Don’t Worry, Michael: They Never Check

Shorter Michael Medved

Why TV Addiction Links to Liberalism


‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.

*Knowing Bozell and his numerous schemes, the opposite finding — that conservatives, in some defined way, watch more TV than liberals — would have been grist for his standard (indeed infinitely sky-hooted) claim that the biased lefty-liberal media is out of step with America, and that conservative thought should, on principle and by rights, dominate the airwaves. On the other hand, we’ve learned today that evidence of a liberal-leaning audience only suggests all sorts of pathologies, and in no way implies that networks should broadcast toward liberal sensibilities. This discrepancy is compounded by the fact that Bozell looks like the prick in Ghostbusters who turned off the power on the ghost prison.


Comments: 34


Did the news that Americans are stupid and watch far too much homo-erotic television like American Idol and 24 just now reach the mustacioed pundits?
Does anyone really need Jim McLaughlin and Culture and Media Institute to explain?

But what Medved and Bozell fail to notice is that America’s youth spend less time watching television and more time on websites like MySpace and Facebook.

So we got that going for us.


It could be worse, I guess. We liberals could be addicted to Oxycontin or casino gambling or the like.


I read that as Why TV Addiction Links to Lesbianism. Ah well, liberals, lesbians, they’re all the same to Medved.


“I read that as Why TV Addiction Links to Lesbianism. Ah well, liberals, lesbians, they’re all the same to Medved.”

Watching TV will make me a lesbian… yeah… okay, now all the strange aspects of my life are starting to add up.


Notorious P.A.T. said,
June 16, 2007 at 10:37

It could be worse, I guess. We liberals could be addicted to Oxycontin or casino gambling or the like.

Hey, you could be addicted to sarcastic criticism.

Dr. Egon Spengler

Uhm,..”Ghost prison”?


Ectoplasm Containment Facility


Is Medved trying to show us other things he has pulled out of his ass?


Randall Byrd said,
“Hey, you could be addicted to sarcastic criticism.”

Yeah. That would be awful. And unbearable. And bad.

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue.

“Wholesome stories in the dated style of Leave it to Beaver…”

Does this guy look like he has ever left anything up to beaver in his life?

Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue.

“Wholesome stories in the dated style of Leave it to Beaver…”

Does this guy look like he has ever left anything up to beaver in his life? He looks more like a bear lover to me.


The problem with polling on issues like this is that people will tend to downplay their TV viewing. In other words, the ones reporting heavy TV viewing are being truthful; those reporting light viewing are lying. Oh yeah, they’re reading Kant instead.


This discrepancy is compounded by the fact that Bozell looks like the prick in Ghostbusters who turned off the power on the ghost prison.

The spirit of Walter Peck lives on!


Mr. Pecker?


It would be “fun” (if that’s the word I want) to turn this “study” on its head, and see which percentage of the “light” viewers agree with these statements:

1. There is a Heavenly Father that watches over us.
2. Man was created by God and not descended from lowly apes.
3. The virtuous go to Heaven when they die.
4. The Bible is the inerrant, transcribed word of God.
5. If English was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me.

Add ’em up, impute causality, and reach your conclusion: Not watching tv causes you to be naive, primitive, superstitious, etc., etc.


“Wholesome stories (in the dated style of “Leave it Beaver” or “Father Knows Best”) have gone out of fashion not because they don’t exist anymore (most of us actually live such stories)…”

What drugs was Medved doing in the 50s? ‘Cause apparently they were much stronger than the drugs of the 60s, and he ain’t come down from the buzz YET!!!


Is it just me or is the number of “damn, American are Teh St00pid” pieces coming from the right rapidly increasing? Nice job, guys. Nothing will woo people back to your side faster than telling them that they are morons.


He’s clearly right. I like Brian Lamb and Keith Olbermann.

In the meantime somebody get word out to Marie Jon’ that my silverware drawer is at the very least possessed by the devil, and is quite possibly the antichrist. I’m gonna head on down to the hardware store, you know, try the secular humanist solution, but it’s quite possible we’ll need to try an exorcism later today…



Um, so, you want Ma’rie’Jo’n’s help because there’s a demon in your drawers, mikey?

That…. might work, actually.


Hmmm, it appears I may have a career opportunity as a straight man. Maybe I oughta charge for setup lines…



No shit. It astounds me to think that cultural conservatives actually think the vast majority of families in the ’50s were exactly like Ward, June, Wally and the Beav. Hellfire, the massive, MASSIVE discrepancies from my own home life and what was portrayed as the ideal on, say, The Cosby Show – the Leave It To Beaver of the ’80s – is how I knew TV was, ummm, all made up and thus not a model for reality. God, it’s just sad to read that a grown man actually thinks that.


No shit, Matt. Lucy was HOT! Nobody would have slept in separate beds, fer cryin out loud!



Ricky Ricardo had to be the most hung sonuvabitch of 50s television. Imagine: impregnating your wife from a seperate bed…, and from halfway across the room!?! Babalo, bitches, Ricky’s the shit!!! (It’s either that, or “Little Ricky” was the second coming of Christ.)


It’ll always be Betty Rubble for me. That crazy giggle.


