier, the “indictment” of Tom Delay is entirely bogus – from what I’ve read, Tom Delay didn’t know about the perfectly legal transaction he is accused of conspiring to make. […]

I really do urge our Democrats to step back from the edge – you are sitting in a lake of gasoline and you are playing with fire. We on our side will only put up with so much before we start to pay back with usury what we have received. If you can’t defeat Tom Delay in the electoral field, then you will simply have to accept him as Majority Leader of the United States House of Representatives – and you’d better start accepting political reality before things get really bad.

When Mark says “Gimme that old time religion,” I’m pretty sure he’s referring to the Dark Ages.

[Snidely Whipnoonan graphic by Righteous Bubba]


Comments: 53


God, can’t he get a better picture? He looks so friggin’…stupid in that one.

Oh, wait.


OT (a bit), but…

I also love the conservative dating site link. I love the idea that you are so ideologically paranoid and insecure you need to go to a conservative dating site.

I used to love it when Jesus’ General used to post Hannidate profiles that may or may not have been real.


Oh Jeezus Christ on a skateboard. Did he just say this?:

Some times it is useful to approach issues with an open mind and consider different points of view

Are these people just cardboard cutouts, waddling around the political scene and entirely unaware of what they’re saying? If they had any fucking self awareness, would they feel shame?


Fuckit. Don’t mean nothing….



Are these people just cardboard cutouts, waddling around the political scene and entirely unaware of what they’re saying? If they had any fucking self awareness, would they feel shame?

Noonan’s the straight-up gangsta shit. I can’t even say I despise him like I do with most wingnuts. He’s like Marie: so crazy that he’s kinda innocent.


Hey, Noonan? Yeah, hi, how are ya? Try the dip with the veggies, it’s great.

Yeah, so, look, when the GOVERNMENT bans same-sex marriage for religious reason? Yeah, it becomes a problem.

You and your toga-wearing whossawhatsits dun want to marry gays, fine. When you influence domestic policy with your religion to force your beliefs on others, problem. Is that not simple enough?

“from what I’ve read, Tom Delay didn’t know about the perfectly legal transaction he is accused of conspiring to make. […]”

Kinda makes you wonder what, exactly, he was reading. My guess is “Juggs”.
I like his, “why you always gotta make me hit you, baby?” attitude. It just irks of maturity.


Psst… Mark… prejudice doesn’t get a free pass simply cause it comes wrapped in the Bible. Whatever your 2000 year old faith may tell you about who you should hate, you don’t get to use public funds to do it and you don’t get you use the federal government to institutionalize it. If self-described “Christians” showed half as much interest in, say, poverty or the death penalty (like that godless heathen John Edwards), perhaps those who accuse you of highjacking religion for your own tribalistic beliefs and political gains would have less ammunition with which to call you hypocrites.

a different brad

Wait, did Noonan really say “Stop dividing us into the host of liberal boxes that you toss people into – we are all the children of God…”?
…. Yes, he did.
Forcing all of humanity into Christian boxes is ok, but liberal boxes don’t smell of that nice incense they burn at churches, I guess.
Thank his imaginary God he’s the end of his bloodline.
I’m kinda presuming he’s not married.

a different brad

And can someone please inform Christians that marriage was not invented by them and that it doesn’t have to have any religious association to be legal?
This is just so fucking stupid I fear eventually they’ll make a law saying marriages have to be performed in a house of worship to be legal, cause otherwise they’d have to accept they’re absolutely 100% wrong regardless of how they misuse their holy fictions.


It bothers me that Democrats seem to think they need to find some old time religion in order to be successful, and that the media heralds this as a good thing when Democrats speak on religion. Please, we don’t need more Republican Lite from you guys. Okay?

It amazes me that Al Gore’s book, having the title it did, got the reception it did. Democrats–The Party of Reason. Wouldn’t that be cool?


Maybe we Christians were just minding our own business until we discovered that the left was hijacking America?

