How Allahpundit Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb

Allahpundit, the professional Islam-hysteric at Malkin’s HotAir site is almost making us cry for him.

Above: Coming soon to your city?

…And then, head in trembling hands, Allah writes a post in praise of it.

‘May God forgive us for what we must now do,’ and so on and so forth. All the same, nuclear blackmail is a sort of thing that one can too easily become accustomed to. Today it’s about municipal policy on reporting suspected illegal immigrants, sure, but tomorrow you may find yourself swatting flies with a sledgehammer, so to speak.

Also, selling out America’s security to terrorists isn’t something you normally want to do on the spur of the moment, especially if your entire public career is devoted to championing American security against all threats, real and imaginary. One must choose the occasion wisely. I personally, for instance, would hold out for a pet piece of legislation plus a phat iTunes gift certificate and even some stuff from Williams-Sonoma. It can’t all be about others. We must also nurture ourselves to be fit warriors for the struggle.

That said, as with so many things, a compromise seems possible. What if (I’m just thinking aloud here) Al Qaeda starts harassing illegal immigrants in petty and mean-spirited ways, and in return they get to operate unfettered on US soil regardless of the consequences to American lives and security?

Sort of a cut-out-the-middleman thing. And Malkin and Allah can be all like, “Another terror attack! Now see what you made us make them. . .uh, let them make us do!?”

They’ll be in clover. I’m so not seeing a downside here.


Comments: 40


The House passed this atrocity. Let’s say the Senate passes it. Doesn’t Bush have to veto this so as not to violate his oath of office (to preserve, protect and defend…). Denying homeland security funds would be denying protection

Yeah, I know. It’s not like this Bush hasn’t already violated his oath vis a vis the Patriot Acts and other measures. But this, money, is something real the public can grasp; unlike those smarty-pants issues involved in constitutional law.

(I also had problems yesterday with the style sheet. Not now. Thanks, Gavin.)


Hey, nice town you got here. Ya know, it’d be a big shame were something to happen to it. Maybe we need some sort of understanding if you get my drift.


Jon Stewart had a nice chart to help with keeping track of the players on the al-Qaeda field for this one the other day.


Yes, we must make sure local law enforcement has NO IDEA what is happening with the illegal immigrant population in their city.

EXCEPT for what the FBI tell them is going on.

After all the FBI has NSA letters, and computers, and databasess, and super secret spy stuff.

We can’t have any of the local cops actually TALKING to people.

They might become humans if that happens.


HTF did this wingnutitude pass the Democratic-majority House? Could they be any more useless?


Good to see you boys finally figured out the css.
Randall Byrd was ready to help. In the future you ever need help sorting your html, you gust give ole Randall a hollar, hear?

And thanks for sharing that gaye link .
The comments make me go all “generrl suh” soggy.


HTF did this wingnutitude pass the Democratic-majority House?

Because while it’s not very accurate to say that there’s no difference between Democrats and Republicans, sometimes it sure just makes you feel better.

Go ahead – try it out. Don’t you feel just a li’l bit better now?


HTF did this wingnutitude pass the Democratic-majority House?

The bill was operating under open rules, so any amendments could be offered by anyone. Thus Republicans can put up ones like this and then peel off 40+ DINOs and Dems from border states.

Could they be any more useless?

Yes. However, if this doesn’t get stripped in conference then it would be hard to argue that they could be more parliamentarily inept.


So after actually reading the amendment I’m not convinced it’s the victory the right is trumpeting it as, even if it does survive conference.

Essentially it says no funds from the act may be used to prohibit or restrict a local, state, or federal entity or official from reporting information regarding the citizenship status of an individual. As long as the funds aren’t directly used to stop individuals from taking it upon themselves to go reporting any illegal they come across then the ammendment doesn’t apply. In fact, any policy that enacted such restrictions would already be illegal, this amendment just adds financial teeth to the law.

Except under a very broad reading, it in no way strips all DHS funds from any city that has a policy of proactively not reporting illegals that crop up in unrelated matters.


after actually reading the amendment I’m not convinced it’s the victory the right is trumpeting it as


a different brad

This is simply infantile. I wanna snark, but I’m just too pissed off. Imagine if the Dems had tried something like this, say with an environmental bill. There’d be an attempt on Nancy Pelosi’s life.
I’m through paying attention to Godwin. These people are fascists. Not proto-fascists. Not pseudo-fascists. Fascists.