Teeheehee,,,second coming of christ,,,


Is it just me or is the number of “damn, American are Teh St00pid� pieces coming from the right rapidly increasing?

Well, Americans were Soopergeniuses just a few years ago, when “everybody” knew we had to bomb Saddam because Osama bin Laden was hiding in his basement with the WMDs and Jon-Benet Ramsey’s real killer. But now that even the Repub “base” is having second… uh… is working towards forming actual thoughts, non of them pro-Bush, either the Reichtards admit they’re the dumbest patsys ever to draw their Wingnut Wurlitzer Welfare checks, or they have to convince each other that the other two-thirds of the country (and counting!) have gotten stupider.


Anne Laurie said,
June 17, 2007 at 7:08

Is it just me or is the number of “damn, American are Teh St00pid� pieces coming from the right rapidly increasing?

Well, Americans were Soopergeniuses just a few years ago, when “everybody� knew we had to bomb Saddam because Osama bin Laden was hiding in his basement with the WMDs and Jon-Benet Ramsey’s real killer. But now that even the Repub “base� is having second… uh… is working towards forming actual thoughts, non of them pro-Bush, either the Reichtards admit they’re the dumbest patsys ever to draw their Wingnut Wurlitzer Welfare checks, or they have to convince each other that the other two-thirds of the country (and counting!) have gotten stupider.

No need to beat around the bush, sweetheart.
Just say,”Yes, Merkins are stupider.”


Anne Laurie said,
June 17, 2007 at 7:08

Is it just me or is the number of “damn, American are Teh St00pid� pieces coming from the right rapidly increasing?

Well, Americans were Soopergeniuses just a few years ago, when “everybody� knew we had to bomb Saddam because Osama bin Laden was hiding in his basement with the WMDs and Jon-Benet Ramsey’s real killer. But now that even the Repub “base� is having second… uh… is working towards forming actual thoughts, non of them pro-Bush, either the Reichtards admit they’re the dumbest patsys ever to draw their Wingnut Wurlitzer Welfare checks, or they have to convince each other that the other two-thirds of the country (and counting!) have gotten stupider.

No need to beat around the bush, sweetheart.
Just say,”Yes, Merkins are stupider.”


Anne Laurie said,
June 17, 2007 at 7:08

Is it just me or is the number of “damn, American are Teh St00pid� pieces coming from the right rapidly increasing?

Well, Americans were Soopergeniuses just a few years ago, when “everybody� knew we had to bomb Saddam because Osama bin Laden was hiding in his basement with the WMDs and Jon-Benet Ramsey’s real killer. But now that even the Repub “base� is having second… uh… is working towards forming actual thoughts, non of them pro-Bush, either the Reichtards admit they’re the dumbest patsys ever to draw their Wingnut Wurlitzer Welfare checks, or they have to convince each other that the other two-thirds of the country (and counting!) have gotten stupider.

No need to beat around the bush, sweetheart.
Just say,”Yes, Merkins are stupider.”


Matt T. said,
June 16, 2007 at 21:28

No shit. It astounds me to think that cultural conservatives actually think the vast majority of families in the ’50s were exactly like Ward, June, Wally and the Beav. Hellfire, the massive, MASSIVE discrepancies from my own home life and what was portrayed as the ideal on, say, The Cosby Show – the Leave It To Beaver of the ’80s – is how I knew TV was, ummm, all made up and thus not a model for reality. God, it’s just sad to read that a grown man actually thinks that.

Dont know what you are on about, dumbass, everyone nowadays knows that real life is like MTV Real World.


No need to beat around the bush, sweetheart.
Just say,�Yes, Merkins are stupider.�

No need to triple-post to prove the point.


Righteous Bubba said,
June 17, 2007 at 20:43

No need to beat around the bush, sweetheart.
Just say,�Yes, Merkins are stupider.�

No need to triple-post to prove the point.

Hey, just because you happen to be a semi-smart racist merkin doesnt mean the rest of the dummies wont get it. Best they read it three or four or nine times.
In fact, they can keep reading it, stupid as they are, until I get the html coding right.
Lets face it, most merkins are dumber than onions, look who they voted for, they will happily read my tripe over and over again going all like ” Whats it mean?” “Should we say something?”


Righteous Bubba said,
June 17, 2007 at 20:43

No need to beat around the bush, sweetheart.
Just say,�Yes, Merkins are stupider.�

No need to triple-post to prove the point.

Hey, just because you happen to be a semi-smart racist merkin doesnt mean the rest of the dummies wont get it. Best they read it three or four or nine times.
In fact, they can keep reading it, stupid as they are, until I get the html coding right.
Lets face it, most merkins are dumber than onions, look who they voted for, they will happily read my tripe over and over again going all like � Whats it mean?� “Should we say something?�


I wonder how Medved would explain me, then. I watch very little television, and I’m some kind of Marxist.

I guess it might depend on your definition of ‘liberal’. It might be that watching lots of television tends to make you a centrist, and Medved considers centrist positions (women should have the right to choose, government should give aid to people who need it) to be ‘liberal’.

It could also be that the study he is citing is just wrong, either through outright dishonesty, or though bad methodology.

Hard to say.


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