Why I Love Powerline

Take ‘er away, Deacon:

E.J. Dionne argues that the “center” in American politics is moving towards the left. I think he’s correct, though we may be one major terrorist attack and/or recession on a Democratic president’s watch away from having to revisit that view.

In other words, “Ooooooo, I hope disaster strikes in the next couple of years so people will freak out and vote us back into power!”

[Gavin adds: Comments are down tonight due to site tinkerage, f’shizzle.]

[Seb adds: Comments should be ok now.]


Comments: 58

a different brad

itz ken has be hamsterizeded?
o, hai
itz ken be iz!


How has the nation fared during this era? That question cannot adequately be addressed in a blog post. However, it seems clear enough that the economy has thrived. Where previously the economy grew roughly two out of every three quarters, from 1981 forward it grew in more than four out of every five. Moreover, during the conservative era, the U.S. became and remained the world’s only superpower. And far fewer lives were lost in wars during this time than durng the previous 25 year periods dating back to the beginning of the 20th century.

I can’t get my brain around this.


Funny how the powerlines keeps forgetting 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch.


Well, that answers the question: ‘how long does the wingnut buzz last from seeing 3,000 people die?’ They’re glued to CNN, pants round ankles, waiting for the next fix.


There you guys are! All of us at the World O Crap compound thought the Hamster finally killed you guys! Thank Goodness you’re all right!

Although, I can’t seem to view you guys through my firefox browser. What’s up with that?

Oh, and I also need to remember to take a dramamine before looking at this particular post of yours. That spiral thingy makes me queasy…




I think that the center is only moving towards the left due to massive media bombardment.

The left lucked out in 2006, because if they didn’t win the majority, then they would have been decimated forever through new laws to stop unions and to reverse the leftist media propaganda.

But the center will come back when they are hit by reality. If that reality comes through a recession or other means, then it will come.

If Clinton, Edwards, or Obama is elected, then expect an allout governmental war on people of faith. Expect them to try and destroy traditional Christians and others who oppose their atheistic plans.


As for the Presidential race, if Fred Thompson is not the nominee, then the Republicans will have problems.

While Rudy is right on issues of foreign policy, his pro-abortion stance is going to cause a lot of problems.

While Mitt is right on many issues, he’s just too flaky for the job.

While John McCain has been a Republican for awhile, there’s nothing else nice to say about that man.

Although the case could be made that if Romney faces Obama, it’ll be the first Presidential matchup between two non-Christians in this country.


You’re right Gary. The Left would have lost if we hadn’t won.


Lesley said,
June 23, 2007 at 9:16

Funny how the powerlines keeps forgetting 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch.

That’s because it was all Bill Clinton’s and the Democrats Faults.
Had 9/11/2001 happened instead on 9/11/2025 and the Republicans had had absolute power in the White House, the Supreme Court, the House, the Senate, the Governorships, the State Legislatures, the State Supreme Courts, and every other office you could think of, for 24 years (and some bits of a country remained) 9/11 still wouldn’t have been their fault.
You see, Republicans are by definition never, ever, ever, ever responsible for anything bad which happens on or after their watch.
Similarly, Republicans ARE completely responsible for anything good or allegedly good which ever, ever, ever happens, at any time in history and at any place in the cosmos.


the case could be made that if Romney faces Obama, it’ll be the first Presidential matchup between two non-Christians in this country.

The second election featured a Unitarian running against a Deist with Unitarian sympathies.


Sorry, the third election, to be the second president after Washington’s two terms.


The left lucked out in 2006, because if they didn’t win the majority, then they would have been decimated forever through new laws to stop unions and to reverse the leftist media propaganda.

What’s Puppert talking about with that last item?

a different brad

The Gary/Kevin No More Hippies In The Media Act of 2007, RB.
It passed at their WoW guild meeting unanimously, tho there was squabbling over the name.


Wow, Sadly No is back and Gary is back too.

Are these two things related?

then they would have been decimated forever through new laws to stop unions and to reverse the leftist media propaganda.

Stop unions? Well, since only 12 percent of employed workers in the US are union members, I’m not sure how much of the left would be decimated if unions were stopped.

Unless he’s talking about some other kind of unions. Are there going to be laws to stop civil unions?

And I guess if you have a law to reverse leftist media propaganda, it would mean turning it into rightist propaganda, wouldn’t it?


The unions used large amounts of money to bring down the Republican majority, and now they’re trying to eliminate secret ballots so they can force millions to unionize.


Yeah, ’cause being in a Labor Union is such a terrible, unpleasant, awful thing that people must be forced to unionize.

Riiiggghtt, Gary.

Although compared with the recent troll quality, Gary’s more than welcome far as I’m concerned…



Wait,I thought if Kerry got elected teh TERRRAWRISTS! would win?

Tara the anti-social social worker

“the case could be made that if Romney faces Obama, it’ll be the first Presidential matchup between two non-Christians in this country”

Last time, I checked, Obama’s church was still called the United Church of Christ. Doesn’t that Christ guy have something to do with Christianity?


Obama’s church is a church that seems to emphasize black supremacy. That doesn’t seem very Christian to me.


