Ha, Ma! Lookit That Arab Feller Git Tortured! Tuh-hilk!

Now this is the kind of wingnuttery I just love. From a blogger calling hisself (really) “Hillbilly White Trash“:

From The Washington Post:

The CIA will declassify hundreds of pages of long-secret records detailing some of the intelligence agency’s worst illegal abuses — the so-called “family jewels” documenting a quarter-century of overseas assassination attempts, domestic spying, kidnapping and infiltration of leftist groups from the 1950s to the 1970s, CIA Director Michael V. Hayden said yesterday.

The documents, to be publicly released next week, also include accounts of break-ins and theft, the agency’s opening of private mail to and from China and the Soviet Union, wiretaps and surveillance of journalists, and a series of “unwitting” tests on U.S. civilians, including the use of drugs.

The pathetic liberals at the Post think of these things as the “agency’s worst illegal abuses”. I see them as a sign that the CIA was earning its keep. The current lack of human intelligence we have on Islamic terrorist groups and the failure to “connect the dots” before 9/11 are the results of the reforms which were instituted to stop these “abuses”.

Think about it. Would not the people of Cuba be better off today if we had managed to kill Castro 50 years ago? Would the people of Iran, and the whole rest of the world, not be better off today if we had sent a hit team to put a bullet through Khomeini’s head before he managed to lead the Iranian Revolution? I know the Shah could be a right bastard to his enemies but since his enemies were the people who wanted to turn Iran into a fundamentalist Islamic terror state does it not seem, in retrospect, that they deserved to be tossed into a dungeon and tortured to death?

That thar is some fancy sit’ational ethics there, Cletus. The best way to preserve democracy is by throwin’ yer enemies in the slammer and goin’ to town on ’em with a drill ‘n’ a blowtorch. Yee-haw! She sounds like a hootenanny!


Comments: 11


Yeah, Hillbilly! The best way to preserve those thriving liberal democracies of the Shah’s Iran and Batista’s Cuba would be to prop up those torturing dictatorships with as much Jack Bauer style action as possible. And hey, everyone who opposed either Batista or Pahlavi anyways were a bunch of islamofascist commies fighting to bring about the global caliphate.


Hellfar, yuns fergot the ones whut our assassination attempts worked! Why, just look at the fabulous success of the Belgian Cong…er, Congo…er, Zair…um, Democratic Republic of Congo. Lookee thar, that whuppin whur our spooks helped ta put Lumumba down led to a freakin’ Democratic Republic among the nigras. I dunno a better proof fer the usefulness, nay, necessity of assassination as a tool.



trilateral chairman

Would the people of Iran, and the whole rest of the world, not be better off today if we had sent a hit team to put a bullet through Khomeini’s head before he managed to lead the Iranian Revolution?

Definitely, son! And can you believe that those dang pathetic hippy-trippy liberals actually sold the Ayatollah some WEAPONS?

Uh, wait just a cotton-pickin’ minute here….


We had our chance and blew it!

If only the Washington Senators had offered that pitching contract to Fidel back in the 1950’s, it would have been so easy to catch him that even Bush couldn’t have screwed it up.

Of course, in our fantasy world, there wouldn’t have been any reason to torture and kill Castro since he would have been a pitcher rather than a President.


Speaking of those documents that are going to be released….

I say we start a betting pool on what percentage of those documents are going to tell us shit that we already know. My money’s on 92% – any takers?

Seriously – after Operation Condor, Operation Phoenix, the abuses of MK-ULTRA, Iran, Guatemala, Angola, Rhee and Korea, Ferdinand Marcos, the six zillion attempts made on Castro, and all the scads of other things I’ve left out because I just made this list off the top of my head – what’s left to tell us?

One thing that I’m willing to bet WON’T be on the list, however, is CIA’s involvement in the cocaine traffic into this country. Doubt they’re going to pony up on that one.


I know the Shah could be a right bastard to his enemies but since his enemies were the people who wanted to turn Iran into a fundamentalist Islamic terror state does it not seem, in retrospect, that they deserved to be tossed into a dungeon and tortured to death?

I’m pretty sure that the Shah was pretty damn good at that dungeon-tossing and to-death-torturing himself. Which is one reason those people were his enemies.


“One thing that I’m willing to bet WON’T be on the list, however, is CIA’s involvement in the cocaine traffic into this country. Doubt they’re going to pony up on that one.”



In short, Ollie turned a blind eye to drugs to the trafficking and now has a regular stint on FOX.


Don’t forget all that smack flying in with the MIA’s from the Iron Triangle.




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