His ability to become the VICTIM in any circumstance is truly Epic.


Noonan may or may not be a bigot, but treating gays like second class citizens is certainly anti freedom and equality, which are the values America is supposed to represent…


“We on our side will only put up with so much before we start to pay back with usury what we have received.
W/ “usury?” What does he mean by that? Interest? Or is it some sort of anti-Semitic crack? If he’s such a dedicated mackerel-snapper, why doesn’t he just join a monastery & avoid the horrors of the real world?
And what fucking business of his is it, “[g]iven that Obama’s religion performs rituals which are supposed to unite in holy matrimony people of the same sex, I think there might be something more to our opposition to liberalism than some sort of sick desire to just divide people.”? Tell you what, Marky, you rattle your beads all by yourself over in your corner there, and worry about Catholicism, & let the rest of us worry about our own religion, or sensible lack thereof.
He lives in Vegas, right? Gambling has fucked up more people & lives than anything anyone gay (possible exception: J. Edgar Hoover) has ever done.
Let’s hear a few whines about “gaming,” then, Mark-O!
And diffbrad above: Marriage is sacred. It’s holy. It’s God’s ordination. One man & as many wives as he can keep against the onslaught of other dudes looking for chattelwives.


Ooops. God has punished me for mocking Him.


I think it’s the arrogance of the Noonan position that pisses me off the most. The absolute, unquestioning certitude that he’s right and there can be no – NO! – doubt about it.

Normally I feel a little pity for the folks on the religious wrong. Chances are good that they had terrible, authoritarian upbringings, and had their minds so thoroughly indoctrinated at a young age that a change in perception would be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible; but when I read the screed of someone who not only refuses to see another viewpoint, but indeed refuses to allow that another viewpoint even exists, it just makes me mad.

Someone should lock him in a little room and make him read the First Amendment over and over and over until he finally gets it. Nah, I guess not… that would be the Noonan way. But I can’t help but wish there was some way to get the concept of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights through his head, even if it’s impossible to make him feel empathy for the gay people he wants to exclude from all of society’s benefits. Just to make him at least see the rule of law, and the principles this country was founded upon, would be nice.


What we are tired of is the left introducing novelty into society

Kinda sums it all up right there doesn’t it?


Someone needs to explain to Mark that while as a Roman Catholic he may regard the institution as “holy matrimony,” marriage is also a civil institution that carries state-conferred benefits. The equal protection clause cannot be employed to force his Church to let same-sex couples enter “holy matrimony”; but it has everything to do with denying same-sex couples the same benefits and protections the state doles out to heterosexuals and refusing to recognize their marriages entered into before state agents or those religious ministers (or whatever) who do not oppose same-sex marriage.

Really, it isn’t that complicated.

Principal Blackman

His ability to become the VICTIM in any circumstance is truly Epic.

Isn’t it? It must suck to be him–always the victim of everything, everywhere.

Down in the comments, he let loose this piece of stupidity:

“We’re tired of the divisiveness of American politics, and we’d like to see people – in this case, stating with Obama – cut it out and try to work with us for the common good.”

Yes, it’s those damn dirty leftists who have been pushing wedge issues nonstop for the past six years–all the wingnuts want to do is sit down and work with everybody! Obviously!


My religion says that straight sex, unless explicitly for the purpose of procreation, is an abominable sin. My god demands that everyone have gay sex for pleasure at least once a day. And you can only get gay married.

And no hotdog buns on Fridays.


Sweet Jillian, can I add yours to the list of five religions I am currently practicing?


And no hotdog buns on Fridays.

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

a different brad

But Jillian, I don’t like guys. I mean, I even tried to make out with one back in college, n it wasn’t working. I’m sorry, but I can’t join your religion.
It does make a hell of a lot more sense than anything but Shinto, tho, I have to give you that.