Yeah, ’cause being in a Labor Union is such a terrible, unpleasant, awful thing that people must be forced to unionize.

Well, I had a hell of a fight starting a union at a school with ten teachers. I had two who were dead set against it, no matter how much it would benefit them. I got it passed over their objections and made permanent enemies, but the first thing we did was get tenure and a larger-than-COLA pay raise. (It was my fourteenth year at that school and my first as a permanent employee.)

The anti-union propaganda is powerful and deeply engrained.

Tara the anti-social social worker

Hmm, looking for the word “supremacy” in the UCC’s charter….can’t find it….there’s a lot about that Christ guy, though. You might want to read up on him.


[N]ow they’re trying to eliminate secret ballots so they can force millions to unionize.

Card checks are so, so scary!


Obama is a member of the Trinity United Church, here is their description:

We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian… Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain “true to our native land,” the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.

The Pastor as well as the membership of Trinity United Church of Christ is committed to a 10-point Vision:

A congregation committed to ADORATION.
A congregation preaching SALVATION.
A congregation actively seeking RECONCILIATION.
A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
A congregation committed to BIBLICAL EDUCATION.
A congregation committed to CULTURAL EDUCATION.
A congregation committed to LIBERATION.
A congregation committed to RESTORATION.
A congregation working towards ECONOMIC PARITY.


Oh, Gary.

You can’t be serious about Obama’s church.

Care to back it up with something that even appears substantial? (‘Rush said so’ doesn’t count.)

Or are you a typical conservative who will now slink away, happy that you did your part by perepetrating the latest White House talking points?

Seriously, if conservatives have any arguments that make sense or any talking points that aren’t pulled straight from Bill O’Reilly’s butt, they should start using them. Now is the time.


Gary, buddy:

Is there anything about African supremacy there?


I’m surprised Gary hasn’t figured out that if a Democrat is elected to the presidency next then their first order of business will be to pass the Turn Gary Ruppert Gay Act of 2008. Of course it will be retroactive.


Although the case could be made that if Romney faces Obama, it’ll be the first Presidential matchup between two non-Christians in this country.

Um, Gary ….


LOL!!! “a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA” ooooooooooooohhh, they are really dangerous!

“Obama’s church is a church that seems to emphasize black supremacy.”

But churches that emphasize white supremacy are ok with Gary.

Gary, go back to the fourth grade, your classmates miss you.


You know what’s nice about Gary?

That he’s here and not, er, elsewhere, if you get my drift.

That boy crazee.


Obama’s church is a church that seems to emphasize black supremacy. That doesn’t seem very Christian to me.

Seems? The fact is nothing in that statement seems non-Christian or “black supremacist.” And judging and condemning someone based on fact-free opinion doesn’t seem very Christian to me. Obviously legal abortion and gay marriage are destroying your faith.


Y’know, I’m a helluva lot more nervous about american political pundits rooting for a major terrorist attack on US soil than I am about islamic militants rooting for the same. It kind of gives one a clear understanding of why most of the world is more afraid of america and americans than they are of muslims, russians, chinese or even eritreans….



Number The First: I call faux Gary. These posts aren’t his style.

Numero Deux!: Jillian@0:52, you missed a fine chance to respond: Sadly, No!

Tara the anti-social social worker

“We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian”

Thanks for admitting you were false witnessing when you called Obama a “non-Christian.” (Also true when you called Romney the same, but it’s kind of amusing watching right-wingers eat their own).


>>Obama’s church is a church that seems to emphasize black supremacy. That doesn’t seem very Christian to me.

Well, he has a point: everyone knows that the “real” Christian churches emphasize white supremacy.

Hysterical Woman

So supporting Africa is racists (or reverse racist)?


First Obama was a “Halfrican”…now he’s too Afrocentric for the mainstream?

Stick with a consistent narrative, or go back to swilling llama piss.


Welcome back Gary! I missed you, and your troll replacement, Kevin, was a real yawn. My question is, even IF Obama’s church was for Black Supremacy, why would it be un-Christian?


Just out of curiosity, if there were a church dedicated to black supremacy, exactly how do panicky whites fear they would go about it? And exactly what chances do they fear of them succeeding?

Are they worried that there will be a Black Supremacist / Aztlan / Revolutionary Jihadist united movement that will seek to take over and oppress white people?

Are they going to somehow use mind-control beams of pure hip-hop/ salsa dancing/ nasheed energy to make the white establishment dance away their control of nearly all military and police forces, corporations, and any other major institutions of US life?

God, another example of the right wing’s serious teenie-weenie fear problem.

Typical Republican

Choice A: But Al Sharpton said …

Choice B: Well, what about the Duke NON-RAPE case?

Choice C: Illegal immigrants burn flags at protests.

Choice D: Ward Churchill

Pick one. I’m too tired.

Klein's Tiny Left Nut

Once my Hindrocket induced convulsions cease and they take out the stick they had to wedge in my mouth, I’m gonna sue you bastards.

I also want to note that the “make Gary R. gay” legislation would likely be superfluous. A man as far to the right as he is no doubt lives in a closet that is as big as all outdoors.