*head explodes*


TRex said,
June 17, 2007 at 21:57

*head explodes*

Sweet., One more non-informational dumbass we wont have to listen to.
Dont know about you all, but I am really sick and tired of dumbasses posting stupid and not adding anything to the coversation.

a different brad

Anyone else having issues loading the site?
Goddamn Malkinistas are touchy, whiny little shits.


Hey Randall? You strike me as stupid and annoying, and worst of all, not even in the same zip code as funny. If all you want to do is bag on folks, why don’t you do it on your own blog. I’m beginning to suspect you have the noted troll’s taste for Pie…



Randall, so far as I can tell, the only things you are “adding… to the conversation” are random insults to regular posters and comments about Michelle Malkin performing sex acts on your martini olives. I’m pretty sure that if you drew a circle around the “non-informational dumbasses” around here, you’d find yourself in the pretty small crowd within it.


Ohhhh! Annie has a new sock puppet!

How exciting!

Cigars all around!

a different brad

Randall is Kevin, most likely. He’s even shown the same little tic where he mistakenly calls people me, just like Kev does.
Those with access to ips can verify, if so inclined.

a different brad

N hey hey, da site loads in normal time again.


Yay! Although I’ve kinda lost interest at this point.

You think the proprietors will tell us if this was another DoS or if they just have a crappy server? This doesn’t seem to happen at FDL…



Hmmm. I just looked at the RSS feed. Seems the Spam filter isn’t doing it’s job particularly well. They’re in ur archives killin yer credibility…


DAIKIN said,

April 20, 2006 at 22:29

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May 15, 2006 at 22:24

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June 18, 2007 at 1:13

I liked your site. On it interesting themes

Oh, bother…



I suspect that, even if enacted in the widest nice-city-you-got-here-shame-if-something-happened-to-it form the Reichtards are creaming their jammies over, this amendment would run into the same problem Willard “Mitt” Romney faced in Massachusetts. It’s one feelgood thing to gas about Our Bhoys in Blue patrolling the streets for “illegals”; it’s another thing to pay for the training that will enable the cops, hospital workers, DSS agents, etc. to sort dangerous unworthy Illegals from merely un-suburban Residents (even Natives). Despite Tancredo’s dumber supporters’ fevered fantasies, America doesn’t have a universal ID system in place (and if it did, wouldn’t *that* just frost their undies?)And it’s not as though these border-jumping “lawbreakers” were going to make it easy for the authorities to pick them out of a crowd…

Six weeks before fleeing the Commonwealth in his bid to become an even bigger embarrassment to the Repubs than the current title holder, “Mitt” held a press conference announcing that he was going to allocate $150,000,000 (not in the overstretched state budget) for a comprehensive (!!?!) program to train State police to report “illegal aliens” identified during routine traffic stops. The Staties were not enthusiastic about Willard’s idea; they said they had enough to do just keeping Massachusett’s notoriously bad drivers from killing too many of the ubiquitous New Hampshire commuters. Also, if there was that kind of loose change down the back of the Commonwealth couch how come Mitt had been crying destitution during the last few rounds of contract negotiations? And finally, even if some unknown third-party private contracter deserved a million and a half for being (it was assumed) contributors to the “Vote Mitt — He Has Presidential Hair!” juggerNot, where were troopers who’d scheduled their shifts months in advance supposed to find two weeks of ‘spare’ time to take classes if the state already couldn’t afford the overtime to keep more than a skeleton crew working overtime shifts in less populated areas?…

Of course, the incoming governor, an African-American elected largely by a coalition of suburban progressives & urban activists, wasted no time upon his inauguration declaring this particular Mitt-iocy dead in the water (its own little puddle of fear-piddle, probably). Which is just what Romney expected, no doubt. But even the hardcore Repub-Base swamp yankees who think America’s been going to hell ever since the Irish started invading in 1840 didn’t think much of Mitt’s bright idea. Maybe there are more idiots and dumber ones in “America’s Heartland” than there are here in the Blue Northeast, but are there enough bigots willing to shoot themselves in the foot to make up for the voters who’ll treat this as a “Okay, so much for my lifelong adherence to what were supposed to be Republican values” reason to slide towards the exits?


