Liars, Goons, and Funny
Knock-knock. Who’s there? It’s Charles “Chuck Amuck” Johnson of LGF.
Hamas Murders Peace Demonstrators
Last Thursday, completely ignored by the world’s media, Hamas thugs opened fire on a peace demonstration, killing two people.Imagine the sustained outrage that would pour out of the media if Israel had done something like this.
Before noon, two civilians were killed during a protest held in Gaza City under the banner “Stop the Killing.� Some 1,000 Palestinians marched in the city, calling for an end to the fighting, but when they approached a Hamas position, militants fired at the protesters, killing two.
Oh, Israel would never do that. And if it did, sustained outrage would certainly pour out of the media.
Land sakes. Heavens to Betsy.
There’s an odd trend in the wingnut community toward these ‘imagine-if’ items.
Above: Blar-har, would the terror-loving MSM have
backed the aliens? One can only speculate!
…But somehow, despite a heavy and schedule of getting facts wrong and touting zany conspiracy theories, right-wing solons such as Charles keep whiffing even these attempts at low-content bong-hit archness. Charles credits his own readers for finding this story, but in fact it’s (ahem) sourced from Tom Gross of the NRO’s Media Blog, who phrased it this way yesterday:
Did Anyone Say Double Standards?
If Israelis machine-gunned protesters at a peaceful demonstration, I think we can safely say that the BBC, New York Times, and others would cover it in a major way.
From Ha’aretz:
Before noon, two civilians were killed during a protest held in Gaza City under the banner “Stop the Killing.” Some 1,000 Palestinians marched in the city, calling for an end to the fighting, but when they approached a Hamas position, militants fired at the protesters, killing two.
Charles isn’t even crafting his own off-the-cuff sneers!
Then again, to his credit, he didn’t keep the made-up detail about a machine gun. That’s the self-correcting right-wing blogosphere they’re always talking about.
Update: Quod Juan Cole:
The Haniyah Hamas government had come to power in free and fair elections, but was immediately boycotted, starved of resources, and actually often simply kidnapped by the Israelis; and is now being put out of office in a kind of coup. The people of the Arab world are not blind or stupid. If this is what the “Greater Middle East” looks like, it will too closely resemble, for their taste, the colonial 19th century[…]
…But perhaps the real question is this: If Hamas had taken over the world in the 19th Century, slaughtering millions and breeding a race of ape-slaves, would Juan Cole even exist?
What if Superman and Batman teamed up and killed all those raspberry reptiles. That would be so cool.
“What if Sgt. Fury had fought World War II in Outer Space?”
Page 1, panel 1.
THE WATCHER: “It would probably have been very stupid.”
Well, y’see, it’s completely understandable those Hamas thugs would do such an awful thing. This is exaclty why we must continue to spread freedom and democracy around the globe. Democracies do not kill, do not terrorize, do not threaten their neighbors. We must wipe out this scourge that is Hamas so that the Palestinian people can freely elect the leaders they want, without interference from the outside….
I’m sorry, what? They were? When? Are you sure?
Oh bother…
Chucky must be pissed – it’s getting harder and hard to reach Sadly, No! Is he launching his famed DOS attacks?
In space, no one han hear you commit treason by failing to write about all the freshly painted Moon-Schools.
I dunno what the MSM would’ve done if Sg’t. Fury were fighting aliens in WWII Outer Space, but I’m going to be on the side of any species with red skin, a built-in mohawk & fangs. Plus, they can live in Outer Space without goldfish bowls on their heads. Back the winner, the obviously superior species!!!!
On a more serious note: What would the reaction be if
HamasOhio Nat’l. Guard forces killedtwofour peace demonstratorsin Gaza Cityat Kent State University?Where is Captain Planet in all this?
M Bouffant
Do not go to the dark side stay away from the raspberry reptiles you are a mammel
Sorry, but I just love the fact that the one guy is wearing a BOWLER HAT inside his space helmet.
I actually kinda agree with their general beef regarding the covering of this in the news. Assuming it actually wasn’t mentioned the all anywhere, and not the kind of “not mentioned” where they link to the AP article on it.
On the other hand, how many times does gang violence in the US get mentioned on the front page?
With the announced Republican strategy of bringing “tough on crime” back as a campaign issue in 2008, I wouldn’t be putting put options on that stat.
Israel doesn’t need to machine-gun peace protesters.
That’s what they buy all those bulldozers for, after all.
Two words, Mr. “LGF” Johnson: Rachel Corrie.
BTW, the guy with the bowler hat is Dum-Dum Dugan, and where SHOULD he wear it? On top of his helmet, where it’d fall off? (The only thing better would be, and the pic is too small to tell, if Nick Fury’s got his equally trademark stogie clutched in his teeth. Nick gets an EXTRA BIG oxygen scrubber on his suit…)
I’m just saying, how’s he going to assure that it stays at a jaunty angle on his head if he can’t fix it up?
And as a further counter-point to the shootings.
To me, what would be important to this story isn’t so much the shooting, as it would be what happened to the shooters afterwards. I can’t imagine people were to happy with them killing fellow Muslims…
Larger cover of Sgt. Fury’s hypothetical exploit can be found here.
What if GWB had sex with an intern. Think anybody’d give a shit?
I guess I don’t see any problems with what Juan Cole is saying, which seems to be criticizing the Likud party for kvucking up relations with the Palestinians.
No, Cole pretty much lays it all out.