Two Thousand Year Old Faith: “Look, we’ve checked carefully on this and here are some good examples of “holy matrimony” :

No doubt, this is exactly what Jesus had in mind: absolutely, positevely sure about it, we checked and double-checked. So, we’re sorry Senator, you don’t come here and tell us what faith and Christianity is all about, we have this part covered.”

Herr Doktor Bimler

It’s pretty clear that you people aren’t serious about wanting a united, cohesive society, if you’re going to continually disrupt the unity by living and thinking differently from Mark. He only wants to mind his own business; why can’t you do the same? How do you expect to build a society based on human laws if you allow people to make those laws?

Who needs Zen koans to destroy the habits of rational thought, when we have Mark Noonan?


The eyebrow-‘stache my new favorite work of Teh Sadly. Of course, the Althouse-O-Face-onion-ring was pretty funny too…


Am I the only one who thinks, with a mustache like that, Noonan would have been a sensation in the porn industry?


TTYOF: “Look, we’ve checked carefully on this and it seems that in our faith and in the long-standing traditions of our society, there is no provision for same sex marriage. (emphasis mine)

Okay, fine. Your faith won’t have to marry gay people. But society is made up of more people than are in your particular faith – and don’t try to snow us on your faith being generic Christianity, because until fairly recently the doctrine of your particular faith held that those pesky protestants were all going to hell – so a blanket proclamation regarding tradition is moot.

We love our bothers and sisters who have a deep-seated inclination towards homosexuality

Maybe, but most of you try to make sure that your friends and neighbors don’t find out….

but to say that two men or two women can be married is a direct contravention of laws both human and divine on what makes a marriage.”

Right, and neither human nor divine law has changed whatsoever in two thousand years. Oh, wait….


TTYOF doesn’t seem to have checked its own bible too carefully.
1 Samuel
18:1 And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.
18:2 And Saul took him that day, and would let him go no more home to his father’s house.
18:3 Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.
18:4 And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.


…we love our bothers…

Now that’s funny. Crackin me up…

G’night, all….



Tee hee, moving the eyebrows south makes him look like Pepe Le Pew.


I love the way the homophobe in his fun hypothetical example is all open-minded and reasonable’n’shit and just happens–sadly–to have come to the ineluctable conclusion that God Hates Fags. ‘Cause that’s ALWAYS what it’s like when I’m trying to argue with bigots: they’re reasonable and compassionate and level-headed, and I’m reduced to incoherent, albeit accurate, rage.

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

The day liberals stopped punishing with death the crime of sorcery also ranks among their worst crimes against Faith ‘n Tradition.


Whoever said up there they assumed Marky Mark wasn’t married was wrong, B4B says he’s married. It also says he was born in Nov., 1964. That photograph is not of a 42 yr. old!! (Or a 52 yr. old, for that matter.) And it doesn’t say anything about children. Not much of a Catholic there, Mark. If you don’t start breeding sometime soon the dirty homos will artificially inseminate their way to numerical superiority over you all!!


different brad, don’t worry, Discordianism has got you covered.

Every Discordian is expected to violate at least one of the rules of Discordianism on a regular basis. Usually it’s partaking of the forbidden hotdog buns, but in your case it can be refraining from the gay sex.

It’s cool. All forms of chaos and disobedience please Eris.


The ‘Noon-stache scares me.

And if I’m not mistaken Reba (and it’s been quite some time since I was in a church to find out), don’t all forms of Christianity assume as a fact of doctrine that every other Christian not in their specific sect is going to Hell? The Catholics figure the Lutherans are in for it, the Lutherans figure the Calvinists are fucked, the Calvinists figure the Southern Baptists are screwed, the Southern Baptists think the Unitarians are up the creek, the Unitarians don’t give a crap one way or the other, and nobody likes the Mormons at all.

Frankly, with all the divisions, “you guys are losers, we’re the winners!” seems to be the only thing any Christian can agree on.

a different brad

Chaos and disobedience? Hell, if that’s what she wants Eris doesn’t likely have many issues with me.
Tho I’ve always been the type to feel disobedience is best used for your own, discrete benefit. It doesn’t have to be showy, does it?