I dunno, Anne. From where I sit, the “Goddam, if we can’t kill ’em, torture ’em, lock ’em up and throw away the key, at least let’s deport ’em, break up their families and force them to do things to survive for which we can later arrest ’em, kill ’em, torture ’em and lock ’em up and throw away the key” crowd doesn’t seem to have any small tiny piece of self interest in mind. Appears to me their thought process goes something like “Hate, fear, hate, fucking negros/mesicans/muslims/chinamen are over here to destroy our way of life, hate fear anger, fear, motherfuckers want my job/wife/daugher/son, hell, hatred makes me feel better” and at no time does “hmm, how does all this fit into the larger socio-economic picture” enter into the process. The interviews over the Immigration bill I’ve been seeing around the web, on NPR and elsewhere are not even thinly veiled bigotry and xenopobia. So yeah, I think racism, hatred, fear and bigotry will trump self interest in this election cycle and quite possibly going forward…


a different brad

Well done Gavin. Full normalcy restored.

a different brad

I live in an isolated oasis of multiculturalism, so can someone please explain to me where this venom mikey’s talking about is coming from?
Why the anti-latino vibe all the sudden? I understand in some places it’s not new, but is this all just a circus for the right wing to psychologically separate itself from Bush?
How stupid and insane is that 28%?


It’s because us honkies know we simply can’t compete with the Latino heat.
Once they take all the hot chicks, we’ll all be left with the dregs. Dregs, I tell you!!


How stupid and insane is that 28%?

Well, if you want, you can go over and read the hot air comments. I tried, but I was left with the impression that this amendment, (which has no guarantee of passage or implementation) was a watershed moment which will herald in the building of the Berlin wall which will keep the USA white American.


I think its uncertainty, brad. I think the Red flyover masses are not immune to the “Right Track/Wrong Track” sentiment the polls indicate. They can support the administration or not, but there’s a palpable sense, one I haven’t felt since the Carter Admin that things are poised on the edge of “hellinnahandbasket” and they need two things. Then need somebody to blame, and they need a way to take action.

Well, blame immigrants. This is neither new nor particularly inventive. Plus, in our case it has the advantage of feeding tribal instincts, because for the most part immigrants to america do not look like us. Ok, good, now, what can we DO? We are an action oriented society, we want to get the parts in our hands, or take up arms, or make a plan. Here’s the thing. If we are beating the crap out of people who are weaker than us, two good things happen. First, we FEEL better, stronger, as any bully does when he kicks the ass of the weakest kid. It just works. Second, we can construct a narrative that we are actually staving off the worst outcomes. We are preventing those brown fuckers from taking our jobs, marrying our daughters, living in our communities.

It’s so basic, so lizzard, so tribal it cannot be argued with, cannot be reasoned with. And here’s the really bad news. It won’t work, so the whole course continues to be unsustainable and destined for decline unto crash. And this will only ratchet up the rhetoric, and this WILL lead to violence. Americans, if you didn’t notice, are a violent people. Our solutions has always been guns and ropes. Don’t get too comfortable…



It’s because us honkies know we simply can’t compete with the Latino heat.
Once they take all the hot chicks, we’ll all be left with the dregs. Dregs, I tell you!!

That’s why there’s gay marriage, dummy. What’s your sign?


I sure wish I has a dollar for every time I heard:

“I’m not a racist or anything, but which part of “illegal imigrant” don’t you understand? They should apply and be citizens.”

from people trying to sound like regular, decent “just-plain folks” folks.

Their ignorance and their deceit are just appalling.

a different brad

Oh, I know jingoism and the like always play. I’m just having real trouble understanding how the guys waiting around in the Home Depot parking lots for shitty, underpaid work are suddenly a bigger threat than guys who flew planes into buildings and made all of us cry.
I think the key is Lou Dobbs. If I had half a clue why that guy is such a carefully planned asshole I might understand this all. I’m still pissed at the New Yorker for that way too kind profile.
Or maybe it just boils down to why I try to avoid hatred; it makes you fucking stupid.


Oh yeah. They’re hardcore all about the law. Break the law, face the cosequecenes they say. Keeps them out of the pesky racial issue.

Except for one thing here. These are people who regularly drive 80 on the freeway in their mercedes. And they tend to have a few Martinis in them at that point. Point eight oh? Its a crapshoot. Hah hah!!

