Ace is rapidly becoming my favorite wingnut

Wow, lookee here:

There are still plenty of illegal immigrants here — some with terrorist designs — who snuck into the country pre-9/11. The left — and Bush, of course — would like to bury the fact that the Fort Dix Six Duka brother terrorists had illegally enterred the country from Mexico, for example.[…]

[O]ne day we’re going to have 100 or, who knows, 1000 people killed due to our governments’ blithe disregard for terrorist immigrants — both illegal and legal — and the government will claim “We couldn’t possibly have known, we couldn’t possibly have done more,” the same as MI5 and Tony Blair’s government claimed after 7/7.

Bullshit. After 9/11, you’re all on clear notice. You cannot claim you haven’t been warned. You were warned, to the tune of 3000 dead and the spectacular destruction of the Twin Towers.

If megaterrorism like this was supposedly “inconceivable” before 9/11 — a shaky propostion at best — it is certainly no longer inconceivable.

And yet, despite the promises made immediately after 9/11 that everything would change and we would never forget, not much at all change and we have almost entirely forgotten.

How many have to die, exactly, before government shakes out of its business-as-usual don’t-rock-the-boat mode? 3000 didn’t do it; perhaps 10,000 is necessary.

In other words, “If more people must be killed in order to justify my insane paranoia about brown people, then bully! Do it, England!”


Comments: 19


I like how he’s given 9/11-style nomenclature to the London attacks. And love the tactful use of the spell check (“enterred”).

What, no bacon and playdoh? You’ve let us down, Ace! For shame!


Different take from my perspective:

Ace actually believed that Dumbya was “serious about terrorism.” In fact, as many on the left have said for years, Bush was always only about two things: getting reelected and making sure his cronies got paid. Mission accomplished.

Both are now in the past, and Bush is on cruise control until his term of office crash lands on 1/20/09 (my favorite date evah). Bush didn’t care about terrorism before 9/11 and he doesn’t care now.

Putting aside the theatrics, of course, Bush’s plan, such as it was, consisted pretty much of chest thumping and poop flinging. Ace and his ilk really liked this idea, if for no other reason than it fit their personality (“Mom, I’m outta Cheetos here! When are you going to the store again? What? You’re not going today? Fuck.”)

What’s scary isn’t that Ace & Co. are, like, sooooo disillusioned. They’re irrelevant, but they apparently didn’t get the memo.

What’s really fucked up is that every Republican candidate for President has for all intents and purposes tied themselves to the Chest Thump & Poop school of foreign policy. Even as Bush implodes across the board, the Republican need for hierarchy and control (not to mention rigid authoritarianism in the face of perceived threat, however ludicrously overblown that threat may be) asserts itself. This phenomenon is the greatest threat to American democracy in my lifetime, if not ever.

The desire to kick over every democratic institution in the name of “security” by the likes of Giuliani, Romney and the rest is fucking scary. Ace is just comic relief, with the added bonus that he fancies himself a deep thinker.



Reading Ace’s bacon dribblings right on the heels of this Greenwald post is giving me another one of those “What fucking planet are we on again?” days.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Seriously.



Get that lizard a DHS security clearance!


So, if George Bush Jr. & Co. had continued to ignore all the screaming warnings they were given of an imminent attack in 2001, but they had got medieval on a buncha Mexicans, we would have been safe?


What exactly is Ace proposing anyways? Skimming through his post rant, I’m figuring that he wants to ban Muslim immigration and deport people. But what will that accomplish exactly? He seems to acknowledge that you can’t track every Muslim, yet is kinda sketchy on any sort of actionable plan other than violently masturbating to the hope that 10 000 Americans die so that his ideas can be implemented.

I really don’t understand American politics.


How many have to die, exactly, before government shakes out of its business-as-usual don’t-rock-the-boat mode? 3000 didn’t do it; perhaps 10,000 is necessary.

You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs…

Ace and his ilk would simply love to wake up one morning with the TV blaring about new attacks, with all the bells and whistles and specially designed for the occasion AMERICA AT WAR logos, and dramatic footage of SHIT BLOWING UP!!! Hell, the days following 9/11 probably constituted the most exciting, thrilling period of their poor lives. They stopped using their computers solely for porn, and thus was begat a new era of wankery…


What’s really fucked up is that every Republican candidate for President has for all intents and purposes tied themselves to the Chest Thump & Poop school of foreign policy.

Wonderful formulation, Bemused! The “poop flinging” part, at least, they’ve got down to an art. If it weren’t for fear of the ever-simmering Resentful Tribe and their willingness to vote against their own interests, I could happily sit back and watch Repubs like Guiliani and Romney — men whose hands are callused only from the time they tried stealing a hot stove — posture & vogue in a feverdream of “manliness” that wouldn’t put the fear in the average urban pre-K classroom.


Why does this guy care so much about immigration in America if he lives on the South Pacific island of Niue, according to his URL?

I suppose he could be an American, but if that were the case I can’t imagine anyone so gung-ho about patriotism thinking they’re too good for an American domain name.


How many have to die, exactly, before government shakes out of its business-as-usual don’t-rock-the-boat mode? 3000 didn’t do it; perhaps 10,000 is necessary.

Well, about a million at this point. But hey, only a few thousand (a few thousand – think about that) are Americans. Hey, I know. Let’s bomb, invade and fuck with a few more muslim countries. Let’s kill and imprison a few thousand (there it is again) more brown people. Let’s blow up their houses and tear down their infrastructure, ’cause hell, Americans aren’t terrorists, and let’s make sure our scared undertrained guys have plenty of ammo, because shooting them is the only thing that will make us safe.

Good gawd, my friends. Have we all been infected by the stupid? Can we not see the solutions? Can we not, for that matter, see the PROBLEM? ARRRGGGHHHH!!!



Incredible as it may seem, playdoh porn may exist. (I rather like the description of the market: “entertainment for clay men”)


See, you’re all not getting this.

The wingnuts are looking for a way to jettison Idiot George, so they cast his immigration bill as liberal (“Look! Look! He’s conspiring with the Dems!”) and they can pretend that they haven’t been fellating this third-rate Herman Goering for the last 6 years. And they get to express their latent racism against the taco benders to boot.

What’s not to like here?


like how he’s given 9/11-style nomenclature to the London attacks. And love the tactful use of the spell check (�enterred�).

its a good thing for Ace and all the other wingnut saddo’s that the London attack happened on 7/7. If it had been the 6th, 10th or 12th, then it would have been 7/6, 7/10 or 7/12, confusing the hell out of all non americans. And anyway why is it round the other way over there the 11th of September is 11/9, not 9/11?

Next week, why colour, not color!!


Arse of Spuds seems to miss the point that the London bombers were born and bred in the UK, the radicalised children of immigrant parents. And yes, his policy is to wait, trousers down, in the hope that many, many deaths will permit him to watch the reprisals on television.


Ace is rapidly wearing me the fuck out. I can only watch him circle in his little fishbowl of hate for so long.


which part of mexico is albania in? the far fucking eastern part?

duka, not really a mexican name, more kosovar. but what do i know? other than the difference between reality and fantasy, obviously.

a different brad

Remember that here in NYC we shipped all the brown people out and that’s why we’ve had no further attacks.
Or wait, we got rid of all the muslims.
we have occasional random bag searches at subway stations.
That must be it.

a different brad

Oh, no. My bad.
It’s because we have to take our shoes off before being allowed on a plane and can’t bring liquids past the security check.


I stopped reading after Ace’s foul and uncivil use of the word “bullshit.” I was horribly offended and got the shakes. I had to call Michelle Malkin to make sure she was ok.


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