LOL!!! “a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA” ooooooooooooohhh, they are really dangerous!

Everyone knows good Americans are supposed to pledge their fortunes, prestige, and lives to Israel, not Africa.

Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut

Shorter Disconnect: There will be hell to pay for Democrats when the next terrorist attack occurs “on U.S. soil.”. (Never mind the attacks on Australia, Spain, the UK, Turkey, etc.) Unless of course the next attack “on U.S. soil” (like 9/11) occurs when Bush-Cheney are still around, in which case it will prove conclusively that Speaker Pelosi has failed.


My question is, even IF Obama’s church was for Black Supremacy, why would it be un-Christian?

Because Christ was a white man. Oh, wait.


I agree with Gavin’s pseudonym. Powerline is boring. We need a Democrat in power again, so we can be reminded what idiots they are. Clinton kind of doesn’t count, since he fiddled, trusting in the accomplishments of 12 years of Republican rule, while the enemy built. But our next hippie president will have no such luxury. Bush, the closet liberal, leaves you no leeway. If/when a Democrat is elected president next year, he/she will begin a reign that will be marked as the worst in American history. No matter what he/she does.

And it’s our (we conservatives) fault. We f’d up and elected a liberal in conservative guise. Sure, he’s loads better than Gore or Kerry, but couldn’t we have picked better in the primaries? *sigh*

Herr Doktor Bimler

Obama’s church is a church that seems to emphasize black supremacy.
I sort of see where Gary is coming from. Your man Obama does forfeit some credibility for associating himself with this Reverend Wright dude who’s in charge of the Trinity congregation of the UCC. Wright seems to be combining Afrocentrism — a tangle of fuzzy, half-baked thinking + wish-fulfillment + an absence of historical fact — with mainstream Christianity, which is a…
…Sorry, forgot what I was going to say.


We f’d up and elected a liberal in conservative guise.

Yeah. Twice.

The Texas moron sure put it over on “conservatives”. Funny how George could do no wrong right up until he didn’t want all undocumented immigrants shot on sight. “Conservatives” seem to be a little slow on the uptake.



I thought I was all alone. Gary sees through this farce too! Well met, Gary Ruppert.

Li’l pig, what you say is kind of true, but what choice did we have? Gore or Kerry? Please. We had to vote him in because of the ridiculous competition. In fact, he fell out of conservative favor very shortly after his first term started, when he created the new entitlement for prescription drugs. Why not create entitlements for cars, houses and food, GWB? Screw an understanding of economics. Liberal idiot.

But imagine if Gore were prez. We’d be riding bicycles to avoid the $8/gal gasoline. Or if Kerry was elected, we’d all be speaking some weird foreign language, having surrendered to Libya, Iran, China, France, Luxembourg, and Singapore already.

So it’s not like you are blameless, lefty ppl. Give us that Governor from New Mexico as your candidate, and you may get some conservative votes. But if you give us evil Hilary, or lacking-knowledge Obama, you’re on your own.


Don’t feed the lie that “conservatism hasn’t failed.” It’s done exactly what it set out to do – enrich those who are already rich, and fuck everyone else.


Obama’s church is a church that seems to emphasize black supremacy. That doesn’t seem very Christian to me.

Oops. Sorry. Didn’t know you were a noted theological scholar. Hey, guys? Can you contact the Vatican and tell the Pope to call this number?

And if its not Christian to have a committment to Africa, then I guess all those Christian churches in Africa aren’t Christian either? Someone better tell them.


Kevin didn’t really want those sour grapes, after all.


Stooge said:”Don’t feed the lie that “conservatism hasn’t failed.” It’s done exactly what it set out to do – enrich those who are already rich, and fuck everyone else.”

Wouldn’t dream of feeding a lie. It’s why I am commenting on your comment, in fact! Conservatism’s goal is not to get the rich richer. It’s to get EVERY WORKER richer. Sadly, you have to work to be a part of this plan. But that IS our plan.

Klein's Tiny Left Nut

Yeah, Kevin, let’s make workers richer by destroying unions. Fuck off.


I’ll f’ off later, but for now… hell yeah we need to destroy unions to make workers richer! Unions were great at the turn of last century, but now they only result in layoffs and poor productivity. No one’s destroying them though. They are destroying the companies they are attached to.

We’ve also got to staunch the flow of illegal aliens willing to work for minimum wage or less, but that and an end to unions would go a long way towards making workers richer. Comrade :).


Are they going to somehow use mind-control beams of pure hip-hop/ salsa dancing/ nasheed energy to make the white establishment dance away their control of nearly all military and police forces, corporations, and any other major institutions of US life?

God I hope so. I for one welcome our new salsa-dancing hip-hop overlords.


Conservatism’s goal is not to get the rich richer. It’s to get EVERY WORKER richer. Sadly, you have to work to be a part of this plan. But that IS our plan.

Yep, dictatorship of the proletariat is what conservatism is all about.
But, Kevin, you weren’t supposed to let the cat out of the bag until after Rudy McRomney wins the election.


(comments are closed)