Taxes? Insurance? Health Care? Retirment fund? If you can fog a mirror, you can scam these programs. See, that’s the whole idea. Dorks just take what we give ’em, and at the same time they fund our excesses. Wow!…



As a Mexican-American who grew up in Houston, TX in the 70s, this whole anti-Latino thing seems almost quaint. Most of the folks I know in Houston got over their Latino bigotry 10-20 years ago — about the same time really good margaritas and fish tacos became ubiquitous in the city.

Now they spend most of their time hating the Vietnamese and Koreans. I suspect Houston is on the cutting edge of bigotry.

(Apologies to any current Houstonians – I know there are still some good people in that city.)

One must choose the occasion wisely. I personally, for instance, would hold out for a pet piece of legislation plus a phat iTunes gift certificate and even some stuff from Williams-Sonoma. It can’t all be about others. We must also nurture ourselves to be fit warriors for the struggle.



I think the Red flyover masses are not immune to the “Right Track/Wrong Trackâ€? sentiment the polls indicate. They can support the administration or not, but there’s a palpable sense, one I haven’t felt since the Carter Admin that things are poised on the edge of “hellinnahandbasketâ€? …

Gee, you mean the *last* time gasoline got so scarce there was actually spot rationing? How conveeeeenient, Mr. Cheney!

Seriously, Mikey, I’m having the same ugly flashbacks to the worst aspects of 1980. Of course, as Rove’s ratfvckers see it, that’s when the Glorious Reagan Revolution “took America back” from the dirty hippies, guaranteeing White Suburbanites with Money another generation of soft living off other peoples’ heartbreak. But the last 25 years have hollowed out the “fat”, or more correctly the heart, of the American economy — the Repubs have stolen, broken, and wasted all the real and financial resources it took our ancestors 200-plus years to accumulate. All we’ve got left to lose this time around is whatever minimum-wage scutwork they haven’t been able to offshore, plus a ton of monopoly-money paper in “hedge funds”, and the world’s biggest collection of weapons. Every kinda Second-Amendment prOn toy, from the random crap washing around the urban cores to the Walmart specials in all the rural areas, right up to the Mighty Nukaler Penile Substitutes stockpiled in the military’s basements. Oh, how safe our neighbors must feel, knowing that they’re sharing a subway car with Bernie Goetz!…

Frankly, there are days when my biggest consolation is that I’m old and don’t have kids, y’know?


Well, yeah, that and a few of those serious second ammendment toys. Quite honestly, I think there’s a better than average chance that I’ll have to fight to survive, here in the country of my birth.

How much do I want to be wrong? Can’t begin to describe it. And it’s no way a sledgehmmer lock. It COULD happen, if a lot of bad things happened simultaneously.

So, owning a well thought out survival cache that includes weapons, tender and papers? I won’t feel stupid if I die without ever opening it except for maintenance. But goodness golly, would I feel stupid if I couldn’t take care of MY tribe because I didn’t think ahead.


If I sound crazy, ah, hell, I reckon I can live with that



Oh yeah. They’re hardcore all about the law. Break the law, face the cosequecenes they say.

Unless you’re Scooter Libby. Let ‘im go! He’s a good guy! What’s a little perjury between friends?


“Goddam, if we can’t kill ‘em, torture ‘em, lock ‘em up and throw away the key, at least let’s deport ‘em, break up their families and force them to do things to survive for which we can later arrest ‘em, kill ‘em, torture ‘em and lock ‘em up and throw away the key�

You know, that’s not particularly succinct, but damn if it don’t get style points, mikey.


Say, uh, Mikey, if it all hits the fan, would you mind very much if I moseyed on up to your compound and, er, joined your tribe?


My first thought upon reading this was: “America is finished.� I don’t mean we’re all gonna die tomorrow; I mean that the core principles and ideals which informed the very founding of this Republic are now (obviously) dead.

Remember the inscription, penned by poet Emma Lazarus, on the base of the Statue of Liberty? “Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breath free….�

Well, the hell with THAT sh*t.

Hell, maybe we could sand it smooth and inscribe something a bit more syncrhonized with the times. Like: “Give us your Internet billionaires, your Chinese arbitragers, your Australian wingnut hatemongers yearning to…..â€?


(comments are closed)