I would consider it immoral to force certain churches or priests to marry homosexual pairs or face repercussions. But I consider it evil by the government to provide economic benefits to one kind of pair and not the other, and I consider it evil to create laws that prevent priests or churches that prevent them from blessing a homosexual pair…

Herr Doktor Bimler

don’t all forms of Christianity assume as a fact of doctrine that every other Christian not in their specific sect is going to Hell?
Patklin, you’re not trying very hard to open your mind to Noonan’s point of view.
TTYOF: We celebrate the sacraments
Other versions: They perform rituals.


Two Thousand Year Old Faith: McCain, Gulliani, you’re not off the hook either. See the Bible seems to frown on adultery so you guys should just forget about forcing your deviant lifestyles on us. We’re not going to vote for you.
And mister President, we got these Ten Comandments, and one of them is about bearing false witness (lying) and the whole WMD, Iraq, fixing the intelligence stuff just doesn’t sit well with our high moral standards. We’re going to have to ask you to resign or face impeachment.
We’ve also taken to heart the teachings of Jesus regarding the poor and needy and have decided to make ending poverty a priority. And considering how much trouble God went through to perserve all the species during the Great Flood, we’ve decided to become move active in environmental causes.

Or we could just forget all that and just hate on the gays…
Yeah…. lets just hate on the gays.


Who gave Noonan the dirty Sanchez? VD Hanson?



He appears to believe that the notion that conservatives want to divide people is absurd on its face. And his example of this is… conservatives who want to break up–divide–gay families, and force currently married gay couples to stop being married. To, you know, divide them.

This is like the misdirectedly precious notion that the conservatives are pro-family and that’s why they’re, um, anti-gay-family.

At some point, the rotting corpse of irony reanimates and begins chewing on her own toes. Seriously, wtf? I mean, I know Mark is hard to listen to, but it seems like, if anyone, at least *Mark* should be doing so.


Two thousand year old faith? Is he a Roman Catholic? Oh, and did “liberals” demand gay marriage and sue all in one day? I’m not that well read-up on this topic, but I’d be surprised in same-sex legal union was a brand-new intellectual process?

Trying to speak reason to these people is like having a debate with a closed system.


This is so heinous and dishonest it’s hard to know where to start,so I’ll just tell this little tale:

One thing that made me leave religion in general and christianity in particular is the huge number of christian people who wall themselves off from everyone else and feel superior because everyone is going to hell but them. Even really nice people who do good things still have this little superiority thing when it comes to their faith. It’s like a high school clique with the promise of an eternal afterlife and ponies…and you can’t have none,so there.

Wonder what Mark would say about”good christian people”who threw their eldest kid out on the street when she was 17? For the crime of not being perfect and obedient to their abusive asshatness(like being the only one in the family not allowed to bathe every day,or being made to eat different food from everyone else,or being screamed at every day) .That 17 yr old kid then spent far to much time over the next 30 yrs trying everything she knew to get back into her family’s good graces only to have the proverbial football yanked away from her over and over again.

The last straw for that kid was growing up,getting married and having a child of her own who turned out to be autistic. A beautiful child,a smart child,who could use close grandparants now that he’s 13 and not quite fitting in among his mostly christian peers. Instead,these fine upstanding christian people told their daughter that her son was punishment from Satan for being who she was. That former 17 yr old kid hasn’t seen or heard from her parents(who live about 30 minutes away)in almost 4 yrs. Which,for the sake of the autistic child, is probably for the best. Oh,and my house is possessed by demons,Mom says if I get rid of all my books,artwork,and assorted “evil”doodads,the demons will leave. Since I won’t do that,she won’t set foot in my house,and neither will the rest of the loon,er I mean,family.

No divisiveness there,nope. And certainly no divisiveness sanctioned by god or this particular church,nah.

And the saddest thing here is that my mother was raised up Catholic and horrifically abused within that religion. So she knew how it felt to be on the recieving end of this madness. After I was born she left the church for good and then became part of this whole evangelical southern baptist megachurch craziness(in our case you can add in Amway to that mess too,whee!) which is such a nightmare I can’t even begin to describe it. She went into “christian therapy”which pretty much destroyed our family,telling her that her children(especially me)were the root of her problems and that unless she got right with God,she could expect not only to burn in hell but to have a miserable life on top of that. Sooo,the solution was to throw me out of the family,but dangle carrots out there for me in hopes I could have some ideal family,get my siblings in on the act and then keep kicking me to the curb and laughing at me behind my back.

Gee,I can’t imagine why I won’t let anyone get within 5 miles of my kid with a Bible….


What we are tired of is the left introducing novelty into society and then saying we’re being devisive when we’re unready to immediately accept the latest leftwing fad

Damn you people and your hula hoops!



Jesus, that’s terrible! I can’t imagine what that was like to go through.

I hope your son grows up tall and strong, despite his disadvantages.

And since when is Satan the one who punishes? It’s usually God.

Hysterical Woman

Liberal: We want to get married.
Conservative: My church is against that.
Liberal: Um, what does that have anything to do with it? My church is fine with it.
Conservative: You’re oppressing my church! Wahhhhhh!
Liberal: Aren’t you oppressing my church by saying it can’t perform certain marriages?
Conservative: Ahh, but my church is right!
Liberal: Fuck this, I’m going to a Justice of the Peace.
Conservative: Why do you hate religion?

Herr Doktor Bimler

Look, it’s not Mark interfering with other people’s business; it’s you liberals, and the intrusive way you move your noses out of range of his flailing fists. I’m not saying he’s projecting, but you could stick him on the furthest tip of Nova Scotia and use him as a lighthouse.
Or you could just stick him on the furthest tip of Nova Scotia.


Trying to wrap my brain around the way those people think makes me want to shoot the stupid out of my head. I’m trying to understand, honestly, but I don’t think I could survive being that completely insane.

And don’t get me started on the “Bigotry is Tolerance” nonsense.


RE: stogoe
“And don’t get me started on the “Bigotry is Tolerance” nonsense.”

Man-o-man! That’s the nut of Noonan’s rant, and the latest slick move in the perceived “culture war” rhetoric. That flip-flop of logic, had plenty of us scratching our heads. “Do they really mean that we’re the bigots for not allowing them to sufficiently HATE in a sufficiently public manner?,” we’ve often thought lately.

And then, like clockwork, from a TV set across the house we hear, I think, Cleavon Little implore, “can’t you see, it’s the last act of a desperate man?” And we chuckle.


… latest leftwing fad …

Yes, teh gay is a fad. Like acid washed jeans.

Principal Blackman

“Do they really mean that we’re the bigots for not allowing them to sufficiently HATE in a sufficiently public manner?,”

Many of them do, sadly. But the phrasing is key–you’re not a bigot for not allowing them to get their hate on, you are bigoted against “conservative views,” “pro-family views,” etc.

Also, bear in mind that to sad little stooges like Noonan, The Left(tm) is responsible for slavery, racism, and sexism. Basically, he’s going through the little semantic dance he needs to do in order to blame the damn dirty liberals for homophobia as well.


RE:Principal Blackman said,June 26, 2007 at 0:11

I hear ya…. and if this kinda thing was anything more than a game for these fucks (a game with a sweet payday), if they really bought into the crap they spewed, they’d be primed for a full-blown psychotic break soon enough. A multiple personality implosion… like that Sally Field movie from the early 70’s.

But it is just a game to them. And they can churn out one-upsmanshit like that endlessly at the bidding of the biggest checkbook. All spin all the time.


What we are tired of is the left introducing novelty into society and then saying we’re being devisive when we’re unready to immediately accept the latest leftwing fad

Damn you people and your hula hoops!


You kids these days with your Pac-Man video games and your Dan Fogelberg!


(comments are closed)